THE DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, SUNDAY MOKNING, APJIIL 16, lbU3 liUnM-ftlanfeiM PiMWiIns Ctnpuj. AflTOKIA, OKtfQOfii ArroaiAs Buildimo, - - - Cam Btbzkt Imm or Bsbserlptloa, PAILY. Served by Carrier, per week, 19ct benl Djr Hull, per mourn.... Mat by Mall, er Year...... - 60 CU ..17.UQ WISELY. tent by mall, per year, 13.00 In advance, free postage to subscribers. Thb ArrORiAir guarantees to its advertisers tbe largest circulation uf any newspaper pub- isuou uu uie iOiuiuout juver.. . , la future all Items of local Interest forwarded to tula oince must be addressed ti i tie CltV KDITOB. TODAY'S WEATHER. Portland, April 15. Fop Washington and Northwestern Oregon: Occasional showers. Local weather for . the .. twenty-four heura ending at t p. m., yesterday, fur nlshed by the U. S. department of agrl culture, weather , bureau: Maximum temperature, 49 degrees. Minimum temperature, 38 degrees. Precipitation, .03 Inch. Total precipitation from July 1st, 1S92, to date, 70.23 Inches. Excess of precipitation from July 1st 1892, to date, 8.37 Inches. Considerable comment was occa sioned by The Astorian's remarks yes terday morning calling attention to the necessity for a quarantine hospital for this city. ....... The urgent need of such a building Is admitted and several suggestions have been made. One is that one of the condemned government vessels be secured for the use of quarantine in this port. Another suggests that piles be driven In the Middle Sands and a building placed there. It Is claimed that this would be the cheaper plan. The right to place a structure of ' that na ture In the river would probably be a matter to come before the secretary of war for his approval. These are some of the ideas advanced, and It Is In order for others to be made known. This Is certainly a matter that needs attending to immediately, for the protection of our people and also to insure humane treatment of those who may be so unfortunate as to require placing In a quarantine hos pital. A man with a proper regard for his life would not allow the authorities to remove him to any such peet house as that which is at present a disgrace to the city and those who have charge of its sanitation. The dispatches this morning toll ol the new Cunarder Campania attaining n speed of twenty-six miles per hour on her trial trip yesterday. The hope li expressed that she may be able to beat all previous records by making the trlj In five days and a half. . RESCUE CLUB MEETING. At the Rescue Club meeting last evening there was a very large attend ance and a splendid program. Front den Crawford was In the chair, and opened with prayer. The pianist war Miss) Nellie Busey. Following wat the program rendered: ' Recitation, "Flora's Letter," Mary Connor. Recitation, "Stop and Think," Lent; Kronquist. Song, "The Birdie's Ball," Laura and RobIo Parker. Recitation, "Somebody's Mother," Miss Kate Connor. RecltaXloni "The Beat Drinking Place," Mary Kronquist. Piano solo, Miss Reta Ilobson. Dialogue, "The Use of Study,' Wit Clara Simpson, Maud Stockton and James Douglass, Quartet, Misses Oenle Lewis, Irene Johnson, Frankle Holden, and Lena Mason, Being recalled, they sang "Yah kee Doodle." Reading, "He Drew the Line at Lost." Mrs. A. R. .Cyrus, Piano solo, Edwin Hobson. Reading, W. M. LaForce. The committee on program for next week are Mrs. F. K. Van Tassell, Mits Annie Oratke and C. M. Huxford. Four persona signed the pledge. WORLD'S FAIR TRAVELERS WILL HAVE IT. The public demand throug service when traveling. It is old fashioned to "change cars." On the through, solid vestibuled trains of the Chicago, Union Pacifta ft Northwestern line from or to Chicago Omaha and Intermediate points there la no change. This is the finest and fastest service between the points named. For the Next Thirty Days, To meet imperative