The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 13, 1893, Image 3

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The piles for the new odor factory of
J. H. PoForce are being driven.
Oregon strawberries at Smith's today.
The flowering plants and blossoming
trees make some Astoria lawns de
lightful to the eye.
RemcmUer McGuire's Hotel at Sea
side is open the year around,.
Cedar Street
School Report.
Following Is the report of Cedar
street school:
Attendance, etc., Roll of honor of
pupils neither absent nor tardy during
A muslcale will be given on Friday tno term: Hugh Bowlby, Walter Sin
evening at Liberty Hall by the pudIIs nott' Allce Gray, Astor Salvan, J,
of Miss M. Barron.
of our school for term and year ending
June 9, 1893. The year has been quite
prosperous," and the school Is now In a
condition to look for excellent results.
I wish to return my sincere thanks to
my co-laborers Mrs.
I and chain. For sain cheap fur rush, omi-
!!!" y u M' tj0, Alaj'Ker,
Raser's Root Beer Superior to
Easter Welch, Jay Tuttle, Frank Con
nor, Harry Oberg, Emma Amundson,
Gertrude Kearney, John Settem, Gus-
ta Oliverson, Bonlta Taylor, Hilda Tor
kelson, Nora. Wilson, Lillie Torkelson,
Ella Larsen, Lawrence; Franclscovlch,
Louis Franclscovlch, Ole Jeldness, Ed
win Sinnott, Walter Erickson, Albert
Lokan, Ethel Gunderson, Laura Mc-
At the Catholic church Sunday H. H. Cann, Hans Luulklnen, Jamie Robb,
Ingalls and Miss Kate McCullough Chas. Darrough. Alice Gray, Hugh
were united In marriage. Bowlby, Frank Connor, Harry Oberg,
The B,.l,T,t "pi. i w f Emma Anderson. Gertrude Kearney,
jjsuHiness is moving westward on
Second street. A store has been opened
below Lafayette street.
If you want some extra nne photos,
t--,-,. xriaQBo V ' 1 , "s ,lum rnL" inui trees. a acres
ivrager. Misses cleared. 2o acre usin. iwriiim t,.,..
Dealey, Dickinson. Savre and Sovev. l!")lise. other buildltiKi. Unit mile irom
t .,n. ,,,.. . ' ?.te2l,,t Hl'ng t Brookfleld, by boat or
osirauic oa-iroHu. inquire 01 owner on premises Mas. H. K
sistance In every particular can be at-1 SXlCKtK.
trlhnto.1 1.1 - l I .. n . "
uugn measure, tne sue- M lrusAi A raff I'liyiC E LfiTS IN ADAIR'S!
cess or the year. We also wish to ten- i V -'J '""in, " ttum tsuiltle at-
vru imuiKH 10 ine 01a Doard or the
defunct No.
.r 1 1
now aerunct No. 18, Messrs Welch
Stokes and Dealey, who stood by us
so well when we most needed assist-
.., u., ule winning or tne year. nUHNlslIKD HOUSE tF U KOOMS, CKN
wen mn uisuricr. is m need or. gooa - inquire in mis omee,
Inquire at Mr. . C. li Jl.DKN 8.
Our Slock Represents Over 1000 Styles.
Trouserings, Overcoatings, Suitings.
mere can toe no mistake nCKNrsHEI)
) 11 ft n In 1 -. i t . . .. I I 1
l(( rii-iuiK jiv or tnree cenne- i
We also thank the
Home, r.vervth nu nn leil I ri.
out. So. K5Maln at. MK.S. II, 8l"ELl 1IKIK.
men to the ofllce.
board of No. 1, for their hearty co-op- T,CK,iv FliRNHMED KOMS BY D Y,
, I n r iiiuiiih mrms very ri'usniiaoie al
eratlon In our work
education la worthy of your best
thought, gentlemen, and If you are not
rewarded in a financial way, you will
certainly ba rewarded by the approval
of a good conscience which comes to
The cause of Hie Oriel, 7i Third 8trt.
Prices $5 to $50.
