THE DAILY A8TOE1AH, ASTOIUA? TUESDA MOliNJLNfcr, JUNE 27 iai3. ABOUT THE CUT. The salmon pack to data Is almoBt 50 per cent short of what It was for the corresponding: time last year. Oregon strawberries at Smith's today, What is Antlfermentlne? Ask Foard s BtoKes. Remember McGulre'a Hotel at Sea side is open the year around. The case of Chun Hong, charged with the larceny of chickens, was dismissed by Judge Cleveland yesterday, having been fettled between the complaining witness and defendant. Haser's others. Root Beer Superior to all If you want some extra tine photos, Wooers' Is the place to get them. The Belmont cigar can be had at Chas. Olsen's. - . Ladlen, usk Foard & Stokes how to preserve fruits. No application has been made by At torney George Noland for the position of collector of customs, notwithstand ing the Oregonlan's Washington dis patch to' the contrary. Moany Is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for fur Fklns. The original Root Beer Extract Raser's. Is Wostpcrt cream fresh every morning hi rmui s ice cream parlors. Third st, ties nothing less, In fact, than the power of changing pork Into vearl. This remarkable discovery was made under the following circumstances: Recently the steamer Telephone brought down a quantity of dressed veal for the Portland Butchering Com pany, and when the meat was being trucked from the steamer to the dock, one oi me carcasses dropped over board, and all efforts to recover It with ( E The Chautauqua Assembly. The annual Chautauqua Assembly will meet at Gearhart Park from July 8th to 19th. Appended Is the dally pro- Si raw berries mann's. and cream nt Col in the Police Court yesterday Philip Holnd, charged with assaultln.i John Iaichs, was fined $5. John Doe and F, W. Ulrlck, arrested for drunkenness, each forfeited $5, which they had de. posited as ball. at For fine wines and liquors call August Danielson's Sample ltooms. Raser's Extract Root Beer, the pur- For genuine sweet cream that will wnip, go to Colmann's. Your fruits will not ferment If you vho Aiitlfermentine. For sale by Foard "i stoKes. in the circuit court yesterday the case of Mary E. Lattle Morrison vs. Joseph Holladay, occupied the greater portion of the day. About 4 p. m. the jury went to Seaside to view the Hoi laday premises. Pre33rve your fruits without cooking, ny using antifermentine. For sale by i'oara & stones. For all kinds of Job printing, go to uei. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorlan build. Ing. Lovers of a good cigar can always find mild, fresh Belmonts at Chas. Ulsen's. The excursion to be given this after noon by Messrs. Finlayson and Bar tholomew for wheelmen and their lady friends promises to be well attended. Quite a number of the lady friends of the cyclers have signified their Inten tion of making the pleasant trip. Parties visiting In Portland can get The Dally Astorlan at Hatsdley & Haas' news .stand, 150 First (street. Del. Ferguson, general job printer, Astorlan building, upstairs. First class work at reasonable rates. Buy Itnser's Root Extract to make a healthful, refreshing beverage. Sold everywhere. Blake Dellinger, who broke jail some months blnce in this city, is under ar rest in McMlnnville. He was indicted by the Clatsop County Grand Jury for malicious destruction of property. Sheriff Smith, who learned of Del llnger's whereabouts, telegraphed the sheriff of Yamhill county to arrest him and left last evening to bring the es cape back to this city. Don't stew your fruits over a hot stove. Preserve them without cooking. Foard & Stokes will tell you how. Free at Crow's gallery, a life-size crayon with every dozen cabinets or dered. Offer good for 30 days. There is no place in Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer Is kept In such good condition as at Utzlnger's