I. THE DAILY ASTOI11AN, ASTORIA TUESDAY MORNING, JULY .18.' 1893 l-CBMSUID BT litonu4'olDHibiai Pablisbinff Kmaj, AoTOtllA.. OREGON i roIAK BOILDWU. - - CA8 gTRKKT TttsH of Babserlptloi. DAH.T." Sorted oy Carrier, per week U t Kw iwr iiutiith...m ........ w cut !tut bj MM, P ei " 7. WEEKLY. iut by mill, per fear, W 00 tn advance r re pontile to suutcriuers. til A obiaw guarantem to iia advertisers lurnwd circuliiliou of any iiii' V" iiu UieOohiinuiit wver. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, July 17--For Oregon and Washington: Continued iair weainer. Local weather for the twenty-four Hours ending at 5 "p. m., yesterday, furnished by the U. S. Pepartment ot A-leulture, weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 66 deErees. . Minimum temperature. CI degrees.. Prednltaticm. none. Total precipitation! from July lt. 1893, to date, .49 Inch. Deficiency of precipitation from July 1st, 1893, to date, .09 Inch- The experience of scientific men In Europe with the cholera last year has done much to divest the Asiatic pesti lence fif lt terrors. That the disease may bo stamped out Is an established fact. A tho season progresses, the evidence accumulates that with courage and science, tho cholera may be limited so as to be less harmful than many other troubles that have far less cele brity. The Hamburg experience was that the cholera could not bo absorbed or breathed. It is not In the air, and Is not propagated by contact. It must be eaten that 1, taken into the stom-ach.-nd It Is tho reward of undeanll ness. Dr. Walter Kempster, who has been abroad studying cholera for the tlnlttd States government, particularly with reference to prevention, ho given Informally Important testimony- He say the prevention Is "not a theory, but an absolute scientific certainty," and that "there is the history of the epidemic last winter in the Insane asylum ot Halle. More than 1,000 cases 'had broken out when Prof. Koch was put In control. The place was reeking with It- He quarantined the building absolutely, and then struck at the ori gin of the trouble. In twelve days he turned the asylum Inside out, reno vated all the draining and water sys tem, end stamped the cholera out with both feet- I had the pleasure of seeing him do It" Sclentlfio physicians knoiV Just how to do it; and, as every physb.'an who worked In the hospitals of Hamburg escaped the disease, It is demonstrated once more that tho precautions tht nre well known to keep the gems out of tho stomach are sufficient. The Doctor gives thl striking Illustration of Ihc potency of precautions: "A house In Hamburg was burred from the outside world during the plaguei All provisions wars taken In on a hooked pole, the food cooked nt once, and the wrappings burned. All Inmates In the house escaped safely, although men were dropping down and dying In the streets outside.'' With the experience ot Europe, to guide our medical men, It certain the cholera may be restricted to narrow limits; and that, .f there ur destruct ive outbreak ihey will be the r.sult ot well-understood violations of famil iar laws of heilth an I sanltavy regu lations. Warants for tho arrest of ex-Custom inspectors Mnvllle and Kearney, Indicted by tho United Slntes grand Jury for alleged connection with smug gling, were received by Sheriff Smith yesterday. Tho former Immediately furnished bonds, but Kearney s in Albany. The Impression is pretty generally throughout the city that nei ther of the ex-inspoctors was criminally negligent while in ofllee, and that the outcome ot tho trlnls will be prompt acquittals. The "long time between drinks" s apt to have a new and, to tho convivial Inhabitants, a Bud application n one of the Carollnas, since the decision' of Judgo Hudson of the South Carolina Circuit Court that tho state dispensary Mr Is unconstitutional, for tho stalo For the Next Thirty Days, To moot imperative demands, I will offer at such low prices on install ments, with easy payments, thntv. has declared that no drink Is "leV unless taken from the official Palmstco flask. The governor of North CjucIUui will have to think elone for a while, until th! .'