: triB DAILY ASTOBlAJN,' ASTOHJIA, SATURDAY MORNING, APBIL 22. 1813 LOOK AT THIS Take the Daily Asto rian and Get a LARGE LIBRARY FREE The Astorian's Latest and Best Premium Offer. Every regular subscriber to The Dally Astorlan for the next twelve months will be entitled .every ten weeks, to a set of ten first class novels, by sending us 30 cents (for each set of ten books) In postage stamps of silver, on receipt of which we will send the books post paid. These books are complete novels by standard authors, each a handsome octavo volumn of 64 large double col umn pages, In a neat attractive cover, and printed from clear, readable type, es follows: THE SCARLET LETTER. By Na. thanlal Hawthorn. KINO SOLOMON'S MINES. By H, Rider Haggard. THE MYSTERY OF COLDE FELL, OR NOT PROVEN. By Charlotte M Braeme, author of "Dora Thorne" UNDER THE RED FLAG. By Miss M. E. Braddon. AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGH TY DAYS. By Jules Verne. THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. By Alexander Dumas. LADY GRACE. By Mrs. Henry Wood. AVERIL. By Rosa Nouchette Carey, THE BLACK DWARF. By Sir Walter Scott. A NOBLE LIFE. By Miss Mulooh. The lowest iprlca of these novels In any other way, would be 10 cents each, or II for the ten books, which The As torlun subscribers can have for 30 cents. Every ten weeks a new set of ten books will be offered on the same terms. Thus, In the course of the year, you will have a valuable library of SO books that will cost you only 11.60. This offer is open only to regular sub scribers. Subscribers to The Daily Astorlan, who pay $7 for one year In advance will be entitled to these books free of charge. Now Is the time to get your home newspaper, and a valuable library be sides, for only the regular price of the paper. Subscribers to The Weekly Astorlan who pay $2 In advance for one year's subscription, will be entitled to any of these books they may select at the rate of 3 cents per book. On receipt of the list of books discrlbed, accompanied by a remltance in postage stamps or sil ver to the amount of 3 cents for each book ordered, we will have the books Bent postpaid to the address of any regular subscriber to The Weekly Asto rlan as above. The Y. M. C. A. gymnasium is now almost ready to be opened, and as fat as the apparatus already secured lb concern, It Is flrst-cluss. Thi whole ground floor will be devoted to gym nastics during the week, and on Sun days will be used to hold rellgtout services. Members of ttA "gym" will each be supplied with keys and no others will be admitted to the rooms. Tha temperature of the room will be regulated to a proper heat, and nothing will be left undone to make the Inno vation successful. Four Chinamen named Ah Sam, Ah King, Yuk Dan and Ah John were up liefom Police Judge OBborn yesterday. charged with opium smoking. The men were arrested by the officers the pre vious night while the luttvr were look ing after the gamblers. The defend ants have engaged counsel to defend thwii, but a continuance being asked for Judge OBborn continued the case until today at 2 o'clock. Mr. J. F, Hamilton will look after the Interests of the city. Flxhermvn and cannerymen will both be Interested In the announcement that la made In another column of Miller's tannin extract. It Is the most econom ical preparation known for tanning nets. The manufacturers guarantc. It to be only one half as extensive as the ordinary method of using tan bai 1.. Where several hundred tons of bark are used evwy season this becomes an Important Item of expense. It will pay to glvu this preparation a trial. 8.228.673. , ' These figures represent the number of bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which were sold In the United States from March, mi, to March, 1S92. Two million, two hundred and twenty-eight thousand, six hundred and seventy-two bottles sold in one year, and each and every bottle was sold on guarantee that money would be refunded If sat isfactory results did not follow its use. The secret of its success la plain. It never disappoints and can always be depended on as the very best remedy for Coughs and Colds, eta. Price 60c. and $100. At Chaa, Rogers, drugstore. NOTICE1 Use Klnfandel wine Intaad of coffee or tea. M rents per gallon. Dont fonret Prach and apricot brandy, also FT neb Cognac and win at Alex, a liber fa Casualties Among The Fishermen Up to date this year there has been but one cone of fatality reported among fishermen, and that one has not yet been Wrlfled. The unusual storms have kept many of the men from venturing out, and good fortune more than any thing else was Instrumental In saving the lives of several of those who wwe willing to risk the dangers of the an