f. , TIIIC DAILY ASTOEIAW, ASTORIA, SATUUDAY MOBN1NG, MAY.-13, 1813 th gaflg Saurian, rOUSHEP BT iiUrui-CMluJDbiai rsblUbiBK Company. ABTOKIA, OBEGOMl iTOKiAjr Boiloiwo, - - Cam stbect Tri f tikwriptioi. DAILY. r erred or Carrier, per week.. ; eut by Hull, per mouth...... eut by Malt, per ..... . US eta 60 Ctl r-uo WIIULT. fcent by mail, per year, 12 .00 In ad ranee, Vim pontage Co tubecxiberi. Thb AiioaiA iniaranteeato Its advertisers Ue Urgeat etreulaiiuu of auy uewapaper pub- lieii on we uiiuiuuia uiver. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, May 12. For Oregon and Washington: Continued fair weather warmer. Local weather for tho twenty-four hours ending at S p. m., yesterday, fur nlahed by the U. 8. department of agri culture, weather bureau: Maximum temperature, 60 degrees, Minimum temperature, 47 degrees Precipitation, .09 inch. Total precipitation from July 1st, 1892, to date, 79.43 Inches. Excess of precipitation from July 1st, 1892, to date, 8,29 inches. While dire predictions of national disaster are being made throughout the country by alarmist Journals, the condition of the nation's finances, as shown by the official statement of the public debt and the cash in the treas ury at the close of business In April will be found not alone Interesting, but conflicting strongly with the views of the croakers: At the end of April the gold reserve was 197,011,330.08, and the net cash balance, $24,471,673.73. Aside from the gold reserve there was 42O2,283,3f.9.08, and In gold certificates, 18,888,110, and legal tender notes, old Issue, $26,873,899. In actual gold there was $299,294,689.16. Accepting the gold certificates as the equivalent of gold the aggregate of gold was $308,- 082,999.16. Of greenbacka, there was $26,873,899, preferred to, metal by many. These added to the actual gold on hand, and the gold certificates, make an ag gregate of $334,955,898, cash on hand, not counting the $15,000,000 of silver certificates and treasury notes of 1890, or the $181,788,691.44 of silver. Count ing all items, the cash in the treasury on April 29, was $756,544,116.36. Commenting on the fact that a com mittee from the board of lady maw agora of the World's Fair, unpointed to advise on the selection of a national flower or emblem, has reported In favor of Maize, or Indian corn, an exchange Bays: "This Is rather hard on Itoswell P., of Now York, who would like to be chosen the National Flower. Tha Boston Transcript, referring to the removal of one of the Coggswell fountains, treats the subject thusly: The Coggswell fountain's gone at lust, Sing hi! sing ho! a merry, merry day! Tha Common nightmare's truly passed, The City Council' Queen .of May! Astoria hits retmou to lie proud of the graceful young gixaikors who recited pieces so admirably lust evening, They do credit to our schools, and also to that homu culture that Inspires' nobis thoughts and rellned tasto, IN MICMOIUAM. Itesolullons on tho Death of ChrlHttun Borenson. It Is our painful duly to ploco on record, tha removal by death, on the 3d liiHt., of our friend and Brother Christian 11. Borcnsun, Past 11 land, who fur mora than twelve years was a member of Heaver Lodgo I. O. O. Jj, No. SB. In the death of llrothor gorensun, our Lodge lias lost a valued Dmther, the community u good cltlxun, and his bereaved wife and children a do-voted guardian and protector, In affectionate, regurU therefore, to our lata friend and brother, bo It Itesolved, That we place on record our high esteem of his worth and lldel- Ity and our sincere regret of his loss to our beloved Order. Hesolved, That theso sentlnienta bo planed on the llook of Minutes of the . Order, and that a copy lie sent to the family of our deported Brother, with the assurance of our tlwpest sympathy and our heart foil prayer thnt tho Path of the fntherleiw and the Oml of the Widow will give thorn holy resignation to Ills blessed will, and that Ills rich est benudlotlnnj may be theirs, Hesolved, that these resolutions be published In The Dully Astorian. C. S. aUNDRBSON. T. A. IITLAND. a. REED. Committee For tho Next Thirty Days, To meot iniporativo demands, I will offer at such low pricos on install ments, with easy paymonts, that OUR DAILY MARINE COLUMN The ship . Indiana, will leave from Portland this morning. down Tha Seaforth left down from Port land yesterday. The steamer Truckee sailed from San Francisco for this port yesterday. It Is expected that the bark Coloma will sail from Hong Kong for the Col umbia river next week. The Deuo, a steam tug built on the Clyde last year for New Zealand par ties, arrived at Melbourne after a pass age of 172 days. The British bark Oakbank cleared yesterday for Queenstown for orders with 22,500 barrels of flour, valued at 7, nnn ino' unuini warn, mgmuiiiu went to sea yesterday. 