IMiailDBUflUERiEYiSSOCIAHOH.. 4 -tk 3 rf Vi BXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPH IC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XL. NO. I Jt). ASTORIA, OREGON, Til UR DAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1893. PRICE, FIVE CENTS, 5 fly 2 m i ASSIGNEE'S SALE! Continued till old stock is closed out at cost. New Goods arriving sold at liberal discount. W. W. PARKER, Assignee. Largo and assorted stock of Firo. Works, Buntinpr, Muslin -and Flags of all sizes just received from the factory, We desiro to close out the entire stock at once ;ind will sell at bed rock prices. GRIFFIN &, REED, BUSINESS CARDS. . .IJ.IU.iI'lUi OF ACCOUNTS and I'ltObliSSIONAL JOKKtiKPER. 'Vkick : W til (i imral AlessciiKor Co., 015 ka.iwiiio street A A. '-.HVF.LAHO, A. A f TOME AT LAW. ill 'e Kinney's now hri.iK Uui loins, I Irril ,ui,i U.mcvteve streets : up stairs. J Q. A. EO'iVLQY, ,Vn iLVri' COUKEMHl AT LAH ,11 :o on .sjcoiiU -ureal, - Astoria, Or. I OHH H. SMI H. t) At'i'witKisif at Law. o-tkutu Kinney's new tiricit building, over AM-rlii National 11 ink, W. PARK - R, IllUI, iWTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT i'ijii Hi Ucntoa stiet, Astoria, Oregon. D. Gl'.IV J ANSON. FilWUIA.N & KUKtiliON. It DM 7 ilteov. r Osgood's Cloihliig titoro, hours, 10 to r.' in, 'J to 0 p, in, 7 tot o in. Sunday, 1U to 11 lit. DR. O. B. eSTES, I'HYMCIAN A.NU SL'IKiEOH. Special attention in Diseases ot Women au.i Mir.-i'y. Oillce over La.izi!;er's store Astoria. . A. C. and J. a. kULTOk. Ol-ili.l.slvj Op' .vOMlCN A Sl'iiCl VI.TY. irert' -,y r. J. A. Fulton. Uue I ft Jas t.i-i H. Hums 10 to 12 and 1 to 4 I4Y 'UTTLf .M.D.. O ' IIY.SIOIAN. a'iMJIfcnH & A(K!0iIi!HKUK. 'Mile . luiii'is 8, 4 ovt r Astoria National Dank, liouii. lit a & 2 oa itesidt'lli-e. GJ Cellar 81 Wit. WALTE9 I. NT,V4n. M ii'i .iik iAriuc 1'tn.sniAN suit li Ml. .illK- l, 4 ,1. tiliill sir.,. llllll.-N to to 12 .hi li! t 4,.4iiiiil:iy I i.i2 ltudileueo 48!id slreel r P. MULLINIX. M D.. Li. (livui KMti!.iU LieaiiiiMit for Caiarrli I mini !.n ICul it-y tiaiiitu- Urinary organs i ll ;e i. si liisiit a t'lttnl St. U hum,!) ii.m, KH'UAKD IIARKY. CI. II. MOM, uity surveyor. JARKY A ISOtYt, CIVIL ENG1NKKU8 AND BlUtVEYOK9. liOOMS S AND 8, OVER ASTOKIA NAllONAL BANK. w. T. IIUKNKV, J. VT. DKAPf B (jii'riey i. t ', lin-'KOii i It.y, Oii'Koii tears' experience an register of Hi i lice li. r ii'i'onnnonds us In inn ' Minim; and nil oilier business be- .-liiu iMllue or Hie Courts, mid mvolv , oi me ueiierui l.aiul Ulllee. J)R JCKNBROUCH & COWIMC. ' LAVVOPFICK, DREQON CITY. OR. Huei'ial altentlon uiven tn land Iiiimiicvs Set tiers on Innnestea is or ire-niiiilin elainis mid liinliei-1 and pureliav s .slmwn everv :i(lv:tnhur of iho law. For as isiaiice in niakiiii: il:ial, ir u imii on us. FRE" R1CKSON, L i'l v.'.O lUNhli. o ..d. Wost Sixilt Mrcet. rOiigjnal and Geooins Imparts the meet delicious taste and rat tC EXTRACT of n ,".ETTi:a from iili'ALGEN Tl . 'A.N at Mud-r-. '-is brother s; ...i'CiaiEB. Jl! "TcD IEA V rEKHINh' iiist 'tir r'aune is 1 1 '- ' c trjiueU in .tn I is tu my pr. m, the Ein.t SOCPS, CBAYIEHr FISH, TlrtT jt- i ni n 1 ,r.Z"i; J 'A GAME, k&Wi U-EU5II- :u aj i ,t'who. HAEEBITS, Sii K -UCO ULil UL. Vv nu..:e." VSjj' Sic BewofMons sso that you get Lea & renins' Bifiutare m every bottle of Original A Oennine. ioiin itNi,A,j iio.sEW youk. I W. CASE, BANKER, Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any par. of tho U o uuu curope, uuu ou iiong jvong, umui, Office Hours:10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon, I. W. CASE, INSURANCE AGENT HEI'RESENTING Gofmau-American, New York City, N. Y. " Union Firo and Marin, of New Zealand. National Fire and Marine Ius. Co., of Hartford. Connecticut Firo Ins. Co., of Hartford. Homo Mutual Ius. Co., of San Francisco. Plitrnii, of london. ' . Imperial, of lendon. New York Plato Glasi Ins. Co. THE, ASTOKIA'NATIONAL BANK HOES A GENERAL BANKINO BUSINESS Aenounts of Firms and Individuals t-olicited ou Kavomble Tonns. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Monoj Iiaiied ou I'ersonal security, Forelirn and Domrstln KxeliiHiu-e bought an1 D. K. (Varren, v resident. J. K. IIIbiiIus, Cashier. Ilpnieni, Viee Presidem ii. it. narren, K. Wrlsthl. John llobsoo. Directors II. V. Ihomiisoo, Theo Ilracker, THE ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Acts as trustco for "joroorntloim and Individ nais. Dcviosils solicited Interest will bo allowed ou savhiRs dcposltt as lollows; On ordinary savings b ioks 4 per cent no annum. On term savings bookfl per cent, per annum. On certilleatcs ot deposit: For tlireo months, 4 per cent, per annum. For six months. 5 ner cent, nor itiimm. For twelve mouths, ti per cent, per annum. I. W. CASK.. I'reslileni . V'ice-l'ri'hiilenl Cashiei ecri'tarj (!usi Holmes. A. 8. Kced. J. Q. A. ItOWLBY FRANK I'A 'TON V. E. DEMENT niRKcTons: I. W. Crsh, I. Q. A. Rnwlby, C. II. I'atre, nj. Youii'-,' . J. Taylsr. liCllI K. THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK IIP PORTLAND, ORRGOK. Paid np capital .-2fi0,0O0 Surplus ana profits 60,000 r it a ii iv jibKUM, i-resiiletil. D. P. THOMPSON, Vice-President a. i.eiKA'riuM, uasmer T. 23. WYATT Dealer in Hardware and Ship GbandJery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, fdnacie on. Cot ton Canvas, Hi mp Sail Iwii'e. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Splk. GulvaulztedCut Nalis Orooorios, 112 to. Agricultural Implements, Bwlng Ma iiiaciiiues, l'aium and Oils. H. B. PARKER DEALER IN Lime. Brick, Sand, Fire Brick, Fire Clay urmeni, ami reed. oats. Hay. Htraw. Wood Delivered tn llrilcr. Draying, Teaming- and Express Business. JEFFS RESTAURANT -18 THE Bon Ton Ton Restaurant! a the Town (And the Finest op the Coast.' Dinner Parties, Banquets a Special! The Fiaest Wines soil Liqqom. C. P. UPSHUR, SHIPPING and OOMMISSKV Astoria, - Oregon. FORGOT TO W THE BODIES No im Iupst Held on the Ford's Theatre Victims. GOOD WOEDS FOR AINSWOBTH A Number of Clerk, Express a Desire te Testify In Ills Itehalfat the Inquest. Associated Tress. New York, June 14. The shipment of currency to the west and south by New York banks continued to day and excited much comment. The amount sent out yesterday ts estimated at more than a million dollars, and prob ably anothem million todalyi When asked as to the cause for the large shipment, which . Is mainly to the west, the amount sent out within ten days being believed to -exceed $14,000, 000, the bankers agree in Baying the demand was largely due to the dis trust prevailing everywhere in the country, and especially in the west, where there had been a great many failures both of banks and commercial houses. A stringency of the money market Is being experienced at both ends of the line now. The ' savings banks, as well as other banks out west, are all fortifying themselves as much as possible, and that, especially in the case of the country savings banks, is causing the hoarding of money In those places, and a consequent! drain upon the banks of New York city. As a re- j suit many of the New York banks are being compelled to call in loans in or der to maintain the lawful reserve. Tho sending forward of wheat, it Is be lieved, will only account . for a very small part of the currency demanded from the west. As an indication of how the monetary stringency is af fecting trade in all its ramifications, it is reported in Wall street today that three large merchant houses In Chi cago are endeavoring to get extensions in this city from wholesale houses of which they had bought goods. An other indication of the etolngency, is the fact that a large mercantile house in thls city, of first-class credit and abundant