THlfi DAILY ASTOEIAN, ASTORIA, WEDNESDAY MOBNTNG, MAY 30, 1813 FXTBUSBKD BT gUmi-t'lumbiai ruUMilHj? Ctapanj. ASTORIA, OREGON : ASTORIA BUILDING, - - - CAM BTKIBT Turn of Babserlptioa. nAll.v. Berrea OJ tumor, yvi woe beat by Midi, per mouth............. uilI kin Uull hap VAU.P . . u to eeut by Mail, iwr Year... WEIILT. tent by mall, per year, 92.00 In advance, Free posture to subscribers. Tub Aurrmriif fftmrinteesto It adyertlsers the largeet circulation of any newspaper pun ished uu lue vo'umum juvex. In future all Itema of local Interest forwarded to tbls otnce niual be aauressea w i i:e - tliv Bditob. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, May 8. For Salem, occa sional rain, followed by fair weather. For Western Washington, occasional light rain. Fa r Wen tern Oregon, light rain, fol lowed by fair weather, except con tinued fair weather In the southern portion. For Eastern Washington and Colum bla river valley, fair weather, followed by occasional light rain. For Eastern Oregon, south and eact of the Blue mountains, fair, warmer weather. For Northwestern Oregon, light rain, followed by fair weather. Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at 6 p. m., yesterday, fur nished by the U. B. department of agri culture, weather bureau: Maximum temperature, C4 degrees. Minimum temperature, 44 degrees. Precipitation, .01 Inch. Total precipitation, from July 1, 1803, to date, 79.23 Inches. Excess of precipitation from July 1, 1892, to date, 8.42 Inches. It would be well for us to pause and consider the great Injury that must Inevitably arise from the excessive val uation land-owners may place upon their property, when the official an nouncement Is made that the Union Pacific has decided to extend Its line to this city, and when, consequently, tha demand for real estate becomes brisk. That there will b a strong mar ket there can be no doubt; and It Is equally likely that owners of real property are apt to become excited and thus work an almost Irreparable Injury not alone to themselves but to the whole city. It is true that prices now are very reasonable, but how long this may be said with truth will de- j -i- u m leading holders to grasp the situation and control a natural desire to reap too rich a harvest by the sale of their realty. Should such a contingency arise, It would be a dog-ln-the-mangcr attltude.detrlmental to the best inter ests of Astoria, tending to prevent cap italists from investing here and thus defeating the very object which all who have the welfare of the city at heart so devoutly hope to see accom plished. Land itself Is of no value, and only becojmes valuable through the desire of man, either as a place on which to build a home, or to gather the means of sustenance from. Every child born into this world increases the val ue of property, and every person who comes Into Astoria will likewise in crease its valuation. Capitalists who might be induced to come here and by starting Industries attract people to this point are the Instruments through whom property valuations are moat largely Increased. Every one will ad mit that when the population of Astoria reaches BO,000, property will be more valuable than it is now, and In like proportion will values increase as the population increases. This valua tlon according to population should be tho proper basis. Then the onward march of the city would be steady and attraction would be offered to the homeseekers. Flctltlqus valuation in excess of population results simply in attracting the land boomer and real estate inflator, property being pur chased to a large extent by non-residents, and held by them till the bulls can once more ralBe the price. By a unanimous vote the city coun cil passed an ordinance last night pro viding that In future no street shall be improved before the Interested prop erty owners shall have paid Into the city treasury the amount of tho as sessment against the property of each. In passing the ordinance tho council has placed the Irrevocable seal of Its For the Next Thirty Days, To meet imperative demands, I will offer at such low prices on install ments, with easy payments, that disapproval upon the gross injustice that has from time to time been done to the public and allowing streets to be improved before the cost has been Ber