THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTOBIA, TUESDAY MOKNJLNfcU JULY 18 ibJ3. ABOUT THE CUT. lira. Linchfelter, of Chinook Beach, died of consumption on Saturday eveu , ing last. - Oregon Btrawberrles at Smith's today. Raser's Extract Root Beer, the purest Postmaster Hare desires that August Junge will call al the postofflce on business of Importance Strawberries and cream at Col mann's. Mcnny 13 the leading tailor and pays the hlKliest cash price for l'ur skins. Rescue Engine Co. No. 2 last even ing nominated Ed Foster for the ofllce of chief of the fire department. What Is Antlfermentlne? Ask Foard & Stokes. Westpcrt cream fresh every morning at Smith's Ice Cream parlors. Third ut. The Astoria Library will be opened Tuesdays and Saturdays at 1 p. m. for tho use of county subscribers. Time on books is extended to 21 days.- If you want some extra tine photos, ib me piace 10 gei mem. For fine wines and liquors call at August Banlelson's Sample Rooms.. At the election for the purpose of Issuing bonds to pay off the indebted ness of School District No. 1, all the votes cast were In favor of lsusing the bonds. . . For genuine sweet cream that will whip, go to Colmann's. Remember McGulre'a Hotel nt Sea- fide 13 open the year around. Messrs. F. D. Wlnton, J. Bryce, Thos. Dealy and Dr. Jay Tuttle delegates from Seaside Lodge, A. O- U. W will attend the grand lodge session in. Port land tomorrow. The Belmont cigar can be had at Chas. Olsen's. Lad!i3, sk Foard & Stolcos 'how to preserve fruits. The grand council of th Improved Order of Red Men met In this city yes terday, and after transacting routine business, adjourned until Today.- Be tween thirty and forty representatives were present from different parts of the state- Don't stew your fruits over a hot Ftove. Preserve them without cooking. Foard & Stokes will tell you how. Wing Leo has just received a full line of Japanese furiosi ic-s nnd fancy goods. Will sell at cost. 59 Third street. A communication on tue water ijues 'tion was received a- tM office -last night, but too ' 'at j 'or publlea-.Ion tc- . rlsiv Tr will hnwmrpp nrnAnr In to morrow's Issue, and show that there is no occasion for alarm on account of the present condition of the water sup ply of Astoria. - - Crow has made some very fine photos of the United States ship Monterey, which are acknowledged to be the best. The best and only sure way to pre serve fruits is with Antlfermentlne. For sale by Foard & Stokes. , The will of the late John "Williamson has been filed for probate. Mr. C. R Thomson - Is named as executor, and the property, which Is estimated to be worth. $3,000, is divided among the heirs, three In number. They are Mary Brown, of Tacoma1, Eli za Hutchens, of Yamhill county, and Wesley Williamson. Turtles visiting in Portland can get The I Jul I y Astorinn at Handley & Haas' news (Hand, First street. Your fruits will not ferment if you use Antifermentine. For sale by Foard & Stokes. Sunday's Oregonlart contains news of the death on Saturday of Miss Loretta L. Allen, whose foot was amputated at St Vincent's hospital in consequence of injuries received by a fall from a bicycle. Miss Allen was well and fa vorably known here, and the news of her death was received with1 deep grief by the many who knew her here. Fresh fish received at the Albatross Fish market daily. Salmon 10 cents per pound. L For all kinds at job printing, go to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorian build ing. When tho Columbine first arrived in this