popular resort. Among the brethren in the Masonic procession last Sunday was Mr. W. H. Remington. It Is noteworthy that since It lias been learned that Mr. Reming ton Is a . Mason, the feeling of confi dence, In his ability to bring the rail road question to a successful Issue has strengthened materially. There are few, if any, well-informed men In As toria who are not fully assured that on or before October 1st, 1894, Astoria will have transcontinental railroad con nection. v The best and only sure way to pre serve fruits 13 with Antifermentine. For sale by Foard & Stokes. grappling Irons were unsuccessful. The next day the steamer Lurline brought from Portland a coslgnment of dressed pork for the same company, and an accident occurred similar to that nar rated above. "Get the grappling Irons, quick!" said' one of the hands; "If we lose that pig Jakey (meaning Mr. Kamm) will dock our wages, sure." A minute or two sufficed to get the Irons over the side, and a moment later the man manipulating them said: 'I've got it!" But he had scarcely fin ished speaking when a blank look of astonishment overspread his counte nance1, as he brought to the surface a carcass of veal. "Well, by !" he exclaimed, dropping the rope" and let ting veal and grappling Irons Bink from view, "that was pork when It slipped overboard two or three minutes ago!" Up to date no satisfactory explanation of the seemingly miraculous affair has suggested Itself to the steamboatmen. Strawberries are at their best and cheapest You will find a laree selec Hon of the choicest "Wilson berries to day at Ross, Higgins & Co.'s. The American Institute for the cure or liquor, opium, morphine and tobac co habits is now turning out dally patients cured. Cures guaranteed or money returned. Inquire at Institute on 3d street, over Astoria National bank. Fresh fish received at the Albatross Fish market dally. Salmon 10 cents per pound A meeting; of the Astoria Football Club was held last evening, President Finlayson In the chair and Mr. F. W. uunn secretary, xne president ex pressed his pleasure at seeing so many members present, and also at the suc cess of the game played last Friday for the benefit of the Pioneer and Hlstort cal Society, where no accidents or un pleasantness of any kind occurred to mar the day's amusement. Secretary Gunn read a letter from Mr. G. R, Cameron; of the Portland club, stating that it was impossible to play the pro posed match on the Fourth of July, but that the metropolitan players looked forward with pleasure to a match at an early, day. A telegram was also read from Major Edwards of the Fifth artillery stating that the Fort 'Canby team could not possibly play on the Fourth. The question of holding a field day at the Smith's Point grounds on the Fourth, was discussed. The captain, vice-captain, treasurer, secre tary, Judge Taylor, P. W. Weeks and" J. R. Rathom were appointed a com mittee to report on the matter at a meeting tomorrow evening. Wednes day evening's meeting Is expected to be a large one, as the proposition to hold a field day is one In which much Is In volved, and an expression of the sen timent of as many members aa possible is desired. The next practice game will be played on Thursday evening. After instructing the secretary to write to the Cathlamet Club and learn If a team could be got together to meet the Astoria players on the Fourth of July, the meeting adjourned. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Saturday, July 8th 8 p. m Annual reunion in reception room of Hotel Gearhart. Sunday, July 9th 10 a, m., Bible school; 11 a. m., Introductory sermon President Stratton; 7 p. m., Sermon Rev, T. L. Cole. Monday, July 1010 a. m., Prof. G. W, Shaw, familiar talks on Chemistry; 11 a. m., Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. D., "The Netherlands;" 3 p. m., Supt. Pratt "Common Schools." Tuesday, July 11 Soldiers' Day. Ex curslons will run from Portland and elsewhere, and addresses will be de llvered by Senator W. H. Mitchell Commander-in-Chief A. O. Weissert Col. H. H. Northrop, Col. Anderson and others. . . Wednesday, July 1210 a, m., Prof. G. W. Shaw, "Familiar Talks on Chem istry;" 11 a. m.; Rev. T. L. Elliot D, D, "The Netherlands;" 3 p, m., C. E. S Wood, Esq., "Art." . Thursday, July 1310 a. m Prof. G, W. Shaw, "Familiar Talks on Chem istry;" 11 a. m., Rev. T. L. Eliot D. D, "The Netherlands;" 1 p. m., L. B. Cox Esq., "Character Sketches." Fraday, July 14 Woman's Christian Temperance Union Day. Addresses will be given by well-known workers lrt the temperance field. At some suitable hour In the day Rev. R. S. Cantine, of Cantlne, will lecture on "Buoys." Saturday, July 1511 a. m., President Robert Whltaker D. D., "Typology of the Bible;" 3 p. m., Rev. R. S. Cantlne D. D., "Defenses of the Republic." Sunday, July 1010 a. m., Bible school 11 a, m Rev. John Morrison, D. D, 3 p. m., Rev. T. E. Clapy D. D. Monday, July 1710 a. m. President Robert Whltaker, D. D., "Typology of the Bible;" 3 p. m., Hon. Geo. H. Wil liams, "Divinity of Christ." Tuesday, July. 18 Y. M. C. A. Day, Excursions from Portland and else where; 11 a. m., Hon. Geo. H. Wil liams, "Silent Forces." The afternoon will be occupied by addresses and ma sic provided by the Y. M. C. A., of Portland. SOLDIER'S REUNION. FOJt a A LIS. QQ ACHES 35,00 I'Kll ACUZ IMl'ltOVKI) OO farm inn land with fruit tree. 20 acres cleared, 2o acres palttre. Dwelling hoti'O, wme house and other building. 11, ill mile from Steamboat lauding at llrookflold, I) bout or road. Inquire of owner ou premised 11 KS. II. K. STlCKLfctt. CHEAP A FEW CHOICE LOTS IN ADAIR'S Astorla-Eay trm. i Frank Uwttle :it toroey at law 173 Cass Btrc et. If AX IK It. NUKSKUIKL WHO LIVES AT HOME TO A io tuRe care of baby flvn hours a dav Following are the real estat" trans fers as reported for the Astorian by the Astoria Abstract, Titte and Trust 'June 26th, 1893. P. W. Parker to W. W. Parker, lots 1 to 8, in blk 149, Shively's A. Carlson to Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran church, lot 1, in blk 35, Shively's F. J. Carney to Mary A. Cearns, undivided 1-2 of lot 7. In blk 61. Adair's 350 $10 STRAYED OR STOLEN. Big cut In Chicago rates by the Un ion Pacific. At The Monogram you can find fra grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet, Flor de Madrid and all other choice nnd fivorite brands of cigars. Judge Osborn's attention was occu pied yesterday by Acting Deputy Pros ecuting Attorney Hughes and Attorney Spittle, who were arguing the question of venue In the case against E. Ander son, charged with larceny. The crap table which has adorned the courtroom for several months past supported a most formidable array of authorities, all of which had been carefully looked up, and quite a battle ensued. The re sult was a victory for Mr. Hughes, the defendant being fined $30, on in default ordered to go to jail for twenty days. "U'iiifr Lee has just received a full line f'f Tnponese curiosities and fancy goods. Will 3ell at cost. 529 Third street. Owners of horses can purchase Camp bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred. Paiz" Saddlery establishment. The Columbia river Is noted the world over for the excellence of Its salmon, bue recently (if the assertions of two or three rodents of this city are to be believed) Its waters have de veloped some most wonderful proper- From O'Brien's stable on Wednesday night, June 21st, one dark chestnut horse, white spot on the nose, smooth shod on fore feet, rough shod on hind feet, about 11 years old. weight about 1,100 pounds, thin in flesh. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the animal to tha chief of police, or to Shaw & Larsen's woodyard. ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY. W. J. Arkell, publisher of Judge and Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, writes: "JUDGE BUILDING, Cor. Fifth Ave. and Sixteenth St., New York, January 14 1891. "About three weeks since, while suf fering from a severe cold which had settled on my chest, I applied an All cock's Porus Plaster, and In a short time obtained relief. - ' "In my opinion, these plasters should be In every household, for use In case of coughs, colds, sprains, bruises, or pains of any kind. I know that in my case the results have been entirely satisfactory and beneficial." LADIES' TEA Is a pleasant drink, which will be borne by the stomach without nau sea or griping. It act3 thoroughly on the liver, kidneys and reproductive or gans. A gentle physic, efficient diu retic, and is most use'ful in scant or painful menstruation. It aids diges tion and reduces corpulency; clears the complexion, rendering it fair, and re storing the natural tone of the skin, for It removes the bile, which by ac cumulation, produces the sallow, mud dy complexion, peculiar to the con stipated. Sold by all druggists. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. ' The following program has been formulated for tha Interstate Soldier's Reunion at Gearhart Park on July 11th: Addresses "Our Country's Flag," Hon. John H. Mitchell; "The Union of the Blue and the Gray," by General W. P. Carlin. com mander of the department of the Co. lumbla. "The Object of the Organization of the Grand .Army of the Republic," by J. C. Cooper, commander of the depart' ment of Oregon of tha G. A. R. "Some of the Causes Leading Up to the War," by Colonel Northrop. "The American Citizen Abroad," by Hon. D. P. Thompson. "A Confederate During the War An American Citizen Since the War," by George MofTelt, editor of the Telegram. "The Nation's Debt of . Gratitude to Her Defenders," by G. E. Caukln. The occasion will be a notable one In the history of this part of the country. The Monterey will be on hand, and' a sham battle between that formidable vessel and the land forces at Fort Stevens and Fort Canby Is promised. A consignment of cigars of a new brand, known as "The Lilly," has been, received at the Monogram. They are of an excellent quality, well-made and in fine condition, and are sure to become popular. They will be sold at the rate of four for twenty-five cents. Parties called upon to perform the sad duties to relatives or friends will find both moderate charges and court eous treatment at the undertaking es tablishment of William Pohl. Do not mistake the address: Third street, be tween Cass and Main. THE COMING CIRCUS. As the philosopher, Horace Greeley, on being asked how long a person should desire to live, replied by saying as long as they could enjoy fishing and going, to the Circus, reminds us the Sanger-Lent's Great Shows will be with us July 8th. See ad. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received at the office of Clatsop Land Co., for building a barn on Lewis & Clarke River. Bids to be opened July 4th, at 10 a, m. Right to reject any or all bids, re served. liuvklcn's Aruirn Ntlve. The best salvo In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, plcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded.. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, suc essor to J. C. Demenr- ASTORIA TO THE WORLD'S PAIR. Astoria to Chicago In four days. This Is the time made by the Union Pacific. Rates have been reduced to a very low figure. Go no-v before higher rates take effect. For further Information call nt ticket office Ur.lon Pacific dock. G. W. LOUNSBERllY, Agent. quire of Mra. (iniynui), Hotel U'ighe. En HKI.H WANTED,-AGENTS PAID A BOOIJ commission, and 8,000 divided amoMg tlu-in next winter, special atl ractlons to be pushed this year for which we want the ser vices oi uesi agents everywhere, itio tMtrlls uuimiiiig lo. iioom so, tnron do Wilding, OKDEK COOK AN'D WAITEli Address 11. tins olllec. A BIIOKT t wants work, JCOOMH TO RUNT. AC T.AtiKOf F1VK KOOMH; RK -T, !