) THE DAILY AHTOltlAW, AS'i'OlUA, TUESDAY JMOltNINO, MAY 30, 1813 I'CBUSHID BY istoruB-Coluuibiaa PflblUhinn Compauj. AoTOKlA. ORKGON i . it I4U HalLDIK.1. - - CAH DTBKItr rr ef BabMriptloi DAILY. i tt ved oy Carrier, per week. ....... W t .. w eu . 7.00 .1 tktf Mill I. nrtf month ', hut by MtUt. per Year WIIKLY. et i by mall, per year, $2 00 In advauca i tan postage to subscriber. i A ohian guarantees to ita advertisers . largest circulation of ny uewnpaper pub . U uu tbe Columbia Klver. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, Or., May 2f.-For Oregon ui d Washington: Continued fair weather. Local weather for the twenty-four h'.urs ending at 5 p. m., yesterday, fi rnlshed by the U. S. Department of A Iculture, weather bureau. Maximum temperature,. 09 degrees. Minimum temperature, 48 degrees. Precipitation, none. Total precipitation from July 1st, 18D2, to date, 81.25 Inches. Excess of precipitation from July 1st, 1892, to date, 8.70 Inches. DECORATION DAT. The annual tribute which the coun try pays to the patriotic dead grows In public favor. Years roll by, but they do not Impair the sense of gratitude which our people feel for those who rallied round the flag In the hour of danger. No asperity mars the cele bration. Time's effacing hand has re moved the hate and distrust that the civil war engendered. Those who strew flowers on the graves of Grant and Sherman, of Thomas and Sheridan, do so with tender love for the memory of those heroes, as well as the kindliest sentiments for those whom they en countered on the field of battle. With like feelings of brotherhood will vet erans throughout the land, decorate today the graves of comrades whether they attained distinction In the field or simply did their duty In the rank and file. It is proper that sentiments of peace and love should thus prevail today. In vuln would have been the victories achieved at Vlcksburg, Antletam, and Gettysburg In vain would the Union forces have carried the batteries Missionary Ridge or assailed the de fences of St. Marye's Heights, amid a storm of shot and shell, If love were not to take the place of hate, and fra ternity to remove the evil Influence of sectional strife. It Is now clear to the South as well as the North that It was the demon of slavery thnt created and perpetuated discord among people who were bound by the most sacred ties to live In perpetual unity. As slavery Is dead, nothing should henceforth Imperil the Union. Differences of opinion may arise, but alt such disagreements can be settled by the peaceful means which the constitution prescribes. Happily our Union can now stand the test which the sagacious Gladstone has laid down. It can exist without the exer cise of force, actual or reserved. Being firmly established- In the affections of the people, It ought to be ns permanent as the granite hills amid which Amer ican liberty was born and nurtured, Portland has not added to her good name by excluding ficm civic offices people who have not ri.'M.iO 'n ycuis within her limits. Tan years Is a long time In this progrsjivj country. It Is equal to five .oag-aa ilonul tdins. In less than five years the civil war, with all Its mighty oonse.iupnces, was fought. It Is absurd to nasuino that It takes ten years to acquire th patriot Ism, wisdom and experience needed to conduct public affairs la rortland. For the sake of Oregon ,U law should be repealed, and new-comers bf made welcome to any honors In the public gift. This ought to be a mood yeir for bus iness. There are fair prodpeiiJ for cot ton and wheat. The .:wojed acienge of cotton is from 10 to 5 s: cent. In Whitman county, Wain., alone, the wheat crop may yield IS.OiO 000 bushels, that Is 3,000,000 more hari the crop of 1890. With thriving ,nJjjt.,'s In the East and middle West, and few -tnlut, For the Next Thirty Days, To raeec imperative demands,. I will offer at such low prices on install ments, with easy payments, that the year should show a larga incrn se In the public wealth. In the opinion of young Mr. Shrop shire, whom Mr. Cleveland has made United States Consul-General at Paris, American women, although pretty, are not possessed of sufficient chic. Mr. Shropshire's four years' residence in "Paree" may have developed some of his characteristics, but for one of them common sense the air In thv French metropolis has evidently been uncon genial. Befoivj applying for office Democratic editors should carefully go over their flies to see whether in an unguarded moment, or before they changed their political views, they have written a three-line paragraph expressing doubt of the divine conjuration of Grover Cleveland. If thoy have It Is waste of time to ask for anything. Clatsop county la willing to pay a fair share of state taxation and ought not to be required to pay any more. Until a more equitable system of tax ation Is establl(4hed for the entire state, our people must look out for their own Interests, and devise means to promote economy and equity. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Following are the real estate trans fers as reported for the Astorlan by the Astoria Abstract, Tltto and Trust Company: Astoria. Oreiron. May 29, 1893. I. W. Case to Mary case, wis i. 8 and 9 In block lis, Hniveiys.i 11,000 E. C. Lewis to M. A. McCormnc lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17, blk 26. Adair's ' 400 Thomas Rowan to Mary B. Cook, lots 9, 10, 15 and 18, sec. Hon 22, T 0 N. R 7 W P. O'Hara to J. S. Harvey, lots 41 and 42 In block 6, O'Hara's Addition to Warrenton 7C D. K. Warren to J. S. Harvey, lots 10 and 12 In block 9, War ren's First Extension to War rpntnn City of Astoria to J. S. Harvey, lot 12 In block JJ, section m, Astoria Cemetery 10 FUNERALS. w nvifpndnU tlip leadinir under taker, having completed arrangements ts purchase goods direct from the fac tories, regardless of middle men, has made a great reduction In the cost of funvrals: . 5.00 Coffins reduced to ? J.uu 8.00 Coffins reducL-d to 5.00 25.00 Collins reduced to .... 18.00 WITH HEARSE. 3G.00 Coffins or caskets re'd to 25.00 40.00 Collins or caskets re'd to 30.00 50.00 Coffins or caskets re'd to 40.00 75.00 Caskets reduced to.... 60.00 125.00 Caskets reduced to 75.00 SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNTS. Welch Block, 718 Water St., Astoria, Oregon. ENCOURAGEMENT FOR FEEBLE. THE So long as the foiling embers of vi tality are capable of Doing roKinuieu Into a warm and genial glow, Just bo long there la hope for the weak and emaciated Invalid. Let him not, there furn riaarmtifl lint flrlv pnp.nnrn.irt- ment from this, and from the further fnct that there Is a reptorntive most potent In renewing the dilapidated powers of a broken down system, Yes, thnnka to Its unexampled tonic virtues, linutnttur'n Stomach Hitter is dully reviving strength In the bodies and hope In tho minds of the feeble and nervous. Appetite, refreshing sleep, the acquisition of flesh and color, are blessings attendant upon the reparative processes wni.:n mis pricei ihbi ant speedily initiate and carries to a nnDUiii nnnnintilrm Digestion is re stored, tho blood fertilized, and sus tenance afforded to ou-h other life-sustaining organ by tho lilt- tnrs. which Is Inoffensive even to in feminine palate, vegetable In compo- .ninn nnfl thorouirhlv safe. Use it and regain vigor! STRENGTH AND HEALTH. If vou are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Hitters, it "la minnn'i has ift vmi wunk and weary. use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts lllMlllV .111 liver, stomach, and kid. neys, gently aiding those orgonB to preform their functions.' If you are ,.n-ii,.i.,i with Hli k headache, vou Will find BDeedy and permanent relief by t,kii,r WW! rli- Killers. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy vou need. Iirge bottles only 60c. at Charles Roger's drug store. Hncklen't rnlea salve. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, plcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cnre illes. or no Pav required, tt la viiiii'iintnoit to lilve DtTfert satisfac- linn or numev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, sue cesser lo J. J. Dement. A CULTIVATED TASTE Would naturally lead a person possess' I ii ir It to iirpfM' the host thliurs obtain ntile and iruard niralnst imperfections. The Gnll Borden Kugle brand Con densed Milk Is unequalled In quality as a trial win prove, urocers anu urug gists keep It. DO YOU LIKE OYSTERS? Those who wish to have the finest Shoalwater Bay oysters or clums by tho quart or pint In Jars, can have them delivered nice and fresh by Horn er Fletcher. Orders left at The Asto rlnn office will receive prompt and care ful attention irom nun. YOU CAN HAVE A HOBIE IN HILL'S FIRST ADDITION. YOU SHOULD BEAD THIS. The popularity of the Union Pacific is bent letermlned by the superior service it accords to the traveling public In main taining two dally through trains to Omaha, St, Paul, Chicago and points