THUS DAILY ASTOMAH, A8TOBIA. TUESDAY MOKN1NG, ItAIlCU 28 lbi ABOUT THE CITY. Bicycles were on the streets yester day. A genuine Chinook was blowing yes terday. Jewish Passover begins on Friday night at sunset. The ladles are praying for fine weather next Sunday. r- People have been paying up their dog licensee In good order this week. The good work of the dog catcher is no doubt responsible. For the first time thla year the tel egraph wires went down last night, and we are In consequence very short of dispatches this morning. Church bells today, fair weather. This may bring The Knlghta of Pythias (U. R.) had another drill last night. They will drill again tomorrow and Thursday night, In preparation for the ball to take place on the 6th Inst. If you want some extra nne photos, Meoera' is the place to get them. TheNwagon belonging to the Seaside bakery struck the tramcar rails oppo site the Occident hotel yesterday, and smashed off one of Its wheels. The re mains were conveyed to the stables, Do not be deceived with chearj Dlcturea, but ret your work done at Crow's gallery ana you win not regret it. Men were at work yesterday hauling out a dead tree that had drifted in un der Osgood's, store. They accomplished their purpose successfully, and will float the obstacle out on today's high tide. Columbia Tender Company No. 3, will! give a bal April 8th, at Columbia cannery. All invited. The revival services at the M. E. church will continue during the week. Services will begin at 7:30. Preaching by Rev. J. H. Wood, the evangelist. Rev. Mr. Wood preached a sermon of great power on Sabbath evening. He Is a fluent speaker and thoroughly fa miliar with his work. E. W. Kuykendall, the undertaker, era bnlmer and funeral director, has his par lors in the Welch block, No. 718, Water street. Call up telephone No. 7. Mrs. Harris died yesterday morning at her residence on Main street, be tween Frst and Second, after a painful Illness. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Harris was well known in the city having for some years conducted a fruit stand here. She leaves a family of small children In poor circumstances. County and state taxes are now due and payable at the sheriff's office, and will be delinquent the first Monday in April. H. A. Smith, Sheriff. A surprise party last evening was given to Mr. W. H. Drennon, who leaves today on the steamer Chllcat, for Alaska. Those present were the Misses Maud and Hazel Stockton, Mat tie Shlvely, Nellie Mason, Emma Twi light. Minnie Shlvely, Maye Stlnston, Alice Lyndall, Lizzie Drennon, Ella Hare, and Mrs. William Drennon. The Messre. Gus Woodward, pursur of the steamer Harrison. Harry Twilight. Le'imi Stlnston, Andrew Dalgetty, W. H. Drennon, G. W. Parker, F, Parker, John Blank, and some others. See Swope & Slater about your spring work. They are the swiftest, cheapest and best paperhangers and decorators on the coast. Yesterday at 4 p. m. the residence of our robust and genial townsman, J. M. Miller, was the scene of festivity. A small, party of neighbors and friends had been summoned to witness the wedding ceremony that united Mr. Walter D. Sharpe and Miss Grace B. Hendrlckson, a young sister of Mrs. Miller. The knot was tied by the bride's pastor, Rev. F. K. Van Tassel, after which the iparty sat down to a sumptuous dinner. The bride and groom are well known and highly es teemed by a large circle of friends who wish them a long life of unrufted bliss. Swope & Slater will be . pleased to furnish estimates on interior decora tion to all who call or address 459 Fourth street. The Oregon educational exhibit for the World's Fair, says the Telegram of Saturday, was started on its Journey to Chicago this morning, and Superin tendent Pratt heaved a. alh of relief as he watched from the Union depot the train disappear around Albina. He has been busily engaged for sevc-ral weeks in preparing this exhibit, end has gathered together ant eAll!,.H will equal any ??l77mnea of work Unln- LCs to motion as pre too numerous t