Camples, Self-measurement
Rules, and Tape-line
r.lAiLEo Free.
Chas. Olsen's. - Jonn oettem, Qusta Oliverson, Bonlta
: Taylor have bin neither absent nor a'l 'ho do their full duty to mankind.
June affords more promise of wed- lardv for n. wlinlB -.j., oon Tl,t with kin,int ,r- x nm
,1lr. In Atl .1 .11.1 - 0...-, er..-
... Dl u.u may, wim:n Taylor has been neither absent nor men, yours truly.
tardy for four years.
Promotions, etc., Room 1, Miss M. F.
Sovey, teacher. Promoted to B class,
Second Grade: Myrtle Olsen, Frank
Thomas, John Klnzin, Llna Luulckinen,
Annie Schrounlngl Hfloa TarkeLstin,
Nora Wilson. Pearl Welrh. MpIUo n,i
""is a nitfl iuwl receiveu r run line i unvinn tr 1., t ti r . -
Will sell at cost 529 Third street ' SInntt. Ole Jeldness. To A Class,
First Grade Louis Franclscovlch, Lor
Messrs. Wm. Loeb & Co., have moved Unce Franclscovlch, Sherman Lovell
ineir r,ace or ousiness to second street Lnile Jackson, Bonnie Settem.
..vtu urc uiub Biure .oi ur. atriCKier. T?nrm ! Mla Kniro Tm
z x can nave in-same oy lmyhnj liam;e.H ami
vruviuB property, impure at l'lllar Keck, Or.
Portland, Orsoon.
Is deemed an unlucky month.
Meany Is the leading tailor and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
The steamer Haytian Republic ar
rived In from the Sound laet night,
and docked at the bonded warehouse.
JON. D. HAWES, Principal.
The foundation stone for a memorial
church, In memory of the Rev. R. N.
Selwood, late vleor of St. John's, Mil
waukee, Or., the first Episcopal church
In Oregon, was laid yesterday at Sel
wood. The bishops of Oregon, Cali
fornia, Spokane, Idaho and Wyoming
were present.
Raser's Extract Root Beer, the pur
Eniflley Houghton Sheriff Smith's
s nun nave your Clowes dyed and cleaned.
riiO- MnlJtAN.COhlvER OliNEY AND A .
VJ tor Mrei'ts. does a hiKimnvfn l,lu,.L.
.iiiiiiiiioic nuu reiairiiu. i
For It fort liiiect
The A 1 Clipper SIiId
5v lUl AffilflV&tr
Worth more than standard value worth two for ono
for the World's Fair and more than that to you.
We are selling half-dollars for a dollar a-piece.
You get a
rilOHFSOVt Master.
Fresh fish received at the Albatross ed to B Class, Third GradeBessie Sor- efficient deputy at Seaside, arrived in
Fish market daily. Salmon 10 cents ensen, Emma Brown, Mary Connor, town on Sunday having in charsre
HU. 1ni.AtU-Ai. i ni I. . . . I. ... I ' I
iiu iicuiL ui ine luriii oteam iun- Annie Bayard, Bertha Kreibohn. Sarah in tills city. Chief Loueherv had a
Brown, the agent of the Model Steam son. rest on a charge of embezzlement. He Wl11 rGCeiVe prompt OGSpatCXl
Laundry. Promoted to A. Second nrnde Kntle Is now In the cltv iall.
For all kinds of Job printing, go to Larsen, Nettle Sorensen, Motto Gurlch, tt,.. . t0 ,, r . nartifnliira nnnlv tn
Del. Ferguson, upstairs. Astorian build- Charlie Shively. Maud.e Belcher. Cl.f- A&& " P SUTTON TbEFPE AcU "
ford Stevens, -An-Id Helonen. Maggie t , OUTTON Ot JJEELE, AglS.
10 x rout ot. iNortn, rort-
Worlds Fair :
! Souvenir Coin !
