filifi DALLY ASTORLAH, AyTOIilA, TUESDAY UOIiJSLN, JU3SE 13, 1S93 Ji ITBUSHIDBY litonan -Columbian Publishing Company. A6TOKIA. OREGON I i-l!f HUtLlMtOl, . Cns Strjcet Ternr of gubneriptloi. DAILY., ted nv Carrier, per week ... lScto ,l by Mall, per mouth ........ GO Cts . i. by ibIi, per xear. t WEEKLY. i-,i tr mall, per jar, $2 00 In advance, i r-e postage ( siihscrihnrs. litk AS okiaN KUttntnleeslu iU ..uvrrtiseni lie largest circulation l any nvwtpape t puu- hej uii the UoluinDU Kiver. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, June 12. For Oregon and Washington: Occasional Bhowers. Local weather for the twenty-four ti'iura ending at 5 p. m., yesterday, furnished by the U. S. Department of A'-lculture, weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 58 degrees. Minimum temperature, 48 degrees. Precipitation, .44 inch. Total precipitation from July 1st, 1892, to date, 84.56 Inches. Excess of precipitation from July 1st 1S92, to date, 10.11 Inches. THE TAXATION QUESTION. While acknowledging the Justice of Olio Astorlan's position that taxation In Clatsop county 1b excessive, there are a few people In the city who, for the purpose of gratifying some personal enmity, are endeavoring to frown down the present movement in the di rection of a reduction of taxes. The wrgument UBed by one of these indi viduals Is that any unfairness is per missible so long as certain property owners are impoverished. It does not matter that men who are admittedly good citlzenB in every particular may also be beggared; it mattea not that the entire city and county be the suf ferers; make the taxes go high that this malignant jealousy con be ap peased, and then perhaps the disgrunt led ones will be satisfied. The Astorl an does not defend tax evasion, and believes that every dollar rightfully due the city for taxes and street Im provements should, and will be collect ed, but because there are a few men who wish to avoid bearing their share of the public burden is a poor reason to advance in support of the stand that the community whole should be made to suffer. In view of Judge McBrlde's recent decision it seems clear that the city's funds can be greatly increased by the collection of the cost of certain street improvements, and in all like lihood the city attorney Is alive to the Munition. A PKOPHET OF EVIL. The Cathlamet aozette naturally feels aggrieved that the days of the river pirate are over. It looks with dis favor on the good feeling which pre vails between the Astoria salmon pack ers and fishermen. It is doubtless sur- prlBed that our packers have been able ti dispense with the "combination," which this season would have poured money into the pocketB of up-river and Washington cannerymen at the expense of the old-established, well- or ganized concerns in Astoria. The Ga zette attempts the roll of the prophet Jeremiah, and deals out disaster in this fashion: "Astoria has been a canneryman's itraveyard for many, and when the season of 1893 Is closed the chances tn o that several more relics will be ad ded to the heap." Our contemporary should refrain from these doleful predictions. If It would visit our busy canneries it would be cured of such misgivings. It would there, see contented fishermen receiving solid gold for their salmon whether trade is dull or otherwise. Instead of the scanty market which the scat tered, canneries on the tipper river pro vide, the flshemen here can take their choice of seven solvent, independent canneries whose label are known and valued in tho world's markets. If As toria, be "the, wuiiu'i'ymun's erave yard" it is an uncommonly lively one just now. A good deal of money has been mode and a good deal lost in salmon packing here, but the business was never on & firmer basis than at For the Next Thirty Daj To meet imperative demands; I will ofler at such low prices on install ments, with easy payments, that piesem. it win add over a million dollars to the wealth of Oregon this year, despite the floo:ny predictions of the Washington shore Cassandra. SETTLER'S RIGHTS. In a public lfclter, Senator Dolph sets at rest, for the present, the expectation that settlers in Clatsop county and eleewhere will ue refunded the excess of J1.25 per aero which they paid on th assumption that they were buying homesteads contiguous to railroad lands. As these lands have since re verted to the public domain, the st tiers are, in equity, entitled to hav tna JJ1.25 per