Tile daily astoeiah. astoiiia, Tuesday mokninu, may . ibta LOOK AT THIS! Take the Daily Asto rian and Get a LARGE LIBRARY FREE The Astorian's latest and Best Premium Offer. . Every regular subscriber to The Dally Astorlan for the next twelve months will be entitled every ten weeks, to a set of ten first class novels, by sanding us 30 cents (for each set of ten books) in postage stamps of silver, on receipt of which we will send the books post paid. These books are completo novels by standard authors, each a handsome octavo volumn of 64 large double col umn pages, In a neat attractive cover, and printed from clear, readable type, as follows: THE SCARLET LETTEK. By Na thanlal Hawthorn. . KING SOLOMON'S MINES. By H. Rider Haggard. . THE MYSTERY OF COLDE FELL, OR NOT PROVEN. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thome" UNDER THE RED FLAG. By Miss M. H. Braddon. . 1 AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGH TY DAYS. By Jules Verne. THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. By Alexander Dumas. LADY GRACE. By Mrs. Henry Wood. AVERIL. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. THH BLACIC DWARF. By Sir Walter Boott. A NOBLE LIFE. By Miss Muloch. Tbe lowest iprlce of these novels in any other way, would be 10 centa each, or 1 for the ten books, which The As torlan subscribers can have for 30 cents. Every tea weeks a new set of ten books will be offered on the Bame terms. Thus, la the course of the year, you will have a valuable library of 6 books that will cost you only $1.50. This offer Is open only to regular sub scribers. , Subscribers to The Dally Astorlan, who pay 17 for one year In advance will be entitled to these books free of charge. Now Is the time to get your home newspaper, and a valuable library be sides, for only the regular price of the paper. Subscribers to The Weekly Astorlan who pay 2 In advance for one year'f subscription, will be entitled to any of these books they may select at the rate of 8 cents per book. On receipt of the list of books discribed, accompanied by a remltance in postage stamps tr sli ver to the amount of 8 cents for each book ordered, we will have the books sent postpaid to the address of any regular subscriber to The Weekly ABto rlan as above. Bucklen't Arnica Halve. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sorea, plceri, salt rheum, fevei orea, tatter, chapped hands, chllblalnH, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures plies, or no pay required, li Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. I'rlee 26 ceutk ler box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, suc cessor to J. C. Dement DO YOU LIKE OYSTERS?. Those who wish to have the finest Bhoalwater Bay oysters or clams by the quart or pint In jars, can have them delivered nice and fresh by Hom er Fletcher. Orders left at The Asto rlan ofllce will receive prompt and care ful attention from him. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria (Then Baby was sick, we fva bar Castor!, mtea the wu a Child, she cried (or Caitorla, Whm she became Was, she olunf 0 Castoria, ffliea she had Ohlldrea. she gave them Oaetorl: SERIOUS RAILWAY ACCIDENT. Milk train In collision; no milkman turns up; disappointed housekeepers, coffoe without cream. A petty annoy ance resulting from a neglect to keep the Uall ltorden Eagle Brand Con denned Milk In the house. Order now lor exigencies from Grocer or Druggist ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed administrator of the e tate of Thomas Shay, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate, are no tified to pay the same to me, at the (ittlce of Kubb & 1'arker, at Astoria, Oregon, forthwith: and all persons hav ing claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to me, at the above place, within six months from the date hereof. F. L. PARKER, Administrator of the above estate. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 13th day of May, 1891 NOTICBI Use Zlnfandal wine Intead of coffee or tM. lo cnta Der arallon. Dont fotwt Peach and apricot brandy, also French I Cognao and wine at Alex. Gilbert's. I OUR DAILY MARINE COLUMN The spars for the Western Belle have, not yet arrived and the men who were loading the vessel are temporarily Idle. The Columbine is expected down from Portland today He had a new mast put in. The changes in the launch Examiner have been completed, and her name has been changed to the Star. A house has been built over the gasoline englne1 which has taken the place of the steam engine formerly used. t The Reaper is on berth for New York, and 1000 tons of her cargo are ready. The Scaforth and Oimara are ex pected down from Portland about the end of the week. The British Army is expected to start down today. Freight charters are advancing. The Manzanlta arrived in from De tftructlon Island Sunday morning. The steamer Haytlan ReDubllo, ar rived in from Sound ports on Sundav She discharged 'her Astoria freight at the bonded warehouse and then pro ceeded up. The schooner Pioneer, from Redondo Beach, arrived Sunday mornlmr. She will load lumber at Weidler's mill. The River Indus has sailed for this port from London with a general car go. The) steamer Harrison arrived in Sunday morning from Nehalem with a cargo of shooks. She will be over hauled before going out again. The gasoline launch Psyche come down from Portland Sunday. She will be used In connection with the oil works. ABOUT CANALS. Some Interesting Statistics Regarding the Probable Success of the Nicaragua Project. (From the North American Review.) The Suez Canal, with almost a hun dred miles of continuous digging, cost about $100,000,000. Of this sum 830,000, 000 were wasted In Interest, commis sions, changes of location and bad man agement. That canal has now a traffic of 9,000,000 tons annually, and It must be speedily enlarged to accommodate the commerce that is . crowding through It to the wct'tern coast of the Pacific ocean. The Nicaragua Canal has twonty-nlne and a half miles of canal prism, or axial, line. Of this one-third Is very light dredg ing. The total length of this transit from sea t'o sea Is 1C9 1-2 miles; of this line 156 1-4 miles Is slack water navi gation at an elevation of 110 feet above the level of the sea. This small lift is overcome by six locks three on either side of the lake. The entire cost of the canal ready for use, as es timated by Mr. Mencoal, allowing 25 per cent, for contingencies, is $65,084, 170. A bocrd of live other engineers went over Mr. Menconl's measurements and estimates with great care, and out of ibundant caution, and not because of my substantial change In his figures, they added to his estimate another 20 :)or cent for contingencies , and so changed his estimate as to make, the lotal cost of the canal, ready for ser vice, 887,799,570. It Beems that this may be reasona bly accepted as the outside cost of the anal. But, If we run up the conject iral cost to 8100,000,000, If built for hat sum, must be the most valuable roperty In the world of Its magnitude. The tonnage, annually, can scarcely all below that of the Suez Canal. It svlll gradually exceed that amount. If It is two-thirds as great as that which afises through the St. Mary's Canal m the lakes It will equal 9,000,000 tons. Who does not know that It must be greater than the' traffic supplied by so small an area of Inland country? A Just estimate would be fixed confident ly by the most careful and unhesi tating persons at 9,000,000 tons per an num, to say nothing of Income from passengers, of whom Bwarrrm will emi grate to the Pacific Coast. On this es timate we could place the tolls at the rate of 81 per ton and realize 89,000,000 per annum. Take 83,000,000 of this sum for main tenance of the canal, which will not exceed half that sum; 83,000,000 for In terest on the bonded debt, and 83,000, 000 for tho stockholders, and we will have a result that should excite the cupidity of the grasping speculator. But the true friend of the Industrial and commercial people wll see In this result. a saving to Industry and com merce or more than one-half the char ges for tonnage that are now paid to the Sum Canal. If the United States Is the owner of 880,000.000 of the 8100,000,000 of the Btoek In this canal, and if it is to cost 8100, 000,000 to build It. the dividends on that 8S0.000.000 of stock, employed In a sinking fund and Invested In the bonds of the company, would pay the entire cost of construction and the In terest of the; bonds In less than fifty years. patienceT She ain't a-saytn' much now she's dona put In her claims; She's Bpent six weeks with Grover an' read him out the names; She's waltln' now on Providence, what ever It may send. An' Georgia's fine four hundred will reach glory in the end. Atlanta Constitution. THE ONLY REASON1. Teacher Why is this called the