TIIE DAILY ASTOE1AJS, ASTOBIA, THUMpA LitttiX&t 13 ABOUT THE CUT. The steamer State of California is due from San Francisco this morning. - Oregon strawberries at Smith's today. Raser's Extract Root Beer, the pur est Raaer's Root Beer Superior to all others R. Aho, an old offender, arrested for drunkenness forfeited $5 bail yesterday In Judge Osborn's court. Strawberries and cream at Col- mann's. Money to loan. Parker. Enquire of Robb & The original Root Beer Extract Is Raser s. Tho funeral of the late John Will iamson took place from ' tho M. E. church yesterday morning. What Is Antlfermentlne? Ask Foard & Stokes. - - The Belmont cigar can be had at Chan. Olsen's. Ladles, ask Foard & Stokes how to preserve fruits, The steamer Bandorlllo arrived down from Portland yesterday, and sailed for San Francisco this morning. For genuine sweet cream1 that will whip, go to Colmann's. Remember McGuire's Hotel at Sea eldo Is open the year around. If you want some extra mm photos, Mooers' is the place to get them. The barkentlne Portland, bound for Redondo Beach with lumber from Knappton, went out yesterday. J. H. Bratt secured some very fine photos ofthe cruiser Monterey. For fine wines and liquors call at August Danielson's Sample Rooms. Meany is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for iur skins." The report that the Landseer and Willie Reed had been chartered to load wheat has not yet been confirmed. Westpcrt cream Iresh every morning at Smith's Ice Cream parlors. Third st. For all kinds of Job printing, go to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorlan build ing. John Carlson, F. Stolbuck and F. Mc Intyre were up before Judge Osborn yesterday, charged with fighting. They were fined 10 each. Lovers of a good cigar can always .find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Olsen's. Your fruits will not ferment if you use Antlfermentlne. For sale by Foard & Stokes. - Divine service will be held at St. Thomas' church, Skipanon, Sunday, July 16th, at 2 p. m., the Rev. Thomas A. II y land officiating. Fresh fish received at the Albatross Fish market dally. Salmon 10 cents per pound. . Buy Raser's Root Extract to make a healthful, refreshing beverage. Sold everywhere. . The seven-year-old son of Uenry School fell Into the river yesterday at Main street dock, but was rescued by two of the hands on tho steamer Ban doville. Preserve your fruits without cooking, )y using antifermentine. For sale by Foard & Stokes. Parties visiting in Portland can get The Dally Astorian at Hundley &. llu.ua' news Mitiul, 1M First street. The steamer Telephone left last night with a large passenger list and a heavy cargo of freight. She took on board 1,000 empty salmon boxes for up-river canneries. ' - ' The best and only sure way to pre serve fruits Is with Antlfermentlne. For sale by Foard & Stokes. Del. Ferguson, general Job printer, Ahlorian building, .upstairs. First class work at reasonable rates. The Pacific Can Company took all of its employes out to the Monterey, and every one enjoyed the visit, both from an instructive and a recreative point of view. Free at Crow's gallery, a life-size crayon with every dozen cabinets or dered. Offer good for 30 days, Don't stew your fruits over a hot stove. Preserve them without cooking. Foard & Stokes will tell you how. The' latest applicant for collector- of customs at this place, is O. Parson Uenry, the Inventor and builder of the wonderful marine curiosity, mentioned In these columns several weeks ago. W ing Lee has Just received a full line ui Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. Will sell at cost. 529 Third street. Dry hemlock wood delivered at $3.25 per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook. i,eave orders with Ben Coe, care of this office. Terms cash. The British steamer Danube will ar rive in the morning with a heavy cargo of Astoria freight. She has a large quantity of rice for this port and Port lanj, also nine Japanese and eighty