THE DAILY .ASTORLLN, ASTOltIA, TDUBISDAY MOUHIHG, MAY 4 lbJ3. ABOUT THE CUT. The run of salmon still continues light. - ' Operations at the Iron Works pur chased by James Dalgety will be re sumed at once. Alex Duncan died at St. Mary's hos pital at an early hour yesterday mor ning. He was a native of Scotland, 34 years of age. Professor Wright was compelled on account of sickness to leave his duties at Court street school yesterday morn ing. He has been unwell for some days past, but Is expected to be around again very quickly. The monthly rainfall for April 13.35 Inches, far exceeding any previous April record, and almost thrice the average amount for that month. The mean temperature was four degrees be low the average April temperature Andrew Traverso, who was arrested here several weeks ago by Chief Loughery and sent to Portland to stand trial on a charge of larceny, has been convicted there and sentenced to eigh teen months' imprisonment In the peni tentiary. Remember the Austin House at the Sea side is open the year around. - The following pastors are expected from Portland this afternoon: Rev. P. Tangferd, I. Tolle'fson, O. Setten, S. R. Tollefson, I. C. Olsen, T. iloen, H. ' Langeland, and others, who will attend the district meeting held at W. W. Parker's Hall, Upper Astoria, from this evening until Sunday night. Call at the Albatross Fish Market for fresh salmon dally. Harry Lace was up before Judge Osborn yesterday, charged with assault and battery on E. Ouche, a Japanese. The evidence was not very clear as to Lace's responsibility for the trouble, and Judge Osborn decided to suspend sentence. The accused will probably be discharged. If you want some extra fine photos, Mooers' is the place to get them. A sample of vitrified brick manu factured at the brickyard of Wade Hampton Smith at Fort Clatsop, was brought to this cdty yesterday. It Is a very superior article, and should com mand as ready a sale as the imported make. Mr. Smith has received many letters from contractors since he sent tut samples of It, and expects very shortly to be In receipt of several large orders. Canceled United. States postagle stamps wanted. See want ad. Arrangements have been made with F. W. Newell, superintendent of the street car company to have three cars leave the Pythian castle building on the occasion of the sociable of Seaside Lodge on Saturday the 6th Inst, from 11:30, to 12 p. m. of that might. This will be an accomodation to the mem bers of the lodge and their families, who live In Uppertown. The sociable promises to be a very successful af fair. Parties visiting In Portland can get Trv Dally Astorlan at Handley & Haas' newi stand, 150 First street. The local circle of the C. L. S. C. will meet tonight at 7:30 at the residence of Mr. S. T. McKean. Program question exercise, "The Socratlc Method Applied to the Funeral Speech of Pericles as given In the classic Greek course in English;" Itinerant Club An Ideal Trip to the World's Fair, for the pur pose of Btudylng Its architectural art; questions on practical science. A cor dial invitation. Is extended to home readers to be present. Free at Crow's gallery, a life-size crayon with every dozen cabinets or dered. Offer good for 30 days. Chris Sorensen died yesterday morn ing about 9 o'clock, of consumption. Mr. Sorensen was very well known in this city, where he has resided for over twenty years past. He was a young man of about 22 years when he ar rived here, and since then he has been very popular. He was a past noble grand of the Odd Fellows, and served a term as assessor of the county. The funeral will take place tomorrow un der the auspices of Beaver Lodge, No. 25 I. O. 0. F. Wing Lee has just received a full line of Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. Will sell at cost. 529 Third street. Buchter and Lynch, who were Jailed Tuesday for larceny from the store of Dr. Strickler, were examined yesterday before Judge Osborn. The state was represented by Deputy Prosecuting At torney Curtis. The accused were held In $500 each to await the action of the grand Jury. Quite an array of the stol en property was to be seen yesterday In Judge Osborn'a office; and It included a number of expensive articles for toilet use. As