THE DAILY AaTOlfl AN, ASTOIUA, FKIDAY MOONING, JULY 1, 1693 LOOK AT THIS Take the Daily. Asto rian and Get a LARGE LIBRARY FREE Tlie (Till Astoriau's Latest Hest Premium Offer. Every regular subscriber to The Dally Astorlan for the next twelve months will be entitled every ten weeks, to a set of ton first class novels, by sending us 30 cents (for each set of vn books) In postage stamps of silver, receipt of which we will send the Looks post paid. These books are complete novels by standard authors, each a handsome uotavo volumn of C4 large double col umn pages, In a neat attractive cover, nd printed from clear, readable type, us follows: THE BELLE OF LYNN; or THE MILLER'S DAUGHTER. Ify Char Icjtte AC llraome, author of "Dora Thorne." THE BLACK TULIP. By Alexander Dumus. THE DUCHESS. By "The Duchess." NURSE KEVEL'fJ MISTAKE. By Florence Warden. MEKLK'S CRUSADE. By Rosa Nou chette Carey. A STUDY IN SCARLET. By A. Conam Doyle. ROCK RUIN j Or, THE DAUGH TER OF THE ISLAND. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. LORD LISLE'S DAUGHTER. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne." THE ARMORER OF TYRE. By Syl- vanus Cobb, Jr. Mr, GJLFIL'S LOVE STORY. By (Jeorge Elliott. , A SCARLET SIN. By Florence Mar ryat. THE SEA KING. By Captuin Mar ryat. THE SEIOE OF GRANADA. By Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. Mr. MEESON'S WILL. By H. Rider . Haggard. JENNY HARLOWE. By W. Clark Russell. BEATON'S BARGAIN. By Mrs. Alexander. THE SQUIRE'S DARLING. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne." THE RUSSIAN GirSY. By Alexan der Dumas. THE WANDERING HEIR. By dairies Iteode. FLOWER AND WEED. By Miss M. E. Braddon. NO THOROUGHFARE. By Charles Dickens and Wllkle Collins. THE GREAT HOGaARTY DIA MOND. By W. M. Thackeray. Tlie above books are nicely printed and bound lit attractive puper covers. They are sold regularly at retail for ten cents each, so that our offer en ables our readers to buy them at one JhlrU of their 'value. It is a grand chance to secure standard, hlgh-cliiss works of fiction at merely nominal cost. The lowest price of these novels In any other way, would be 10 cents each, or $1 for the ten books, which The As lorlun subscribers can have for 30 cents.. Every ten weeks a new set of ten books will bs offered on tlie same terms. Thus, In the course of the year, you will have a valuable library of 50 books that will cost you only tl.GO. This offer Is open only -to regular sub scribers. Subscribers to The Dally Astorlan, who pay $7 for one year In advance will be entitled to these books free of charge. t Now Is the time to gut your home newspaper, and a valuable library be sides, for only the regular price of the paper. Subscribers to The Weekly Astorlan who pay t'l In advance for one year's subscription, will be entitled to any of these books they may select at the rats of 3 cents per book. On receipt of the list of books discrlbed, accompanied by a remltance In postage Btamps or sil ver to the amount of 3 cents for each book ordered, we will have the books sent postpaid to tho address of Any regular subscriber to The Weekly Asto rlan as above, (IihnI Look. Good looks nre more than skin deep depending on a healthy condition of nil the vital ontann. If the liver be Inactive, you have a billions look, if your stomach .e disordered, you have a dyspeptic look mid if your kidneys be disordered you nave a, ptnenea iook. secure goon neuun nnd you will have (rood looks. Electric Itinera Is the great ulteratlve. and tonic, nctM directly on these vital ortfiina. Cures pimples, blotches, bolls, and itlvea a irooJ complexion. Bold at Chas. l;o.rn' dm ttuiv, W cents per bottle.. ALONG THE WHARVES. The British ship Cabul got off the hogback above Tongue point Thursday night, and arrived at this city about 11 o'clock. She will sail today for Liv erpool direct. Ane sieamer tfaker has .taken the place of the Thompson on the Astoria- Portland route. The Bailey Gatzert is engagfd In the excursion business on the upper river. The steamship State of California will arrive this morning from San Fran cisco. The British four-masted bark Crof- ton Hall moved down to the lower an chorage ground