THE DAILY ASTOUJAN, ABTOK1A. TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 27. Ib93 LOOK AT piS riuir ii t. a rian and Get a LARGE LIBRARY FREE The Astorian's Latest Hud Kest Premium Offer. Every regular Bubscrlber to The Dully Aatorlun for the next twelve months will be entitled every ten .vueka, to a set of ten first class novels, by sending us 30 cents (for each set of vn books) In postage stamps of silver, mi receipt of which we will send the Looks post paid. ' These books are complete novels by Ntandard authors, each a handsome octavo volumn of 64 large double col umn pages, In a neat attractive cover, mH printed from clear, readable type, i s follows: THE BELLE OF LYNN; or THE .MILLER'S PAUQHTKU. By Char lutte M. Broome, author of "Dora Thome." THE BLACK TULIP. By Alexander Dumas. THE DUCHESS. By "The Duchess." NURSE REVEL'S MISTAKE. By Florence Warden. MERLE'S CRUSADE. By Rosa Nou chette Carey. A STUDY IN SCARLET. By A. ' Conam Doyle. ROCK RUIN; Or, THE DAUGH TER OF THE ISLAND. By Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens. LORD LISLE'S DAUGHTER. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thome." THE ARMORER OF TYRE. By Syl vanus Cobb, Jr. Mr, GILFIL'S LOVE STORY. By (leiuge Elliott. A SCARLET SIN. By Florence Mar ryat. THE SEA KING. By Captain Mar ryat. THE BEIGE OF GRANADA. By Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. Mr. MEESON'S AVILL. By II. Rider - Haggard. JENNY HARLOWE. By W. Clark Russell. BEATON'S BARGAIN. By Mrs Alexander. THE SQUIRE'S DARLING. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thome." THE RUSSIAN GIPSY. By Alexan der Dunius. THE WANDERING HEIR. By Charles Reade. FLOWER AND WEED. By Miss M. K. Braddon. NO THOROUGHFARE. By Charles 1 "kkeim and WUkle Collins. THE a REAT llOOGARTY PI A MOND. By W. M. Thackeray. The above books are nicely printed and bound In attractive paper covers They are sold regularly at retail for ten cents each, so that our offer vn- n.bles our readers to buy them at one- third of their value. It Is a grand chance to secure stundurd, high-class works of tletlon ut merely nominal cost. .The lowest price of these novels In uny other way. would bu 10 cents each, or $1 for the ten books, which The As torlun subscribers can have for SO cents. Every ton weeks a new set of ten books will be offered on the same terms. Thus, In the course of the year, you will have a valuuble library of CO books that will cost you only J1.D0. This offer Is open only to regular sub scribers. Subscribers to The Dully Astorlan, who pay 7 for ono year In advance will bo entitled to these books free of charge. Now Is the time to get your home newspaper, and a valuable library be sides, for only the regular price of the paper. Subscribers to The Weekly Astorlan who pay !2 In advance for one year's subscription, will be entitled to any of these books they may select at the rate of S cents per book. On receipt of the list of books discrlbed, accompanied by a renutnnce In postage stamps or sil ver to the amount of S cents for each book ordered, we will have the books sent postpaid to the address of any regular Bubscrlber to The Weekly Asto rlaa as above. Good Look. Oood looks are more than skin deep, depending on a healthy condition of all the vital onc'inn. If the liver be Inactive, you have a. bullous look, If your stomach mid If your kidneys be disordered you have a pinched look. Becure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Hitters la the great alterative, and Ionic, acta directly on these vital orjrans. Cure jl 'u !!, Notches, bolls, and Ktvea a :od completion. Sold st Chas. Rogers' drug tune. Ul cents per bottle. WASHINGTON LETTER. (From Our Regular Correspondent ) Washington, June 19, 1893. If there Is any one class of govern ment employes who ought to be1 abso lutely secure In the positions they hold, no matter how often or how radical the change In the administration and heads of departments, surely the Union vet erans should be that class, particularly the crippled ones. This Is not a matter Into which politics should enter at all. Long ago congress enacted a law stat ing In the most explicit language that these men should be given preference In all branches of the civil service, but I am sorry to say that this administra tion has violated that law right along whenever some position, outside