the evidence against the men is conclusive, they have a good prospect of spending a term behind the bars. J. W. Thompson, organist at the M. E. church, wishes to take a few more pupils In music, piano or organ. Ad dress, 689, Astor street. Mr. John Bushnell has been instru mental In organizing Astoria Lodge of Good Templars in this city, with the following officers. C. F., D. R. Camp bell; V. F., Miss Ocla Campbell; S. J., T. Mrs. Ida Heacock; Secretary, Thorn as Irwin; financial secretary, A. W. Trullinger; treasurer, E. C. Heacocks; M., William Frost; G., F. H. Moores; S., N. W. Cyrus; P. C. T., D. N. Trul linger; V. C.. W. N. Williams; L. D., E. L. Franks. The roll of charter mem bers includes fifteen names, but the charter will be kept open until June 1st, L. T. FUhar, newspaper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange. San Fran ' Cisco, Is our authorised agent. This paper U Kept on rue ai ms emce. Since James Urquhart was attacked with telegraphers' "paralysis" he has been suffering excruciating agony at tlm", and yesterday the disease took a peculiar turn. He states that he has known of similar cases before, but not so aggravated. At Intervals he says he can almost imagine he Is taking mes sages over the wires, the dots and dashes are so distinctly felt In a por tion of the arm. The Intermittent pain, Mr. Urquhart states, is similar to the sensation experienced when one puts his hand into a bowl of water contain lng the positive pole of an electric bat tery and grasps the negative pole in the other hand. Although Mr. Urqu hart has been a telegrapher since 1853, Dr. Fulton, the attending physician, thinks a few weeks will be sufficient to restore the use of his arm. Buy "Pride of Japan" tea. Our own importation; rich, pure,' fragrant, and at no higher price than you usually pay for an inferior one. Ross, Hlggins & Company. - The silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. A. Schernakau was celebrated last evening at their residence on Wall street. The house was very tastefully and neatly decorated. The aged bride and groom received many valuable and beautiful articles suggestive of the 25th wedding anniversary, commonly known as the silver wedding. The guests did ample Justice to the occasion and all agreed that a Jollier time they never had. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. George Llebe, The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. KUnt, The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. Theo, LIehe Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Botefuhr, Mr. and Mrs. Zlegler, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harder, Melville; Mr. and Mrs. Lam field, Oystervllle; Mr. and Mrs. M. Foard; Mr. and Mrs. J. Wlnterhalter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bock, Mr. Theo. Bracker, Mr. and Mrs. K. Osburn, Mr. and Mrs. S. Willett, Mrs. E. Wallman, Mrs. and Miss Sarter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Schoene, Mr. and Mrs. Sleferts, Mr. and Mrs. Mi Heller, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Voss, and the Misses Kreibohm. Ryan & Co. 637, Third street, have Just received a full line of 1893 patterns in wall paper, and comprising all the latest designs and shades, at the low est prices. Call and see them. Cushlng Post No. 14, Department of Oregon, Grand Army of the Republic, at its meeting on Tuesday evening, May 2d, detailed the following com rades io address the several schools In this city on Friday afternoon, May 26: Alderbrook, Comrades C. A. May and W. B. Ross; Uppertown, Comrades Mulllnlx and John W. Welch; Cedar street. Comrades C. S. Wright, F. N. Brazee, and Martin Dillon; Miss War ren's school, Comrades A. Weyland and P. L. Taylor; Court street. Comrades W .C. Cassell and F. D. Wlnton. The teachers of the several schools are re quested to communlcato the details to their several schools, and make such arrangements for the occasion as may be deemed most suitable. The post Is endeavoring to make arrange ments to celebrate Memorial Day, Tues day, May 30th, In a manner becoming the memory of those who gave their lives In defense o'f our country, and with the assistance of the citizens of Astoria, which has always been generously given heretofore, the day will be appropriately cele brated. The Woman's Relief Corps has been Invited to join with the post In the services on memorial day, and also to proceed with the several details to the schools. Mr. C. J. Curtis has been selected as orator of the day. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. H Van Duers, of Portland, is in town. Rev. W. Lund, of Salem is visiting In this city. Mr. J. L. Stout, of Seavlew, Wash ington, was in town yesterday. Mrs. Thomas Ryrle was a passenger on the Telephone for Portland last evening. Miss Mattie Owen is at her ranch at Elk creek, having gone there the first of the week. Among the passengers for Portland last evening on the Telephone was Mrs. John H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Collins of Chi cago were among the arrivals at the Occident yesterday. Mr. W H. Smith arrived from Fort Clatsop yesterday and left for Oregon City In the evening.- Miss Sadie Crong of Forest Grove, came down on the Telephone for a short visit to her relatives. Mrs. George H. George and son were passengers on the Telephone, returning from a week's visit to her parents at Forest Grove Miss Carrie M. Wheeler, who has been on an extended visit to Mrs. W. S. Short, has left for the home of her sister In Chicago. Mr. and Miss Foland of Tillamook, came up on tha Augusta last evening. They were accompanied by a physician In attendance upon Mr. Foland, who has been ill for a couple of years past. H. W. George and wife came down on the Telaphone and will spend some time visiting their son George H. George. Mr. George, Sr., has been quite seriously sick for many months past, and has been under the medical treatment of our former townsman Dr. Crang, at the doctor's home at Forest Grove, for the past month. He Is now much im proved and is now convalescing stead! ly- Cnarnntei-d Cnre- We authorize our advertised druggist n nr. Klnea New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs, and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouDie, ana win ue mi rcuruj . riirtl sivine It a fair trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King s New Discovery 1.1 k raiiofl aii. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Chas. RKeri' Drug Store. Large size do cis. ana i.w CtilaTEiiCrjforPitclieT'sCastori, JEFFS, Tie Only Restaurant The. Workmen's Coming Social. There is much Interest manifested In the coming sociable of Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W., to be given on Saturday evening next. On that oc casion there will be many present who have only recently realized the benefits of membership. Although the lodge now has members to the number of over 400, and prospects of many more, the prodigious efforts to swell Its ranks that have been made during the last few months will not be relaxed in the future. During the past week ICO letters have been sent out from this city to members urging them to look among their friends to find some family de pendent entirely upon the toll of the parent for support, and Induce the father to Join Seaside Lodge. To each member blanjk forms of application ware included. A large number of other communications were also sent out to non-members, showing the bene fits to be derived from membership In the order, and explaining Its object. As there is much of interest in. this letter, a copy of which Is at , hand, a portion of its contents Is subjected: Seaside Lodge, of this city, has been In existence about fourteen years, dur ing which time it has paid out hundreds of dollars for sick benefits and for charity and has brought to the bene ficiaries of its deceased members some thing between $30,000 and 140,000, thus saving many women and children 'from suffering and want. It has a library of several hundred volumes, a pleasant hall neatly furnished and carpeted, and numbers now nearly 400 members and Is anxious to Increase Its membership. The order Itself admits all shades of religious belief; recognizes as a funda mental principle Jhat usefulness to ourselves and others is a religious duty; and in the performance of this duty men should secure protection to those nearest and dearest to them. Its mis sion and purpose is to embrace In its membqrshlp