THIS DAILY ASTORIA, ASTOJilA, THURSDAY MOKNINGr, MAY 11, 1893 rOBUSHKDDT Istonaa-l'ulambiaa FnMishinn Company. ASTORIA. OREGON t AsTOULAN BUILDING, - - CASH BTBKKT Term of Bubserlptioa. DAILY. berved by Carrier, per week.................. 15 eta t ent by Mull, per month 60 eta eut by Mali, per Year ....7.U0 Sent by mall, per year, 12.00 in advance. Free positive to subscribers. Tub Astorian guarantees to Its advertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper pub- Mlied on uio uoiumuia mver. In future all Items of local Interest forwarded to Uiis olnce must be auuressnu to me Cn v Kditor, TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, May 10. For Oregon and Washington: Continued fair and warm weather. Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at 5 p. m., yesterday, fur- niBhed by the U. 8. department of agrl culture, weather bureau: Maximum temperature, 61 degrees. Minimum temperature, 48 degrees. Precipitation, .1. Total precipitation from July 1st, 1892, to date, 79.33. Excess of precipitation from July 1st 1892, to date, 8.4 inches. DISCOVERY OP THE COLUMBIA. It Is proper today to recall that one hundred and one, years ago, Captain Robert Gray discovered the Columbia, Last year the centennary of that dis covery was celebrated with due honor. Our people will always recall with pride the patriotic ardor with which tha day was observed. The assemblage of the Oregon Pioneers, the presence of the great war vessels the Charles ton and Baltimore the street parade, the marine parade, the civic hospitali ties, the pioneers' speeches, and that admirable oration of Professor John Flake, are slill fresh in the public mem ory and form a historic combination that will Impart imperishable interest to the annals of Astoria. . On Discovery Day all Oregon united in honoring the memory of the Yankee captain, who with enthusiasm like that of Columbus, braved the perils of the eea, in order that he might be the first to float the American flag on the great river which his keen Judgment told him poured its waters Into the Paciflo ocean at the broad bar where he saw, on his first voyage, the two waters v.,,. uiuuiig iiik iiui'B uim towns oi our noble state In order that their rep. rosentatives might here celebrate worthily the historic incident which gavo Oregon and Washington to the United States two bright stars that wlU shine Imperishably In the Anierl can constellation. On this anniversary It is appropriate t quote the exuet words which Cap tain Robeit Omy used in his log book in describing the discovery of the Col. wmblrt. He wrote: "May 11. At 7:30 we were out clear of tho bars, and directed our course to the southward, along shore. At 8 d. m. the entrance of Bullllnch's harbor bore north, distance four miles; the south. era extremity of tho land bore S.SJ3, 1-2 B, and the north extremity N. N. W.; sent up the moln-top-giUlant yard riiu Bet all sail: at 4 a. m. saw the en trance of our desired port, bearing E. B.B., distance six leagues; In steering sans and hauled, our wind in Bhore: at 8 a. m. being a little to windward of tha entrance of the harbor, bore away, uia js,.w. id. between tho breakers. heading from Ave to seven fathoms of water. Whon we were over the bar, we found this to be a largo river of fresh water, ui, which wte steered; many canoes came alongside. At 1 p, m. came to with small bower in ten fathoms; black and white sand; the en. trance between the bare bore W. B. W distance ten miles; thei north side of the river half a mile distant from the ship; the south side two and a half mile distant; a village on the north side of the river, W. by N distance, three quarters of a mile. Vast numbers of native cain alongside; people em ployed In pumping the salt water out of our water casks In order to fill with rresh water while the ship floated In So ends." Tha story thus simply told formed In after yews the title deed of the United States to the vast territory which now comprises the states of Oregon and Washington. The right of discovery which the log-book upheld, proved the strongest of all claims to this region. But how did Robert Gray come to be For the Next Thirty Days, To meet imperative