The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 16, 1893, Image 3

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The Grand Council of the Improved
Order of Red Men will meet In this
city tomorrow.
Oregon strawberries at Smith's today.
Raser's Extract Root Beer, the purest-
Strawberries and cream at Col
in ann's.
Bishop Morris will hold divine service
In the Seosde school house, on Sunday
afternoon, July 16th at 2 o'clock.
The original Root Beer Extract is
Raser's Root Beer Superior to all
Meany Is the leading tailor and pays
the highest cash price for iur skins.
Rev. T Walby will preach at the
Scandinavian M- E- church, at Upper
town, at 11 a. m- All cordially Invited.
" What Is Antlfermentine? Ask Foard
& Stokes.
Westpcrt cream fresh every morning
at Smith's Ice Cream parlors. Third st.
If you want some extra nne photos,
Mooers' is the place to get them.
The new jail at Seaside Is now fin
ished and ready for summer boarders.
Anslio HoUon the deputy sheriff and
Constablo Merrifleld will conduct thl
new hostelry.
" For fine wines and liquors call at
August Danlelson's Sample Rooms.
For genuine sweet cream that will
whip, go to Colmann's. .
Remember McGulre's Hotel at Sea
Fide Is open the year around.
Interest amounting to $1821 on a loan
of $3009 for eighty-one months, was paid
in advance by a member of the Asto
ria Building and Loan Association at
its last meeting.
The Belmont cigar- can be had at
Chas. Olsen's.
Ladie3, oak Foard &; Stokes how to
preserve fruits.
Pon't stew your fruits over a hot
stove. Preserve them without cooking.
Foard & Stokes will tell you how.
A new A. O. U. W. lodge was insti
tuted at Warrentoji last night, fifteen
or twenty members of Astoria Lodge
No. 50, and Seaside Lodge No. 12, par
ticipating In the ceremonies..
Wing Lee has just received a full line
of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods.
Will sell at cost 529 Third street.
The best and only sure way to pre
serve fruits is with Antlfermentine.
For sale by Foard 6- Stokes.
Del. Ferguson, general Job printer,
Astorlan building, upstairs. First
class work at reasonable rates.
There was a very slight improvement
noted in .the catch of salmon
yesterday, but some of the canners say
the fish were smaller than at any time
during the past two months.
Frcs3rve your fruits without cooking,
by using antifermentlne. For sale by
Foard & Stokes.
Parties visiting in Portland can get The
Daily Antorlan at Handley & Haas' news
stand, 150 First street
Buy Raser's Root Extract to make
a healthful, refreshing beverage. Sold
Miss Griffin, who was to lecture at
the Methodist church has been de
tained, so the lecture will not take
place today. Until further word is re
ceived the "time Is indefinitely post
poned. ' . - j
Your fruits will not ferment If you
use Antlfermentine. For sale by Foard
& Stokes.
Fresh fish received at the Albatross
Fish market dally. Salmon 10 cents
per pound.
For all kinds of job printing,' go to
Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorlan, build
ing. J. II. Bratt has just completed a full
set of fishing scenes for Mr. M. J
Kinney, which is the most practical
and finest work we ever saw. They
fully illustrate the fishing business as
conducted on the Columbia river.
Lovers of a good cigar can always
find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas.
L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising
spent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Fran
cisco, Is our authorized agent. This paper
Is kept on file at his office.
There Is no place in Astoria where
John Kopp's famous beer Is kept in
such good condition as at Utzlnger's
popular resort.
The neat little launch Iris has a new
.pilot house now, just forwurd 'A her
engines. The house proj.-cts jutt far
pnmiirh above the cabin rocf to allow
the pilot, who stands on a raised plat
form, to see out over the vessel s i ov.
It makes a decided Improvement in the
appearance of the launch.
' Dry hemlock wood delivered at $3.25
per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook.
Leave orders with Ben Coe, care of this
office. Terms casn.
rwnr nf hnrwi pan purchase) Camp-
boll's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col
umbia Veterinary uemeaies i rreu.
Saiz Saddlery estaDusnmenu
t v-itr-in BnA VnJirmiver via steam
ship Danube. For rates, etc., apply to
James Flnlayson, agent Canadian Pa
cific Railroad, Tnira street.
