THE DAILY A8T0K1AH, ASTOillA, TUESDAY MOilNUSG, JUlO G lbi3. 7 ABOUT TIIE CUT. The city council meets tonight. Fresh strawberries at Smith's today. A large delegation from the residents along Clatsop Beach was In town yes terday. ; The original Hoot Beer Extract is Rogers. Cushlng Post., G. A. R., will meet tonight at Pythian Castle Hall for the transaction of Important business. Freeh Clatsop cream received every morning at Colmann s. A fire on the hills near town yester day burned 175 cords of cord wood be longing to Messrs. Hlte and McMullen. Remember the Austin House at the Sea side is open the year around. --. Lot 7 in block- 1, Flavel Center, was yesterday purchased from W. E. War ren by F. W. Prael, the price being .ttOO. The Rod and Gun Club will meet tonight at Utzlnger's Hall at 8 o'clock. "Rah, rah , ray! Astorl a! High School! Rah, rah, ray!", wHl be the "yell" of the high school boys in fa ture. Are. department Sunday, but the dam age amounted to less than $25. The first was for a blaze in the chimney of Pete Johnson's house; the second came from Box 8 for a fire on the roadway and the third was for a blaze under the boiler of the Clatsop Mill. The damage was only nominal. It is sup posed the fire on the roadway caught from an electric spark from a street car. Free at Crow's gallery, a life-size crayon with every dozen cabinets or dered. Offet good for 39 days. The Other Side of the Fish-trap Cases Raser's Root Beer Superior to all dthers. On Sunday the thermometer register. ed eighty-seven degrees In the shade, or five degrees higher than It was In Portland. ' " Strawberries and cream at Col mann's. Rates have again been reduced on tha Union Pacific, the round trip rate to Chicago now being $96.20, and single fare-$68.60. J If you want some extra tine photos, Mooers is trie place to get tnem. - The excursion of the members of the Camera and Bicycle club to Fort Ste vens on Sunday, was thoroughly en- Joyed by all. Westpc-rt cream fresh every morning at Smith s Ice Cream parlors. Third st, , In ' the police court .yesterday two fighters forfeited $10 each, and $10 was collectpd from an individual charged with drunkenness. The Belmont cigar can be had at Clias. Olsen s. A large number of people visited Smith's Point on Sunday, and their en Joyment of the beautiful day was not marred by the nauseous odors from the vacated oil works. For fine wines and liquors call at August Danielson s Sample Rooms. There will be a practical game of football today at Smith's Point. Play era will take the 3 o'clock motor and will be brought back to the city after the game. Meany is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. A small blaze caused by sparks from the chimney, called Engine No. 1. and the hooks, to the lower end of Spruce street near the Water front, lost night at 7:30. The fire was in the roof of the house occupied by Mrs. Nordstrom, and was put out before much dam age had been done; Raser's Extract Root Beer, the pur est. Wlng Lee has just received a full line of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods, Will sell at cost. 529 Third street. Capt. Gray, chairman of the music committee, Invites those who will take port In singing for the Pioneer and Historical Society picnic, to meet at Rescue Hall Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.' He wishes to get a good old fashioned chorus for the occasion, when the old folks as wrll p ' young may take part- Fresh fish received at the Albatross Fish market daily. Salmon 10 cents per pound. For all kinds of Job printing, go to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorian build ing. Remember the grand Pioneer picnic next .Saturday, June 10, from 10 o'clock until 5 p. m., at the Smith's Point Base ball grounds. All kinds of games. For further information apply to the following