THE DA1LV ASTOK1AH,- ABTOIMA, SUNiDAV MOliNLNti, JUNE 25. Itiif3 LOOK AT !TH!8! Take the Daily. Asto riau and Get a LARGE LIBRARY FREE The Astorian's Latest arid Host Premium Offer. Rvery regular subscriber to The imlly Astorlan for the next twelve cionthi will be entitled every ten voeks, to a set of ten first class novels, by sending us 30 cents (for each set of i. n books) In postage stamps of sliver, ;m receipt of which we will send the I oaks post paid. These books are complete novels by standard authors, each a handsome octavo volumn of 64 large double col umn pages, In a neat attractive cover, ind printed from clear, readable type, i.s follows: THE BELLE OF LYNN; or THE MILLEU'S DAUGHTER, liy Char liitto Ml. Brawne, author of "Dora Thorne." THE BLACK TULIP. By Alexander Dumas. THE DUCHESS. By "The Duchess." NURSE REVEL'S MISTAKE. By Florence Warden. MERLE'S CRUSADE. By Rosa Nou chette Carey, A STUDY IN SCARLET. By A. Conam Doyle. ROCK RUIN; Or, THE DAUGH TER OF THE ISLAND. By Mrs. Ann H. Stephens. . LORD LISLE'S DAUGHTER. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne." THE ARMORER OF TYRE. By Syl vanus Cobb, Jr. Mr, GILFIL'8 LOVE STORY. By ileoigo Elliott. A SCARLET SIN. By Florence Mar-ryat.- THE SEA KING. By Captain Mar ryat. THE BEIGE OF GRANADA. By Sir 13. Bulwer Lytton. Mr. MEESON'S WILL. By H. Rider Haggard. JENNY HARLOWE. By W. Clark Russell. BEATON'S BARGAIN. By Mrs. Alexander. THE SQUIRE'S DARLING. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne." THE RUSSIAN GIPSY. By Alexan der Dumas. THE WANDERING HEIR. By Charles Reade. FLOWER AND WEED. By Miss M. E. Uraddon. NO THOROUGHFARE. By Charles Dickens and Wllkle Collins. TUB GREAT HOGGARTY DIA MOND. By W. M. Thackeray. The above books are nicely printed nnd bound In attractive paper covers, They are sold regularly at retail for ten cents each, so that our offer en ables our readers to buy them at one third of their value. It Is a grand chance to secure standard, high-class works of fiction at merely nominal cost. The lowest price of these novels In any other way, would be 10 cents each, or 11 for the ten books, which The As torlan subscribers can have for 30 cents. , Every ten weeks a new set of ten bookB will be offered on the some terms. Thus, In the course of the year, you will have a valuable library of 50 books that will cost you only $1.50. This offer Is open only to regular sub scribers. Subscribers to The Dally Astorlan, who pay $7 for one year lit advance will be entitled to these books free of charge. Now Is the time to get your home newspaper, and a valuable library be- sides, for only the regulnr price of the paper. Subscribers to The Weekly Astorlan who pay t'i In advance for one year's imbserlptlon, will be entitled to any of , ihese books they may select at the rate of S cents per book. On receipt of the list of books discribed, accompanied by a remltance in postage stamps tor sil ver to the amount of 3 cents for each book ordered, we will have the books sent postpaid to the address of any regular subscriber to The Weekly Asto rlan M above, - Corn! Look. Good looks are more than nkln deep. nYtwndlnir on a healthy condition of all thrt vital onpins. 1' he liver bo Inactive, you have a billions look, If your stomach he disordered, you hnv a dyspeptic look ami if your kidneys be disordered you have a pinched look. Secure good health i, ml you will hav good looks. I.levirie inner Is the great alterative, and tonle. Lihm l. x blotches, boll, and ittves a rood c,iiiii.ion. Hold nt Thus. Uogvrs' druxl 4i. hp w cents per bottle. ALONG THE WHARVES. The ship India, from Nanalmo, with 2,000 tons of coal shipped by John Roaenfeld's Sons, arrived at Port Los Angeles on Monday, being the first square-rigged ship to enter that port. The Captain telegraphed Messrs Rosen feld's Sons that he reaechd the wharf without any trouble, and would com mence discharging next morning. Port Los Angeles was formerly Santa Mon ica, and recently great Improvements have been completed there In the way of wharves, etc., and It will be the en deavor to make this the port of Los Angeles. The steamer Samos, the largest car go boat In the world, sailed from Rom bay for Antwerp on May Sth, carrying 11,428 tons, principally .Tape seed. She took out to Bombay 7,413 tons of coal and coke, exclusive