TELE DAILY ASTOItlAH, ASTOK1A, THUBSlJA UOiLNJJNt, JUNE 15 it3. ABOUT THE CITY. The steamship Columbia Is due this mornlns from California. Oregon strawberries at Smith's today, The steamship Oregon will sail for San Francisco this morning'. Renmmber McGutre's Hotel at Sea- elde Is open the year uround. The Weekly Tribune of SUverton, Or., Is offered for Bale at a reasonable figure. Roser's Root Beer Superior to all others. The funeral of Poter Nelson, the victim of Sunday's drowning accident, took place yesterday. If you want Home extra tine photos, Mooers' Is the place to get them. Tha Chautauqua circle meets at the residence of S, T. McKean, Court street, at 8 p. m., tonight. The Belmont cigar can be had at Chas. Olson's. The American Institute business In this city has been purchased by Dr. Mulllnlx and A. L. Curry. Moany Is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for rur sklna. The Board or school directors held a meeting yesterday and purchased 120 scats for the Uppertown school house. watery grave. Captain Mathews was compelled to get pretty close to the spit, but preferred to do bo rather than watch the men perish. The boat was No. 15, belonging to the Megler can nery. On Tuesday there were three boats In all capsized, viz: the one from which Horton was drowned, Elmore's boat containing McCrake and Brown, and one which was wrecked near Sand Island. In the latter case the men were washed up on the Island nothing the worse for their terrible experience. Ii. P. Fisher. newsnnDer Rrtvprtlnlnor agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, Kan Fran cisco. Is our authorized n?nt. Thin mr Is kept on file at his office. Free at Crow's gallery, a life-size crayon with every dozen cabinets or dered. Offei good for 30 days. The following passengers arrived from Portland yesterday morning by the steamer Potter: J. O. Colman. W. Short, J. W. Master, N. Berg, Dr. Baker, Wm. Barker, L. Jacobs, Mr. nienn, J. W. Conn and wife, Miss Edith Conn, Martin Ford and wife, J. D. Coleman, Mr. Ford, F. L. Taylor, F. Skinner, J. Howard, W. J. Hess. The A STRANGQ CEREJIONT. Football Pasha's Account of a ' Match In London. Commander of tha faithful, may thy shadow never decrease! I have this day seen a strange ceremony of these English Giaours, which will doubtless Interest you. Know, then, that there Is within the precincta of this mighty city (London), the like for which the world has never een for majesty and greatness, a sacred place, set apart by the priests, called tha Oval, wherein many religious rites, peculiar to these Idolaters, are carried out. And these observances vary with the seasons, Insomuch that In the hot days, when the climate inora nearly ap proaches that of my beloved Bagdad, one kind of ceremony la performed, while, in the cold and rainy season all the people; take part in the strange proceedings which I saw but yester day. I and my young man did partake of our midday meal, and were then, con veyed by means of a fast caravan, roll ing on rails of Iron, to the gates of this temple of tha gods. At the entrance there was found a larere crowd of wor The committee met vesterdav morn- L.i,i, i,.nt. i, .i hj. UK vuu unmtu m imaiiKHie wie 1 lonevr tFAXTEli. SALtSM KN. ENEKGET10 MEN. KKEE prepaid outfit. Oi.e of our agnt.s Imi earned over fu.uuu in live yearn. I. 0. lkix 1:171, N. V, FOJt BALIS. iy YOKE OF WORK OXHV andelialn. For sale cheno for cash, WITH VOKES forcish. imik L. & M. Co. Mayner, Or. GO ACRES ,0OPEft ACK3 IMPROVED OO farm'iiR land with fruit tree, a) wires cleared, 20 acres pasture. Dwelling hone. ware House and other buildings. MM nillo from ! Dinamuoaii lawiing a urooKneui, ny hoat or '",'! iiKjiuru oi owuer on premises MRS. H. K. V. CHEAP A FEW CHOICE LOTS IN ADAIR'S Astorla-Eany t-rins. See Frank Simile at- wruvy m jhw i4t ja.H3 street. MOOMS TO BEXT. AC TfAtiEOP FIVS ROOMS; RENT, $12. Inquire at Mr. E. C. II JLUEN S. F jWKNlHKI HOUSE i-V 1? ROOMS, CEN tinny li.uuru. lllltlirt! ab lllls IIIIIIH). IpUHNISHKD ROOMS, MAIN STUurT house. - Everything iixwlv lltietl thicim-li- t. No, l.