o pared by tne - wMch wiU throus-ho"1 the ' be mentioned maps, xharta. clay mod' els, ' . a vnlume8 of written clay, ana n..e- work. Several casee ot - Wrdff, Se lenient McElroy, will ac company me ... ,eave for 8UPrinwlthien a week and personally Vrts building, and is 5U20iee Ryan & Co. 637 iwa Trngl just received a ll"emTnK all the in wall paper, and rising eTplte f4t Tiiirrt street.. , nreironlan says voltorlal- ,v- "A we expected, the fishermen TLvantage of the failure of Z ol clnner. to combine , to pro lne . of the packing in- mote Price at double the price charg T . ' TTL -),. the industry waa the Alaska pack no one can ex plain. Great as Is the rep utation of the Columbia river salmon, its market price cannot be held up much above the Alaska fish and sustain the demand for It. Intelligence that the total output of young fry from the Clackamas hatchery this season is 3,000,000, about one-half the hatch of a few years ago, also shows wherein failure to combine and enter upon more extensive artificial propagation is per mitting the Industry to decline by son of a failure to maintain the supply of fish. It would be a good thing for the business if the canners would re fused to pay the price fixed by the fish' ermen and let their plants lie idla un til a reasonable price was fixed, If it were for the entire season. The ln- crewe in natural propagation by rosv of the greater number of salm n thus permitted . to reach the spawning grounds would be a distinct g.iln. nnd both the fishermen and the packers would learn a useful lesson." Along the Wharves- The Elmore went down to the As torla Iron Works yesterday to complete her alterations. The Telephone did not get away last night till 8 o'clock, being delayed till the arrival of the Ilwaco. The steamer Homer came In last night. The steamer Harrison leaves for the Nehalem this morning. The PolarBear left for the Nehalem yesterday to watch for the schooner Lizzie Prlen that is now due there to load lumber for the south. The steamer Augusta will probably leave for Tillamook today. She will take freight for that port left over here on the last trip of the Truckee. The Haytlan Republic came down from Portland Sunday and after taking aboard 200 cases of tin for the Boston Fishing and Trading Co., of Port Town. send, left for the Sound. The Columbia came down yesterday from Portland, took aboard 2238 bun dles of shooks and other Astoria freight and left for San Francisco. The State of California came in from San! Franclscq yesterday and after landing Astoria freight and passengers proceeded to Portland. The British bark Highland Home entered at the custom house yesterday from Antwerp, via Los Angeles, Cal, The BrltiBh ship City of Florence cleared at the custom house yesterday for the United Kingdom with 40,000 half sacks of flour valued at $63,000. The British bark Highland Home, Captain McWhlr, 1289 tons regester, came In on Sunday night from Redon do beach, Cal. She left Redondo on March 6th', and had light variable winds till the 40th parallel north lati tude was reached, and from thence to port she experienced very disagreeable weather with alternate calms and storms. She took a pilot aboard on Sunday morning,' and came in directly afterwards. The Highland Home has about half a cargo of cement and gen eral merchandise, and is consigned to Taylor, Toung and Company. An important transfer was made In this city Thursday, says the Eugene Register. Henry Weinhard, the million aire brewer of Portland, purchasing the plant of the cold storage and Ice company in this city. The plant Is no longer used as a brewery. Mr. Wein hard will use it as distributing station for this part of the state, making it practically a branch of his immense establishment at Portland. His beer is gaining a wide reputation and is used everywhere. He will ship it in cold storage, filling orders from neigh boring towns from here. He will con tinue the manufacture of ice, and as is customary with everything he under takes, will keep up the