of the classified service, which was held by a veteran was wanted for a democrat, and not satisfied with that Assistant Secretary Slmms, took advantage of the lock of appropriations by the last congress, which made the tllHtiilHttal or sixty-eight clerks from the General Land Olllce necessary , to dismiss a number of crippled veterans among them. It was a needless act of cruelty. and It doubtless seemed all the harder to the Union veteran who hnd left a leg or arm on some battle field to know that he has been discharged from the service of the United States, for which he fought, by an ex-confederate, who at the same time was fighting against It. Two of these crippled veterans, with only two legs between them, who were dismissed called upon Assistant Secretary Slmms, who himself lost a leg on the confederate side, and who was once governor of Mississippi, to ask for reinstatement, and If the con versation which was reported to me as having taken place between them re ally did occur, and I believe It did, the veterans certainly had insult added to the Injury that hnd previously been done them. When they pleaded for re instatement because of their crippled condition preventing them earning livings for their families outside of the government service, Mr. Slmms told them that there were many crippled ex-confederates who had to earn their living without employment from the government and without being helped out by pensions form the United States. Your correspondent does not believe In reviving or keeping alive the preju dices of the war, but he does think that the treatment meted out to these Union veterans Is on everlasting dis grace to this administration. The son of a confederate officer said of the dis charges of Union veterans; "These men gave four of the best of their lives to the preservation of this government, and If I had my way it should be high treason to dismiss one of them." It Is rumored that Mr. Cleveland has concluded to call the extra session of congress earlier than September, but members of the cabinet deny that any change has been made In the program or Is likely to be made. The pressure from New York city Is particularly strong for an Immediate extra session but no one here expects It to meet be fore September. The verdict of the coroner's jury which Is trying to locate the blame for Ford's theatre disaster, Is expected early this week. Although the officials at the state department Btlll maintain a silly air of mystery about the resignation of Minister-Paramount Blount, the man who achieved more notoriety In one minute, by lowering the American flag in Ha waii, than he had been able to get In all his previous life, there Is little doubt that he has resigned and that his successor has been selected. He never would have been made Minister tit all except to attempt to legalize the Illegal acts he tier formed while acting as "my personal representative," a position unknown to the constitution or lnws of tho United States. There are reasons for believing that his resignation was not voluntary, but was requested by the administration for several reasons, chief of which Is Its anxiety to crawl out of the awkward position In which Blount's nets, while acting under Its carefully prepared Instructions, have pUu-ed It. The democratic congressmen have farced rufltmnstpr-Genrral Blssell to get down from the high horse upon which ho climbed la the rarly days of the administration!, and It no longer re quires charges against republican fourth class postmasters to get their places for democrats. Tho edict has gone forth that all republican post masters must go. and It Is now only a question of how soon .Maxwell can make the preparations for the decapi tation act. It no longer requires nny other endorsement than that of tho democratic congressnuvn from the dis trict to get a democrat appointed fourth; class postmaster. . This pleases the democratic congressmen immensely and republicans raise no objection; It Is (ily the mugwumps who are un hapipy because of the melting of the P. M. G's. mugwump backbone. THE FORCED MORTGAGE SALE. Of Herman Wise's stock Is now In full blust. Everything sacrificed. M. WISE. Mortgagee. P. S. All persons indebted to Her man Wise will please settle at once. DO YOU LIKE OYSTERS?. Those who wish to have the finest Shoalwater Bay oysters