TUE DAILY ASTOltlAN, ASTOlilA, 8ATUHDAY ilOlfNJUO, MAY G J8U3. AIIOUT THE CITtf. The board of health had a short session, last evinlny. Olson, tlie nmr-ll-pox patient, nns al most completely recovered. No. Three's engine Is bdng repaired ' at the AstoHa Iron Works. Last reports from Captain George Flavel state that he is dully Improv ing In health. The ball of Concomley tribe, No. 37, I. O. R. II., will be held on the 20lh Inst at Fhiher's hall. A new transfer find txprews linn has been established by Mr. W. Wil son nnd W. II. Hendren. Rev. Daniel Ktavor will addret-s the Men's Gotptl meeting nt the V. M. C. A. tomorrow munition at 3 o'eloek. There was one land proof made yes terday In the clerk's oif.rc. .It was for the pre-emption claim of 13. J. Mc Connell. The iron works recently purchased by James Dalgcty have again re sumed operation-. Mr. S. Arndt' Is the new manager. Mr. R. N. CarnoJian has received a contract tn sepply the Southern f'acl.lc with e:-o3-tles for t j.ugir.ph poles, which trc. r.ov being u.ade at the Holt planing mill. There was but one case of misde meanor on trbl beforo Judge Osburn yesterday, and In the Justlca court nothing was done. John Ryan was fined $20 on a charge of vagrancy, In the police court. If you want pome extra line photos., llooera' is the place to get them. Ole Olsen and A. Sinsladt, two of George & Barker's men, picked up the two men who were caprlzed in one o' the Astoria Packing Company's boats on Wednesday. The boat and Its equipments were recovered. Canceled United- State postagle stamps wanted. See want ad. The watt commi-.-.l on is progressing fairly wtll in scctn-ii.g the risht of way for its proposed road to De.ir Creek, twelve feet of which will be planked for the entire distance and the remain ing forty-tight fet-t cleared. Remember the Austin Ilous? at the Se... side Is open the year around. The condition of James Urqul.art T.'.'is impioved yesterday. He hns been taken to St. Mary'p hospital, end with the excellent care h will rectlve at the, hands of the trained nursrs t'.uri he should soon be restored to health. For all kinds of job printing, ro to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astoriun build ing. Public diniKTJ will be given the visiting delegates to the sttte Conv'i n tion of the W. C. T. U., to be held h're- next week. The dinners will be served in the rooms of the Y. M. C. A .. Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day. Fresh fish received at the Altiatrns Fish market dally. Salmon 10 cent? prr pound. The steamer R. R. Thompson wll' r.ot leave for Porllind tonirht until 12 o'clock. This Is dine to , ceo-iv-d .no vi.-itor- to 'he A. O. U. vr. en tertainment. All those desiring sl.-i.tr-rnomc should have them reservee' early in the day. rnrtic3 vlslllncr in Portlnnd enn srt. Tl' r.illv Astorion at Hnndley & la:;p' nt '. rtnnd, 150 First street. Mrs. Nyman was resting easily yes terday, and her husband states that ehe Is perfectly rational, eat3 well and rests well.' When Dr. Estes called yes terday he found the patient with but little fever and doing as well as could expected under the circumstances. Pel. Ferguson, general Job printer, Astorian building, upstairs. First class work at reasonable rates. There will be services at the Con gregational church tomorrow morning and evening. Subject In the morning, "Christ Our Mediator;" in the even ing, "Christ Rejected at Nazareth." The Sunday school meets at 12 m., Rnd the Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Wing