&Maiu at. M US, II, 81'KI.LMUIK. Picnic until Wednesday o'clock a. m. . next at ten Fresh Clatsop cieam received every morning at Coimann s. An accident to the machinery In the can factory occurred yesterday and nr-ressitated a temporary suspension of operations. Del. Ferguson, general job printer. Astonan nuituing, upstairs. First- class work at reasonable rates. On Tuesday morning the boat of Peter McCrake and Peter Brown, fish- ' Ing for tha Elmore cannery, was cap sized In the breakers near the Republic spit. The occupants were picked up The original Root Beer Extract is bv wo of Megler's men, and the boat Roser's. secured by the Fort Canby Life-Saving Yesterday morning a Russian Finn crew. They lost nothing, with the ex- fell on the sidewalk on Third street and ception of about fifty fathoms of net. dlsiocatea ms lert leg. cnier lougnery Lost-A new net. about 200 fathoms the most wealthv of the people congre- naa mm Ruenueu to. i long, wnn manes "u. u. on leaa lines. Finder will be rewarded by returning eagerness to gain admission within Ere passing tha solemn archway, we, like others, deposited our gifts in the alms-boxes to propitiate the gods, and we found ourselves within the midst of a large: enclosure and of a mighty throng. In tha center of tha people a space was made bounded with poles and banners, and hung with ropes, and at each end were gateways of wood of a height greater than the stature of any man, and white, glistening saplings were bound above with thongs. Around two sides of the space were rows of seats, the one above the other, where VTICEU' FURNISHED ROOMS BY DvY 1 week or inouili tfrnm very reasonable at the Oriel, 71( Third Street. FOVtilt. 4 HEREOF HMAI.I. ME-tH NET. OWNER JrV can hav III wi ne bv pitvlw; cliiimoi himI moving proierty. Inquire of the Pillar Kock racking co. MISCEI.L AMKO VS. CAU. OS P. RAKE If. 47S THIRD STREET and liavo y ur cl it lies dyrd an! cNano :. (rO. MoLEAN, COUMilt OLNEV-AiND A -T tor streets, does a eeneral bnsliKsiiii lilnpk. smithing and re pairing. Westpcrt cream fresh every morning to Columbia River Packing Company. ui eniun s xce jream puriors, xniru si. The steamer Wlllapa, which formerly ran between this port, and Shoalwater Bay, Is now on the run between Neah Bay and Port Townsend. PERSONAL MENTION. Strawberries mann's. and cream at Col- The ship Belle of Bath, from New York for this port, was spoken May 14th, in latitlde 30.59 north, longitude 42.12 west, fourteen days out. For fine wines and liquors call at August Danielson s Sample Rooms. Two carloads of lumber were taken down to Taylor's Astoria by the Bay Railway Company, for a Jiouse which Joe Surprenant Is building for Fred Brown. Raser's Extract Root Beer, the pur est You can get the best 10-cent or twe- for-a-quarter cigars In Astoria at Chas. Olsens. The Committee of nine appointed for the purpose of investigating the tax ation question are requested to meet Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Murray of Ilwaco are In the city. Mr. O. W. Howard of Fort Canby who were brought out for came up to town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bain came down from the metropolis yesterday. Mrs. Ross was a passenger on the Patter yesterday from Portland. Mr. P. Eldrldge of St. Louis was a guest at the Occident yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Coleman of Port land were visiting in this city yester- danced aa-y- globe the one to the other, and did Mr. J. L. Weatherbea of Eagle Cliff spurn it with their feet; and all the came down the river yesterday after- people shouted and said: "Great is the noon. North End!" and the others replied Miss Burns returned last night on "But greater