The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 09, 1893, Image 3

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,A seventy-onei poumV salmon waa
captured yesterday by John Larson.
Fresh strawberries at Smith's today.
The original Root Beer Extract la
Frtsli Clatsop cieam received every
morning at Colmann s.
A new derrick will be placed In po.
sit Ion near the coal bunkera on the
Union Pacific Compuny's dock.
Water rates will bo delinquent after
Root Beer Superior to all
Remember McGulre's Hotel at Sea
side la open the year around.
' Rosera
At the commencement exercises of
the Bishop Scott Academy oa Wednes
day, W. II. Jordan and W. B. Young
of this city were graduates.
and cream at Col-
posltlons the men were forced to as
sume In endeavoring to preserve their
equilibrlam on the wet and. .slippery
grass. The players stood the violent
exerclsa remarkably well, and came
away satisfied, as did also the spec
tators. Captain Bartholomew kicked
one goal for his side, and W. E. Tal
lent and J. Smith a goal each for the
other side. The players for tomorrow's
game at the Pioneer picnic are expect
ed to be present on tha grounds by 2:30
J. W. Thompson, organist nt the M.
E. church, wiHhes to take a few more
pupils In music, piano or organ. Ad
dress, sH'J, Astor street.
Closing of the
Public Schools.
If you want some extra nne photos,
Wooers is tne place to get tnem.
" Dick McCarron was fined $20 for
striking a sailor named Johnson yes
terday. The defendant pleaded not
guilty, but offered no testimony In
his own behalf.
Westpcrt cream fresh every morning
at Smith s Ice Cream parlors. Third St.
The Belmont cigar can be had at
Chas. Olsens.
Cigars of the choicest brands, includ
ing the Belmont, Flor de Madrid, and
Wedding Bouquet can be had at Frank
Rogers & Co.'s store.
Councllmann McGregor was startled
yesterday whllo at dinner by Foard &
Stokes Alderbrook driver, who drove
to hla house in great haste and stated
that tha police were wanted Immedi
ately at NIeman's residence In Upper-
town. Tha helper from Hay & Chris-
tensen's slaughter house accompanied
tha driver of the wagon, and both
averred that a man had entered the
Nlentan dwelling and driven two .wo
men out at the point of a knife. A
message was at once sent for an officer,
and was delivered to ex-Chief Barry.
He stepped Into the city prison and
informed Ca.ptaln Hallock that Mr.
. Thn program of exercises for the
Hdlmes Society of Miss Powell's room
In the Court street school today Is a
Very Interesting one, and the school
term will doubtless expire In a blaze
of glory. The numbers will be as fol
Song, "Beautiful Golden Some-
tln"V ' Society
Quotations from Oliver Wettdel Holmes
Biography of Oliver Wendel Holmes',
' Nellla Utzinger
bong, "Village Bells." Society
Recitation, "Cripple Ben,"
.Flora Elmors
.."Aunt Tabithn,".... May Utzinger
Song, My Laddie Far Away."....
; .......Laura Fox
Reading, "Dorothy Q.," by Holmes,
v Maud Spedden
raper, "A Swedish Vacation,"
Annie Olsen
Song, "A Medley," Society
Paper, "A Class Prophecy,"
Corlnne Hansen
Recitation, "The Steamboat," by..
Holmes, Ethelena Mason
Song, "The Hunter's Round,"..
Recitation, "How the Old Horse
Won the bet,"...... Amelia Gamon
I and chain. For sale one ap fur, or un
proved security li. C L. & JS1. Uu. Alayxer, or.
Or) fiirinmK land Willi fruit, tree. 20 hcics
cleared, 20 aon-s pasture. Dwelllm; hmiie, ware
house and other building. 1m!( mile from
Steamboat landing at Broukfieid, by boat or
road. Inqnlro of owner on premiie MU3. H. K.
L r.-j
r ft r
Astoria-Kasy terms. See Frank SmttU: at
torney at law 173 Casa street.
19 :
L trally located. iuiiilre lit this otlioe. .
1 house. Kverythlnir Mewlv filled lliiiunrli.
out, No. irs Main st. MKS. H, Bi'KLI MRIK.
riOTfAUH NKXT DOOIt TO E. ft. l.'uLl)
j en s. seven rouns and bawiuttnt lor
woou. inquire next dimr.
y w
A ' : ..- it i l
Our Slock lU-presvnts ttver 1000 Styles.
