TiUfi J)A1LV ASTOllIAtf. AtfTOIliA,j SATURDAY MORN IN til ! MAY 0 ltiVd LOOK AT THIS! Take the Daily Asto rian and Get. a LARGE LIBRARY FREE The Astorian's Latest and Best Premium' Offer. Every regular subscriber to The Daily ABtorlan for the next twelve months will be entitled every ten weeks, to a set of ten first class novels, by sendlnf us 30 cents (for each set of ten books) In postage stamps of silver, on receipt of which we will send the books post paid. - . These books are complete novels by standard authors, ' each a handsomu octavo volumn of 64-large double col umn pages, in neat attractive cover, and printed from clear, readable "type, as follows: THE , SQARLET f LETTER., By Na thanlaf Hawthorn.' KINO SOLOMON'S" MINES. By H. Elder Haggard.' the' mtstert ,'oe colde fell'. OR NOT PROVEN. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne" r UNDER THE BED FlAol By Miss M. E. Braddon, v .. - AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGH TY DAYS. By Jules Verne, . THE CORSICAN BROTHERS By Alexander Dumas. '. LADY GRACE. By Mrs.' Henry Wood. , AVERIL! "By Rosa Nouchette Carey. THE BLACK DWARF. By Sir Walter Scott.' ""' '' .."" ' A NOBLE.LIFI5. By Mips Muloch. The lowest iprlci o .these novels In any other way. would be 10 cents each, or $1 for the ten boolts, which The As torian subscribers can have for 30 cents. ' " Every ten weeks a new set of ten books will be offered on the same terms. .Thus, in the course of the year, you will have a valuable library of BO books that' will cost you only $1.50. This offer IS open only to regular sub scribers. Subscribers to The Dally Astorlan, who pay SJ. for one year In advance will be entitled to these books free of charge. Now Is the time to get your home newspaper, arid a valuable library be sides, for only the regular price of the paper. ' Subscribers to The Weekly. Astorlan who pay S2 In advance for one year's subscription, will be entitled to any of these books they may select at the rate of 3 cents per book. On receipt of the Hat of books discrlbed, accompanied by a remltance In postage stamps or b11 ver to the amount of 3 cents for each book ordered, we will have the books sent postpaid to the address of any regular subscriber to The Weekly Asto rlan as above. , . Bncklen'i Arnica Salve. Th heat naive In the world tor cuts. bruises, sores, plcera, salt rheum, fevet sores, tatter, chapped handa, chllblRltm. corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It la ruarantHed to slve uerfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale by Chan. Rogers, sue cessor to J. C. Dement DO YOU LIKE OYSTERS? Those who wish to have the flner.t Bhoalwater Hay oysters or clams by the quart or pint In Jars, can have them oeitverea nice ana ireen oy mmi r Fhr)r. Orders left at The Asto rlnn v 4 will receive prompt and cure- ful atu ,tiit from him. n ' ' , VICTORY I The Qreateet the World has Known. To many a man stricken on the field nf battle, the cry of victory has fallen gratefully; but even more grateful to a.i Individual la a realising sense that by the use of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine he has achieved a victory over any ner vous affliction, such as prostration, sick headache, poor memory, dlnlnesa, sleep. leasneKs, neuralgia, hysteria, tits, dull ness, rexual debility, Irritability, convul sions, spinal Irritability, St Vitus' dance, to. Testimonials of thousands of such cures are in tne poeseaaion or me nr. mum' Medical Co.. Klkhart. Ind. Res torative Nervine Is sold by Charles Rog ers, the popular druggist, on a guarantee. ABK iur la uuua., iiw. Children Hry for Pitcher's Castoria Then Baby fM trick, wo pave bar Caatorla. ITbea ill was a Child, she cried for Caatori, Hies aha bacame Miss, sh clunt to Castorta, a7bMthelkaJCbJldro.atraTiiUMiiCatai SERIOUS RAILWAY ACCIDENT. Milk train In collision; no milkman turns up; disappointed housekeepers, coffee without cream. A petty annoy anca rairuUIng from a neglect to keep th Gall Borden Eagle Brand Con densed Milk In. the house. Order now I Tor exigencies from Grocer or Druggist. I ... TO KEEP"EYES BRIGHT. . How a Midnight Worker Strengthens Hers With Salt and Water. "Your eyes always 'look so bright and strong ;you do so much writing at night, too. How do you manage It?" Tha woman addressed was a literary worker Who burns a good deal of mid night oil, or, what Is worue, gas, and who has. beautiful eyes., ... "Well," she laughed, "It is very sim ple. I take cara o ' thchn, that Is all." "But how?'