demands, I will offer at Buch low prices on install ments, with easy payments, that Union Pacific and Astoria When President Clarke of the Unio; Pacific, visited Astoria and looked over the broad expanse of water at this port, he expressed surprise that no trans- continental line had turned It to ac count. The great railroad manager who paid this compliment to ABtorla is now more powerful and influential than ever. He enjoys the confidence of the Gould interest, which is large, and lie has been Induced to remain president of the Union Pacific, with the approv al of all who are concerned in the de- velopment of that Important railroad system, which embraces 6,000 miles of track with gross receipts of about 311,' 000,000. In Mr. Clark's hands the Union Pacific will be conducted Bolely on sound business principles with tnc ob ject of increasing its prosperity and de veloping the vast region which its lines traverse. It has already about $4,000, 000 in its treasury, and its collateral trust is regarded with favor by invest ors. It Is at peace with all other roads, and must profit by the Increased busi ness which most railroads may expect from the World's Fair at Chicago. The Union Pacific haa the strongest incentive for building to Astoria from Portland or Ooble. It is only by that course that it can retain its hold on the export grain trade of the Inland Em pire. It has tried what might be called the Portland route, without success. Instead of retaining the firm grip which It had on the grain traffic as the suc cessor of the Oregon Railway and Nav igation Company, the Union Padflc has been compelled to yield a large share of that business to the Northern Pa cific despite the heavy grade at the Cascade mountains and the remoteness of Tacoma from the seaboard, coin pared with the port of Astoria, It is threatened with more rivalry by the presence of the Great Northern rail way at the Sound an extension that wan built over easy (trades, under a contract which ensured good work at reasonable rates. The Great Northern will undoubtedly reach out for this grain traffic, and will repeat in Wash ington and Eastern Oregon what it has done in Minnesota, where it has formed a net-work of lines, leading on tnc one hand to the great flour mills at Minne apolis, and on the other to the head of navigation at Duluth and West Supe rior. The rivalry of the Great North ern will be still keener when it builds to the proposed extension from the Sound to Portland, crossing the Co lumbia at Vancouver, and invading, not the Oregon metropolis alone, but the Willamette volley, and in due course, Astoria. All this will simply verify Mr. James J. Hill's remark that his road will be a rake the handle will be the main line to the East while the prongs will be the branch lines ex tending to the coast cities, including Astoria and San Francisco. But, apart from the impending com petition which the Union Pactllc must expect to encounter more and more, as wheat production Increases, that rail .oad has a strong incentive to build to Astoria In order to save money and in crease its general business. It has con fessedly conducted the pilotage and .owage business of the Columbia river .t a loss. It is losing money also by .is river Bteamboats. It sees monthly, lasaengers in large numbers and 'relght in great quantity, -ton verted by ival steam boats, such as the Lurline nd Telephone, despite its supposed eadlnesa to make lower rates. More iver, it loses nearly all the San Fran- lnco freight business with this port, ecau8e that traffic Is connected In the .nercantlle mind with the river busi ness, which as observed, is mostly In the hands of the independent bout. How different it would be If the Union Pacific hod a railroad to this cltyl Then it might expect a large shore of the passenger traffic as well as of the general freight