acre refunded. But It seems that equity dees not alway prevail In congress. Senator Dolph says: "Now as to the facts concerning th proposition to refund this $1.25 an acre to settlers who have paid the niaxi mum ratte within forfeited railroad grants. During the Fifty-first congress I Introduced a bill for that purpose At the first session of the Fifty-second congress I secured the report, and re ported from the senate committee on public lands a bill for the purpose. TIi report was authorized bj; a bare ma jority of the. committee, every repub llcan senator on tho committee votin for it and every democratic senator voting against it. I called it up in the senate and secured its passage through tho senate by republican votes alone. every democrat In the senate voting against it. It was sent to the democrat Ic house, and there was smothered and defeated by the democratic major Ity. Let the reader Judge who Is re sponsible for tho defeat of the measure and ' of the prospect for the passage of a bill to refund Ji settlers $1.25 an acre In the near future, with a demo cratic majority in both branches of congress. The tumble in rates which the Great Northern has caused Is appreciated by Astoria merchants. Instead of $3.40 per hundred on first class goods, from New York, they will hence forth pay only $2.48. The Great Northern railway Is well represented on this coast, Col. P. P. Shelby, the general mnager, whose headquarters are at Seattle, unites va ried culture with long experience In railroad management. He left tho Un Ion Pacific td take charge of the Great Northern's Montana division at Helena, where he was popular and successful. He was . transferred to a high position at the head office of the company In St. Paul, whence he was sent to Seattle, where the Great North ern has weighty interests'. Mr. C. Shields, who is superintendent of the western division, is widely known and greatly esteemed by railroad men. He was President Egan's friend and ad viser on the Kansas City road, but has returned to tho Great Northern. He enjoys tho fullest confidence of President Hill, who is a keen Judge of capacity and ability in railroad em ployes. FUNERALS. 15. W. Kuvkendall. the leading under taker, having completed' arrangements to purchase goods direct from the fac tories, regardless of middle men, lias made a great reduction in the cost of funorais: $ 5.00 Coffins reduced to $ 3.00 8.00 Coftlns reduced to 5.00 25.00 Collins reduced to .... 18.00 WITH HEARSE.. 80.00 Cofllns or casKcts re'd to 25.00 40.00 Collins or caskets re'd to 30.00 60.00 Collins or caskets re'd to 40.00 75.00 Castets reduced to.... 60.00 125.00 Caskets reduced to 75.00 SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNTS. Welch Block, 718 Water St.. Astoria, Oregon. LADIES' TEA Is a pleasant drink, which will be borne by the stomach without nau sea or griping. It acts thoroughly on the liver, kidneys and reproductive or gans. A gentle physio, efllclent diu retic, and Is most useful In scant or painful menstruation. It aids diges tion and reduces corpulency; clears the complexion, rendering It fair, and re storing the natural tone of the skltt, for it removes the bile, which by ac cumulation, produces the sallow, mud dy complexion, peculiar to the con stipated. Sold by nil druggists. MRS. DR. M. E. M'COT, PHTSIC- IAN AND SURGEON Is In this city. She mnkea chronic dis eases a specialty. Deafness, catarrh, asthma, dyspepsia, diseases of the throat and limps, kidney, urinary or gan and all private diseases. Special attention given , to rilsensos of women, Consultation free. Cure or no Charli es. Olllo houi-s, 9 to 12 n, rn. and 1 to 5 p. m. OITlco rooms 8 nnd 4 over Os good's clothing store, CDS, Third street, Astoria, Oregon. ' NOTICE. I hereby ctvo notice that my wife has left my bed and board without I Just cauRe or provocation, nnd I will not be responsible for nnv bill she may contract C. A. IIENIUCKSON. June 8, 1S93, Ft. Stevens. Or. YOU CAH EMM A HOHB M HILL'S FIRST ADDITION. YOU SHOULD READ THIS. The popularity of t'le Union Pacific Is best li;t"i rnim:il Iiy 'V: superior service it accords t' tin; travcUn,? public In mul:.-t.-niMi:j7' t.vj lia.'y lhront;h trains to Oirn.ha, Kt, Paul, Chicago and points eattt, thoroughly equipped with all tho latent appliances for the comfort and safsly of us piilrons besides shortening the Uistancv malciinlly with Its fast trains. The pres ent t!