Trouserings, Overcoatings, Suitings.
f i 11
vV, a te
If F f '
li, houseKeep li;;, No, 27:! Main Bireet.
week or iiiiiuil) terms very reasonable, at
the Oriel, 716 Third Slraet.
J aud have your clothes dyed and cleaned.
lrect. duct a ifenuri'.l buslm as hi blark.
smithing and rt palrliiK.
Prices $5 to S50.
Camples, Gelf-casukememt
Rules, and Tape-like
LI ailed Free.
Portland, Orecon.
mm m
t 1 '
Mr. Utzinger and the corps of local
musicians who have so kindly consent
ed to furnish the music at such a reas
onable rate for the Pioneer's basket
plcnlo tomorrow, will meet this after-
noon for practice at Utzlnger's Hall,
McGretror was belne murdered, rind thp
officer rushed to Uppertown, being fol- Sonr' "A Dream," Susie Elmore
lowed by Chief Loughery. After a umOTeua unu
natlent inveatlimtlon It. wns fm.n "eaaingxor a letter
For fine wines and liquors call at
August DanielBon s Sample Rooms.
Meany Is the leading tailor and pays
the highest cash price for rur skins.
A mendicant called at the residence
of Mr. Goddard yesterday In "Upper-
town and asked for food. He was a
rtranser, and the first man to ask for
assistance of this nature In Astoria for
a long time past.
Rascr's Extract Root Beer, the pur
est. -
Vv'lng Lee has just received a full line
of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods.
Will sell at cost. 529 Third Btreet.
a fisherman had gone Into the Nleman
dwelling and asked for a light Seeing
a fire in the stove he took out a
large knife and proceeded to whittle
oft a shaving to use In lieu of a match.
At sight of the knife the women fled
and at once gave the alarm.
Tomorrow is the last day In which
to pay your water' rates, and If not so
paid the water will be shut off with
out further notice.
W. N. SMITH, Supt.
lu P.. Fisher. newsDaDer advertising
scent, z Merchants' iUxcnanire. Ban Fran
cisco, Is our authorized agent. This paper
is Kepi on me ac jus ottice.
from Oliver
Wendell Holmes,.. . ..Irene Johnson
Song, "Good Bye," Society
Following Is tha program for. the ex
ercises at Cedar Street School this af
Greeting Song, school.
"Greeting Song," School
"Words of Welcome,",.,... Third Grade
Recitation, "Vacation,".. Ed wla SInnot
Recitation, "Little Boys' Troubles"
i John Kearney
Song, "School Festival,"........ School
Recitation, "Points of the Compass,"
Four Pupils
(Successor to Arudt & Ferchcu.)
Boiler Kcnalrlnir and Caunorv Wmk. Ilm,lr.
lug of River Craft aHpcelalty. Machine Work
oi all kinds done. Shop, foot of Lafuy tlu Hi.
Seaside Saw Mill
A complete, stork of lumber on hand In the
roiiKB or nressoa. riuoruiK. uusiic, lleiling,
and all kinds of finish: Mouldings anil Shin
gles; also Bracket Work done to order. Terms
reasonable and pricea at bod rock. All orders
promptly attended to. Olllite mil yard at null
II. v. l. Logan, l'ropr.
Seaside, Oregon,
Worth more than standard value worth two for one
for tha World's Fair and more than that to you.
We are selling half-dollars for "a dollar a-pleca.
You get a
The body recently picked up on the
beach at Gearhart Park has been Iden
tified as thatof John Rasmussen, well
known In this city. He was boatpuller
for George Gregg, whose body was
fotlud In the river last week.
There is no place In Astoria where
John Kopp's famous beer Is kept in
such good condition as at Utzlnger's
popular resort
Fresh fish received at the -Albatross
Fish market dally. Salmon 10 cents
per pound.
A drunken Greek, who said he -was
on his way down to tha bark Western
Belle, was arrested by Officer Thomp
son last evening. Ha had a small
trunik with him, which wate being
thrown around in such a reckless man
ner that tha officer was compelled to
take him In charge.
For all kinds of Job printing, go to
Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorian build
Don't fall to sei and read the World's
Columbian Exhibition Illustrated. B.
F. Coe, agent.
The June number of the World's Co
lumbian Exposition Illustrated con
tains many beautiful views
of the fair. The most im
portant ones ore the Liberty Bell, an
exhibit of tropical plants and horticul
tural building, main entrance to the
fish and fisheries buildings, last nail
the Woman's building, Interior views of
the Spanish pavilion, six views of Co
lumbus, Don Christobol Colon. This Is
sue is the most Interesting of any yet
Buy Raser's Root Extract to make
a healthful, refreshing beverage. Bold
everywhere. -
Parties vlsltlnc In Portland e.-rh get The
Dally Astorian at Handley & llaaa' news
stand, 1M First street.