business. Then it would be able to haul wheat from Walla Walla and other grain markets to the seaboard on better terms than any of its rivals. Then would the Union Pacific be a transcontinental railroad in fact as well as In name. Its territory would be compact and clearly defined. It would enjoy the fullest con fidence of the financial world, and hav ing settled satisfactorily the govern ment claim, It would enter on an era of rapid growth and permanent pros perity. FROM MRS. H. W. BEECHER. "40 Orange Street, Brooklyn, N. 7., Feb. 11, 1890. "I have used Allcock's plasters for soma years for myself and family, and as far as able, for the many sufferers who come to us for assistance, and have found them a genuine relief for most of the aches and pains which flesh la heir to. I have used Allcock's Plasters for all kinds of lameness and acute pain, and, by frequent experi ments, find that they can control many cases not noticed in your circulars. "The above Is the only testimonial I have ever given in favor of any plaster, and if my name has been used to re commend any other It is without my authority or sanction." MRS. HENRY WARD BEECHER. YOU CAN HAVE A HOitlE IN ffiiL'S FiaST ADDITION. YOU SHOULD READ THIS. The popularity of the Union Pacific Is beat determined by the superior service it accords to the traveling public in main taining two dally through trains to Omaha, St, Paul, Chicago and points east, thoroughly equipped with all tho Intent appliances for the comfort and safety of ita patrons besides shortening the distance materially with Its faat trains. The pres ent train schedule enables passengers to reach BU Paul seven hours quicker and Chicago twenty-four hours quicker. Omaha and Kansas Cltv and Intermediate points, forty hours quicker than any line from the Pacific Northwest. . . . Patronize the Northern Pacific railroad If you are going East. Low rates of fare, through tickets, bagguge checked to desti nation. All Durchasers of Becond class tickets can stoo over at Portland. Rates of fare same as from Portland. If you have friends In Eurone whose passage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pad lie offtce.steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants. Reduced rates via all the lead ing steamship lines. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel. Astoria. Handler St Haas, 150 First street Port land, have on sale the Dally Astorian, so that visitors need not mlsn their morning paper when they are here. L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Fran cisco, Is our authorized aa-ent. This paper is kept on file at his omca. LADIES' TEA Is a pleasant drink, which will be borne by the stomach without nau sea, or griping. It acts thoroughly on the liver, kidneys and reproductive or gans. A gentle physic, efficient diu retic, and is most useful In scant or painful menstruation. It aids diges tion and reduces corpulency; clears the complexion, rendering it fair, and re storing the natural tone of the skin, for It removes the bile, which by ac cumulation, produces the sallow, mud dy complexion, peculiar to the con stipated. Sold by all druggists. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. Sealed proposals will be received up to noon on April 27, 1893. for the build ing of a school house, at the olllt-e of the school clerk of district No. 8, Kin dred Pirk, New Astoria, Clatsop coun- Oregon, wheirj plans and specifica tions can be seen. The rignt to reject any or all bids is reserved. U. A. HHNKIKSON, Clerk of Dint. No. 6. April 13, 1893. td hildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria fVhen Baby was sick, we gars her Castoria. mien she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, ffhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Then she bad Children, she gave them Caatorif Bncklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for cuts. bruises, sores, plcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive- cures piles, or no pay required, it guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded.. Price. 