gry waters In order to provide food for their wives and little ones at home. In Unlontown It was rumoitid yester day that a boat had been lost In the ship channel below Fort Stevens on Tuesday night and the occupants lost At the rooms of the C. R. F. P. U. noth Ing had been heard of the alletud oc curence. One of the fishermen stated to an Astorlan reporter that on Tues day morning a boat sailing past Point Ellis struck tlto top of a broken trap pile and sank, the bottom having been crushed In. The occupants were picked up by a passing boat, but most of their gear was lost. One of the men was go ing down for the last time wh'jn he was grabbed by his rescuers, the fisher men say that the boat must have been struck when In an eddy, so rapidly did she sink from sight. Another boat was l ported to have capsized off Tongue Point Wednesday night about 11 o'clock. The men in this boat were also saved after clinging to the upturned boat until about 6 o'clock on ' Thursday morning. They ft?re brought home by Axel Flnne and Peter Seines, and their gear waa saved and brought to shore in the boats of the men above named. Yesterday one of George & Barkers boats, manned by Jens Nellson and his boat puller, was capsized off Chinook during a squall. The men were sue cessful In climbing on to the upturned craft, and remaining there until a boat put off from shore and rescued them. Both boat and net weite lost. Late last evening It was learned that one of the boats belonging to the Cut ting Packing Company had been found some distance .down thw river and towed in by another fishing boat. It Is said to U the one that was missed on Tuesday, and which was supposed to have sunk below Fort Stevens. Noth Ing has tyen learned of the occupants, and the hope of recovering the bodies is but cllght, as they have doubtless been carried out to sea. HONOLULU NEWS WILL KEEP. Washington, April 21. Secretary Gresham has received a re port from Commissioner Blount, of Ills action at Honolulu, but stall that he has nothing to give out about it. TREATY WITH RUSSIA. Washington. April 21. A cable mes sage received at the state department says the emperor of Russia has signed the extradition treaty between the United States and Russia. "BOSS" TWEED'S MAN DEAD. Denwr. Cola, April 21. Richard D'Donnel, once private secretary to Ross" Tweed, of New York, died at he County Hospital last night of con- lumptlon. ARBITRATION FAILS. Omaha, Neb., April 21. No conclusion vos reached In the conl'jrence between he Union Pacific officials and the strlk- rs committee this afternoon. HARMISCH DIED. Portland, April 21. Frank J. Harm- ioh, who was knocked off the track y an electric car last Tuesday, died oday. A Sure Cure fi r Piles. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture ku oeranlratlon. causing Intense lU'hliiK hen warm. This form, as well as Wind, IceclInK or Protruding, yieia at once to )r. HoHanko'u Pile Kemedy. which act Urectly on the parts affected, absorb umors, auays iicning ana enecis a .ermunent cure. 5Uc. Druggist or mall, circulars free. Dr. Bosanko, 329 Arch treet. Philadelphia. Fa. Sola by J. W. Oonn. MONEY TO LOAN. Anybody wanting to borrow $1,000 on first mortgage on Improved city real estate security may lAj accommodated by calling on J. u cahlson, Sunnyslae Saloon. Ihildrcn Cry for Pitcher's Castcria When Baby was tick, wc ct her Cutorla. iVhen o na a Child, aba cried tor Cantor!, Khm aba became Kiam, she clunt to C&itorU, Then tha hail Children, aha save thorn CaatorV AWAY BEHIND. Lag all competitors with the Chicago. union I'aclllc and Northwestern line, This Is the popular route tor passengers destined to the World's Fair. DO YOU LIKE OYSTERS?. Those who wish to have the finest Shoahvater Bay oysters or clams by tho quart or pint In jars, can have them delivered nice and fresh by Hom er Fletcher. Orders left at The Asto rlan oftlce will receive prompt and care ful attention from him. STRENGTH AND HEALTH. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" has left you weak and weary, use Electrlo Hitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach, and kid neys, gently aiding those organs to preform their functions. If you are afflicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by tailing Electrlo Bitters. One trial will convince you that this Is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 60c at Charlea Roger's drug store. Parties vtaltlnc In Portland can rat Tha Dally Aatorlan at Handley Haas' news stand, UA First street. WOMEN AND COOK-BOOKS. It Is a curious fact that the pioneer women In American literature began their career verified their credentials, as it were by written cookery-books. I well remember the Interest with which