or clams by the quart or pint in Jars, can have them delivered nice and fresh by Hom er Fletcher. Orders left at The Asto rlan otllce will receive prompt and care ful attentat from him. Now Try mis. It will cost von nothlnir nnd will sure ly do you Komi, If you have a couch, cold or nny . trouble with throat, chest r limns. Dr. Klntr's New discovery for (Htnuumption, cottttha and colda Is Kunr- nnteoit to gtv ivuer, or money win oe pold bock. Sufferers from la erlppe found It Just the thing-, and under tta use hnd eRpeedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample at our experts nnd lenrn for your self just how Rood a tlilnir It la. Trial bottla free, at Chas. RoKrera' drug store. Irg-e also W cents and ft. IT IS ALL II .11 l' QYm. jgZ i It's economy to buy the A newspaper has Just been started In London which is printed on a postal card. The first number has four lllus: tratlons, a comic tragedy, a few jokes and puzzles and some advertisements. J. W. Thompson, organist at the M. E. church, wishes to take a few more pupils In music, piano or organ. Ad- ditss, f89, Astor street. When oreservlmr fruits save labor, fruit and sugar. Perfect results. Use Antlfermentine, Fore sale by Ford & Stokes. NOTICE! Use Zlnfandel wine lnteud of coffee or too. W) cents per gallon. Dont forset 'Virti n'vl nprlcot brandy, also French Cognac and wine at Alex. Gilbert's. All Fre-. Those whn have used Dr. King's New Discovery know Its value, und those who have not. have now the opportunity to try It free. Call on the advertised drug gist and tret a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to H. E. Iiucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well ns a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which Is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Chns. Rogers' drugstore. All the natent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. ' CHEAP STRAWBERRIES. Ladles will take notice that large quantities of strawberries are now re ceived dally. Quantity excellent and prices very reasonable. Kindly leave your orders with ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. A SEVERE SKIRMISH. Emperor Wftllam should remember that in the most decisive battle of our war, Gettysburg, there were only 62,- 000 men on one side and 95,000 men on the other. And our war was no mere (skirmish either. A good appetite con be bought, like anything else. And good diges tion after it, too. Both of them como with Doctor Pierce's U old on Med ical Disco very. That starts the tornid liver into healthy action, purines anu en riches the blood. cleanses nnd roiMu'rs tho ' system, returns health and vigor, and builds up flesh and strength. For all diseases that como from a disordered liver or impure blood, Dyspep sia, Uiliousness, Scrofulous, Hkin and Scalp Diseases oven Consumption (or Lung-scrofula ) in its earlier stages, tho " Discovery " is the only remedy so uuvo nnd certain that it can lie guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or euro, in every ense, you buvo your money back. On tueso terms, its (ho cheapest blood- purilicr sold, no matter how many hundred doses nro offered for a dollar (or less) for with this, you pay only for tho good you get inn vou nsk tor tcttLr proof or its superi ority over all other blood-puriilors f Easily, Quickly, Pormanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. fun i an im- train or pvhs I ttmum ty t'l rorti or Inter 4'XCftx, the ri'Hulm of ttvcrwui k, s 1 1- It u v a h , virrv,ilc. Full htrei. gih, (It'Vt'loiHiicnt mwl tviii Kivi'ii ioeery orgauaiul im? tlrm of thu btnly. Slni!i iinturnlmetho1, ItnmetiliuoimpmveiriM.t hh'ii, Pulliir Impoftsltiio. rt'fiTMK'cft. Book, explanation and pixtof lmiilwl iiieuleU) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. V. . ' JAPANESE 1 IIHiT'riiliMI'M W CURB A new nnd complete treatment, eiitiMsriiif; ol xnvpoMtorW'S, (liulini'iit In capsules, uIho i:i box ami Hills: positive cure fur ternsl, in ternal lillnd or Weitluc, itclitiir, chronic, recent or herertUnrr pllea, ami many oilier tlUeHSCft hiiiI fitmalu wenkueHsen; It U nlwttvs a eroul lieni'llt to tho veneral lienlth. The first dlHeovery of a medical cure rendering an oper tlon with the knife iuinecesry hen after I hH remedy lias never beu known to fail. 41 )nr hox, o for (it: sent by mall. Why miler