of bunkers. The time actually engaged In, discharging and loading was lli days. The British ship ErrtJ. Captain Mc Millan, is on her way back to this port, having sailed from London on the l'Jlh Inst. The steamer Elmore sailed yesterday for Tillamook. The steamer Cricket Sidled for Scat tie yesterday morning.' One of the engines on the Potter broke down yesterday while the steam er was on the way to Portland. Her arrival at Portland was therefore do layed some hours. The steamer Augusta arrived in from Tillamook yestordny. She brought a ciuantity of butter, eggs, etc., for local merchants. The British four-mnsted bark Croflon. Hall arrived down yesterday from Portland. She had 62.533 sacks of wheat valued at $80,500. The American Institute for the cure of Uauor. opium, morphine and tobac co habits Is now turning out dally patients cured. Cures guaranteed or money returned. Inquire at. Institute on 3d street, over Astoria National bank. PERSONAL MENTION. Sheriff Smith went up to Portland last evening. Miss Brazee of Portland is a guest at the Occident. Mr. E. C. Lewis and Mr. C. R. Thom son are In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McDaniels of Brookflcld are In the city. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Megler returned frctm Portland yesterday. Mr. S. B. McBride was a passenger from Portland yesterday. Editor Cornwall of the Gazette came down from Calhlamet yesterday. Mr. J. K. Weatherford of Albany ar rived In this city yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp and children came down from Portland yesterday, Mr. W. R. Price and daughter of Portland were guests at the Occident yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. $1. Means of Cath lamet came down the river on the Tel ephone yesterday. Inspectors Edwards and McDcrmott left for TillTimook yesterday morning on official business. Geo. F. Welch, son of Mr. J. Welch, returned home yesterday from Eugene where he Is attending college. Mr. Welch will graduate next June, nftcr a six years course. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received at the ofllce of Clatsop Irfind Co., for building a barn on Lewis & Clarke River. Bids to be opened July 4th, at 10 a. m. Right to reject any or all bids, re served. PLEASANTRIES. In your Impatience do not call your dlsputer an off-horse, for an' off-horse Is always on the right side. Facts and Fancies. A recent advertisement In an English paper reads: "For sale. A bull terrier dog, two years old. Will eat anything; very fond of children. Apply at this oince." A profound conclusion It Is truth fully remarked Hint the tramp puts more sole Into his profession than many men of even higher aspirations. Jour- nul of Education. A Wrong Diagnosis. Tired Harry: "uvuy, could yer neip a poor reuer a little? I've got a hnckln' cough, an' a headache." Mrs. Kindlings: "Well, I've got a little wood outside you could hack, and It might cure your head ache." Tired Harry: "Much obleeged, mum; but, yer see, my headache ain't of ther spllttln' kind." Puck. A Maori, whose requests for blankets had at last elicited a decided refusal from the missionary, exclaimed, "Kapnl !" ("Good"): "no more blank ets, no more hallelujahs," and there upon returned to the faith of his fa thers. No less homorous, though In an other way, was the plea of a Maori In litigation for a piece of land. Being called on to tell the court on what proof he relied for his title, he' pointed to his rival claimant, and said simply, "I ate his father," The Argonaut. Where the Devil tarries not. A bright story of Irish wit Is related In which his Satanic majesty figures. It appears that an English tourist was shown the sights by a guide one day, and among the places visited were the Devil's Gap' " and the "Devil's Bowl." "What an amount of land the devil possesses In Ireland!" said the tourist; "he must be an Important personage In this country." "Your honor's right." replied the guide promptly; "but, like the rest of the landlords, he's an ab- spntee." Exchange. . A lady hnd Iwn 111 and under medl cal treatment for a long time. As she grew no better all the while, she be came distrustful of her phyBlcian's skill, and did not wish to see him, and yet was not bold enough to tell him so, She communicated her state, of mind to her maid. "Lave