Lee has just received a full line nf Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. Will sell at cost. 529 Third street. The Assembly Club's sociable last evening aTXlbarty Hall was attended by all of the members and a few guests, and was very successful in every respect. Dancing, to music fur nished by Portland musicians, wad continued until after midnight, when all dispersed, lellghted with their evening's ent?rtalnment. Free at Crow's gallery, a life-size crayon with every dozen cabinets or dered. OffeF good for 30 days. The procession of Odd Fellows at the funeral of the late Chris Sorensen yes terday was one of the largest that has been seen at the funeral of any member of that noble order for some years past. It was generally remarked that the members marched with a pre cision seldom witnessed in civil bodies. Nearly every one present accompanied the remains of the deceased brother to Greenwood. L. P. Flaher, newspaper advertising .B-enf 21 Merchants' Exchanee. San Fran cisco, Is our authorised aent. This paper is kept on file at his otnee. At the Norwegian Evangelical Lu theran church, IXL cannery, near Clatsop Mill, Uppertown, services will be held by Rev. L. Nlssen, tomorrow, (Sunday) at 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school, Norwegian, 9:45 a. m.; English, at 2:30 p. m. Toung people's meeting on Wednesday at 7 p. m. at the pastor's resldeno?, 1749 Hemlock Ftreet, the rear house. AH Scandina vians welcome. . Arrangements have been made with F. W. Newell, superintendent of the frtrwt ear company, to have three cars leave the Pythian Castle building on the occasion of the sociable of Seaside Lodge this evening, from 11:30 to 12 o'clock. This will bs an accommoda tion to the members of the lodge and their families who live In Uppi-rtown. The sociable promises tt be a very successful affair. The lodge will meet at 7 p. m. fhurp for the tnuisaelion of necessary work. The 'doors will bs thrown open for the families of mem bers at 8:15, and the rendition of the musical and literary program will bu- kln not later than 8:13. Returns From The Canneries. The average catch of salmon yes terday per boat differed but little from the day previous, thought there was a slight improvement noted In the color many of them being red fluh. All of the canners In this city were called upon by an Astorian reporter, with a view to obtaining the- correct returns fur the April pack. Three packers were ura .l to give the exact figures, but approximated their total packs for Lhsi.t montii. Tha others, however, were In r- position to state definitely what 'irrnbtr of cases they had put up. I''rtm the moist reliable source, an ib tlmate of the pack of the up-river can ners has also been received, and the figures ore appended: "an.: lie; . Cases. F. M. Warren 1,400 .7. V. '""oak 2,100 .1. O. Megler K0 I'HUr Roek 1,000 ICureka 500 North Shore 700 ..v.l 600 7y View COO ' i fi r's ... ..' 500 S.'Rborg 1,100 V ovan'n 700 Fisherman'.