-,l;i schedule enables passengers to reach St. i'uul seven hours quicker and Chicago twenty-four hour quicker. Oti.aha and Kansas City and Intermediate roln'M, forty hours quicker than any line from the- P.-.cific Northwest. - . . Patronlzo the Northern Pacific ral'.road If you are ffoing Kiist. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggiigo checked to desti li.uiuti All purchasers of second class tickets '.v.n stop over at Portland. Rates of tun; t-.-ime an from i-'ortland. If-you have friends In Europe whose ;iai--K''i;f .vo'J ivixii to prci ny to Astoria, all tlie .".'orthcrn Pacific ofnce.ateamer i'el.-pt :m; dock., and m.ilio known your wants, i'.i-duced rates via u!I the lead ing steamship lines.' All t!.e oatent medicines advertised In this pa,er, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can e bought at tho lowest prices at J. VV. Corn's orug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Ifand'ey & Haas, 1M f'lrpt street. Port land, have on saie the Dally Astorian, so that visitors need not mlHs their nornim; paper when they are here. TOO OFTENJHE CASE. i:Tr.RE.f!M3 PROOFS. A young society lad, after 'n round 'of gnycty,lcanies suddenly conscious of an mi uku.iI wnwilinn. She li us frequent ntlachu of dizziiuw, her back aches, and site feeLs blue and (ranorully run down Mothers, look well to your duugutursi Daughter?, look well to yourselves! Let the first symptom denoting tho ap proach of disease receive your instant atten tion. Healthy women aro the hope ot (lie race, and it is well-nigh criminal to neglect anything which promises relief. I here is none for all sullerersfrom JScrvom Di.i:nses. Head what follows: Mr Juitiio C. Davis a fine artt and an accoinj.lislied authoress, of Wcstlield, Wis., had been snhicct to lieiuluclie ever since sho could remember. So scvero were her at tacks as to cause at times temporary delirium. U trealment had tailed to relieve her. hut after usinjr Dr. Miles' Ee.-torative Nerviuo she writes: "Mv record is lo me, at leant. satisfactory. No headache, constancy In- crensnur appetite, and u consequent eum in weight oi two and a hull pounds in just one week.' Six weeks later she write?: "Have read and sewed immoderately of laic, but my headaches do not return." Mrs. John K. Miller.of Valparaiso, Ind., was attacked three years ago witli turn of life in its worst form. It finally went to her head, and all indications were that it would I'su.H eiilier in insanity or sollcning of the rain. Her husband Hum writes: "Itwouid be impossible for me to attempt a description !) her tuflenngi (luring nil tint time. one was treated by our wry best local physicians, with but temporary beneiit. bho li is taken lour bottles Ot l)tt. MILES KE5TOBATIVE Nervine, nnd is cured. Sho hag trained twenty pounds in weight. I tell von, tho I ten blesses you for what you have uono tor ier." Recollect that for the critE of all er vom Diseases there is no remedy which ap proaches Dr. HfiUif Restoraiivt Nervine. It is eo from d:inserou8 druea nnd opiates, hold li y nil driigiists, on a positive Runrautee, or j Dr. Miko Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, Sick Ileadticho and Constipation. 40 lu etch bottlo. Price 25c. Tor sale by druirgists. - -- v Plctrira "7, 17, 70' nnd sample aose ires. . F. SMITH & CO., Proprietor, HEW YORK. v -i fc.: j v ti .- s ' Caveats ami Trade-Marks obtained, aii i cli Pat ent busincii conducted tor MotrnMT Fees. Oon Orncr te Oppositi U. S. Patcit Orrct and we cuu secure patent ii) lues tiuia Uuu uiose remote irom Washington. , Keud model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, trco of ch:u(TI. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPmrr, now toubtam fatenia, wun cost of turns in the U.S. and foreign countries sent frco. Address, - G.A.8N0W&C0. nra piTrNT flrncf. Washington. D. C. L-vv-vvvvi-vvfVW " f Minad 1 Highest of all in Leavening Ppwcr.- ABSGIJUTEHV EyERY-LABOeillnilfORMECHAlG Can avail himself cf tbi goKlon opportnnity, LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION F03 $75 EACH, AT $5 DOWN ON BOND, AND $5 PER KONTH. psj. pa frH Is t!:e best i!lnod Medicine, became kaisistn natura to throw on uie im ta.' I'-fcv jiurhiesof thoolood.aml at the sumo time trmci up the entire orpanisui. This is just con:; Ui v to iho eltectof the various potash, mer-nt- v'r'a).arll!a mixtures, which bottle up the h:ip.. if iii tho svstcin, thus producing much ,k!-.i., suileriiig. Therefore, for a BLOOD MEDICINE you cannot do letter than take 8. 