assets, had to pay 12 per cent, for an extension to tide over a tight place. Lack of buying 1b also re ported to be one of the unfavorable conditions, and it is generally attrib uted to a curtailment of credit and a bad state of affairs in the west, and generally to .the money stringency and lack of confidence. YESTERDAY'S FAILURES. ' i New York, June 14. A run was started on the Irving Saving Institu tion this morning as soon as the doors were 'opened.,. A speculator was on hand offering to buy up all books he could get for 10 per cent commission Treasurer Latimer said the bank had on hand a million dollars and could get that much more at a moment's notice if necessary. This afternoon Superintendent of State Banks Preston made the follow Ing statement: "The run will prob ably be over by tomorrow when the solvency of the bank becomes known." The shortage may be larger than al ready announced, as the channels through which the money disappeared are not all discovered. There may be other dishonest officials than the three mentioned lost night. No arrests have been made. Spokane, June 14. Receiver Augus tine of the Washington Savings Bank has completted a condensed statement k1iat Rliows a most gratifying state of affairs.. Tho statement shows the to. tal assets of the bank to be $205,690, while the liabilities, aside from the cap ital slock and the undivided profits, are $103,4C8. This leaves a balance of $09,221.02. If 70 per cent of the assets can be realized, it will more than sat isfy all demands against the bank. The receiver will leave to the .stockholders the determination of the question of re suming business. Cleveland, June 14. The Baackes Wire Nail company, one of the largest concerns of the kind In the country, has assigned. Inability to raise money to meet ma turing paper was the sole cause of the failure The liabilities are only $225,- 000, while the assets reach $900,000, The company Is one of the largest manufacturers of wire nails in the United States and is backed by cap italists of Cleveland worth millions of dollars. . Palneville, O., June 14. The run of Aaron Wilcox & . Co. yesterday culminated In Its doors being closed this morning. A notice was posted stat ing that the bank had suspended tem porarily, and that all depositors will be paid In full. Riverside, Cal., June 14. The River side Banking Company failed to open at the usual hour this morning. The, following sign was displayed on the door. "This bank was closed under Instructions. Depositors will be paid Indianapolis, Ind., June 14. The Citizen's Bank, of Farmounid, In(d has suspended operations owing to stringency in the money market. The capital stock is $50,000; assets, $191,000 liabilities, $130,000. Omaha, June 14. Tho runs on the Omaha Savings banks subsided this morning. BRICK BUILDING FALLS. Keokuk, Iowa,' June 14. WKh but few moment's warning a three stor brick business building on Ninth and Maine streets fell this evening. It was occupied' by J. Burrows, groceries and provisions; Shepherd & Real, saloon and Andrew Willey, flour dealer. The building fell with a crash, burying several men in the debris. The Injured are; John Real, crushed about the hips; Harry Young, compound frac. ture of three ribs, and internal in. Juries; Ben Stebblnger, hurt about the head, and Sam Wolf, missing. Four children sitting on the back porch have not been, seen since. TO RESCUE DR. WALKER. Brainerd, Minn., Juno 14. Company D, Third United States Infantry, arri ved here last night and early this morning started for Leech Lake. ' C, C. Vandoern, who lives near the reser vatlon, eays Dr. Walker resisted the attempt of an Indian to take whiskey, and wheA' the Indian advanced upon the doctor, the latter drew a revolver and shot the Indian in the mouth. Dr. Walker, the wounded Indian and three Indian police are all in one building, which