port it waa supposed mat tne pro posed cable from Tillamook Head to Tillamook Rock would be layed with out delay, Major Handbury having expressed himself In such a manner as to convey' that, impression. But the cable still lies in the buoy depot, where it has beeit for two or three years, and no Intimation has been given of an in tention to use It In - accordance with the plan originally mapped out. Del. Ferguson, general Job printer, Astorian building, upstairs. Flrst- ciass worK ai reasonable raieu. rrijrve your fruits without cooking, by using antifermentine. For sale by Fonrd & Stokes. ' The town of Clatsop yesterday passed an ordinance prohibiting the discharge of firearms within one mile of any ho tel Inside the town limits. Clat sop is the largest town In Oregon, being bounded In the North by the Col umbia river, on the south by Necanl cum creek, the Pacific ocean on the West, and Sklpanon, creek and the chain of lake and foothills on the east. Clatsop 1" about sixteen miles long and about three nrrtes. wlde-x Lovers of a good cigar can always find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Olsen's. ; . L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising " . n if .v. . ..' Han ITr-an. cirtoo, Is our authorized asenu This paper is kept on file at his office. The second of the series of football matches between teams representing: America and Great Britain w411 be rtayed tnls evening at Smith's point. The cars will run down but once, at half-past six sharp- The charge will Ttm-Dn rot- p-if Dsrtrrr:::! J be 20 cents for the round trip, Including admission to the grounds, and the pro ceeds will be disposed of as before The teams will be as follows: Amer ican Tallent, (captain) Higglns, R. Carruthers, Rathom, Taylor, Smith, Weeks, Small, McLean, Hayburg, ana Bufflngton. British Bartholomew (cap tain) Bell, J- Carruthers, Rldehalgh, J, Flnlayson, Jr.,- Spittle, Addis.. Bennett, Thompson, Davis and Gibson-' The firm of Corbett & Davis, barbers, has been dissolved, and the former has purchased a one-half interest In the business of L. E. Gillett of the Asto ria Baths, Third street, where he will be pleased to see his former patrons. There la no place in Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept In such good condition as at Utzlnger's popular resort Dry hemlock wood delivered at 53.25 per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook. Leave orders with Ben Coe, care of this office. Terms cash. Two fishermen employed by the Cut ting Pocking Company werjo drowned yesterday on Clatsop spit, and several other boats were reported to have been swamped, but whether with fatal re sult could not be learned- The men known to have been lost were Isaac Backular and his boatpuller, of boat No. 11. It was thought at Fort Canby that at least two other fatalities occurred. Three fishermen lost their nets owing to the extremely rough weather, and several other boats were towed up to this city, but the fate of tho occupants remains in doubt. It 'was rumored during the afternoon that e man fishing for the Scandinavian Packing Com pany had been drowned, but the ru mor could not bo confirmed. Owners of horses can purchase Camp bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred. Saiz' Saddlery establishment. At The Monogram you can find fra grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet, Flor de Madrid and all other choice and favorite brands of cigars. During the next thirty days I will sell all grades of wall paper and deco rations at a discount of 25 per cent. Examine the splendid bargains. J. W. Crow, successor to Ryan & Company. . 