The Instrumental music at the High
School exercises this evening will be
furnished by Messrs. Hasten and Wood
1 nf Kansas City,- Mo. Mr. Wood Is one
of the most accomplished banjotsts In
tho United States. Mr. Masten Is an
yxiert gultaristt. Thesa two young
Frank Mansur, Ross-Hlgglns & Co. 'a
driver, left his team standing on the
roadway in Unlontown) yesterday,
while he went up on the hill to deliver
some goods. On his return the. horse,
wagon ana contents were strewn on
the beach. The place where the team
was left standing was near the Fin
nish hall, and it appears that before
he had been more! than a minute or two
away from the wagon a double team
came along attached to a barouche,
In which sat two residents of the lower
end of town. One of them on finding
the roadway blocked toy tTie grocery
wagon jumped out, and grasping the
horse by the head and proceeded to
back It Into such a position as to en
able the otbw conveyance to pass.
The animal' was nervous, and backing
rapidly sent the wagon over the edge
of the plank road and quickly followed
It A number of the residents of the
neighborhood assisted Mr. Mansur to
get the badly demolished wagon on
the road again. The horse was badly
bruised and scratched, but will recover.
J. W. Crow, successor to Ryan
& Co., E37 Third street, have just
received a full line of 1893 patterns
In wall paper, and comprising all the
latest designs ana shades, at the low
est prices. Call and see them.
Three of the cases against the trap
owners who were charged with Illegal
fishing were tried yesterday. The first
was that of.C. Olsen, and again was
tha result a disagreement of the Jury.
Henry McGownn was next placed on
trial, but as Jt was developed that the
trap In question belonged to James Mc
Gowan, the jury brought In a verdict
of acquittal. The third case tried was
that of O. Munson. It was dismissed
because: the complaint did not speclfly
that tho Illegal fishing was done on
the Columbia river. Deputy Prose
cuting Attorney Curtis then moved to
dismiss all the cases, on the ground
that needless expenses only wuld be In.
curred, and that there was no hope of
securing a convlctlon It Is under
stood that no further arrests will be
made) by tho officers for Illegal fishing
either with gill-nets or traps, as Fish
Protector McGuIre Is determined that
If a gill-net violator of the Sunday
law Is punished, and the owner of the
fish trap cannot be convicted for a like
Dialogue on "Tardiness," tflltclierS - ailtl - GfOCerS,
-uvula .Eiujrijiimu miu z: x iuiK. juuuur
Recitation, "New
: Aatorla and Upper Astoila.
Fine Text and Coffees, Tahlo Delleaele-s,
Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vi'Heiii-
bles, sugar cured liains, bacon, etc.
(8uocesor to Warren A Campnerii
Dealers in .
Eats, Capi, Boots, Shoes
Hardware, Iron rnd Steel, Crockery, Qlasswar
wooaenware, Notions, etc., Hay,
Gmln, Flour aud Feed.
lOTTOt "Small Profits oa Cask tUliw." , .,
Tears Eve.,"
Kate Connor
Solo, "My First Music ; Wesson,1
.-..Alice Gray
Wand Drill Second Grade
Recitation, "Dollle's Speech,".....
Hlldo Torkelson
Recitation, "The Bridge,"
Edith Schoffer
Recitation, "Winds," Cecil Sovey
Song, "Poor Babies,".. Emma Anderson
Dialogue, "Try Again,".. ..Fifth Grade
Recitation, "Deeds of Kindness,"
Gertie Kearney
Quotation, "Truthfulness,"
..........Fifth Grade
Song .......School
Song, "School Room,".... Second Grade
Recitation, "There's a Boy In the
House," .Irving Stevens
Recitation, "Sailors Brave,".......,
Emma Larson
Recitation, "Suggestions 'to Teach
ers," ..; David Morgan
Song, "Good Advice," Third Grade
Recitation, "The Day Is Done,".;..
..Adele Sovey
Recitation, "The Builders."
Hugh Bowlby
Recitation, "Speech From a Small
o,ri" ........Eiia Eckstrom TTonTrT Strains
T' .. T.,lll !.. 111,1. 11 a ri T I " " ' A A- V
I'tm ljih, utu uLLie, gu vs. . x' L iruue
Recitation, ".Parting," Bessie Sobo
Recitation, "Rainy Day,"
Four Pupils, Second Grade
Song, "Debtor-and Creditor,"
....Arthur Allen and John Kearney
Recitation, "New Year's Day,"....
