llIIS DAILY A&T0B1AN. ASTOIOA, TUESDAY MOIiltTNU, MABCH U8. 18V3 EAIILT DATS IN MONTANA. Col. It. F. May, of Bozeman, had a stand In Helena In 1808. "Twenty-five-cents would not go tar toward buying fruit In those days," he said the other day. . "One man who was courting a young lady used to come to my place and buy four apples for )5, $1.25 apiece, and then present them to his sweet heart. I always picked out four of the best apples I had and wrapped them up in tl8ue paper and placed them In a neat candy box for him. By and by they were married, after which I never sold him any more apples. The first year's pineapples sold for VI apiece, and there are still living In Helena men who paid me that price for them. Oranges were 12.50 to $3 each, and the Montana pioneers who are rich today did not buy them. "The first shipment of sweet potatoes ever received in Montana was sent to me, and they cost me $1.35 a pound. The first man that came along on the street was a Chinaman. I was open ing them on the sidewalk. He bought two pounds at $1.50 a pound. Book keepers then were paid $12 a day. For a little stand on the street, In front of a store, I paid $30 a month rent In advance. A very ordinary wooden bulding across the- street, used as a sa loon, rented for $400 a month. "Newspapers sold for 60c each. Mag' azlnes cost $1.25 each. One day I had an unusual stock of fruit, which I feared would spoil on my hands, and so I got 100 circulars printed . They were very small, but cost 10c apiece. I did not hire boys to distribute them, but took them around myself, "Much of the fruit I sold came 1600 miles by stage, and this fact had a great deal to do with the prices. As transportation facilities increased prices gradually fell. The prices I have quoted are no higher than the av erage prices In those days; everything was the same way, The following list of patents was granted to Pacific coast state invent ors this week: S. L. Berry, San Fran- cosco, water wheel; T. Beading and W. A. Barker, Los Angeles, display shelf and carpet elevator; J. W. Crltes, Sac, remento, vending machine; C. W. Hln ton, Loe Angeles, ar coupling; R. E, Hooper, Ban Francisco, guiae snieia for type-writing machine; H. M. Hoyt, Spokane, copying press; R. D. Hume, Gold Beach, Or., machine for forming can bodies; B. Mattress, Scrlbner, Cal., stump extractor; J. R. McGregor, and a. O. Perry, Centralla, Wash., nautl cal signal; M. E. Prescott, San Fran: Cisco, mop wringer; H. Schaake, San Francisco, cap making machlne;W. N. Sherman, Merced, Cal., adjustable ven tilating canopy frame for beds; J. F, Shultz, San Jacinto, Cal., plow shovel T. J. Snyder, Wallowa, Or.; R. Steed- man, Berkeley, Cal., setting gage for door frames; G. H. Tletjen, San Fran Cisco, apparatus for transferring or stenciling upon transparent or other material, J. N. Tiffany, San Diego, ad' J us table support for bracket tables; E. L. Townsend, Portland, Are ladder. Compared with Judge Boise's easy going popular pioneer manner of con ducting a court, Judge Burnett is getting quite a reputation for hit strictness in keeping order. No one Is allowed to stand around while court is in session or to make any improper approaches upon the dignity of thi court. The Albany Democrat has thi relating to an occurrence at present term of the Linn Co. court: "Judgt Burnett not only keeps a very com mendable order in court; but he doet not stand much foolishness generally. Yesterday Judge McFadden, the well known Corvallls lawyer, interposed demurrer in a certain case. It ap peared to the court that it was dom merely for delay and the judge prompt ly lined the Corvallls attorney $5 foi contempt of