- 800 Elmore o20 Cuttim 1.000 Urn thorn '1,500 '.i'.orge & Barker M0 A. Rnol.h & Sen 650 Kinney's 2,000 Totfl.1 10,720 Vhe pr.ck at Kinney's Ip.H idja i-V-tit SCC c see of f-ocnni-cle v c-vkIp, the rema.V CO per cent, tielmr prime fish, while cboit 10 per cent, of Kan tiuirn'fi pacl: is composed of seennd-t-rpde mil. The other canners were un--blo to pi'.v (he pre nt--T of first .nd sooond-clcra goods. Th? above 'f.ta.l pom's within i. few hundr-d r-a-ps of rrtimsites mae by several o'l 'b vr.rkcs tlnrin": the li'tt'r days of the past month and before any of the returns had teen completed. Ryan & Co. 537, Third street, have lust received a full line of 1833 patterns In wl-11 i ia per, and comprising all the 'atest designs and phades. nt the low vl prices. Call and see them. As 'Health Officer Walker turned the rncr of Cas-5 nnd Third streets y. s- e.rday forenoon, he came suddenly iron Chief ef Police Loutrhery end rptfi.ln J. H .D. Gray, both of whom -vere in a greater or les degree of xcltement. As they spied the doctor Vth cried out Flmultaneoiisly, "You're "iii very man we want! There's a ease smallpox in town rnd the nnn, p "Mnr-EC, is "-oinr around the streets." "TVhero la he?" asked the health oli- " In a cool tone; "brln me to him." lie was tnken to Fonrd ft i3toLfcs' st're, riicra it was learned that 'Jie alleged victim hod been put out nfter having given a Ff-rious fright to a number of customers. The gentleman noxt vk! tKl some of. the Chinese stpras. One propiietor said "No sabe; no man come In." It was subsequently learn ed, however, that the object of the seErch was in that building, and upon being pressed the storekeeper produced him. A single glance was sufficient for the doctor. The "small-pox" man had had erysipelas, and the cuticle was coming oft In flakes, making the face appear to the unpracticed eye that It was in a state of eruption. Buy "Pride of Japan" tea. Our own importation; rich, pure, fragrant, and at no higher price than you usually pay for an inferior one. Ross, Higgins & Company. , Same remarkably neat decorating has been done in the barber shop and bath rooms of the Astoria baths, and the Interior presents a scene of neat ness and harmony in colors that Is perfect. One featur. In t will be par ticularly appreciated by the public is tho appearance cf the b-.th rooms. F1c it; i'iv and v -71s a.:: painted a spotless white, making them as attrac tive as possible to patrons. J. W. Thompson, organist at the M. 15. church, wishes to take a few more pupils in music, piano or organ. Ad di'iss, 689, Astor street. GuaranteMl Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs, and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Throat pr -v,... Hn,,K-,a anA u-iu ilia thin remeav as directed, giving It a fair trial, and ex perience no Deneiu, you may uiuim bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. Large size 50 cts. and 11.00 LADIES' TEA Is a pleasant drink, which will be borne by the stomach without nau sea or griping. It acts thoroughly on the liver, kidneys and reproductive or gans. A gentle physic, efficient diu retic and is most useful In scant or painful menstruation. It aids diges tion and reduces corpulency; clears the complexion, rendering it fair, and re storing the natural tone of the skin, for it removes the bile, which by ac cumulation, produces the sallow, mud dy complexion, peculiar to the con stipated. Sold by all druggists. NOTICE! Use Zinfandel wine lntead of coffee or tea. W cents per gallon, uoni ionsei Peach and apricot brandy, also French Cognac and wine at Alex. .Gilbert's. JEFF'S, Tte Daly Restaurant. Captain R. ' W. Donelson, inspector of tho life-saving service, has com pleted his inspection of the three sta tions in Pacific county and repoits them in good condition, well equipped and men Well drilled. He recommends t . . , . a new Doar. nouse at nunn tuve anu at station at Holman, the first stopping place thi3 cldo of Ilwaco, to rescue venturesome Withers on