Chii.e-i passengers. J. W. Thompson, organist at the II. V;. church, wishes to take a few more pupils in music, piano or organ. Ad dress, 589, Astor street. . L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Fran cisco, is our authorized agent. This paper la kept on file at his office. About 2,000 people visited the Monte rey yr-sterday. Nearly all the officers came ashore during the'day and took In the canneries and other points of Interest. Captain Kempff, In citizens dress, left the Monterey at 1 o'clock, and spent the afternoon ashore with old friends. The Monterey will go to Portland today. Parties called upon to perform the sad duties to relatives or friends will find both moderate charges and court eous treatment at the undertaking es- tablishment of William PohL Do not mistake the address: Third street, be tween Cass and Main. The arrivals at the Hotel Gearhart on Monday were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. Moffett. Iloxie Moffett. T. Glyn, Portland; Aug. C. Kinney, Mrs. L. Owens-Adalr, Astoria; C. C. Brower, Clatsop; A. O.Hogans Thos. L. Cole, T. L. EUot, G. E. Ilanes and wifs, W. S. Sterling, and 2 children E. L. Daudaon, Portland; J. G. Megler and wife, Brookfield; Mrs. HF. Wallace, - Miss McCreary, Wm. R. Stevens, Portland. The arivals Tuesday were as follows: Col. Thomaa Anderson,' U. S. A.; C. H. Marlln, U. S. A.; Wm. P. Carlice, U. S. A,; Miss Irene P. Johnson, II. B. Praker Astoria; Rev G. W. Gue, and 2 children Fred. Wood, J. H. Williams, Portland; J. R. Rathom ancTwife, Oregonlan; J. A. Weed, and wife, Miss Laura Gilbert, Pendleton. ' There Is no place In Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept in such good condition as at Utzinger's popular resort. Owners of horses can purchase Camp- boll's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred Salz' Saddlery establishment. Tho football match last evening for the benefit of tho Library Association was one of the most Interesting and closely contested that has yet been witnessed In this city. The attendance was very good, nnd every one present enjoyed the game to the utmost. Dur ing the first half tho playing was very close, but little advantage being gained on either side, and ft was not until near the call of half time that Higgins, of the American team, picked the ball out from among several Britishers, and by very neat and cool "dribbling," got It to the opponents' territory and sent it" between the goal-posts. During the entire game the defense of the Ameri cans was so good that the Britishers had but one chance, but It was not Im proved, and at the close the score stood, one goal tonone In favor of America. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. S. H. Bell of South Bend was In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Ambs of St, Louis were among the arrivals in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Northrup and Miss Laura Northrup of Portland were In' town yesterday. Rev. G. W. .Gue, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Grace Gue, and J. W. Gue, were at the Occident yesterday. Mr. E. G. E. Wist, the postmaster at Nehalem, and Mr. J. P. Pape, were passengers on the Elmore, which arrived In last evening. Miss Elsie Parker, daughter of E. P. Parker has gone to Portland to spend part of her vacation with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Car. Mr. George H. Moffett, editor of the Portland Telegram, came up from Gearhart yestreday, accompanied by Mrs. Moffett and their daughter. General W. P. Carlln, Colonel and Mrs. Anderson and daughters, and Lieutenant Martin visited the Jetty in company with Mayor M. C. Crosby. A THOUGHTFUL PERSON. Consults his best interests by having a box of Krause's Headache Capsules at hand: taken as directed will prevent or stop any. kind of a headache, no matter what the cause in fact if your skull were cracked it would prevent pain. The frequency of the attacks will diminish, and by taking the cap sules nt the approach of a headache, you will never have another. Twenty five cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria Oregon. Solo Agent STRAYED OR STOLEN. From O'Brien's stable .on Wednesday night, June 21st, one dark chestnut horse, white SDOt on the nose, smooth shod on fore feet, rough shod on hind feet, about 11 years old, weignt aooui 1,100 pounds, thin In flesh. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the animal to the chief of police, or to Shaw & Larsen's woodyard. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator of the es tate of Thomas Shay, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate, are no tified to pay the same to me, at the office of Robb & Parker, at Astoria, Oregon, forthwith; and all persons hav ing claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to me, at the above place, within six months from the date hereof. F. L. PARKER, Administrator of the above estate. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 13th day of May, 1893. LADIES' 'TEA Is a pleasant drink, which will be borne by the stomach without nau sea or griping. It acts thoroughly on the liver, kidneys and reproductive or gans. A gentle physic, efficient diu retic, and is most useful in scant or painful menstruation. It aids diges tion and reduces corpulency; clears the complexion, rendering it fair, and re storing the natural tone of the skin, for it removes the bile, which by ac cumulation, produces the sallow, mud dy complexion, peculiar to the con stipated. Sold by all druggists. The liquor, opium, morphine and to bacco habits are dreadful powers In a man's life. Many would sacrifice all they possess if they could rid them selves of these evils. It has been made possible to be cured, for It is a disease, and at a moderate cost. The Ameri can Institute guarantees a cure. Call at their office over the Astoria Na tional bank. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind choHc, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. MRS. DR. M. E. McCOY, PHYSI CIAN AND SURGEON. Is in this city. She makes chronic dis eases a specialty. Deafness, catarrh, asthma, dyspepsia, diseases of the throat and lungs, kidney, urinary or gans and all private diseases. Special attention given to diseases of women, Consultation free. Cure or no charg es. Offio hours, to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m.. Office rooms 18 and 19, Hotel Tighe. JEFF'S, The Only Restaurant John Lindstrorn's Terrible Mishap. A frightful accident occurred yester day morning at 10 o'clock on board the United States tug Mendel, that cost John Llndstrom, one of the crew, his right hand. The tug had been tendered General Carlln, by Major Handbury, with which to make his official visit to Fort Canby, and It was whllei lying at the Fort Stevens dock, that the acci dent occurred. On board the Mendel as General Carlln'a guests, were Colonel Anderson, wife and daughters. Lieutenant Martini of Vancouver, Lieutenant Carlln of the Monterey, and Mr. and Mrs. Lounsberry Mayor Cros by and Dr. M. M. Walker of this city. They had Just returned on board from a visit to the Jetty and were pre paring to let go, when Llndstrom, who had been carelessly fooling with the stern line, In some manner got his right hand caught In a hlght of rope and the member was snappej Just above the wrist and flung Into the water. None of the ladles on board saw the accident happn, and It was well that they did not, for when. Dr. Walker, who was immediately summoned, came out, he beheld a sickening sight. Llnd strom walking the deck holding a shattered and bloody stump with the uninjured hand. Dr. Walker at once laid the man upon the deck, and in a moment had stopped the hemorrhage and bound up the wound. Llndstrom suffered terribly until . they reached Fort Canby, where General Carlln or dered him taken to the hospital. Upon examination by Post-Surgeon Dr. Raymond and Dr. Walker, it was found that the stump was so badly lacerated that amputation of about two inches was necessary in order that the arteries might be secured. This was shortly done and the wounded man made as comfortable as possible. General Carlln gave orders that the man should be cared for" at the post hospital as long as treatment was nec essary. At the time the party left Canby, Llndstrom' was resting easy, but It Is too soon to say what the re sult of the accident will be. Llndstrom Is a man 45 years of age, an experienced sailor, arid has been on the Mendel but two weeks. The acci dent, it is said, was the result of his own carelessness. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. List of Letters Unclaimed at the As toria Postofflce. Advertised June 11, 1893. Anderson, Tony Allen, Mrs Anna Anderson, Gusta, 2 Arey, Thomas Badcock, Wm Borough, Fred Chard, Henry Collins, Robert Cooke, Miss Fannie Cottim, G Colwell, Mr Colson, Robert Cutlno, Giovanni, 2 Custer, Mrs Wm Culumutu, Neck Elingson, Ellas Evans, MrsHepzibahFrunk, G H Foss, J C Geddes, Mrs W II George, Edward Glgnac, Lucian 2 Hagner, Charles Hawkins, John E Hoayata, Erek Hamilton, J Hamilton, Mrs J D Hendricks Riley Huntington, F L . Johnson, Mrs Sofia Johnson, Mrs Mary Kaberstetn, August Knudson, Abraham Komte, Emll Landess, Mrs B J Leolngs, D J McCullough, Mary Morson, Irven MuHtola, Joseph Nelson, John O Peterson, Peter Pllse. Eddie Ulngh, Mr Roach. Thomas 2 Kuby, MrsC- Stephens, MrsAnnle Thompson, F II Unslmakl Ab m 2 Warner. Mrs M D 2 Walker, Ed Waldo. II D Wenlg, M Weston, James Wilson, Leu Wllliams.MrsA S F Whitney, Mrs Sadie Young, W . ' . FOREIGN LIST. Anderson, John Bislll, Johan Clarke. Andrew Elertsen. Johan Gree, Mr Hill, Mrs Susan - Janson, Amanda Kartenmaa, Funa Karlson, Arvld Kanonen, Erkl Lun cvod. Martin Montgomery.W R 2 Nicholas, Antonie Roche, Thomas B JAMES W. Hare, P. M. At The Monoeram you can find fra grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet, Flor do Madrid and all otner cnoice and favorite brands of cigars. All tVia nntant mpftwrnpa n flvartfftpA In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, ana toilet articles etc., can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Ross, Higgins & Company will re open their branch store at Gearhart Park this week, with a nice fresh stock of suitable goods to meet the wants of visitors and campers. Sunday excursion rates, round trip over the Seashore road: Seaside, $1; Gearhart Park, 75 cents; Tickets at the bridge. Chautauqua round trip. July 8 to July 17, 75 cents. During the next thirty days I will sell all grades of wall paper and deco rations at a discount of 25 per cent Examine the splendid bargains. J. W. Crow, successor to Ryan & Company. J. W. Crow, successor to Ryan & Co., 537 Third street, have Just received a full line of 1893 patterns in wall paper, and comprising all the latest designs and shades, at the low est prices. Call and see them. A Sure Cure for Hies. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, causing intense Itching when warm. Tins lorm, as wen as isuncl, Bleeding or frotruuinfr, yield st once to Dr. Uosanko's Pile Hemedy. which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure, 60c. Drussist or mall. Circulars free. Dr. Bosanko, S29 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bold by J. W, Conn. tlie only Pure Ctaui cf ' '.irtr Y Jsed in Million? of llm? FOR BALE. rALF I STB REST OK FlSti STEAM "M 1 1. t..t .. l.mr, aavon fupt he -mu. for further particular! address "K, care Astoria n. Of i GOOD LOTS AT BMlTH'8 1'JlNT FINE I view. Apply at Hun olllce. OO ACRES fcffi.OO PER ACliS IMPROVED OO fanning "and with fruit tree. 20 acres clenred, 20 acres pasture. Dwelling house, ware imn,. mH ntiiHF ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii h. Halt nillo from Steamboat landing at Brookfleld. by boat or road, inquire 01 owner on premie nmo. . , liTlnKI.VH pHEAP A FEW C110IOE LOTS IN ADAIli'S AHMir ibr.Hiv Lnrinn. cmc ciuiin opiho toruey at law 173 Cass Htreet " WAHTKlt. A YOUNG WOMAN TO HKI.P-iy THE KlICMCU. UtUI HI U Drieu B iiutui. i VfiUNIJ MAN TO HELP IN EESTAU i. rant kltche- one with some experience preferred, inquire 01 vx:, i niru uruev. (ilRf, KOR H " PEWOKK IN SMAI.I .family. Inquire at 408, '1 bird street. IT KM' WANTED,-AGENTS PAID A UOilD M communion, and 8,U00 divided Hinunic uiHin next winter, pueoliil atlractlon to be pushed this year for which wo waul the er vleea of bent agents everywhere. Tlio Curtis Publishing Co. itoom 30, unrouicio uiuiuiiig, ban r ranuisco. JiOOMS XU JtKHT. A SMALL BOUSE Sl'ITABLK KOU A FISH i ermau. Inquire ut this olUoo. C TFACE OP FIVS ROOM8; RE nT, til Llnqiiira ut Mr. E. 0. H JLDKN'd. FURNISHED HOUSE OK 12 KOOMS, CEN trally located. Inquire at tins olUcu. FURNISHED ROOMS, MAIN 8TRKKT limine. Everything newly fitted thioucli out. Mo. KSMiifu st. AlltS. II, Sl'ELLMEllt. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY, week or mouth terms very reiisuuable ut Uie Oriel, 71i Third Street. LOST. ftl MOADAY LAST, PAItt OF OOl.D- J mounted epectades. finder will please le turn to Mr. J. W. Crow. ABOUT 274 FATHOMS OK NET. FINDER ulease leave at the Cutting Cannery. JOHN 8. ARK. FOUXl. A T THE FOOTBALL GROUNDS, A l'UKBE r with small amount or money ot i-f.sii. uwuer can hare aine by applying at this otllce A PIECE OF NET ABOUT aa FATHOMS X ott 'jtoDBue roiiu, on me nigni oi June 2M. Inquire at George Si Barker's. MI8CKLLANEO VS. nALL ON P. BAKER. 478 THIRD SfKKIST j sua nave yuur viuiuea uyeu aim uicaiivu C(EO. MCLEAN, CORNER OLNEY AND A? T tor streets, does a general business hi black- smithing and repairing. TIX ID ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSIES,. Accounts ot Firms and Individual ol!oite on Favorable Terms. Foreign and vomestlo Exchange bought ac wld. Money Loaned on Personal t-ecurity. Interest paid on Time Deposits as follow: For 3 months, 4 per cent per annum. .. 8 ., fi .i .. A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT IIuvlui; In oh rxliibli-liHit In connection wiih the above. Ueiio .t will b received hi iimo ,UU oi one noiiur iiuu uiiwnrii. lnt-iest w.i. be hIIo.io.i as follows : On ordi nary saviuiM Iiookk. 4 iH'.r cunt per annum : on (i nil nmvIi k" book--, 0 ," r t nt per annum. D. K. IVarinn, President. J. K Hltul s, Cashier. J A: llcniva , Vice freNldem. I K. Warren, 1 J ('. Dem. nt, ' . John IIuIauk, "lr",,". II. ('. Tlmm linos, Thro llraekar, j Foard & Stokes GnooEno e:iler In Glassware, Crockery, Bhlp Supplies, robiu-eu. Wines and Fine Whisk lea. Flue Tens and Coffee a Specialty. The Finest Display of i inns in mi) t;n.y, rresn on Mvery Bieanier. turner oi uurci unit west Kigimi tureen. C. P. UPSHUR, SHIPPING and COMMISSION Astoria, r Oregon. COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO., WILLIAM WILSON, Prop. FEED - AND SALE - STABLE General Express and Delivery Business. 3 nice 110 Oluey str el. KIsiDl's foot of Wmi in mm st, Asioria. i en plume An. 44. Seashore Railway. 1IMR CARD. Train leaves S - mlilo : 7 -.no a. in dully. 3 Jto p. m daily except Monday. Leaves Young's Bay P or : u a. m.u nv except Mommy, 6 p. m. dally. J. Q. A. Uowliiv, D. C. WRRKN. oeereiary, riejiiicn. Boats leave Astoria at 83 a. m and 4:30 p. 111. . GUNN'S IXPBOVED LIVER PILLS ONLY 0 ME FOR A DOSE RESULTS' ARE WHAT TELL We furnte tht on of these pllle t a doM, will Sroduoe better rami La in the oure of Heuuha, mUtodah, Sour Btomech, Bmd Breath and Dlul nM,thn three to Ave of any other make, and do 1ft without rrlplng and elokenlng. Their wondsrful action makae yon feel Ilka a new being. S&o. a box Druggist or nail, Boaeoko Had. Co, Phil, r For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist - ".' ) Ammonia; No Alum. V.rs tho Standard SIS Our Stock Represents Over lOOO Styles. Trouserings, Overcoatings, Suitings. Prices $5 to $50. Samples, Self-measurement Rules, and Tape-line Mailed Free. Worth more than standard value worth two for one for the World's Fair and more than that to you. We