court, which will no doubt break up a common practice not In th Interest of justice." Capital Journal Although published several days ago, tne oraer or juage unerton postpon-i ing the Oregon Pac.no sale to June J - the Judge refusing to do so until hav- haV- I toi 1 nv I tne employes wouia oe paia, as prom-i ined. Soma think tho "fun" has not vet the employes would be paid, as pr ltnp-nn nmi thnt thorA will hA a. trnntnal I i i.i- 1 tttmrnnrl A Trominnt imII I ifiected to an alaSS?!lL,.',: "' Ml away and hi w .rH,J,p,etlt' L i- w, n iiiitri tit rnuiy reauct-d li I bottloa r i.?i..L ino Hitters cured him. ul aTS, rjnr. ."!', hac stnndlnK. Used thrii lv?t.ii.,!,,inl,year Bitters and Wen tonf1 R ctrl' nl.a Halve. anrhl.Tt'..0'""Sk eA, Ar- John Speaker, Catawba, o S f.alv cured him mii b-'T'.' A.rnlce Kutrers, druggist. ,u u EASTER GOODS. Europe, at Colmann's. rwe,vea frm Hucklen'i Aralc hr'.-0"1 ",v n th. world hr s,,.. corns, and all skin .tlnnih'lB. iy euros pile. 0P Bo JL , SuarantWd to Rive nfqulrwl' 11 t ion or money wfPil&i ?fe- rr box, Kor sals hv rk.."i1' ' cefcsor to J. c. Dement sue noticeF tM riilnr?.n? lne lnteJ of mffM JVachnd"a,, ' 5S cognac and win "eucr i uuuvri a, Ladlf will find thea wf. . JV. Conn, corner Second and Cs5S ,,1' THE "RESULT OF MERIT. Whim anything stands a tost of fifty years among a discriminating people like the Americana, It is pretty good evidence that there is merit somewhere. The valpe of a meclizine in best proved by its continued use from year to year, by the same persons and families, as well as by a steady Increasing sale. Few, if any, medicines have met with such continued success and popularity as has marked the Introduction and progress of Brandre-th's Pills, which, after a trlol of over fifty years, are con ceded to be the safest and most effect ive purgative and blood purlllcr intro duced to the public. t That this is we reauii oi mmi, aim .i . nronHroth'a Pillii actually Der- L 1 ! , V l i" " - nii thn la flnfmprl fnl tnpm. 13 III I ill an 1 1 - ' , conclusively prove dby the fact that those who regard them with the great est favor are those who have used them the longest. TijMa(1i'a TIlla nrA artld In PVPTV XJIfUlUICtll o ... , , , drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar soated. ' Shut tht door against disease. Banger comes oftenest through impure blood. Keep your blood In order, and tou keep in health. Vnr tliia. tinfhinir !L equals Dr. Pierced p fi n Irian 1tfl(nnl Discovery. invirornK mo uvui, pmiuco and enriches the blood, and rouses every organ into healthy actioa By this mcaM It cures. Every part of the system focls its saving influence. Dyspepsia, Indication, Biliousness, Scrofulous, Skin and Sculp Dis easeseven Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earllor stages, all yield to it It's the only Liver, Blood and Lung Remedy that's guaranteed to benefit or euro, or the money Is rof unded. Trying terms to Bell sn but it's a medicine that can carry them out . Can anything else, at any price, be really as cheap f "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol to Inebriate, and no syrup or sugar to derange digestion. It's a concentrated vegetable extract : put up in large bottles ; pleasant to the taste, and equally good for adults or children. JAPANESE CURB A nn1..A ...nnnt Ann l .1 1 fl ff n t A new miu i-wmpiow icu.uio., . ... -o suppositories, olntmnt in capsules, alio in box nd pills; a positive cure f'ir .