yesterday. The United States steamer Colum bine arrived in yesterday from Alaska. Captain nichardson was called upon by an Astorlan reporter shortly after nis return, ana the following partlcu Iars of the trip were obtained: After leaving this port on May 2Cth the Col umbine readied Victoria on the follow- Pg d!y at 11-30, havln cal,ed at De- Birucuun jsianu ana cape Flattery light stations on the way and lay In Neah Bay during the night. The sta tions named were Inspected 'by Com mander O. W. Farenholt, United State Navy. Pilot Francis came on board on June 2d, nnd the steamer left for De parture Bay on the following day, where the final bunkers were filled. Thence rlie proceeded to Wra.ngel Narrows, where a week was spent in repairing all the beacons, spindles and buoys. The work was completed the day the steamer Queen passed through on her first excursion trip for this sea son. On the day the Queen passed through Wrangel Narrows, there were four steamers at that point the Co lumbine, Queen, the United States coast and geodetic survey steamer Hassler and the Ilrltish steamer Thistle. Be fore the work of repairs was completed an accident occurred which fortunately naa no serious results. A huge "sink er" weighing 6,000 pounds was being lifted off the deck with the aid of a derrick, when one of the guys broke away, causing the derrick to swing around and into collision with the rigging, carrying it away and breaking the derrick. The "sinker" struck tho side of the ship near the covering board, but without injuring it. The "sinker" was lost, and ajiew one had to be obtained at Sitka, A new aerncK was maae at Juneau, and at Saginaw and Lynn Canal channels all the buoys were changed. Thence the Columbine proceeded to Klllslnoo, took In coal and changed several buoys and beacons. Peril straits and Sitka sound were next visited, and afterward Fort Wrangle and Lorlng, where the Falmon season was Just commencing. Fort Simpson, B, C, was called at, en route to Departure Bay. On the latter run the Columbine had a lively race with the steamer Mexico, and held her own all the way. Reaching Victoria, the pilot was landed and a large whist ling buoy, which had gone adrift from the Umatilla reef hist winter, was tak en on board. Captain Farenholt left the Columbine at Seattle, on Wednes day lost, and on Thursday the steamer left for this port. Thursday night the Monterey was passed, six miles west of Race Rock light, steaming slowly toward Port Townsend. Tho trip from the sound, Captain Richardson states, was finer than any previous one he has made. MAMMA DID IT. "Papa," said the youngest Miss Budd. "The World's Fair" "Don't talk to mo about the World's Fair," Interrupted tho old man. "I'll not llBten." "Rut papa," pleaded the sweet girl. "It's so wonderful so Instructive" "So nothing," retorted papa; "crowd ed cramped uncomfortable" "Shall I get you a book of synonyms?" asked Mrs. Iiudd smilingly from the corner as her husband hesitated for n word. "No," roared the old gentleman. "No, won't have It." There seemed to be some doubt as to what he wouldn't hove, so the brave girl renewed the attack. "It won't cost" she began, when again she was Interrupted. "It Isn't a matter of cost," cried Mr Iiudd; "not the question of a few hun dred paltry dollars not that. It's the trouble, the care the nuisance, t(le bother of the whole thing, the none destroying, sight seeing accompani ment. No, my dear," he added placidly, "the thought of money does not enter Into It. It Is for your own welfare that I object." "Rut it would be so nice to travel In a private car," sighed the girl, "and mamma would like It so," The old gentleman stood aghast. "Private car," he repeated slowly. "Yes," cried the youngest and sweet est of the family. "Mrs. Trotter, whose husband Is thS president of the A., n., C. and O., has Invited us to go with her In their private cor and see everything without costing a cent. I wish we could go." "Go !" ejaculated the head of the family. "Are you oil oroxy? Go? Why, of course. Who said anything about not going? What ! Miss the opportunity of your lives when such advantages are offered? Write to Mrs. Trotter at once and