tem perate sone. Bright Boy -'Cause If you take the hottest day In summer an' the coldest day In winter an' add 'era together an' divide by two, the weather will be Just right. Good News. JT WAS DIFFERENT. Mrs. Mann It Is Strang tha,t you cannot hold the baby a few minutes, when you used to be nblc to hold ine on your lap for hours. Mr. Mann -Th young one Is so restless. He squirms and kicks all the time. You didn't kick the least bit diillren Cry forPitcher's Castoris The end of wo man's neculia troubles and ail menta comes with Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescrip tion. It cure them. For all the fllnnf.lnna.1 Hfw i J' raneemenU. pain- ful disorders, and enronto weoK nesses that afflict womankind, it is a certain remedy. It's an Invigorating, restorative tonic, soothing cordial and bracing nervine purely vegetable, non-aiconouc, ana per fectly harmless. In the cure of periodical pains, prolapsus ana otnor displacements, Dearing-aown sen sations, and all "female complaints " and ir regularities, " Favorite Proscription " is the only medicine that's guarantied. If it doesn't give satisfaction in every case, ypu nave your money uacc. You only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more I , The easiest way is tbe best. Regulate the liver, stomach, and bowels with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They cleanse and renovate tue system thoroughly ana naturally. JAPANESE CURE A new and complete treatment, consisting ol suppositories, ointment in capsules, also In box and pills: a poxitWe euro for external, In ternal bund or bleeding. Itching-, enromo recout or bcrcdltar nllcs. and many ether diseases and female weaknesses; it Is always a 5reat benetit to tne general health, me nrst Iscovery of a medical cure rendering alienor, tion with the knife unnecessary hereafter This remedy has never been known to fall. tl per box, 6 for $5; sent by mail. Why suffer iroin hub lernuie uiHeitau wue.u a wniieu kukp- anjee Is riven with 6 boxes, to reluou tne money it not cured. Heud stamps for free sample, uuaniiiiee lasuua oy noouwsra Ularn & uo., wnoiesaie ana tietau DrureiBi Sole Agents Portland, Or. For sale by J. W U)iiu. Astoria uregon. , GUNN'S XMPBOVXD LIVER PILLS ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR Braath bad or Head achlnir P One of theaa pills ra llevea dlstreaa In tha stomach and ourea beadaooa, one each night for a week aweetana the atomaob and purlflea the breath . They rsaure perfeot digestion, airal.ith hnwla nntl nr cnnatliiatioil. They aot promptly, yet mildly, never gripe or aiekan. a&e airuggiata or man. uoaauao cu - For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist. COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. At last a medlnnl work that tells tbe oatiHHi. dewsrilKM the effects, points tlie remedy. Tlila M U sclentlfluallr Ilia nioxt valuable, artistically y the most beautiful, medical book that has ap- U ie;trrti lor yvmit; wuuflm,.'.,,. . a half tone llluatrntlon In tints. Some uf the subjects treated are Nervous Debility, limio toucy, Sterility, Development, Varicocele, The Husband, Those Intending Murrliw, elo. t!fry .linn who moult Inoir the Uraml JYiitas, th Plain Fnetn. tlie Old .SVorefa on-l AVtr 1)1 notwlra " MnUenl Sofrnrf at opfAifd to Mar ritit Life, leno trotlM nlotw or pnt folltrt qnil ninlrt future pltfullt, ihmdd writs fur title WONDKRFPL J.tTTLK hOOK It will be sent free, tinder nenl, while the enl tlon taxta. If couvenlent enclose ton cents to pay postage alona, Aiklrcus the publishers, ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. T. J tczzzzznrjm OOOQOQOOOO GOOD NEWS O. i For lha millions ol consumers of s ft It elves Dr. Tutt pleaxnre to nn- f notiiico that ho Is now putting upa v 9 TSNYLIYER P.1L ivnirh M moxtWMllusly small hIzo, a. , v, t ifliiinltur nil the virtma of the (J . ltii'trrr oitra. timirnntct'tl purely v'H Inlilo, Until sixes of t.ii(woillls aro still issued. 'Hie exact size ot" f TUTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS A Issliowuin the border of this "ad," oooooooo o o' ROSS, HICCINSIA CO., Butchers - and - Grocers, A storla and Upper Astoria. t Fine Teas and Colt fs, Table DellcaciM, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vegeta bles, sugar cured hams, bacon, eto. CHOICE FRESH & SALT MEATS Small Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, Sick Headache and Coistlpatloa. 