- tcrnal, in ternal blind or bleeding, itching, chroiilo. recent or hereditary piles, and many other diseases and female weaknesses; It is always a rest benefit to the sreneml health. The first iscovery of s medical euro reudurlug an oper Hon with the knifo unnecessary hereafter This remedy lias never been known to fall. 1 per box, 0 for S; sent by mall. Why suiter from this terrible disease whou a written K'lni amea Is elvon with 8 boxes, to refund the money II not cured. Bend stamps f r free aiaple. fiuarantee issued by Woodward Clarl & Co., Wholesale and Retail Pnigiri-cs Sole Agents Portland, Or. h'ut &le by J. W. Conn. Astoria Oieiton. OO-OODNEWS q for the millions ot consumers ol eXutt'sPilli ft It gives lr. Tutt iileamre to nn ' uoiiiiou tlmt he is uw uniting upa TINY LIVER PILL wfilcli laofexrrertlnirly small slxo, (l A ..... .,11 tit j I f ilu. ..fill A fF jnif . wm. ..." ... l;u'Kcr ones. t.iiHrantci'il purely nru still Issued. 1'lie c.vuct ilea ol TUTT'S TINY LIVErt PILLS ia shown In the border of this "ad." OQQQQQGQQ DR. GUM'S 1MPBOVED LIVER PILLS OfiLYOHE FOR A DOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR, Breath bd or Head aohlnir P One nf these pills re Uees(IUtreMlilUiettouiehnd ouree heedncne, one eaoh night for awrek eweetens Hie stomsoli efd purlfleethe breath. They Imure perftol digtiitlon, reauletelhe bowels sod cure ooiimlpatliJn. incy aot promptly, yet mildly, nevf r ai lpe or eloken. liM rugglits or mall. osankoMed.Co.,flula.lra Heart Failure. J HOW TO AVOID IT, , , . , , , fflffi VXt aider the immense strain which is put ( ,hat ,raaU organ. Marvelous as it is, beatii thnt tininll Arcrnn. Miirvnlnnri no it ia liAftfincr nn 100,000 times and exerting a force equal to 5,184.000 pounds daily, it has its limit its I till iAv I- 1 ..- 1 i J. o.iouvu pounus uauy, u nas lis jiniu un endurance often is too severely tested. So enmmni. are diseases of the heart -thoneh Aftan fni nnna.JnmhlA tlma wit linn t fit a '-Wnloions of flie afllicted person being in l tkttstiA - r. r I ' a. . . .i .1 . I u.T "o in aiipnrrrcr-i I He has found t i. - of honri .ii0 ; :"r" Vu" nlon symptoms v. u :r r a or i,, ' d cicai, oar wmMajl i i - AouWr and am. 7..1. tv w v "P"' w iJsmes, Yates writes :"Da. Mitw v- 11IAHT f 'tin. I. . . . ilJkW . . w.tMvna ui orearn. tin uii. Sine, T ,Vv. UeT r M una niaue mv u . - for mc," urt done - .vji,i-nuu wnat vou nln!. n r UHRHTMAV.TnUU hl U1I..I U P . .. . br.il J Z .J r?T Heart I, wid ia tnfiL .,"-i'uv'81'rsntee. It Dr. Xuiiria rr 0B.a ? i nav UU.. J. I ai IlBr I ... I . .VHVavf UM GETTON'GMww,, fk at . . . I k-s a h. . L-LPH PILES. in ue ovfr SO .r-orii.MMrt,,,,,. J1 PILE mm T. 33. WTATT Dealer In Hardware and Ship Chandtsry, Pure nil, Bright Varnlfh, Bioacle Oil. Cot- rni t'ftnvH's Iimi t;nl Twins. IJ )il. Wrought Iron Spike-. 0 si vauuted Out Naus . Orooorioa, XiJto. AgrlculturHl Implement', Sawing Ma Hiuililnes, faints and Oiln. INDEPENDENT BOAT FOR PORTLAND Will leave Astoria for Portland, (Fish er's Dock) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, ' Fridays and Saturdays at 6:00 a. m., and Sunday at 6.-00 p. m. T. W. GA SE, BANKER. iBAHBAOn A OSMEBAL BAMUNO BOSIKIsS. Prafta drawn ayallablfi In any par. of the V 8 and Europe, sud on Hong Kong, China, OfDce Honrs: 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Odd Fellows Bulldlug, ' Aitorla, Oregon. I. W. CASE, INSURANCE AGENT. KEPKKSENTINi Gcrman-Amcricaa, New York City, N. T. Union Fire and Fa ins, of New Zealand. National Fire and Marine hi. Co., of Hartford. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford. Heme Mutual Ins. Co., of San Francisco. Pbsnii, of London. I Imperial, of London. New York Plate Glass Ins, Co. 7 XX 13 ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts of Firms sad Individuals, bollcltsd on Favorable Terms. Interest paid on Time Deposits. , Mouej Loaned on Pemoual xecorlty. Foreign and Domestic Kxchaiigo bought an1 iold. 1 D. K. Warr, President. I. K. Hluirlos, Casbler. J.C Umucbi, Vloe President II. K. Warren, 1 C. 8. Wright, J John IlotMoa, j Directors H. (J. Thorn puna, Theo Bracker, THE1ST0HIA SAVIKGS BANK Acts as trustee tor orporatlom sud Individ nals Depoalta sollclti'd Interest will be allowed on savings deposits as lollowx; Ou ordinary aviugi h-ioks .4 per cent, per annnni. On term savings hooks 8 per cent, per annnm. On mitlllcaU's of deposit: For thrco inonth, 4 per cont. per annum. For six nionihs, & per cent, per annum. For twelve months, S per ceut. per annum. I. W. CASK President I. Q. A. BOWIHY Vlce-Pn sidenl F KANK PA TON ......Casbler W. K. DEMENT DfSKCTORd: I. W. Taso, J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. Ii. Patre, Benj. Youn,', F. J. Titybr. 9eorotary Oust Holmes, A. 6. Keod. THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK OF PORTLAND, OH SOON. Paid up cnpltal M.VKO,000 Surplus and profit Gu.oilO I'KANK DKKUM, Prosldenl. V. P. THOMPSON, Vice-President H. C.BTUAT10N, Casbler CLATSOP LAND CO. Incorporated with 25,000 Capital Stock, tiei'l Kstnt and Insurance Brokers, Votary Public and (.'ouveyauiera. Hpeclal attention paid to rents, payment ol taxes, etc., for non reoidents. Bole axeuts lor Booth Astoria, Pb peoll'aiK, Hemlock Park and Owen's Addition, also bvat Heaalde, biisliiHa and Inside property and choice acreage. 474 I kurd St., Astoria. Tide Table for Astoria. MAIX'II. moil wa'I'kiT LOW WATER P.M. 111. 1U. ft. 6 111 10 9 7!S OS 7 .Mi 10 0 8 27 0 6 nail 'L 2 it II 0 .1 2 lo 7 4 21 3 d M lil li U 0 II M 0 . 7 01 0 J 7 !JI 0 S III nl 8 61 ll 4 II XH 1 I in :' a li in i a 0 27 14 a' I Ail in 1 8 (Hi 0 0 4 m o 4 Ml II -i 6 41 0 1 8 1H 0 4 at K t in .... . 1 M W , I ei T" ' he 1t., ..t ,. oiiMiiln-fl "VreiiTar T ' fo' " Ul". r K'T' U 00 I W . ILM IUkI tit.. .da. n .obulnan l wafuictM tor M.. I Dmcr la Oaaarr li i i. remot. from W5hfnroo- Um Ui - , II ' A. M. II P.M. A.M. II O h.iii.lltTl li.m7tt . h. in.l It. I W In 0 III i 7 ;12 01 IX T 0 21 2 4! T. 2 two 2, 12 61 S I, 7 W 2 U, i,v m h l a i Ik n I i ai H j 1 1 T J!) 'I ft. Vy-rfr-Ax'ji -j I i.i u ft I a li l. f . in b t,:i v. I" "Jl. " : Ti li I 6 4H 7 I I m T t ..V T: l'7 5f i. f, " 2 . w 4 1 M ft) 0 4 MS Si IS ml r. vr t . u .1 ? IS 7 20 0 1 I.' "J K (11 Lj ..1 L. " I d U U nv.i IS tfoV" u":","n,"u, Poto.. with : :m oSWA raS SXJZttFi c.A.snovv&co. SHERIFFS SALE. In 'the circuit court of tho State of Oregon for the county of Clatsop.. Chain Guy Long:, Kong Dok Num. Teuo Qow, Oro Kack and Jung Lung partners as Hong Chong: & Company, plaintiffs, vs. William Reid, Agmes Reid, and Pacific Construction Company, de fendants: By virtue of an execution and or der of sale issued out of the above entitled court In the above entitled cause, on the 16th day of March, 1893, upon a judgement duly made and ren dered therein on the 7th day of March 1893, which said execution and order of sale was to me directed and delivered, I did on the 25th day of March 1893 levy upon all the right, title, claim and Interest of the above named defendant, and each of them, In and to the follow ing described real property, to-wit: Lots numbered, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, of block 1; lots numbered 7 and 8 of block 2; lots numbered 3. 