1 A gentleman over from Wlllapa yes terday brings the sad Intelligence of the drowning - of the wife of Rev. Crouch of that place on Saturday evening- Mr- and Mrs- Crouch and baby had gone out on the bay in a small row boat, and at a request from Mrs. Crouch to be allowed to row, tlie two attempted to change places. This re sulted In the boat rocking violently, and In their endeavors to steady It, they were thrown Into the water, com pletely capsizing the boat Mr. Crouch grasped the baby and threw It upon the upturned boat, and Immediately looked . around for his wife, who had d:frpeared beneath! the water never to return. ' Up to yesta.dey morning no trace of the body had been found, although a diligent search had been made. J. W. Thompson, organist at the M. E. church, wishes to take a few more pupils in music, piano or organ. Ad dress, B89, Astor street. The liquor, opium, morphine nnd to bacco habits are dreadful powers in a man's life. Many would sacrifice all they possess if they could rid them selves of these evils. It has been made possible to be cured, for it is a disease, and at a moderate cost. The Ameri can Institute guarantees a cure. Call at their ofllce over the Astoria Na tional bank. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there is money in the County Fund to pay all warrants -out standing, endorsed prior to April 17th, 1S90, bearing interest to date. M. FOARD, County Treasurer. Dnted Astoria, Or., July 15th, 1S93. . FOLLOWING SUIT. 25 per cent discount on all grades of wall paper for the next 30 days nt B. F. Allen's. ' AUCTION SALE. At the forks of Deep River, Wash., at Anderson's store, on Tuesday, Au gust 15th, 1893. at 10 o'clock a. m., will be sold by auction the following prop erty: 1C0 acres on Salmon creek, con taining 70 acres of bottom land with one, million feet of fir timber. For further particulars apply to Martin Olson, auctioneer, Astoria. MRS. DR. M. E. McCOY. PHYSI CIAN AND SURGEON. Is In this city. She makes chronic dis eases a specialty. Deafness, catarrh, asthma, dyspepsia, diseases - of the throat and lungs, kidney, urinary or gans and all private diseases. Special attention given to diseases of women, Consultation free. Cure or no cnarg es. Offlo hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m.. Office rooms 18-and 19, Hotel Tlghe. ' . NOTICE. Tha flmn n wiiarm A Hendren. ex pressmen, is this day dissolved by mu tual consent, mi aeina uue mo must be paid to Wm. Hendren. All debts owed by the firm will be paid by the old firm. Wm. Wilson will con tinue the express business ai me viu stand. WM. WILSON . WM. HENDREN. A Sure Cure jnr Fllc. Itcnm nes a.e kmuwu .............. like perspiration, causing intense Itching wuen will 111. xiua mi -. Bleedinic or Trotrudlng. yield at once to Dr.. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays itching and effects a iw.rm.jint rTf. BOc. Drueclst or mall. Circulars free. Dr. Bosanko. 