-'. Inquire at Air. K. C. II jUlENrf. I? irally be it d. Hhl) HOUSE .! .t KOO.MH, OKN- luciuln; nt 'ha ollico. FUHNISIIKI) HOOMS, MAIN HTUKh'l lllllKO. Kvt'l'l-lllllll HMU'lV title) llllmllrll. out, .Mi, ir.Mu(u xt, Al HS. II, al'kl.lMKIK. i lie Or. el, 710 Third hirn-l.. N ICKI.Y KUUNIijllM) ItlO.VUIIY flY, week r It t-tms vT, rciuoi.;ili.i . t tons it. Our Sto'k llepretenf!) Over 1O0O Styles. Trouserings, Overcoatings, Suitings. TAILOR Prices $5 to $50. ; u Samples, Self-measurement Rules, and Tape-line Mailed Free. 126 FIRST STREET, Portland,' .Oregon one AUKVEIIT HOOK Willi A FHrt ten out recul 'tit. Owner nut have paying for tliis i;d. UK' lain . li JUjSctiLLAXKOUfi. CI ALL ON I'. RAKKH. -178 TIIIKI) SI'KKKV ; mill linve your cl-illies dyed ili.d vU line i. -"1IO Mcl.KA,;01.MCIi OLVEY AMu VJT lor sirrr I-., dots a gt i.t r.,1 sinllliliiK ami ivi'hIiIiik. 1 iHhlllt.S III UllU'l.' TniD ASTORIA NATIONAL BA K . Tit lNSAcT8 A nCMtRAI RAUIflUn RilQIUCC ut-itkiink vnnmiiu vvwiiimj AccouiUk ol Firms and tndivlitiit-lh nlirlh. on Kavoraulo Tenns. Forelirn and Domestic Exchatnrv biiiintit ' ' old. Monot Loaned on Personal ccuilty Interest paid on Time Deposits iinIoIIow : For 3 month', 1 per cent per iiuiiii'ii. 6 s -i A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Haviim been estiibllt-lied In connection wi ll I ho above, deno Its will be received In itliiii uU ol one dollar and upward. Interest wil. be alltiH eu at follows : On ordi nary savings book, 4 per cent per annum ; tin term savings book?, 6 x r cent per annum. D. K. Warren, President. J. IS. HlKirlri, Cashier. J.C lf men , Vice Pre'de"i. P. K. Warrer. 1 J- 0. Helmut, ', ii. S. Writ-Ill, ' lr)n , John HobMiB, fDireoof, II. Tboiniisns, i , Theo llraclter, j Worth moro than standard value worth two for Tor the World's Fair and more than that to you. We are selling half-dollars for a dollar a-piece, You get a ' The (ircat American and Eitrof can Consolidation Sanger & Lent's i G rand fltcrnad'oiiai Allied Shows rirctt, McnaKuiiiY Hippodrome, and Aquarium, will exhibit st Original Worlds Fair Beautiful Souvenir Coin Design. for a Dollar Execution. in A Work of Art in Itself. We devote the entire amount towards developing ind ennobling the People's Great Fair. Souvenir and Rare Coins as an Investment. Face Market 'Join. - value, value. . U. S. $5 Goldpiece 182a 5.00 900.00 U. S. 1804 Silver Dollar 1.00 900.00 U. S. Half-Dollar 1796 .50 52.30 U. S. 1802 Silver 5-Cent Piecu .05 100.00 U. S. 1856 Eagle Penny -oi 5.00 U. S. 1793 Copper Cent (Amer:) .01 50.00 ' Queen's Jubilee 5-Sovreign, Eng. 24.33 32.00 . Napoleon's 100-day $tr., French. i.oo 4.00 King William Coronation, Ger. iS6i .66 1.25 German "Peace" Coins 1871 .66 1.25 Thir will be the best investment you ever made A World's Fair Souvenir Coin A National Heirloom for only $1,00, Under Act of Congress we have 5,000,000 Souvenir Coins, of the denomination of 50 cents each. That the money may go as far as possible, ' and that all the people may have a chance to pro cure these artistic arid patriotic souvenirs of their own Exposition, we have resolved to offer the whole issue for sale at 1.00 each. Apply to any Bank, or send Post Office or Express Money Orler, Bcnlc Drr.ft, or Registered Letter for as many coins as you .v:W wit'.! irrtnin'ons how to send them to you, to VC! Columbian Exposition, :icaco, ILL. Astoria, Saturday, July 8 50 Disliniruislicd Amiic illdcurs Man)' specimen nf npcclca never before seen In