cured. There is at the present time outstanding on the book of Hens, sum exceeding $40,000, assets which may be classed as of very doubtful value, and all of which might have been saved hud the measure passed last night been In force two or three years ago. Instances may .occur, it is true, where impediments will be placed In the way of opening streets, but they will be of rare occurrence, and the city will be saved enormous sums of money; and those who pay for improve' menu will not be compelled to pay from ten to twenty per cent more than the actual value of the work perform ed. Nor will the contractor be com polled to discount his warrants, after having added the amount of this dls count to his contract price, as hos been done heretofore. The ordinance will meet with ereneral approval from all who favor an economical and Just ad ministration of the city's affairs. AN ITEM OF INTEREST. The general public are asked to read and make a mental note of the following: The Library Association have con templated for some time the subject of hiring a solicitor to canvass the city for yearly subscribers and donations of books, After due consideration the ladles of the board have concluded to district the city, and to save In the li brary treasury the amount that would be paid to a canvasser, they will each one visit the district allotted to her. This Is not a very agreeable bit of work to do, and if the ladles of the board are self-sacrificing enough to be willing for the public good, to endure the wear and tear of mind, body and shoe leather, surely every business man and every individual, who has at heart the healthy mental, moral and temporal growth of the city, will make the task as easy as possible by being; prepared to cheerfully accede iO the request to subscribe for a yearly membership or donate books thai would not missed from the shelves of thelrt library, but would help to fill those at the Astoria Library room. Give this matter your serious consideration until the lady to whose district your name belongs, shall call upon you, and talk It over now with your wife (If you are blessed with one),so that there will be no ne cessity for a second call. The city is districted as follows: Upper Astoria, McGregor's mill to Alderbrook, visitor, Mrs. D. K. War- Mills, Mrs. J. T. Rogers; West Sixth street to Ross, Hlgglns & Co.'s store, Miss Brodle; West Sixth and Seventh and cross streets to West Eighth street, Mrs. W. S .Kinney; West Eighth and cross streets to West Ninth street, Mrs. J. T. Ross; West Ninth and cross streets to Olney, Miss Nlckerson; Ol ney and Genevieve street to Cass, Miss McKean; Cass street to Main, Miss Sayre; Main street to Benton, Mrs. G. VVlngate; Benton street td Lafayette, Miss Badollet; Lafayette to Washing ton, Mrs. Bozorth; Washington and Polk to Jackson, Miss Powell; Jackson, Madison and Spruce, Mrs. P. A. Stokes; ipruce to Taylor's line, Mrs. S. Elmore. EVE'S DAUGHTERS. Marlon Harland, on pages 103 and 145 of her popular work, "Eve's Daugh ters, or, Common SenBe for Maid, Wife .vnd Mother," says: "For the aching back should It be alow In recovering its normal strength an Allcock's i'orouB Plaster Is nn excellent comforter, combining the sensation of the sustained pressure of a, strong warm hand with certain tonic finalities developed in the wearing. It nhould bo kept over the seat of un easiness for several days In obstinate coses, for perhaps a fortnight. "For pain in the back, wear an All cock's Porous Plaster constantly, re newing as It wears off. This Is an in valuable support when the weight on tho small of the back becomes heavy and the aching Incessant. FUNERALS. E. W. Kuykendall, the lending under taker, having completed arrangements to purchase goods direct from the fac tories, regardless of middle men, has mude a great reduction in the cost of funerals: I 6.00 Coffins reduced to $ 8.00 8.00 Coinns reduced to 6.00 26.00 Coffins reduced to .... 18.00 WITH HEARSE. 36.00 Coffins or caskets re'd to 25.00 40.00 Coffins or caskets re'd to 30.00 60.00 Coffins or caskets re'd to 40.00 75.00 CaskWs reduced to.... 60.00 125.00 Caskets reduced to .... 