329 Arch strept, 1'niiaaeipnia, 1 a ovi " Conn. R Is) IS The only Pure C ..a t r I' "Used in Millions of !I'ne 13 MM. N esh. -rfU rl 'A Along the Water Front, The Truckee came In yesterday morning and unloaded 75 tons of freight at the Astoria S. jCo's dock at the foot of Main street. About noon she moved over J.0 the Telephone dock and dis charged 45 tons of mixed cargo for Portland, the some going up on the steamer Telephone last night. The Truckee5, after taking on a light cargo here, left out last night for Tillamook, where she will load with' lumber for San Francisco. This makes the second trip of the Truckee where she has dis charged her-Portland cargo at this point.and put back without, proceeding up the river. Mr. P. F-. du Flon, the Portland manager of the Independent line of steamers, was in the city yes terday, and explains the action as fol lows: "We have lumber contracts at ports south of here that demand our Immediate attention, and as freight is now running very light, it does not pay us to increase the number of boats at present, so In order to save time the Portland cargo is sent from here via the Telephone. This saves us three day's time on each trip, and as you can see, also saves a gpod sized pile of money. Of course as soon as we have cleared up the lumber contracts the steamers will resume their regular Portland runs." Speaking of the Sound trade, Mr. du Flon said: "The trade here is far bet ter than -on the Sound at the present time. Of course, over there we are guaranteed a certain amount of freight, and the money comes right along if the freight does' not While times, are quiet here in Astoria we have no cause for complaint, as the Astoria mer chants, with' one exception, are stand ing by us to a man. Your merchants here cam tell you whether we have saved them any money on freight rates during the past few months." The Solitaire went to sea yesterday morning In tow of the tug Columbia. Her crew was filled on Sunday and that done, Captain Thompson began at once making preparations for an. early start on Monday morning- The sails were all bent Saturday night, and the last of the supplies taken aboard Sun-? day evening. As the lis &hip swung around she came cloae up to the wharf, numerous friends of the genial cap tain were on hand, waving their hats and wishing him bon voyage. The Elmore was busy yesterday tak ing on a cargo of mixed freight for Tillamook- She leaves out this morn ing. The South Coast will leave San Fran cisco for Astoria on Thursday next. The British ship . Sutherlandshire from . Antwerp for Astoria, passed Beachy Head Saturday. The steamer' State of Callfomlaf sailed yesterday for San Francisco, tak ing the following freight from this port: 110 sacks oysters, 4,000 bundles snooks, 1875 cases salmon, and 5 tons of miscellaneous freight The Manzanlta returned Sunday from Cape Flattery. Her boilers will be thoroughly cleaned today. The "British ship Earlscourt left up the river yesterday in tow of the steamer Willamette Chief- The Telephone came down yesterday with a large cargo of freight and a big passenger list. She left up the river last night loaded down with local freight, and that of the Truckee un loaded during the morning, Iies-rvtiig I'm 1 mi. We desire to say to, our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Hucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have nev er handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popular ity purely on their merits. Sold by Chas. Rogers, Druggist. ASTORIA BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCAITION. The 13th series of stock of this association, will be opened August 1st, 1S93. All persons wishing to subscribe, will please call on the secretary on or before the above date. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. this paper, together with the choicest perrumery, aim luuev nruiitra wlu.. vnn V.n....V. n thn I nuraat rtf (- at I U7 Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, DR. GUM'S j FOR COUGHS, VMI Aif nn V LULU ASO CROUP. A hEiVlZDY FOR CHILDREN. 