general committee: Dancing, J. W. Welch; advertising W. B. Adair; transportation and games, F. J. Tay lor; music, J. H. D. Gray; refreshments, B. Van Dusen. Don't fall to see and read the World's Columbian Exhibition Illustrated. B. F. Coe, agent. You can get the best 10-cent or two-for-a-quartter cigars in Astoria at Chas. Olsen's. "Tales from Town Topics," No. 8, in cluding a $1,000 prize story, entitled "Six Months in Hades," is Just pub lished, and proves to be rich with hu mor and spice) characteristic of the so. clety Journal from which It takes its name. The special novel Is a very ab sorbing and bright work, and the se lected matter la most agreeable sum. mer 'reading. Town Topics, 21 West Twenty-Third street. New York. Owners of horses can purchase Camp bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred. Salz' Saddlery establishment. Buy Raser's Root Extract to make a healthful, refreshing beverage. Sold everywhere. Sheriff Smith yesterday received the resignation of Deputy Merrlileld of Seaside; During hi3 tenure of office Mr. Merrifleld was not the most popu lar officer in the county, and in all probability a number of "the boys" will hold a celebration at Seaside when they receive the news of hla resigna tion. He will be succeeded by Emsley Houghton, whose is credited with the possession of a perfect balance wheel in his head machinery. Parties visiting In Portland can get The Daily Astorian at Handley Sc Haas' news Eland. ISO First street. Del. Ferguson, general Job printer, Astorian building, upstairs. First rlaos work at reamnaM rtf. Three alarms were turned In to the "I would like to state," said M. J. Kinney yesterday to an Astorian re porter, "that the present law holding the cannery-men responsible for . the lawless acts of the men in their em ploy, Is not, only unjust, but altogether unreasonable. I have a great many men enmployed fishing, and I am pos itive there is not one among them who is not familiar- with our rules that there shall be no fishing on Sunday, A strict rule In force here, as well as at the other canneries, prohibits Sunday fishing, and personally- I have made it a point to see that my men are ac quainted with that rule. Just why, then, I should be arrested for the al leged violation of. the Sunday law by one of my trapmen, is beyond - my power of comprehension. As far as I know, the other canners have rules of a like nature, and endeavor to see that they are enforced. "Does it look reasonable" contln, ued Mr. Kinney, "does it seem prob- able that I, or any of the cannerymen, in fact .would contribute money for patrolling the river on Sunday, and then throw ourselves In the very arms of the law? I am not going to question tha Jurisdiction -of the courts. I do not care about that. I have been ar rested for illegal fishing, and the news has been spread broadcast, when in fact I am not only guiltless of such an act, but have used every endeavor to aid the lish commissioner to see that tha Sunday fishing law 13 respected. Mr. Munsen, the keeper of the trap found open by the officers, says that on Saturday night when he left the trap, the poles were lip and the trap closed. If the trap was opened later, other parties must certainly have done the work. The whole fact of the mat ter Is, It places me before the public In a wrong light, and while a great many can see the utter absurdity of such a construction of the law, there are many more "who do not even stop to think that there might be two sides to the one story. Every canneryman In Astoria is strictly anxious to see that the Sunday closing law is strictly enforced."- Doings of the . ..... County Court. FOB 8 ALE. DO AORKS & lj.OO l'lilt ACltK IMl'ltOVK OO mnnlDK land wltli fruit trees. 