The marriage of George Goodell and Dealy. Walter Larsen. Jamlo- Robb.
miss Maggie btaniey was solemnized Louis Larsen, Fred Larsen, Olaf Carl
aunuay ar, me residence or the bride's sen, Charlie Darraugh, Katie Larsen,
parents aeasiae. Room 3, Miss Dickinson teacher-
Buy Raser's Root Extract to make promoted to Fourth Grade, A Clas-
a neaitnrui, refreshing beverage. Sold Ernie Woodfleld, Irving Stevens, Har-
Mrs. John Roach died in this city
on Sunday of premature child-birth. torlj rr.
Tho 1 J M IdllCi Jl
iriii i.a.ivc3 iicve ivutty 11 win
the residence of M. Dillon on First
street, leaving the house at 9:30 o'clock.
Services will be held in the Catholic
church at 10 o'clock, and the interment
will be at Greenwood cemetery. '
Or to C. P. UrsiirjR,
' Astoria, Or.
ry Oberg, Raleigh Runyon, Josle Sin-
In future the business of the Astoria nott, John Kearney, Joseph Gunderson,
Land Co., will be transacted at the Frank Connor, Felix Moore, Louie Ray- Westpcrt cream fresh every morning
Main street wharf at the office of the mond, Arthur Allen, Joseph Zan, David al Dmlla B lce eam parlors. Third at
Astoria bmppmg Company. Morgan, Gertie Settem, Maja Freder- At the annual election of teachers,
Parties visiting In Portland can get The lckson Etta Straus, Josle Christian- held yesterdaly, all the, incumbents'
if,.y, "ah.Ha?dley & Haas' news sen, Annie Matson. were re-elected with the exceptions of ingof KiverCrnft aHi.eoli.liy
Promoted to Third Grade Fannie
The Sealand and Fort Canby baseball I Welch, Lizzie Webber, Kate Pennell, lyiap, who were not applicants forre-
teams met in a match game at Sea- Gertie Kearney, Llllle Thompson, Jen- election. Mrs. Stewart and Miss Mag.
land on Sunday,. The former was vie- nle Tournala, Laura Danlelserr, Emma gie Laws were appointed to fill the va.
Amundsen, Mollie Sater, Maud Serra,
Lawrence Sabo, Oney Jackson, Albert
toriaus by a score of 18 to 4.
JAS. DALtilTY, 1'i'op'r.
. (SucceBBor to Arndt & Ferchon.)
jiouer Kepairniif ana 1 otmery won. Kennlr-
of all kluds done.
Miu hlno w
Hliop, (out of Lttfuy. tie HI.
You can eret tha hpat m.retit nr i-arn-
for-a-quartfer clgara in Astoria at Chas. Anderson.
Olsen's. - Room Four, Mary F. Dealey, teacher,
The iewelrv Ktoplr nf .T n Moimi ho promoted to Sixth Grade, B
cancies in the department. The fixing
of the salaries was deferred until the
next meeting of the board except in
Seaside Saw Mill.
Face Market
yiluel value.
5.00 900.00
1. 00 900.00
eo 52.50
05 100.00
01 5.00
.01 50.00
84-33 33-
1. 00 4.00
.66 i.t$
.66 1.25
Class city superintendent
been transferred to Butterfleld Bros.. Madgp Sovey, Katye Connor, Birdie elected
of Portland, who will continue the bus- McCrosky, Jennie D Ella, lionita a ay.
A complete stock of lumber on hand In the
the Instances of the principals. No u'nfiinu, rSrili'n'S KK
has -yet been
Iness in the future at the same place.
Del. Ferguson, general job printer,
Astorian building, upstairs. First
class work at reasonable rates.
The street at the crossing of Wash
ington) and Court was repaired yes-
terday. Today a force of men will be galvan Crelgnton Weich, John
lor, Ernest Oberg, Johnje McCarm,
Alex Jackson, Carl Carlson, Louis
Boentgen. ' .
Promoted to Fourth Grade, A Class
Mary Mergens, Eva Shlvely, Lulu Ger-
dlng, Lyman Anstadt, Oswald Gustaf-
son, Alfle, Anderson, Louie Carlson,
and cream at Col-
gle; aleo Uracket Work done to order. Terms
reasonable and prices at bod rock. All orders
promptly Henuetf to. tiilice aim yam at mill.
ti. r. l. LUUA.N, rropr,
Bcasldo, Oregon.
