nnii li . lilt- V' ' ' - -f'V -.ra,-..- A inn xf f vr r"7()L XL, yp. 14. ASTORIA, OllEGoi: TUESDAY MOBNINQ. JUNEO, 1813 ASSIGNEE'S SALE PARKER Ii -HAMS Continued till old stock is closed out at cost. New Goods arriving sold at liberal discount. 4th JULY4" Large and assorted stock of Fire Works, Bunting, Muslin and Flags of all sizes just received from the factory." - We desire to close out the entire stock at ontv and will sell at hod rock prices. GRIFFIN & REED, BUSINESS CARDS. ' ". . . . .. . . .-.v. : , : .r , ir v . ii u i "ffiok: W.tU General Messenger Co., M5 rkilllllNlUH stit't't , I IV- IP r.."0 1 u :n .1 L, - jji i h. r. t I'-ii' A A. tt . EVtCASU, Ai'l'DHNlS AT LAW. 'fil hi.miy's ne hruk bull'lhin. enriior Third Hint (iiiiiHViove streets : up stmts. J Q. A. BOW'.BY, A JTUXKY A.'ft C0UXCCL01L AT UH uttija on socoud rureet, - Astoria, ur. t'.Tiiieiu Kinney's new brick building, over Astoria National 1) aik, W. PARKr.R, RKAI. AKD INHURANCR AGENT OlUce lU Renton sliest, Astoria, Oregon. D'.- EH IV JANSOIif. n , iVi, , I'llYolUAM & HUKUKOtf. R OM 7. i iiLvuv.-r Osgood' Clothing Store, hours, 10 to l. in, t to 5 p. in, 7 tots i m. Sunday, 10 to U in. 0 Ov B. tSTES PllYMlUAft AlII) SUJWKWI. .1 ... ! milium r.k ItiwniLM . l WnniAti Mini MiWury. OiUfo ViT lla .zlgyr'ii store Astoila.. DTTa. ., and J a. fULtoi, ,; .N,ii"ry y r. J. A. Kiillon. . onion Kit 0ns siriJBt. Ilouii 10 to 12 Mid 1 1 J M vsioi Ini-hukn'& AOOOHCHKUK. illlu. . rooms S. t over Astoria NdtionaiHaiili.. lionet. 10 u 1 & i lo3 RtiSiUcuce. tSi Cedar st. jjo hi. oIIkv, iH. I'mrd strjot. flours 10 to 12 mux's loi, suiiiniy i ma ivomuciiuo ho aiscij r P. MULLINIX. M. D.. , , JJ. (lives siieouil ueiitnient for Catarrh, lino tt ,H,ii, Viil n-y (;miito-ljrlnary orKans 'Jill upsluiHHlii t'liird til. ilours.O a.tu.W p.m. BfCUABD HARRY. City Surveyor. I IARRY . ISONI, O. H. IHOM. 1JL CIVIL ESGINEEIta AND SUnVKVORrt. Rooms 5 and 6, UVER ASTORIA NAlIONAI. BANIi. W. T. HURNKV. J. W. PKAPBR Barney & Draper, it ui-faw, Oit'Kon l il y, Oieg.ui ve.irs' experience us reaister of til .. tillco hi re, reeominends ua In oui . Milling and all oilier business be .,;id ulliee or thu Courts, mid involv- ,i:tiee ol the General Land Olllce. S. I B ROCKENBROUCH II COWING. i. aw office. Oregon city..ob1 Speeial attention f-'iven to land business. Set tlers on homesteads or pre-emption claims and limber land purehaes shown every advantaRe of i !io law. For assistance la making llua pr of call on us. . niH33. FREnRICKSON, L PIa.no iUMiIU Ivo ill. West Sixtli Mreot. Oiizinal and Geniiloa mi imAUnmmh- r .-v . . " "i - v f v t- - j Imports the most delicious taste and rest tC EXTOACT -ofa.'.KTTKHfrom a!i i-IO.U, GKN Tl.. i N t Itad T. . 'tis brother t v ; I'CESl'Elt, i-.L "Ton a soups -. r "I GRATIESr FI8II, ' iinT Jtr. roTJD SAUCri I,KA S PERIlINb' MEATS SAME, f:i-.t tNelr bailee in km Lt-"fv o teemod n.' pi' 5ii. Uio laost 115 t:.f l:inst wflohv V--y-iV rr.v o uul lil la 1 BewaioIimtatioiis ; see that you get Lea & PenW ShmtareoiieTPTyttleof Oriirinl k Gronine. JUUS Ul .NCAN'J KOXStMiW VHtK. 1f n W. PARKER, Assignee. 1. W. GA SE, BANKER. Tbanbact: a General Bahkibo Bdbisess. brads drawn available In any par. of the t! H mid (Curopc, and on Hong Kong, Chiim, Ofii'a Horns: 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Odd fellows Building, Astoria, 0."i-toi,, I. W. CASE, : INSURANCE AGENT REPREHENTING German-American, New York Citjr, N. Y. . Union Fire and Marine, of New Zealand. National Fire and Marine Int. Co., of Hartford. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford. Home Mutual Ins. Co., of San Francisco. Pbtpnii, of London. I Imperial, of London. New York Plate Class Ins. Co. TEE ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK j Acts 8 trustee for .orporatloim aud Individ rials Deposits solicited Interest will bo allowed ou savings deposit ; as lollows; i On ordinary savings n loks 4 per (n' j ! anuuin. On term suvlnsRhoriks 0 per cent, per annum On eertillcates of deposit: For thrco month", i per cout. per annum. For six months. 