and give equal protec tion to all classes and kinds of labor, mental and physical to strive earnestly to Improve the moral, intellectual and social condition of - its members and to Inspire a due appreciation of the stern realities and responsibilities of life. The greatest number of assess ments that can be levied upon its mem bers during one year for death rates is tho sum of $26; tbe lodge dues are $6 per year, payable quarterly'.' After urging upon all thoughtful and prudent men the duty they owe to their families, the letter continues: "The order pays upon your death the sum of $2,000 to such relation or rela tions as you while living may direct to receive the same," and, during life time, in case of sickness, pays weekly sick benefits. Grand Master Workman B. J. Haw thorne, Grand Foreman T. C. Mackey, Grand Overseer W. W. Brannln, Grand Recorder newton Clarke, Grand Re ceiver R. L. Durham and probably the Grand Medical Director James Brown, with other Grand Lodge officers and visiting brethren from abroad will be present on Saturday evening. The mem bers are requested to meet at 7 p. m. sharp for the purpose of transacting the business of the lodge. At 8:15 the door will be opened Tor visitors, and the literary and musical exercises will be gin not later than 8:45 sharp. The la dles who are furnishing refreshments are requested to have them at the hall as early as practicable. Donations of coffee, sugar and milk have been secured, and about twenty five dozen teaspoons have been donated to tho lodge. One hundred and twenty chairs have been secured, and about 200 extra cups and saucers, In addition to those owned by the lodge. So far this week sixteen applications have been received, and before Saturday more will be ready for reception by the lodge. REDUCED RATES BY THE U. P. rntnnlMinllKf MflJV 1st. round triD rates to Chicago will be reduced to $98.60; Omaha, Kansas City and Soux City, $80.; Denver, $70. Tickets good i.ia nthor Unpa rpltirnlniT. For further Information call at ticket office U. P. dock. G. W. LOUNStSUKKX, Agent, Astoria, ur. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed p-oposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, No. 181, Gemevleve street, until Saturday May 6th, at 2 p. m., for the construction of a frame cottage for G. A. Charnck, owner. Plans and specifications can be seen at the same place. The owner reserves the tight to reject any and all bids. J. E. FERGUSON. NOTICE I TT-- 91-famljil wlna 1 n i la A nt PnffA Of tea. 60 cents per gallon. Dont fontet feacn ana apricot uruuy, mm i-icu.,. Cognac and wine at Alex. Gilbert's. SUPERIOR 10 aku OTHERS. Allcock's Porus Plasters are the greatest external remedy of the day. The quickest, safest, surest, best. Not only lmmeasjrebly mtjierlor to all other plasters, tut o!m to liniments, ointments, oils and st.nilur unctuous mrnnoundfl. Beware of ImlUtlons, and do not be deceived by .niJirepresentatlon. ask for Allcock's and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a sub stitute. Uri! Irtlllb The only Pure Cream of Tartar PowIm. No Ammonia; No Alum. "Used in Millions of Hotnei- ao Years the Standard WASTED. AYOUNO GIKl. TO U UliUT HOU8K wiirk two luuirs eiicli diiy. Apply In tbe nun nil, g. at 408 Third street. KWH CAHH-CftNCKLH) COLUMBIAN I" atjllVtrttt Oft n itf UUli u.isl nM IT U .A I- tits etc. Send stum, hi wuh prices U li. Stanley AG K NTS IF YOU WI8H It) MAK8 - A week, solicit order lor our c-lenrated i rayni'S, Pxslels ami Steel l'o.uts. TEN hYCK I'UKIRAl l ,U.. Cluing i. ill. mttAVKLlNO MALEtSMI'N. UKNEKAL X agent- aud eanvHSNeis. look inn tor large salarios, big comiuissluns or rnoinmiis nrolli selling an umciu oi rare merit and protected bv a patent, should coimnutiiratti with thu un derpinned ut once. We assign large leirimriet and protect our remvsentailvrs., r'ACIOKY, 178 and 10 Commercial fit.. Lynu IUU33. SITUATION BY COMPETENT - BOOK- ecper, raptd writer and thnroirh In ac counts, and iluik. Address Uurdoii, Astotliin, A T ONCE, EMPLOYMENT KOK MAN AND wifo. Inquire at this oiuce. T O'f. TUB BOAHO OK MISSIONS OK THE I I huf.inuii aii it nh Ima u I hurtT -tii in a tit putfl.ase r lot in suitable locution in the city .. Aali.ald tllu Uli1 f Mil tit Q hll 1 1 H I II fV htt used lor school and church p.irpo-es. Owni rs of nil Kitiu or property uiiwmiwn'n ihd at uuue, or wriie, Biauug luunuim mi'ir rnw. ran a alk. k A OOi D FiSUINO BOAT CHKAP. lNQUIltt XI. oi in !MlfcKSUi, lining Bay. OAA ACHES LAND AND TIMBKK ON Z)l Yuunir's River. Pond I-flushed rl- mm;, ahead of em He and logging outlU. In quire oi jiarcua w ise. Q A!KE3 a ;,00rErt ACHK IMPIIOVEI) (arm mr Xmd with I nut tr.'e-. 