are- tney ot Corinth." And th otopr,. nrMl a vi.u to uei vianes wnxeu noi, una ineir gated. And as I looked, behold! a troop of priests, clad In bright raiment, leaped wHthini the enclosed space, bearing with them a small globe of leather, within which were imprisoned evil goda whose authority the people defied, and a public ordinance every seven days. And, lo! There stood also, two other priests bearing . silver wands, and one taller than all the rest, carried in hia hand a golden instrument of shrill sound, with which ho encouraged the weary, ad. monlshed the idle, and directed the ceremony. And, behold! The priests or dervishes ,to and fro, and threw the Fort Stevens. Mrs J. C. Trullinger was a passenger on the Thompson from Portland yes terday afternoon. fury Increased, until the foam fell from their Hps, and their actions were like those of madmen. Yet there was no slackness in their going! This continued, methinks, for the Miss Bertha R. Welch, who has been SDace of more than nnn hour, until, ex. at the rooms of the Chamber of Com- atendlng school at St. Mary's Academy, hausted with their labors, the priests merca on r nuuy tuiernuun at uciucn, Parties visiting In Portland can get The Dally Astorian at Handley & Haas' news stand, tsu Jf'irsi street. Cigars of the choicest brands, includ ing the Belmont, Flor de Madrid, and Wedding Bouquet can be had at Frank Rogers & Co. s store. The resignation of Miss Campbell, one of -the most efficient of the teach ers at Court street school, has been received by the school directors. The young lady will teach at Warrenton during the summer. returned home yesterday morning. ceased, and then with singing and Word was received from Mr. J. N. chanting and the sounds of music, the Griffin, yesterday stating that he and dervishes did retire to the door of one Mrs. Griffin would leave for Chicago of the wooden temples, while all the shortly after the data of his letter People made acclamation; and, lo ! the (June 6th). Mr. and Mrs. Griffln are lor closed upon them, and I saw theia well, but complain of the warm weather. i Mrs. J .W. Conn and daughter Edith returned from Portland yesterday morning, where they have been attend ing the commencement exercises of St. Mary's Academy. Miss Edith, who is one of the graduating class of '94, was the recipient of the alumnae gold med al awarded for prose composition. She also received a renewal, by meanB of a' bar, of the medal for music which was given last year. CAUTION TO CUSTOMERS. There is no place in Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept in such good condition as at Utzlnger's popular resort. For all kinds of job printing, go to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorian building. u,, u. Nothlng of original or superior merit juoge uieveiana yesteruay on a ciiurge but nag lts imitations and counterfeits, of assault and battery committed on even to Imperiling the health of com the person of his wife, was fined $20, or In default sentenced to ten days Imprisonment in the county jail. The Children's Guild of Grace church will give an entertainment Thursday June 15th at 2:30 o'clock. Fancy ar ticles and Ice cream for sale. Admis sion 10 cents children 5 cents. no more. But as I and my sword-bearers turned to depart, there saw we. on ry hand, some who rejoiced greatly, and others who were utterly cast down, and they did pass the one to the other pieces of silver end pieces of gold, many with great ravings and unholy irevIllngaL This was the cteremony which I beheld; and as I gazed, lo ! I was alone, and a eunlch, clad In blue, with a staff In his hand, followed me to the gates. STOOD THE TEST. ' munitles. For this reason the proprie tors of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters cau tion their patrons to scrutinize every bottle offered (and it is sold only in bottles), and verify Its many marks of