40 In each bottle. Price 25o. For sale by druggists, Piotur "7, l?, 70" and sample dote tree. J. r. SMITH & CO., Proprietors, IEW TORS, fin .l'4l 4. I yFSS SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Clatsop county: William Lehnlg, plaintiff vs. Emma CorUer, l.ydla Jamison, Jennie John, son, Sophia Lohnig and Augusta Mc Connell, defendants. To EmtniL (InirilM T.vAia Tnmi Jennie Johnson, Sophia Lehnlg, and August jvictjonnpii. In tha nama of thA utnto nr you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed In the above court and cause, on or before, the first day of the term of this court, next roiiowinp ine expiration or six week's publication of this summons, which win De tne nineteenth day of June, 1893, and If you fall to appear or an- stver, for want thereof plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of six hundred and ninty-elght dollars, with Interest thereon from tha 15th day of August 1891, at the rate of eight per- cent, per annum, and for costs and aisDursmenta of this action and will also take an order dlnectlng tne saio oi certain real property belonging' to you, which has been at tached in this action, and which real property is situated in tho county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, and partly ularly described as the northwest quar ter of the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter of section thirty-one, of township seven north, range eight west In Clatsop county, Oregon. Service of summons In this action by publication la made pursuant to an order of the Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde. judge of the above entitled court, dated the 4th day of May, 1893. W. T. BURNET, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated May 4th, 1893. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. Benl. Young Plaintiff vs. 8. Arndt and J. F. Ferchen, Defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court In the above entitled cause on the 2nd day of March 1S93, upon a decree of foreclosure and Judgment duly made and rendered therein on the 2nd day of March, 1893, which said execution and order of sale was to me directed and delivered, I did on the 16th day of March, 1893, levy upon all the right, title, claim, and in. terest of the above named defendants S. Arndt in and to the following des cribed real estate, to-wlt: The undivid ed one-half of Lot 3 In Block 15 of the town of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair In Clatsop county, state of Oregon; and I shall on Monday, the 17th day of April, 1893, at the hour of 2 o clock p. m., of said day, In front of the County Court House door in the City of Astoria, In said county and state, proceed to sell tha same or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of J563 to gether with the costs and disburse- ments and accruing costs of this suit at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand in U. S. gold coin at time of sale. H. A. SMITH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon By D. M. MOOER. Deputy. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 18th day of March, 1893. for imi mm VII -J, I .B"irori.UDl or cauuitr Bflflaviu, Vt I CI I USH3eiraUnd KE&VOUR DEBILITY. ftmTjTnf I Wekm rf Body aid Mind, Effects runiii-i.ii.,ir-.M.,ii,i,.i lOUSg. Kiliut, N.bl. iKUu()D rJllT Heltond. Uow la knlarsr III BlrraitkMniiK.il M)KTK,M)PSU)HliJIS PARTS of UUUt lb.olul.ti VhUln HOIK TBK1TSIM HrnSli la a d.t, a tcttlff froai it) BUIM aad KorvMra Coaalrlra. Writ la. JlaMrtBUta Heat, aiplaaatloaaaaprarrBiaii.a(iraiHijrra, damsttl MEDICAL CO- BUFFALO, N, Y - CUBE FITS I Wlfn I ry cure I do not mean merely to stop them f or a time and then have them return again. 1 menn a radical cure. I have made the disrjiFe of KITS, El'ILiiPS V or FAIXINO SICKNESS a lire-long study. I warrant my remedy to euro the worst cases. Because others have failed it norensonfornot now receiving a cure. Bend at once lor a treatise and a I'reo Dottle of my infal!;'irfineUv. tllvuExprrssnndrost-t'ilic". M C. nb&t, M. C-t 133 Ftiail fat.. II. Y. The Next Number Especially Good TALES FROM TowhTofics V READ BY ALL MEN AND WOMEN. Published first day of December, March, Unnv) uu Depisaasvi DELICATE, DAINTY. WITTY, INTENSE. Everr reuut&ble news and book staad hu It. trtloe, single ti nmber, 50 CENTS. 