1 Tt.m k n'ul'l nt ho:r.f. Tr.otliT made m take tea r.f ri.v: vr.ii nt riirht, the next morning myeop." .fAS f r.r. For Croup It had no eiuL J'. cii Vliv i itt -.'poi liirrln Dr. Ounnt Onion v-r-v .th :i M"W yr'wcA. moro pleaflttnt .1 J m '.toui t:e at awsll ot tha oalaiu. 80W at o. For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist J : .".:jiaoi;ia; No Alum. "cars the Standard nil3 rO1) nnfir! r. m a 1 ar.-i r 3 rm us 1 a a -a or nn M nn 1 The problem to solve is where you can values for your money. We have decided to the next fifteen days than we' ever dreamed' Jvindly pay attention and read: 10c and 12k Gingham, - l Q. Pol 12c and 15c Chambray GiiigiiMin, - -20c and 25c Sateens, - - 8ic Challie, - - - - - 12ic and 15c Dress Trimmings, -50c and 75c Moss Trimming. - -$1:50 and 1.75 Corsets, -25c Ladies' Vests, - - - 50c Ladies' Vests, - ; &5.00 Parasols. $2.50 Parasols, $1.25 Black Henrietta, 75c Black Henrietta, 50c Ladies' Fancy Hose, 25c Child Hose, 20c Child Hose, 15c Child Hose. 2.50 French Broad Cloth, - - . $1.00 Blankets at half price. 1 Children Hats and Caps almost givjen away. Ladies' Blouses to sell :t any price. Ribbons, Laces and Gloves at prices never before unequalled. Men's Furnishing Goods at half price. Ladies' Wrappers at half price. These prices are made with a cuarantce of irood faith and we solicit, your most critical inspection of the above price list. 1 nesc are only a tew 01 tho many Darains to be Jiad. v ome early. Ala WAITS THE3 CHKiiFKST. -: FOIt HA Lit. 3 GOOD LOTS A T 8M1TH8 1MIST f 'NK view. Apply al this orllun yillPJP k VUVU I'linil'UJflTJ TM IIUMI'C J Aslurln Knv t-riiit. H Krauk bull tie at lorney lit liiw 173 Caw Olivet.' ACOMl'ETUN r OIRl, TO l0 OBNEUAI, hoiiHe work. Apply lu tho forenoon at 'Ml Asior Htreet. . (illtl. IMlt (iHNKKU, IIOirtlKWOKK, . good cook. AppU at till olUce. TI 'Kt.P WANTED- AliKN W I'AIDA (JO(H 1 1 coinmlBulim, and tM.uiKI divided (iinoMir, inein nexi wuiior. rpeenii alinmiotiK to lie i niimeii in is year lor which wo wimt I vl.'e of bent nrem pverywlierc. The I iiullxlitn Co. i.oom t bronlclc lluildlni,', San KmneUco. It ) If MS ro UK ST. C T t'AdK OK FIV. KOOMH; UK LliiqiiiraHt Mr. K. C. II 'I.I1K.V.S. T. li FUKNISJIK1) MOUXK F 1.' I OHMS, tlKN trally Ineiti d. Iimiilre ut li tilllee. MIHVKLLAM mtvn. C.h ON P. RAKKK. i'i THIUI) STUKKT uuil have your clothes dyed and eleuned. GEO. WI,KAV,(;OREIt OLNKY ANU A tnr slrei l , does UK buslm HhIii blaek inltbliii.' d r Mlriiu'. Foard & Stokes anooiuns IValer. In Obwwarp, Crockery, Ship Supplier, loliiicen. Wines and riiic Wlnklex. KIiib tens and Coffee a Specialty, 'lb Km.-sl Dl.ipUy of FnilH In HirOilv, Kresh on H.ery Hlenmer. Comer of Third and West Kixntn MreeK Seashore Railway. TIME CARD. Train leaves Heiulrfo : 7 :30 a, m (IkIIv. S jfO p. m dHlly. Leavea Yoiiiik'i Bay pier j lii.d-lly. S p. m. liemday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. 5:ao p. m. Tuemlay, Thnraday and Bator dav. 1. Q. A. BOwlbv, 1). K. WRBFX, rcretary. I'rerldenI, Boats leave Astoria at 8 SO a. m and 4:30 p. m. c:lu"::a Tnisrcn co., TVILLIAH WIM.ON, Prop. FEED - AMD . SALE - STABLE General Expresa and Delivwv Rninea9. 'JZLCH 115 Clory airrni, ma f leu loot of Went Ninth nt, Aitoria. Tei phone No. 44. WORLD DEFYING vnnru Hi n - - - trs 1 27") Thir.i .-'In I A.