accept."" "Mamma did," whispered the smiling girl. "And mamma did right," said pater, beaming at his own Joke. "It will be glorious. I have wanted to see the wonderful exhibition of tho age eh by the way, does the invitation Include me?" "No," came ff nft answer from his wife. Harper ft -nr. . PURITY! I gr - SCIMITAR SNAKE OP. GASCAIt. MADA There is a little reptile, native to Madagascar, known as the scimitar snake, that is, the curling sword. Run ning along the back from head to tall Is a blackish, horny substance, which bends with the convolutions of 'the snake's body as readily as would a well-tempered steel spring, and throughout Its entire length It bears an edge as hard as flint and ns sharp as a razor. They are not poisonous, but when one of them springs on a man. as ho likes very well to do, he will soon have a log off unless cracked on the pate. Some snake specialists claim that the presence of this reptile on the Island Is the renson there are no large quadrupeds to be found there at present, the curling sword in back ages having taken off legs faster than they could be created. Paterfamilias (facetiously) Wife sent mo to get a good cook; have you an angel In your establishment ? Defending the Absent Minnie Yes, she said you were too stingy to enter tain even an idea. STRAYED OR STOLEN. From O'Brien's stable on Wednesday night, June 21st, one dark chestnut horse, white spot on the nose, smooth shod on fore feet, rough shod on hind feet, about 11 years old, weight about 1,100 pounds, thin In flesh. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the animal to the chief of police, or to Shaw & Larsen's woodyard. The Belmont cigar can be had Chas. Olsen's. at New Try i ma. It will cost you nothing and will sure ly do you good, if you have a cowrli, cold or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds Is guar anteed to give reilef, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from la grippe tminu it June tne tning, unci unuer us use hnd espeedy nnd perfect recovery. Try a sample at our expense nnd lenrn for your seic just now gooa a ming it is. Trial bottle free nt Chas. Rogers' drug store. Large size f0 cents and $1. NOTICE! Use Zinfandel wine intead of coffee or tea. 50 cents per gallon. Dont forget Peach nnd apricot brandy, also French Cognac and wine at Alex. Gilbert's. MRS. DR. M. E. McCOY, PHYSI CIAN AND SURGEON. Is in this city. She makes chronic dis eases a specialty. Deafness, catarrh, asthma, dyspepsia, diseases of the throat and lungs, kidney, urinary or gans and all private diseases. Special attention given to diseases of women. Consultation free. Cure or no charg es. Ofllc hours, 9 to 12 a m. and 1 to 6 p. m.. Ofllco rooms 18 and 19, Hotel Tighe. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator of the es tate of Thomas Shay, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate, are no tified to pay the same to me, at the oince of Kobb & Parker, at Astoria, uregon, loriiiwunj ano an persons hav nig claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to me, ut the above place, within six months from the date hereof. F. L. PARKER, Administrator of the above estate. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 13th nay or May, lsus. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has oeon useu tor cnnuren teething. It soothes tlie child, softens the gums, alloys all pain, cures wind cholle, and is tlie best remedy ror diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the. wttrld. A Miro Cure ior I'lles. Itching riles a.e known bv molstura like perspiration, causing Intense Itching ..unit, i him iui ill, un well tin UIU Weeding or Protruding, yield at once l'r. liosaiiKos rue Ueineily, which nct3 directly on tho parts affected, absorbs minors, aiiays iteiung nnd effects a permanent cure. Mie. Druggist or mall, Circulars free. Or. Rosanko. S'i9 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by J. -non. All the patent meoicTiies adverllsed In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can ne uougnt at tne lowest prices at .1. W, Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria, Yon can means Jus about ono half the ills that llesh is