.angle about tangle-foot is straightened out. THEY NEVER FAIL. J. N. Harrla, 3 Fulton Market, New York City, says: "I have been using Brandreth's rills for the last fifteen years. There is 'nothing! equal to them as Blood Puri fiers a"d Liver Regulators. Hut I wlh to state how remarkably they cure rheumatism, and how easily; I was af fected by rheumatism in the legs. My business (wholesale fish dealer) nat urally leads me to damp places. I could not walk, and at night I suffered fearfully; I tried Balsams, Sarsaparlllos and all kinds of tinctures, but they did me no good and I was afraid of being a cripple. I finally commenced using Brandreth's Pills, i took two every night for ten nights, then I began to improve. I continued taking them for forty days and I got entirely well. Now, whenever sick, I take Bran dreth's Pills. They never fall. t -. i FUNERALS. R. W, Kuykendall, the leading under taker, having completed arrangements to purchase goods direct from the fac tories, regardless of middle men, has made a great reduction In the cost of funerals: i fi.OO Coffins reduced to $ 3.00 8.00 Coffins reduced to 5.00 25.00 Collins reduced to 18.00 WITH IIEABSK. 30.00 Collins or cnsKets re'd to 2.r,.00 40.00 Collins or caskets re'd to 30.00 00.00 Cofllns or ciiHkets re'd to 40.00 75.00 Caskets reduced to.... C0.00 12B.00 Caskets reduced to .... 75.00 SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNTS. Welch Block, 718 Wutor St., Astoria, Oregon. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. All persons having claims against 1 tho estate of P. W. Larsen, deceased, i are requested to present tnem to me at the office of J. Q. A. Bowlby In As- torla, Oregon, within nix months from this date, May 31, 1SU3. MARIA C. LARSEN, Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ! ' i In the matter of the estate of Sarah ! E. Coffman. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un- derslgned has been appointed by the n.nntir r'f,,,r nt f'lntmm fnnntv Orn- , , . " ; -" .;'; my heart ami siomacu jor yeu, muwi.." gon, administrator of the estate of Sa- ' , , , . conf,nea to mv bed. rah K Cortman, deceased. . i All persons having f'lnnnn nirainst suld estate will present them to me at my office In Astoria, Oregon, auiy au thenticated within six months from this date. W. W. PARKER. A. R. Kanaga, Attorney for adminis trator. 1893. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, April 4th, FOR OVER FIFTY TEARS Mrs. WIn8lows Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child; softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and Is the best remedy ror diarrnoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. HurklPU'i Aruleiv Kslvv The best Balve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, pleers, salt rheum, fever gores, tetter, chapped hands, chllulaliuv eorns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaraiuoea to Rive perien buuhiuv- tion or money refunded, l'rlce & cents per box. For sale by cnas. jiogers, suc vssor to J. C. Dement. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby clven that I have been appointed administrator of tho es tate of James P. Metx, decensed. Ail persons Indebted to said estate, are no tified to pay the same to mo, at Astoria, Oregon, forthwith; and all persons hav ing claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to me, nt the above place, within six months from the date hereof. JAMES W. HARE. Administrator of tho above estate, imttnl at Astoria, Oregon, this 7th, day of July, 1S93. BIDS FOR WOOD. Notice Is hereby given that scaled proposals will be received by II. B. Ferguson, clerk of School District No. J, of Clatsop county, Oregon, until July 19, 1S93, ut 1 o'clock p. in., for the purchase of 2S0 cords, or over, of wood. Wood to he of good fir, cut from green timber The right to reject any nnd an mas Is hereby reserved. Bv order Board of Directors. II. B. FEROUSON, District Clerk Dated Astoria, July 0, 1S93. A Million Krii-mls. A friend In need is a friend indeed. nnd not loss than one million people have found sun a friend In Dr. KIiik's New Discovery for consumption, colds, nnd coughs. If you have never used this great eougl medicine, one trial will convince you th It has wonderful cur ative powers in ll diseases of throat, chest and lungs. Each bottlo Is guar anteed to do all that Is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottle free at Charles Rogers' drug store. Large bot tles 50c nnd 11-00. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latent U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE YOU CAN HAVE A H0BIE IN HILL'S" FIRST ADDITION. YOU SHOULD READ THIS. Th6 popularity of the Union Pacific is best lctcriiilned by the superior service it acfo'i'. the traveling public in main fa ill." to "a"? through trains to Omuhu at, Paul, Chicago and points east, thoroughly equipped with all tne latest aDPance fur the comfort and safety of its patrons besides shortening the distance materially with Its fast trains. The pres ent train schedule enables passengers to reach St. Puul seven hours quicker and Chicago -twenty-four hours quicker. Omaha ad Kansas City and Intermediate points, forty hours quicker than any line from Hie r'aeille Northwest. Patronize the Northern Pacific railroad if you are Klng Kant. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggage cheeked to dcstl natl.m. All purchasers ot second class tickets can stop over at Portland. Rates of fare name as from Portland. If you have Trlcnds in Europe whose you wlsh t0 Pre'mv to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific offlce.steamer Telephone clo.-k, and make known your wants. Induced rates via all the lead ing wrainshlp lines. Handley & Hans, 130 First streot. Port land, have on sale the Dally Astorlan, so that visitors need not miss their morn!:: pap'.r when they are here. STRICKEN DEAD. TRUSTWORTHY STATEMENTS. A recent New York dispatch reads: "James C. II , a fine looking and apparently healthy man, was observed to staler while walking on Fifth Avenue this afternoon, and after taking one or two un certain steps fell to the sidewalk. When picked up ho was dead. A physician ex amined the boly ,and pronounced heartdisease the cause of death. A peculiarly sad feature of the case is that Mr. H -was on liia way to Maine, to scttlo in the home of his boyhood. He had passed the previous ten yeiirs in l !io western mining country, and had amassed u furtunc. If YOU haveany of the symptoms given in tho foliowingtcstimomals you should lose no time in seeking relief. From John L. Roberts, Slatington, Fa.: "I have suilercd with palpitation, irregular rndtf. fainlina and smothenna ipelli, pain in shoulders, side, and arms for r orty yM; I' or twelve years nave wen avail oy prominent pnyoiuiuuo m y v.6.. borhood and in New York. Growing con- etnutly worse, smothering spells iolloweu one another, so my uie was oiieu iu uuuger mm I needed constant care. As my son had been cured by Dr. Mild New Heart Cure, he sent hntt.W The first dose eave me instant relief. Before using the last bottle was completely cured. Although scventy- live years old I feel twenty years younger. r i.:i!m mv cure to be almost a miracle." .J ... -. r T 1 T- I Here is a letter lrom .Mrs. donn joigw, ,,f Cleveland, O.: "I had been troubled with . , . i. r k.. " , . . . . . . , ih. .;, bllt i""1 ,XM" ul . noneoflliem could benefit the weakness of my lieiirt. I also had dropsy and rheumatism. I never took medicine that relieved me at once ns Dr. Miki New Heart Cure does. I am much stronger. My appetite is splendid. I gain strength with every dose. I liavo gained moro in six week's from your treat ment than in sixteen months from all the doctom." " Dr. Mill s' New Cure for the Heart is sold on a positive 'guarantee by all druggists. It is safe, ((feet ire, aqreeithle, and does cure." Dr. Miies Medical Co., Klkhart, Ind. They Know a Good Thing when they see it. That's why Bright Housekeepers usb GOTTOLEfJE the New Shortening, in place of lard. That's why Phy sicians RECOMMEND ' GOTTOLENE the Healthful Shortening, in place of lard. That's why cooking Experts Endorse the use of GOTTOLEfJE the Vegetable Shortening, in stead of lard, and that's why Competitors Imitate COTTOLEfJE instead of selling lard. Watch the name. Get Cottolene. Accept no " something else," REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., Bole Manufacturers, ST. LOUiS and ' CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. I rowaer EVERY LABORI Can avail himself of tin" 1 golden opportunity. LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION FOR $75 EACH, AT $5 DOWN ON BOND, AND $5 PER MONTH. W -. IN CHILDREN For over two years my little girl's iife was mademiserableby a case of Catarrh. The discharge from the nose was large,' ' constant and very offensive. Her eyes became inflamed, t'13 lids swollen and very painful. After trying various reme dies, 1 fjave "erpfThe first hot- -tie seemed to igfi&J aggravate the discise, but the symptoms soon abated, and in a short time she