8. 8. "As a physician, I havo prescribed and used S. 8. K. la my practice as a tonic, and for blood iroidiie, ami have been very successful. I never u. eii a remedy which jrave such general satubo tion to uivself and patients. 'L.U. Kitch V, At. D., Mackey, Inu." Truatiso on blood nndskin diseases mailed frco. BYVU'T SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. C-a. SYPHILIS! A New Remedy A true Specific a positive and permanent elimination of all poison from th blood, and a restoration of healthy vigor to the tissues u offered to sufferers for the first time in a remedy which has been undergoing the most severe private experiments for the past three years. It has not foiled, and it will not fail, as it is a True SpevUlo lor Syphilitic poison and all blood diseases. Do you be lieve it t Send for full particulars and proof free. Stop filling your system with mercury and other poisons. Tiiis remedy will cure you in 30 to 00 days without fail. M e guurantee a euro or refund the uiouoy. Address MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., rirst Street l'OKTLAXD, Olfr G. A. STINSON & CO.. BLACKSMITHlN(i 8hJp and Cannery work, Hown-iiioetiiir, vi om made and repaired, do Hi work Kiiarunicec Op Cass street, opirfislte hie '. ikti 7'nHr n CARfJAHAfa & CO .-uccessors to I. W. Case, importer and Wholesale and Ketail dealer lu GENERAL MEB.CHAWDK3 Cor. Second and Cass Street, ASTORIA, OREGON IncntiilcHOeiit, nil ninht $1.50 12 O'clock... 1.00 " 10 " ... 75 For particulars inquire of iiuv member of the lirm or nt tue ollice, foot of Con comly St. West Snows Mills Co., T. O. Trullinger, President, Ileadquniters Department of the Columbia Oltltc oi Chief Quarteimiister. Vancouver Bar racks. W'a.-li., Must 10. W.i. H-nle1 nrouoBiils. in triplleale, will he received at this oiiicc or Ht the olhi es of the Quurtermastefs at the fol lowing; nuineil rojls until 11 o'clock A. M., i.cui miriuuui nine, .nine mm, isii;i, ana ineu openeu. ur lurnismuK r uci, I'onine a i nco tltiur at the several military stations lu tho De partment of tho C ilumbiii, during the lineal jeiir eoimiien nit; juiy i, m a, viz: iioiso mir rnclc unU Fortghormun. Mulio. Portland. Ore- kou, un -I F.irts Canliy, etpokane, Townseiid, Wallu W'al a nnd Vuncouv r Depot, Wash. All lnfo'imitiun fiunislail on application here, or, vn u. s. reserves the rlt'lit to reject the whole or any pan ei any iiu ruceivuu, ami uius win bo ciiii-idercd for a smaller amount than the whole. Knvelopc eontainins propmals should be marked: "l'ropouls lor Fuel and Foraiiu at ," mid addresse I to the undesigned or to tho r -upcctive Quartermasters. A,U. KOU1N BuN,Depu'y Quartermaster General, U. 8 A., tmci yuaricrniusicr. SUMMONS. In the' Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clatsop county: William Lehnlg, plaintiff vs. Emma Cordcr, Lydlo. Jamison, Jennie John son, Sophia. Lehnlg and Augusta Me Conneil, defendants. To Emma Corder, Lydla Jamison, Jennie Johnson, Sophia Lehnlg, and August McConnell. In the name oT the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed In the above court and cause, on or before, the first day' of the term of this court, next following the -txplratlon of six week's publication .of this Summons, which will be the nineteentn day or June, 1893, and if you fall to appear or an swer, for want thereof plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of six hundred and nlnty-elght dollars, with Interest thereon from the 15th day of August 1S91, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, and for costs and dlsbursments of this action; nnd will also take an order directing the sale of certain real property belonging to you, which has been at tached In this action, and which real property Is trttuated In the county of Clatsop, State of Oregon, and partic ularly described as the northwest quar ter of the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter of section thirty-one, of township seven north, range eight west In Clatsop county, Oregon. Service of summons In this action by publication Is made pursuant to an order of the Hon., Thomas A. McBrlde, judge of the above entitled court, dated tho 4th day of May, 1893. W. T. BURNET, ' Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated May 4th, 1893. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 9 i H id 14 ELECTRIC LIGHTS . mder ..ii.tfti'i -. Ripans Tabules Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach ana intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or- depression of spirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities' and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Bon (Six Vials) Sevtnty-five Ctnls. One I'ack.ige (l-our Boxes) 1 wo Dollars. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free tample addreit RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. CLATSOP LAND CO Incorporated with $25,000 Capital Stock. Real Estate aud insurance Brokers, Notary fublio aud Conveyan. era. rlpeclal attention paid to rents, payment of tuxes, etc, for non lesiuenis. aoie agoms ior nmuu Atauriii, i-rcm-nectPaiK. Hemlock Park and Owon's Addition, also best Seaside, business and Inside property and choice acreage. 474 l Mlrd St., Astoria HUGHES & CO. xnn.esnle and Retail LIOUOR DEALERS. I-i-i-riciMii -til rititiHiKui Foreign and Domes t'p Wines, l.luucirs and Cigars. J. H. C'ltU'i Whiskies a specialty. Vai Blab Kollled tVer. flues! brands of Key West aud Domestic t!ie.ars l.luuors tor Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited All orders froii' fh Oily and f nun-rv pron'-.iy filled. Bquemoque Btreet, - Astoria. Oregon I. H. cs IKT, OO. 3 Steamer 1 1 Waco Leaves Astoria dailv at 7:30 a. m. for Ilwaeo. vailing at Tansy Point, and connecting with railroad runniui; north at 10 a. in, and with boats nn shualwater bav for South Bend, Sunshine, North Cove And other points through to liray'i Har bor. Keturniiii! connects nt Ilwaeo with s earners for Astoria and Night Boats for I'ortlana. JOHN It. OOULTER. h. A. LOOMI3. Secretary. President U. V. KGBK.ltT. Supeilnteudent. PORTLAND AND ASTORI4. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Every evening except 8unday at 7 p. m. Arrives at Astoria Every day except Sunday at i p. m , Leaves Portland Every nay except Sunday at 7 a.m. u. vv. biumb, Agent, Asioria. E. A. Skkliv, General Agent, Portland Or. THE MOID-BUILDERS, THEIR WORKS AND RELICS, REV. STEPHEN D. PEET, Ph. P.. in roR or American antiquarian, Author ol Animal EMIrIcs and Emblematic Mounds, etc. This book treats of the Mounil-buildcra: their occupation, motes of life, religious systems, tribal divisions aud early micrations. i ue wora eoniains descriptions ot tne earth works of all classes. The classification of the mounds Is made .according to their uses, whether as village residences, aa defenses. a religious structures, or aa sacrificial or burial places. 1 The work contains many Illustrations and descriptions of Mound-builders' relics, es pecially pipes and pottery. The value oi the book Is that it contains a comprehensive view of the whole field, and gives information about the mounds and relics of all states aud districts. It is one of a scries which is dovoted to pre-hlstorie America, and perhaps would be regarded as the most tutor esliug volume. The author solicits subscriptions. Orders can be sent to tho publishing house, 175 Wabash avenue, Cbicsgo.or to the author at Avon, ill. PRICK,3.60. For - Thirty - Days - Only I make this .fler. Less than one mile from. Astoria Box Factory, on Columbia river. Streets 75 and alleys 20 feet wide. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY, CONNECTING WITH ALL TRANSCONTIN ENTAL LINESJ IS 1HE! OITI.T.LIITE RUNNING Electric Lighted Cars BETWEEN Sr. PAUL and CHICAGO AND OMAHA and CHICAGO. The EXPRESS THAIN8 consist of VESTI- lluLED, SLEEPING, DINING AND . PAKI.OR OAKS, HEATED BY STTA?3 And furnished with every lnxnry known Jc muiicru railway travel. For Speed. Comfort and Safety this Line is Unequaled Tickets ou sale at all prominent rallw offices. For further Information Inquire of any tick agent, or C. J. EDDY. General Agft. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pass. Afft. PORTLAND, OREGON. QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO .AND. ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA, Via the Mt. Shasta Route ot the Southern Pacific Comply The .Only Boat Through California to Pointi East and South hi) Scenic Route of the Pacific jCoast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS -AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING C A lift Attached to ex uresis trains. nfToi.ilni? aiineriur accommodations for second-class assngers. rur rains, mckcin, sleeping car reservations etc., call upon or ali!ress E. p. KOtiKltS. Assist ant General Freight sn l Vastjenj.'er Auent, Port Mid, Or. 4