demands, I will offer at such low prices on install ments, with easy payments, that In these watera in May, 1792? The cir cumstance is explained by Prof. Flske who in his oration tells the leading circumstances of that memorable voy- age: - 'On the 28th of September, 1790, the Columbia again set sail from Boston and in the romcfwlng junie; navmg rounded Cape Horn, she was again !n ,u ,ot .K,. nPon rhnrwtrfa vuti tt.v-.w t - . . Island. On the 7th of May. 1792, we find him (Captain Gray) dls coverlng and entering the harbor still Known as uray b naroor. mo auu he reached Deception Bay, and selz - ing a favorable wind, ran in under crowded .canvass, forced his way through the breakers and dropped an- chor some ten miles up the 'stream, After a halt of three days, to fill his water casks and trade with the natives, he ran up fifteen miles further, but mistook the channel and got into shoal water. Nevertheless, he felt sure that the river must bo navigable for more than a hundred miles. There could hardly be a doubt that so great a stream must extend a long way Into the country and drain a very large ex. tent of territory, and after satisfying himself as to the decisive character of his discovery, Captain Gray turned his prow to tho ocean again and sailed out over the bar on the 20th." Professor Flske adds "that the river he named after his good ship, the Columbia," Such are the outlines of a narrative which with subsequent events, forms a historical chapter of thrilling interest, SLOW PROQRESS IN TIN MINING. Block tin is again on the .free list, the bill to prevent the taking effect of the McKlnley tariff act in the case of tin having passed been passed by con- gross at the close of the last session. Thus far neither the Broad Arrow, the Rockbridge or King's Mountain, the Temescal or th enumerous properties of the Harney Peak Co. have come up to the flattering predictions and antl- clpatlons One of the stranges, : In the mineral history of the United States, says tho Engineering Magazine, has been the failure to achieve better results In this direction in view of the great number of known occurrences of tin ore. their wide eeoloclcal dlstrlbu- tlon, and the persistent and costly at- , . . , , . . ., tempts made to develop profitable tin mines. Of course there are still chances for the establishment of a real tin-mining Industry, and it would be foolish to venture on negative prophe-1 cles. The country needs tin and will have to continue Importing it for the I present, If a tin plate industry Is to be ZT l W ! .1 posits are found. At tho same time it Is well to remember that the making of . ... M - - r. -ji . a tin-plate Is rather a branch of the iron and steel trade than anything else. Tho proportionate amount and value of tha pure tin to the whole cost is not very large, manufacturers having learned to t ain. ni,nf i . " " " cent and for the cheaper goods, only about 2 per cent of tin in the total weight, tha main expense being for the rolling and manipulation of the shept Iron and sheet steel used for tho body! of the plates. EVE'S DAUGHTERS. Marlon Harland. on nacres 103 unci 45 of her popular work, "Eve's Daugh ters, or. Common. Senso for Maid. wtf nnil 1flhat antra. "For the 'achlnir bark slum!,! it h siow in recovering its normal strength tin iineuL-K a porous Piaster Is nn excellent comforter, combining the sensation of the sustained pressure of a strong warm hand with certain tonic qualities developed in the wearing. It should be kept over the seat of nn. easiness for several days In obstinate eoHt-B, ior pernaps a fortnight. ror pain in the back, wear an All cock's Porous I'luster constantly, re newing as It wears off. This Is an ln- vHiuiiuie Biipport wnen the Weight on the small of the baek hoenmna I,..,.,, t..l I . ..v.v.j uip (iAjibiii($ iiieesmuii. FUNERALS. E. V. Kuykendall. tnker Imvlnir l0111tlntt(l II rill nrr.miotW a I to purchase kooUh direct from the fac tories, reirardleHs of mlilillo i.... i,.. niiule a sreat reduction In the coat of iuuvrtiia: $ 6.00 Collins reduced to $ 3.00 8.00 Collins reducwl to 6.00 26.00 ColHns reduced to .... 