? ' ', "To begin with,' I wear a shade' cov ered with black silk If I am going to work, very . long. You know the sort that bank clerks wear. It is easily made a little crescent- shaped piece of pastboard covered with silk and a piece of elastic cord to go .over your back hair and hold It In place. "Then I always keep on my wash stand a little cup of salt and water, with a cover over It to keep out the dust," She went on. "Salt water keeps, you know, and I never forget before going to bed to dip my fingers Into the salt and water and bathe my eyes. It is best to have ltv warm, but If you are tired and sleepy you are pot likely to stop to fuss In preparing It each time, and as It stands In a rather warm room It Is never very cold.. . ; "The salt water Is very strengthen? lng to. the eyes and will not burn, them, no matter If they are Inflamed. -If your eyes begin to blur, smart, or feel as If the lids were jnade of sand paper, you have no . Idea liow ' much good the salt water bath will do them. ' ' y. . " , ' ' "I never .rub my: eyes more than I can help. Do you know that rubbing the eyes from tha Inner corners out to the temples, If much" practiced, will impair or age the eyes? Well, It does. It flattens the ball and makes specta cles necessary. . On the othet hand near-sighted people might find a good deal of benefit from rubbing the eye this way, as their trouble is too much convexity of the ball. i "You can keep the eyes young that Is, the sight by gently rubbing them In from tha outer corners. This also enlarges the ball or seems to do so by making It more prominent." ' LITERARY NOTES. Falrlee, Covenanters, wolves, ghosts, and dancing puddings figure one after each other, each rivaling Its predeces sor In lively Interest, In the pages of Romance for May. The special fea ture of this number Is stories of Scot land and Ireland, and the most char acteristic writers of those countries have been drawn upon for conrtlbu tlons. Among them are the Counters of Munster, Allan Cunningham, T. C. Spauldlng, Alexander Lelghton, Rosa Mulholland, and William Carleton, while one of our own b?st-known writ ers, Elizabeth W. Champney, furnishes an Irish story, bubbling over with hu mor. A thrilling account of a Rus sian wolf hunt, some charming French love stories, and an exciting tale of old Indian warfare In New England, fill out a most entertaining number. This magazine to Issued by Romance Pub llxhlng Company, Clinton Hall, Aster Place, New York, at 25 cents a num ber; $2.50 a year. There was a widow (Anne) and her daughter (Jane), and a man (George) and his son (Henry.) The widow mar ried the son, and the daughter married the father. The widow was, therefore, mother (In law) to her husbanjfs father and grandmother to her own husband, lly this husband she had a son (David), to whom she was, cf ,'ourse, great-grandmother. Now, the inn of a great-grandmother must be grandfather or granduncle to the per son to whom his mother was, or Is great-grandmother; but, In this in stance, Anne was great-grandmother to him (David), therefore David could not be other than his own grandfather. The material composing the strong and beautiful blankets woven by the Navajo Indians Is now colored with aniline dyes ns the Turks now color their rugs. It costs years of patient work to weave one of these blankets on their rude" looms, and they command high prices among the red men as well as among the white ones. A white man will have to pay $100 for a good speci men, but an Indinn must pay for one, two or three ponies, which comes to the same thing. The popularity of the study of Dante has of late years had an extraordinary growth In England. In London within the Inst decade there have been mere copies of the works of the Italian poet sold, In translation and In the original, than were previously disposed of In a century. It Is not to much to say that In this country the Increase of Interest In the gloomy Florentine has kept equal pace with that In England. Of the many feasts of the Chinese the most remarkable Is known as "The Feast of Lanterns." It la celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of each year. On this occasion every person Is obliged to set out lanterns at his doors and windows, the sir.e, num ber and color of which depend on the financial standing or the fanaticism of the devotee. Miss Anna Gordon sailed for Ameri ca on March 1, to carry out her plans for a children' s fountain at the World's Fair. The design for the fountain Is unique and beautirul, rep