8, 10, 10, and 17, of block 8; lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, of block 5; lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 17, of block 6; lots numbered 6, and 9, of block 7: and lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, and 8, all In the town of Railroad Addition to Ocean Grove as laid out, platted and re corded, by G. K. Grimes, in Clatsop county, Oregon. And I Bhall on Wednesday the 26th day of April, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, In front of the court house door, in the City of Astoria, in said county and state, proceed to Bell the same, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to satisfy the sum of 14588.79, together with the costa herein, taxed at $32.45, and interest, at the rate of eight per cent., from March 7, 1893, and the dis bursements and cost of suit, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, in U. S. gold coin at time of sale. . H. A. SMITH. Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon. By D. M. MOOER, Deputy. Dated at Astoria, Or., this 25th day of March, 1893. Report of the Condition 0 THE First National Bank OF ASTORIA, At Astoria, In the fttnte of Oregon, at the close of business, March 6lii, 1893. RESOURCES. Loan and discount....... .$55 181 07 Overdrafts secured and unsecured....... 4 677 93 IT. H. Bonds to secure circulation 12,000 Stocks, securities, eto... 14 162 55 Due from approved reserve agents 10,471 62 Due from other national banks..... 1,499 M Due from state banks and bankers 34,034 M Current expenips and taxes paid H2.3 4) Prmiiluins on It. 8. bonds 1,500 Checks and other cash items 2 Kills of oi li- r banks 105 Nickels and couUi Ml 77 Hpecle 32,lo l-efriil tender notes 455 hedeiiiM'.lon fund w th II. IS. Treasurer (6 percent. olcImilHllon)... 562 50 Total 274,3U7 111 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid lii t 50,000 Hurplus fund WW Undivided prollts 37fJ 26 National bauk notes out standing 9.250 Individual deposits sunject to check $'47,337 07 Demand curiiftcates of de posit 20,148 08 Cerl filed checks 107.4i C5 Due to Hluie Ilsuks and bunkei 8...... 274 67 Total M r-71.307 til Rtate of Oregon, I County of dial sop, I as. I, H, 8. Cordon, c.ishicr ot the above nmi'! bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge, and belief. 6. H. OUKDOX, Cahler. Subscribed and sworu to bef -re me thts22d day of March, 1U3. J. 11. MAJOK! I , Notary l ulllc. Correct Attest : UEOtUiE FMVKI., ) .lilHN A. DKVI.IN. lihcctois. WILLIAM M. LADD. ) Chris Rvenson. Frank Cool HOTEL -TH&- CENTRAL EVENS! Iff & COOK, ON THE KURDl'KAN FLAK LARUr clean roon.s, a first-class restaurant. Board by the day, week, or montn. Privalo rooms fiu families etc , Transient cuctora solicited Oysters, fish, etc., cooked to order. A flrst-claxs saloon run in connection with the premises. Theb'-'fiof wines, liquors and cla-ars. Oood Millard tables and private card rooms. Corner Water Street and West Ninth. BY NOT RIDING THE RIGHT no :tt otto ATALOeve-Teu.; vow auagovt yORTII PACIFIC fiYCLE ft0. BICYCLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION."" MsftquiNi Buiioiwa -Portiand Oregon.' Ripans Tabules ' Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure "inauun, uispei symptom of indigestion, bili ousness. A 7jir.rc j:. ' alter eatim?. or Aenr.;n- r SD fits. Wl Trm. u . . fr:;.7n' uicwnoie M...H.UUJT in a iew minutes. . "im are coin. estme'd,vai;r,K-;j"'?.,V8n- r iics ana are - ... u tuiui mar is De- where! a0 PatientS ever JattlSft!!!?!