; i i i ..O.J mti daily AsroiuAw, astoiua. Friday mouning, juhe 30, mm $i $IMUK I'CBLIKHKD BV htonan 4itl:ini!)iaa PublUiiEnK C.:tpa.iy. AaTOilIA, OKliOON i lnrn of vjUacrlytiot, DAILY, 1 ved d. Carrier, per weeK lAcia a uj umi, permonin bo cl miy l hi., imr fear ..... tf.iiu WEKKLYi r lit Dy luali, Mr jr, 2 OH In ad vanca. iti i i.iia KU.iMM6i!bl i La .ilvniwr? lie i..iifH iri;iili m ol ii uev et pm-. i' "U inn uoiniimu i'.iver. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portalnd, June 29. For Oregon and Washington: Continued fair and warm er weather. Local weather for tho twenty-four h.ura ending at 5 p. m., yesterday, ;i rnlshed by the U. S. Department of v -Iculture, weather bureau. Maximum temperature , 60 degrees. Minimum temperature, 48 degrees. Precipitation, none. Total precipitation from July 1st, 1892, to date, 86.77 Inches. Excess of precipitation from July lnt, 1892, to date, 10.56 Inches. It Is remarked that the armed nations with the great navies, were Intensely courteous toward tho United States In not sending to the Columbian re view any of the enormous Ibattle-shlps of which the finest examples are in English, French, German and Italian 'fleets. Other reasons 'than those of courtesy may have been auntrolllng'. The twelve and fourteen thousand ton ships are clumay as was so terribly evidenced by the recent sinking of the Victoria oft the coast of Syria, and they ore not comfortable on the Atlantic, They draw so much that their move- ments, even In New York waters, would have been restricted. They are ugly, uncouth-looking monsters. They are bo ponderous that they are maneu vered with difficulty. They are encum bered with guns of extravagant dimen sions, and It Is not certain but they are gigantic failures for war purposes, And as for a show, none of the great British Ironclads are handsome like the Blake. i J 1 The population of Ireland In 1891, ac cording to the revised returns, was 4,681,248. The natural Increase of popu lation, or excess of births over deaths, for the year, was 22,117, and the loss by emigration was C9.623; 21,475, marriages were registered within the year, and it Is significant of the religious feeling which exists In all parts of Ireland that only 399 were by civil contract In the registrar's office. It Is significant In this connection that this emigration comes In very small proportion from Trotestant Ulster, the seat pf Irish loyalty to British rule, and the home rule agitation will inevitably subside In like proportion with the decrease in population. The plan of dividing Ireland into four sovereign states may yet be brought into prominence. The heaviest income tax ever levied by a civilized government was that im posed upon the people of the United Htates in 1864, when, perhaps for the first time In human history, patriotism was so strong a passion that men re ally paid a tax which they might have evaded. A. T. Stewart's income tax in ono year was 1312,000, being 15 per cent of his Income. Ono millionaire of Chi rago who, alarmed at the long contln. unnce of tho war, su disposed of his wealth abroad that for one fiscal year it yleldod no Income, gnvo a true ac count of his affairs to tho collector and, In accordance with the latter's advice, paid in full a tax estimated on his in come of the year before. TuMlo protests have been made in lh'URHels against the performance of the niblleal drama "Christ" at the heater Mollere. Elsewhere in Europe the recent revival of theatrical per formances on sacred subjects has met with disfavor, though largo audiences have" been attracted to witness such plays at Brussels and Torls theaters where they were produced. Within thirty years the world's annu al product of silver has increased from J4O.0O0.OOO to about 150,000,000. Thirty years ng the United States produced For the Next Thirty Days, To meci imperative) demands, I will ofler at such low prices on install ments, with eisy payments, that less than $5,000,000 and today over (60, 000.000 a vear. TTnder sufficient stlm- ... . lus Mexico could alone place more 811 ver bullion on the market every year than the whole world did In 1860. LITERAKT NOTE. "Joslah Allen's Wife" has visited Chicago, and will give the results of her observations In a book entitled, "Samontha at the World's Fair," the early publication of which Is announced by Funk & Wagnalls Company. There can be no doubt that the