resenting a little girl offering a cup of cold water to the thirsty multitudes. REDUCED RATES ON THE UNION PACIFIC. Commencing May 1st. round trip rates to Chicago will be reduced to S9S.50; Omaha, Kansan City and Snux City, $80.: Denver. $70. Tickets good via other lines returning. For further Information call at ticket office V. P. dock. v aw. LOUNSBERRY, . Agent, Astoria, Or, WASHINGTON DENTISTS. Olympla, Wash., May 6. The State Dental Association adjourned tonight after the new organization by electing P. H. Carlyon of Olympla, president; B. S. Scott of Ellensburg , first vice president; A. S. Oliver of Olympla, sec retary. Thq society endorses the names of P. A. Purdy of Seattle, B. S. Scott of Ellensburg, A. H. Wright of Spo kane, McBurns of Tacoma, P. H. Car. lyoii of Olympla,' to Governor McGraw as members of tha examining board to be( appointed In February, 1894. The -next meeting will be In Tacoma In May, 1894. - ADVERSITY CAUSES A SUICIDE. Wardner, Idaho, May 6. Justus Lo jer, a prominent business man of this place hung himself Jthls morning. Fin ancial troubles brought about by the recent fire In which he was a heavy loser, are thought to be the cause. He leaves a wife and five children. ICs a (fan that you need help, when pimples, blotches, and eruptions begin to appear. Your blood needs look ing after. You'll have graver mat tors than pimples to deal with, if you neglect it. Dr. Piorce'i Gold en Medical Dis covery prevents and cures all diseases and disorders caused by impure blood. It invig orates the liver, purifies the blood, and pro motes all tho bodily functions. For all forms of scrofulous, skin and scalp disease, and even Consumption (which is really lung scrofula) in all its earlier stages, it is a cer tain remedy. It's the only one that's guar anteed, in every case, to benefit or cure, or tho monoy is ret untied. It's a matter of con fidence in one's medicine. It's the cheapest blood purifier sold, through druggists, because you only pay for tlte good you got Can you ask more f The ' Discovery " acts equally well all the year round. JAPANESE TO I CURE A new and complete treatment, nooilstlng ol suppositories, ointment in capsules, also U box and pills; a positive cure f .r teruar, In ternal bllud or bleeding, ituliitig, chronic recent or hereditary piles, and many other diseases and female weaknesses; It Is always a great benefit to the general health. The first discovery of a medical cure rendering an oner tlon with the kulfe unnecessary hen alter This remedy has neve.- ben known to fau. 1 per box, 6 for S; sent by mall. Why sutler from this terrible disease when a written guar ameeis clven with 6 boxes, to refund the money If not cured. Send stamps for free sample. Guarantee Issued by Woodward Clark & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druwri Hole Air-nts Portland, Or. For iuie by J. W. Conn. Astora Oregon. dr. emirs ONION SYRUP a FOR COUGHS, COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. Ia raising a family ef nine ehlldm, my only rem dy for Coughs, Colds and Croup wu onion syrup. It IsJustuaffeotlveto-dsy a it wm forty yra aso. Now my grandchildren take Dr. Ounn'a Onion Syrup which Is already prepared and mora ploasant to tha taste. Bold at CO oenu a balU. For sale by J. W. Conn, Druggist. COMPLETE MANHOOD V AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. At last a mertlosl work that tolls the ean(-, deaorltxw the effects, points n. remedy, full Is aeleutlAoallv hu mint valuable, artistically tha must beautiful, medleal book that bus sn penred for veurs; i VW, every pane boarlii)) a half tone Illustration In tint lue of the sulijnata treatod are Nervous Debility, ImP" teuey, Ntorllltv, Development, arlcueele, the Husband, Those Intending Mnrrlaire, etc. Every Van who "will t-nnr theUrand Trvtht, Iht riain fbefs. thr IM Stcrett nl Krir l't iHtn nf Mrdimt .sWino ns on;ii(V(f to Nnr ritd Lift, van nM ntnne f'r tmxt follin and ami ftif urf pilfnlln. thmild write for tku wonnKRtvi. i.Itti.f. UOOK It will be sent five, under seal, while the nil tlnn lasts. If convenient eni-lnso ton cents to pay postage alono. Address the publishers, ERIE MEDICAL CO., BFFFALO, N. T. 0 0QG aOODETEWS far li-.e iniilians ot.ccrisumsrs ol Q i.mi t.j'h.tt hi'tunmv jintthiif upa" 3 'W UVcR FILL rt aSi 1 ',a of excer!iiip;ir smntt slra, -... ti titiMnjt nil Him vlrtmsof the V? 1. i. -v rn..-. tai.uuiitrrd turvly 'i':,'- ''.'