- ogon The -Store cf Joh G. Nicm Has been purchased by Butterfie d i ros., Whonro poind to closo out Hip "look, Internum; imrehnH rs will (In well to cull hiiiI ix inline imn mill im'en lefnre I'lneliHsloK lwlierc. iliey hIho Iiiivo ii Kiiod wiileliiiiuker to (In rcpulrlliif. j Merchant Stoamsliip Cos Line, ConneclliiK with Cbuh.iIiiii rmtlllr and Urnat Norlliuin ItHllwny anil China Hleainlili Line. n' Inn freli'ht mid iinmrnKPm for anrouver nn I Victoria II ('. nnd rVntlle, lai nimi and u 1 Hon nil I olnlH. LeMVlnc A'torla ever 10 Any. I'nr parlieiiliirH vpply al thn nlllec Aslnrifl. AbHtra IT. & T. (. KKKOU.lO.N 1IIIOS., Al!enl. Tide Table tor Astoria. JULY. Hlilll WATKK. l,OW WATKK. A.Jf.JI li. 111. ( It. t P.K. ft, U " 8 4H 7 8 4 20 7 3 4 SH 7 6 5.H7 4 0 22 7 7 7 IK 7 II 8 118 0 9 OH 8 4 10 Ot 8 ft 11 01 8 7 II frill 1 1 iil7 2 2 2117 6 8 02 7 8 :i 7 4 20 8 0 ft 00 8 0 8 42 7 8 6 -.(17 7 20 7 .1 8 (rt;7 S (1)7 8 .'iO:7 V 10 .TH'T 6 11 2-1" 8 1 1.1 4 1 4ii 8 7 2 l't 7 0 1 41,7 X 8 l:i,7 6 A.II. ll. III. It. P. M. li. in ft. "h t : ft 9 2(i ,8 3 1U 18 2 9 10 ft8 2 S 11 at) 2 0 12 li 2 i 1 m j2 3 oi :i 3 4 10 : 2 ft li! 8 2 0 118 1 7 (Ki 12 7 09 2 7 8 M 2 3 9 42 ,2 0 10 :!A il 8 11 27 jl 7 12 (M i 8 12 it 1 2 01 !.1 2 8 10 :3 ft 4 11 8 9 ft M 3 9 6 01 3 8 42 8 7 7 IH ;.') ft 7 A3 3 1 8 29 , 2 b 07 ; 2 2 1 i 7 7 2 a t S 01 7 :i .1 fiX l H 4 V) 'II .1 5 53 16 1 7 OB f K 2.1 5 7 9 40 1(1 0 10 .11 6 1 11 IA ,6 4 12 47p,6 6 4 fl 0 1 40 H 7 8 :tl -1 1 9 0.1-0 9 9 at'-O ft 10 17 0 0 11 00 0 7 11 511 1 4 1 ot; 1 4 2 II 0 8 8 22 .0 I 4 M -1 0 ft 1!) -1 7 6 It -2 8 7 OU -2 7 44-2 8 8 28 -2 8 V II -1 0 9 fil -0 8 10 82 0 0 11 l.'l 0 0 28 1 6 1 M 18 I 40 0 8 8 40 0 8 4 27 -0 1 ft In Jl fl h hi -1 0 8 Xi -1 8 7 (i -I 4 7 a 8 li -I 1 8 4M) 8 8 l i; li W 13 T. M r. n is . Hi M 17 T. in W II' T. a' 2 III K :t Z 21 4 14 A OH (i 111 7 a 40 10 01 11 us 1. -A h. n . M i T. r. Wldl T. Ti Y. W 8. W M. SI M 81 12 00,! 12 41Pid 1 0 10 t 1 ox Tho honrH Ix-twoeii mftlnlifiiliiiid cihhi are 4MnnMl lir f , '- ?t?xr:n r... und "hiidiiiKiii i'y ii. iii.i.o li. uuia. A rteuottn nildnlibt,Uh. OOia. P dcuotm uoou. m 1 f: get honest gools and sell goods cheapo,- lo: of selling before. " f cents 5 cents 8 a cents 15 Pconts ill cents T cents 10 cents 1)0 cents 15 cents 20 cents 11.25 90 cents 75 cents 45 cents 20 cents 15 (tents 10 cents cents rior!!) Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Irolipiinian - Lager - J?eer And XX Torter. All orders promptly atteiuledito, ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK UlANHACTd A GENERAL BANKIKQ BUSINESS. Acoount.ol Flrmtand Individual! rollclteil on Kavorablo Terim. Forelgu and Domestic Exchange bought ai-1 sold. Mono Loaned on Personal .ee.nrlty. Interest puid on Time Dupoelti hi follows: For 8 months, 4 per cent per annum. A " ft il I. ' 12 " 6 " " A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT IIuvlnR been establblied In ' connection nllli the above, (tepo Its will he received In umouiit-i of one rtollur and niiwurd. Interest wd. be Hllnutid as 'ollows i On ordi nary savings books, 4 per cent per annum ; on mini xuvIiik bo.ikr, 0 per eeul per nnmini. 0. K. Warrea, President. 1. V, IIIkkIss. Cashier. J.0. Ilemeni, Vice Presldeui. I'. K. Warrsa. J. C. Iiemi'iit, ' I'. H. Wrivht, !. . Joha Holwoa, ( '''Of. t II. C. Tlicimii.oB, Thee (tracker, J JEFF'S ItESTAUIUNT IB TIIH Don Ton "Ton Restaurant in the Tow n (And the Finest op the Coaat. D oer Panics, Banquets a Special Tb Flaeat tTIrm aad Liiiaors. MACHINE SHOP JAM. IAL,ITV, I'ropV. (Knee..iir to Arni'.t i Fen lii n.) , .""l'"'"';-t !'- " I ) V. in . Hen tlr- liiK of Kiver ,'r(t a i-nocluity. Mm I !m ' lt tc of all kinds fl one. tiiiup, ,H,t o Lafayeue til.