5 per 'cent, per annum. For twclvo mouths, 0 per ceutper annum. I. V. CASK - Presl'lem J. Q. A. POWI.BY ..: Vlee-lTi'Mdcm FRANK PAI'TON M ..Oashlei W. B. UEMKNT Hceretnrj DIRKl'TOBS: j (jnsp J. H. A. Bowlby. (iusf Holmes (!. II. Paire, Belli. Yoiiinr, A. 8. Reed. r. J. Tnylar. THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK I H1U 1111 UnUllrtl M, urpliiH and profits W),ixx thajniv jjfchuiB. rrpuiut'iu. D. P. THOMPSON, -Vloe-Proflldent H. C.STKAITON, Cashier SOCIETY MEETINGS. Astoria Lodge No. 50, A.O.V.W. "1 f HET3 EVERY FRIDAY FVENINO AT 1H tl o'eloek in tho odd Fellows' Hall. Ro JiiurniiiK and ylsitliiB brethren cordially in vited. - J.'T.ROGKRS, Recorder. Scandinavian Benevolent Society. irimf i MwirrivrfH mrTuiH snniVT'V at their rooms in Pythiau building at eight o'ci.ii'k p m.j on the seeobd and fourth Tues- aay oi eacu iiiouiii, AUG. I) ANIEL805 Secretary. Oouon Uncanpme-.t Mo. 13, 1. O. O. F OKGULAR MEETINGS OF OCKAN EN- il canipmeut No. 18. 1, o. u. v., at tiie ixwge, In Hit. Odd Fellows BlllldlliLMlt seven P. ., on the second and fourtb Mondays of each month. Holournlng brethren coruiany ir.vueu byoraer v. Astona Bulldiug & Loan Aaaooiation TnKBEGDLAR MEETINGS OK THIS ASSO ciatlou are held at g P. M. on the first Wednesday of each month. Office on Genevieve street, gouin oi uneuamus. , W. L. ROBB, Secretary. Common Council. 1KGDLAR MEETINGS. FIRST AM) i third Tueaday evenings of eaob iiionfl nrPetsons desiring to have matter acted upot by the Council, at any regular inei f"..g mind preseni me same vu too Aiittntn "'m i.ir, on or before the Friday evenin (f'-rtotht luesday on wmca me i.ouucu ni "-i meeting. K. (IiURN. Auditor and Police Judge. Board of Pilot Commissioners. rirr-iTrr.T-T.in MFP"nK(5SOVTFIIS BOARD will he held on the first 'Monday, of each monttj si 10 a. in. at me oineooi nunncvrur ker. W. u KOUB.Kec AMTOItIA liittS XVmUiS, Goneimly street, twit .iacKon, Astoria. Oreeou.- Ccnrral MatLiaisty & Hoik Slaters Land and Marine Eiicii'es, Bniler work. Steam boat and Cannery Work Npreulty Csting of All Dsscriplioiil Madi to Order at Bnort liouce. tm v vnT lritent ard ?im .L. KOX . . Viie Preside!) BXCLUSIVE TELEGKArHiC PRKSS REPORT. UK SUSPENSION Thcstniipcy 'intlic Money Market Causes tuc Trcnlile. DEPOSITORS '10 BE FItOTEOTED A Wealthy Citizen of Albany Guoiuntoos ThntKn One Will l,isolepiislts Hud lieen Steadily Withdrawn. Associatea Press. Albany, Or., June 19. The I.mn County bank closed Its doom this morn ing. A notice on the doors says owing to the stringency In the money market tho hank Busnpnds payment by order of the board of directors. Tha depositors .ni k oM ri.iinr for dollar, with a Will LfU large surplus. J. L. Cowan, president of the bank, says the deposits amount to about $150,000, and that the; assets will exceed the liabilities by ?8O,O0O to $100,000. J. A. Crawford, the wealthiest citizen of Albany, and one. of the di rectors, says he will personally gunr: antee every depositor. Among the de posits Is $33,000 of the county money. No official statement has been made. The branch of the Linn county bank at Lebanon, also closed lt3 doors this morning. At noon the Bank of Oregon, of this city, also closed its doors. Cashier Jay W. Blain says the assets ore fifty per cent more than the liabilities.