1 A few of the spars which are to form a portion oi ine cargo vi wie vctic Bella at present loading at. me ciat. sop Mill dock, have arrived. The British four-masted bark Crof- ton Hall, arrived In last evening from Liverpool, 126 days out. The Crofton Hall Is of 2018 tons register and comes with a general cargo. She Is not full loaded, having but 2060 tons on board, among which are 6000 cases of tin for this c!ty. She had an uneventful trip, and experienced the only bad weather mirth of the equator in the Pacific which was passed forty days ago. There are thirty-one men on board and all are well. The British bark OakUank goes to sea today. It is rumored that the Tacora Is not going to bring any new Chinese to this port, but Is simply waiting at Vancou ver to take back to China the Mongo lians on the Danube. The statement was also made in this city yesterday that the Empress of India brought but 200 Chinamen Instead of 400 as was at first stated. FUNERALS. B. W. Kuykendall, the leading under taker, having completed arrangements to purchase goods direct from the fao iriwi. rwrardiiws of middle, men has made a great reduction In the cost of funerals: $ 6,00 Coffins reduced to $ 3.00 8.00 Collins reduced to 6.00 25.00 Coffins reduced to .... 18.00 WITH HEARSE. 30.00 Coffins or caskets re'd to 25.00 40.00 Collins or caskets re'd to 80.00 50.00 Collins or caskets re'd to 40.00 75.00 Caskets reduced to.... 60.00 125.00 Caskets reduced to .... 75.00 BPECIAL CASH DISCOUNTS. Welch Block, 718 Water St., Astoria, Oregon. LADIES' TEA Is a pleasant drink, which will be Iwrne by the stomach without nau-1 sea, or griping. It acts thoroughly on in aflkirg I jad shortness of breath, palpi Lhaens"Vt'A' ZZVTZTZ: tation,painunder left shoulder VlJSA relic, and is most useful In scant Tondthe h, ltiwt w my rwU painful menstruation. It aids diges- tlon and reduces comuleucv: clears the complexion, rendering it fair, and re-1 storing the natural tone of the skin, for It removes the bile, which by ac- cumulation, produces the sallow, mud-1 dy complexion, peculiar to the con. stipaled. Bold by all druggists. Specimen Cases. B. II. Clifford, New Cassel, WIb., wuh iroumea wun neuraiKia aim rueumatlsm, his stomach was dlaordered, his liver whs affected to an alarming decree, uppetlte fell away, and h wns terribly reduced in iii-Mii nun sireiiKtn. 'Iliree Pottles or l;iec trie Hitters cured him. Kdwurd Hhpherd, llarrishiirg, III., had n riiiiiiuiK sore on nis ii-k oi eixni yeara slnndinir. Used three bottles of Klecti-lc Hitters anil seven boxes of liucklen's Ar- nieu balve, and his Ick is sound and well John Hpenker, Catawba, O.. luul live large i'-ver sores on Ills leic, doctors said he waa Incurable. One, bottle iOlectric liitturs and one box liucklen's Arnica naive cureu mm entirely. Hold by Chas Kugers, druuKtHt. YOUNO MOTHUHH Rhould early learn the necesslly of keeping on hand a supply of (lull Bor den ldiglu llrund Condensed Milk for nursing balilos as well as for general cooking. It hits stood the test for HO years. Your grotvr and druggest sell it. VICTORYI The Greatest the World has Known. To many a man stricken on the llWd of battle, (he cry of victory Iiiih fallen gratefully; hut even more grateful to an individual Is a realising sense that by the use of Ur. MllrV ItKHtorutive Nervine he has achieved a victory over any ner vous affliction, such as prostration, lck headache, poor memory, dlazlm-HS, bIccii lesHiieHa, licuialKla, hyHtorla, tits, diil liess, sexual debility trrliablllty, convul sions, spinal irritability, Ht. Vitus' dunce etc. TcMttmoiiliila of tliouaniida ot sucli