that portion of the beach, fvf, In spite of all warn ings and drownings, every season bathers lmtfst on going beyond their depth. Work on the tiiuslaw Jetty will soon ptcp, as the rppropriatlon is about exhausted. JWlth the J70.0CO the con tractors eecuivd a pTant, started a quarter of a mile of trestle, and are all ready to begin tho real Jetty work when congress makes another appro priation. At Cardiff, Walt 8, on April 14, Cap tain McMurtie, of the British bark Carnmony, which arrived at that port on Apr:l 1 from Astoria, was found guilty at the quarter sessions court of cruelty to his steward, a colored man, while on the passage home, and was sentenced to four months' imprison ment at hard labcr. The steamer Oregon Is due this morning from San Francisco. The ship Belle of Bath, sailed on the 29th Inst, from New York for tills port. The steamer State of California will sail this morning for San Francisco. The ship Challenger hence with grain has arrived at San Falmouth. Tho British bark Antofogastl, hence with grain, made a long passage of 155 days to Falmouth, England. The steamer South Coast, after be ing hauled oft the sands Inside Tilla mook Bay, was towed tn by the steam er Klmore and beached for repairs. The latter steamer assisted the "VjcUee in 'i. uling the South Coast into deep water, and before she had b..x Cir'iugh i-'lth the operation had sustained s .me plight damage. It ap p: irs that the Truekee was unable, un . s.tUd, to take; thj- stranded steamer of?, for at low water she was high and ry Rnd had sunk somewhat In the .-id. The Elmore was therefore, ask d for at-sUtvnce, -and took a hawser I'm:. 1 the Trj.tkee. The first pull .of .!; 1 two st amrrs v might the third out i i iut forty fe.'t. Th;: second attempt r.iade the distance to deop water twen ty fett less, and a. third effort was -uci'icsful. The South Coast's whistle then sounded twice, but Captain Tat ton, of tho Elmore, thought the signal env; from the vruckee, and when he s-nt a man nft to let go the Truckee's iiawser, It was found slack. In the meantime, finding the South Coast tlcar. the Truekee had sheered oft to port, but before the Elmore could get out of the way, the South Coast had run foul of her just forward of the t-.tern on the starboard side, smashing In. the rail and a portion of the bul warks. The damage will be easily re paired. T!ie f:M.h rhip Dowpool, which 'v,. i.rHv- A it Sunderland, reports h:;t "a Jonunry tStlt- she spoke a Ger ,.i,.i iron bark with paint.-i ports, very short full poops and evidently very foul Tha bark sinalei 11J Jays cut, which .-.earned imp.'Msihli! to the o.iptaln of the l.'awpuol. Asked maun, the bark made same signal. She was from Faral'ou.'s' for Falmouth, and was sailing very slowly. The Daw p'.ol's captali tonsulttftil that the stranger wo ill 11 Jt, reach Falmouth for irom C10 f 5i0 dl--i from the date of sailing. The position of the JViw pool at 'the time was 4T degrees 10 minutes uth, un l 'M degrees) and 40 m'nuteB west. The Japanese Ma jor Fakushima has just comple:--'l his much spoken of ride a :rr.- A iu The Major repoits V.T.t ):' jiuivcy wes comparatively e;v-.y until I iteied China, where he of;p!