heir to, by being ready for them. When you feel dull, languid," out of sorts" generally thou you may know that some of them ore coming. Don't let them get any further. Brace tho system up with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. That prVivnfs as well as cures: It invigorates tho liver and kidneys, purities and en riches tho blood, sharpens tlie appetite, improves di gestion, and restores health ana vigor. For all disenaes caused by a disordered liver or impure blood Dyspepsia, Biliousness, tlie most stubborn Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous enactions, the " Discovery " fa tho only reme dy so certain and effective tliat it can tie p-iiomiifertJ. If it doesnt benefit or cure, you have your monev bock. It's not only the beet, but it's the cheapest Mood-puritirr sold, no matter how many d'cs ore offered for a dollar. W ith this, you for the pood yo")- .. . PURITY!! That is the fundamental principle of our business and on it we stake our reputation when making the GAIL BOfiDJl EAGLE iH Condensed Milk. In times of epidemics when all foods are called into question the public can rely with perfect confidence on the Eagle brand and serve it with the assurance that it is a food Free From All Disease Germs. Remember that ! It's the food for children. Your Grocer and Druggist sell it. Every can is sterilized and every microbe killed All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know Its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to H. E. Uucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, us well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold instructor, free. All of which Is guaranteed to do you good nnd cost you nothing. Chas. Rogers' drugstore. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. All persons having claims against the estate of P. W. Larsen, deceased, are requested to present them to me at the office of J. Q, A. Bowlby In As toria, Oregon, within six monthB from this date. May 31, 1S93. MARIA C. LARSEN, Administratrix. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will bo received at th office of Clatsop Land Co., for buildl: a barn on Lewis & Clarke River. P.'.ls to be opened July 4th, at JO a. .n. Right to reject any or all bids, re. served. JAPANESE A new and complete treatment, consisting ol suppositories, ninimeni in ciiesuics, also i box and pills; a positive emc f r e-tenia!, i: tenml blind or ulevdinr, itching, chronic recent or hcreditur niiiv.. And manv other diseases and femiile weaknesses; It la always a (treat benefit to tlie i-oneriil health. The first l'fcovcry of a medical cure renilerine an oner- lion Willi mo Mine unnecessary nertalle I'hts roinedy has never bom known to fall 11 per box, 6 for w, sent by mall. Why mine from this terrible disease when a written guar- anjee Is given with fl boxes, to ledind tho money 11 not Ciireo, Heml stamps ler free SHinpie. (iiiaranico issued dv wnonvpara Clark & Co., Wholesale and Retail Prusifist Sole Agent Portland. Or. K"r sale by J. W umn. Astoria ureiior. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, am! all tho train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the resalts of overwork, slekness, worrr.ete. Full strength, development and tono Klvcn lo'every organ and Sortlnn of the bodv. Iniplp.nntiirnlmetlioilt, Immediate Improvement seen. Ffllluro Impossible. 2.INKI rnfarciifi.-a. Tbu.L-. exptauntlon and proofs uiuueu uieuieu; tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. I !OR FILES. In use over 3i icii i-H. t:l'..lilr. JVrrtiir U'l.H- '"''. Jlhl.K-l ll'Sli nui:ila'.t. Ai dnnxisiB, or iMnik'tl en n-c-ipt of prh e-5!(-. per box. i;i.U!",( & DROWN I'nipf., i:,i:tlin;iio, Mil. g DR. GUNN'S ONION SYRUP F0H COUGHS, COLDS AND CROUP. A REMEDY FOR CHILDREN.. When a child at home, mother raado m take a tca poonful of onion syrup at night, tho next morning myooughwaa Kono. For Croup it had no equal. Alvcliildrm insist UDon having Dr. Dunn's Ouiou Byrup which is alrendy lnvparod, moro pleasant auu wjuiout uuto or smell ol Uio omoua. Sola at oOy, For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist. rroprieter- I the ttod BulcherinT Cos Market u Corner Second and Ben I on streets. Corner Third and Wet Kiithth street, Foard & Stokes G-X1.O01i2n.JS lienlert In nhasnare. Crockery, Ship Snpi'llcy, t oli,us. Wines iiml Vine Whiskies. Vlim Tls anil Coiree Soeelnltv. The Finest Display of Fruits in the Oity, Fresh on Every Steamer. voiiwr oi inii'it ami west KlRUtti streets. Seashore Railway. TIMK CARD. Trsiu leaves Seaside : :30 a m daily. 