- The amount of deposits Is small. The fall- .uree were caused by the steady with drawal of deposits for several weeks. No official statement will be made until the bank examiner-arrives, but Cashier Archibald of the Linn county bank says the liabilities ore about $200,- 000 and tha assets $318,000, and that d Dositors will be paid in. full. The im mediate cause of suspension was the dishonoring of a draft for $16,000 pre sented by the county treasurer In pay ment of state taxes. The state treas urer -accepted tha draft and gave hi receipt therefor, but the draft, on be lne presented at the Salem Bank, was not honored. The directors then' held a. meeting and disagreed as to whether or not they should supply the money to tide the bank over the present neces sltv. The majority finally decided to suspend. The confidence; of the public is shown in tho fact that the merchants offer to take the paper of both the closed banks at par. Only a slight run was precipitated upon the other banks, which were kept open until six o clock They are well fortified, and will be able to meet all demands upon them The assets of the Bank of Oregon are $03,000 and the liabilities $45,000 Depositors will bo paid aa soon as the bank can realize upon its securities The bank at Lebanon, owned by Co wan, Ralston & Company, which closed at 10:30. has 27.000 deposits. The as sots are considerably inexcess of he liabilities... . , . , , ,. OTHER FAILURES. W31mington, N. C, j.Tune' 19. The bank of New Hanover has failed; as sets, $1,250,000; liabilities, $800,000. The failure caused a run on tho Wil mlngton Savings and Truat Co. It Is reauirina thirty days on sums' over $90. under the law. It is believed to be entirely solvent. ' Boston. June 19. The Little Kana wha Lumber Company was today placed In the receiver's hands. The as sets are $1,100,000; liabilities, $785,000. On account of the failure of the Company theflrms of Andrew F. Leatherbee, William Leatherbee & Sons and the Tauton Lumber Company assigned also. Pittriburg. June 19. The Oil Well Supply Company, one of the most ex tensive corporations In Pennsylvania, and the largest concern of its kind In the orld, today went Into the hands of a receiver. The assets aggregate $2,- KftnOOO The total Indebtedness is placed at. $1,100,000. Buffalo, N. Y June 19. J. A. Adam was today appointed temporary receiv er for the George L. Spulre Company, manufacturers of plantation machln erv. The liabilities are $200,000, as sets, $115,000. New York, Juno 19. Tho Eaton, Colo & Bumham Company, manufacterers of brass eoods. todav suspended. No statement Is yet made, but the failure is believed to be a bad one. A HORRIBLE TRAGEDY. San Francisco. June 19. A stable- at the bay district track was the ccene of a shocking tragedy -last .night. , This morninir the hodv of Joiiil a "rubber" was found horribly mutilated near his stall, and close by was found a pitchfork with which the murdi-r was committed. It is said that K !!" had numerous en-ni!-'S amonsr '''hf.r stablemen. Inve.'-liaihui nhows that stones were thrown against th- walls, and when Keil y cain.- out in- w..d i tacked with the piti-hf-ifk. T;.'.-s f."" is! nnrnn'i .1 unttUrt and neck were frightfully mutilated with the weapon, ono of the tines pass ing through the skull. Jockey Rich ard Ward Is under arrest, but as yet U not charged with the murder. . VISITER BY FIRE. The Business Portion of Tillamook De stroyed Yesterday Morning. Tillamook. Or.. June 19. The. busi ness portion oi" the town was destroyed by fire early this morning. It started at 1 a, m. and ia euppoueil let Ixi tfiel work of lcendlarles, as several fire were started slmilunteously. There is great excitement and talk of lynching th guilty parties. Muny persons are des titute,, and one man was seriously in jured by a falling wall. The total loss will be $100,000. The best portion of the town was burned. A dead calm prevailing was all that saved the few remaining buld lngs, though many of them are badly damaged. Excitement runs high, and It Is hard work to keep the citizens from hanging- the parties suspected of retting the fire. At one o'clock Sunday night several shots were fired by un known parties. In an Instant it was found that the large double store of William Olsen was on fire. All efforts to put It . out were Ineffectual. The house next door, owned by William Stelnmetz. was burned to the ground The wharf was partially burned, and saved by the steamer Garfield getting ud steam and playing on the fire. The fire had died