Impressions of the unsophisticated but Irrepressible Samantha In regard to Christopher Columbus and his nineteenth century admirers will be exceedingly rich read ing. Samantha went to Chicago with authority to tender the freedom of but why he has not seen fit to accept doth not yet appear. Possibly Joslah can explain on the ground that his too fastidious spouse wouldn' allow him to arrange a bull-fight In the back mead ow for the duke's entertainment. Chi cago presents a large field for Samon- tha's genius to caper In. Her encoim- ters with the Infanta, Mayor Harrison, Paderewskl, and other "features" of the Fair are most laughable. Her trip through the Midway Plalsance, and her comments on the sedan chairs, the gon dolas, tho cave of the cliff-dwellers, tho Eskimo village, etc., are side-splitting. The volume, which will, of course, bo Illustrated, Is to be Issued In September, and will be a much-prized souvenir of the Fair both by those who have been there and seen the sights described by the Inimitable Samantha, and also for those who were not so fortunate. Parties vlsltltivr In Portland enti Ket Tho Dullv AHtorlnn at Hundley & Haas' news stand, 1&0 First street. SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. Brandroth's Pills nre the safest and most effective remedy for Indigestion, Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipa tion ltlllniiannKSl Wpni1nllfi. T")lz7.ineRS. waiana, or ny unseat ." i .v. ..- . been m use in tnis country ior over SStUU have used them, and their con-tantly creaslnrr sale, Is Incontrovertible evl- dene that they perform all that is i claimed for them. Sold In every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar coated. FUNERALS. E. W. Kuykendall, the leading under taker, having completed arrangements to purchase goods direct from the fac tories, regardless of middle men, has made a great reduction in the cost of funerals: $ 6.00 Collins reduced to t 3.00 8.00 Collins reduced to ; 5.00 25.00 Collins reduced to .... 18.00 WITH HEARSE. 30.00 Coffins or cnsnets re'd to 25.00 40.00 Collins or caskets re'd to 30.00 50.00 Collins or caskets re'd to 40.00 Y5.00 Casktls reduced to....-6U00 125.00 Caskets reduced to .... 75.00 SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNTS. Welch Block, 718 Water St., Astoria, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Sarah 13. Coll'inan, deceasod. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Clatsop County, Ore gon, administrator of the estate of ba rah E. Corfnmn, deceased. All persons having claims against i said estate will present them to me at i my office in Astoria, Oregon, duly au thenticated within six mouths from this I date. W. W. PARKER. I A. R. Kanaga, Attorney for admlnis- : trntor. 1S93. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, April 4lh, STIMULATE THE BLOOD. I I Brandreth's pills are the great blood purifier. They are a curKatlve and : blood tonic, they act equally on the bowels, the kidneys, and the skin, thus clenslng the system by the natural outlet of the body they may be calMd me purgative sudorific and diuretic medicine. They stimulate the blood so ns to enable nature to throw oft all morbid humors, and cure disease no matter by what name it may be called. One or two of thorn taken every night will prove an Infallible remedy. Sold In every drug and medicine store either plain or sugar coated. DO YOU LUCE OYSTERS? Those who wish to have the fluent Shoalwater Hay oysters or clams by the quart or pint In Jars, can have thorn delivered nice and fresh by Hom er Fletcher. Orders left at The Asto rlan olllro will receive prompt and care ful attention from him. J. W. Thompson, organist nt the M. E. church, wishes to take a few more pupils In music, piano or organ. Ad diV'ss, OS!), Astor street. Highest of all in I,eavcnin rowcr. ABSOLUTE! PURE YOU CAN HAVE A HOEIB IN YOU SHOULD READ THIS. i The popularity of the Union Pacific Is - best lc-ternilned by the superior service It accovclH to the traveling puotic in main. tain inn two -dally through truing to Omiiha. fit. Paul. Chicago and points east, thoroughly equipped with all tho Intent appliances for the comfort and safety of its pntrons besides shortening the distance materially with its fast trains. The pres ent train schedule enables passengers to reach Kt. Paul seven hours quicKer ana Chirniro twentv-four hours ault-Ker. Omuha and Kansas City