25 cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogers, suc cessor to J. C. Dement 2,228,672. These figures represent the number of bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery ror Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which were sold In the United States from March, 1891, to March, 1892. Two million, two hundred and twenty-eight thousand, six hundred and seventy-two bottles sold In one year, and each and every bottle was sold on guarantee that money would be refunded if sat isfactory results did not follow its use. The secret of its success is plain. It never disappoints and can always be depended on as the very best remedy for Coughs and Colds, ets. Price 60c. and $100. At Chas. Rogers, drugstore. A Sure Core for I'lleg. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, causing Intense Itching when warm. This form, as well as Ulind, (Heeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Uosanko's Pile Remedy, which acta directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure. 60c. Druggist or mall. Circulars free. Dr. Buuarko, 329 Arch : e t, I adetphia, l a. Sold by J. W. Oonn. Foard & Stokes onooiaiia Deiitf-N In i.'asswure, Crookt-rv. Ship Supplies, i'oliceo. Wines mi il Fine Whiiklex. Flue Teas and Coirw j, rlneclaltv. The Finest Display of FrullH iu ilie ;ity, Krenh on Rverv Steamer. Coiner of i'lilid and Wert Eli,tu ft recti. I CURE FITS I When I sy cure I do not nif n merely to stop them for a timeimil then hsvethem return airnij. I mem a mdii-al enre. 1 have nwdo the (lis of KITS, Kl'lLKPfiY or FALUN li SICKtfllbS a lire-long Mudy. 1 arrant my remedy to oure the worst oases. Uertum others hare failed li no reason fur not now receiving a cure. Bend ?t,.op tr-'atlae and a Free Bottle of my Infallible remedy, (live Kinross and rVist-oace, H a. ROOT, M. C 183 Pearl tU, M. V. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE EW LABORIim HAN OR MECHANIC Can avail himself of this golden opportunity. LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION FOR $75 EACH, AT $5 DOWN ON BOND, AND $5 PER MONTH. mmn : W IN CHILDREN For over two years my little girl's life was made miserable by a case of Catarrh. The discharge from the nose was large, constant and very offensive. Her eyes became inflamed, the lids swollen and very painful. After trying various reme dies, I gave her The first bot tle seemed to aggravate the disease, but the symptoms soon abated, and in a short time she was cured. L Dr. L. D. Ritchey, Mackey, Ind. Our book on Blood and Rkln Diseases mailed free. BwitrBrwjirio Co., Atlanta, Ga. BUSINESS CARDS. ACI8BONS. . aD'U .ICR'op ACCOUNT and PR')HE8HIONl. H'lnirvfi'L-r.PD Okhce! With Geucrul Messenger to,, BIS sv(iiiuv urj ntircd. A A. CLEVELAND, ATTORNEY AT LAW. office-Kinuey's new brirk building, comer u.iu .u uquvtivto sueeia up suurs. J Q.A.BOWLBY, . ATTORNEY AID C0OCEL0R AT LAW uiace on oecona street,, - Astoria, Or, JOHN H. SMITH, ATroilNKY AT UW Office In Klnney'i new brick building, over Astoria National Bnuk, "y W. PARKER, BBAI, ESTATE AND IN8URANCB AGENT vuiue m ueuwu sireei, Astoria, uregou. DU. fILIV JANSON. FHYmClAN & Hltlti:tfnv p inu i Olliceoy..r 0ood's Cloihiug Store, hours,' 10 to f v ui, i mi a in. ouuuay, iu 10 11 IU DR. O. B. ESTES, i li itiiclAN Attn mninH special attention to Diseases ol Women and ouinurj. uiu uer uauzigers store Astoria. A .1 A Kill TAU ve v r ajt, i uri WOMEN A oPKL'tALTY. a. r mum. street, llours 10 to 13 and 1 to 4 JAY TUTTLE M.D., PHYSICIAN, dUKWKon'a AOC0TJCHKUR. Office, rooniN 8. 4 over Astoria Natlona.Bank, hours. Id to 12 & a too Residence. 