out, and the people were trolnir to their homes when ther was a cry of fire In another part -or town. In an instant flames shot up from the rear of Hadley's saloon, and shortly the whole building was In flames. The Allen house went next then a barber shop, George Nolan's of fice, the Peckham shoe store, the bank the Larsen house, W. C. King's house and one on the other side of the Occl denth'l holtel. Brown's butcher shop and residence, and the Cohn & Stlllwell block, occupied by Cohn & Company store, were soon burning like tinder, I looked as if the whole town was doomed. ' A faucetln an oil barrel In Hadley's had been turned open and fire fl.nniied to the flowing oil.. Pitch had been, spread in places. The few stores left are badly damaged. NO FEES ALLOWED. Decision in Portland Which Will Be of Interest in Shipping Circles. Portland. Or. June 19.-An. interesting decision affecting the right of sailor boarding house keepers and other self constituted agents to charge fees for supplying- ships with sailors was made today by Judge Hurley In the state clr cult courts In thee -as of Patrick T.vneh acainst L. Sullivan, James James Turke et al. Judge Hurley bus tained tho demurrer to the complaint on the eround that the contract and matters alleged in the complaint are in violation of the United States st.it Lutes relating to fees for services In shipping seamen.In this case Lynch claims $500 damages against the fendants for intimidating and forcing ten seamen to desert while on thll way to Astoria, who had been shipped by Lvnch for the ship Grandee at an agreed price of $50 each, which the Captain of thq vesssel had agreed to to nay Lynch. The circuit court holds that tha United States statutes pro hibit all such contracts for the pay ment of fees for the shipment of sea men, except to such persons as are authorized by act of Congress, and that Lynch ia not one of such persons. A DETERMINED ROBBER. Natrona. Pa.. June 19. W. P. Dis sert, of Philadelphia, a burgler, had 100 armed men at bay all night at Ches- wlck. Pa. He only surrendered when fifty determined men burst open the doors of the building and overpowered him. For ten hours a steady fire was kept up on both sides. When captured one of the robber's eye was shot out, and his left arm disabled by' a buliet. Dissert Is supposed to be Implicated in fifty robberies in Western Pennsylvinia during the past two weeks. HEADY FOR EMERGENCIES. Arkansas City, Kas., June 19. This city at noon was considerably excited over the arrival of five, men heavily armed u-Uh. revolvers and carbines. They are believed by some to be mem bers of the Starr gang of bank robbers. The second and third stories of build ings near the banM are occupied by olMzfn with gtns ready for any emer gency. ATTEMPTED MURDER. Moscow, June 19. Mike H. LeUch, of rullman, Washington, made an attempt to kill R. S. Browne, president of VM jIihrOW National Bank, this riiorn'iig. Ti.-5 men 41u1.iTe.lled over a debt owed hy Lt-itch to tho bank. I-etich drew a revolver and fired at P.rowne. The bullet struck the h-ft. side of Browne's neck, inflicting a inrbnis w-m: litch is uridf-r arp-t. Do XT WANT TO TALK. I'hiM-1. Jim'; 19.WUllatil ... , , , - t i ... , - - 1 i,; T- : . -y H U f.-n J.ily 4. F. II FORD'S THEATRE DISASTER Tlis Coroner's Jury Fiimlies Its La tors Yesterday. TIIE GOvEENMIKI' IMUURCD Coloucl Alio-w-rvh noil Other Are Het.l Responsible for the Killing of I.ofius lJnmiiRliiE K Idonee. AssocI t ed Pre S3. . - Washington, June 19. It was de cided by Coroiier Paterson that Colonel F. C. Atnsworth should not be sum moned to appear, as a witness before the corontr'3 jury Investigating the cause of the Ford's theatre disaster. As Colonel Alnsworth was not willing to appear ns an ordinary citizen, he thought nothing could be gained by nnitinir'htm in !vn olllclal capacity. The testimony this morning was principally In reference to the character of the matter used by Contractor Dant In doing the work of building up the old theatre building. Witnesses testified to selling Dant the best materials, but when shown samples taken from the debris they said they were of a poor .