20 cleared,2i)acri pasture. Dwelling house, ware house anU other bulliliiiK. Hull mile from Steamboat lmidlntr at KroiikflnliL hv linxt or inao. in ira 01 owner mi tmm mm i ui ii i,' KTlfKi .tlu "r ' "' w " rph ..i .... .. ... llHMi-rtll UllUIi;ii 1.U1S I7i AJJAIH .cbuuu- mummy meeting or tne VJ Astorla-Easv turnis. fern Frank Hmitu-.i county court was held yesterday, and 'orpey nl ")w "s uas Btrect- the following Musiness transacted. . Anton bheiton, a native of Norway, was admitted to citizenship. Tha petition of R. L. Eberman for a six months liquor license was laid over. HOOMS TO JiAXT. FtiKNlSIIfD HOUSE OK 1.1 HOOMS, t!KN tmlly located. Inquire lit tills olllee. ROOMS. MAIN. RTRKKT uoiite. r.veryituiiK newly titled tliKnijili rWHMSHKD I lli.lld. Ul,.rl,h .... An application and petition was read out. So, 175 Main st. MIM. II, bl'KLLMElu, from C. W. Camahan and others ask- JZ nib iui me re-iocauon of the Lewis and J en's. Seven rooms and Im-scmiiiit for Clarke road. W.- H. Smith, J. C. auwu8 uiu u. wingate were appointed T)OOM3 IN A GOOD LOCATION Fol reviewers and W. T. Beverldge County xx "olle'tf "P ' '" treat I0TTAUE NEXT DOOlt TO E. C. 1101.1) wood. Inquire next door, surveyor, to meet June 9th. at Mor- XTICKLY furnished R ioms nv nv rlson station. The bond of netltlnners A week or mom i Hu ms very reasonable at r uib unoi, no imru strove. wcuj nxeu at me sum of 1U0. An application was read to have MlHVKLLAtilSO IS. viewers appointed to view and locate piir6N;BAkirrTiirK n eo. Mclean. cokmck ol-ney and at i- I V)f tor street, does a gener-il uusliitssln ulack- J. W. Thompson, organist at the M. E. church, wishes to take a few more pupils in music, piano or organ. Ad dress, 589, Astor street. Seaside Lodge of Workmen will give grand ball at Armory hall on the Fourth of July. At the regular meet ing of the lodge on Saturday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Master Workman, D."Winton, (re-elected;) foreman, E. A. Heacock; overseer, C. H. Grlbble recorder William Pohl (re-elected): financier, T. Deoly; receivers, John Bryce (re-elected); guide, George John son; I..W., H. E. Topplhg; O. W., J. Jacobs; medical exanjlners," Drs. Tut tie and Estes. JAM. 'DALU1TY, I'rop'r. (Successor to Arndt & Ferchcn.) BoiltrReDalrinfanri Cannerv Wntk. Inif 01 Kiver Craft a Hoccia tv. Maehtne Work ol all kinds done, Hhop, toot of Lafnyt-tto St. Seaside Saw Mill. the road from Westport to Jackson's J and have your clothes dyed and cleaned place, as recorded and deeded in 1890, except through the land of Wm. .Tank I oi.iltlil.... n POn. Tirmrln worn flval In Iho ... " r...u.K. v ii k 41V D Li 111 VL $100. 1U. Gorman, M. McFarland and . R. TVvmnlflrta mata ontvilntn,! tviv u-j-'j-JVin igu, III AI1C-OL I IV I P" f" I I - Mb with the county surveyor at Westport IVlAV-'rillNE SHOP on June 13th. Tha application to, have the fine of Byron Dunkln remitted was granted, and an order made to draw a warrant for the amount, $29 In the matter of the . bridge across the Necarilcum creeit "the hid of Fry & Meyer was accepted. t Bonds were fixed at $1500. An order was made admitting to citizenship C. W. Axten, a native of dreai Rrlt-oln Tt . ' , , A complete stock of lumber on hand in the It was ordered that the County sur- rough or drensort. Flooring Rustic, Ceiling, veyor file a survey of tha road from nd all klnd of finish : Moi.ldlngs Hncl Hhin- XT , , . i itwm gies; Rifco Bracket Work done to order. Terms Necanlcum creek to Seaside. reasonable and prices at bed rock All order In the matter of the application of promptly .ttended to. Oflice jn.l yard at mill. nl n Ii Iv. L. LOltAri, 1 ronr. vicmo vauiuuuBcu, armuveoi xsorway, I seasiue, uregon. to citizenship, an order was made ad mitting the applicant. . The hearing of the petition of W. R. McFarland et al., was continued until today. An order was made that F. H.. Su- prenant, administrator, turn over cattle belonging to the estate