and Intermediate poi'its, forty hours quicker than any line from the Tannic jNortnwest. Putronize the Northern Pacific railroad If you me going Kast. Low rates or faro, t!i; ii!:i;;i tickets, haggage checked to desti nation All purchasers of second clans tickets or.n stop over at Portland. Kates of fare :fime as from Portland. If you have friends In Europe whose diuucigto you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at thn Northern Paclllc ofllce.steanier Telephone dock, ana make known your i wants. Reduced rates via all the lead ing steamship lines. Handley & Haas, 150 First street, Port land, have on sale the Pally Astorlan, so that visitors need not miss their morning paper when they are here. L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, 8an Fran cisco, is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at his office. j Ampnpo'o RrPPt "" " AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY. Said an eminent English scientist recently "The diinger that confronts tlie great Ameri can people to-day is not the possible adop tion of a wrong financial policy for the tuition, in' Ilia spread of socialism, or the incivaso of corruption among public men. All theno tiro bud enough, to be sure, but tliey are as iiuthing compared to the terrible national uiseuse i nuu utmost saiu national crime of overwork. The mad rush for wenll h is hH lit a killing pace, and thousands fall by the way every year, You arc- likely to be one of the victims I low d.'j vc know? Because it is the exceo tin to iiuil a man or woman of adult age in l, i itii IiimIHi. Nervous Disorders are spreading with fearful rapidity. Anions tl Byiiiplotiis; arc Backache, Biliousness, Cold Hands and 1'cct, JLhzzines", Hot flashes, r itittcriiig oensa ton, i-ninungr, ueaduciie, ii yoiti in, iniiuuiuiy ui nio iifuri, juumn , , i,'nii; r,f,, Tir.iioi!..n t?i.'... W.rt Breat.,; feWplessness Totw Jiyspepsin, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc. t.v. l . j. Vauuull., pastor rirsi uapilt'l tuircti, ieiiowBpringH,u.,wricgasioinws " I have used Dr. Miles' Ecstorativo Nervine for (ho past six months. I find it acts lik a charm on the whole nervous system. have not found itscmia! in giving immediate relief. Dr. Miles' iittlo Merve and Liver rills only need a trial and thev will rccom mend themselves to bo tho best pills in the niarKet." "For five years I have suffered from Ner vous Prostration,' I was unable to work or sleep, me hrst doseof Dr. Miles' Restora live Nervine cave We relief, and one thou sand dollars would not cover the good it has none me." .U11JN AIUNCUJ.! Youngs j lon ti, umo, I Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is un , equalled iii cukino Nervous Diseases. It conlains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on a positive guarantee by all druggists, or ur. juues juouicai co., lMKhart, lnd. Tho tiront American nd European Coiimilidminu Sanger & tent's (iranil Inlmiatioiia! Allied- Shows .Ircus, Mcnuttcrie, Hippodrome, and Aquarium, wll exhibit ;it Astoria, Saturday, July 8 1.10 IKxIhtriiixlii'd Arenio Meteors Many siuvliiioin of sptvli-s m-ver before M'on in America. AI.niMer Meunnorlc of liare V Id lieiuts. A hum of HoiuU-ifnl suriri-ea rnparalU-led All now font tiros, utilstlt, peorlosM, pure. 1 Kor tmrtli'iiliirs seo various advertising medi ums, l'wiiprnnd I'xlilliitl. usually, Ihuusopen tt 4 IUIM I 111. - I.atcst U. S. Gov't Report - E7ERY LAB0MG II OR MECHANIC Can avail himself of this golden opportunity. LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION FOR $75 EACH, AT $5 DOWN ON BOND, AND $S PER f.'ONTH. f n m fBM 40t 5 ML ests Is the best lilood Medicine, bcc.mso it assints nnttiro to tlnWuir tho im imritiesof tho blood, ami at thn Rati in tim tinea up the entire organism. This 1b just cnrt,'tr to the effect of the various potash, roer . .jiir.ujwirllla mixtures, which -bottle up the im). ii iti'i.i the svnteui, thus producing much m'ck aad sufferiug. Therefore, for a BLOOD MEDICINE you cannot do better than take S. 8. S. ' As a physician, I have, prescribed and used fi. P. H. ia my pi.'iotico as a tonic, uiid for blood IrniiUe.i, anil fiuve been very successful. I r,,!le. ..I h n nieily which pave such gcnerul eaiisfae. f.on lo myself and patients. " L. If. Itrruu v, M. D., Mackey, Ind." 