genuineness. A sufficient warning to those medi- Alloock's Poms Plasters are unap proachable in curative properties, rap idity and safety of action, and are the only reliable plasters ever produced. They have successfully stood the test of over thirty years' use by the public; (heir virtues have never been equalled by the unscrupulous Imitators who have sought to trade upon the repu tation of Allcock's by making plasters with holes In them, and claiming them to be "just as good as Allcock's," and Salmon 10 cents tatlng fraud can be found in the un broken line of judicial decisions, expos- tn stand tod lndorsej by not only Ing and severely punishing every one fh uiut )ii ,,:! ti k. I J.I.-i.J 1 1 1 1.1. . . ...V..V.U.. UUL..U..l,CO IUl Fresh fish received at the Albatross - ' t w ?Lm"on wh . : .v . . I nave jiruveu meir euicacy as a nouse- lng made to protect the public from no(j reme(jy. tne ueception or tnese unpnncipieu pi- Bewnre of imitations, and do not be rates. deceived bv misrenresentn.tlon. Aslr for Remember the Bitters Is sold In bot- A llonnL-'a anil Int ye anl f o tlnn rn a i w v k d uiiu v. v. in ouiiviuiuuii k ;a, ties oniy, never oy mu guuuu planatlon induce you to accept a sub stltuto. Fish market dally. per pound, A report was current In town yester day that three more fishermen had been drowned, but Inquiry at the can neries failed to corroborate the rumor. On account of the severity of the weather there were not a great many men out, although some were seen In hazardous positions during the day. FUNERALS. MRS. DR. M. E. M'COY, PHYSIC IAN AND SURGEON Wing Lee has just received a full line of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. win sen at cost. 629 Third street. E. W. Kuykendall, the leading under taker, havlnir completed arrangements I T , ... ,, cU , . . -, : . . . . l I xs 111 mia laiy. dub manes cnruiuc uib to mirchase coeds direct from the iac-1 !,,. . ..-t tho? pd'sia. d ra IIIUUC giCU. IVUUI.IIUI. ... ' 1 ' Owners of horses can purchase Camp bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred. Falz' Saddlery establishment. The Grand Lodge of Masons con vened In Portland yesterday. Temple Lodge, No. 7, of this city, was to have been represented by Messrs. Short, Howell and Bartholomew, but on ac count of the inability of Messrs. How ell and Bartholomew to attend, B. Van Dnsi-n and Dr. Jay Tuttle supplied their places. funwals: 5.00 Coffins reduced to 3.00 8.00 Coffins reduced to - o.uu 25.00 Coffins reduced to .... 18.00 WITH HEARSE. 36.00 Coffins or casKets re'd to 25.00 40.00 Coffins or caskets re'd to 30.00 50.00 Coffins or caskets re'd to 40.00 75.00 Caskets reduced to.... 60.00 125.00 Caskets reduced to .... 75.00 SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNTS. Welch Block, 718 Water St., Astoria, Oregon. LADIES' TEA throat and lungs, kidney, urinary or gans and all private diseases. Special attention given to diseases of women, Consultation free. Cure or no charg es. Offlc hours. 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. Office rooms 3 and 4 over Os good's clothing store, 598. Third street. Astoria, Oregon. A LEADER. Is a pleasant drink, which will be borne bv the stomach without nau sea or griping. It acts thoroughly on the liver, kidneys and reproductive or- , t. . i ,1 gans. A gentle pnysic, emcieni oiu- Buy feaser's Root Extract to make f "' ' , or a healthful, refreshing beverage. everywhere. Sold nalnful menstruation. It aids diges tion and reduces corpulency; clears the Since Its first Introduction. Electric Bit ters has gained rapidly In popular favor, uniu now u is cieariy in me lead among Dure medicinal tonics and alteratives- containing nothing which permits Its use as a beverage or intoxicant, It is recog nized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kid neys. It will cure Bick Headache. Indi gestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from the syatem. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle of the money will b re- runaea. trice oniy w c. per Dottle, sola by Chas. Rogers. For New YorK Direct The A 1 Clipper Ship SOLITAIRE TIlOMt SO v, Master. Is now on berth ns above, and having large engagements will receive prompt despatch. For rates of freight and other particulars apply to '' Sutton & Beebe, Agts." 10 Front St. North, Port land Or. Or to C. P. Upsiiok, Astoria, Or. n U Our Slock Represents Over 1O0O Styles. Trouserings, Overcoatings, Suitings. Prices $5 to $50. Samples, SELF-MZAsunEMENT Rules, and Tape.line Mailed Free. TAILOJ2 128 FIRST STREET, Portland, Oregon. for Salel Worth more than standard value worth two for on for the World's Fair and more than that to you. We are selling half-dollars for a dollar a-pieca. You get a Original ifl Design. ! World s Fair i Souvenir Coin! Tor a Dollarj Beautiful in Execution. A Work of Art in Itself. MACHINE SHOP JAS. DALUITY, l'riV. (Successor to Arndt & Ferubon.) lioiierKopainngaiia atinory woik. Kenalr liiK of River Craft a Specialty. Machine- Wort of all kinds done. Shop, loot of Lafayette Hi Seaside Saw Mill. A complete stock of lumber on hand In Ui rough ot dressed. Flonrlnc. Rustic, Ceiling aim an auiasot tinisii: Moi.iuimrs ana niiin ilea: alfo Bracket Work done to order. Term reiumnnnie ana irlii at lied route. All orders promptly autsiiaca to. uince fiuo yard at nun ii. r. h, LuiiiH, t ropr. Seaside, Oregon. ROSS, HIGCIN :& CO., butchers - and - (Jrocers Astoria and Upper Attoi In. Fine Teas and Coff es, Tnlilo Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vegeia ble., sugar cured hams, bao.iii. tile. CHOICE FRESH & SALT MEATS CAMPBELL C110S. (Successor! to Warren A Campbcfl), WARRENTON, ORKUON, Dealers In I3Lir GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes STAPLE! GROCERIES FANCY Hard rare, Iron nnd Steel, Crockery, Glassware noouenware, notions, etc., nay, Grain, Flour and Feed. BOTTOi "Snail Fronts oa Cnh Salea." HUNTER E MERGENS, rroprieton ol the Portland Butchering Co.'s Matt ' Corner Second and Benton striTcIs ' Corner Third and We t tlithtli streeti. Foard & Stokes anooRo UealeM In Olansware, Crockery, fillip Snppllen, looiicco. wines aim r ne iv i k m. rum reus andColTeeftHneciHlty. The Fini-st Display ol rruiiH in uif. juy, ricsn on r.vcry bioamer. Lorneroi iniruauu west Kiuiitn etreuts. an. eumrs OIHQIl SYRUP FOR COUGHS,, . COLDS AHD CROUP. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT. When a child, mother cave me onion srrup for Couirh.. CoMs and Croim. In turn I alve ltto nip lit tleona. There 1. nothing mo simple, safe and anre. ut. uunn i union ovrup la a. narmieaa ana ant to the tneto a boner. Thla 1. a mother', bom imnedr. by not try It P. Bold at 60 oaata. , For tle by 3. W. Conn, Drngglat Tartles called upon to perform the complexion, rendering it fair, and re- sad duties to relatives or friends will stonns tne natural lone 01 tne '". find both moderate charsres and court- for it removes the Wle-, wmcn Dy ac- cumulation, produces the sallow, mud- tabiishment of William Pohl. Do not dy complexion, peculiar to the con- mistake the address: Third street, be- stlpated. Sold by all druggists. ttt-ppn Cans and Main. Those who wish to have the finest I Shoalwater Bay oysters or clams by the ouart or pint in Jars, can have them delivered nice and fresh by Horn-1 er Fletcher. Orders left at The Asto rian office will receive prompt and care ful attention from him. JPPTl'n ITIV.3 (1"'" n"" f hii u, iiiu Uiiijf liuuiduiuuL1 Captain Mathews of the tug Col umbia, when coming up from the mouth of the river yesterday afternoo, saw a boat drifting on the eastern edtre of Peacock- spit, and at once headed the steamer in that direction. As he approached he saw signals of distress fljir.jr. and was Just in time to save the occupants of the boat from a U " ! s j r, Li, U 11 U ! n" a ' t v. .