The committee. on concerts from the
Astoria Football Club met a number of
the ladles of the Library Association
yesterday afternoon, and discussed the
nronosed series of musical entertain
ments to be given under the auspices
of the club. It was decided to give tne
first of the series during the first week
in August A committee of one was
. appointed to look after the matter of
encacinfc a suitable hall, and .Mrs. M
Ttrworth Mrs- P. A- Stokes and Mrs. X
T- Rogers, were appointed a committee
nn nroeram. to confer with the com
mittee from the club tomorrow evening-
Most of the ladies of the library fa
imrotl the Idea of making the second of
series a sacred concert. For the
f.ivor an oceretta and oth-
-r a ir-ur-lie cr.tert-ir.mcr.t. bat a
definite conclusion was not" reached
The admission to the concert In Au
gust will be placed at fifty cents.
At Tho Monogram you can find fra
grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet,
Flor de Madrid and all other choice
and favorite brands of cigars.
All the patent medicines advertised In
this paper,, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can
be bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel,
On Thursday evening next the re
turn match between the football teams
representing' America and Great Brit
ain will be played at Smith's Point
grounds, tho proceeds to be (ilspceed of
as before. The charge of admission,
including the return ticket en the cars,
will be twenty cents, one-half of which
will be donated to the Libr.iry Association-
All who were present at the
last match were of the opinion that
it was the best of the season so far,
and the attendance Tuesday is likely to
be very large. The worthy object for
which tho game Is to be played should
of itself be sufficient to secure a large
Ross, Hlgglns & Company will re
open their branch store at Gearhart
Park this week, with a nice fresh stock
of suitable goods to meet the wants
of visitors and campers.
During tho next thirty days I will
sell all grades of wall paper and. deco
rations at a discount of 25 per cent.
Examine the splendid bargains. J. W.
Crow, successor to Ryan & Company.
Aside from the local steamers m port
there was but little business yesterday
going on in the harbor. The tug Mo
gul did not clear, her propellor until
low tide yesterday, and It was not un
til 2 o'clock that she started out with
the empty barge Ludlow, which she
will take around . to Victoria. The
Buck, loaded with limestone and ce
ment, which the Mogul brought around
on Thursday, was taken up the river
Friday night in tow of -.he steamer
Vulcan. The captain of the Vulcan
had orders to proceed without u pilot,
and did so as far as Miller sands, when
he became bewildered a'Hl riKlxted for
the night. Early yesterd.iy if erring
the Vulcan put back to this city and
secured the services of Taptoin Phil
Johnson to pilot them up over the flan
gerous and mysterious windings of the
The great reduction sale to be
opened by Shan ah an Bros, tomorrow
will afford an opportunity to purchase
first-class seasonable goods of every
description in the dry goods line at
prices never before equaled In the his
tory of the city. It is the intention or
this enterprising firm to make the cut
a general one, and as the sale will only
last for the next two weeks those who
wish to secure the choicest of many
cholse bargains should call promptly
and examine the goods. Customers
will be assured courteous treatment
whether they buy or not- Attention is
called to the advertisement in another
Mr. W. H. Wattls was out yesterday
with a big roll of heavy paper under
his arm, skirmishing among the water
front property owners for a right of
way for the railroad. The roll of pa
per contained a diagram of the pro
posed route, which is from the Wash
ington cannery East to the I- R. & N.
dock- The. route mapped out, while
subject to changes, brings the preferred
line of road down passed Kinney's can
nery, thence over to First street, which
It follows in a straight line to the slip
East of the Parker House; thence
across and through the Telephone
dock and around the outside of Ross
Hlgglns, Fisher's and other buildings
on the wharf- The eastern end will be
just south of the company's dock. - Mr-
Wattls saw a number of the property
owners along the proposed route, and
they one and all spoke favorably
toward giving the desired right of way.
J. W. Thompson, organist at the M.
E. church, wishes to take a few more
pupils in music, piano or organ. Ad
dress, 589, Astor street.
Thnt r.f TTnlrnil Ktn.te3 Steamship
Unntomir ot Prow's e-allerv are the
best that have been taken. You should
see them before buying elsewhere.
TVta limine rmlnm. mnrnhlne and to-,
Utinnn hohifa ora rtvparifnl nowera in a
man's life. Many would sacrifice all
they possess if tney couia ria mem
selves of these evil It has been made
i fnr II- la a. disease.
and at a moderate' cost The Ameri
can Institute guarantees a cure, -an
at their office over the Astoria Na
tional bank.
Mrttrt to TiiM-ohv cri von that there is
money in the County Fund to pay all
warrants out standing, eouureeu jmui
to April 17th, 1S90, bearing interest to
date. .
M. FOARD, County Treasurer.
Dated Astoria, Or., July 15th, 1893.
z i-if fwn nrmnt on all trades of
wall paper for the next 30 days at B.