ia surrounded by pickets. A PRESENT FROM THE SULTAN, Washington, June 14. The Turkish minister, in behalf of the sultan of Turkey, has presented to the Resident a magnificent massive gold medal com. memoratlve of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. There is a suitable inscription in Turkish on the face, and the medal proper Is encir cled with an elaborately wrought laurel wreath studded with numerous dia monds. The medal will probably ornai- meniti the. national museum or library of the department of state. THE PRINTERS CONVENTION. Chicago, June 14. The convention of the International Typographical Union today was a negative assembly, in that it defeated the proposed innovations regarding apprentices and foremen; al- fo any change in the basis of represen illatton for the allied crafts, as was the plan for the Institution of a loan sys. tern for the relief of traveling printers. The questions of an international fund and the paying of deaith benefits was referred. ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS, Cincinnati, Uunla 14. The Imperial Council of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine chose Denver today as the place of the nexK meeting in July, 1894. The following officers were elected: Im perlal potentate, Thomas G. Hudson of Pittsburg; deputy imperial potentate, Charles L. Field of San Francisco; Im perial treasurer, Joseph S. Wright of Philadelphia; imperial recorder, Frank M. Luce of Chicago. BISMARCK FAVORS ARTILLERY. Berlin, June 14. Prince Bismarck has in an interview, cornel out in favor of an increase In the defensive strength, but not on the lines laid down by the government In the army bill. The in crease, he says, should be made to the artillery forces, which, he declared, would decide, the battles of the future. FATHER M'GLYNN RECONCILED, London, July 14. A correspondent In Roma telegraphs this evening that his holiness, has give a long audience to Dr. McGJynn, and was very cordial Dr. McGlynn was enchanted with the reception and had a complete reconcil iation with the pope. He left tonight after a five days' sojourn at Rome. . NEARING A CONCLUSION. Washington, June 14. The officials at the state department are of the opin ion that arguments before the Bering Sea tribunal will be concluded within the next ten days. It is also expected that the decision of the arbitrators will be announced by the first of August. UNPOPULAR RETRENCHMENT. Madrid, June 14. It is proposed by the government to effect a retrench ment in state expenditures by abolish ing the district criminal courts. The proposition has met with hearty dis approval by all the Spanish barrister and itfiey have gone on strike. . ITS USUAL DIVIDEND. New York, June 14. At a meeting of the Western Union directors today the usual quarterly dividend of 1 1-4 per cent was declared, payable July 15. EULALIE LEAVE3 CHICAGO. Chicago, June 14. Infanta Eulalie, of Spain, took her departure from Chi cago early th's morning. An immense crowd witnopwod her departure. Lane Shipcnls of Money from New Yort Recently. . STRINGENCY m! UVMlYWllERE Chicago Meir.liHiila S. kin : KxtotiHlons A New York Metrnnlllo House Tnys Heavy I'reiiiluiii. Associated Press. Washington, June 14. The district supreme court this morning dismissed Colonel AInsworth's petition for a man damtts cn two grounds, the first hold ing that the deputy coroner Is not legal officer, which invalidates the in quest so far held; and the second, that tho right of a person to be present a an inqutt In person or ,by counsel is discretionary with the coroner, and therefore not a subject for a manda mus. The commissioners of the district de. elded this afternoon t!o order a new In quest, and directed Mr. Thomas, at torney for the district, to assist Cor oner Patterson In conducting it, in view of the latter's ill health. It