EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. YOL. XL. NO. Ill; ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY CORNING, MAY 11, 1803. TRICE, ETVE CENTS, ASSIGNEE'S SALE Continued till old stock is closed out at cost. New Goods arriving sold at liberal discount. W. VY. PARKER, Assignee. May 15th DinsmoreV Bankrupt Sale Will Be Over, And in order to close out the entire stock we have cut prices way below the wholesale price. Don't miss this chance. It is the last call. Come early and avoid the rush. Yours Truly, LEE KOHN. SOCIETY TOEETINOS. Scandinavian Benevolent Sooiety. KEUULAll MEETINGS OP THIS SOOIKTY at their rooms In Pythian building at eight o'clock p. m.. on the second and lourlu Tues day) of each month, AUU. DANIHLBON Secretary. Ocean Encampment No. 13, 1. O. O.F lK(JULAK MEETLNGH OK OCEAN EN XX cjiin jinitMit No, U. I. O. 0. F., at tlio Lodge. In thn Odd Fellows Bull'llmr, ut- wven p. M., on the nwoiiu and fourin Mondays of each it:intti Sojourning breturen cordially invited, ',y order CP, . j st oris Bulidmg & Loan Association rs'.LI K KWilJLA It MKETiNliS OFTHlS AHSO-B- ol.iUun arc held hi m p. m. on the first jiiiK'Mlay ot ew'.li inoMib. Ollico on i.e'ittvievs lrit, SOUtri il Ihlt'itHlttll. W.L. UOiiB, s Coiiiroou co'incii. t f K'lUliAK MKIiTiNrS, FIRST AM) t e l':;ird r;rt.-i!;iy yi'.iiini;,i of eaidi mouth S oVlork. : I'eisoi.s di'mntig in naviMimtfeia acted 'ipon y Hi!' Ccuuiiil. at any regular nieota'i! must pnwnt the !-.mc t the Auditor anil Clerk, (' or odor? tl:i Friday eveninir irir lo the !.ne-.tfav on vvhu.li thn Oii.ui.'!! IwiMi. Hs regular it.or.ui.g. IC. OHIH'KN, Auditor and Police .Indue. Hoard of Pilot Commissioners. rpHtfRKfil'LAR MEETINGS OK THIS HOARD, J will be held on tlio iirst Monday, of each iHin!h at 10 a. in. In tho rooms of the Anuria Chamber of Commerce. W. h, K01II), Bee JEFF'S RESTAURANT IS TIIB- Bon Ton Ton Rostaurant in the Town (And the Finest on the Coasts DiniitM Parties, Banquets a Special?. The Finest WIuos and I.iqnors. S. A. STINS01? & CO.. BLACKSMITfflN tiip and t'nnnery work, HoRVMtioelnfr, Wag on made unci rnnirwl. ;o id w.irk guaranteed U'i Cass Mivhc opposite (ne V"Kv 2VJfc oiiice TiiGiiinai and Gens (WORCESTERSHIRE) SAUCE Imparts tho most delicious tste nd last tC EXTRACT of a LKTTEU from aMKDICAL GEN-TJ-EMAN t Mad ras, to his lirnthor at WOKCESimt. Mar, lg5L -Ten 1F.A k PEBUINS' SOUPW, GRATIESf FIKII, HOT dc COI.D MEAT'S, GADIE. HUiH- RAIiEBITS, inn. lueir sauoe ia b -.rriT -httrhly esteemed In ErfCiA India, end Is In my oi'iiuon, the meet na';Mh'e. as well es lite inot wholo. rs-v- ii Boware of Motions; seo that you get Lea & Perms' Bipnatn on crery bottle of Orbrfnal k Qnntia. JUUN DINCAN'H SKINS, NEW YORK. f!M!Jj Lyii'til. fi , j 1. W. acnai nAJN IVciK. TBAHSAOTC A GENEBAL BANEINS BDSIKES8. Drafts drawn available In any par- of the 0 o. ana Europe, ana on iiong fcong, uuina, Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Odd Fellows BuildinE, Astoria, Oregon. I. W. CASE, INSURANCE AGENT, REPRESENTING Cerman-Amcrican, New York City, N. Y. Union Fire mil Marine, of Xow Zealand. National Firo and Marine Ins. Co., of Hartford. Connccticnt Fire Ins. Co., of flartford. Home Mutual Ins. Co., of San Francisco. Fhnnii, of London. I Imperial, of London. New York Plate Glass Ins. Co. the ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts of Firms and Individuals .Solicited on Favorable Terms. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Money Loaned on Personal security. Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought an1 som. ... I. K. Warren, President. . r,. ii IRK"", vnsinur. J.C Dcmenl, Vice President :. S. Wriest, I John IIoIinoii, (Directors II. C. Tliomiiion, I 'Iheo Ilracker, J THE ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Acts as trustee for corporations and Individ uals. DeoosllJi solicited Interest will be allowed on savings deposits as toiiows; On ordinary savings lYioks 4 per cent, per annum. On term savings bookd 6 per cent, per annum. un cemncates oi ncpocu: For thrco monthi, i per cent, per annum. For six months, b per cent, per annum. For twelve months, 8 per cent, per annum. I. W. CARE President J. Q. A. BOW LBV - Vice-President FRANK PATTON Cashier W. E. DEMENT Pecretarj DIKKCTOES: L W. ('ate, J. Q. A, Bowlby, Gust Holmes, A. 8. Reed. C. H. Pace, ueui. lounw, F. J. Taylor. THE PORTLAND SAYINCS BANK nv PORTLAND. OKKOON. Paid np capital .. $260,000 Surplus and profits .. 