of Mrs. T. Cor coran, to the heirs. It was ordered that the sum of $50 be accepted as payment In full of the taxes of Herman Wise for 1892. J. I'. Merrifleld was appointed con stable for Seaside precinct. Road District No. 5 was allowed 3000 feet of lumber and a keg of spikes for the construction of two bridges in the district. Adjournment was then taken until this ross, hiccin :. co., butchers - and - Grocers, Astoria and Upper Aktorb. Fine. Teas and Coffees, Table Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vegeta bles, sugar cured hams, bacon, etc. CHOICE FRESH & SALT MEATS CAMPBELL BROS. (SuenBnr f Warron A Catnpberl), WARRKNTON, OREGON, Dealers In JOITY GOODS, HKNTS' FURNISHING (100l)H, . Hats, Cups, Boots, Hiioes Ryan & Co. -637. ' Third street, have just received a lull line of 1893 patterns in wan paper, and comprising all the latest designs and shades, at the low est prices. Call and see them. Cigars of the choicest brands, lnclud. ing the Belmont, Flor de Madrid, and Wedding Bouquet can be had at Frank Rogers & Co.'s store. Trap shooting is becoming more pop ular in this city dally, and a number of the mcst enthusiastic were down at Smith's Point Sunday, testing their skill at breaking clay pigeons. Some excellent ehootlng was done, several of the marksmen displaying a skill that Is seldom excelled anywhere. Each fired 25 shots and the scores were as follows: H. A. Smith. 24: J. T. Hay. 21: W. Loughery, 21; A. L. Noe, 21; F. Cook, 15; E. C. Hughes, 23; E. Schwab, 16; Dr. O. B. Estes, 10; A. G. Spexarlh, 15. Subsequently Hay killed 9 out of & possible 10 birds. Loughery missed one in 20, Noe missed 4 out of 25, Hughes killed 17 In 20 shots. Boynton 17 in 24, Estes 10 in 20 and Schwab 11 in 20. It was regretted that Sheriff Smith could not have been credited with a kill for his twenty-fifth shot, which would have made the score a perfect one. Deserving Praise. We desire to sav to our citizens, that or years we have been selllnir Dr. Klnir'a New Discovery for ConHUmptlon. Mr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have nev er handled remedies that Bell as well, or that have clven such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to (ruarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price. If satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popular ity purely on their merits. Sold by Chaa. Rogers, Druggist. - STARVED TO DEATH. In the midst of plenty. Unfortunate, unuecessary, yet we hear, of It often. Infants thrive physically and mentally hen properly fed. The Gail Borden Eagle Iirand Condensed Milk is un doubtedly the safest and best infant food obtainable. Grocers and Drug gists. THE FORCED MORTGAGE SALE. Of Herman Wise's stock Is now In full blast. Everything sacrificed. M. WISE, Mortgagee. P. 8. All persons indebted to Her man Wise will please settle at once. FS, lie Giiiy Kesiaoraat. Following is the report for the month staple beginning May 8th and ending June 2d, of school In District 21, Young's river: Number daiys )taught, 19; number days attendance, 281; number days ab sence, 19; number times tardy, 16; av erage dally attendance, 14.8; average number belonging, 15; number enrolled, 16 r names of pupils neither absent nor tardy: Daniel Young, Floyd Wright, Julius .Young, Viola Osgood, Names of pupils who attained 90 per cent, or better In deportment: Viola Osgood Lulu Henderson, Katie Osgood, Emma Wright, Anna Osgood, Harry Height, Pearl Johnson, Daniel Young, Julius Young, Edwin Young, Floyd Wright, Alice Wright, Pearl Height. The school received official visits from Directors Young end McMillen, and lost one pupil, who will, as a visitor at tha World's Fair, have a wider field for the attainment of knowledge. Pho tographic views of the school have been taken by Daniel -Young, one of its bj-ight pupils, who owns and