8 i. lu oaily except Monthly. Leaves Young's Ray Tier t tv m. tt u 4 except Monday, S p in. daily, Q.A.ROW I.I1V. I). K. WAKItHV, iH-ereiary, J'ivsilent, roats lt-svo Astoria at i:30 a. m and :S0 p. m. ' 1 NOTICE TO POLICY" HOLDERS Notice la hereby given to all persons in tho State of Oregon holding surance Company, of San Francisco, California. - Of the withdrawal from the state of Oregon of the State Investment & In pollcles in the State Investment & In surance Company, of San Francisco, t-aiiiomia, ana to all other persons in terested, that the said company has reinsured Us business in the State of Oregon, in the Fireman's Fund Insur ance Company, of San Francisco, Cali fornia, and has filed notice thereof with the secretary of state, of said state. and proposes to withdraw Its securi ties on deposit xlth the treasurer there of, and to cease doing business In said state. Any policy holder in the State of Oregon, or any other person having cicunia against saia insurance company, are hereby notified to file the same with secretary of tate of the state of Or egon, within six (G) months from the date of the publication of this notice. This notice Is given pursuant to the provision of an act of the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon, entitled "An act to amend Sections 3G6i 3568 and 3580, of Chapter L, of the Miscel laneous of Oregon, as Compiled ana Annotated by W. Lair Hill." Ap proved jf ODmary zo, issu. THE STATE INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE CO., djt ueorge jj. grander, President. Attest; diaries M. Blair, , Secretary , SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State nf uregon, ror the County of Clatsop. u. ji. fane. I'lalntilT. va. J. h. r uray, Laura w. Gray. J. O. A. Bowl, by, Wiley Ballew as executors of the last will and testament of Louis Wil son Deceased and tho Astoria Box uompany. By virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of and under the sale cr the above entitled court In the r oove entitled cause on the 29th day of May 1893, upon a decree of foreclosure ina judgment duly made and rendered therein on the 22nd day of May 1893, which said execution and order of sale was to me directed and de- nvereu, i uiu on tne. .fist day of May, 1S93, levy upon all the rlfrht, title, claim and interecst of the above named defendants in and to the following described real estate, to-wit Lota number, six (C), seven (7), twenty (UO) twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22) and twenty-three (23), of tract numbered one (1), and lot thirty-two (32), of tract numbered two (2), all of and in btock numbered twenty-seven m uiney'a addition to the Town of As toria as laid out and recorded by J. G Hustler and H. S. Aiken, executors and devisees of the last will and testament of Cyrus Olney, deceased, as said block Is sub-divided and recorded by J. H. D. Gray and recorded by him In plat book, numbered one, at page num ber 20, Record of Town or City Plats In and for tho county of Clatsop, and State of Oregon, and all of said land being In said county and state, nnd I shall on Monday the 3d day of July, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a m., of said day ,ln front of the county court house door, in the City of As toria in said county and state, proceed to sell the same, or so much thereof as shall bo sufficient to satisfy the sum of J892.41 with interest on said sum from May 2d, 1893, until paid, and the further sum of J22.60. costs and dis bursements, and the accruing costs of this suit, at public auction to the high est bidder for cash In hand in United States gold coin at time of sale. H. A. SMITH. Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or. Dated Astoria, Or., May 31, 1893. H. B. PARKER. DEAJ.EB IN Lime. Brick, Sand, Fire Brick, Klre Clay, cement, Aim reeu.uais. nay, tstraw. Wood Delivered to t.'nler. Drayisg, Teaming and Express Business. JEFFS RESTAURANT -13 THE Bon Ton Ton Restaurant in tho Town .(And the Finest on, the Coast.' Dinner Parties, Banquets a Special!) The Finest Wlnct anil Liquors, MACHINE SHOP JAS. DALUITY, Vr$'r. (Successor to Ariult & Ferchen.) Holler Repairing ami Cannery Woik. Repair- inr of River Craft a Specialty. Machine Work of till kinds done. Shop, foot of Lafaye tte Ht BOOT' AND SHOES ' The Largest Stuck, Rest Quality ami Lowest Prices at tlie of The Uolden Shoe, XXIDJ cto oo. ji;m:n C. UitOSKY, PFAI KH IN I AIM) WAKE, IIJON, STEEL, IRON PiPir AM) r'rrnxtin. TltfWAUE, STOVES AND - House Funiislilnii (Joods, Sheet Lead, Strip Least, Sheet Iron. Tm and (kipper. Safes, Fireproof. r.. celebrated Alpine Hsfes kept In stock nl ne 470, i nirti m., ueai estate iuoo. We. rsuted as k'KxI a tho best. Terms very easy W. C. CAS.SKI.L, Agent. C0LUM31A TRANSFER CO., 1YILMAM TYIA.SON, I'rop. FEED - AND , SALE - STABLE tienenil Express and Delivery Rusiness. Ddice llfl Olnev stmL St:ille foot of West Ninth st, Astoria. Tel phone No. U. J. 33. WTATT Dealer In Hardaart and. Ship Chantry, Pur Oil, Bright VnniMi. Ittnacle Oil, Cot tou ('!nva flemo Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wnv.iKht Iron Spike. tJalvanlr.tedCut Nal tlrooorloo, Kto. As-neuihiml Iinp'omepts, P'ains Slv t lu.-u !ilne, pAiitWiiid OiLs. . j - ' a '' -V 7i Line Running THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Lcav rig Portland, 8:45 AM. , .- 7:30 PM. 3X DAYS TO CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul. 23 Hours Quicker togChicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist bleeders,. Froo Reclining Chair Car a, Din. ing Cars, ASTORIA TO SAN FRANCISCO JUNE, 180i, Columbia WVilnesilny ,lin;c : Htuie Suiirinv June It. Oregon Ihiirsdny June 15. Oliimlilii Mimmw June 1'.). "tale Friday June 23. Oregon Tuexliiy June 27. Colu:-'ilia r-nltirility l. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMER3 Jfortilnir boat leaves Astnrla iin"lv eicont. Sunday, at. fi a. in.; reluming, leaves rortlmnl daily, exeept fatiirilny, at s. p. m. Nl(;iit hunt leaves Astoria dally, except Hundav, til l) p. in.: r 1 urn It j; leaves 1'ort land daily, exe'i pi "unihiy, at 7 n. in Tlie moriihtir lmn fr,.,,, !.. i ,,.,1 L Imiititijtsim the Oregon side Tuesdays, Thurs days, mi I ,SHiurd:iys j on H iishli glnn'side Mi n riais Wednesdays and Fridays. Vroni Astunal tlie innmihK hoats makes landhiKs on the Ore Ken side Mondays, Wednesdays ami Kiidavs, and (ill the Waslilnetnn side 'l inil iva ti.h'k. fl:i- s and Sat unlit' s. Formes unci general Infuimntlon cnl! on or Hikings, 'V, II, HU KLIIUH ', C. W. LOUNKilEKltY, Portland, Or, Astoria, Or, il rsfc r ft. tr mr: bto- imwv Is the line In take to all points EAST and SOUTH It is,tho D1SIKG CAS RiiUIE It offers : .e best service, coin binitiK SPEED and COMFORT it ii the populur route with those vtho wish to travel on THJU SAFEST It Is theiefore the route yen ii u'il take. It runs thtouRli vestihuleil trains every day m the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO No Change of Cars, Elegaut Pullman SIccpiTs, Knnfirinr Tniimf KWnnro Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers, Only one change or ears Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Part of Ihe civilized world, Passonccrs ticketed vfn all Rwn r between Astoria, KalniiiH ami ror.'laiiil. Full Information eoneerniiip- timo trams, routes nnd other fletnlla, apulkation lo C. V. STONE, Aceut Astoria Steamer Telephone Jock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant teneral Passenger Aaent, NO.LU First St..Ci.T. Wa--hinei.n. Portl!iIl(t.jr,'::l. THE : OREGON : JJAKEHV A. A. CLETELASD, Prop. Good Bread Cakes end Pastrv. None but the iiest Matuiials used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cuslome- -.. Bread delivered, in an J part of the city FISHER BROTHERS SHI? CHANDLERS. HcsvT ami Shall 1TARDAV AK R . Car.y in t'loek Wagons and Vehicles, Farm Machinery, Paints. ';ils, Varclsher. . LosgeN' Supplies, li!ibsnk Sealva, iuors ana vtmLom PROVI . FL0T.K nd MIL! 2 KFt.U. r