18 00 WITH II MARSH. SG.OO Collins or cuukets re'd to 25.00 40.00 Olllna or crtHkets re'd to 80.00 60.00 Collins or caskets re'd to 40.00 75.00 Caxkvu reduced to.... eo.tH) 126.00 Cnskets reduced to .... 75 00 SPECIAL cash msi'miNTo Welch Hlock. 71U U'ntnr A..'...l.. f-. ' ' . ' . . ( ...TUN 1,1, REDUCED RATES ON THE UNION PACIFIC. .vi.iiniitiirjlicr aia.v 1st. rnim.l tt,. i... .... . mn w V.U'1U1 Will lm rAiln.ux.1 ...I .o.o, wiuann, i.aium city and Soux t.lty. S0.; Denver. 7l). Tickets itimhI ria oinor lines rtturnlnfr. hr fm tlior iioriiiuuun can at tiokw ni.-a it i diKk. O. V. LOUNSI!l.:iI!v" ' Ajjeiu, Astortn, Or. YOU CAN HAVE A H03HE IN YOU SHOULD READ THIS. The nodularity of the Union Pacific Is beat determined by the superior service It 1 .,.,,.,1. ... tho r.lrtin0 tinhllc tn maln- tainintr two daily through trains to rimuha. St. Paul. Chlcaeo and points east. hhurnni'hlv eouinDed with all the latest for .the L SSIntLeSi-tInS materially with its fast trains. The pres. reach St. Paul seven hours quicaer anu If'Mfatrn tuantv-fnilf hnitm -. Quicker. omuha and Kansas City and intermediate Points, forty -hours quicKertnan any line 1 rrl,Tn tha i':teinp iMortneat. Patronize the Northern Pacific railroad If you are going East. Low rates of fare, thrmiL'h (lnkfitH. tiaKEaee checked to destl- nation. All purchasers of second class I Hokfeta ran otnn over at Portland. Rates 1 0f fiire same as from rortiano. 1 ft Vnn hav frinnda in Eurooe whoso tLTLVtVoSt Tetephondjck, wakanojj your Ing steamship lines, All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can k.A t.niriif at tha lnwent rjrlcea at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. . llandley & Haas, 150 First street, Port land, have on sale the Dally Astorlan, " that visitors neea not mire iur iriuniiiiij iinysi wnwi Thursday morning, May 11th, at 11 a m., at the cnamoer i wuuiinw rooms the Pioneer and Historical So ciety will hold their annual- meeting. Officers for the- coming year will be elected and a full attendance Is de sired. iiluen r-ry for Pitcher's Castoria When Baby was tick, we gae her Castoria. ffhen she was a f ttl, she. cried for Castoria, iVIicn sho became Jliia, slio clung to Castoria, Vben she had Children, she rjave them Castor!." Heart Failure. now TO AVOID IT. The epitaph on many a tombstone is "heart failure." JNo wonder, wnen we con 8;jer tlie imrnense strain which is put on that Bmall organ. Marvelous as it is, beating 100.000 times and exertino; a force equal to 5,184,000 pounds duily, it has its limit its endurance ottcn is wo severely lesieu. do S'fti iclong of fho uUicted person being in tleaat excited that it is stated that one tmsoninfourhasabad heart Dr. Franklin Miles, of Elkhart. Ind., has for years made a special study of all diseases of the heart, and Ilia remarkable success lias made his name a familiar one in all parts of our land. He has found the most common symptoms u'et disease lo be pain, rf6.CM 0r temfer- -n the fto tUmMh) bomu, Ufl ,!mider and arm, tltortnest of breath, smother- .- ... fainlind. etc. Mr. George K. bmith, of names, Yates Co., JN. I., writes: "vs. milk niw UbAkt Cube fla womea wanaajimy m ".X. ZZZLZZ. a itOfa Lis It HtLU amwinwi viioa ll uicaLU. uai tation,Pain under left shoulder blade pain aromd llhi iearf, I could not deep on my I right ,je. Since I have taken Dr. MM New Heart Cure J sleep weu, and have no valvita- lion. It has made my heart stronger. I wish yu would print this, because I want all to jnowwlmt Dr. Miles' Heart Cart has done ' .i. if 3 ... ,. . or months my wife suffered with po muon, smoutenng spelts, ana was unable to BIecp on her left side. She tried several doctors without relief. Your Heart Curs was recommended. After taking three bottles, she fully recovered her health. Your medicines do what you claim." Chab. Ciibistman. Toledo. O. Dr. Miles' New Cure for the Heart is sold bv all drurcists on a positive guarantee. It is safe, agreeable, effective, and does cure. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Small Gunrantcod to cure Bilious attacks. Sick Headache and Constipation. 