F. AJlen's.
at Anderson's store, on Tuesday, Au
gust 15th. 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m., will
u i.i k- fh following prop-
erty. 160 acres on Salmon creek, con
taining 70 acres of Douom mu .-..
one million feet of fir timber. For
hrlh- TOirMplilnTH BDDly tO Mrs. H-
E. Ferchen, 157 First street.
Ia In this city. She makes chronic dis
eases a specialty. Deafness, catarrh,
asthma, dyspepsia, diseases of the
throat and lungs, kidney, urinary or
gans and all private diseases Special
attention given to diseases of women,
itnttn .a Pure or no cnarg-
es. Offlc hours, t to 12 l a. m. ni l to
5 p. m.. umce rooms xo u
The firm of Wilson & Hendren. ex
pressmen, is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent All debts due the firm
nr TTiilron. All
must re paia io '" C"'V m
debts owed by the firm will be paid
by the old firm. Wm. Wilson will con
tinue the express by" old
8Wna- . WM. HENDREN.
Mf b, liio UiiiJ UUDi-uiiiuU
Our Trade -
r; evelopmenf
Saturday is always a good day for
the Astoria merchants, and no matter
how depressed business may be during
the middle of week, they can always
look ahead for a busy time on Saturday-
It Is the shopping day for the lit
tle towns ajocent to Astoria, and as
regular as tho weeks come and go.
rain or shine, the morning boats
come crowded with passengers and
loaded to the guards with produce,
The same , crowd" goes back at night
and the little steamers are equally
loaded with groceries and provisions
from various stores of this city.
There , isi a vast scope of country
around Astoria dotted with hamlets.
busy little places, that draw upon this
city for their supplies, and yet the
trade.llke the country, is only half de
veloped. There are no wagon roads
leading from this city to the settle
ments in the surrounding country,
consequently everything in the way
of transportation is done by boat For
tunately the geographical situation of
the country Is well - adapted for this
mode of travel and light draft steojners
ply up the numerous streams emptying
Into Young's Bay and the Columbia,
reaching in some instances far into
the interior. Of the river settlements.
none are more thrifty or send to As
toria, more trade than those of -Deep
river on the Washington side. It was
clearly demonstrated yesterday morn
ing when the Winona came In. loaded
with' a happy looking lot of passengers
who were not only on pleasure but
business bent Many of them had ar
ticles of farm produce for the local
merchants, and it was noticeable that
when when the steamer made her re
turn trip in the afternoon, the same
people went aboard laden with parcels
and packages. The docks were loaded
down with merchandise, and the gen
eral appearance looked far from an
Indication of dull times. All along the
waterfront at the various slips, steam
era were backed in taking on mer
chandise for, or unloading products
from the country. Said -a prominent
Second street merchant, to on Astorlan
reporter: "So many strangers coming
into the city wonder why the stores
aire boj free from customers, and yet
seem to be doing a good business. They
do not see farm wagons lining the
thoroughfares as in Eastern cities, and
while they might notice large crowds
of people on the streets, the appear
ance is deceptive. But If these same
strangers would visit the water front
and see the amount of business that
Is transacted through the back doors
of the various houses, the busy scene
presented by many small steamers tak
ing on supplies, then they would stop
and wonder."
The Union Pacific now lead with re
duced rates to Eastern points, and
their through car arrangements, mag
nificently equipped Pullman and tour
ist sleeners. free reclining chair xar
and fast time, make it the best line to
travel. Two trains leafve rrom fort
land daily at 8:15 a. m. and 7:30 p. m
The rates are now within reach of all,
and everybody should take advantage
of them to visit the World's Fair and
their friends in the East Send for
rates and schedules of trains, and do
not purchase tickets until after con
sulting G. W. Lounsherry, Agent, As
toria. Or.. W. H. HURLBURT.
Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agt. U. P..
Portland, Or.
The T. J-' Potter will leave the Union
Pacific dock (Sunday, July 16th' at 8
a. m. for Young's Bay, connecting with
the cars for the beach. Fare ror tne
round trip $1-25.
Aatnrln tn CMmtrn in four rtiiVM.
This is the time made by the Union
Pacific. Rates have been reduced to
n vnrv Inw flmirA. (In now before
higher rates take effect. For further
information call at ticket onice union
Faelflc dock.
G. W. LOUNSBF. H U x , Agent.
DefrvlnE I'ralse.
Wb donlre to nav to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery for ConBumptlon, Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Bucklen'g Arnica
Salve and Electric Bitters, and have nev
er handled remedies that sell as well, or
that have given such universal gatisiac
tlon. We do not hesitate to guarantee
them every time, and we stand ready to
refund the purchase price, it satisfactory
results do not follow their use. These
remedies have won their great popular
ity purely on their merits. Sold by Chas.