60,0t)C KRAMv DEKUM, President. I). P. THOMPSON, Vice-President K C. 8TUATT03, Cashier 1V;U r ill t"re oil, Jiriphf Vimisl', liinwle Cot t"u Cahyas, H''Ptf S-iil .'iwitm. Ijird t. Wrought Iri.f. jiiltv, (talvaniiteri ("nt Nails Qrooorios, ISJ-to. Agricultural Implements, 8ing II a machlneH, Paints and Oils. No Lack of Enthusiasm Aim tb Assembled BcpaWicans. THE HAWAIIAN " INOIDEN Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle Severe ly Scored Presaging Republican Success In 1800. Associated Press. .. Louisville, Ky.,. Way 10. All morn' Ins republicans from distant states have been coming in till the streets, hotels and 'boarding houses are swarm Ing with delegates. The convention was called to order by President J. S. Clarkson. Mayor Tylor welcomed the delegates on be half of the city and Colonel D.' L. Crawford, president of the Kentucky State League, welcomed ther visitors on behalf of the state. Then-President Clarkson arose and delivered the an nual address. He concluded as follows "As we begin here today, the march of victory In '96, we have neither comj plaints no apologies, non explana tions to make for the defeat of last year. We have had a democratic presi dent and congress sixty days, ' and Cleveland has hauled down the Ameri can flag where Harrison and the. re publicans ran it up in the name of lib erty on the Sandwich Islands. He and. his secretary of the treasury have at ready frightened the business world, and created uneasiness and fear where safety and prosperity ruled before. Dr. Henry Blackwell If Bostan, sub' mltted the following: 'Whereas, political justice, Impartial liberty and equal rights for all are the foundation of the principles of the re publican party, and "Whereas, all persons bora of nat uralized in the United States and Sub ject to the jurisdiction thereof are cit izens of the United States and of the states in which they reside, therefore, oe it . ' can party Is mlnlful of its obligations to the loyal women of America for their earnest devotion to the cause of freedom; Thielir admission to wider spheres of usefulness, and we demand the ballot for every citizen of the United States, North and South, Irre spective of race, color, or sex." When the clerk finished reading, it was applauded to the echo, and a del egate from Montana. They were given with great vehemence. The resolution was then referred to the committee on resolutions. The National Republican committee met here today and elected Thomas H. Carter of Montana chairman, and Jo-i soph Manley of Maine Secretary. In accordance with the caucus' program,. the meeting was called to" wdep by Carter, and he Immediately surrend' ered the gavel to D. E. Young, vice- chairman, and withdrew. Resolutions declarihg Carter to be rT1! "T. adopted, and Carter was called back and once more assumed the duties of chairman. A CALIFORNIA COLLAPSE. San Jose, May 10 The Bank of San ta Clara County today closed its doors, Tho action was brought about by the discovery that a shortage of from $150,000 to $200,000 existed. C. C. Hay- ward, cashier of the bank died last week and yesterday, H. H. Leonard, vice president and manager, Informed all of the directors that irregularities existed in the books. This afternoon Leonard filed a petion in insolvency, fixing the HablUties.at.. $190,000,. and, assets at $144,000. The belief is that both Leonard and the dead cashier used the money in mining stocks and real estate. Leonard's schedule showed that be had borrowed $137,082 from the bank, most of the notes being unse cured. DESERTING THE WARSHIPS. New York, May 10. The men belong ing to the visiting war ships are desert ing by (the wholesale. Vlce-Adrrrlral Sir John Hopkins said that the loss on each ship in his squadron will be from two to three per cent. It is said that 100 men are missing from the Blake's crew. Three Russian warships have lost about 165 men. Y. M. C. A. CONVENTION. . ' Indianapolis, .MayO. The Interna tional bi-annual convention of, the YouDg Men's Christian Association met here