- was 1 ' ; "'.d to go without food cr rhelter. Wi sojourning among the Mongolians ! o slept always with his sword and his loaded revolvers at hla side. Between Alti and Urga, a dl'innce of 1,240 miles, he took only four days of complete rest For fifty days he rode almost without interrup tion, taking only occasional catnaps In the l. nta of Mongolian wayfarers. During his ridea by night he contrived to keep his way by following the line of the telegraph. Mrs. Cleveland has a private secre tary at the White House. . This as sistant, who was recommended by Mrs. Whitney, Is a Mrs. Tourney of Wash ington, a widow, who has -traveled a great deal and Is mistress of several languages besides English. It is said $he has arrs iged with Mr. Cleveland to attend to his voluminous torres ponden''a of the social side of the White House for the sum of two thou sand dollars c year. She Is to be en gaged br.twesn th3 hours o nine and two each day. CMiarciiCrjfcrPMer'iCastoria The only Pure Cream of Tartar P'. Vsed in Millions of Hoaei WASTED. YOUMi HIM, TO 1)') UtiHT llulSK- J wi.ik two cucli day. Apply In tlif uu'iiin g, i j b Jl.ii.l s.itet. ra v cami-cncki.i n Colombian t' S1 Mm. 09 "I 1W Mil I l i't, lllll IT. b. 'l 'I- j es iii!. b. il t'-umwi with inlets to II. btxiicy G!'... Portland, uregun. 4 OKNrs-iK YOU wrsli to MaKK ?i0 , w; ,s".llc" ,";d'7,.'n' ""VEw'lvI-k I r.ivoi s. I':iiii-1 Hi d Steel l'nintK. TfcN EYtK nun it rt ( .. (.liicua HI rTlitAVKLiNf "AI.KJMKN, UKNERAL X nirt'iit R i'l rn'iv:'-M8, lo klrg 'r 1"' ml M", bin rpiiiinlsslona or Hiinininns piollt s IIiiK an r.'t'Cl-nf mra ni'rlt nt iirMeeted hy n n itf't s.icuM piiiir.niinleHI with the iin- dcrU'iiecl nt mi e. We tisnii lanr lerl ne hiiu .r t" cr diii' rrrH.iiuiiivs. mhihss, KACTOiiY, 178 and 180 Commercial Ht.. Ljuu .m;iv. CI IIU AT ION TiY rOMI'HTENT BOOK O i eenr, mh'iI t' er mul t i rou h In e- to-U'.l.S, ai. I UuiK. Alldte H li'HO,l Astonau TONCK. KMI'LOYMKNT 10U MAN AND X wire 1' qulie at tn s (irlioi. T "T. TH K HOAUK OK MHrtlO.Nji lie Til E l A l.t'iuriM'U unu rn nu hui.ai "ic, l" purcliase a hit hi aultable men I loll mi Him city vt AfUr'H, fur the (iwiliii of a bulMinnr 1A ised for schoiil and cbnrcli P'tr, o M Own. rsi f IIJl IH"H ll limHJ'.J H H " 17.1 11 V ...D at or.ee, nr write, staling luarnm imn i rice. rtA HA Lis. A GOonFISIItNG BOAT rllKAP. INQUIRE ol in l"JiJKHUi, Young a nay. AAA AOUKi I.AN1) AND TIBIC ON 4y') Vcr.nn's K.ver. Koxl I- llniRhcd f.ir lot tini. HiiHil ut cattle and Ingoing utitiit. Iu (pilre el Jlarjnj wise. OQ Ai 1IK8 & R5.U0 PKK CltS IMPROVED O' rnrni nir I ma wun irnir nee-, vi seres pluared, 2 J acres iitiire. Dwelling lion-e. w.ne nnusB an'i iiiipt niiiiuing. ruin nine iroin SteiimliOiit lai (linn at HronkfleUI, hy bout or riiH'i. I mi u' re of uwner on Lireuil .cs Mlift. H. U STUKI.EK. (tOA AAA -will r.UY i,ouo aciiks or ".4.WlM tiiv.bT farm'n nl jiinzlnj inml. "A ienilil IophIIoii Lir stuck ra'amgo Giiiy's I'lvrr W'alikii.kiiiii couiily, Wn hl o i. lies on linlh ilp..f r'v .r.3 " lies from steam er lan'litm t ijilily apr eleired. Appiv a' ,hli clll .-e fur lurther li.fiiuiiilnii. CHKAP A l'KW ( HOICK I.OTS IN AO Ml!'.' Astiiria-Ei-v t i in, enlrjim huiitlo at torney at law 173 Chss Htr et. fO DA' It. TKT-r.l.l,"V (-AND ILNI). (Hl!h yi mai'Kfc Kinney. Inriulre of 0, D. Jloaeia Iwaco, li. NKT-AI'.lU'l (i0 K 'IIIOM, r.Ki'.sr (' To mi.e 1 ilnt. Owm r e 11 liuve mine 'y i;tvli.i; ir.rMt-es nn:l ii ovlng roprly. In i in' ' Kim e 'k I' limpl v, Julin Onrlile. HOinrv ro itnr. rnilK MAIN STKIKI' HoUK HAS li' 1 ncwl ur.ih .e I l..r iiiu'i nt; 11 e iimih i' ren' hv dav. nr uiniiili, In !) om i'l .mil hiaHMKtT, MKS II tii'KI.UIi"K C10 1' '" 1 H NKXT I'O Vi TO H (1 "lo j e i's. S -ven n mis and liiiem nii w mil. liupil ciii'Xtd mi'. OOMS IN A (JOC'H ..