from thin terrible disease wheu a written Ktinr niw in liven with (i boxes, to refund the money If not cured. Send stamps for free "ample. (Jtmrantee issued by Woodward (Mark A Co., Wholesale and Retail Prtuicists rnile Armu Portland. Or. For sale by J. W. Conn. A-storia Oreyon - DR.GUNH'S ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS, COLDS AHO CROUP. A REMEDY FOR CHILDREN. Who child horn, mother mad me tmlte r. tea -poonful of onion ayrun at ntaht, the next morning niyconshwaa gxjna. For Croup It had n equal, sir chiMren inaiat upon having Br. Quno'a O. i.n e.vrwn which la alrMtT twivLreV wtor pki-rt u4 without uut or aawli of Uie ouloua. Bold at For sale by J. 7. Conn. Druggist i IT 3 WW 11 m, m, on ,1 THE TALK The question of the purity of food and the milk wedrink. For more than Thirtv -o mi mm has held first place in the estimation of the American People so far as Condensed Milk is concerned. Why? Because no person who buys it is ever disappointed in its uniformity of quality, and superior richness. Every can is sterilized anil is Free from Disease Germs. r f D 11 i our orocerct uruggisi sen u. Eagle brand as it goes farthest. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator of the es tate of Thomas Shay, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate, are no tified to pay the same to me, at the office of Robb & Parker, at Astoria, Oregon, forthwith; and all persons hav ing claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to me, at the above place, within six months from the date hereof. F. L. PARKER, Administrator of the above estate. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 13th day of May, 1893, STIMULATE THE BLOOD. Brandreth's pills are tho great blood purifier. They are a purgative and blood tonic, they act equally on the bowels, the kldneys.-ancl the skin, thus clenslng the system by the natural outlet of the body they may be called the purgative sudorific and diuretic medicine. They stimulate the blood so as to enable nature to throw off nil morbid humors, and cure disease iw matter by what name it may be call d. One or two of them taken every night will prove an infallible remedy. Sold in every drug and medicine store either plain or sugar coated. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the wtrld. A Sure flnre lor Piles. ' Itching Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, causing Intense itching when- warm, This form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays Itching and effects a permanent cure.- 50c. Druggist or mall. Circulars free. Dr. Bosanko, 329 Arch street, Philadelphia, Fa. Sold y J. W. Conn. J. W. Crow, successor to Ryan & Co., 537 Third street, have Just received a full line of 1893 patterns In wall paper, and comprising all the latest designs and shades, at the low est prices. Call and see them. BETTOM'S I A Fisitm Cure Oft PILES. In lino over 50 yrnrx. kimi le. r.frctive. l,. der'iil. Jllk'lK'Kt test,. luuiiiulx. Al (IniRuisIS, or in iiiid on it-evipt of 1'1-l-e 5(le. per Lux. ' WlilKf '.'iMH mnvvv 4r' a l.i !ti LI.. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. A. Leberman, Plaintiff, vs. II. M. Spencer, and F. E. Habersham, De fendants: By virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause, on the 7th day of June, 1S93, upon a Judgment duly made and rendered therein, on the' 6th day of June, 1893, which said execution and order of sale was to me directed and delivered, I did on the 2Gth day of June, 1893, levy upon all the right, title, claim and Interest of the within named defendants in and to the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lots numbered 4, 6, 0, 7, 8, and 9 of block 7, and the undivided one-half Interest In lots 14 and 15, of block 10, nil In the town of Grand Rapids, as laid out and recorded by the Grand Rapids Improve ment and Development Company, In the county of Clatsop and state of Oregon, and I shall, on Wed nesday, the 26th day of July, 1S93. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, in front of the county courthouse door, in the city of Astoria, In said county and state, proceed to sell the same or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of Four Hundred and Eighty Dollars (less the sum of $60 realized on the sale of personal property) together with Interest on the sum of $430 from the 24th doy of March, 1893, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, together with the further sum of $50, attorney s fees, with Inter est thereon, until paid, together with the further sum of $56 costs and dis bursements, and the accruing costs of this suit, at public auction to the high est bidder for cosh In hand In United States gold coin at time of sale. II. A. SMITH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon. Dated, Aftoria, Oregon, June 2G, 1S93. HUNTER & MERGENS. Proprietors -i : lie Portland Bucherin j Co.'s Parkets Corner Serond fit"l TiHiti n strvelx I'lim-T Tulnt mid We-t I itlitli sins Is. Foard & Stokes I'ealrre. In Oliisswnre. Crookpry, Ship Supplier, 'olturen, Wiiie unit Fine Wlusktc. Fine Tens anilOnYea Smfialty. The Finrst Display ol Frtiii In the Oitv, Fresh on Krery Steamer. Comer ot Third and West KicUta .streets. . Seashore Railway. TIXIKCAUD. TrAln leaves SeaMile j 7:S0avm dally. J:X0 p. ui.Tlmrailuyand Saturday. JsSO p. Ill Suuilay. Leaves Youn(t Hue Pier : 4 p. m. Iiilly except SumUy. a. m. Thnrsar.f . tvininl y nd Sunday. 5 pm. Sunday. J.Q. A. Bowi-hv, D. K. Wrriix. Secretary. 1'rwiJent. NOTICE TO POLICY HOLDERS Notice is hereby given to all persons in the State of Oregon holding surance Company, of San Francisco, California, Of ttlA vHtMronrol .1 . - t . ' - IT (.. JL1U11I ims BlttlO UL ogi0n ?f the State Investment & In- fvui-ica in me otate Investment St In surance Company, of San Francisco, California, and tn nil m. nerenno in terested, that the said company has cuiBuicu il ouBiness in tne state or OrefiTOn. in thn Ptramon. T, . f1 T f ance Company, of San Francisco, Cali fornia, and has filed notice thereof with wh Decreiary or, state, of said state, and proposes to withdraw Its securi ties On ripnnalt wltv. ha i of, and to cease doing business In said Any policy holder fn the State of Oregon, ni amr r.Ota. 1 1 ... , 'ij wkid )Jciauil UCbVUlg claims against said Insurance company, "..a i.cicuy nuuuea io nie tne same with secretary of tate of the state of Or egon, within six (6) months from tho date of the publication of this notice. This notice is given pursuant to the provision of an act of the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon, entitled An act to amend Sections 3504,, 3568 and 3580, of Chapter L, of the Miscel laneous Laws of Oregon, as Compiled and Annotated by W. Lair Hill." Ap proved February 25, 1889. THE STATE INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE CO., By George L. Brander, . iA . President. Attest; Charles M. Blair, Secretary SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop C. H. Page, Plaintiff, vs. J. H. JJ. Gray, Laura W. Gray, J. Q. A. Bowl- oy, wney iiaiiew as executors of the last will and testament of Louis "Wil son Deceased and the Astoria Bo C-nipany. Hy virtue of an execution and order 'T sale issued out of and under the sale f the above entitled court in the above entitled cause on the 29th day of May 1893, upon a decree of foreclosure ana judgment duly made and rendered tnerein on the 22nd day of May 1893 wnich said execution and order of saie was to me directed and He- nvcred, I did on the ;ilst day of May, 1893, levy upon all the right, title, claim and intereest of the above named defendants in and to the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lots number six (6), seven (7), twenty (20) twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22) and twenty-three (23) of tract numbered one (1), and lot thirty-two (32), of tract numbered two (2), all of ana m block numbered twenty-seven, In Olney's addition to the Town of As toria as laid out and recorded by J. G, Hustler and H. S. Atken, executors and devisees of the last will and testament of Cyrus Olney, deceased, as said block Is sub-divided and recorded by J. H. D. Gray and recorded by him in plat book, numbered one, at page num ber 26, Record of Town or City Plats, In and for the county of Clatsop, and State of Oregon, and all of said land being In said county and state, and I shall on Monday the 3d day of July, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day ,ln front of the county court house door, In the City of As toria in said county and state, proceed to sell the same, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of $892.41 with Interest on said sum from May 2d, 1893, until paid, and the further sum of $22.60, costs and dis bursements, and the accruing costs of this suit, at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in hand in United States gold coin at time of sale. H. A. SMITH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or. Dated Astoria, Or.; May 31, 1893. H. B. PARKER DEALER IN Ume. Prick, SrihI, Fire Brick, Rr nay, Cement, Mill Feed. Out . Hay. Mraw Wood Delivered to i Tiler. . Dr&ying, Teaming anil Express Business. JEFF'S RESTAURANT -18 THE Bon Ton Ton Restaurant in tho-Town (And the Finest on the Coast.'