. llollislUHol tliem-pills y'.ru: it liulli'il. Xbt exact sie of t indued. Xbt exact sie of VL'TT'STI lYLIVR PILLS 1, h n ia the bonier of t bis "nil." Sir 1 13 El (l Small Guaranteed to cur Bilious attacks, Sick Headache and Coaitipatloa. 40 In each bottle. Price 25c. For sale by druggists. Picture '7, IT, TO" and aampla dot fraa. I. F. WITH CO., rropriaton, KW TORE, . ,V V.J Klr SUMMONS. In the Circuit' Court of the State of Oregon, for Clatsop county: William Lehnlff, plaintiff vs. Emma Corder, Lydla Jamison, Jennie John son Sophia Lehrdg and Augusta Mc Connell, defendants. To Emma Corder, Lydla Jamison, Jennie Johnson, Sophia Lehnlg, and August McConnell. In the nama or tne state or Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint died In the above court and cause, on or before, the tlrst day of the term of thl court, next following tha expiration of six week's publication of this summons, which will be the nineteenth day of June, 1893, and If you fait to appear or an swer, for want thereof plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of six hundred and nlnty-elght dollars, with Interest thereon from the 15th day of August 1891, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, and for costs and dlsbursments of this action; and will also take an order directing the sale of certain real property belonging to you, which has been at tached In this action, and which real property Is situated In the county of Clatsop, State of Oregon, and partic ularly described as the northwest quar ter Of the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter of section thirty-one, of township seven north, range eight west in Clatsop county, Oregon. Service of summons In this action by publication la made pursuant to an order of the Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, judge of the above entitled court, dated the 4th day of May, 1893. W. T. BURNEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated May 4th, 1893. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. BenJ, Young Plaintiff vs. S. Arndt and J. F. Ferchen. Defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out or and under tne seal of the above entitled court In the above entitled cause on the 2nd day of March, 1S93, upon a decree of foreclosure and Judgment duly made and rendered therein on the 2nd day of March, 1893. which said execution and order of sale was to me directed and delivered, I did on the 16th day of March, 1893, levy upon all the right, title, claim, and in terest of the above named defendants S. Arndt In and to the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: The undivid ed one-half of Lot 3 In Block 15 of the town of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John Adair In Clatsop county, state of Oregon; and I shall on Monday, the 17th day of April, 1893, at the hour or 2 o clock p. m., or sata uay, In front of the County Court House door in the City of Astoria, In said county and state, proceed to sell the same or so mucn tnereor as snau De sufficient to satisfy the -sum of $563 to. eether with the costs and disburse. ments and accruing costs of this suit at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand In U. S. gold coin at time of sale. H. A. SMITH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon, Bv D. M. MOOER. Deputy. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 16th day of March, 1893. .'.. t for uei mm For L0BI or F AIXIHG KAKBOUU, ri General and PBftVOUS DEBIU'i X, Weakness of Body and Hind, Effects ILV.VvA..a in Old cr ?ounr. Huliiul. Noblt BimtOOD Mir KnloNO. lloo to fcaUnrr and 81 rftkMnKl,tJSPKVRLWlllOHNaPAItl8t llOUI 4lml.l1.l7 Jtm Husk THIUTSKNT KravSti Is s Mm lt.Hr tnm Ut Sutra S I'onlsn (asrl Wrilr that. Utterlflln Hook, ripluilloa ul inpr. aullnl (.ratal) mo. drsas ERJI MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO, N. V CURE FITS I Whin I niiT enrfl T do not mean merely to stop them loratimoand then have them return sprain. I mean a nidiral cure. I hsvi mnde the disease of KITS, EMI.EPSV or FALLING SICIiNESS a llfe-loui; study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failsd It no reason for not now rocolvlnu a enre. Send at once for a treatlsn and a Free Bottle of my Infullliile retoedv. CJiveKxprcssandPoBt-Onko. " p. AOOT, M. C-, IQ3 I earl fct.. IJ. V The Next Number Especially Good. TALES FROM . XowhTopics V READ BY ALL MEN AND WOMEN. Published first day of December, March, June and September. DELICATE. DAINTY. WITTY. INTENSE. Every reputable news and book stand has tt. Trice, alnrie number, BO CENTS. SS.00 I'KH