75 00 SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNTS. Welch Block, 718 Water St., ABtorla, Oregon. Buctlfin't A rales Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, plcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all akin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, suc cessor to J. C. Dement The new and revised prayer book and hymnals can now be had at Gilffln & Reed's YOU CAN HAVE A HOME IN HILL'S FIRST ADDITION, T0U SHOULD READ THIS. The popularity of the Union Paclflo Is best determined by the superior service It accords to the traveling public in main taining two daily through trains to Omuha. St, Paul, Chicago and points east, tltorouRhly equipped with all tho lulest appliances for the comfort and sufely of itH pulrons besides shortening the dlHtance materially with Its taut trains. The pres ent train schedule enablea passengers td reach St. Paul seven hours quicker and Chicago twenty-four hours quicker. Omuha and Kansas City and Intermediate points, forty hours quicker than any line from the Pacific Northwest. Patronize the Northern Pacific ral'.road If you are going East. Low rates of fare. tlirougn ticaets, Daggage cncra i uri nation. All purchaeers of second class tl.-UetH can itoD over at Portland. Rates of fare same as from Portland. If vnti hnva friends in EurODe whose pansage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific oftlce.steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants. Reduced rates via all the lead ing Bteamshlp lines. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest norfiimrv and toilet articles etc.. . can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Handley & Haas, 150 First street. Port land, have on sale the Daily Astorlan, o that visitors need not miss their morning paper when they are here. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria (Then Baby was sick, we gars her Castoria. ffhen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, iHieo she became Miss, she clunt to Castoria, Vhen she bad Children, she gare them Caotori; Heart Failure. now TO AVOID IT. The enitaDh on many a tombstone if "heart failure." No wonder, when we con sider the immense strain which is put on that small organ. Marvelous as it is, beating 100,000 times and exerting a force equal to 5,184,000 pounds daily, it has its limit iU endurance often is too severely tested. So common are diseases of the heart though often for a considerable time without the suspicions of Che alllicted person being in the least excited that it is stated that one person in four has a bad heart Dr. Franklin Miles, of Elkhart. Intl.. has for years made a special study oi ail diseases oi me neart, and his remarkable success hag made his name a familiar one in all parts of our land. He has found the most common symptoms of heart disease to be pain, distress or tauter' nest in the chest, back, ttomach, bowels, left shoulder and arm, shortness of breath, smother ing spells, fainting, etc. Mr. Ueorge it. Bmitn, or .Barnes, xates Co., N. Y., writes: "De. Miles' New Hkabt Curb has worked wonderfully on mind and body so I can do a good day's work. J feel ten years younger and take more interest ! r..! n .,1.1. . V, II, in auairs. x iiuu Biiurtueso ui uicui.ii. fjai- tation, pain under left shoulder blade, pain around the heart, 1 could not sleep on my right side. Since I have taken Dr. Mile? New lion. It has made my heart stronger. I wish yon would print this, because I want all to know what JJr. Miles Heart Curs has done for me." " For months my wife suffered with am- tation, smotlierinn spells, and was unable to sleep on her left side. She tried several doctors without relief. Your Heart Curt was recommended. After taking three bottles, she fully recovered her' health. Your medicines do what you claim." Chas. Christman, Toledo, O. Dr. Miles' New Cure for the Heart is sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee. It is safe, agreeable, effective, and doe cure, Dr. Miles Medical Uo., Elkhart, lnd. Foard & Stokes GIIOOBIIS Denleii in Glassware, Crockery, Ship Supplies, Tobacco, Wines ami Fine Whiskies. Fine Teas md Coffee a Specialty. The Finest Display of F. ulis in the City, Fresh on Every Steamer. Coiner of Third and West Eighth Streets. CARNAHAN & CO Successors to I. W. Case, Importer and Wholesale and Retail dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cor. Second an4 Cass Street, ASTORIA, OREGON U. S. Government Baking