cures are In the poaseimlon of the Or Miles' Medical Ca, Klkhurt, Ind. Ites toratlve Nervine Is sold by Charles 1.k ers, the popular druggist, on a guarantee. Ask for a book, free. DO TOU LIKE OYSTEKS?. Those who wish to have the finest Shouiwater Bay oysters or clams by the quart or pint In jura, can have thetn delivered nice and fresh by Hom er Fletcher. Orders left at Tho Asto Hun otlloe will receive prompt and care ful attention from him. BEHIOU8 ItAIMVAY ACCIDENT. Milk train In collision; no milkman turns up; disappointed housekeepers cofToe without cream. A petty annoy-' nee resulting from a neglect to keep the tlHll Hordon Kuglu iirnnd Con densed Milk In the hnuiu niu ....... tor exigencies from Orocer or Druggist. YOU CAN HAVE A HOME IN YOU SHOULD READ THIS. The popularity of the Union Pacific la I best determined by the superior service It I accord to the traveling public In maln jmana, ei, rain, Chicago and points east, thoroughly equipped with all the latent I appliances for the comfort and safely of its patrons besides shortening the distance materially wun its last trains. Tne pres ent train schedule enables passengers to reacn tu i-aui seven nours quicker ana Chicago twenty-four hours quicker. Omaha and Kansas City and Intermediate points, forty hours quicker than any line from the Paclllc Northwest Patronize the Northern Pacific railroad If you are going East. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggage checked to desti nation. All purchasers of second class tickets can stop over at Portland. Kates of fare same as from Portland. If vou have friends In Europe whose niiKHnifH vou wish to prepay to Astoria. call at the Northern Pacific oflice.atearoer Telephone dock, and make known your wants, iteauceu rates via an me teau Ing steamship lines. I All the patent medicines advertised in I this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can i.e. lntslit at tha Imveur nrlnea at J. W. I Conn s drug store, opposite ucciaent nou:', I Astoria. I Hanrilev & Haas. 150 First street, Port land, have on sale the Daily Astorlan, I 4 1... I,, nnt m DO IhulP i mormn(f papr when they are here NOTICE! Use Zlnfandel wine intead of coffee or tea. M cents per gallon, uom iorgei j.!ir.h anil anrlinl brandy, also I'rencn Cognac and wine at Alex, unoert s. hi!dr t rry far Pitcher's Castoria When Baby was aiei, we gave Iter Castoria. ftheo ahe was a Ch Id, alio cried for Castoria, Then ahe became X ust, kins clung to Castoria, Then she had Children. kImi; them Contort; Heart Failure. nOW TO AVOID IT. The epitaph on many a tombstone Is ai t. :i. f it. -!,.. ... sider the immense strain which is put on that small organ. Marvelous as it is, beating 100,000 times and exerting a force equal to 6,184,000 pounds daily, it hag its limit its endurance often is too severely tested. So common are diseases of the heart though often for a considerable time without the suspicions of the afflicted person being in the least excited that it is stated that one person in four hat a bad heart t Dr. Franklin Miles, or Elkhart. Ind., has for years made s special stud or all diseases of the heart, ana his remarkable success has made his name a familiar one in all parts of our land. He has found the most common symptoms of heart disease to be pain, dvstrm or tender' nest in the chest, bade, ttomach, bowelt, left tlmJdtr and arm, eAortneM of breath, mower ing meUt. faitdinq, etc. Mr. George K. Smith, of Barnes, Yates Co., N. Y, writes: "De. Miles' Hew Hsabt Cube m vorked wm&erfvtty on mind and bodti so 1 tan do a oood dav't toork. 1 (,A wnn mmit and inoe j. nave uiaen ur. wuet ieu Heart Cure I deeo VielL and have M valvita- Hon. It has made my heart ttronger. I wish you would print this, because I want all to know what Dr. MOeJ Heart Cur haa don tnr n lotion, smotlxring tpells, and was unable to sleep on her left side. She tried several doctors without relief. Your Heart Cure was recommended. After taking three bottles, she full recovered her health. Your medicines dowbat you claim." Chas. Chrwtmak, Toledo, O. Dr. Miles'.New Cure for the Heart is sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee. It is iafe, agreeable, tfftetivt, and doe cure. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Small Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, Kick lloadocho and Coastlpation. 40 In each bottle Price 25c. For sale by druggists. Picture "7, 17, 70" and sample dose free. I. F. SMITH CO., Proprietors, NEW YORK, Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report n 1 j&m lrWCl6F ABSOLUTELY PURE EVERY Ii ' Can avail himself of this golden opportunity. LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION FOR $75 EACH, AT $5 DOWN ON BOND, AND $5 PER MONTH. HEED! WARNING Which nature Is constantly giving in the uliape of bolls, pimple, eruptions, ulcers, etc. Those show that the blood is contaminated, and sows altan( must be driven to relieve the trouble, mpwrm j the remedy to force out these pot Kr3MJ sous, and enable you to GET WELL. i him had for rears humor in my blood. which made me dread to shave, as small bolls or pimples would be cut, thus causing the shaving to be a irreat annoyance. After taking three bottles fF- l niy lace is an ciear ana sinooin as it ''rlCi should be appetite splendid, sleep ii 4t af well, and fuel like running a foot all from the use oi . n. . Chas, Hiatov, 73 Laurel at.. Phila. Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, (is. BUSINESS CAED8. i r.iRRnNf). A. aDJUiJI-K OP ACCOUNTHand FKOFKSHIONAL K'JOKKEEPKH. Office : With General Messenger Go,, file Skainoque street. A A. CLEVELAND. .? ATTORNEY AT LAW. ottlce-Kinney's new brick building, corner Third and Uenevleve streets ; up stairs. J Q. A.BOWLBY, Al'TOLYEY AM) COlffCELOE AT LAW Office on Hecoud Htreet, - Astoria, Dr. JOHN H. SMKH. ti aikjknky at law. O'llm In Klmiey't new brick building, over Astoria National bank, w. W. PARKtR, keal estate and inbukanck agent 'dice Hi Benton street, Axtoria, Oregon. D. EILIV JANSON. PHValClAN & MUKUKON. It M 7. Olllceiivt-r O.isood's t'lolhlng Klore, hours, 10 to Vi ui, 2 to 5 p, in, 7 to 8 p m. Sunday, 10 to 11 in. DR. O, B. ESTES, PHVKiCIAN AND SUKGEON. tipeclul all' utlou to UiKeaxes ot Women an Burger-. OlUce over Oaiizlger's store Astoria. R. A. L, and J. a. PULrOH. UltiEAJjtS WOMEN A til'KClA L ,y, hui-xerv by i r.J. A. Fulton. OlUce 178 Cass street. Hours 10 to 12 and 1 to 4 JAY TUTTLE M.D., O mYtSlClAN, UK(iEuJS &AOC0CCHHDK. Ultict . rooiris 8, 4 over Astoria Nationalllank. hours, li) :o 1 L 2 to5 hesideuce. 6811 Cedar st. WALTER I.HOWARD. H',iMtE.if ATllIC HI VKICIAN & SUB- gHi.n. nice, j;j. Third street. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, Sunday 1 to 2. Ketldence 4U8 8d street LP. MULLINIX, M. D-, . Oives special iieatineut for Catarrh, Throat i.unp, Kidney (Jenito-Urinary organs. Office upstairs,5(l lliird St. llours, a.in p.m. KICBABO BAHRY. 0. H. ISOX. City Burveyor. J.JARRY A ISOM, CIVIL ENGINEERS AND BUhVEVOKS. KOOHB 5 AMU 6, OVEB AHTOKIA NATIONAL BANK. W. T. BUBNKV, J. W. DBAI'KB Barney & Draper, Attorneys al'Law, Oregon City, Oregon, Twelve vears' exDerlence as reelster of th V. S. I.aud Ottlce here, recommends us In our specially of Mining and all other business be- iore tue i.ana unice or the courts, and involv pig me practice oi me ueuerai Luna otllce. JROCKENBROUGH & COWING UW OFFICE, OREGON CITY, OB. Bpeclal attention given to land business. Set, tiers on homesteads or pre-emption claims and timber laud purchases shown every advantage oi ine taw. ror assistance lu making Dual prooi can on us. rpHOS. FREORICKSON, L lIAo iCiNtu. o. 231. West Sixth Street. HUNTER & MERGENS, Proprietors of tlio o;s Man Coiner Second and Benton streets. Corner Third and West Eighth streets. H. B. PARKEK DEALER 15 IJme. Brick, Sand, Fire Urlck, Klre Clay, vt-uieiu, itiiu reeu,uais, oiraw liair, Wood Delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming and Erpnsi Buineu. loard & Stokes anooEna Healers In Glassware, Crockery, Ship Rupulies, lobaeeo, Wmes and Klne Whiskies. Fine Teas and t'olfee a Hpecialty. The Finest Display of r i mi a iii me Kjiiy, r resii on r.very Bteaitier. Corner of Third and West Eighth Streets. CARNAHAN & CO uecessors to I. W. Case, Importer and Wholesale and Ketall dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cor. Bocoud and Cast Street, A8TOEIA, OEKQON niii n duicnenng l HIIStSSTADDITIOM. OR MECHANIC Ripans Tabules Rlpans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach ana intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six Vials) Sevtnty-live Cfnti. One Package (Four Boxes) Two Dollars. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free eample addreee X RIPANS CHEMICAL. CO. NEW YORK. CLATSOP LAND CO. Incorporated with $25,000 Capital Block, Heal Estate and Insurance Brokers, Notary I'ublic, and Conveyancers. Hpecial attention paid to rents, payment oi taxes, etc., for uon residents. Hole aiienls lor Bouth Astoria, Pros pect Phi It, Hemlock Park and Owen's Addition, also best Beaside, business mid inside property and choice acreage. 474 I klrd St., Astoria. HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. la porleisol All brands ol foreign and Domes, tic Wines. Lhiuors and Cigars. J. II. Cutler Whiskies a specialty. Vai Blab Hoitled Keer. Finest brands ot Key West and Domestic Cigars Liquors Io Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade (Solicited All orders from th City aud Country prop'i-wy filled. Bquemoque Street, - Astoria. Oregon X. XI. c3 1ST, OO. & Steamer llwaco leaves Astoria dally at 7:30 a. m. for llwaco calling at Tansy Point, and connecting with railroad running north at 10 a. in. and with 4 boats on shoal water bay for stuiu Beuo, Kuniiiiie, norm t ove And other points through to Ura;'a Har bor, hemming connects at llwaco with s'eamersfor Astoria and Ntglit Boats for fortianu. JOHN H. GOULTEK. L. A LOOMIS. rteeretarv. President, U, V. KtiliEUT. Buieiinteudent. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Every evening except Sunday at y p. m. Arrives at Astoria Every day except Sunday aiz p. m. Leaves Portland Every oay except Sunday at 7 a.m. o. w. biunk, AKent, Aswria. E. A. BsiLIV, (jneral Aent. Portland Or. THE MUMUILDEliS, THEIE WORKS AND EK1.IC9, REV. STEPHEN D. PEET, Ph. D.. IDirOK Or AMKIIICAN ANTIQUABIAN, Author oi Animal Effigies and Emblematic Mounds, vie. This book treats of the Hound-builders: their occupation, modes of lite, rellKlous systems, tribal divisions ana early inlKratlons. The work contains descriptions of me eann works of all classes. The classillcatlon of the mounds la made according to their uses. whether as village residences, as defenses, as religious structures, or a sacrtnciai or burial places. The work contains many Illustrations and descriptions of Mound-builders' relics, es pecially pipes and pottery. Tho vhIi-.s of the book is that It contains a comprehensive view of the whole field, and gtvus Information about the mounds and relies of all states aud districts. It is one of a series which is dovoted to pre-hlstoric America, and Dcrhana wonld be regarded as tho most inter esting volume. The author solicits subscriptions. Orders can be sent to the publishing house, 175 Wabash avenue, Chicago, or to the author at Avon, ill. PRICE,3.aO. For - Thirty - Days - Only I make this offer. Less than one mile from Astoria Box Factory on Columbia . river. Streets 75 and alleys 20 feet wide. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. CONNECTING WITH ALL TRANS30NTIN . ENTAL UN EM, -IS THE- ONL"5r IiIlTZ KUNMNG Eloctric Light od Car3 BETWEKN ST. PAUL andsCHICAGO AND OMAHA and CHICAGO. The EXPRER8 THAIN8 consist of VE8TI- UULEU, BI.KKH1NO, DINING AND FAKLOK CAKii, HEATED BY STEAM And furnished with every luxury known to modern railway travel. For Speed, Comfort and Safety this Line is Unequaled Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information inaulre of any ticket agent, or C. J. EDDY, General Agt. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pas. Afft. FOJiTLASD, OKEUON. QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO ....AND.. ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA, Via the Mt. Shasta Route of the Southern Pacific Comp'y Th Onlj Route Through California to al Points East and South Uie Scenic Route of the Pacific Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS -AND SECOND-CLASS BLEEPING GARS Attached to express trains. alToidlnir sunerior accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc, call upon or address B. P. UOGEitS, Assist ant General Frelcht and 1'assemcer Anent. Pnrt- aud, Or.