VEAB, postage 1KKE. This brilliant Quarterly reproduces the best stories, sketches, burlesques, poems, wittt dams, etc., from the early numbers of that muohtalked-aboutNew York Society 'Journal. Town Tories, which Is published wetkly. Bub- blJnT Tohos" and 'Tauts from Town Topics" together, at the low dub-price of $3.00 per year. Aak your uewadoaler for them or aaareso, TOWN TOPICS, , 1 West 83d Strtxi,N.Y.Ctt4T C. P. UPSHUR, SHIPPINGand COMMISSION Jsttrla, - Oregon. SHI LOU'S COII SU MPT I Oil CURE. The taceeas of this Greet Congh Cure la without a parallel in the hiatory or medicine. All draeriate are anthoriied to eell it on a poa lUve (narmntee, teat that bo other care can eaoeesafally stand. That it may become known, the Proprietor!, at an enormous ex pense, are placing a Samcle Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If too have a Court, Bore Throat, or Bron chitis, see it, for it will core yon. If your child haa the Crenp, or Whooplna; Congh, nae it promptly, and reuer is sure, n jv that Insidious draeaae Consumption, nee n. Ask your Drainriat for 8HIU5h-S CUBE. Price 10cte.,ects. audit .90. IlyoorLnnge are aora or Back lame.nae Bhlloh'e Poroue piaster. Price SeeU. For tale by U Drug- gtste and Dealer I BOOTS AND SHOES The Urgest Stock, Best Quality and Lowest Trices at the Sign, of The Golden Shoe. mauxun c. citosnr, DRAI KH IK- ; HARDWARE, IKON, STEEL, .,...rR," PIP AND FITTIVOS. STOVES - AND - TINWARE, Hnuse 'unilihliiirKonds, Sheet la1.Str!p I i'S'1, Klieel Iron, 1 in uud Cupper, Sfrfes, Fireproof. T- C 'letvafcrt Alnlno Hfes ItenMn stock si the 472, Third St., Heal Kstale Office. War ranted us good as the best. Terms very ay W. U. UABSr.LU Asem. THE MODEL CHOP & OYSTER HOUSE Which lias been closed for a month, has been enlarged and refitted, and whl be Open to the Public on Saturday Joe Tern extends a cordial Invl'atinn to the public to 10111 j and 6ft a square meal, COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO., WILLIAM WILSON, Prop. FEED - AND - SALE - STABLE General Express and Delivery Business. 3nice 110 Olaev street. Stables foot of West Muth at, Astoria. Telephoue Ho. 4L Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for mooihatc Fees. Out) Officc is Opposite U. S. Patcnt Office1 and we can secure patent in lest time than those remote from Washington. . Send mode, drawing or photo., with descrip-1 tton. We advist, if patentable or not, free of ; charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents,'' with' cost oi same in the V. S. and foreign countries ; sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Ornct. Washington, d. C. These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam of Copaiba, "v Cubcbs and Injections. (nJ01f) Tlicy cure In 43 hours the same diseases without any incon venience. SOLD BYALLDRUGQISTS CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, etcj Tor Information and free Handbook write to MI NN 4 CO.. 801 Bkoadway, New YotiE. Olde-'t bureau for secuiinir patents In America. Every patent taken out by us Is brought before toe p wUo by a notice glvca free of charge In the jWentiffc JVmcmmj lure st drmlstlon of any scientific paper In the world. Rplendiuly illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without It. Weekly. 83.UO veari 11.60 six aionths. Address MUNN & CO, fcua. istuuui, 301 Broadway, Mew lurk Cltj. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clatsop County. In th matter of the estate of John L. Follen, deceased. . Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned, administratrix of the eslatt of John L. Foldtn, has filed In the above entitled eourt her final account R8 administratrix of the above entitled estate, and the court has set Monday, May 1st, 1893, 1 o'clock p. m., at the court house In said county and state, da the tlmo and place for hearing said wl recount. All pprsons interested In sold estate are notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any v- 'he stil l account should not be al lowed and the administratrix dls charged. (Signed) KAREN C. FOLDEN, Administratrix of the estate of Joht. L. Folden, deceased. . SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. Christian Peterson. Plaintiff, vs. I). M. Stuart, Kate B. Stuart, Samuel El more, Alary K. Elmore. Ida. Crui and N. C. Hilleary, Defendants. ecu t ion isfued out cf and uni-'r the seal or tne aoove entuicu court in me of April, ISS'3, mid to ma dii'jctod, upon a decree of foreclosure and Judgment rendered herein on the Virh Cay of Marcn, iyj, in iiivur ui me uuuw named plaintiff and against the above ... n.o.1 Ai.fr.rtAa nr fiv the Rum nf 3 .14- En nnA e-lr.il fiA airnrnAV fn s tnrrl llpr with the costs h'.'rrtn amounting to tr anu inicreei tnereun at iuv iaiu il ,a M nil tha IRth rtnv nf Muroh 1893,: therefore, notice Is l.vreby given . 