'i i i::itiso on blond and skin diseases mniicil 8W1FT ai'KCil'IC CO., Atlanta, da. SYPHILIS! A New Remedy A true Specific a positive nnd permanent elimination of all poison from the blood, and a restoration of lie illhy vigor to the tissues is offered to sufferers for the first time in a remedy which has been undergoing the most severe private experiments for the past three years. It has not yet failed, and it will not fail, as it is a True Specific for Syphilitic poison and all blood diseases. iJo you be. Iieve it t Send for full particulars and proof free. Stop filling your system with mercury and other poisons. This remedy will cure you in fo to go days without fail. We Riiarmitoo a euro or refund the money. Address MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., 0 Flint Street PORTLAND, oB- G. A. STINSOK & CO.. BLACKSMITHIN(; Ship and Cannery work, llorsesinwliur. Wiu, oils made and repaired. io id work piiaiantenl vii i ait street, opposite lne :rwn Talk unic.-- CARfflAHAfta & CO inccrsNora to I. W. Case, Importer and Whoh'KRlc aud Koinll dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDIii Cor. Honoud riiO Chhk Htreet, VSTOIUA, ' OREfiO.S liicaiKleRcent, all niu-lit $1.50 12 o'clock... 1.00 10 " ... 75. For particulars inunue of nny member of the firm or at the oilii-e, foot of Con comly .St. West Suoau Mills Co., T. O. Truliinger, President. Seaside Saw Mill. A complete stock of lumber on hand In the routrn or aresseu. Mooring, Knstie, Ceiling, and nil kinds of linish; Mor.lrtiiitfs and Shin gles; ulso Bracket VUirk done to order. Terms rcHHimuble and prioe at noil rock. All orders promptly attended to. Olllne and yard at mill. II; I-'. ., LOO AN, l'ropr. Seaside, Oregon, ROSS, H1CQIN j A CO. LiJutchers - and - Grocers, Astoria and Upper Astoria. Finn Teas and Onff us, Talilo Delh-aoii, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Veola biei, sugar cured hams, baeuti. etc. CHOICE FRESH & SALT MEATS ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that, pursuant to and by virtue of the order of the honorable county court of the state of Orfcgron for the county of Marion, duly made and entered of record by said court on the 28th day, February, 1893, the undersigned administrator, of the estate of W. J. Herron deceased, will on tho 1st day of July, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said date at the front door of the court house, in the city of Astoria, in the county of Clatsop, in said state, sfell at public sale to the hlghfest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased, to wit: Lots numbered nine (9) ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12), in block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), in town (now city) of Astoria, as laid out and mapped and recorded by John M. Hhively, In Clatsop county, Oregon. Dated May 29, 1893. J. J. SHAW, Administrator of the Estate of W. J. Herr&n, Deceased. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. R. N. Carnahan plaintiff vs. F. J. Goodenoueh defendant. By virtue or an execution ana order of sale issued out of and under tho seal of the above entitled court In the above entitled cause on the 25th day of May, 1893, upon a judgment duly made and rendered therein on the 22d day of May, 1S93, which said execution and order of sale was to me directed and delivered, I did on the 6th day of June, 1893, levy upon all the right, title, claim and Interest of the within named defendant in and to tho following des cribed real estate, to-wit: Block for ty-five (45), and the west one-half of block forty-seven (47), of. the part of Upper Astoria as laid out and recorded by John Adair in Clatsop county, Or egon, and I shall on Monday, the 10th day of July, A. D., 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m., 'of said day in front of the county court house door, in the city of Astoria, in said county and Btate, proceed to sell the . same or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of $151.40 with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from April 27, 1893, and the further sum of $22.15 costs and dis bursements and the accruing costs on this suit, at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in hand In United States gold coin at time of sale. H. A. SMITH. Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or. Dated Astoria, Or., June 6, 1S93. PI Vi RIG LIGHTS HILL'S FIRST ADDITION. j Kipans Tabules Ripans Tabules act gently uui promptly UDOn the liver. stomach and intestines; cureN naoituai constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule takerr at the first symptom of indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will remove the whole difliculty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (fix Viils) Seventy-five Cents. One Package (Four Boxes) 1 wo Dollais. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free sample addreat RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. i CLATSOP LAND GO. Incorporated with $25,900 Capital Stuck. Keul KstRto and lusiiranco Brokers, Notary Public, unci Convi'yaii. em. HpuclKl attention pal l to lento, payment ot taxes, etc., tor nou roiilcntH Sole agents (or South Astoria, ProB- pecii'aiK, Meruloci rum and Owen Addition, aluo beNt NeHsMe, liuniui KS aud Inside property huh unoite acreage. ih Hiru St., Astoria. HUGHES & CO., W unit-sale and Kulall UOUOH DEALERS. Imu.i!i'i-(,i Ail liruiiusol e".)reln and Domes tic Wines. Milium and t'lstars. J. It. Cutioi Wulsaieii t specialty. Vai Blab uniMbu neor, rinesi erauuboi ney wesr ano i.luuon ior Mmltcuial Tui-poses, Kami;) Iradi Siulclted A.I1 orders lr.ni- tin C'ly Rtid uountry priip-'- jy niled. S.iunioiiue lo-'t , Astoria. Onyoi x. irt. ? ixr, oo,.s Steamer llwuco l.ouves Astoria, dully at 7:-1o a. m, for Ihviico etilling at Tmisy point, and voniirciimr with i all run. I running norlli at 10 ft. m, and wit ti hoati on siioalWittrtr tuiv fur South Head, Sunshine, North Cove Aim oilier pomus ii:rougn io .raj"N uar. bor. Iteliirnli.it connects nr. Iiwm-n nltli s earners tor Astoria and Nljrlit Koutu for Formula. JOHN K. UOULTEIt. L. A. LOOMIS. rtecretary. l'rcsldeiil. It. V. KGUttltr, Bupei Incident. PORTLAND AND ASTORI A. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Every evening except Eatur dav at 7 v. m. AriiveBat Astoria Every day except Bundny 12 p. in. Leaves rortiami uvery aav except Kunaay at i a. m. u. tv. Diujr,, Agent, AKiorin. l. A. 8EEL!Y, General Agent, 1'ortluud Or. THE HOURD-BUILM THEIR WORKS AND REMCS, REV. STEPHEN D. PEET, Ph.D.. io:tor or American antiquarian, Author ol Animal EHlgleit and Emblemntir Alotiuda, etc. This book treats of the Mound-builders; theli occupntion, moles of life, rolltrious nystenis, I trlliul divisions and curly migration. I The woik rontnins descriptions of thn earth works of all classes. The elasMllcntinii of the mounds Is nind according to their uses, whether a vill.uro residences, as defeuses.is reliKlous structures, or as saoritlciat or burial places. Tho work contains runny Illustrations and descriptions of Mound-butlders relies, es pecially pipes and jiottory. The value ol tho book Is that It contains eomnrehenslve view of the whole field, and gives Information about the mounds r.nd relies of u stales ana mstncis. ii is one ot a series which Ij devoted to pre-hlstorie America, and perhaps would ho regarded as the most Inter esliiiB volume. The author solicits subscriptions. Orders can be sent to the publishing house, liAwabash avenue.t'hteigo.or to the author at Avon, III riUCE.3.50. For - Thirty : Days - Only I make-this vfTer. Less than one mile from Astoria Box factory on Columbia river. Streets 75 and alleys 20 feet wide, atTICK TIME TO SAN FEANCISCO ...AND.. ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA. Via the Mt. Hhnsta Knute of the Southern Pacific Comp'y Th ;0nly Ronta Through (Mifornia l al Points East and South The Swnie BonU of the Pacific foast. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS -AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING C.US Attached to express trains, affoidinK uiiperlor ai .coiuiuouuiions ior secoiuuciaM pasii);ers. Kor rates, tickets, sleeiilni; car reservations etc, call up i) or address K. P. KOOKKS, Assist ant (ieneral Krelpht and I'asseiuter Aent. I'ort nnd. Or. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY, CONNECTING WITH AM, TKAKSCONTIN F.NTAI 1,1 NES, -18 THE- O IT 12" LINE KUNMNG Eloctric Lightod Cars BETWKKN ST. PAUL ant CHICAGO AND OMAHA and CHICAGO. The EXPRESS TRAINS consist of VK-STl. III'LEI), SI.EKl'INO, MNINtl AND l'ARLOK OAKS, HFATCD BY STCAM And furnished with every luxury known tr modoru railway travel. For Speed, Comfort and Safety this Line is Unequslei Tickets on sale nt nil nmm4nA n Ortines. ' " "w For further information I agent, or ' ' C. J. EDDY. General Agt. J. W.CASKY. Tiav. Pass. Ac-f. PORTLAND, ORF.iJON.