6119 Cedar at, DR. WAL.TER I. HOWARD. llUilUSufA T1U: PHYXICliKl KTTR KHiin. OltlCH. 454. Third Ht.rner.. Ilnmn in in 10 and a to 4, Sunday 1 to 2. Keideuoe 468 Sd II reel T, P., MULLINIX. M. D., JLi. (lives HiieoiaJ ueaiineut fi in io At uiinrs, Kidney Oniio-Uriii for Catarrh. Offlce ujjstalis4i; ihlrd St. Hours, a.iu p.m. iiiKn n.iu'iev ireiiuu. urumrv firvuna RICBA&O HAHHY. City Surveyor. 2ARRY A ISOM, O. B. ISOM, CIVIL K3GINKE11S AND 80KVEYOKS. ItOOAlS 8 AMD a, OVER ASTORIA NAllONAL BANK. W. T. BUBNIT, J. W. DHAriB Burney & Draper, Attorneys t-Law. Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years' experience as register of 111 C. 8. Land O'lice here. recommendM us in niu siiecinlty of Mining and nil other business he fore the Laud -fllce or tbe Courts, and involv- iug me practice oi tue ueuerai Laud uuice. JJROCKtNBROUCH A COWIMC. LAW OFFICE, OREGON CITY, OR. Sliecial attention HIVhii to lltlirt hllxinesa Mat. tiers on l,ouienteads or pre-eiitptlou oluims and timber land shown every Advantage oi uib iaw. ror aa-usiauoe iu waning Huai proof call on us. THOS. FREORICKSON, No 231. West Sixth Mieei. SOCIETY itlEGTIKUS. Scandinavian gvoleut Society. REGULAR MKEn.StW OF IMS SOCIH.T1 at their rooms Iu Pytbtau building .it eight o'clock e m.. ou the second and lourtii Tues day! ol each uiouih, AUG. HAMELSON Seuretaxy. Oooan Juucampiiitr.t Mo. 13, 1. O. O. F 1EUULAK MKSilNGS OF OCEAN KN- At, camuiueut No. Id. I. O. O. F., at tho Loti.e la tbe Otld Fellows Building, at seven r. u on the second and four lb Mondays of eitcb month. Sojourning brethren cuiulaily Invited, By order O. P. Astoria BaUdiug& Loan Association fHK KKUl L.R ALhETINGSOKTHls AfSO- I. outturn a-e held at 8 e. m. I he ilrsi WeuuesdHy ol each niuxtb. Ofllce ou Genevieve street, south ol Chenaniua. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. Common Uouncii. REGULAR MEETINGS, FIRST ANl third Tuesday evenings oi each month at K'elock. Mr Persons desiring to have matters acted upot by the Counoll, at any regular uieei bg must present the same to the Auditor ana Clerk, ou oi before the Friday eveuing prior to tin " Tuesday ou which the Council "ds in revulai meeting. K. OMIUKN, Auditor and Poll.-v.hidk' Hoard of Pilot Commlssliiner. a Ml ' RE' V.AR MKKTING80FTHI8BOASD, . will be held on the Brat Moud-y, of eacb month at lUa. iu. in the room of the A-torls t number of Commerce. W.L. ROBB, See C. P. UPSHUR, SHUT. KG and COMMISSION Atr a, Oregon. buntHry by . r. J. Offlce m Cass T. W. CASE 1? A NICER. TllMACTS A QXNIRAL BlllKIhS BOBIKUg, Drafts drawn available In any par. of the U o. uu x.une, ana on noug aong, unina, Office Hours:-10 A. M. to I P. M. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. I. W. CASE, INSURANCE AGENT REl'REHENTINO Cerman-Americaii. New York Citj, N. Y. I'uiiiB Fira and Marian, of Sew Zealand. National Fire aid Sarine leg. Co., of Hartford. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford. Home Mataal Ins. Co., of San Francisco. Phoenix, of London. Imperial, of London. New York Plate Class Ins. Co. Til ID ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK D0K8 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Accounts p Firms and Individuals Solicited tu r if-iruuio leiUJS. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Monei Loared on Personal security. sold Domestio Kxchange bought an I). K. Warns, President. J k' III I J.C Deit, Vice President v. a. n ami, C. 8. Wright. Joka H olMOB, Directors. n v. j nonuioa, Theo Bracksr, THE ASTORIA SAVINGS BAKK Acts as trustee for orporatlons and indiv.d nals Dcdob ts iolicite.1 Interest will be allowed on savings deposiU On ordinary saving"- b loks 4 per cent, per Annum ' On terra savings book per cent, per annum. On certificates of deposit: ror tnreo montlm, t pei rent, per annum, ror six months. 