America. Monttr Mennucrle of Rare W.ld Il&nsls. A host of wonderful surprises Unparalleled. All new features, artistic, peerless, pur?. For artlculurs see various ndvcrtUIni medi ums. Two grand exlilbltlous daily. Doors open at 1 and T p.m. MACHINE SHOP JAS. I AIXilTY, I'ropV. (Successor to Artitlt & Kerchen.) Holler Repairing and Canncrv Wot It. Itemlr- Ink' of Klver Craft a Kocclalty. Machine Wurk of all kinds done. Miiop, fool of Lafuyrtie Nt. DR. GUNN'S LIVER PILLS ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE SYOUR STOMACH SOUP, h hail M VMtA mYiim9 fm. tif the Dlllirc- liavM diatreu in I ho .lomach nd cure hecdjonpv one soh night for wck w felons the.tomuoh na purine Iho breath. Tliey Inturo poi-footd!"!";". rognlst th bowels and cure constipation, anoj act promptly.yel mlMly.nfTrr enpfl or sicken. W Druggists or snail. Iloeasko Med. CoPluisv, is. For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist. Tho S ore if John G. Memi Has been purc!a:ed by Buttcrfie d 2ros., Who tiro ttolntr Inclose out thn slock. Iiilciitllntr mire r nil do well to cull and rxiiinliic uoo h mid iri"H before I'll C'Hi"K clc where. Ihi jr id 11 hnvt) n Hi mil Wiit'diiintKer tn do rei'tut lusr. Merchant eiiinsliip Co.'s Line, Connecting with Cnnndlttn I'licldo anil )rnt Northern Hallway ami China Ntnamslilp I, Inc. Taking frelphr himI pasientrcrs for Vancouver ana victoria I) i . aim scntuc, lacnma ami ail Hound Points, taaviwr A-dorla every 10 tlnyy. For particular h ly at the ofllr o Astoria Abstract T. ST. l. KHrttill.'ON llltoa., Agents. h'oriii Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Piopiletor. nolieiniaii Lager -1 leer Ami XX rnrtor. All iv tiers promptly altctiilcdjln. All persons having claims' against the estate of P. W. Laraen, deceased, are requested to present them to me at the office of J. Q. A. Bowlby In As toria, Oregon, within six months from this date. May 31. 1893. MARIA C. LARSEN. Administratrix. L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, Kan Fran cisco, is our authorised a?ent. This paper Is kept on file at his office. JEFF'S, Tie Only Restaurant llli b F i" IT" Hms 7' I (M TJic oiily Tuie C.'vuiu of TrtiT 1' Vsed in Millions of Ilotae n n ) A'.iiiiionia; Np Alum. vV.irs the Standai'd p Vsrs. Tide Table lor Antorin. Jl'SI'. 111(111 WATKK. A. M. I P. M. TiTiYi.i f jTi.m. f ft'. UlW WA'l'Klt. T.. 1 V.. 2 H., Si. T., W, 1 21 I M 8 l'2 M 4 1 a 17 .1 ! 4 09 7 111 7 tl 7 4: 7 2 0 8j (1 o IS 1 7 1)2 I 0 1 4 . 8 9 ' I 5' H., II 11 01 6 7 M. 12j 11 .VJ ;6 9 r.rt w .1 i T 1;" K.. 1) H.. 17 IK 0 it 1 01 1 hi 2 4i) :i :!7 M. Ill I 4 T.. W I ft KB W.21 I i 7 K..2I I 0 ft) H..2I 10 in H..I4". II 1 ti M if! 2 8 ; o ii 4 14 4 K, ft 41 6 27 7 14 M III 8 67 0 4 i 10 SI 11 Zl 12 M 1 44 2 m :o 4 13 U ol ft 4K 32 7 21 8 0 S.S 9 41 10 2.". 1 (Si II 4 r, 7: Hi 0 7 5, 7 H H 2, R 9 I 1 4 7 f,;1 7 r, iii 7 5 7 6 7 7 A. v. I V. M. h. tn. j it. j rt. -0 8 14 : 7 0 7' 8 MS 8 -l 5. 0 a", h 0 2 ! IU 27,:) 1 0 2 i 11 Z,,; 4 0 7 , . ..!. . 2 9 12 Jl'l ; 7 17 8 tr.i 9 0J lo m 11 (TJ 12 tt) 12 liil 1 f. 2 fs. S 61 4 41 4 ft :l 6 11 l:i.3 7 II .'-i: 8 7 HI 13 7 8 OS'S 6 Tii bouiH hetwtM'ii iiiiOniKiil and ihhiii are dmlirniiliKt hy A (it. m.), tliow beiwecn ikmiii and inldiii;lit by r (. ttt.),0 li.fttiu. A denotes mid nlglil,Uli. (join. F denuti noon. M.20 12 07, 9 T..27 12 51, 2 It - ;7 9 W.2H . .. I . .' 1 DA 8 T..20 0 2.1 '7 7 2 03 ! C 1 110 . 7 8 I 2 41 i 7 H 1H 8 31 (I 27 10 ISi 10 61 11 41 0 2H 1 :8 2 43 3 40 4 41 IS M f, 'Jl 7 13 8i 8 4T i tt 10 21 11 13 0 OX 1 C.1 2 II 3 10 4 O.I 4 : 6 39 -2 2 2 4 2 6 2 8 -1 7 I (I 0 I 2 3 1 9 1 6 0 9 0 4 -0 2! -0 7 0 IS ;-l 0 , (1 60 -I 2 7 W 1-1 2 R 00 1-1 2 2 2 1 31 13 2 42 OS 8 41 -0 7 i 4 SH 151 5 3: 0 2112 9 Do You Know That the Weekly Astorian Goes Everywhere? Advertisers, Do you see Your chance?