having been ascertained that the bodies Messrs. I.oftus and Fagan were still In the vault at Glenwood cemetery, one of the bodies will be viewed by the Jury tomorrow, and. the Inquest be. gun anew with the same Jury resum moned. Just how far the acts of Dep uty Coroner Shaffer, prior to this de clslon, will b9 invalidated is rather curious question. It Is believed noth Ing serious will result, however. number of clerks who worked in the wretched building have expressed desire to be heard In Colonel AinS' worth's behalf. DRESSED IN GAY COLORS. North Yakima, June 14 North Yw klma is gaily decorated today In na tlonal colors in honor of the twelfth annual encampment of the G. A. R, The encampment Is for Washington and Alaska, the ninth annual conven Uon of the Woman's Relief Corps and the fifth annual encampment of the Sons of Veterans. This afternoon the time was consumed in business, and tonight the camp-fire attracted great crowds. Active canvassing Is going on fpr the position of commander of the department, which will be decided to morrow. The most prominent enndi dates are J. N. Scott, of Port Town- send, J. F. Sinclair, of Ballard, and Lltcliinbcrg, and J. W. Langloy, of Seattle. iNiirrr r?n p;jtn?, Boise, Idaho, Jurso 14. It ban 'r'ns. plred that at the fi ssion of the Un.t" States district court at Moscow the grand Jury Indicted Robert Drydcn, t. former deputy marshal, and Ed Minis, who attained notoriety in Kootenai county laBt fall on a charge of balloU box stuffing! Tlie charge upon which Drydcn was Indicted is that he col lected a bill in the name of and signed by Mims as guard at the lime of the Coeur d'Alene trouble. Mims did not perform tho service alleged. He has admitted he signed the bill, but claimed ho did so without knowing what It was, The Indictment Is for perjury, Minis is supposed to be in Slocum, but Dry- den's whereabouts are unknown. SERIOUS OMISSION. Washington, Juno 14. In deference to the decision of the Bttpremo court, deputy coroner Shaffer, who has been conducting the inquest on the Ford theatre victims, adjourned proceedings until tomorrow. A curious point has been now developed. No dead body has been viewed by a legally consti tuted coroner's Jury. Unless one ot the injured victims dies, it may be necessary to exhume a body. UNFURLING "OLD GLORY." New York, June 14. One hundred and sixteen years ago today the stars and stripes were adopted as the flag of the country, and the American Patri otic League has get on foot a general movement looking to a universal dis play of "Old Glory" on this day. All the city buildings display the flag by order of the mayor. In New England tho day is being celebrated in the pub lic schools. SUNK IN A COLLISION. Queenstown, June 14. The Cunard liner Servla arrived here today and reports that on Jum 7ih, during a fog, she ran down the American ship A. McCallum, Capt. O'Brlr-n, from London to New York. The McCallum filled and sank a short time after the accident. All but two of her crew were raved by the Servla. GERMANY'S DAY. Chicago, June 14. Tomorrow will tc the German day at the White city. For week the German have lon pn- paring for It until it promises to be the blggt?st day the exposition has seen, in the point of crowds and cere-, monies. The Indiana and Arkansat state buildings will also be dedicated. Ex-President Harrison and family vis-. Ited the grounds today after the man- ner of other private citizens. THINK TAXES HIGH ENOUGH London, June 14. The recent :itrlta- tlon of tho radicals against practically) taxing tha worktngmen for contrlbu-. tlons for wedding presents for thoi Duke of York and the Princess May; N beginning to bear fruit. Citizens' meet Ings have been held nt Oldham, Bris tol and other places throughout Eng land, and tho people ars thoroughly aroused. THE MONTEREY COMINO. Washington, June 14. Acting secre