20 acre?. cleared, iij acre pnHture. Dwelling lion , ware house and other InilldlKKi. Half mile lrom Htemnhoat landing at llrookfleld, hy lioat or road. Inquire of owner on premises MKS. M. E. 6TICKLKH. AAA WI1'r' BUY l'm AOKKS OK 'W.UUvJ ttmb r larmlii i and itrazlug, land. 'Asiilendld location for stock raisinir u Gray's River Wahkiakum county, tVa-dll.g on. Lies on both sides of river, i miles from steam er landing Mi;hly acres eleued. App.y ai inn omce inr luriiier iMorniuiion, CHEAP A FEW CHOICE LOTS IN AOAIK'3 Astorliv-Easv t rnn, Hee Frana builtle at torney at law ITS Caas Htn-et, LOST. NET A H'UT 125 FATIIOMS4.5ME.SII DEEP. Hlirnist Toinfii Point, finder uiease cal. at Fishermen's packing. Company. FOOM. NEr-BEIWMA.D ISLAND. OoKK innrKed Kinney. Inquire of 0, D. Kogeis t.WiICO, Wrvll. NET-ABOUT fiO F 1 HOM, AllKKAKT OF Toiivue Point. Owner e u liave ssme i J i n vii S txneiiM's and moving nrnpi-rty. m q ure at Klnno.i's cannery, John ('orble JiOVMli TO HIC.SI. TUB MAIN STHKEC HOUSE HAS ) FA newly airnlsned through ut; iiic rooms i rent br day, week, or mount, hv product. . and manager, MHS II. SrEi.l.Mtolt. COTTAGE NEXT 1)0 -It TO E. 0. IIO,l en's. Seven rooms and biwiiHiil (o wood, lnquiie next door. R OOMS IN A GOOD LOCATION FOl' lumacKeep ng, No. i.7.1 .tlalu titrer. mwo OKHIKABI.K UNFUKNIMUD ItOO!U JL newly uaperod. Moderate ton'. Ki Thin. street. NICELY FHKMsllKD It ).US BY I) Y week ornionili teriiia very reasonable nl ihe Oriel, 716 ihird Mlreet. aUSVKLLAXKO VS. riALL ON P. BAKISK. 478 THIKI) SfKKEI 1 . ..,.11 ....... ..1..II.A. .I.....I .....1 nl....t.a I V puu uaio JUUI iii.ito ujru aim virrreuct. GKO. McLKAN.COKHEIl OLNEYANO A tor sireetK, does a general busimss In black-smithing- and repairing1. NOTICE. I will be clad to receive any Items concerning social events that residents of Astoria desire to have published In the society columns of the Sunday Or- egonian. Such notices must reach me not 'later than Thursday evening of each week. JOHN R. RATHOM, Oregonlan Correspondent, P. O. box 580 Incandescent, nil night. , . . $1.50 ' 12 o'clock... 1.00 " '" 10 " ... 75 For particulars inquire of auy member of the firm or at the office, foot of Con comly at. West Shore Mills Co., t. u. lrniiinger, rresiuent. ASTORIA IRO U OIIKS, I AHtoria, Oregon. General Machinists & Boiler Makers Und and Marine Engine. Boiler work, Steam boat and Cannery Woi a (Specialty, Oaitiogi of All Deioriptiom Midi to Order at Short Notiw. J0LN FOX - rreatdent and Snp- , ij. evz. vice rreaiatsn ROSS, HICCINS A CO., Butchers - and - Grocers, Aatorla and Upper Aitorla. Fine Tens and Colt t n, TaMo DHI-mIm, Poini-stio and Tropica! fruits, Vegoia ble, sugar cured hamt, bacon, etc. CHOICE FRESH & SALT MEATS CAMPBELL BROS. (Bnce"rt t ' Warren A Cimpoetl), WAkUKSTON, OKKOOH, Dealer! In 2DHST; GOODS, GENTS' FURMSHINC) 9COD8, , Hutu, Cap, Boott, V'noei staple linULrnlto FANCY Hard ware, Iron nd Steel, Crockery, Olanware W'oolenrar, Notion". tc.. Hay, , Grufn, Klourard Feed. -IOTTOi "Snail ProflU oa Caak Bales." ' dkih1 er. ELECTRIC LIGHTS 1 Our Stock Hepresenta Over 1000 Stylet, Trouserings, Overcoatings, Suitings. Prices $5 to $50. Samples, Self-measurement Rules, and Tape-line Mailed Free. Meiey-fofSikl The World's Fair Directors Have 5,000,000 Souvenir Half Dollar Coins in their treasury, the gift of the American people by Act of Congress. .. The patriotic and historic features of these Coins and their limited number, compared with the millions who want them our population is 66,000,000 have combined to create so great a demand for these World's Fair Souvenir Coins that they are already quoted at large premiums. Liberal offers from speculators, who wish to absorb them and reap enormous profits, have been rejected for the reason that This is the People's Fair We Are the People's