-.nnlitv nnd not the same as sold. Af ter being out two hours the jury re tiimwl a venllrt setting forth thut Frederick B. Loftus came to hels death by disaster at Ford's theatre, building on June 9, 1893. 1 It recites all tho clr cumstances connected with the n,ed dent, and finds that Frederick C. Alns worth. In charge of the building; Wm, G. Court, superintendent; Francis Basse engineer, and Geo. W. Dant, contractor responsible for the killing of Loftus. The jurors further find that, the failure of the government of the United States to provide skilled superintendents for the work of repair and alterations to its buildings in charge of the war de partment wns most unbuslness-llke and reprehensible, and are of the opinion that If such superintendents had been provided tho awful tragedy might have been averted. Coroner Patterson decided not to Is sue warrants for the commitment Col Atnsworth, Dant, Court and Basse until tomorrow mwn'.ng, in order to give them an opportunity to obtain ball Col. AInswoith has already secured bondsmen : Contractor Dant Is very ill at his residence. TLEASANT AT THE FAIR. Exhibits from Religious Societies Must Remain Till the Close. Chicago, Juno 19. In spite of the heat today there was a rerivsning breeze around tin fair ru'Mlium thut made life pleasant to visitors t the White City. The council of the i'il".M!i Istration decided today to keep th.' gates open hereafter until 11 o'eloek at nltrht. Heretofore tho gates have been open to visitors on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. Some special features are being prepared for each evening. This program had peon continued on the nights named, but tho fair will be opened the other nights as well. The decision wns caused by the clamor of business men and others who had no opportunity of visiting the grounds during the day. An elaborate Fourth of July program ls being pre pared. A religious society, which threatens to remove exhibits because the exposition is. to be opened Sunday, will not be allowed to do so, as the di rector-general holds that nil exhibits entered are for tho whole period, and must remain, CALIFORNIA'S DAY,' Chicago, . June 19. The California state building was formally dedicated today In presence of 10,000 people. Next to the Illinois building that of California Is the largest state building on the exposition grounds. It has a total floor space of lOO.OuO square feet and cost nearly $100,000, while Jl00,f00, 000 wUl not reach the valtio of the ex hiblts. Governor Marklmtu wus among those present. WIPED OU'i4 BY FIRE. Dnluth, June 19. A train bearing the destitute refugees from a fire In the mining town of Virginia, number ing; 250, mostly women and children, arrived here this morning. The people were almost sternal. They were at one'e supplied with food. They reixirt that the houses burie-d like tinder, and ths wholo town v.as In ruins Inside on hour. All the way lu re tho train came through a lake of f-.i.-.i fir-. PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS. Wiishlngton, June 1ft Th" pivuidi-nl has made the fallowing r.jP'intnu-nlrt: Collector of internal revenue, Albert L. New, of Wyi .tiling, for tie- district of Colorado; Chas. M? frhisimon of Ari zona fur the district of New Mexico; E. C. Anus, Postmaster at Fn.ihoTrib'li, Wa.'-h., Indian jsg.-iit J'dm V. T. lire f.,n -)r.-"-H '-f I:,'M !'..." c-'-n-y f.....;..n: W. L. P'c.vll, hlr.