tary of the navy MoAdoo. upon the application of tho iluttbr if com merce and citizens of Portland, Or., ha.i ordered the coast defense ship Mont erey to proceed from San Francisco to Portland to participate In the celebra tion on July 4th, of the opcaln-r nf the Great Northern Railroad. ELECTED GRAND OFFICERS. Portalnd, June 14. The Masonic Grand Lodge of Oregon elected the fol lowing grand officers today fnr tho en suing yetir: Sire, J. C. Moroland; deputy, M D. Cliford; senior warden, Philip Metchan; Junior warden, W. H. Hobson; treas urer, D. C. McKercher; secretary, S. F. Chadwlck. SCHAFFER SUICIDED. Chicago, June 14. The body, of Her man Schafter, the banker who has been missing since the day his bank col lapsed two weeks ago, was found float ing, in the lake late this afternoon. The suicide theory U now fully sus tained. . POISONED HER CHILDREN. Parkersburg, W. Va., June li Mm, Kate Kirch, living ten miles from here, having lost her reason, poisoned her two children, threw two others Into a well and then killed herself. All five are dead. CONSECRATED AS BISHOPS. New York, June 14. Rev. Dr. John Mi-Kim, D. D., and Rev. FreUerlcK Rogers Graves, D. D., were today con secrated as Episcopal bishops of China and Japan at St. Thomas church. LIFE SAVING EXHIBIT. Besides tho exhibit of nil the life- raving apparatus cnntr.lnc.l In the new station nt the worfd'B fair, there are several exhibits of older appliances which havo Interesting histories, Among 'them Is the first life enr ever tilted on the const of the United Stutes, and with It tho mortar and ball which . i usury nilJ-inctH to such work. With- this apparatus, In lStiO, a ti.V-f.a wii-; crew on Squan beach, New Jersey, saved ZiiO fives rrom in Wrecked British ship Arreshlre. The passengers were mostly Irish lmml- grants.-some of whom settled In the Im mediate neighborhood, and it was from v.-. '.! I Ll.ut--.naut MeOlellan, of the revenue marine service, who Is in charge of the station, got the story which he tells about the relics. Tho shot, which weighs twenty-five pounds, struck the deck and bounded down one of the hatches, striking a woman be- tween the Bhoulders, but doing her no injury beyond giving her a great scare. In the excitement attending the rescue the ball was detatched from the line which It carried to the Bhlp when fired out of the motar. The hulk settled In the Bund, and, like all such incidents. the wreck was soon forgotten. In 1S75, . twenty-five years after, a heavy gnld set up a current in anmher direction, and the sand was washed away, and once more the hull of the Ayrshire came to view.' A party of wreckers go ing through the ship's hold came across the old rusted cannon ball. Its pres ence excited no little comment among the wreckers, and when they went ashore they told their story of the strange find In the hold of the Ayr shire. There were some of the people who came over in the Ill-starred ship still living in the neighborhood and they soon explained the presence of thej big twenty-four-pound cannon ball. It was sent to the Smithsonian Institu tion in Washington, where, with tho curious-looking old mortar and the life car, it has since remained. Only one life was lost In the rescue of the pas sengers and crew of the Ayrshire. It was that of a man who became too lmptlent to wait for his turn to go Inside, the car and insisted on going ashore on ithe outside. A heavy wave turned tho car over and he wns washed ff and drowned. THE FORCED MORTGAGE SALE. )f Herman Wise's stock is now in full blast. F.verythlng sacrificed. M. WISE, Mortgagee. P. S. All persons Indebted to Her man Wise will please settle at once. J. W. Crow, successor to Ryan Co., C37 Third street, have Just cclved a full line of 1SD3 rjatterns n wall paper, and cornprinlng nil the atfKl. lfMiinu fltlll tlbl,l..U fit Ihn f.t prices. Call and see them.