Powder Tests- The report of the analyses of Baking Powders, made by the . U. S. Government (Chemical Division, Ag'I Dep't), shows the Royal superior to all other powders, and gives its leavening strength and the strength of each of the other cream of tartar powders tested as follows: The OTHER POWDERS TESTED are reported to con tain both lime and anlphorio tcid, and to be of the following strength respectively, . . . Royal Baking Powder is greater leavening power than EVERY LABORING MAN Can avail himself of this jolden opportunity. LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION FOR $75 EACH, AT $5 DOWN ON BOND, AND $5 PER MONTH. There is Hope For every one who has blood trouble, no matter In what shapo or how long standing, provided onef the vital organs have lieen so far im paired as to render a cure impossible. H. B. 8. toes to the root of the disease, and removes the cause, by exiK'iiinB the Mlson from the body, and at the same time is a toniotothe whole system. However bad your case may be, there is hope FOR YOU. Cured ire of a most malipnant type of ehronio blood trouble, for which 1 iiml used various other remedies without efTect. My weight Increased, auil niy health improveiriu every way. 1 consider B. 8. 8. the best touio lever used. "8. A. WBionr, Midway, Oa." Treatise on blood, skin and contagions blood poison mailed free. bWUT 81'KCIFIC CO., Atlanta, CU BUSINESS CARDS. ACIBBON8, . , AUlU-il HKVlP ACCOUNT snd l'ROHESMONiU, hDOKKEKPER. Orricw. With General Messenger Co,, 615 Rkamoque street. A A. CLEVELAND, ATTORNEY It LAW. uitlee-Kluney's new Dries builmug, corner inira ana uenevieve streets ; up stairs. T Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY ASD COl'ACELOR AT LAW Office on Hecoud (street, - Astoria, Or, JH,i "Affl'AT LAW. Office in Kinney's new brick building, over Astoria IN ationai iiaus, w. W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AXD IN8URANCE AUEN1 ufllce 112 Ueutun street, Astoria, Oregon. Dt. EILIV JANSON. PHYmIOIAN & SUKUKOtf. R OM 7 Olllceover O.Hitood's Clothing Store, hours, 10 to in m, 2 10 o p, m, I to a p in. euuaay. iu to it m TvR. O. B. ESTES, I ) PHYSICIAN a'iSD SURGEON. special attention to DiseaHes ol Women and surgery, uwue over uanziger s siore asioiiu. DR. A. U, and J, A. FULTON. UREASES OF WOMEN AsPEC'lALrY tturuerv by I r. J. A. Fulton. Office 178 Cass street. Hours lo to 12 and 1 to 4 TAY TUTTLE M. D., tJ PHYSICIAN. SUKGEOW & ACCOUCHEUR, Office, rooms S, 4 over Astoria NationsBank. hours, to to vi s to. ttesideuce. 639 cedar st. DR. WALTER I. HOWARD. HumuWatiiio PHYSICIAN S1JR unon. Oince. 4"4. Third street. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, Sunday 1 to 2 Itesldeuce 4U8 ltd streel T b 1 1 1 iuiv u r. IJ. Gives M'ttcial u eminent for Calarrh, i ilium i.uiiks aiu'ipy tieniln urinary oraans OlUoe upsliilis,iM4i third St. Hours,9 a.m,U p.m. RICHARD BARRT. 0. B. I80M City surveyor. JARRY A ISOWI, CIVIL ENGINEERS AND 8UKVKY0K9. Rooms 5 and 6, OVER ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK. W. T. BUBNKV, '. J. W. DBAPBB Burney & Draper, Attorneys at-Laur, Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years' experience as register of th 0. 8. Land utlice here, recommends us In oui svwilalty ot Mining and all oilier business be tore the l.anuunioe or thttCouru, and involv ing me practice oi me ueuerai iua Ulllce. JROCKt NBROUCH & COWING. LAW OFFICE, OREGON CITY, Ott. fpoclsl attention itivei to land Ket- tiers on homesteads or pre-einp' tun claims and timber land purchases shown every advantage of the law. For assistance in making hual pruoi can ou us. rPHOS. FREORICKSON, L rivo iCnui. No 231. West SI Mil .meet. HUNTER & MER&ENS, , Proprietors of the Portland Bolctierioi Co.'s Markets C Tner fieeond and Benton streets Corner Third and West Eighth streets. Get A. Bicycle! FROM JAMES FINLAYSOM or ARTHUR BARTHOLOMEW, Sole agents for Clatsop count) for the North Tacfic Bicyc'e Co., IMl'rililAL and all oihur H gli cias heels. LEAVENINO GAB. Pr MtT Cubioln. per oi 13.06. 160.6 112.53. . .151.1 11.13. . .133.6- 10.28. . . 123.2 . 9.53 . . . 114. 9.29. . .111.0 8.C3. . . 06.5 7.28. . . 87.4 4.93. . . C5.5 absolutely pure, and cf any other powucr. or mm Ripans Tabules Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach ana intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. Oni Box (Six Vials) Stventy-five Centi. One Package (Four Boxes) Two Dollars. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free tample aidrtit RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. CLATSOP LAND CO. Incorporated with $25,000 Capital Stock, Real Estate and Insurance Broken, Notary Public and Couveyaneem. Special attentlou paid to rents, pnyinent of taxes, etc., (or nun residents. Bole agents lor South Astoria, Pros pect PaiK, Hemloc k Park and Owen's Addition, also best Seaside, business and inside property aud choice acreage. 471 J hlrd at., Astoria. HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Itetall LIOUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Domes- . I. J 1 11 11 u 1 ! ii 1 1 111-u 11 11 it Pluravfl II U 11 1111 11. (Ill, 11 I'll! 1.1U J. If. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Vat Blab nouita beer, eiuesi nranasoi u.ey west an c Liomestlc cigars. Lienors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade rJollcited. All orders from the City and Country promrwy niled. Squemogue Street, - - - Astoria. OregoL . C3 If, OO. S3 Stcatuef II waco Leaves a to a d-'llv at 7:30 a. m. for Ilwaco cnllliii; al Tin ay Point, and connecting with railroal nimno; norili at 10 a, in, and wltl boat n s iiiithv .iter hav fur Sou ll Beud, SmiNliliie, North Cove Ann oilier inus u mul-h io urays iiur bor. Itetiimii ir eonni-eis at. I waeo witi i earners fur Astoraanii IN Ik tit Boats foi roriiaua JOHN It. GOULTEH. L. A. LOOMI8. si ere i it rv. . President K. V KGB III'. Supeilnteiidei-t. PORTLAND AMD ASTORIA Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astrl i Every evening except Sunda; at 7 i. m. At Ives at Astoila Every day except Sunda? at p.m. Leaves Portland Every nay except Sendaj at 7 a. m. u. w. oiuwr-, agem, Asioria. K. A. SEELSY, General Agent, Portland Or. THE JI0C1-MLMS, TIIEIil WORKS AND EKHC8, -BY- REV. STEPHEN D. PEET, Ph. D.. RD'IOB OF AXEHTAN ANTIQUARIAN, Author ol Animal fTPlglrs and EmblcmatU .Mouimfc, etc. ThtF book treats of the Monnd-bnllders; theii occupation, mo es of life, religious systems, tribal divisions and early migrations. The work coutxins descriptions of the earth works of ad classes. The classification of the mounds is mail according to tneir uses, whether as village residences, as defenses, as religious structures, or as sacrificial or burial places. The work contains many illtis'ratlons and derrintions of Mound-builuerg' relics, es pecially pipes and poitery. The van e ol the book Is that It contains a comprehensive view of the whole Held, and givvs luforiMitinn about the niouuds Mid relies of all states and districts. It is one of a series which Is dovoted to pre-hlstorie America, and perhaps wouM be rtgurdud as the most inter estlng volume. The author solicit" subs riptions. Orders can be sent to tho publishing house, 175 Wabash avenue, Ctiij(,o, or to the author at Avon, ill. rmcE,3.o. For . Thirty - Days - Only I make this offer. Less than one mile from Astoria Box Factory on Columbia river. Streets 73jandjalleys 20 feet wide. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. CONNICTINa WITH ALU TRANSCONTIN ENTAL LINES, IS THE- ONX7 X.X2TE RUNKINO Electric Lighted Cars BETWEEN ST. PAUL andgCKICAGO AND OMAHA ar.d CHICAGO. The EXPRESS TKAIN8 consist of VESTI BULED, BLEEPING, PINING AND PAKLOIt CARS, HEATED BY STEAM and furnished with every luxury known to modern railway travel. For Spaad, Com'art and Safety this Lin j Is UncqualeJ Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further information Inquire of any ticket agent, or C. X. EDDY, General Agt. J. W. CASEY. Trav. Pass. Agt. I'ORTLAKD, OEEGON. QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO ,.AND- ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA. Via the Mt. Shasta Route of the Southern Pacific Comp'y The Only Routt Through Califo nia to al Fointi East and Smth. The Scenic Route of the Pacific Coast. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS -AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to express trains, nfrnr.llnir accommodations for second class passenger. Kor rate, tickets, sleeping car reservation!, etc., eall upon or address , P. ROOEliS, Assist ant General Freight and Passenger Agent, Fort-