89.00 MflLUk IfW&ffc. pvairMgv viisjs m.1. V-ltltj... i.asaMal MnMflasVUI tJlA tlASt Btorie, sketches, buries quea, poems, wltti- ZTZ-Trt.. . v. u-fa mimhAri tt that: much talked-about New York Society JounuU, Ban nn LUk U vullluViiul ausatfl-l KllK lOWM iUflUB, WHIVU1B ww-"- scripUon price, S4.00 per Tear. The two publications Town Topics" and low olub-prlce of J3.00 per year. TOWN TOPICS, 81 West 23d StraUt N. T. City C. P. UPSHUR, SHIPPING and COMMISSION Astoria, Oregon. siiiLoirs CONSUMPTION CURE. m. . ,a rir.t nnnorri Cnr. f. MtkM. n. hIi.i 1m th. Ktafirv a miwllaiiie. All drags are mthorlad to sell It on a pa- iut. (usrantM, a . m u vmwu. aceaufully stand. That it mar beeoin. known, th Proprietor., ataa enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle FY into erery home in the United State and Canada. If yon have a Cough, Sort Throat, or Bron chitis, nse it, for it will cure you. If yonr child ha the Creup, or Whoeping Cough, nse H nromDtly. and relief I ure. If yon oreaa that Insidious draease Consumption, nse n. Ask your Druggist for umiAm-rj tva., Price 10 cts. , 60 ot. and $1.00. If your Lung are sore or Back lam. n Btuion'. rvn Plaster. Price as ct j. For sale by all Drojf. (isUabdvealeta. BOOTS AHD SHOES The Largest Stock, Best Quality and Lowest Prices at the Blgn of The Golden Bhoe. JOHN nxrrr MAGXLS C. ItOSV, DKAt ICR IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEKL, STOVES AND - TINWARE, liousx I unilsIihiK fliioils, Slicel Iad, Strip l.i a-l. Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper. Safes, Fireproof. T.. celebrated Alpine HHft,s kttiit I'l ptock st the 472, Thlni ht., Krai Kstato Oftl. e. War ranted as good as the best. Terms very easy rr. v. VAbon.l.L, Agent. -THE- MODEL CHOP & OYSTER HOUSE Which has been nloscd for a motilh, has been eularged and refitted, and will ba Open to the Public on Saturday Joe Terp extends s cordial Invlratlnn to tlie public to come and get a square uieul. COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO., WILLIAM WILSON, Prop. FEED - AND - SALE - STABLE llenerul Express and Delivery Business. Office 116 Olney street. Htablps foot of West JMiitu st, Astoria. Telephone io. 44. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, snd all Pat-! ent Dusiness conducted tor modcratc Fees. Oun Omct ia opposite U.S. Patent Office and wa can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. J Send model, drawing or photo., with descrlp- don. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. J A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents,'' wilh cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries J sent tree. Aaaress, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. patent Orncx, Wa.hinqton, D. C vT These tiny Capsules are superior to iwlsam of Uopaiba, Culiclis and Injections. They cure In 43 hours tho samo di3cosos 'without any incon venience. SOLD BYALLDRUGOISTS ScieHiifio American Agency for mm mm CAVEATS. TRADE aaaRkta. lJ DESIOM PATENTS. Tor Information and free ITandbook write to MUNN CO., 8til BuoADWjlT, NEW Youff. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before tbe publlo by a notice given free of cbarge lu tbe JWetttiffc American Lsnrest drcnlstlon of itny selentlfle paper In the world. Hpleucluliy lllimtrated. No Intelligent man should bo wit'nout It. Weekly, $3.00 a year) $1.6Uslx nutiths. Address MUNN & CO, VuaHBiiW.1, at) 1 ilioadway. Hew iotk City, In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clatsop County. In the matter of the estate of John L. Folden, deceased. Notice Is hereby srlven that the tin- Uji'Kiu'ned, administratrix of the estate of John li. Folden, has filed in the ibuve entitled court her flnil account a 6-Jnilnistratrlx of the above entitled state, and the .-ourt has set Monday, Vav Uit. 1853, 1 o'clock p. m., at the 'ourt house in said county and state, as Uit' tiir.c and place for hearing said ir.i.i .recount. All persons interested in Eaitl estate are notified to then and there fippear and show cause, if any. i ! sri'i account snouia not De ai- h.v.'o,1. and the administratrix dls howil, (Si'rnein KAREN C. FOLPRN. A in liilstratrlx of the estate of John j. Ft lden, deceased. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. Christian Peterson. Planum, vs. u. M. Stuart, Kate Ti. Stuirt, Sarau-. l Kl moie, Mary II. Kl nnre, Ida Craig; and X. C. Hlllef.ry, Doi'ondants. Py virtue of an orjer of sale f nd ex eulio't issui.d out at and until r Uie ter.l cf the above entitK-d court In the ibovs entitled cause, -n the lltii day -f Auril. 