was cured. On. L. 13. Ritchey, Mackey, Ind. Our book nn Wood anil Bkln Diseases uiailed free. Swot tii'Euiriu Co., Atlanta, Cia. SYPHILIS! A New Remedy A true Specific a positive anJ permanent elimination of all poison from the blood, and a restoration of heilthy vigor to the tissues is oflcred to sufferers for the first time in a remedy which has been undergoing the most severe private exjieriinents for the past three years. It has not yet failed, and it will not fail, as it is a True Hpci'lHu for Syphilitic poison and all blood diseases. Ito you be. lieve ut Send for full particulars and proof free. Stop lilling your system with mercury nnd other poisons. This remedy will cure you in 30 to 00 days without fail. SVu KUiimntee a cure or refund tho money. Address MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., 'To Ti rat Street I'OKTLANlt, Olty L " y G. A. STIHSON & CO.. BLACKSMITH! Nt; Ship and Cannerv work, Jloiwwioeiiii;, W ng' om made and repaired, (iom work i:iiinirrd Oil (iass street, opposite liif . Talk CARPJAHAPJ -& CO iici'i.sp..rs in I. W.Ciisc, Importer and Whidi'tiiilv mid UcUil dealur in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cor. Hccond and ('an Street, ASTORIA, OREGON IncnndCfioeiit. all iiinlit. . . . $1.50 ' 12oVlotk... 1.00 10 " ... 75 For particulars inquire of nny member of the linn or nt the "InYo. foot of Con comly St.. West Hkokk Mills Co., T. O. Trullinger, President. Seaside Saw Mill. A complete stiitik u( lumber on liantl In the roim'li or dressed. Flo iriiu. Kn.stio, Celling, and all kinds of tlnisli; Moi-Miitrn and Hhiii. gles; tileo Bracket W ork done to order Terms rensoiiiilile and priees at hod rock All orders promptly gtteiided to. Olllce nnd ynrd nt mill. II, 1". L. LOGAN, Tropr, Heaide, Oregon, ROSS, HICCIN Sl CQ. butchers - and - (Ir.ocers, Astoria and Upper Abtorln. Fitio Teas and Cull es, Tiiblo Delli-Rcis, Domestic and Truplniil Fruits, Vejjeui tili'", suyiir euroil limns, buc.n.elc. CHOICE FRfcSH & SALT MEATS ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to and by virtue of the order of the honorable county court of the state of Orteffon for the county of Marion, duly mado'and entered of record by said court on the 28th day, February, 1893, tho undersigned administrator of the estate of W. J. Herron deceased, will on the 1st day of July, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said date at the front door of the court house, in tho city of Astoria, in the county of Clatsop, in Bald state, sfcll at public sale to the hlgtest bidder for cash, theol lowlng described real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased, to wit: Lots numbered nine (9) ten (10) eleven (11) nnd twvlve (12), tn block number one hundred nnd thirty-eight (138), In town (now city) of Astoria, as laid out nnd mapped and recorded by John M. Shlvely, in Clatsop county, Oregon. Dated May 29, 1893. J. J. SIIAW, Administrator of the Estate of W. J. ITerrvn, Deceased. SHERIFF'S SALE". In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. Ii. N. Carnahan plaintiff vs. F. J. Goodenough defendant. Ky virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of and under tho -seal of the above entitled court In the abovo entitled cause on the 25th day of May, 1S93, upon a judgment duly made and rendered therein on the 22d day of May, 1S93, which said execution and order of sale was to me directed and delivered, I did on the 6th day of June, 1S93. levy upon all the right, title, claim and interest of the within named defendant in and to the following des cribed real estate, to-wlt: Block forty-live (45), and the west one-half of block forty-seven (47), of the part of tlDner Astoria as laid out and recorded by John Adair in Clatsop county, Or-. egon, and I shall on Monday, tne lum day of July, A. D., 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day inTront of the county court house door, in the city of Astoria, In said county and state, proceed to sell the same or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of $151.40 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from April 27, 1893, and the further sum of $22.15 costs and dis bursements and the aocrulng costs on this suit, at public auction to the high est btdder for cash in hand In United States gold coin at time of sale.' H. A.- SMITH. Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or. Dated Astoria, Or., June 6, 1893. Hi 0R1ECH111IC ELECTRIC LIGHTS Ripans TaMles Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first .symptom of indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. - One Box (Six Vials) Seventy-five Cents. One I'ack.ige (Four lioxes) I wo Dollars. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free sample atldrcst RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. j i... CLATSOP LAND CO. Incorporated with $25,000 Cupltul Stock. Heal Kstnt nnd Insurance Brokers, Notary Public nnd Luiiviivmi ers. Kueciul ulteutiou paid to rents, payment of taxes, etc., .'or non texldoiits Sole agents. lor ftimli Astoriil, I'ros peclfaiK, Ht.nili.i li Park nnd Owen's Addition, also bem Heaside. business and Inside property and choice acreage. 474 1 Mini sr., Asiona. HUGHES & CO., Wbolesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Inihi teisol All hrauusoi Forelgu und Domed tie Wiiii-9. Lluuors and Clears. J. it. t!nttei WtilsaiesHiecialty. Vai lilntz hutiifU tvor. Ktuest uramis ni tiy west mic. Uomestli' t.lgaiu Liquors tor Medicinal Purpnans. Kantlly I'rado Solicited All onlers fr" cli Oily and Country proi"-',iy filled. KiiiiHtnoque 8tr.i-t , Aatorlh. t)n-tii i- n. c5 usr, 00., Steamer llwaco Leaves Astoria dally at 7:30 a. m. for llwaco chlhiiK at Tansy Point, and connecting with ranruau running niiriii auua. 111, ami wnu boaU on shoalwatttr tiiiv for South Bend, Suimhliic, North Core And oilier points tbroiiKh t Bray's liar bor. Ueturnlnii counecis at Iiwaco with s earners tor Asturaand NtKht KoatN for Fortlanu. JOHN It GOULTER. L. A. LOOMIH. .-n-crctarv, 1'iesldeiii U. V. EtiUMtr, RuiieilnUindei.t. PORTLAND AMD ASTORIA. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Every oveiiltip except Bnlur dav hi 7 r. 111. Arilvcsut Astmla Everyday except Sunday at t p. in . Leaves Portland Kven.- nay except fiundny at 7 a. in. . r. w. miimi, akimii, AnoriM. if. A. SKKi.tY, CMieral Ageul, i'oriland Or. nn: ',101 ,ii-!;iii,!n;i;s. TlIKl.t WORKS ANP liKMCS, REV. STEPHEN D. PEET, Ph. D.. kp:tok of amkrican antiquarian, Author of Anlmnl Emp;les and Emblematic Mounos, etc. Thte i.nnt trenls of the Monntl-bnlldeni: then occupation. 1110 'es of life, rell.'lon systems, .11 ..l..t..u nttrlv nilirifll.i.,IIH. The work rontiilns descriptions of tho earth works of all classes. The-classification of the nionuds Is nind accordinft to "tnelr uses, whether as villaeo n'sldcnccs, as defenses, as religious structures, or as sacrillclal or burial PTho8'work contains many Illustrations and descriptions of Mound-builders' relics, es pecially pipes and pottery. The value of the bonk is that It contains eomprehenslTO view of the whole field, and Bives infonr.utlnn about the mounds i.nd relics of .11 stales and districts. It is one of a scries which i devoted to pre-hlstoric America, and perhaps would be regarded as tho most Inter CSThoB JtUhOT MHcU subscriptions. 'Orders can be sent to tho publishing house, 15 Wabasb avenue. ChloaRO, or to the author at Avon, 111. PBICE,3.50. For Thirty - Days - Only I make this offer. Jess than one milo ' from Astoria Box Factory on Columbia river. Streets 75 and alleys 20 feet wide. QUICK TIME TO N SAN FRANCISCO ..AND...... ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA. Via the Mt. Shasta Route of the Southern Pacific onip'y Ths ZOnly IRout) Through California to ) Points Eut ud South , The Secnic Route of the Pacific Coast. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS SECOND-GLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to express trains, affoidlnf: sup?rior ucconiinodHtlons for second-cluss passengers. 1'or rates, tickets, sleeplnir car reservations etc., cull upon or address F. P. KOfiKltS, Assist jut Oeneral Krelttbt and PasseiiKer AKCiit. Port mid, or. The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ST. PAUL IAILWAY, CONNECTING WITH AM. 7 It ANSCO.NTIN KNVAL LINKS, -IS THE- OHIiT LINE RUNNING Electric Lightod Cars , KKrWKKNI ST. PAUL and CHICAGO; . ;and OMAHA a-d CHTCAGQ. The EXPRESS TIIAINS eonM?t tl VKSTf UULED, SI.KKl-INO, DINIMi AND PAKI.OK tlAUS. HcATcO BY STfAfjl And furnished with every lnxury known tc modorn railway travel. For Speed, Comfort andg Safely this Line is Unequaled. Tickets on sale at all prominent railw offlces. For further information inquire of any tick. agent, or C. J. EDDY. G",ipral AgU .1. W.CASEY. Trav. Pas Asrt. POKTLASD, OREUOX.