operates a kodak, and soon each child will be made happy in the possession of a memento of school-life. GROCERIES FANCY Hard ware, Iron end Steel, Crockery, Glnwart nooaeuware, notions, eio., nay, Oroin, Klour and Feed. II OTTO I "rimall FrollU cm Cuh Sale." HUNTER & MERGENS, Proprietors of the - Portland Butchering Co.'s Mato Corner Pocond and Benton streets. Corner Third and West hlnlitli streets. WJVAJ U.S.M- Our Stock llcp resents Over JO0O Styles. Trouserings, Overcoatings, Suitings. Prices $5 to $50. Samples, Self-measurement Rules, and Tape-line M ailed Free. TAILOil 126 FIRST STREET, Portland, Orecon. .!; moro than standard value worth two fa: c j Wo.'ld's. Fair and more than that to you. Wo are . selling half-dollars Tor a dollar a-p:ec You get a : l.'. . , . - in Dc:hrs. Bcatitifai World': Souvenir Coin if a Dollar Excccti3ri- ; A Work of Art in Itself. Wi , davoto the . entire amount towards d9yelorin"f and 0'inobling the People's Great Fair. 5o'4:'cn!f and Rare Coins as an Investment. . Face value. 5.00 1. 00 .eo OS 01 .01 24-33 1. oo .66 .66 Market value. 900.00 900.00 100.00 5-oo 50.00 33.00 4.00 1-25 1.25 Foard & Stokes GiiooEna ' calert In Glnssware, Croekery, Ship Siiiille!, olmoeo. Wines und Finn Whiskies. Kln IVil- mid Coftee a Soeeliilly. 'Hie Fin- nt Display ol rnuiB 111 ine uny, piesn on nvery Bieniuer, Coiner ot Tluid and Wust ElKnt i troet' ENCOURAGEMENT FOR FEEBLE. THE tKTOKIA' llK WMUW, uoiiKoiniy mree.1. 1001 jhokmmi, Astoria, Oregon. ; (iciieral Machinists & Hoik Ulakco Land and Marin EnRlnes, Holler work, Steam- Doat ana (January worn aHpeoialty. GastiiigB of All Deioriptions Made to Order at tSAort nouoo. Frenldent and Sun . L. FOX Vice I'resldeu Safes, Fireproof. To celebrated Alpine Sntet kont In itoek i ua.11 j ranted M good at toe best, ierrni very easy n. u. UAnncuL,, Agcut, COLUMBIA TRANSFER WILLIAM WILSON, Prop. FEED - AND - SALE - STABLE General Exprew and Delivery llu-iint'ss. 3mce 116 Olney street. HI1U1I, foot of W hi ninm sc, aauiria. letrpiiotie no. . So long as the falllnir embers of vi tality are capable of being rekindled JOLN FOX.....'............... .".President "iw a. wtuiii aim gvmai gtOW, JUBl BO long there la hope for the weak and emaciated Invalid. Let him not, there fore, despond, but derive encourage ment from this, and from the further fact that there la a restorative most potent In renewing the dilapidated powers of a broken down system, Yes, thanks to Its unexampled tonic virtues, Hostetter's stomach Bittera is reviving strength in the bodies and hope in the minds of the feeble and nervous. Appetite, refreshing sleep, the acquisition of flesh and color, are blessings attendant upon the reparative processes which this priceless lnvlgor- ant speedily initiates and carries to a successful conclusion. Digestion is re stored, the blood fertilized, and sus tenance afforded to each other life-sustaining organ by the Bit ters, which is inoffensive even to the feminine palate, vegetable in compo sition, and thoroughly safe. Use It and regain vigor! All members of the Carpenters and Joiners Union, No. 520, are notified that on Thursday, May- 8th, will be held the semi-annual nomination meet ing. A full attendance is required. Fines will be strictly enforced. By or der of tha president. . WILLIAM A. FRY. R. S. DO YOU LIKE OYSTERS? Those who wish to have the finest Shoalwater Hay oysters or clams by the quart or pint in Jars, can have them delivered nice and fresh by Hom er Fletcher. Orders left at The Asto rian oftlce will receive prompt and care ful attention from him. CO., DR. GUNN'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS OhlVOXE FOR A DOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUF, Breath bad or Head achlnfff One of thceo pilliiit--Iteve distress in lite stomach und cure heudacne. one escb night for awrok weflteim thMtomaoh at.d partft the breath. They loeure perfect digtaMon, reru)atthe boweli and etira coimUpailoii. 