1 .-.1. . . .. ,, 1 C 1 1 '? a. mat on tne itiiii uay ui j , iojj, .i the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, in front of the county court house door in the city of Astoria,- in said county and state, I shall proceed to sell all the right, Ut?-, claim and Interest . i ni.n,, a ... HafAndnnla In nrtrl UI 1117 . . V ' V . ... .1 n M . . ... to the following described real estate Eituate in said county and state, to wit: ComnVonclnj at the corner of Sections 11, IJ, 13, :uiui m xowiiaiiijj wvcu, ' 1- lonc-A nlriA TPP.f . in B'l i it 001111- HVl III . o I - ty and state; thence south 11 minutes enst, titi reel; tnence touin, i uvsrres 5j minutes cast. 1.8 feet; thence south 3S dgrets 50 niinut'.s east 88.9 feet; thenre south 2S decrees 10 m!nute3 cast 61.7 fwt to the initial point of the towr.sltc of Olney; thence north 55 de gree." 13 li'lmitcs enst 215.6 feet; thence south 33 d.greis 41 minutes enst, 260 fi' t; theaice north 56 degrees 19 min utes ir.H 12--.& fit to the bank cf the KhM'l-ajJne river: thence following said Klntsknnlne river to ss!d initial point of said town, or fo much therwf ns shill be sitfTclent to Fati'fy the said scms of J-2.S14.30. J250.M, Interest on snld ,'urr oT Si SM.aO fm the lth day of Vareh, ISIS, at the- rte of 10 per cnt r-er tuir.ttm. ff)?ether with the costs and accruing cts. at public eui tion to tr-e highest bidder f"r cash in bmr In IT. S. gold coin at time of a t-ia 'teal TU : H. A. SMITH; ' . Shertff, , D. C. i Scientific American Agency ot U iWi TRADE MARKS, ?:QJ&. DESIGN PATENTS, IraF kin0 mm. Running rTHROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leav'ng Portland, 8:45 AM. " 7:30 PM. 3-J 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas uity. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars. Din. lng Cars. ASTORIA TO SAN FRANCISCO MAT, 1893. Btate fatiirfay May 8. Oregon Wednesday May 10. Columbia 8unna Mav 14. i-taie Thursday May 18. Oregon Mondav Mav 22. Columbia Fridav 26". Stale Tuesday Mty 30. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMERS Morning boat leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at. 6 a. m.i returning, leaves Portland daily, except Saturday, at 8 11. in. Night boat leaves Astoria dully, except HijnlHy, at 6 p. 111 ; r tiirnli g leaves Portland dallv, except Sunday, at 7 a. m. Hie morning b.iut from PoitUud ninlcs landings on tim Orenun side Tufsduy, Thurs days, mil S.mirduyj; on VVaal iiiglon tnle Mon dav Ve(lnesdas and Krlduys. From Astoria the morniiig boats mukfs IiiikUiik- on the Ore gun side Mondays, Wednesdays and Kildaya, and on the Wavhii gion ilde luesdaya, Tuun dava and SalttrdaM. For rates and gcLcral infoi matlon call on or addrcks, W. H. HTJRLBTJRT, B. W. LOUNSBEKRY. A. .pen t-a. Agt Affeut Portland, Or. Aatorla, Or. PACIFIC Is the line to take to nil points EASTandSOUTH It is the DINING CAR R3UTE It flere tl.e bent service, com biuii.g SPEED and C0MP0BT It Is the ropulnr route with those who wish to travel on THE SA.FEST It is therefore lh rrute yon shru'd take. It runs through vcstibuled trains every day in the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO No Change of Cars, Elegant' Pullman Sleep rs, pnpfrior Tourist Skfper?, Splendid Free Second-class Sleepers. Only one change of cars Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Tart of the civilized world. Passengers ticketed via. all boats running between Aatorla, Kalama and Portland. Full Information concerning rates, time el trains, routes and other details furnished 00 application to R. L. NOLF, Agent Astoria. Bteamer Telephone Iock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. No. Ul First St.. eor. Wahlngton, Portland, Oregon. TI1E : OEEG0N : BAKERY A. A. CLITELAHD, Prep. Good Bread Cakes and Paltry. None but the Best Materials used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers. Bread delivered In any part of the city ' FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. - Heavy and Shelf HARDWARE CurylnHo'-k Wagons and Vehicles, Farm Machinery, ' Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers' Unpolled, fat, hank's rcaies. Doors and Wtncows. PROVISIONS, FLOOR ind MILL FFXD. ASTORIA, --' 0REG5O, m.