Earnest Oberg
Recitation, "Red, White and Blue,"
ivrnest Woodfleld
Recitation, "Speech From a Small
Boy,"...; '....Arthur Haycock
Song, "Open Wide the Gates of
Heaven," Madge Sovey
Hoop Drill...... .....Third Grade Cagtingi of All Decoriptiont Made to Order tt
' Proprietors of the
Portland Butchering Co.'s Markets
Corner Second and Hellion streets.
Corner Third and Went Kiitlitli streets.
i World s Fair ;
I Souvenir Coin!
I for a Dollar jj
l)ealers In CUiisswure. Crockery. 8hln Snnnlli s
I'Dbaeco. Wmos mill Fine Whiskies. Fine IVn
and Cotteo a Specialty. Tim Finest Display ol
rums in ine iiiy, rresn on r.very bieaincr.
L'orner oi mini anil west Klit'il'i Mreets.
uoncoiniy sireet, iooi ja ?tuoi),
Astoria, Oregon,
General ftlaehinists & Holler Makers
Land and Marine Engines. Holler work. Steam
boat and (Jan nor y Work a Specialty.
men, who are graduates of the Kan
sas City High School, have succeeded offense, ' he will not be a rnrty to the
In making a national reputation for discrimination. Mr. Cnrt's also ex-
themselves, and It was a matter of
happy chance, that their services were
secured for this evening.
You can get the best 10-cent or two-
ror-a-quarver c.ars in Astoria at Chas.
Owners of horses can purchase Camp
bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col
umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred
Sain' Saddlery establishment.
pressed himself on the subject, stating
that In future lie tvIII file no mcie
complaints against eic.icr gill-net men
or trap men cn charges similar to th;ise
disposed of.
I hereby give notice that my wife
has left my bed and board without
just cause or provocation, and I will
not be responsible for any bill she may
The public will certalnlv accord the contract. C. A. HENRICKSON.
High School a liberal patronage to
night, not alone because of the excel
lent program rendered, but on account
of tha very worthy object to which the
proceeds are to be devoted the reple
tlon of the High School library with a
store of well selected books. Friends
pupils who desire to bring flowers are
requested to kindly tag; them, as their
distribution will take place after the
rendering of the program. The admis
sion price is ' strictly twenty-five cents.
Del. Ferguson, general Job printer,
Astorian building, upstairs. Flrst
tias work at reasonable rates.
June 8, 1893, Ft. Stevens, Or.
In the midst of plenty. Unfortunate,
unuecessary, yet we hear of It often.
Infants thrive physically and mentally
when properly fed. The Gall Borden
Eagle Brand Condensed Milk Is un
doubtedly the safest and best infant
food obtainable. Grocers and Drug
Recitation, "Our Sunbeams,"
Second Grade
Recitation, "Tho Common Lot,".
Charles Gray
Recitation, "Closing Address,".
Harry Oberg
Song, "Vacation," ,tJ ....School
The exercises of Cedar Street School
are to be held In room 3 and will
situation, saying: "Waa It to be won-
Remember the grand Pioneer picnic
next Saturday, June 10, from 10 o'clock
until S p. m., at the Smith's Point Base
ball grounds. All kinds of games.
For further Information apply to the
following general committee:
Dancing, J. W. Welch;
Advertising, W. B. Adair.
Transportation and games, F. J. Tay
Music J. H. D. Gray,
Refreshments, B. Van Dusen.
All members of the Carpenters and
Joiners Union, No. 620, are notified
that on Thursday, June 8th, will be
held the semi-annual nomination meet
ing. A full attendance Is required.
Fines will be strictly enforced. By or
der of the president.
Short Notioa.
JOLN FOX.... President and 8no
. 1 FOX .,.... Vice I'resldon
Safes, Fireproof.
luv celebrated Alnlne Bnfea kett in utoek a
the 473, Third St., llal Katnte Ofltee. War-
ranted aa good at the bent, terms very easy
W. V, VABSELiL Agent,
Genoral Express and Delivery Business
Office lie Olney street. Htables foot of West
jMiutu si, Astoria, ieiepiione yo. it.
Free at Crow's gallery, a life-size
crayon with every dozen cabinets or
dered. Offer good for 30 days.
All persons having claims against
the estate of P. W. Larsen, deceased,
are requested to present them to me
at the office of J. Q. A. Bowlby in As
toria, Oregon, within six months from
this date.