(K AI'ION I lluitsrlc Pi lij;, No il l it nciv mrt'O lllirfl J newy i n el. UNr-TMN'-llLI) I OOM Jluuciik rtii . ,Vi I i.lr NiC'K'.Y KliltNlrfHtD li .O.VH l!Y D (Y, .rvk or riit,n li turniH vi ry reavinalile al ilie unel. (Hi i'lnrcl Hlrei-t. if S V K J.h.t M K OUS. C.W.L OS V. RAKKH. 47S lilllill STUKET a 11I live yrur el lilies tlynl a:ui eVunt-d. G O MubKAN.l O (' lilt OLNKY AND A -'tu' str et-, rtii.'S a l.er.il buslin ss ill black smithlnfS aril r.-piiii'triK, NOTICE, I will be glad to receive any Items concerning social events that residents of Astoria desire to have published in the society columns of the Sunday Or egonlan. Such notices must reach me not later than Thursday evening of each Week. JOHN R. RATHOM, Oresonlan Correspondent, P. O. box 680 E nninin 1 Incandescent, all uiuM.... $1.50 " 12 o'clock... 1.00 " 10 " ... 75 For particulars inquire of any niemlMT of the firm or at the office, foot of Cob oomly bt. West Shorr Miu.s Co., T. O. Trullinger, President. ASTORIA IRON WRIt!, (Juucoinlv afreet, toot Jackson, Astoria, Oregon. General Machinists k Boiler Maker Land and Marine Engine. Roller work, Steam boat aud Cannery work ft Specialty. Oaatings of All Desoriptiong Llade to Order at Short Notice. JOtN FOX President ardSup- . L. OX Vice rresldtn ROSS, HICCINS A CO., butchers - and - Grocers, Aitorla and Upper Aktoria. Klne Teas and CfT m. Table Dell -aels, HomeHtio and TMiileal KrulU, Vejjeia b!ei, sugar cured liams biie .ii, ein. CHOICE FRESH & SALT MEATS CAMPBELL BROS. (an-C"' rv t V. mrcn A OnrapDeM), vvaRki'SroN. OKEuoN, Ii;nl jr in 2D "5 Z OOOD0, OJl.MW FUHK1SIUNG GOODS, Hf.tn, Can, Doot, J-hoti GROCERIES STAPLE FANCY tlsr.-l fsr-. Iron t nd Steel, Crockery, Olawware Woodenware, Notion, etc.. Hay, Grnln, Flour and Feed. KOI 10 1 "hmU I'roflt oa ti. Sales." wlu. Y. t Ammonia; No. Alum. o Years tie Standard fi? LIGHTS LIiO Our Stock Represents Over 1000 Styles, Trouserings, Overcoatings, Suitings. Prices $5 to $50. Q$it$ Samples, Self.measurement TAILOR Rules, and Tape-line i2b first street, MAILED FREE. Portland, Oregon. Mofiw for Sale! The World's Have 5,000,000 Souvenir Half Dollar Coins in their treasury, the gift of the American people by Act of Congress. The patriotic and historic features of these Coins and their limited number, compared with the millions who want them our population is 66,000,000 have combined to create so great a demand for these World's Fair Souvenir Coins that they are already quoted at large premiums. Liberal offers from speculators, who wish to absorb them and reap enormous profits, have been rejected for the reason that This is the People's Fair We Are the People's Servants and a divided sense of duty confronts us We need $5,000,000 to fully carry out our announced plans, and We have decided to deal direct with the people To whom we are directly responsi ble among whom an equitable distribution of these National heirlooms should be made. The World's Fair Offer to the American People: That none of our plans for the people's profit be curtailed we must realize from the sale of 5,000,000 Souvenir World's Fair Fifty cent Silver Coins the sum of $5,000,000. This means $1.00 for each Coin, a much smaller sum than the people would have to pay for them if purchased through an indirect medium. Every patriotic man, ' woman and child should endeavor to own and cherish one of these Coins, as they will be valuable in future years a cherished object of family pride. Remember that only 5,000,000 Coins must be divided among XX 1 . T-i ' o uv,uuv,uuu ucuyie. 