Fresh Clatsop cieam received- every
morning ar. uoimann s.
put to work at the crossing of Lafay
ette and Seventh streets.
Free at Crow's gallery," a life-size
crayon with every dozen cabinets or
dered. Offer good for 30 days.
Room 6, Mrs. Krager, teacher, pro
moted to A Class, Seventh Grade
Antona Johnson, Bessie Sabo, Willie
Sieverts, Nellie Anstadt, Edward Sabo,
Wm. Woods, who has for some time I Geo. Gratka, Ester Welch, Austin Os-
past been an inmate of St. Mary's burn, Jay Tuttle, Emma' Larson, Daisy
.hospital and who recently attempted Atchlnson, Mary Boentgen, Aster Sal-
to cut his throat, has been adjudged van, Fannie Raymond, Burr Osburn
Insane, and was taken tp Salem last Josephine Mergens, Alice Gray, Jennie
Peter Nelson, a native of Denmark,
aged 42 years was drowned on Sun
day afternoon by falling overboard
from his boat while sailing up the
river past Booth's cannery. The body
was recovered shortly after the acci
dent. Nelson was intoxicated at the
time, and no blame was attached to
anyone but himself. A verdict in ac
cordance with the above facts was re
turned by the coroner's Jury yesterday.
Nelson was working for the Astoria
Packing Company.
Ij. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising
aeent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Fran
cisco, is our authorized agent. This paper
is kept on file at his ofllce.
J. W. Crow, successor to Rvan
& Co., B37 Third street, have just
received a full line of 1893 patterns
in wan naner. anrt nnmnrminir nil Yta
moted to A Class, Eighth Grade -Annie latest designs and shades, at the low-
Giratkai Edith Shaffer, Chas.. Gray, est prices, call and see them.
Room 6,
J. D. Hawes, teacher pro-
Cecll R. Sovey, Irwin
Morrison. A.
A team belonging to the West Shore m.rlsHansen. Bertha Anstadt. Hleh-
ftiius company ran ore on First street esfstandtmr. Cecil Sovey. .
yesterday, apd collided with a build- poted to A Class. Seventh
mg at me corner or .Main, wnere tne GraaeiVo Anderson, Adele Sovey,
animals came to a halt,
was nominal.
butchers - and - Grocers,
Astoria and Upper Abtoilj.
Fine Teas anfl Cnff cs, Tablo Delleacliw,
Domestic and Tropical Fruit, Vegeiu
liles, sugar cured hanti, batV'ii.elc. , .
(8uccesiir In Warren A CampboM),
. Dealers in
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes
A Work of Art in Itself.
We devote the entire amount towards developing
and ennobling the People's Great Fair.
Souvenir and Rare Coins as an
'(J. S. $5 Goldpiece 18:2
U. S. 1804 Silver Dollar
U. S. Half-Dollar 1796
U. S. 1802 Silver 5-Ccnt Pieo.
U. S. 1856 Eagle Penny
U. S. 1793 Copper Cent (Amerf)
Queen's Jubilee 5-Sovreign, Eng.
Napoleon's 100-day sfr., French.
King William Coronation, Ger. tS6x
German "Peace" Coins 187 1
Thif will be the best investment you ever, made
A World' s Fair Souvenir Coin-r
A National Heirloom for only $1.00.
Under Act of Congress we have 5,000,000
Souvenir Coins, of the denomination of 50 cents
each. That the money may go as far as possible,
and that all the people may have a chance to pro-'
cure these artistic and patriotic souvenirs of their own.
. Exposition, we have resolved to offer the whole issue
for sale at 1. 00 each.
Apply to any Bank, or "send Post Office or Express Money
Order, tfnnk Draft, or Registered Letter for as many coins as you
K-ish. with inrtniot'ons ho-.y to send thcru to 'you, to
Trrr.s::r:r V::!.'-, Cctambian Exposition,
' :':!CA00, fix.