Servants and a divided sense of duty confronts us We need $5,000,000 to fully cany out our announced plans, and We have decided to deal direct with the people To whom we are directly responsi ble among whom an equitable distribution of these National heirjooms should be made. The Worlds Fair Offer to the American People: That none of our plans for the people's profit be curtailed we must realize from the sale of 5,000,000 Souvenir World's Fair Fifty cent Silver Coins the sum of $5,000,000. This means $1.00 for each Coin, a much smaller sum than the people would have to pay for them if purchased through an indirect medium. Every patriotic man, woman and child should endeavor to own and cherish one of these Coins, as they will be valuable in future years a cherished object of family pride. Remember that only 5,000,000 Coins must be divided among could be sold at a high premium to Syndicates, but we have enough confidence in the people to keep the price at a Dollar for each Coin, as this will make us realize $5,000,000 the sum needed to open the Fair's gates on the people's broad plan. HOW tO Get to yur nearcst Bank and subscribe for as many TLr- c0'03 as you need for your family and friends. These IlietOlflS Sub-Agents of the Werld's Columbian Exposition will give you their receipt for your money, as delivery of these coins will not begin before December. There is no expense to you attend ing the distribution of the Souvenir Coins, as we send them to your local bank. If for any reason it is inconvenient for you to subscribe . send Postoffice or Express Money Order or Registered Letter for as many coins as you wish with instructions how to send them to you, to TREASURER WORLD S "COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. CHICAGO, ILLS. Order will b Pilled la the Order la which they are Received. J". G-. 3NTIBMI, lias Just reeeh ed a One hue ot WEDDING PRESENTS Cnn-lstini of Pllver Bon Hon DUne-, Fruit DisfiHs Herry OI es. Nut Howl. Mustard Pofx, Hlscult .lura. Celery GlHtift, Hair l'ln Truyn, 11 n Cushions, Picture Frame, Mirrors, etc., all new goods and luteal designs. merchant Steamship Co.'s Line, Connection wltb Gaaadlaa Pacific Bailway and China Steam. Ship Llae, Tad lng freight and passenger for Port Ang les. Victoria, Port Townsenu, Heattle, Tacoina, Whatcom. Kalrhaven, Maualmo, New Westmin ster anil Vancouver : Iavluj( Astoila ; 8. S. Haytlan Kepuullc 8. H. Wilmington 8. H. Hsytian Kepublic Freight received at Hustler wharf, foot ot Main sheet. For further rarllculars apply at the office, earner Third and Main street. FERGUSON BROS., Agents Tide Table for Astoria. MAY. 11IUH WATKU. LOW WATKU. A. M. TTm. 1 ft. p. j. A. X. P. M. I ft. h. in. "7 84 806 8 80 V 14 II 62 10 86 U 28 h. in I ft. W. 0 .VI 1 21 1 61 2 lit 2 6U 3 M) 4 31 6 3.1 48 808 IS 10 18 11 14 1 4-117 0 2 W fl M 7 282 A 7 5N;2 8 T 2 w. a T.. 4 8 04 IS 8 27 8 4 9 01 41 V.. 6 HI.. H' 7 M. 8 T ! 4 iU 5 2fl: 10 811 11 4'.i 8 22;6 0 7 1" 6 Hi 8 1 1 7 12 28 0 9 I 18 ;3 1 81 I 1 2 81 1 8 8 2jl 8 4 261 4 6 lb 1 6 6 01118 8 4!2 1 7 Kilt 4 8 18i2 7 9 0 10 n3 8 a ioj;i 4 12 600 4 16010 2 47 1 4 3 411 7 4 CI 2 1 6 16 2 3 6 2 8 6 K' 8 1 7 Orti 4 T 40 8 7 W.10 T..lll K.12) H..1R R.. U M. 1.1 T.. 16 W.17 T..1H 0 00 7 1 2 24 8 1 0 4N 7 6 10 81 8 0 11 l:: 8 6 11 60 8 8 1 017 7 1 Kj7 7 2 44 7 4 8 21 ,2 2 4 18 1 2 6 03 0 2i 12 08, A 61 0 6 8 80 7 26 8 14 03 f 10 61 11 40 0 84 1 49 2 40 8 46 4 36 6 21 6 04 6 : 7 14 7 46 1 4 1 8 0 89 1 21 2 0s 2fM 8 63 4 M 6 OH 7 17 g 0 86 10 M 11 27 2 0 8 8!) ,7 21 4 81 6 VI 1 8 1 4 K. 1W; H..2 6 &l V 6 "1 8 ! 7 2H7 0 8 KI 7 2! S tt! 7 4 0 4I7 6 10 2 7 8 11 07 8 0 11 4.(8 1 12 W6k! 1 fw t, 6 2 18 8 6 0 9 H. 21 1 0 2 2! t.. n W.2I T..2T V. 2i; H..281 M.V T.. !) 2 7 2 0 1 3 to 71 0 1 12 14, 8 0 6 1 '2 0 1ft 81 0 48 7 1 0 : 0 v The hours between mlrtnlRht and noon arc dealKiiulMl uy A (a. III.), mime helween noon and midnight hy Y (p. in ),0 h. OO111. a denote midnight, oa. ouin. r aenow uwu. TAILOR 128 FIRST STREET, Portland, Oregon. World's Fair Souvenir Coin for a Dollar. North Pacific Brewery JOHN.;KOPP, Proprietor. Bohemian - Lager - Beer And XX Porter. All orders promptly attended to, Do You Know That the Weekly Astorian Goes Everywhere? Advertisers, Do you see Your chance?