Mm to me, mum ! lave 'im to me !" said the girl. By and by the doctor came to the door, and Bridget opened it about an Inch. "Sorry, sir," said she, "but ye can't come in the day. docthor !" "Can't come in? How's that?" "The mis- thress do be too 111 for to see ye the day, sir !" Exchange. What She Said. It would make It much more Interesting If we could tell Hie names; but our readers will have to content themselves with knowing that this story came to us from a very distinguished poet, who told It of another, perhaps the best known of American poets. Some people weft calling on him and his wife; and, after a while he said to his little girl, who was playing about the room, "go up stairs and tell your mamma Mr and Mrs.. are here." The child went, and after a while returned, resuming her play. Did you tell your mamma?" asked the poet. "Oh, yes." '!And what did she say?" The little girl shrugged up her shoulders, twisted her face Into an expression of unspeakable ennui, and exclaimed. "She said, well, she said, 'Oh, dear !' " The late Jay Gould ha1 a double, a doctor practicing In New York, and a gentleman of a very scientific turn of mfiid. He had the same little wizened features ns the archmilllonaire, the same nervous habit of twitching with his fingers and thumbs while thinking. The resemblance was heightened by both men having the same Indifferent tnste In dress, particularly as regards a suit of sober brown, which the mil llonaire and the doctor adopted as their familiar attire, each unconscious of the preference of the other. It Is said that they only met on one occasion, and that was at a winter resort on the coast of New Jersey. The two men were taklne an early walk on the beach, and they came toward each other. Both had on similar suits of brown check. "Mr. Gould, I believe?" said the doctor. "I am not quite sure If I am," was the testy reply. "I wish you would not wear clothes like me.' "I won't if you will shave your beard," snapped the doctor; and then both men glared at each other, and passed on. The doctor was In the habit of conv plaining to his friends that people fre quently stopped him in New York, and asked his advice In regard to certain stocks and at times were very rude when he attempted to explain that he knew nothing about Wall Street or the ways thereof. "One day In particular," he relates, "I was slapped on the back and dug In the ribs by several perfect strangers, who cried, 'How about that cradle?' I went home very much an noyed, and read In an evening paper that Mr. Gould had presented Mrs. George Gould's first baby with a silver cradle." Churchman. HE SUITED STONEWALL. During "Stonewall" Jackson's cam paign In the Shenandoah valley, it be came necessary that a bridge over a small creek should "be built in great On evening Jackson sent for hl.i old pioneer captain, Myres by name, and pointed out to him the urgency of the occasion, saying he would send him the, plan of his colonel of engineers as soon as It was done. Next morning Jackson rodo down to Myres' quarters, and, saluting the veteran, said: "Cap tain, did you get the plan of the bridge from Colonel - ?" "Well," sold the captain, "the bridge, General, Is built, but I don't know whether the picture Is done or not." Argvmaut. Straws that show which way the wind blows are doing a rushing busi ness jus now. A Sum Cure for I'llcs. Itchlnir Piles a.e known by moisture lllti! iMMsplmtton, causing Intense itching wnen warm, cms rorm, ns wen a mum, t lt-c in; or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. liosauko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on the parts an'ected, absorbs tumors, allays Itching and effects a doi irnnent. core. 50c. Urucrirlst or mall. Circulars free. Pr. liosanko, S'Zi Arch street. Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by J. W. Conn. J. W. Crow, successor to Ryan Sc. Co., 537 Third street, have Just received a full line of 1893 patterns In wall paper, and comprising all the latest designs and shades, at the low est prices. Call and see them. DO YOU LIKE OYSTERS? Those who wish to have the finest Shoahvatcr Bay oysters or clams by th quart or pint In jars, can have them delivered nice and fresh by Hom r Fletcher. Orders left at The Asto rlan oltice will receive prompt and enre ful attention from him. ASTORIA TO THE WORLD'S PAIR. Astoria to Chicago In four days. This Is the time made by the Union Pacific. Rates have been reduced to a very low figure. Go nov before higher rates take effect. For further Information call at ticket office Union Pacific dock. O. W. LOUNSEERRY, Agent. All rrvK Those wha have used Dr. Klnc'a New IMseovery know Its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it tree, unu on tne advertised arug Rist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen Co., Ohlrniro. and cet a sample box of lr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copv or uolde to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which Is Kimrnnteed to do you good and cost you noming. tnas. Kogers arugstore. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest wrfunu-ry, and toilet articles etc.. can le bought at the lowest prices at J. W. fVnn"a drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. CHEAP STRAWBERRIES. Ladles will take notice that lanre quantities of strawberries are now re ceived dally. Quantity excellent and prlc very reasonable. Kindly leave your orders with ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator of the es tate of Thomas Shay, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate, are no tified to pay the same to me, . at the office of Robb & Parker, at Astoria, Oregon, forthwith; and all persona hav ing claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to me, at the above place, within six months from the date hereof. F. L. PARKER. Administrator of the above estate. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 13th day of May, 1893. STIMULATE THE BLOOD. Brandreth's pills are the great blood purifier. They are a purgative and blood tonic, they act equally on the bowels, the kidneys, and the skin, thus clenslng tho system by the natural outlet of the body they may be called tho purgative sudorific and diuretic medicine. They stimulate the blood so as to enable nature to throw oft all morbid humors, and cure disease no matter by what name it may be- called. One or two of them taken every night will prove an lftfallible remedy. Sold In every drug and medicine store either plain or sugar coated. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's " Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the w-rld. A newspaper has just been started In London which Is printed on a postal card. The first number has four illus trations, a comic tragedy, a few Jokes and puzzles and some advertisements. J. W. Thompson, organist at the M. E. church, wishes to take a few more pupils in music, piano or organ. Ad div.'ss, 6S9, Astor street. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, HERVOUSWESS, DEBELSTY, mid all llio train of evlh 1 mm curly errors or later cxci-sscs, tlitt results of overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full strength, development and tono given to every organ and rmrtlon of tho body. Simple, natural method. Innnedlntoininrovcment st-pn. Failure impossible. 2,(l references. Book, explanation and proofa mulled (scaled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y.'-S j.A'fta;'.'. Cura f OR Ml.ES. 3:lli:e out ,Vi r;'is. J-i'tln" II. n lh JlUlli'St tl-M.- t At dnim&.M. or lli.-::e:l on Ii' of ra H 3 fT3 jwiix S:e.!.TlKix. itiBw H CkHi ' 'ft-- twin'-.. A nw mid comniete treatment. conBlstiim ol nupuopitnrles, ointment In capsules, also in box and pills; a positive cure for 8 temnl, In ternid blind or bleeding, itohlnff, chronic, recent or boreiiilnr,' piles, and many other (liBeases and fomalo weaknesses; it is Bhvays a great benefit to the general health. Tho first discovery of a medical cure rendering an opcr tion with tho knlfo unnecessary hereafter This remedy has never hem known to fall, tl per box, fi tor 5; sent by mall. Why suffer from this terrible ilisooso wheu a written KUr anieois given with 0 boxes, to refund tho money II not cured, Beud stamps for free sample. Uunranlec issued bi Woodward Clark & Co., Wholesale and Rutail Druggists Pole Agents Portland. Or. For sals by J. W. Conn. Astoria Oregon DR. GUWS ONION SYRUP FQR COUGHS, COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In raising a family of nine children, my only rem edy for Coughs, Colds and Croup was onion syrup. It UJust ns ellootivo to-dny M it wnu forty years go. Now my grandchildren take IH Ounn'a Outon Syrup whloh is already prepared and more Vlaaaant to tho t ajtc. Sold at 00 couu a bol U. For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist. Tfieae tiny Capsules arc superior to Balsam of , Copaiba, Cubebs and Injections. Uff They cure in 43 hours the same diseases -without onyincon vcalencc. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS HUNTER & iVIERGENS, rroprletors of the Portland Butchcrins Co.'s Markets Corner Second and Benton street s. Corner Third and Yet Uglitli streets. Foard & Stokes Denier In fSlnsswnre. Crockery, Ship Supplies, Tobaeoii, Wines tunl l'lne Whiskies. Fine Te;i and Coffee nSoec'altv. Tim Finest Display of Finds in the Oitv, Fresh on Kvery Steamer. Corner of Third and West fciKiilu Micen. Seashore Railway. TIMK CAHIX Train leaves Seaside : 7 ::. m ouiiy. t p. m. Thursday and Saturday. :8u p. m Humuy. Leaves Young's Kay Pier : 4 p. m. 1'iiiiv exeepi Miousy, . w. Thnrsar.y. twiturd y and Sunday. i p ni. Sunday. J. Q. A. IIOWLIIV, V. h. W AliltK.V. Bfcnuary. F & 10 NOTICE TO POLICY HOLDERS Notice Is hereby given to all persons in the State of Oregon holding surance Company, of San Francisco, California. Of the withdrawal from the state of Oregon of the State Investment & In pollcles In the State Investment & In surance Company, of San Francisco, California, and to all other persons In terested, that the said company has reinsured its business In the State of Oregon, In the Fireman's Fund Insur ance Company, of San Francisco, Cali fornia, and has filed notice thereof with the secretary of state, of said state, and proposes to withdraw its securi ties on deposit with the treasurer there of, and to cease doing business in said Btate. Any policy holder in the State of Oregon, or any other person having claims against said Insurance company, are hereby notified to file the same with secretary of tate of the state of Or egon, within six (6) months from the date of the publication of this notice. This notice Is given pursuant to the provision of an act of the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon, entitled "An act to amend Sections 3564,, 356S and 3580, of Chapter L, of the Miscel laneous Laws of Oregon, ns Compiled and Annotated by W. Lair Hill." Ap proved February 25, 1883. THE STATE INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE CO., By Ooorgo L. Brander, President. Attest; Charles M. Blair, Secretary SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. C. H. Page, Plaintiff, vs. J. H. D. Gray, Laura W. Gray, J. Q. A. Bowl by, Wiley Ballew as executors of tho last will and testament of Louis Wil son Deceased . and the' Astoria Box C-inpany. I5y virtue of an execution and order f sale issued out of and under the sale f the above entitled court in the above entitled cause on the 29th day of May 1893, upon a decree of foreclosure and judgment duly made and rendered therein on the 22nd day of May 1893, which said execution and order of sale was to me directed and de livered, I did on the 31st day of May, 1893, levy upon all the right, title, .claim and lntereest of the above named defendants In and to the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lots number six (6), seven (7), twenty (20) twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22) and twenty-three (23), of tract numbered one (1), and lot thirty-two (32), of tract numbered two (2), all of and in block numbered twenty-seven, In Olney's addition to the Town of As toria as laid out and recorded by J. G. Hustler and H. S. Aiken, executors and devisees of the last will and testament of Cyrus Olney, deceased, aa said block Is sub-divided and recorded by J. H. D. Gray and recorded by him In plat book, numbered one, at page num ber 26, Record of Town or City Plats, in nnd for the county of Clatsop, and State of Oregon, and all of said land being In said county and state, and I shall on Monday the 3d day of July, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day ,ln front of the county court house door, In the City of As toria In said county and state, proceed to sell the same, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of $892.41 with interest on said sum from May 2d, 1893, until paid, and the further sum of $22.60, costs and dis bursements, and the accruing costs of this suit, at public auction to the high est bidder for cash In hand In United States gold coin at time of sale. H. A. SMITH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or. Dated Astoria, Or., May 31, 1893. TLB. PARKER DEAI.KK IN Mine. Brick, Sand, Fire Rnck, Flro Clay, Cement., Mill Feed. Oiits. Hay. "traw Wood Dellvoreil to rder. Draying, Teaming and Express Baainess. JEFF'S RESTAURANT -13 THK Bon Ton Ton Restaurant in tho Town (And the. Finest on tho Coast.' Dinner Parlies, Banquets a Special The Finest Winn Mil I.iiiiors. C. P. UPSHUR, SHIPPING ami COMMISSION Astarla, - Oregon. 