at noon. The session was devoted chiefly to the election of officers and general organization. SING SING'S ESCAPES. SLng Sing. May 10. The -body or Frank W. Rohl, the murderer under sentence of death who escaped from prison April 20tb. was found badly de- composed . in the Hudson river this morning. He had been shot in the head, and it ia supposed that Thomas Palllster, the other comdemned mur derer, who escaped at the same time, did the shooting1 to facilitate his own escape. ' THE PADRONE SYSTEM, Washington, May 10. Emigrant In spector Conkllng in hla official report made to the treasury department as fo violations of the alien contract la. por law, among other strong state ments says: "The padrone system Is tUo most damnable outrageous and In furious to American worWngmen of any system that ever was practiced in tit United States, and there ia no use denying that it exists In almost every dlty in this country where there is an jUlen following." The; report shows that alien laborers are brought into the country, coached and Instructed on the way over, so that when they ar- f lve, by. falsa swearing they elude the nspectors. Conkllng says railroad con tractors need not be so closely watched n future in regard to violation of the alien contract labor law as it is the Italian banker and padrone, the former n partnership with the padrone who is furnishing money for Italians being shipped in by the hundreds to work on American railroads, to the exclusion of American working men. THE DANUBE RETURNING. Portland, May 10 The steamship Danube left on her return trip tonight, having on board 410 Chinese who were refused permission to land. The vessel was libeled for $20,000 for overloading, but was released. v DEPORTATION OF CHINESE. Tacoma, May 10. The steamship Vistorla left for Hongkong todaw car rying 290 actors', and merchants who, have been ordered deported, ELECTING A PRESIDENT. New York, May 10.-George J. Gould was elected president of the Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain and south ern roads. PROMINENT CHURCHMAN DEAD. Rome, May 10. Cardinal Zigllarl died today: He was regarded as a - Hjol nanary. . A shooting affray occurred near Pil lar Rock yesterday afternoon, as a re sult of which Dan Gagnon, a half-breed may lose his life. The victim was shot on board Grant' whisky scow by Na than Plckernell, for whom he was boat puller. Gagnoni was brought to St Mary's hospital last evening, and was peen by an Astorian reporter after his wounds had been dressed. His account of the circumstances leading to the affair was in part confirmed by the statement of George Vinson, an eye witness to the. shooting, from whom the following was obtained: "Before the occurrence," said Vinson, "several of us were on the scow, and Glgnon said to me: 1 wonder what Is the mat ter,. with- Nathan, he has been quar relsome with me1 all day.' Shortly af ter Plckernell remarked that Pete San- vlch was the best oarsman on the riv er. Glgnon replied that he would bet twenty dollars that he could out row him and could take- htm on 'the beach and whip him afterward. Some words followed and Glgnon hit Plckernell with his open hand. The latter then went to his mother's house and seized a gun. When he returned Glgnon made an attempt to grab the weapon, but failed and was shot In both legs above the' knees. The two barrels were dis charged. Plckernell then reloaded his gun and left, and I took hold of Dan, who was about to fall, and brought him here." Dr. Estes who attended Glgnon, Is afraid of blood, poisoning, and says that the muscles of the unfortunate man's legs, above the knees are frightfully mangled. The gun was about two feet distant from Gagnon when ' discharged, and the shot tore holes several Inches In diameter In his legs. Up to a lata hour no word of Plckernell's cap'.ure was received. INDIVIDUALITIES. On a recent stormy day the girl-students of Ann Arbor University, Michi gan, appeared in the Jenness-Mlller "rainy-day costume," which has skirts reaching half-way between the knee and ankle, and long gaiters covering the shoe-tops and extending to the knee. Miss Edmonia Lewis, a negress who is also a sculptor, has been commis sioned by the negro women of Alle gheny, Pa., to execute a