--a 1 ' Tl:c only Pure C-ta:: cf'i'-rUr 1 . .. Atn.m;: v Used in Millions of Home; v'enrs the Standard We devote the entire ; amount towards developing nd ennobling the People's Great Fair. Souvenir and Rare Coins as an Investment. . toln. (J. S. $5 Goldpiece 1823 U. S. 1804 Silver Dollar U. S. Half-Dollar 1796 U. S. 1802 Silver 5-Ccnt Piec U. S. 1856 Eagle Penny U. S. 1793 Copper Cent (Amen) Queen's Jubilee 5-Sovireign, Eng. Napoleon's 100-day sfr., French. King William Coronation, Ger. 1861 German "Peace" Coins 187 1 Thif will be the best investment you ever made A World's Fair Souvenir Coin A National Heirloom for only $L00. Under Act of Congress we have 5,000,000 Souvenir Coins, of the denomination of 50 cents each. That the money may go as far as possible, and that all the people may have a chance to pro cure these artistic and patriotic souvenirs of their own Exposition, we have resolved to offer the whole issue for sale at $1.00 each. Apply to any Bank, or send Post Office or Express Money ().; !er, lk'.nk Dnft, or Registered Letter for as many coins as you Pace Market value, value. 5.00 900.00 1.00 900.00 - .to 52.50 .05 100.00 01 5.00 .01 50.00 4-33 33-o x.oo 4.00 .66 1.25 .66 1.25. wit: lar.ncror.s now to send them to you, to Columbian Exposition, CO, ILL. J. O. KTIiailYEI, Has Juit received n fl'ie line uf WEDDING PRESENTS 'i)iihtin(! o Rllver Bon Urn D she-, I'rmt DhIii-h, Hcrrv DIhIhm, Nut I'owN, Mustard Ptiln, It -.cult .Ims, ("i-li'ry (tliiHxt a, Hair I'ln liays, Tin CiiO.Ioiih, rictiiiH KiMine. Mil mm, e:c.,iill new Kinl mul IlllCHt (ll'.HlnlH. ' North Pacific Brewery. JOHN KOPP, Pioprietor. lioliemian - Lager - i Jeer And XX Porter. All Diilni promptly r.t emloi to, Merchant Steamship Cos Mne, ConneclinK with CabadlKit rnnlilo HiillHajr anil Chin Stemii. Ship Lloe, Tah Inir frclL'lit flllri inmi IU'itm fur I'ort liur... If". Vldllirlll. I'oH TliHIISl'llil. hCHtllf. TiliMinn Wlmtcoiii. Kiilrlwu'ii, Niwiniio, Ni'w WcMiiiln. I niHriiiii viiiiroiivur : i'IIVMik Asluillt : H. 8. Hiiytiiin i.upubliu 8 M. Wllmiimtoii 8. ii. Hnytla'1 Itniuililut Krolnlit rceclvi'd t llimtlpr'a wlmrf, foot ol M11I11 Nti'i'ut. Kor liirllmr piirilculinit upply hi the onion, corner Third uuj Alain street. KElKlUiON 1IIMH., AkiU Do You Know That the Tide Table lor AntorJa. JUNE. HIUH WAT KK. a; m . p. t. Ii. in. 1 fi,i"ii.iii" ri; LOW WATKH. I Weekly i .. In 1 2 , 7 Hi V.. 2 1 :.l ; 7 C: x 2 n ,7 i 4 .1 17 '7 2 M. r, 4 Wl 0 Hi T.. fi 1 f, lo ti .1! W. 7 i 6 1H 1 0 1! T.. hI; 7 Ki (1 ll V.. Or, 8 4fi 1 6 8 S.. 11 11 01 6 M. 121,11 M I.Tl ... . . Oil s : 1 Ol 1 H Hi 1 III K 2 4h 8 3 H ,ti 7 1" 4 !W ! 7 2 r, m a r, 411 (I 7 .'11 ft 9 O.) ! a 1 T W.ll V.. I.. .. I H.. 17 M. !! 20 W.2I ..'i T5f 4 11 4 '.A ft 41 0 27 7 14 8 n:t 8 W 9 V, 10 :n fi in 21 . . '12 M 7 I 4(1 1 f, A. M. V, M. I1.111. i n. ii. ni u. -0 II 1 8 1-1 3 7 0 7 ' 8 ftl !t 8 u ft ;v, n h 0 2 ill 27 'A 7 0 2 : 11 2-.;i 4 U 7-i . ,.. . 2 !l 12 Jil l 2 2 2 1 ftl 1 1 X H.. 21 1(1 111 H..21 II 1 12 07, 7 12 51. W.28 ! . .. ,k 0 2.1 .jai; 1 m i m 3 M 4 13 t) ill i Mi 11 a; 7 21 H hH !l 41 10 2'l 11 (Hi C 2 HI 4i . . I 31 In 3 7 2 on ; i 7 8 ! 2 41 . 7 8 IK 8 ;il 9 27 10 M 10 51 It 41 0 28 1 I8 2 43 3 40 4 41 -0 7 5 !il 1-1 ft li 21 j-2 2 7 l 'l -2 4 111 1-2 ft $ 48 !-2 a 9 m 1-1 7 10 21 ui 0 , a w.a 0 a i:s Mil, . . . . 0 08 2 8 ' 12 0.1(0 7 1 ( I 1 V - 12 .iil 5 a 11 1 1 ft 1 1 .v.12 ;i 8 IB I 0 11 ' 2 &'' 7 4 (fi 1 0 4 r.i 'n 2 4 W ;-0 2 4 4l!;i 4 ft !.! :-o 7 : ft v.i'w 6 18 i-i o r, i.i .1 ; (1 -l '2 l .' . : n 7 V -l 2 7 IM 1 7 8 Ol) !-l 2 I 8 U:.'1 (1 2 42.2 1 3 41 '2 ft 4 i8jj 7 5 -!2 8 2H2 i 7 17:i 0 8 W12 0 9 0.'l2 9 10 102 8 Astorian Goes Everywhere? Advertisers, Do you see Your chance? '1 In- hour Ih-iw-ii inltliilj.;l;t and noon me am! mlilnli'lit liv Pip. in ).() h. Oliii. a lifiiulia III Hill il t. Oil. Villi, i' dcllllllH U4H1II.