The following Is a resume of. the Hardware, Iron and Steel, Crockery, GlaBswart
' I 11 5 .... ... . t V
ine aamage Thnmn McHnnn. Aiimist Lokan. Wal
ter Sinnott, Hugh Bowlby, and Willie
Gratka. Nellie Brown is recommended
Cigars of the choicest brands, includ
ing the Belmont, Flor de Madrid, and for promotion on trial
weauing isouquet can be had at Frank
Rogers & Co.'s store.
There was no change for the better
yesterday In the condition of Leon
Veach, the young man who was thrown
from a wagon on Saturday evening.
The attending physicians give out no
hopes for his ultimate recovery.
s I
There is no place In Astoria where
John Kopp's famous beer is kept in
such good condition as at Utzinger's
popular resort.
Religious school in Scandinavian
and English will be held in the Nor-
wegian Evangelical Lutheran church,
TJppertorwn, Rev. L. NIssen, Tuesday
to Friday included, at 10 a. m., each
week during the vacation.
Owners of horses can purchase Camp
bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col
umbia Veterinary Remedies . at Fred.
Salz' Saddlery establishment.-
Chung Peng, the demented Mongol-
Ian who recently endeavored to com
mit suicide by chopping himself with
a knife, was shipped to San Francisco
by the State of California on Sunday.
His relations are well-to-do. and are
going to take charge of him.
g I m I r-o. Boys Enrolled.
-3 I ocia.iB t
No. Glrh Enrolled.
S I h-muu;i I Total Enrollment.
j I a ci rc 5 x I
I iIIS ny Attendance,
S -jaeao Days Absence.
8 I ? 5?. rer Cent Attendance.
I 8?II? I Vet Ctnl runcliiHllty.
I I Tlines.Tsroy.
alo m oo eej
51 "r.5 Ave. see dally Belonnlng.
g I mco-c , r.
jl Prr" Average daily Attendance.
5 I uaiM s
Cases Corp'l Punishment
J. W. Thompson, organist at the M.
E. church, wishes to take a few more
pupils in music, piano or organ. Ad-
drvss, 689, Astor Btreet
C' 2 I '
. U fl GD I
5 U a v
3 ica n i
A a m o I
fS'0' I
business transacted at the Custom
House for the Port of Astoria for the
month of May entered for warehouse,
$9,650.93; duty, J8.341.43. Entered for
consumption, $4,183.51; duty, $3,386.88;
Entered from warehouse, $13,512.35; du
ty, $11,485.67. Receipta from all sources,
$15,241.23; drawbacks paid, $217.83; ex
pense of collection, $1,096.30; number of
vessels entered, 48; number of vessels
cleared, 40; entries of merchandise for
warehouse, 3; entries of merchandise
for-tluty, 45.
Ice cream and coffee served free to
day at A. V. AlIen'B made with St
Charles Evaporated Cream. SteD in
and try it.
Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup ha
been used for children teething. It
soothes the child, softens the rums.
allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and
is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five
cents a bottle. Sold by all drue-
glsts throughout the wortd.
Of Herman Wise's stock is now in full
blast. Everything sacrificed.
M. WISE. Morteaeee.
P. S. All persons indebted to. Her-
man Wise will please settle at once.
Those who wish to have the finest
Shoalwater Bay oysters or clams by
the quart or pint in Jars, can have
mem delivered nice and fresh bv Horn.
er Fletcher. Orders left at The Asto
rian office will receive cromnt and .
ful attention from him. .. i
Has Just received a flue
line of
ronsiHimL' of Silver Bon linn D'alie-.
Fruit DIsIim, Deny Dishes, Nut I'owIn,
Mustard I'ots, lliseiilt .lais. Celery
(Haws, Hair l'in TrtiyK, l'lu Cinlilons,
PIctHiH tninies. Mirrors, oic.,bI1 new
go'Hls slid Intest designs.
Merchant Steamship Co.'s'
Line, Connecting with i
Cahnrfln Partite Hallway Rnd Chins Ntsam
Slilp Lino,
Taklnp; freight ami imHenp;ers fur Port Anire-
CS. Vifilnrlu. I'.trt Tnu nufifi.l ..utili. T......