-.n, at niicjc, rrvE ce.ntts. Neah r:ay Agency, Wash; Lewis i. Erwin, Washington, at Yakima, agency. Wash; Wni L. Hargrove, of Missouri. at Ncz raves agency, Idaho; J. I to" Young, Kentucky, at Flma agency, Ari zona, A VALUABLE ITAUL. Thirty-two Chinese Captured at Seattle In a Freight Car. Seattle. Juno 19. The biggest seiz in-, of smuggled Chinese ever recovered on Puget Sound was made tonight by Deputy Collector of Customs D. A. Ate- Kenzle. who rounded up thlrty-tw Chinamen nnd one white man In a Northern Paclfio box car, which had been sealed and switched ready to be sent to Tortland during the night. Last night the British steamer Ina of u torla quietly slipped Into the hurbor and landed at Seattle, where she dis charged her oorgc of Mongolians, with C. Dilloway, white man. rf Uetoiia, were stowed away in the car,, which was sealed. The railroad employes heard voices In the car during the day and reported to McKenzle, who toou the entire party Into custody. TIIE COWBOY RACE, ronca. Neb., June 19. "Doc" Mldde- ton, Stevens and Gllk-sple, the cow boy racers, passed through the suburbs of Ponea today at 2:30 p. m., having gained a lead over the others by rid ing the wholo of two nights. Blidtue ton had tha misfortune to lose his best horse at Coleridge, where he strained ono of his hind legs. Tho remainder of the horses seem in good condition. niii ln'g tho first six days they traversed inn miles', and are beginning to Increase the speed as they advance, endeavoring to save-the horses by traveling Jiatr the time on foot RECORDS BROKEN. T.ondon. Juno 19. Sanger today at Heinhlll surpassed all previous work. he beat the quarter mile record or Saturday, which was 24 H-5 seconds, by a second. He did the mile In 2;10 1-5. beating llarrla" record of 8:12 3-5. While performing the one-mile heat, h"3 also BUtT-assed by 2 1-6 seconds Sco lield's resord of 1:38 2-5 for three-quarters of a mile. All are world's records. HONORsTtO AN AMERICAN. London, June 19.-Rlchard M. Hunt, of New York, received at the Royal In stitute of Architects . today to the queen's gold medal. The distinction was conferred on him In view of his work at tho World's Fair In Chicago. Hunt Is the first American whose nn.rne has been Inscribed on the Institute's roll of honor. FOREST FIRES. Ashland, Wis., June 19. Forest fires are sweeping over miles of the country. lTunnrf-du of homeateods are endanger ed. John Meagher perished at Moquah x tvo unknown children or Fnnborn, and the town wip.d out. The Northern Pa eip i-r'dpre at Mlnersville Is gone. A li-.idko 300 feet lur? at Sanborn war, destroyed. The loss will reach Into the millions. . THE ARMY BILL WILL PASS. Berlin, June 19. Llebknecht, the well-known social democratic leader. In an Interview todawy, admitted the gov ernment would get a majority in the relejistag for tho army bill by effjHi" a compromise with certain polltVal ra tions. SUICIDE IN PORTLAND. Portland, June 19. The body of Curo lino Hurker, a young lady who com mitted suicide yesterday by Jumping In to the rive from Stark street ferry, was recovered this afternoon. ILLNESS OF A PROMINENT MAN. New York, Juno 19. Associate Judge Samuel Blackford, United States su preme court, was taken critically 111 yesterday. Tho family are greatly alarmed. TIIE SOLEMN OATH OF A TIPPLER. A popular comedian tells a story of a waiter at a London restaurant who was sadly given to drink. A party of young men determined to reform him, and one day they read to him an im aginary paragraph from a paper relat ing a terrible accident, In which an Inebriate, In blowing out a candle, was killed by the flames Igniting the alco holic fumes of his breath. James pricked Up his ears at this and re quested that the paragraph mlfiht be read to him again, which was d.on to tho evident horror of the po'r man, who Immediately went In boatch oC a. bible. Returning with this he e. -pressed a desire to take a solemn ot'.'i upon It, bemoaned the fact that he l.n i been a fjorry tippler und was brini,;ii himself to ruin, and then swore tt-et never again, so hmg as lie uveu, woi.m he attempt to blow out a crni-i!" -Tie Million. Clah-e What a lovely HuKlu has. Siiian Yes; she: must us-' w.-.hU or other. vi '!l Claire She doe; Fusan I knew !!lH g.--ts it- ri.,!.,vo.!t if r';-e -i !'! ,, I'm sure, it. I wi.ud.-r