830rs AHD SHOES The Largest Stock, Hfjt Quality nivl Lowest Prlnes at the Bin of The (iolden Shoe. MAaXlS C. CHOSHY, PKAlF.i: IK HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, IRiN PIPK AND FITriNT.S. STOVES AM) - TIN WAKE, House Furnishlin: floods. Sheet Lead, Strip Lead, Slioet Iron. Tiu and Copper. Safes, Fireproof. T- ecleh'ated Alpine Ssfes kept In stock at the 4T, Thlril St., lSenl Estate OiHce. War ranted as (food at tUe best. Terms very casv W. V. CASKLL, Agent. COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO., WILLIAM WILSOJf.rrop. FEED - AND - SALE - STABLE General Express nml Delivery Business. 3ffice 116 Pine strevt. Stables font of West Ninth si, Astorliu Tel. plume Xo. . T. 23. VVTATT Dealer In Hard'-vare and Ship thzv.u'zr), Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Klt.aclo Oil. Cot ton (uitk, .'i.-mp til Twm. I.inl Olt, WrottKht Iron :;ikei, OaiTanlitpd Sai: Orooorlos, 23to. .Agxicuitnral Implement, Sln(t M.v iiL-tflilues, Oil. mmM Line Mi Running 2 THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leav fig Portland, 8:45 AM. 7:30 PM. 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Tree Reclining Chair Cars, Din Ing Cars. ASTORIA TO SAN FRANCISCO JUNE, !S!)!(. Cnliiniliin Wednesday Juno 7. I;ne SuiH'ii. .Iiini' li. Oregon 'ihursday .I line ir. O-liiinlilii Monday .hmc l'.l. Male Friday .liine H:l. Oregon Tuesday Juno 2". (.'oluvibla haturday July l. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMERS Morning boat leaves Astoria da ly. except. Sunday, ai, 0 a. in.; leturnliii?. leaves Portland daily, except Haturday, at S p. in. Klnht lioat leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at fi p. ni.: r turnti k leaves Portland daily, cxe- pt "-in day; at 7 a. in. riieinorniiiKlioat ftoiu I'oillnud muk a landinnsoii the Oregon side Tuesdays, Thurs days, mi S uurdayi ; on Wasliii-Kton side M i: davs W'eilm-sdays and Fridays. From Astoria the inon.n,)! limits makes landing on the Ore K"ii side Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, and on the Washington aide Tuesdays, Thurs day a and Salurduxs. For rues and general InfoiiiiHtion cull on or address, W. H, lillliUiUKl, ;. W. LOUiiHRKUIty, . Gnu ' as. AM. Aieut. Portland, Or, Astoria, Or. r.-l ?'f-Trn.tna i i wm mvan. rt Is ihellne to lake to all points EASTand SOUTH It is the D!N)NG CAR ROUTE It oflffrs ti-e best sorvlce, com billing SPEED arid COMPOJiT It Is tun popular route with those ulin with to travel on THE SAJILST It is theiefore the route jou f-limi'il take. It runs tlirouph vestilmled trains every day in the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO No Change of Cars, Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tourist Sleepers, Splendid Free See ond-elaxs Sleepers Only one change of ears Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Tart of tne civilized voild. Passengers ticketed via. all boats ninniur between AKtoria, Kuluma and 1'orMnud. Full Information eoiiceriiir.g rates, time c" trains, routes pad other details furnished oi application to C. YV. STONE. Agent Astoria Steamer Telephone Dock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger A (rent . Sx.Ui First ht .cor. vta-.lmi.:ii. Portland, tirct-oi, THE : OREGON : UAKE11Y A.A.m'VKLAM),Prop. Good Bread Cakes and Pstry, None but the icst Materials nscd. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customp- - Bread delivered In ny part of the city FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. Heavy nd ibalf IT A.BXTVV AJi R Cr-r.-y in ' Wk Wagons and Vehicles, Farm Machinery. Paint, Lis, Vainielick. LosKera' Supplies. l-.i.l.'-.k' -Vales. Dnora an-t Vi io,.o. PROVISIONS FLOrB ind MUX VtZli. ASTOKIA. - - ORKGNO.