Rogers, Druggist.
A Hnre Cure for J'llei.
like perspiration, causing intense itching
i. . -. . -... ' 1 ' V 1 1 fiif m ii a wall am HI I ni I
Bleeding or' protruding, yield at once to
i I. 1 1. Illla Pumnrlv vhlll .M.
1. 'I . UUBttllAVO . J I ......... -
directly on the parts affected, absorbs
tumors, allays Itching and effects a
permanent cure. 60c. Druggist or mall.
street, Philadelphia, Fa. Sold by J. W.
Conn. '
From O'Brien's stable on Wednesday
nlcht. June 21st, one dark chestnut
horse, white spot on the nose, smooth
shod on fore feet, rough shod on hind
feet, about 11 years old, weight about
1,100 pounds, thin in flesh. A liberal
reward will be paid for the return of
the animal to the chief of police, or to
Shaw & iArsen's woodyard.
Tlic only Pure Ceum cf Tartar I'
U&etl ia Miilioas of Ilr.rne
The problem to solve is where you can get honest goods nml
values for your money. We have decided to sell goods cheaper I k'
the next fifteen days than we ever dreamed of selling before.
Kindly pay attention and read:
10c and 121c Gingham; - -
8c and 9c Calicos,
12c and 15c Chambray Gingham, -20c
and 25c Sateens,
81c Challie,
12c and 15c Dress Trimmings,
50c and 75c Moss Trimming. - -
$1.50 and $1.75 Corsets,
25c Ladies' Vests, -
SOc Ladics' Vests, - " -
$5.00 Parasols, -
$2.50 Parasols, : - -
$1.25 Black Henrietta, - -
75c Black Henrietta, - -
50c Ladies' B'ancy Hose, - - -
25c Child Hose,
20c Child Hose, - -
15c Child Hose,
$2.50 French Broad Cloth,
Blankets at half price.
Children Hats and Caps almost given away.
Ladies' Blouses to sell wt any price;
Ribbons, Laces and Gloves at prices never before unequalled.
Men's Furnishing Goods at half price.
Ladies' Wrappers at half price.
These prices are . made with a guarantee of good faith and we
solicit your most critical inspection of the above price list.
These are only a few of the many bargains to be had. ( 'ome early.
rOH 8 A IK.
view. Apply t this oillce
Astoria Ktiy t rnii. H-. Frank bplttltt at
torney ut Ikw 173 Ca. Slrtot.
kitchen. Cull tit O'Hrlen'i llolel.
runt kitchen, one wlt'i noma experience
preferred. Juqulre of 622, '1 hird ttrcct.
communion, and fS.otK) divided amoiiu
them not winter. feeliil attractions to be
nunlied this year lor which we want the ser
vices oi ucm agenu every wticrer mo dunis
I'ublisliiUE Co. JUHm ::0. Chronicle llullUiiiK.
San Francisco.
C lTAOBOK F1VS KOOMrt; MS .T, $12.
L Inquire ut Mr. . 0. II il.UlCN'S.
L trolly Incited. Inquire at thin oillce.
VI.L ON P. BAKKK. 478 Till It!) 8TKF.F.T
and have your clothes dyed and cleaned.
tor BtreelK, does u-r mral liiisliitssin black
stiiltlilng ar.d r,mli lux.
Foard & Stokes
Dealers In Glassware, Crockery, Ship Supplier,
Touacco, Wines and Fine Whiskies. Fine Tea
and Coffee a Bneclnlty. The Fiii-at Display of
Fruits In Mir City, Fresh on Every Steamer.
Corner ol Third snd West Elglitu RtreaK
Astoria, - Oregon.
3 ;-Vv
. '
i r
Li ,Vm fed V-..V .i"3
Ti B -
N'o Ammonia; No Alum.
Years the Stnudaid
ulLPifu !
275 Third rfl rwr. A .-ioj i.i , re'ou.
The Slore of John G. Mien:
Has been purchased by
Butterfie d I'ros.,
Who are going lo clone out the stork,
InlemlliiK Piiroh.ii n will (lo well to cull
nml fxuinli't- i" i" ami pneen before
inri-haslng eltcvilifie. They also have
ii good wutclniiakcr to do repulrlng.
merchant Steamship Co.s
Line, Connection with
rimlln - Poclllo nnd (lrat Ni.rlheni
Kiillwny nd VMnu Hteamslil l.tne.
TbUiik frelcht Mini tmssencers lor V anconvcr
sii'l Victoria H t . nnd Heultlc, Taconiu uinl 1
toiinil l olnts.