Dealen In GlasswifVe, Crookerv. Ship .Supplied. Wlmtcom, Falrlmven, Nanii'ino, New WhsIiiiIii -'
Tohacco. Wines and Fine Whiskies. Flue Vp:u Iter mi l V uncouver : I-hvIiiu- Asimhi .
nuu cyunce a nutcmii.y, 1110 rnifMC uiNpiay 01 1 n- D naiiaii i.epimuu..
Woodenware, Notions, etc.. liny,
urniu. riiMirajiu reea.
OTTO 1 "Small Fronts oi Cash Sales,"
Proprietors of the
Portland Butchering Co.'s Markets
Corner Second wid Benton streets
Corner Third and West EiniiUi streets.
Ford & Stokes
Norm' Pacific Brewery
JOHN KOPP, Pioprietor.
Doliemian - Lager - lwv
All orders promptly ntVndeilto,
Do You Know
Fruits In the Cltv. Fresh on Everv Steamer.
vomer 01 iiuru auu west Kigtun etreuls.
dr. Gumrs
ThMpmraolurrMt Intante, omclland artlon
from olbera, lhat llu y miKlil bocallrd m n.(licl.'d
oonfaotton. LmtHrumnHpTinU from lieadAclifa 0nd
thos with baUow oomplixlon who ohrdo! fake
ordiuarjr dcliirhlcd wllh Ihpra. ttiej
make ilia .kin beautiful, frpa frr-m blntnlin and
piwiilea. SUM. Boaauko Mtd. Co.. tliUadclpUla, l.
For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist.
H. 8. Wilimnuton.
8. H. Haytian Itemililie
. Freight received at lliixtler s wlinrf. font of
Mam st'cut. For fiirllmr paniculam apply hi
the olllce. corner Tliird an l-Muiii street. 1
FRrtHUHOS J!U()4., A (cnl
Tide Table lor Astoria.
That the
a. m. H r.jt.
TiTnTTM li in.l ft.
Summary for the year Total days
. , , ., . . . taught, 186; total enrolled during the
The Chinese immigration business "
was the subject of Investigation yes
terday by Special Agent TV. O. Wood
and Special Inspector Charles Lewis,
of the treasury department Interest
ing developments are looked for In the
near future, and it is expected that
before the officials have completed their
work Eome of those who have been en
gaged In the certiflcate trade will be
run down.
total days' attendance, 39,028; days' ab
sence 8S9; average daily attendance;
209.8; average belonging 214.6; total
cases tardiness, 133; cases caoporal pun
ishment, 35; per cent of attendance for
year, .978; per cent punctuality for the
year, .997.
To Board of Directors Gentlemen:
Enclosed are report requisitions, etc.
y!".y. odilbiL, )
1 .. lr 1 Zl , I 111
J.' 9 1 -.1 . 1
H.. II i 2 M ' 7 41
M. r,: 4 0 8 8
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M. 11:11 Hi
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1'i iii. I ff.'l I). m tt.
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M.2H 12 07 fi fi II (; l:
T..27 12 i',r 6 2 ill 4 17 1
thf only I'ure C-eam of T.irtur p- v.
.1 If - m
-'.) Ammonia; f.'o Alum.
Years the Standard
T.. -V.
0 Z".
1 ll
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7 7 j 2 is) r, i;
7 X I 2 II ! 7
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8 'l i-2 ft 8 ir.ii2 ))
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9.;u; i-i 7 id oils 8
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11 18 i-0 1 i . . . .
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1 i'l -1 2
H O) i-l 2
Goes Everywhere?
M II 2
4 41 It 4
fi '- i 8
6 fill 7
IS .'. . K 8
7 Bi :l 7
8 i,- li f,
Tlio .,iu . ) ween imiliilt'ht an, I
Do you see
Your chance?
m pre
m JEFFS, Us Only Eestanrantf
The original Root Beer Extract
I f-4j V
U-. , 1 T 1
I uw in mi ii it t i.v nt.;,y ti. tm.. a thuuiU