I used to turn, as a boy, from the "Hobomok" and "Phllothea" Mrs. Lydla Maria Child to her "Frugal Housewife," which we children used to study by the kitchen fire, tfie very perusal of the receipts affording appetizing delight. There we found sheep and beeves on the frontispiece. divided by a dissecting knife o printer's Ink Into culinary subdl visions chump and spring, sirloin and scerlb for I follow the original spell Ing. There we read with relish that "manv DeoDle buy the upper part the sperlb of pork, thinking It the most genteel; but the lower part Is more sweet and Juicy." After an afternoon skating or sliding, any part seemed genteel enough for us! There we read with more misgiving the stern asser tion that "economical people will sel dom use preserves." "They are un hcblthy. expensive, and useless t those who are well." Surely, this was making frugality too frugal; but It was something to turn to the more indulg ent page which asserted that "hard gingerbread Is good to "have In the family." Yet we demurred at the reason given -"it keeps so well." I never kept well In our family, but van Ished all too soon, and, after all, was 1 the prime mission of gingerbread to be kept? These were, at any rate, thm merits of the "Frugal Housewife' merits so great that they carried It through thirty-three or more editions while the "Mother's Book Its sequal, went through eight American editions In fifteen years, beside twelve In Eng-land. and one or two in Canada. T, W. HIgglnson, In Harper's Bazar. The savage patience shown In the beauty with which the r.vgroes of Af rica and the Indians of Alaska orn ment their weapons also mark to some extent the negroes of the South, and a Southern negro's fishing tackle lfl some' times made in a fashion to excite the envy of the most enthusiastic northern sportsman. Bucklt-n'i 'rale salve. Thd hoat pnlvA In tha world for cuts. bruises, sores, plcers, salt rheum, fevei iortu, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, ;orns, and all SKin eruptions, ana posuive- y cures piles, or no pay requireu. u s suaranteed to Klve perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 ceme per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, suc cessor to J. C. Dement LADIES' TEA Is a pleasant drink, .which will be borne by the stomach without nau sea or griping. It acta thoroughly on the liver, kidneys and reproductive or gans. A gentle physic,' efficient diu retic, and is most useful in scant or painful menstruation. It aids diges tion and reduces corpulency; clears the comnlexlon. rendering It fair, and re storing the natural tone of the skin, for It removes the bile, which by ac cumulation, produces the sallow, mud- Jy complexion, peculiar' to the con stipated. Sold by all druggists. NOTICE. All persons having any claims against the Steamer Dispatch are hereby re quested to pisent same for payment to the undersigned , at the law omce of Fulton Bros., Astoria, Oregon. ABERDEEN PACKING CO. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Astoria Iron Works will be held at their office on Monday evening May 1, 1893, at 7 p. m., for the purpose of electing directors for the fcnsulng year and the transaction of such bus iness as may properly come before the meeting. By order ot the board of directors. , , . JOHN FOX, Attest, President. A. L. FOX, Secretary. Astoria, Or., April 18, 1893. Worn-out, "run-down," fee ble women, need Er.Fierce'sFavor ite Proscription. It builds them up. M m ILJb 1 Pi reJtorVtmTtouilc: or strength-giver free from alco hol and Injuri ous dimes. The entire system is renewed and invigorated. It Improves diccstion, enriches tho blood, dispels aches and pains, gives refreshing sleep, and restores flesh and strength. Ai a soothing nervine, It -allayi ana sunaua hysteria, spasms, and all tho nervous xymp toms commonly attendant upon timctional and orpinUs duease. It's tho only fxnmn tttd modlcino for wocen. It dues what fc promised or it as!a nothing. It gives sntis faction, In every caso, or tho money paid for it is rafmulwL No otber medicine for wo men is sold on such terms. That's the way its mailers prove their faith in it; Contains no alcohol to inebriate ; no syrup or sunr to derange digestion ; a lej;iti liiato mnlict.ie not a beveratje. Fmvly vege tablo and perfectly karmleai in any condi tion of tho sj item. COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. At iMt a mHlcal wort that tells the eanwa, dtwribon Hie eltttu. (units te rowaiy. I M tuaclontlAoallv the mt valiiablts arttattcally the m-Mtl beautiful, mimical lk thai b p punxt for jioani; Wl p! eery pure bearing a hslf Uuia Illustration lu lluifc tne of the uhjecta treated are Kervoiu Deblilt.", lmv