statue for the World's Fair. She has selected as her subject Phillis Wheatly, an educated negro woman who lived In New Eng land a century ago. Miss Lewis is now at work upon the statue in Paris, France. ' He's no Pugilist "What ' makes you think he's not a pugilist?" "I heard today that he had declined a theat rical engagement." A statistician, quoted by the Boston Transcript, finds that the death rate is lower among clergymen than among any other class of workers. Special Session of the Snpreme Cour in WasbiDztoL OHOATE'8 OPENING ARGUMENT Senator Alii rich Appears For the United Rlalea and Makes a tuning Argumunt. Associated Press. Washington, May 10. A special ses sion of the supreme court was held to day to hoar arguments upon the con stitutionality of the Geary Chinese ex elusion act. Argument was opened by Joseph H. Choate of New York, for pe titioners for a writ of habeas corpus, He said there were two questlos at issue: First, shall one hundred thous and helpless residents of this country. under authority of an act of congress. without review by its courts, be de ported to their native country; and, second, In case the emperor of China shall tomorrow feel inclined to follow the example of this great enlightened country and expel from his domain, Americans residing therein, shall the voice of this people, either through the government, Its press, or by individ uals, be prevented from uttering a Bin gle protest. Solicitor-General Aldrlch followed on behalf of the! United States. He con tended that the Geary act had not for its purpose, the deportatlo nof Chinese laborers, but to provide a system of identification, which Is a lawful pur pose and has never been disputed. The methods are lawful, and the act rea sonable and humane. Aldrlch main tained the right of congress to require registration for the identification of citizen or aliens. Concluding, Aldrlch said the police power rested with the state, the nation or the people, and Intimated that It would be better for the Chinese If the nation retained con trol, for In view of the temper of the people in msoe states, any action taken by the people of those states would nrphalil v. Jba. drastic in. character, hav of the obnoxious race. SENSATIONAL COURT SCENE. New York, May 10. A Judgment was heard today before Judge Cowing of the court of general sessions, in the li bel suit of Edward B. Stokes of the Hoffman House, against E. D. Stokes and Lawyer William R, Martin. Ex Mayor Hall, representing Mr. Martin, moved to quash the Indictment. The affidavit of Martin, was rend, In which It was claimed that Ed. II. Stokes having been convicted and sentenced for the crime of homicide in shooting Jim Flsk, was civilly dead and the charges brought by him against E. H. Stokes and himself (Martin) could not be entertained. The counsel for Ed ward Stokes thereupon created a sens ation in the court room by handlng-up to the court the pardon of the state to Ed. S. Stokes, dated December 1st, 1884, and signed by Grover Cleveland, then governor, and releasing Stokes from all consequences of his crime. This intro duction of a pardon is the first intima tion that has ever been given as to the destruction of Stokes' citizenship. UNEARTHING PENSION FRAUDS, Washington, May 10. The pension department has unearthed what ap pears to be a series of gross pension frauds by W. R. Drewery, pension at torney of Norfolk, Va., who Is now un. der arrest. Investigation by the present adminisration shows ho had 160 pen sions granted, mostly to Illiterate ne groes, and that 9S per cent of them were fraudulent. The frauds will prob- abry reach hundreds of thousands of dollars.. GROWING SERIOUSLY ALARMED. Washington, May 10. The decision of the authorlles to send the Atlanta to look after American Interests in Nicaragua shows that they are more concerned about the condition of af fairs In that country than they were at first willing to admit. A proposi tion Is being seriously considered to send the Alliance from San Francisco to San Jose on the Paclllo side to look after the Interests of coffee planters. INCREASING CROWDS. Chicago, May 10. Tha crowds of vis itors to the World's Fair increases dally. The attendance today was in creased by a large delegnton from Ver