5 per cent, per annum. For twelve mouth, s per cent, per annum I. W. CARE i...m.., kftAvBOW'BX .'.'.'.Vice-President r.."-" r ' " Casliier vv.j.i)jMBNT Secretary DIKKCTORS: I. W. Case, J. Q. A. Bowlbv. Ohm If ilnim. r u tj i i v . . .. . v. u. Bern, lumi ', & n. Iveeu. F. J. Taylar. THE PORTLAND SAVIKCS BANK UF POUTLA.VD, OKKlXifJ. Pain nnituniiul inu a .uw . vMvai ........ ... M... M,OUUW ouaiJius iiu iruin ,. bU(0Ul riiAi?ifl ir.iuai( iTi'smem. l. K THOMPSON. Vke-PrfcBideut CLATSOP LAND CO. Incorporated with $25,000 Capital Stock. Heal KRtttte and IliaiirHn Hrnlrnr. Vnfnrr Public an J Couveyaii' era. HpecUl atteutluu paid to rents, payment of txe, etc t for mm lo-iiiriim ouic hkuiiih ior i?oiun Astoria, rri8- UfkO.t t'fll IT H utn lmkf Pnvlf mrA l,,!. A H,Ui also li t s it hHo. titi'lti . rb nnfl limfrlp nrnnArtr ,.K.a: a- ...i". :'" . r. O. A STINSON it CO.. BLACKSM JTUING Shln aiid Cannerv work. Ilorsx-uoeli a. Wxa ons made and repaired, i-o hi wjrk itui.ranteei Viass sueei. iipinnttte iue .invn Tatu o 0- HUGHES & CO., Wnoiefuie aud Ketail LIOUOR DEALERS. (mporteisot ah rfranuaol Korelgn and IXrnies tic wines, 'ignore and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Mr uiakies a sueclaltv. Vai Rlut Bottled Beer, bluest brands ol Key West ao Oumestio Oilers. ui u us lor .uedicinat rurposes. Trado Solicited. All oi-ders from th. Oity aud Country pron-riiy filled. HQUSOiogue Street. ... Astoria. Orego. I. 11. efts 1ST, OO. S Steamer llwaco ;s Astoria d:iilv at 7:.'!0 a. m. tor llwxeo ;iH,ii(. at Tansy Point, and to iieclin :t rtUrua.l niuii.nn i.ortli ai 10 a. ni, and wit boiti" n siiMilwater ot fir South Ileud, Sunshine North Con Aim oilier in-.iit.. II Miiuli to Oray' liar. bi', Heturnli e eoimema at Lwac.t wit- eHTcrsfnr A:toraaiid Nta;bt Boats lot run auo. JOUN It. GOULTEB, L. A. I.OOMIS, :-fereiary. Presldeul. B. V KfilU Rl". Biiperlptendm.t. PORTLAND AND ASTOR1. Steamer Telephone. I' 4s Astoria Every evening except Punda at 7 n. Ariesat Astoria Every day except Suudav at2p. m. leaves Portland Kwrv nav evcept Sonda) t 7 a. in. U. W. &TON K, Agent, Ai-turia. X. A. filtHV, Ueuerai Agent, l'urllaud Or. JEFFS EESTAUEANT 18 THE Boa Ten Ton Restaurant in the Towd (And the Finest on the CoaaM Dinner Parties, Banquets a Special: The riaest Wises aad Llqior. BE & BY NOT RIOINO THE RIGHT BICYCLE caa roq eVa frtAuxwe-Teu.5 vou AUAacwT i ,(lkl . v ffORTH PACIFIC flYCLE f?(X BICYCLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION."" Mahuvsm Bwtww -Powtianp Oregon. For - Thirty - Days - Only I make this uffer. Less than one milo from Astoria Box Factory on Columbia river. Streets 75 andjalleys 20 feet wide. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY, CONNECTING WITH ALU TRANSCONTIN ENTAL LINES, IS THE OITZ.,7 liui: RUNMNG Eloctrio Liglited Cars BETWEEN ST. PAUL and CHICAGO AND OMAHA and CHICAGO. The EXPRESS THAIN8 consist of VESTI BULED, 8 .EE HI NO, DINING AND PARLOR CARS, HEATED BY STEAM And furnished with every luxury known to moderu railway travel. For Speed, Comfirt and Safety this Line is Unequaled Tickets on sale at all Dromiuent rallwav offices. For further Information inquire of any ticket agent, or C. J. EDDY, General kgt. J. W. CASEY. Tiav. Pass. Apt. - POKTLAKD, OREGON. QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO .AND.. ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA, VIA the Mt. Shasta Ri ute of the Southern Pacific Comp'y Tot Oalja Route Throoch California to a Pointi Eut mi Ssuth, Tbs Scenic Route of tbe Pacific toast, PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS -AKD SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CABS Attached to eTniag trains. afTnrdlnr snryrlo aocouimodatious for second class Daaseneers. For rates, tickets, sleeping ear reservation. I eto., call upon or address E. P. ROtiERS, Ajnist 1 ant General Frxlubt and tasseuger AeuLforU and. Or.