. Dinner Parties, Banquets a Specialty The Finest WIiim anil Mqnora. C. P. UPSHUR, SIliriVNG awl COMMISSION tstcria, - Oregon. nOOi- Mid SHOES The Largest Ktovk, Best Quality and Lowest Prices at the Sltin of I'he (Jolrten flhoe. JSEAXXlNr cto CO. HAGXVS C. CROSBY, Dealer in HAUMVAKE, STEEL, - IRON PIP" NI) FITTINGS. STOVES - AND - TIiVWAKE, House Furnishing (Jootls, Sheet Jad,Strip Lead, Sheet iron. Tin and Copper. Safes, Fireproof. T-v. eeleh'ated Alpine Snfes kept In stork al the 473, Thlrsl St., Kl Kstale OIHra. Wai rauted as uood as tUe nest. Terms very easy W. V: CAStiELL, Agent. COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO.. WILLIAM WILON, I-iop. FEED - AND SALE - STABLE General Express and Delivery P.uslues. 3ill till Cine.- str.s?t. Sta'.des fnot of WVst Kiiitll si. Astoria. Teh plume No. . T. 23. WTATT Dealer In Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pore Oil, Bright Varnish, Plnaele WI. Cot ton Csavas, Hemp 8tl Twina. 'ril oil. Wrought Ima Spikes, ;ivaniited (,'ut Nails Orooorloo, Etc. Agricultural Iiuplemeots, Swing M iiiiu hiiies, I'j.uts and Oils. Tinfl Running 2 THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leav ng Portland, 8:45 AM. 7:30 PM. 3K 1 DAYS TO 2 CH I CAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Din. Ing Cars. ASTORIA TO SAN FRANCISCO JUNE, 18!:i. Columbia Wiitn'shy June ',. Stale Kuiitai .lime It. C 'lunihia Miniiav .Mine lit. tntn Friday .lime 211. Ori'nn Tuesday .June 27. ' Coluviuhi hiitiirdny July i. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMER3 Morning boat leaves Astorln da ly. exoopf Sunday, at. 0 a. in.; returning, leaves Portland daily, except Satiuday, at. S i. in. Mglit boat leaves Astoria dady, except Hunilav, il p. in.: r turi.ii a leaves Portland dnilv, pxc. t - u day, atTa. in. riieiMoriiinn boat fiinn ruitlnmi u.nk. t, landinusmi tin- Ort'tion id Tut-sdays, Tliiiry days mii s iiurdas ; on Wasliii ctuu side Mi i -ilats Wt'dncBdays and Fridays. Fnuii Astoria the inorniiiK hoats miikes Ititui iii" on 'lie Ore gon .'lit" Mondays, Wednesdavs und Frldajs, and on the Washington sldo Tuesdays, Tl.iils dats und S.-iiunlin k. For riles ai'd gcnrritl Itifoimidloii e;dl on or add roii, V. h, till K IjKUtt , i. W. I.OUNSBEIiHY, A. iou 's. Ant. At-enL Portland, Or. Astoria, Or, Is the line to 'like to all points EASTand SOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It offers tlie best service, coin binlng SPEED and COHFOJfcT II Is the j opul'T route with those ulm Wl-h to travel on THE SA.llLST H Is thciefore Ihe mile you hou d take. It runs thinucli vestduilcil trains every day in ihe. year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO No Change of Cars, Elegant Pullman Sleqvrs, S'tiherinr Toim'kt Sipiniri IU. .VIII.Ul ...V, j.U. .'J Splendid Freo Seeoiiil-f lass Sleepers. Only one chance of cars Portland to New York Through Tickex. I'o Any Part of In" civilized world Passeneers ticketed via. nil botn rimnln betwecu Astoria, Kalauia ard PorMnud. Full Information rnncemlnir rites, time o. trains, routes oml other details inrulsheil . npollcatlon to C. W. STONE. ecnt Astoria Kteamer Telepl.oi.u lock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pa-ise'ifer A:e"t No. 121 First St.. cor. W.-v-Iin ifiiui, Purilaiirt. OrcK.iii Til E : (HIEUOX : JJAKEUY A. A. CI.ETF.USn, Prop. Good Bread Cakes and Pestry, None but the Icpt Materials used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Custom?. . Bread delivered in any part of the city FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. Ke'.vy ud Sboif TTABDWAK R t";r.T in ta'k Wagons and rrlvdes, Farm Machinery, Pslnts t;ls. Varnisho. LoRitera' Sepplics, Kai.i.tik -eales. Door, and Wim.owt. PROVISIONS FLOUB and MIU VrKD. AST0SIA. - - v OREftNo.