- - in-aicii urutrfirist: or by mail on receipt of price. f1"r Msifls uUrt RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NSW YORK. B. A. SIHfSON & CO., BLACKSMJTHING Ship and Cannerr work, Horsinoelng, Wag ons maile and repaired. oid work ituaranteed on (Jais street, opposite loe - ien Tola o uoe HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Betall LIQUOR DEALERS. tmuorttis of All Brands of KorelKu and iomt t-e Wines. IJ'iuors and Olfiars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a speolalty. Vai Blab Bottl-d hi, Fl.ient braudsol nej Westano Ooiaesiie(Vi't 1 iuu. i-i lot uWicmal Furposes. Famllv ln.de bollcited All orders from the Oltv nod Country prorTy fllleo. Siiueuiogue Htroet, - - - Astoria. Oregon The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY, CONNECTING WITH ALli TEANSCONTIN ENTAli LINES, IS THE-- OXTITST LUTE RUNNING Elsctrio Ziighted Cars BETWEEN ST. PAUL and CHICAGO AND OMAHA and CHICAGO. The EXPRFS3 TKAIN8 consist of VESTI HULED, HLKEfING, DINING AND PAKLOH CAllri, HEATED BY STEAM And furnished with every luxury known to modern railway travel. For Spesd. Comrt and Safety this Uns is Unequaled. Tickets on si.le at all prominent railway offices. For further Information inquire of any ticket agent, or C. J. EDDY. General Agft. J. W. CASEY, Trav. Pasn. Asft. i'dR'i'LAMD, OltEbON. aUICS TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO -AND.. ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA Via the Mt. BhasU Route ol the Southern Pacific Comp'y Th. OHj EoaU Tlrongh C!if.ra. to I Pai4. W.A 1 M Tbe Swnic loutt of th Pi5c Coast TOLLMAH BUFFET SLEEPERS :OM.CL.43S SLKF.PrXQ CARS 1jg0nly Ximm, line mm Running DAILY tL TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 AM. " 7:30 PM. 3 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quickcrto St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, i Free Reclining Chair Cars. Din ing Car4 ASTORIA AND SAN FRANCISCO FEBRUARY, 1893. Oregon Piturdny March 11 Columbia Wednesday March 15. Htate Sunday tlarch 10. Orei'.on Ihnrsdtiy Mmeli 23. Columbia Monouv March 'it. btate Friday JIarch,3l, ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMSR3 Morning boat leaves Astoria dally, except Smidav, at 7 a. in.; returning, leaven Portland daily, except Saturday, m. Bi. m. Nlglit boat leaves Aid una dally, except BiiiHay, at 8 p. ni : r turnli g leavesrortlaiid dally, except Hiiuday, .U7 a. in. The ninriiliig l'ttt from I'm tland makrs laiidiiigson tne Oregun ilde lufsilayn, Tlnirs dnys. mid Smurdays ; n Wnslili gfun side Mmi .lavs Wednesdays and Fridays. From Astoria tlin niorning IhmiIj. nuike s landings on the Ore 'imi side Mondava. Wednesdays and Fridays, mid on the Washli gton side l'uesdays, Thurs dats and Saturdays. For rales and gi'iieral Infuiiiatlon call on or address, w. h, nurj.BURT, a. w. louksbehr y, A. Gnn. r-ns. Aet.. Atreut Poitlatid,Or, . Astoria, Or. Is the line to take to all points EASTandSOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It rflers the hest f ervlce, eom : hiulng SPEED and COMFOItT It Is the popnlnr route wllh those who wl h to truvcl on It Is tbe'efore the mule yon photi'4 ti.krt. It runs thivukh vi-stibuled trains every day in the leaf to ST. PAUL AM) CHICAGO No Change of Cars, Elegant' ru'lnian Supers, Superior Tiiorist SIciperr, Splondid Free Sftosd-c'ats Sleepers. Ouly one change of cais Portland to New Yorlc ThrousH Tickets To Any Tar! oftni civilized oiltl. . fasseugera iunc - between A.toriu fclkl boats raining trains, routes ud oThw d Ti "V"- Mm ' oppllcUiott to deuU 'umished on R. L. WOLF, eu AMoHir. Meanu r Tiltptioue Deck. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General PHAiciiger Aeut. Ko. IH First St.. eor. v ashman, PonlaiitL (irtar'n. THE 0K0N : BAKEBY A. A. CLETELA5D. Pr Good Bread Cakes and Pastry Satisfaction Guaranieed Custom.?. Bread deUvered in acy part of the city FISHER BI,0THT5!T?.Q SHIP.CHANDLEBS. Poa. A n J III. ,1. vavr Ut OUU( HAEVAIIfil CS.-.T In !n t Warona and -Vhii.Ip0 r"?.i'rr'..' Ha, V.rvtX.. Door and vi,u - '. npa., iuiim,! PROVISlGRis Horn ,r,A Mr,. w ud, Of. 'ui -xei AgeuLl-urt. --v,