1 11C5C kjUUlb could be sola at a high premium to Syndicates, but we nave enough confidence in the people to keep the price at a Dollar for each Coin, as this will make us realize $5,000,000 the sum needed to open the Fair's gates on the people's broad plan. HOW tO Get to yur nearest Bank and subscribe for as many ft t, . coins as you need for ym family and friends. These IfieLOinS Sub-Agents ef the wSjtd's Columbian Exposition wiH give you their receipt for your money, as delivery of these coins will not begin before December. There is no expense to you attend ing the distribution of the Souvenir Coins, as we send them to your local bank. If for any reason it is inconvenient for you to subscribe send Postoffice or Express Money Order or Registered Letter for as many coins as you wish with instructions how to send them to you, to TREASURER WORLD S "COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, CHICAGO, ILLS. Order will b Filled la tb Iliu Just reorhetl n Hue liue ul WEDDING PRESENTS ronlst'ni of Rllver Bon Bon Plli(r, Ktuit Dislie, Berry Dlsnes, Nut BowU, MiisLird l'oln, Hmcult .(urn. Celery Glasses, Hiiir I'ln Truys, Pin Cunhlonii, riclnin Frames, Mirrors, etc, all new goods and latent designs. Merchant Steamship Co.'s Line, Connecting with Caudlaa Paclflo Railway and China 8tm Shlp Line, Taking frelK'it and passengers for Port nir les. Vlcioila, Port Townseiiil, Menttle, Tumi oft, T, IliVKVMI. ruiiiiainU) pannpiiiui turn it w.. . iter Hil l Vancouver : LravlUK Astoria ; H. S. Ilaytliin Kepubllc 8. H. Wilmington . o. Hnyllan lteiuulie Krelttut received at liuxtlers wnan, tool 01 Miiln fUrct. For further ranlciilars apply at tlie office, earner Tlilrd and lluin street. FEHGUSON BKOS., AjenU Tide Table for Astoria. MAY. JIIUH WATEU. LOW WATKU. A, M P. M. A. M. P. M. li. in ft. "7 'i 2 5' 7 ok 2 8 8 2713 2 9 01 8 4 9 41 8 9 10 mi 0 11 4'i4 0 12 28 0 9 1 81 1 1 2 8I1 8 a in a 4 26 1 4 6 16 i 6 5 Ol'l 8 a 462 i 7 80i'2 4 8 1?l2 7 9 o.i::t o to i- :i a itt3 4 12 i66 4 1 50,1 0 2 47:1 4 3 411 7 4 HI 2 1 6 ll 2 3 6 66 2 8 6 : u:l 1 7 Oil i 4 7 7 ll. III. I ft.ll h.nnl ft. h.m. I ft M. 0 Ml 1 21 1 fil i a i m 3 9 4 31 6 M 6 4A 8 m 8 3. !8 2 18 1 7 8 17 ! ,7 2' a g 0 4 IB 2 '6 4 1 417 0 2 21 a 8 3 04 0 5' 8 4H 6 2 4 m a 0 ; 7 84 I 8 08 I 8 Htf j 14 10 Alt 04 W. T.. V.. H f .. M. T.. W. T.. K. 8.. H.. M. T.. W, T K. H.. ft 211 6 0! 6 22 6 0, 11 28 0 0 7 III l 3! 8 116 7 00 7 l! 9 4x 7 fi 10 81 8 0 11 188 b, 11 68 8 8i 1 18 3 2 24 1 v is 10 in 11 14 u OS, 6 M 1 ji 2 M 2 6.1 8 M 4 M 7 17 8 'JO 9 m 10 M 11 Z7 12 li, 0 ir. 0 48 ,7j i 21 2 2 7 Z; 7 6 7 7 4 13 1 2 6 m !o 2 ISM oa 1 01:7 7 ! 1 4 1 8 1 t,T1 71 j 1 2(1 2 44,7 4 8 14 8 Ml 2 9 M 4 816 Vi 9 Hi 5 34 6 V JO 61 v 0 8 8. 8 4 20 I 8 1 4 7 . 7 3 8 5 0 9 0 2 6 9, 11 4'J M 7 2i 7 0 8 10,7 2 Oil 8 2 2 7 T.. 1 49 2 49 3 48 4 38 A 21 W i 4! 8 6i n 61 9 Ul 7 4: B 4 H7 a 10 211,7 8! 11 07 8 0, 11 43 8 1 12 fM 6 b 1 8H 6 6 2 18 a 6 12 0, T.. 1 3 r . 0 71 10 1 H.. H.. 04 6 8J 7 14 oa M l 21 T.. 8 0 0 9 W 17 l 7 4fl 10 i Th tiniim rwiwpon mlilnlfrht an'i noon nre dekliiiuul by A i. m.i, tiie neiween nocn and mldnlKl't by p (p. m ),0 li. onra. A denutea rolanlgut.ou. wm. v aoaoie uwu, Fair Directors World's Fair Souvenir Coin for a Dollar. Order la which they at Received. North Pacific Brewery JOHNKOPP, Proprietor. Bohemian - Lager - Deer And XX Porter. 1 11 orders promptly attended to. Do You Know That the Weekly Astorian Goes Everywhere? Advertisers, Do you see Your chance?