mont, headed by Governor Fuller, for the purpose of taking part in the ded ication of the Vermont state building. The formal exercises were begun at noon, when the building was turned over to the exposition, and accepted. Rovernor Fuller delivered the address. REALISTIC TRAGEDY ACTING. Vienna, May 10. During a perform ance at the theatre in Lomberg last night, Herr Delczuk, one of the actors, in a fit of jealous rage because an act- ress he was enamoured of insisted on flirting with a man In the audience, drew a revolver, and shot himself in full view of the horror-stricken aud ience. NEWS FROM THE SOUND. Port Tawnsepid, May JO. Advices from Sitka stating that the govern ment has adopted a new policy in re gard to tho prosecution of British sealing vessels -In Alaska, Attorney General Olney ordered District Attor ney Johnson to abandon tho prosecu tion of the British schooner Henrietta charged with receiving a cargo; of seal skins in Alaska waters last sum mer without reporting to the customs authorities. Tho vessel was seized. In Bering sea and sent to Sitka for trial. The caso Is similar in all respects to the seizure of the British steamer Co qultlan'by the United State revenue cutter Corwln last June with 6000 seal skins removed from British schooners in Alaskan waters. During the month of march there were launched from the Schotch ship building yards In March 20 vessels of 25,269 tons, of which 19 were steamers, aggregating 20.4S9 tons;' 3 were sail ing ships of a total tonnage of 4500; and 4 barges of 70 tons each. The Clyde contributed ,17 steamers of 19 942 tons and 7 sailing ships of 4,700 tons. The British Ship Cambusnethan, 1368 tons, Captain Hughes, has been added to the list of ships en route to this port. The British Ship Cabul, from London for this port, Is now out 144 days. The bark Geo. S. Homer, 12C0 toiiB Captain Hemeon, is out from New York 131 days and should arrive here, very soon. Lumber and shingles were loaded on boitrd the Western Belle yesterday. The spars which are to form a part of the cargo have not yet arrived. The steamer Oregon, Captain Pohl- man, arrived up today from San Fran cisco. Sho brought a large quantity cleared yesterday for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders with 34,019 bags of wheat, valued , at $51,635. Sho will probably cross out to day, The steamer Chlh-at arrived In last evening from Alaska, via Sound ports, and reports a generally pleasant voyage. ' Tho British bark Invergnrry, hence with grain for Queenstown for orders, has arrived at Hull. Tho Seaforth has finished loading wheat at Greenwich dock, Portland. Tho Highland Homo Is on the way down In tow of the Ocklohama, Tho ship Indiana will leave down on Saturday, Sho gx"8 to Yokohama in ballast to loud tea or rice for New York. Tho Oakbnjtk will leave down from Portland, today. . Tho Tacora, a four-masted barken tlno which Is to bring the Chinese from Victoria, will be In tow of the Sea lion. A PERSISTENT DOG. Mother Horrors! Where did you get that dog? Young, Hopeful He followed me home. , "Hum! Why did you coax him?" "I didn't coax him. I thretv thnlgs at him, but he would come nnyhow.-' "That's strange. What d!l you throw?" "A lot of hfird, ugly, bones thn butcher gave me." Good News. HE WAS A KNOWING ONE. Traveler Here, landlord, what's the matter with your dog? I have driven htm away a score of times, but he al ways comes back again and Kits close up to my chair, watching every mouth ful I eat. Do turn him out, and let me have my, dinner In peace. Lanlord Please, my Koro Is such a knowing brute; I expect you have got the plate he generally eats out of. Luebecker Kalender, A Dilemma. "Well, Ralph, do you have many playmates?" "Naw; don't have any." "What, no playmates at all?" No; mamma won't let me play with half the boys, and the other Ixiys' mam mas won't let them play with me. Say, would you reform, or Just get tough er?" Chicago News Record. The sponge Is an animal.. It will shrink from the hand which tries to seize It, and If viewed under a lens may be seen constantly drawing In water through the innumerable canals which form its digestive organs, and having consumed the minute anlmaJeulae In the fluid, ejecting It again through some other channel.