east, thoroughly equipped with all the latest appliances for the comfort and safety of its patrons besides shortening the distance materially with Its fast trains. The pres ent train schedule enables passengers to reach St. Paul seven hours quicker and Chicago twenty-four hours quicker. Omaha .and Kansas City and Intermediate points, forty Hours quicaer muu uuy " from the Pacific Northwest. Tjiri th Northern Pacific railroad If you are going Kast. Low rates of fare. tnrougii iicaein, uuksukb y n.l.n All vinrnhfiHpra nf Second claSS tickets can stop over at Portland. Rates of fare oamo as from Portland. t ...... I. n i.n r I ii n ila In Kurorja whose passuge you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific ofilce.steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants. iteaucea reuen vm uti lo .cub ing steamship lines. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the cnoicest perfumery, ana toilet articles etc.. can ba bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria, Handlev & Haas. 130 First street, Port land, have on sale the Daily Astorian, so that visitors neea not mnw uieir morning paptr when they are here. t t rMuti'ii. nawonnnnr advertising Ol Wnrnhnni' "RvPhnniTA. HflTl EYan- clsco.'is our authorized agent. This paper Is kept on file at his office. RUSSELL SAGE, The well-known financier, writes: 500 Fifth AveniM, JNew xorK city, December 20, 1890. "For the lost twenty years I havti been using Alllcock's Porus Plasters. TiiA.. linva rorifwitpdlv Olllted me Ot rhoumatic pains and pains In my side and bock. Whenever I have a com, ou'3 on my chest and one on my oacs: speedily relieve me." ..... "My family ore never wiuwui inc.... nV.nnnT T OA fill AttemDt at Suicide. It Might Hare Been Prevented. From the Boston Post. wi,;u ti.o trnll-a in tile Public Garden were crowded yesterday afternoon about the entrance eates lit tlie corner of Beacon and Charles streets were horrified to see a man suddenly piungo a knifo repeatedly into his throat and fall to the ground. While waiting for a conveyance an oiiicer questioned the would-be suicide, who was i,ni Mi vnnnfiiire. ns to his name, address. and reason for wishing to end his life, but ii. a win aiAnritfist v rptiispn in oive anv iiiiur- mation regarding himself. He was tuken to . tl.o Arncs.irliiicptlH General Hospital and surgical attendance given him. Although weak from loss ot Dioou u is propauio no A limit 0 o'clock last nicht a hospital attendant got a little information from him. lie said his name was oamuei D . and that he came some weeks ago from New Brunswick. The last few days his head has felt queer, and ho has been wan dering about the city, not knowing which way to turn. What impelled him to commit his rash act lie was unable to say. The above is tho familiar but terrible story of the results of mental derangement caused by overstrain of the nervous system. People wiio have avsmtst, neaaaatc or ock arhe, or who are troubled with melancholy or despondent feelings, are already well on tho road winch leaus to insanity ami auicuir. "Dr. Allies jueuicai lo.: i cannoi nnu angunge in which to express my upiecia- lon ot the great Dencni i nave uerneu Vnm tliA nan nf vnnr Rpstorative Nervine. When life becamo a burden I would uso the Jervine to soothe my weakened nerves, and nil m mv exhausted and irritablo brain." Mrs. II. BnowN, Rochester, N. Y. Dr. Miles' Restorative Anm lias no cquni n cuhino Nervous Diseases. It contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on a positive guarantee by an aruggisis aim Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd. ItVIMTtCM mm Small Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, Sick Headache and Constipation. 40 in each bottlo. Price 25c. For sale by druggists. Picture "7, 17, 70" and sample dose freo. J. F. SMITH & CO., Proprietors, NEW YORK. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report EVERY LABORING MAN OR MECHANIC Can avail himself of thii golden opportunity. LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION FOR $75 EACH, AT $5 DOWN ON BOND, AND $5 PER MONTH. I am seventy-seven years old, and have had my age renewed at least twenty years by the use of Swift's Specific My foot 1 1 ... ,,. Lnu -,a a mnninz sore lor two years, and physicians said Ml ailU 111 1U ii ' J ' - - It coiiiu nni oe curea. nuer uniug iiiw-ch muu Iiit1. S.K.thf.re unt a sore on mv limbs.and 1 n ive a new I'M on lifff. Yon outfit to Lit all ett iYriri Itnnw of your wonder! ui remedy. Ida P. Stilus. Palmer, Kansas City. IS A WONDERFUL REMEDY especially for j'jbji I, o! l' people, it builds up me i general health. Treat- uloou nia.ic-a iree. SWIFT SI'CIFIO COMPANY, Atlanta. Ga. SYPHILIS! A New Remedy A tme Specific a positive and permanent elimination of all poison from the blood, and a restoration of healthy vigor to the tissues is offered to sufferers for the first time in a remedy which has been undergoing the most severe private experiments for the past three years. It has not yet failed, and it will not fail, as it it a True SpeclHo for Svphihtic poison and all blood diseases. Do you be lieve it t Sena for full particulars and proof free. Stop filling your system with mercury and other poisons. This remedy will cure you in 30 to 00 dnys without fail. AVe guaruittce a euro or refund tho money. Address MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., Ito Flrnt Street PORTLAND, OW CARNAHAN & CO cuocensors to I. W. Case, Importer aud Wholesale and Retail dealer lu GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cor. Seeoml anJ (' Street, ASTORIA, OREGON ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice la hereby given that, pursuant to and by virtue of the order of th ? honorable county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Marlon, duly made and entered of record by raid court on the 28th day, February, lis93. the undersigned administrator of the estate of W. J. Herron deceased, will on the 1st day of July, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said date at the front door of the court house, in the city of Astoria, in the county of Clatsop, In said state, tll at public sale to the hlghv.st bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased, to wit: Lots numbered nine (9) ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12), In block number one hundred and thirty-eight (138), In town (now city) of Astoria, as laid out and mapped and recorded by John M. Shlvely, In Clatsop county, Oregon. Dated May 29, 1893. J. J. SHAW, Administrator of the Estate of W. J. Herren, Deceased. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State Of Oreg-on, for Clatsop county: William Lehnig, plaintiff vs. Emma Corder, LydK Jamison, Jennie John son. Sophia Lehnlg and Augusta Mc Connel), defendants. To Emma Corder, Lydla Jamison, Jennie Johnson, Sophia Lehnig, and Aninist MnPnnnpll. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed In the above court and cause, on or before, the first day of the term of this court, next following the expiration of Blx week's publication of this summons, which will be the nineteenth day of June, isqs anil if von fall to arjDear or an swer, for want thereof plaintiff will tarck Inrlnrnpnt no-n.lnst VOU for the sum of six hundred and ninty-eight inline with Intorotii thprpnn from the 15th day of August 1891, at the rate of elgnt per cent, per annum, aim im nnn(fl on.l tDlmremanld nf thin Sl.ptlon! (1 1 1 V. n.kini.i ....... w . , and will also take an order directing Ka dnU rf nortoln rpnl nrnnortv belonging to you, which has been at-. tacnea in mis action, anu which icm la alriin.tprl In the countv of Clatsop, State of Oregon, and partic ularly described ns the northwest quar ter of the northeast quarter and the east halt ot the northwest quarter of section thirty-one, of township seven north, .ranee eight west in Clatsop Service of summons in this action by publication Is made pursuant to an order of the Hon. Thomas A. McLSrlde, judge of the above entitled court, dnted the 4th day of May, 1893. W. T. BURNEY, Attorney for Plaintiff, Dated May 4th, 1893. Hcftiliinii'ters Department of the Columbia, OIHc-eol flilef liuiirteiiiinster, Vancouver Bar racks, Wash , Mmv Hi, aled vropoBiils, in iriplleate, will lio rei elved at tills oOlceor Rt the oll'u'es of the Quartermnsters nt tho fol lowing named posla until 11 o'clock A. M., lJOtli meridian 'line, June liitli, ISO, and then opened, for fur. ishlu Kuel, Koinne a il Bed ding at the evenil m iittni-y slutious In the De pigment of tho l! .luniliiii, dn.ing the fiscal cur coiniiieiicliiv July 1, 18ii:i, viz: Kolse Bar rncki and Koitliorman, Idaho, Portland, Ore gon, and Korts Canhv, Spokane, Towoscnd, Walla Will n Hiid Vanrouv r Depot, Wash. All lnfoi inatlon fiitnlslu'd on nppliciilt n here, or, at offices ol respenlvo I'oht IJiiartHrmasteis. The U. S. reserves the right to reject the whole or any part of nnv Lid received, and bids will bocmibiilurcd for a smaller amount than the w hole. Knvelopes containing pr pn-als should be reaikcd: "Propojiils Kia-I uu I Konue at ," ami nddresse 1 1 the unde signed or to tho respective Ojiartt mi it r-. ..