Ij-Rvlior AMoria ovc ry 10 days. I
For psiticnlars ly at the oillce ABtorla
Almtra t T. & X. O. i
FEUOU80N BI108., Agents. '
Tide 'fable tor Astoria.
A. M. J-.J"
li. ni. I ft.lfh.m.1 ft,
A. V.
r. ni.
ir.m. fit. 1 1 li. iii I n.
3 40 7 3
4 20,7 8
4 5M7 5
5 :7 6
6 22i7 7
7 IS 7 8
8 1180
9 OH 8 4
8 31 -1 1
9 ( -0 9
9 :m -0 f
8 4:1 :( 5
9 20 13 8
1(1 13 12 9
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12 w'i i
I Hi 2 t)
3 01 3 3
4 10 3 2
6 13 13 2
l 11 3 1
T ml 12
7 M 2 7
8 &0 12 3
9 42 '2 0
10 HO l 8
1127 17
2 at 7
Oi 7 X
3 Ki 6 8
4 60 o :i
!, M 6 1
H rs !i 7
1) 40 0 0
10 ftl 0 1
11 M H 4
li 47-li 1
6 in i 6
1 4.1 ' 7
8 !K 7
4 14 7 1
l0H 0 4
(I 10 IS H
7 W 5
8 40 li 0
10 01 15 1
11 t 15 4
12 00,'S H
VI 41P 0 I
10 171 0 0
11 00 0 7
11 fill 1 4
1 M 14
2 14 0 8
t VI -0 5
4 a AO
J'J -1 7
6 11-2 a
7 00 -i C
7 44 -2 (I
8 2ft -2 2
9 11-1
9 Hi -0 8
M 0
10 04 it 6
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11 018 7
11 Oi II 1
1 H;7 2
2 20 7 ft
8 W'7 K
a 4:1; 7
4 20 8 0
6 00 0
B 4!i 7 8
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7 :', 6
8 0Hl7 8
9 (Hi 7 3
il i
10 387 6
11 H7 8
1 1ft 4
1 4ii 7
2 l'i 7 0
2 44 7
3 i:i 7 0
8. Ill
f. in;
M 17 I
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W lltl!
10 32 0 0
11 I.I 0 9
T. a
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. a!
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9. 29
11 a is
1 84 1 3
2 40 0 8
3 III 0 H
4 27-0 1
5 id ji o
h W -I 0
A ftl -1 8
7 W -1 4
7 K-1 8
8 00-1 1
8 40 -0 8
12 01
12 M
2 01
a 10
4 i is 9
5 in
6 01 8 8
42 '8 7
7 18 3 5
7 M 3 1
B 2H !2
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0 i
1 2-1
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The hour between midntehtand toon are
dealKDatcd by A (a. m.), lluo ltwtoii iuii
and midiuKiit fy r s; ni.j.ti tj. dc-utui
mldnltht,0h. OOin. r denote noon,
c.) o)
5 cents
5 cents
8i cents
15 cents
5 cents
Mot tlr Pacific Brewery
JOHN KOPP, Proprietoi.
Bohemian - Lager - Keer
And XX I'ortcr.
All orders promptly,
I Account il Finns and IhiUvIDuhIi.
ou KHVornuie jeiins.
Korcign unci Domestic KxchuuKt' liought
Mone Loai'cd on Pcrsonnl ircmltv
liilorest puld ou Time Uuiiorlis us follow-:
For 8 month), 4 per cent, per annum.
a "ft "
12 " e " "
IliivhiB been fstnlill'tied In rotinpcllon wlih
tli aliove, ( Kill he received in 111110 lit
of one dnllur mid miwitrd.
Interest tril. h" nIIhu-miI as follows : On ordl
nary savings hookn, 4 per Cent per minimi 1 u 1
term savings lioik, 8 er cent per uiinuni.
U.K. Warrta, President.
i. K. Illimlssl (,'asliler,
J.C UeaitDi, Vice fresldem,
D. K. Warron.
J. C. Dement. (
Joha llol.., p'lre.tor..
II, 4", Thiimpsna,
Thee llracker, J
Don Toa Ton Restaurant in Iho Tow i
(A nd the Finest on the ConxU
Owner Parties, Banquets a Special;,
The Fiaest WltM aid Uqaort.
JAN. !AL;iTV, rrir.
(Hiicrcmier to Arndt & Ferchen.)
Boiler Meilrlll mrA
iiiHu'Ui.v. Cinifc a ree4MKiiy, AlHcttfno Witrk
ol all kinds done. Hhop, of Lata) tlte Ht.