are selling half-dollars for a dollar a-piece. You get a j World s Fair j I Souvenir Coin j forj JojfarJ Original in Design. A Work of Art in Itself. We devote the entire amount towards developing and ennobling the People's Great Fair. . Souvenir and Rare Coins as an Investment. toln. . U. S. $5 Goldpiece i8aa U. S. 1804 Silver Dollar U. S. Half-Dollar 1796 U. S.1802 Silver 5-Cent Piece U. S. 1856 Eagle Penny . U. S. 1793 Copper Cent (Amen) Queen's Jubilee 5-Sovreign, Eng. Napoleon's 100-day sfr., French. King William Coronation, Ger. 1861 German "Peace" Coins 187 1 Thi? will be the best investment you ever made A World's Fair Souvenir Coin A National Heirloom for only $1 '.00. 1 i Under Act of Congress we have 5,000,000 Souvenir Coins, of the denomination of 50 cents each. That the money may go as far as possible, and that all the people may have a chance to pro cure these artistic and patriotic souvenirs of their own Exposition, we have resolved to offer the whole issue for sale at 1.00 each. Apply to any Bank, or send Post Office or Express Money Order, Bank Draft, or Registered Letter for as many , coins as you wish, with instructions h'w.to send them to you, to Treasurer World's Columbian Exposition, ::i:CACj0. ill. The S ora of Jchn P. Ni( ml Has been purchased by Butterfield Bros., Who Arn Kolng to closn nut the stock, InteiHlliiir iiurclmstrs will do well to cull uikI r.xiuiiliio ooi!h hikI liners before, piiri'liaslptf eiHrwhi-ro. 'I hey ulso liuvo a good wiitclmmKer to do repairing. Merchant Steamship Cos Line Connecting with CanniUnn Pnclfln nnd (Ireat Nnrtiiern Hallway anil Clilnit MtemiiHlili l.lius TakliiK freight and pusseneerH for anoouvcr mi'l Victoria il. 0. am) Si'HUU', Tucoinn and a 1 Soiiixl I'nlntH. Leaving Astoria ovcry JO any. For purticuliir niiiily nt the oflleo Antnrlii Abstract T, Si T. Co. FKltOUHON BHOS., ArcIIH. Tide 'falile tor Antnrin. JULY. TT HIGH WAT KK, 1AIW WATKI1. D H A. JC. (I P.Jf. A. f. I. M. ii. iii. i it.1T i'.in. i a", h. in. i ft.ii Fi.iu i n. H, 1 1 :ft 7 7 14 1) 9 8 M -1 1 i 8 4.1 !l A H. 2 2 2117 0 4l7 3 M -0 9 M il a 01 7 :i 4 'M 7 3 t 3'.l -0 ft , 10 CI :1 V T. 4 i OK 4 rS 7 ft 10 17 0 0 10 98 2 fi W 5 4 m ill : 5 : 7 II 00 0 7 11 50 !2 0 T. (i ft M 6 1 fl nil II fill 14 .... . . V. 7 7 00 5 8 7 18 7 8 1 01 1 4 1 12 I 1 1 8. 8 8 2.1 ft 7 8 118 0 2 14 0 8 1 hi 2 . tl I) 40 0 08 8 4 8 22 -0 I i 01 3 3 M 0 10 ft 16 1 10 04 8 6 4 23 -1 0 4 10 3 2 T. II 11 h4 i 4 It 01 8 7 S 10-1 7 ; ft 111 !s 2 W 12 12 47,6 8 11 fill's 1 8 II -2 8 6 11 : 1 T. 13 1 8rt;7 2 7 01) -2 8 7 ( '2 9 K. 14 0 48 S 0 2 20 7 5 7 41-2 8 j 7 M 12 7 8. lfi ! 1 40 ;8 7 8 02 7 8 8 28 -2 2 8 M ' 3 r. Hi . 2 3! '8 3 3 II : 'J 0 11 .1 6 42 is 0 MK 3 21 17 8 4 20 8 0 V !t -0 8 j 10 3fi 8 T. )K I 4 1 1 7 1 ft 00 8 0 10 32 0 0 : 11 27 1 7 W Id : S 08 II 4' ft 427 8 II 13 0 V i ..-!.. T. 2, 8 lo 6 8 I, 'M 7 ft 0 I 12 01 il 8 V. il i 7 2.1 fi 3 7 ao7 5 1 !!4 1 3 12 W i 7 8. ill 8 40 ft 0 8 0!7 I 2 40 0 8 i 2 01 3 2 8. 10 01 5 1: fl 007 3 3 40 0 ft j 3 10 !3 6 M 24 II m 14 :t'7 $ 4 27-0 1 4 1 8 T. 2ft ! 12 00, ft 8 10 387 h 5 1(1 J) . ft 1ft !3 9 WaH 12 4l,j6 1 II 2l7 8 l .'! -1 0 6 01 3 8 T. 27 ! 1 lft" t-l 3 I 8 42 3 7 Y. 2 I 0 Oft 7 8 1 4i.U 7 7 Oil -1 4 7 18 i3 ft 8. w ! 0 48 7 2 1(1:7 0 7 38 -I 3 , 7 M 3 1 M. !0 ' 1 7 9 2 44i7 3 8 Oil -I I 8 20 2 6 M 31 i 2 08 7 7, 1.".'7 6 840-08 i 07l2 2 The bourn between iiildnlitlit and noon nre d(iKiiali't by A (it. in.), llione l)i tw- n ikmmi nd inldnli'lit hy f(p. m.). II. V.n. A dtiu.l miduienl, uii.ouiii. rtieuuloi noun. ttjar Niuf i u s "err TAILCH 128 FIRST STREET, Portland, Oregon. Beautiful in Execution. Pace Market value, value. 5.00 900.00 1.00 900.00 .o 53.50 .05 ' 100.00 01 5.00 .01 50.00 4-33 3J- 1.00 4.00 .66 1.25 .66 1.35 North Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPF, Fioprietor. Bohemian - Lager - Beer And XX Torter. All oi dor promptly bt:enlo to, Do You Know That the Weekly Astorian Goes Everywhere? Advertisers, Do you see Your chance?