(.. KOBIN HON, Dcpu y (jnartormiistcr Ueneral, I'.H A., t'hiel ijuartermaster. 77 iieontne jRipans Tabules Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of Indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six Vials) Seventy-five Centi. One Package (Four Boxes) 1 wo Dollars. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. .For free sample addrest RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. .... t44' . .... CLATSOP LAND CO. Incorporated witli $25,000 Capital Stock. o...i r.'ctot.. ami liHiinnM Brokers. Notary U..KII.. '.....I linnvav nt. KiiHI'IrI HtttiUllOU paul to rents, payment ol taxes, etc., for non tcHiileuts. Bole ugents lor South Astoria, Pros iiecll'aiK, Hemlock I'ark and Owen's Addition, h1k.i r...t ncHsiile. business Hud inside pronorty EUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Kotall i inline n f A LE ItS. Importers ol All brands ot Foreign and Domes III". ..1IJG9. iumuw..- ..im J. H. Cutter W lilskies a specialty. Vai Blab .. ... . r. l n Uou aim homed lseer. pineal urmnui'i nj ...... Domestic Clunrs Llminrx lor me'.iieinai rui pram. Uumllv 'IriLdn Kiillelted All onl.TB trim. Hi Citv and Country prop"' filled. Suueoiouue Street. - Astoria. i.-. (!i I. m. c3 KT, oo. & Steamer llwaco t nuiiiko Au(ni.ln uf 7!Uia m fnr PwftCO eulllug at Tansy Point, and connecting Willi railroaa runiiniK norm in. iu . m, mm I r.l.A..l.....tV hue t,ir No u til Bend, Suimliliic, north ove And oilier points tliroiiKli to urayn n.unin.lu III-. IIWillM Wltll s earners for Astorlaaiid Nlflit Hontit for foriuiiiu. ,.,u r..i,Kf i, rjTTn'l7P T. A I.OOMIH. rtwrelarv. Presldenl. R. V. EOBK.KT, Bupeiinteudent. PORTLAND Af4D ASTOHIA Steamer Telephone Leaves Astoria Every evening except Sunday At 7 p. 111. Ariivesnt Astoria Every day except 8unday at 2 p. in. Leaves Portland Every nny except Sunday at 7 a.m. U. w. stone, Agent, Astoria. K. A. HEKI.gY, General Agent, Portland Or, THE MOIIJVD-liUILDERS THEIR WOEKS AND RKMCS, REV. STEPHEN D. PEET, Ph. D. liDTOR OF AMERICAN ANTtQDARIAt), Author ol Animal Eftlglcs and Emblematic Mounus, etc. This book treats of the Moiind-bnllders; thcli oocvipiitlon. modes of life, religious system irll.nl ilivisiniis and ciirlv mltrrations. Thn irnrk rontHlns descrlotioiis of the earth' works of all classes. The classification of the mounds is niad according to their uses, whether as village residences, as defenses, as religious structures, or as sacrificial or burial PThe'work coutalns many Illustrations and descriptions ol Mounu-uunaers reiies, peciallv pipes anu pottery. Tho vali-e ol the book Is that It contains comprehensive view of the whole field, and io infi.rir.utii n about the mounds Mid relies of all ststos and districts. It is one of a scries which is devoted to pre-hlstorle AmerlC9. snd perhaps would be regarucu as tno most inter The author Rollers subscriptions. Orders can DO Sell! In lUO puuilsIlllIK lit.uar, ... nauu.. avenue, Chteago.or to tlie author at Avon, 111. PRICE.C3.SO. For - Thirty - Days - Only I make this offer. Less than one mile from Astoria Box Factory on Columbia river. Streets 75 and alleys 20 feet wide. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY, CONNECTING WITH AUi TEANSCONTINj ENTAu lilHfcS, -18 THE- OlTIiT LINE EUNMNG Electric Lighted Cars BETWEEN ST. PAUL and CHICAGO AND OMAHA and CHICAGO. Tho EXPRESS TKAIN8 consist of VESTI- BULED, Hl.r.r.1 iwii, tiiwiflu ahu PARLOU CAKti, HEATED BY STEAM And furnished with every luxury known to. modern railway travel. For Speed, Comfort and Safety this Line is Unequaled Tickets on salo at all prominent ratlnr ofllces. Yor further Information inquire ot any ucx agent, or . C. J. EDDY, Gcucral Afft. J. W. CASEY, Tiav. Pass. A?t. PORTLAND, OREGON. QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO .AND.. ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA. Via the Mt. Hhasta Route of the Southern Pacific Comp'y Th Only Route Through California to al Points East and South. The Scenic Rout or tbe Pacific Coast, PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to express trains, affording snperlor accommodations for second class passengers. For rates, tickets, slefplnc car reservations etc, call uprn or address B. P. ROGERS, Assist ant General Freitrht and Passenger Acent. fort and. Or.