tonvy, Sterllltr. Development, Vartwwla, lue IIusImukI. ThoM Internum; Unrrlai-e, rte. vr V.i fho woi'M iir (He bral'l Trilh$, tho Plata rnrtn. tht Old Srerelt n.l Art" i I iwiYrirl JfeitKvil SHurr nt apiM"! I vi'e- 11 Meit Lift. mM tar t "'I .fi-imf n an mf.l "fur r'(ril, i7d tent far thit M It will he Kent free, tmiter ent. while the efll M tlon liv If convenient enrloae ten rents to pay yoataze atoua, A'klrta the publuiiura, ERIE MEDICAL CO., BTTFALn, N. T. cautu-sl BET rows A Posit: r Curt OHJ5ILES1 ue over 3(1 intra. Elatla &fif, ifer(i, Moa drvf.,1. ltlnbeM tv.it mootula, Ai drujnrtata, or nuuietl on leoelpi of pnea aye. per box. VIIUlMaRl 4 laiVI Props., Bailuoor, &. so DB'GUNtrS OtllONl SYRUP. FOR C0lGHS, AND CROUP. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT. Whro ft child, mother cra ma onion imp for OotLflUa Cold and Cronp, Id tarn I givo ttto mjr lit tl odm. Tbero Is noth tug so Imple. ufo and lur. pr. Ounn Onion Syrup is uharmleN and ploaa nt to the taata aa honey, Thla is a mother! horn mdy. mh? not try uf Bold at 60 oanu. oooooooooo O GOOD NEWS q For the millions ot consumers of q Tirtt's Pills, o It p'ven lr. Tntt pleasure to fin- fS " nuuiicetlutt heltuiowputtiug; up a O TINY LIVER PiLL Ori'lilcli U of exceedingly small size, 44 ret retaining all the virtues of the sj larger nes. Cfttarantetl purely vr.K-talle, DotHMzetol tiiciw pill ff are still iwtutd. The exact size of OTUTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS k isHliuvrn In the bonier of thin "ad." '' OO0OOOOOOO consumer!. I haveanoalUvaKmedrfortlioabovedisease: by Ita use thousand of cutva of the worst kino aud at loDff Btauuin? Iiuve been cured. Indeed. aoetronglBtnytaiUiln Its enicacy, that I will send two bottles kes, with a VALUABLK TREATISE on tbis dlwaw to nny sufferer ivbu Will send nie their Express qpd P. O. address. Ta.ULOCUH.lt, C..IS1 Pearl Et.. IT. T. Caveatit, and Trada-Markt obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderatc Fees. Oua orncE is Opositc U. 8. Patent Ornet and we can secure patent In less time Uutn those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Omm. Patent Orricr. Uabhinqton. D. C. BOOTS AND SHOES The Largest Stock, Best Quality and Lowest Prices at the Sign ot The Golden Shoe. john 3or Foard & Stokes g-iiooeho Denlen In nlassware, Crockery, Ship Stipr-lie, rulmnen. Winen :iml Fine WliNkl. h. Fine Teas and Coffee s Soecialty. The Fni' Rt IiM'lay of r runs iu tne i;ny, r lean on lurry otennifr. Corner of Third and West Klgi tti Mrerts. The World's ( Mil Monev Have 5,000,000 Souvenir Half Dollar Coins in their treasury, the gift of the American people by Act of Congress. The patriotic and historic features of these Coins and their limited number, compared with the millions who want them our population is 66,000,000 have combined to create, so great a demand for these World's Fair Souvenir Coins that they are already quoted at large premiums. Liberal offers from speculators, who wish to absorb them and reap enormous profits, have been rejected for the reason that This is the People's Fair We Are the People's Servants-- and a divided sense of duty confronts us We need $5,000,000 to fully cany out bur announced plans, and We have decided to deal direct with the people To whom we are directly responsi ble among whom an equitable distribution of these National heirlooms should be made. The World s Fair Offer to the American People: That none of our plans for the people's profit be curtailed we must realize from the sale of 5,000,000 Souvenir World's Fair Fifty cent Silver Coins the sum of $5,000,000. This means $1.00 for each Coin, a much smaller sum than the people would have to pay for them if purchased through an indirect medium. Every patriotic man, woman and child should endeavor to own and cherish one of these Coins, as they will be valuable in future years a cherished object of family pride. Remember that only 5,000,000 Coins must be divided among- 00,000,000 people. 1 nese uoins could be sola at a high premium to Syndicates, but we have enough confidence in the people to keep the price at a Dollar for each Coin, as this will make us realize $5,000,000 the sum needed to open the Fair's gates on the people's broad plan. Hnw tn Get G t0 vour nearest Ban subscribe for as many irl co'ns yu ne& for yur family friends. These ICS CClllS Sub-Agents of the World's Columbian Exposition wiM give you their receipt for your money, as delivery of these coins will not begin before December. There is no expense to you attend ing the distribution of the Souvenir Coins, as we send them to your local bank. If for any reason it is inconvenient for you to subscribe send Postoffice or Express Money Order or Registered Letter for as many coins as you wish with instructions how to send them to you, to TREASURER WORLD'S 'COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. CHICAGO, ILLS. Orire will b Fllld la Um Order la which tbtj ar RmIt4. Ripans Tabules Rlpans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach ana intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six Viilj) Seventy-five Ctnts. One Package (Four Boxes) Two Dollar. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free tample addrett RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. JAPANESE I-LslS CURB A new and comnlote truatiiimu. rutmisunff 0 suppositories, oiulmnnt in capsules, also iu box and pills; a positive cure f r . ternal, In ternal blind or Wediug, Itching, chronic, recent or Lereililar- Diles. and manv othci diseases and femnle weaknesses; It is always a reat lie nt tit to tiie ireueral h alth. J 1)0 tirxl iscovery of a medical cure rendering an oper tion with the knile unnecessary hertaftei This remedy has neve,- be. n kuowu to fail tl per box, 6 (or (5; seut by mall. Why sulfei irom ints terriuie disease wnen a written guar antee is Klven with 6 boxes, to reiiinu thi monev if not cured. Bund stamus l. r fret , samDJe. lluarantee issurd bv Woodward noie Agents fnrtianu, wr. nr Mtia Dy J. w Con D. Astoria Oregon. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clatsop County. In the matter of the estate of John L. Folden, deceased. Notice is hereby Riven that the un dersigned, administratrix of the estutt of John L. Foldtn, has filed in tht above entitled court her final account as administratrix of the above entitled estate, and the court has set Monday, May 1st, 1S93, 1 o'clock p. m at the court house in said county and state, as the time firm place for hearing said final account. All persons Interested In said estate are notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any why the saH account should not be al lowed and the administratrix dls charged. (Signed) KAREN C. FOLDEN, .Administratrix of tiie estate of John ti. Folden, deceased. ! for bile Fair Directors World's Fair Souvenir Coin for a Dollar. MOnly Line : Running 7THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leav'ng Portland, 8:45 AM. 7:30 PM. 3K 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and) Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Din. Ing Cars. ASTORIA AND SAN FRANCISCO APMii, 1893. Orpgon TueMlny Appl 4. ColuriitiH mini-day Awll 8. Statu Wednesday April 12. Oregon Suii'luv April 1(1. Columbia ') hursday April 20. Hate Mmidav April 21. Oregon Friday Apr.l 28. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMER3 Morning boat leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, w 0 a. in.; muming, leaves I'nrtlMid laily, except Saturday, at 8 p. iu. Nlclit boat eaves Anuria daily, except Hunday, alo p m.: r tnrnli g leaves Portland dally, exoV-pt Sunday, U 7 a. in. Xlie morning bout troni l'o timid mk s uidtugson tiie Orcyon sldo 1 ut-sday.", Thurs lays. mi l Svnrdaj j in Waslili Eton side Mou lais Wednesdays and Friday. From Astoria II. e morning hoati nn-kts landing tn I lie Ore ?"n side Mondays. Wednesdays and Frluavs, mil on the Wanlili gion side I'uebdays, Tl.urs lay and 8ainrdas. For rales and general Infoiniatlon call on or Udreps, V. H. HURLRURT, 6. W. LOUSSBEHRY. A. Gen A ut. A (rent Portland, Or, Astoria, Or. Is the line to take to nil points EASTand SOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It offers tte best seivlce, fomj ' binn.g SPEED and COMFORT It la tiie i opular route wlih those is ho wl h to travel on THE SA.F1LST It Is therefore the route you fhru'd take. It runs thruuKli vtstibuled trains every day m the year to ST. PAUL AND CHIOAGO No Change of cars, Elegant Pullman Sleiprrs, ni trior Tourist Slit per), Splendid Frea Si oad-elas s Sleepers, Only one ehango of cars Portlatd to New York Through Tickets To Any Fart of tne civilized wor'.d. Passengers ticketed via. all boats runnlns between Antoria, Kalama and Portland. Full Information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to R. L. NCLF. Agent Astoria. Bteamcr TelepUoue Dock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First St., cor. Washington, Portland, Oregon. THE : REG ON : BAKIRY A. A. CLETEUSn, Pro. Good Bread Cakes and P'stry, None but the Best Materials used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customer. Bread delivered In any part of the city FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. Heavy and Sh-ilf HAEDWARB Car.T In f t k Wagons and Vehicles, Farm Machinery, Paint'. 'Ills, Varrihes, Logger' RMpulies, Fahbs'ik't s cales. Doors and v iu.oir. PROVISIONS ixoca tad mix riEo. AST0EU, - 0REG3O, lit.! i ,7 J I.",' -