May 31, 1S93.
Of Herman Wise's stock is now in full
blast. Everything sacrificed.
M. WISE. Mortgagee.
P. S. All persons Indebted to Her
man Wise will please settle at once.
$DR. GUNtl'S
J-1 iicn
Brmith hriA or Hend ahtnrrF Or of thflB plllirc
lieveti ditrH tn ibe utootach twl euro hft.dwcr'.
one eiuiu night (or wef(Jniwjetciitim ''
junJniho LreMta. Ihey iniiure FeT1W!1 a,,'i,,,t
ruruial th bo ! and cure conxiitifn. 1 y
tU promptly, yet mildly, never grip or writer. IM
For ale by J. W. Conn, Druggist
A carload of football players and
their friends . went down to Smith's
Point last evening to have a practice
game of football Teams selected by Cap
tain Bartholomew and J. Smith played
halfs of about thirty-five minutes each.
The game was pretty evenly contested
throughout, and was very amusing on
amount! of tho slnvt Inmimom W
falls which' occurred, and the grotesque
Those who wish to have the finest
Shoalwater Bay oysters or clams by
the quart or pint in Jars, can have
them delivered nice and fresh by Horn- I
er Fletcher. OrderB left at The Asto
rian office will receive prompt and care
ful attention from nun.
j,- - t,s t
p tj y wi f '.
LH i), iiiu Uuii riufiiuiii'tiiii. 1
Tlie only l'ure Crtam of Ti.Mar V .
Used ia Millions of Homes
A Work of Art " fa Itself.
We devote the entire amount - towards developing
and ennobling the People's Great Fair.
Souvenir and Rare Coins as an
U. S. $5 Goklpiece 182a
' U. S. 1804 Silver Dollar
. U. S. Half-Dollar 1796
U. S. 1802 Silver 5-Cent Piecv.
S. 1856 Eagle Penny .
U. S. 1793 Copper Cent (Amen)
Queen's Jubilee 5-Sovreign, Eng.
Napoleon's 100-day sfr., French.
King William Coronation, Ger. 1861
German "Peace" Coins 1871
' TJiir will be the best investment you ever made
- A World's Fair, Souvenir Coin
A National Heirloom for only $1.00.
Under Act of Congress we have 5,000,000
Souvenir Coins, of the denomination of 50 cents
each. That the money may go as far as possible,
and that all the people may have a chance to pro
cure these artistic and patriotic souvenirs of their own ,
Exposition, we have resolved to offer the whole issue
. for sale at ?i.oo each.
Apply to any Bank, or send Post Office or Express Money
r. i': ik Draft, or Registered Letter for as many coins as vow
. tvil 1 i:irinvns how to send them to you, to
Face Market
value, value.
5.00 900.00
1. 00 900.00
.o 52.50
.05 100.00
oi' 5.00
.01 50.00
24-33 32-o
1. 00 4.00
.66 1.25
.66 1.25
CcfMmhton Exposition,
North Pacific Brewery
JOHN K0PP, Pioprietor.
WEDDING PEESENTS;i!nllM1)iflll . j,., . lteer
lifts Just received n flue
line f
rniiMslniK of Fllver l?on linn PUlio',
Knot i.Hliei, Herry Dni es, Nut I'owIh,
Mustard 1'oIh. il'-eult .tun. Celery
OlHsnes, Hair J'111 . liayn, l'iii Cu-iliioiis,
I'leliiitt friiiiicK, MiiroiH, etc.. all new
gonds hikI liilesl ili'sluns.
Mcrcliaiit Steamship Co.'s
Line, ConnectliiK with
C'tr.llnii I'boIiIo Huilwy nni Chin Htum
Ship I.iur,
'laMiiK frel(;lif Hud pHHHuniren fur l'orl Aiii;i -les.
Victoria, I'm t Tnwii.-iul,"SeHltle, TiUhiii,
WlmteoiM. Kiiirlinven, Nannlmo. Mew W esiiiiln-
ateraihl ViUieoner : Irf'Kvlii)? Astoilft :
H. 8. Hiiytliin i.epublio
8. K, W'llmiliKfoll
H. n. IlKytla'i HepiililU'
Freight received nt Hiistler H whiirf, font of
M11I11 Hticvt. For furl her I'lirlirMluw unnlv m
the ofllce, earner Third and Main street.
FEtiOUSOS BR03., A ftetll.t
And XX I'orter.
All nrderi promiitly ntceiidedlto.
Tide Table tor Astoria.
men wati:u.
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Do you see
Your chance?