40 in each bottlo. Price 25c. For sale by druggists. PIctnre "7, 17, 70" and samnle doso free. I. F. SMITH & CO., Proprietors, NEW Y0BK, Highest of all in Leavenin-' Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE MB! Can avail himself ot tbis golden opportunity. LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION FOR $75 EACH, AT $5 DOWN ON BOND, AND. $5 PER MONTH. lam seyenty-seyen years old, and have had my age renewed at least twenty years by the use of Swift's Specific. My foot and lee to mv knee was a running sore lor two years, ana pnysiaans saia it could not be cured. After taking fifteea small bottles s. a. . there 19 not a sore on my lunM, and 1 I nOC H SOrVUIl IIIVUUIU9,aUU M YEARS OLD h ve a new on life. Von ought to bt all sufferers know of your wonderful remedy. Ira F. Stubs, Palmer, Kansas City. IS A WONDERFUL REMEDY especially for old people. It builds up the ceneral health. Treat- odniailed free. SWIFT SPCIFIO COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. BUSINESS CARDS. A GIBBONS, . A D.1 Usi Kit OF ACCOUNTS and i'KOKESSIONAL BOOKKEEPER. Ovvicr. : With General Messenger Co,, 615 Kkamoqiie street. A CLEVELAND, ATTORNEY AT LAW. (ifllce-Klniify's new brick bulliling, corner Third and Genevieve streets ; up stairs. T Q. A. BOWLBY, Al TORiVEY AIVD C01RCEL0R AT LAW Office ou Hocond Street, - Astoria, Or. TOHN H. SMKH. l atiouney'at law. tnllcelii Kinney'') new brick building, ovor Aitoria national uaiiK, w. W. PARKER, KKAI, KHTATE AND IN8URANCK AGENT Ofllce 112 lleuton street, Astoria, Oregon. D. EILIV JANSON. I'HVSIOIAN & HUKUKON. R )OM 7. Olllemiver Ostrood's Clollilng Htore, hours, 10 to ll 111, 2 to 6 p, m, 7 to 8 p 111. Sunday, 10 to 11 m. DR. O. B. ESTES, l'HYHlClAN AND SURGEON. riueclul iitteiitioa to Diseases of Women ai. Surgery. Ollice over Danziger's store Astoria. DR". A. L, and 4. A. FULTON. DISEASES OK WOMEN Aai'ECtAl.l'Y. Kiircerv oy lr. J.A. Milton. Ofllce 178 Cass street. Hours 10 to 12 and 1 to 4 T AY TUTTLE M.D.. J I-1IYSIU1AN. SURGEON & ACCOUCHEUR. Ollim-. rooniH 3, 4 over Astoria NationalBank. Hours, lu to I'i & 'i 105. itesiuence. 68U (Jeuarst. rvi?. WALTER I. HOWARD U IIwakK.jI'ATHIC I'll VSK'.l AN &8UR - iMin. Hhv, ,ril. Third street. Hours 10 to 13 and 2 to 4, Sunday 1 to 2. Residence 4C8 M street T P.. MULLINIX, M. D. JJ. (iivus special trealiueut for Catarrh narv oruans. 'J liroat J.iiiiki, Kidney (ienito-Urlnary organs. Ollice upsUiirs.SM'i Third St. Uoun,9 a.111,9 p.m. BICHAED HARBY. City Surveyor. . JJARRY eX ISOM, O. B. ISOM, CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. Rooms 5 and 6, OVER ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK. w. T. BURNKV, J. W. DRAPES Barney & Draper, ttorneye ut.Lawt Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years' cxnerience as renistcr of th U. S. Land Olllee here, recommends us In our specialty of MinliiB aud all oilier busluesa be fore the Laud Ofliue or the Courts, and involv ing tlie practice ol tne ueuerai Lauu unice. l)ROCXfcNBROUQH & COWINC. LAW OFFICE, OREGON CITY, OR. Special attention given to land business. Set tlers on homesteads or pre-emption claims and timber land purchases shown every advantage ui uio jaw. ror assistance in waking nual Will Oil US. rilHOS. FREDRICKSON, 1'IANO 'lUNMt! No. 231. West Sixtli Street. HUNTER & MERGENS, Proprietors of the Fortlaod Butchering Co.'s Markets Comer Second and Benton streets. Corner Third and West Eighth streets. H. B. PARKEE DEALER IN Lime, Rrlok, Sand, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, in-muni., nioi reeii.uais, oiraw liuir, Wood Delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming and Express Euiineu. !Foard & Stokes 0110023110 Dealers In Glassware. Croclterv. ShlD Sunblieg. 1 ohaeco, Wines and Fine Whiskies. Fine Teas and Coffee a Specialty. The Finest Display oil ruina hi 111 jiy, r lean on livery cneaiiier. Coiner of Third and West Eighth Streets. CARNAHAN & CO Successors to I. W. Case, Importer and Wholesale and Retail dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cor. Second and Cass Street, ASTORIA, OREGON I-atest U. S. Gov't Report liBUU HILL'S FIRST ADDITION. m mm V 1 Ripans Tabules Rlpans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines: cure habitual constipation, dispel coias, neaaacnes ana levers. One tabule taken at the' first symptom of indigestion, billi- ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, win remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six VUIt) Seventy-five Cents. One Package (Four Boxes) Two Dollars. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For fret sample address RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. CLATSOP LAND "CO. Incorporated with $25,000 Capital Stock, Resl Estate and Insurance Brokers, Notary I Public and Conveyancers. Bpecial attention paid to rents, payment of taxes, etc., for non residents. Bole agents for Booth Astoria. Pros- peel Hai k, Hemlock Park and Owen's Addition, also best Heaside, business aud inside property mid phnit'A flnrniurA- 474 Tklnl si... Antoria. HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands ot Foreign and Domes- irs oi au nranas oi roreixu biiu . tie Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a soeclaltv. Val Blab Bottled Beer, Finest brands ol Key West and Domestic uigara. Lluuors lor Medicinal rurooses. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the I City and Country promruy ailed. Squemaque Street, - - - Astoria. Oregon X. XI. bb ST, OO. Steamer llwaco leaves Astoria dally at 7:M a. m. for llwaco, 1 I . . . - J INM, Mu4 nMHnt with I rauroaa running norm at 1U a. in, and with boats on shoalwater bay for South Bend, Sunshine, North Cave aiiu vimr Muiiiui iiiruugu w uriftyTa aiaur bor. Returning connects at Ilwnnn with s'eamersfor Astoria and Nis;ht Ho4ts for JOHN R, GOULTER. L. A. LOOMIS. 5S.creta17- President. iv. v. nuiiEiu, Htiperintendent. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Every evenUur except Bundav I at 7 d. m. " Arrives at Astoria Every day except Sunday I Leaves Portland Every aay except Sunday at7 a. m. C. W. ST0NK. Agent, ABtoria. a. a., ueuurui Agent, roruana or. TI1E JIOMD-BUILDERS, THEIR WORKS AND RELICS, -BY- REV. STEPHEN D. PEET, Ph. D.. n:roa er American antiquarian, Author ol Animal Effigies and Emblematic Mounus, etc. This book treats ol the Mound-hullrinra: thoi. occupation, modes of life, religions systems, tribal divisions and early migrations. . ine worn commits descriptions of theearth works ef all classes. The classification ni mounds is made according to their uses whether aa village residence, as defenses, as places. The work contains many Illustrations and ICllKIUUIIMUblHimiUI H BM.TIUIIIH1 fir 1111,1.1 uescrimioiia oi jnuiiuu-uuuaera relics. ra i oecially pipes and pottery. The valr.e ol the book Is that It contains I comprehensive view of the whole Held, and I Klvs information about the mounds and relics I I oi an states ana aistncts. it is one oi a serlci ...... . . r i which is devoted to ore-historic America, and I perhaps would be regarded as tho most inter esllne volume. The author solicits subscriptions. Orders can I be sent to the publishing house, 175 Wabash I avenue, Chicago, or te the author at Avon, 111. PRICE.t3.SO. For - Thirty - Days - Only . I make this offer. Less than one mile from Astoria Box Factory on Columbia river. Streets 75 andjalleys 20 feet wide. The CHIC4G0- MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. CONNECTING WITH AH. TRANSCONTIN ENTAL LINES, IS THE- OITLT LINE RUNNING Electric Lighted Cars BETWEEN ST. PAUL anrfflCHICAGO AND OMAHA and CHICAGO. The EXPRESS TKAIN8 consist of VESTr- BULED, SLEEPING, 1UMNU Afti PARLOR CARS, HEATED BY STEAM 4rttal,lw&!3',,w," For Speed, Comfort and Safely this Line is Unequaled Tickets on gale at all prominent railway offices. . , . For further Information inquire or any HCKei agent, or C. J. EDDY, General Ap;t. J. W. CASRY, Trav. Pass. Ayf.. PORTLAND, OKKiiOJT. QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO -...AND.. ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA. Via the Mt. Hhasta Route of the Southern Pacific (Jomp'y Th Oaly EonU Through California to al Pointi East and South. Tho Scenie Rout of the PaciGe Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPRRij -ano SECOND-CLASS SLKEI'INQ CARS Attached to etnress tmin. fvn..n.. accommodations for second-class pasxeiiKcrs; etc cn upon or address E. P. Ro(J T is S aSd. Or1.61 W VmStM t UI IIILnt. Lll-KtlK illMAtltnr m. , ii