7 hey mot promptly, yet mildly, no vrr gripe or Klcken. UOq For sale by J. W, Conn, Druggist 0) 1 ppp P 1 3 ; 4 m F r f T & fh cnlv rare C.rcn ..'T ..I t I - "Used in Millions of Home 1 the Standard .oin. ('. S. ?j Ooldpiece 1S22 U. S. 1 804 Silver Dollar U. S. Half Dollar 1796- (J. S. 1802 Silver 5-Ccnt Plecu U. S. 1856 Eagle Penny " U. S. 1793 Copper Cent (Amer:) Queen's Jubilee s-Sovreign, Eng. N.tpolcon':; 100-day 5fr., French. Kinj William Coronation, Ger. 1S61 Gciman "Peace" Coins 1871 Thif will be the best investment ou ever made A World's Fai7' Souvenir Coin - A National Heirloom for only S.OG, Under Act of Congress we have 5,000,000 Souvenir Coins, of the denomination of 50 cents 1 each. That the money may go as far as possible, ami that a the people may have a chance to pro cure these artistic and patriotic souvenirs of their own i Vv tion, we have resolved to offer the whole issue : . at $1.00 each. nny Bank, or send Post Office or Express Money v i "r Registered Letter for as many coins as y'i : ;a lum to send them to you, to CclnmbJan Exposftfop. ::?no, ill. J". C3-. KTIBMI, Has Just received a flue line t WEDDING PRESENTS ('011 IsIuik i'f Sliver Hon linn Dl.ilin , Fruit DmIhh, Heri-y Dn c. Nut I'owl-, Mu.stiiKl I'ni. ir-'Hilt .Ihih, Celery Oliisscs, fluir I'm ir..jn, l'lii Oii'iliiuiii, rii'tiue Franii-N, Mirrors, ote.,i,ll ut'W go.Hls hiiiI (lenlin. hortii Pacific Brewery , JOHN KOPP, Proprieioi. Iioliemian Lager - Ww And XX Curler. All onion pruiniuly Rttended to. Merchant -Elrsmship' Co.'s ; Line ConiiedliiK with Ckbmllua Fuolilo Railway n. Chlim Htnuni. Ship Llnr, . ''akliig frelKlif n'l pnsii(rl fur I'dit Aiiri Ip. VIuioiIh, l'urt 1'ov.nv n,l, Hf Hlili, Taramui, Wliiitroiii, Kalrlmveii, Aunaiino, Nnw Wexliiiln mer 1111 1 viii.oinr : Lmvinj; Asloilii : k. 8. Haytlaii 1 i-t-uliliu H 8. Wilniiiutoti ' H ... lUyiUn Ht-i iililic ' Krclulit nrcclvert t lln-lli-r wliiirf, foot o' MmIii !t rot. Kor liirilicr i-iirii(uil:ii apply h tli- olllcn, corner Third n I Alain Klrtvt. PKKCUHOX IIIIO'.. A Ki'lim Tide Ttiljle lor AwtorJu. J DM'. iiiuil WA'ri:it A. M. 11. 111. I fl. I P.M. i 'Tf.ii 1. i if A. M. Ii'mi. I ft. 1 M , '1 Mi 2-! I .M ' 7 ii Ii 7 4 4 i 8 17 I 7 2 ii : 4 Oil ' : 6 10 : :i 7, fl 1H ! I I 7 x ' r, 1' i 8 4 ' a. 11 01 i 6 7 MJ-'I ll M I ., M . .. n 11 1 til 1 ui 2 A- (, III W.I I T.. H K HI K.. 17 H !i M. hi . 4 :v T..'D I h XI) W.-l : r, 41; 1.. 'si -1 ;- V.. 2t : t Oil S..2I 10 ill S..2, in 91 H H ft :i 7 7 ! 6 5 0 S n S7 5 7 I Ui ,ii -J x :j in :f 4 H jll 4 4 fw Mi 7 5 41 r 8 (i i!7 17 0 7 14 '7 i!i K W !7 5, 8 W 7 (I 4i l 2 III .11 ,H Ii! 11 It K ) 12 M '7 I ii, ; 1 w 4 a 17 4 4 T( ;7 5 -i (.: 7 5 7 ti 3 ! ' 7 7 i'l 7 i H 111 1 it H ;7 it 4i .7 ; I. M. ll. Ill 1 ft. S l"n"T-u !l 1 M 14 .1 7 tt ::l t o 7'! ii r,i!:i h 0 ft'; ! .Tit K in ;.l I) 41 0 2X 1 ;ih 2 i 1 :i :i 41'. 0 S 4 41 1-0 7 -M -I ft 11 vi 1-2 ." n i-a 4 8 til ft K 4H tyi K ! -1 7 1 . -ii -I (I ll U2:l 6 ii 111 .-0 I . . i . 0 OH j 2 a 1 ID ! I !' I 14 , 1 .'1 a lit I 11 I wi ! 0 4 4 .) ) 'I M.til it 7. S !) ill Ui 7 K 1 Wi -o 7 T..27 12 51, 6 i it 4i 7 .. 1 6 14 ,1 fl w.2s .. 1 ;a i 3 , o m -i 2 T..2M.I 0 2;: , 7 7 2 iH f. (. i 7 ? !-l 2 t .Jl, 1 IW 7 H I 2 41 ' 7 i H M - 2 10 ii !-o 2 ; pi 27;t 7 o 2 ii i 0 7i . .. . . t l : 12 IH'l 2 2 2:1 Ml 2 4212 I 3 4ll2 5 4 :a!2 7 5 -m - h tt 2I2 7 17:,! 0 H lu'.J S 9 OJ 2 10 01);' 5 ;i r ,7 7 12 oa.o 7 12 -Kill 5 1 -v, 3 2 5n;2 7 3 ftr:i 2 4 41,:'. 4 !i '."1:1 ii l.f:i 7 ii .... ,1 S 7 ;U-:i7 ii- ) B iiiii-iia oy a (a. m.j, nm.? heiv-eii ii.miii ami iitMhiii'ht !v 1' (p. ni.1.0 11. witi. A fU-uoU lllillllllit, nil. 111)1). 1' denotes U'mit, Do You Know TJiat the Weekly Astorian Goes Everywhere? Advertisers, Do you see Your chance?