13:' 3. and to me dit'-'cted, upon a decree of 'foreclosure and judtmient rendered herein on the t'Hh day of March, 1S93, in favor of the abov'-i named plaintiff and against the above named defendants for the sum of $2,814- 59 and J250.00 attorney fees, together with the costs herein amounting to J and Interest thereon at the rate of 10 ner cent, from the 16th day or Aiarcn, 1S93,; therefore, notice 13 hereby given that on the 15th day of May, 1S93, at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m., or said day, In front of the county court house door In the city of Astoria, In said county and state, I shall proceed to sell all the right, titfe, claim Rnd interest ot the above named defendants In and to the following described real estate ituate In said caur.ty and state, to wit: ComnA-nclng at the corner of Sections 11. 12. 13. and 14. In Township seven, north of Range nine west, In said coun ty and state; thence south 11 minutes east, 792 feet; thence south. 31 degrees 35 minutes east, 147.8 feet; thence seuth 36 degrees 60 mlnulvs east 8S.9 feel; thence south 2S depTee 10 minutes east 61.7 feet to the initial point of the tewnsiw of Olnty; thence norm & de grees 19 minutes east 219.6 feet; thence south 3t degrees 41 minutes eiu t, 260 few; tbnce north 66 degrees 19 min utes enst 129.1 feet to the bank cf the Kltitkarlne river: thence f.-'llowinrr oa'.l KlttKkanlne river to said Initial I nntit "t saM town, or so mu.-.h tlitiVof a ch:'!l b? sufficient to FattsTy the said un'9 of J1.Sll.Mt. joii.w. intcn-r-t on nid Ktirn of i.Sll.50 frm '.he ISth dsy of M.irch, IS: 3. at the rate cf 10 pr lent. rer annum, toRomer v.un usi osts ond RCLTUirg cofir. at p-.iuiic nctton to the hlgh-t bidder tr casn n- hntirl In U. S. gold coin at tlma ot April 10. 1S9J. . . Sheriff. A -a a a. Running 7 THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 AM. " 7:30 PM. 3K 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Din ing Cars. ASTORIA TO SAN FRANCISCO MAY, 1893. State Fsturdfly May 6. Oregon Wednesday Mav 10. Columbia Sumlav Mav 11. Male Thursday May 18. Ort'non Monday May 'It. Columbia KrlilHV Til. State Tuesday May 30. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMERS Morning boat leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 6 a. m.; returning, leaves Fort I mid daily, except Saturday, at 8 i. in. Might boat leaves Astoria dully, except Hiindav, ate p. m.: r tiiruii cleaves Portland clnllv, excVpt Huuday, ill 7 a.m. rieimrn!uKhnt h'tnn I'm timid male a I tlldllllMOil tne OreL'dll si(t llnsd.lVJ. Thuri. (lays.mi l Siiirrlays ; on Wntl ingloii side Mon- wii eiiiiecius ami mnays. f ii ni Astoria tliv mormiiK bnats mnkfs liiiidlllt- mi the Oih. (,'nn nld Nionrtavs. Weiinesdavs aud Ftldajs, and mi the Wa"hii glon side Tuesdays, Tnurs davs and Saturday s. For rates and geueral lnfoimation call on or ndUress, W. II, HURLBTJRT, G. W. I.OUNSBEUR V, A. Gen as. Ant. Audit. Portland, Or. . Astoria, Or. Is the line to tnke to ail points EASTand SOUTH It is the DIKING CAR ROUTE It offers the best service, com , bluing SPEED and COMFOItT It l. t:ie j opiilnr route with those who wish to ti uvel on THE SAFEST It Is therefore the rente you shou'd take. It runs through vestibultnl trains every day in the year to ST. PAUL AUD CHICAGO No Change of Cars, EleganfPj'Iaun Skip rs, 'opcrior Tourist Ski pern, Spl iiilid Tree Second-class Skffcrs, Only one change of cars Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Tart of tn civilized world. Passengers ticketed via. all boats rnnnfni betweuu Astoria, Kalama aud Portland. Full Information concernine rates.' Mm tit trains, routrs and other details furnished on apDllcatton to R. L. Nrt.F. Agent Astoria. Steamer leiepuoue !Hck A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No, Ul First St.. cor. Washington, Portland. Uresou. Till? . ffUPJfiV . DIUfDV i uu )-.ou.t UAarjui i. A. CLEVELAND, Prop. Good Bread Cakes and Prstrj, noD uat tne rjesi jigieriaia naea. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customprs. Bread delivered In any part of the city FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. . Tteavj and h3ll HARDWABfC Ci y in Mok Wagons and Vehicles, Fann Maohlnrrv, Palntf. ';is, Vanilha, Loitucra' Sunvllfs, r'r.lit.rk'i cale, Doors aud t lucuwa. P R O V 3 S I O f a S . FLOCR wd MlIX- FFKD. ASTOSU, - - G-NO. 11 PAilO j,R-