public demand. The most Important matter In the transaction Is the fact that Portland capital Is thus attracted here for In vestment, all this may be looked upon as the beglnlng of further transactions of this kind. Now Try Ting. ' It will cost you nothing and will sure ly do you good, if you have a cough, cold or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds Is guar anteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found It Just the thing, and under Its use had espeedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample at our expense and learn for your self just how good a thing .--- i Children Hry for Pitcher's Castoria tfHen she . Child, 1. cril C-tori. tfieni Then she W Children, .h. g " u-""" RETALIATORY LOCKOUT. . oKTMftv shops New Tone. - "i "P. wUh JXy Adopted by the me - ,.i,,irera' Asm"""' Clothing m'-"-- Federatlon ol against tne were turned on Ilia and the T nhAT I 700 cutterg. " Personal Mention... M., Herrlck, the 'canneryman, Is in town. Captain Johnson has returned from Portland. Dr. Mulllnlx will be down from Port land today. Captain Patterson came down on the Potter yesterday. Hon. C. W. Fulton went up on the Telephone last night. 1 Frank Pattern returned from Portland on the Potter yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Audley Gragg have re turned from their bridal tour. Captain Giles, of the British ship Larnaca, went up to Portland last night Mrs. Brenham Van Dusen left on the California steamer yesterday for San Francisco. Mrs. Gustav . Hansen yesterday re ceived the sad news of the death of her sister in Southern California. J. Klmberlin, T. Stewart, Miss Ander son, William Rothschild, W. H. Ghllee, C. W. Fulton, J. Brldgeman, J. H. Nu- brae, and H. H. Hess, . went to Port land on the Telephone last night. Dr. H. A. Smith leaves tomorrow for an extended visit to the Eastern States. He expects to be present at the open- ing of the World's Fair and will not return for several months. E. B. Bremer, F. Hacheney, H. L. Rothschild, Joe MlBh, E. Moore, H. H. Hess, M. Herrlck, Charles Johnson, H S. McGowan, A. L. Wadleigh, R. I Eberman, Mrs. S. F. Clayton, Mrs. Stickler, and W. E. Brldgmon are reg istered at the Occident. Dr. Horace Patchen lies at the point of death, unconscious and paralyzed from the effects of a blow received In a friendly boxing bout with Eugene M. Keys says the Tillamook Headlight. Some of the boys about town were In L. . L. Stlllwell's livery stable boxing for sport, and Dr. Patchen and Keys put the gloves on JuBt for fun. Dr. Patchen received a couple of heavy blows on the head and neck, though the blows did not seem hard enough to be serious, and the gloves were almost like pillows. He quit boxing however, saying he had enough, and started to put his coat on, but fell unconscious, and has remained so ever since. He was carried .home and his brother physicians -were summoned, and they report him in a very precarious con dition. His neck is partially dislocated and there Is a hemorrhage on his brain, An effort to reduce the dislocation of the neck was unsuccessful. It Is a very sad affair, and no doubt will cast a damper on the pugilistic ambition of the boys around town. A Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, causing Intense Itching when warm. This form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays Itching and effects a lermanent cure. 6uc. Druggist or mall. Irculars free. Dr. Bosanko. 329 Arch street, Philadelphia, Fa. Sold by J. W. Conn. - C. R. F. P. U. NOTICE. . Notice is hereby given that the C. R. F. P. Union has set the price of salmon for the season of 1893, at $1.15. By or der, SOFUS JENSEN, Sec'y. Astoria Or., March 25, 1893. X. XX. cfe INT. OO. J3 Steamer Ilwaco Leaves Astoria daily at 7:30 a. m. for Ilwaco vailing at Tansy Point, and connecting with railroad running north at 10 a. in, and with hontx m sholwater bay f r Sou tb Bend, Sunshine, North Cove mm uinur uuiiiih uirougn 10 urayi nan bor. KetumluK eonueois at Ilwaco with earners for Astoria aud Night Boats for Portland. JOHN R. COULTER, L. A. LOOMS, hwretury. President. K. V. EGUaiti', Superintendent. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Every evuuine excent Rnndm at 7 p. m. Anlvei at Astoria Every day except Suudny at 2 p.m. Leaves Portland Every aay except Bnnday at 7 a. m. C. W. STONK, Agent, Antnrla. K. A. Sxiliy, General Agent, Portland Or. JEFF'S RESTAUKANT -18 THE Bon Ton Ton Kestaurant in the Town ' (And the Finest on the Coast.) Dinner Parties, Banquets a Specialty Ths riawt Wises aid Liquors. jr.--' lobareo. Wines J''pS mvW ol and Coflee a tycUUv. I lie FinrM . u Pf SIcrcliant Steamship Cos - ' Line, ConnectiDg with CUu.rclflIUUwr "in. BUm Ship ui'i lei viciorls, rurt Townw.ii Wlialcotn, Kiruen, :rj-; "Vi iiv . . - t Now vv mum"' rt, rimi'w'"! , i" " iktArii gtr Ana Vancouver : '1M ri. S- Mnyirnn iciuuuv....k a m Wkliiuniftoli FErtGC30S BI103., . A8nU 1 0 tnL WAHTEIt. f IHL KOR UKNERA.L UOUSBWOKK. CALL VJ at w Main struct. ROOMS TO BUNT., mVVO DKBIKAHLU UNKUKNlKlltD kooms x newiy tapered, iioauraio rem. Gtu iiiiru turret. 3 KOOMS BUirABLB FOB HOUSfKBKP lne, lurnlshed or unlurulhed. Also fur- mslied rooms lor lodgers. 14 o. Mb w. Btu st. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMB for rent, nleatantly locatwl near busluesa. I ail at no. zuy west K giun Street. HOTEL T1GHK, FUKNI8IIEU ROOMS IN suite or single at $2 a week aud upwards, loom oy we uay wees, or dioiuu. 2 UNFURNISHED KOOMS, this office. 1NQUIKK AT XT1CELY FURNISHED ROOMS BV D t Y week or month terms very reasonable at tlie oriel, 716 Third Street. T)OOM FOR OFFICE OK LIGHT HOUSE XV keeping. Call ou F. H. WILLS at the Occi dent uar. DOOMS FOR LIOHT HOUSEKEEPING, round floor, amid locatlou. Inquire at this ofllce. rOB BALK. A COW, CAN BE 8KKN IN WILSON'S stable, where all particulars can be ascer tains. jrOUSl. A PAIR OK GOLD BPKCTACLfeB IN THE 2 V Oregon Bakery. Owner can have same paying lor this advertisement. MISCELLAXEO VS. f B KIRN'S HOTKL 167 WEST SIXTH J Street. Alb. u alder. ProDr etor. Kates uer day .... il B'nsrlft meals . - - .25 Everything Is kept In good order and we do our best to- at sly everybody who gives us a can, S1ALL ON P. BAKElt. 478 THIRD 8TKKKT j and nave your clothes dyed and cleaned, EO. MCLEAN, COKNKK OLNEY AND A- j tor streets, aoes a general Dusinessin DiacK smithing and repairing. HKCOCK'd SECOND HAND 8TOK8 615, Third Street, buys and sells new and sec-oud-hmid furniture. Highest cash price paid. VOBNO & LEWIS, AGENT8 AND DEALERS 1 in real estate aud Oregon Pine LraUs, 616 oeconu sireei. City lots and acreage, Tongue Point property, riavtM prupeny, tut un cwy terms. 10-aere fruit and chicken tracts close to town cheap. , Best thing on the market. Will give- CALICO BA.LL For tiie Bid of the memorial fund, at Fisher's Hall, April 14th. Two prizes will be siren for the neat est dressed lady. Calico will be the only material used in dresses. Price of admission, 1. Ladies free. Safes, Fireproof. T. celebrated Alnlne Snfn knnt In tm1r l the Third St.. Uoal KsUta Offloe. War ranted as good as the best. Terms very easy W. 0. CA8BKLL, Agent. H. B. PARKER DEALER IN Lime. Brick, Sand, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, temeni, jnui reea.uats, straw ilalr, Wood Delivered to Order. Drayiug, Teaming and Express Buineu. COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO.. WILLIAM WILSON, Prop. FEED - AND - SALE - STABLE General Express and Delivery Business. Office lit Olney street. Stables foot of West Kinin st, Astoria. Telephone Ho. it BOOTS AND SHOES The Largest Stock, Best Quality and ' Lowest Prloea at the Sign of The Golden Shoe, JOHN J. Or. NlOXXXl, Manufacturing Jeweler Walchcs a Specialty. 4 and PlaUJ C HI ' .."atreet. k. Oregon . CAMPBELL BROS. Dealers in OENTS' FCENI8U1NO GOODS, Eats, Caps, noow, o. r,Rnr.FRlES ANCT i mm mm OTTO I C. P. UPSHUR, SHIPPING and COMMISSION Astoria, Oregon. , genuine vALt's EKO' COAL -FdB SALK AT . a,Au I Ley Orter. a" 0. 0. H0EN, AGENT. CEOSBT, nfllt IM tH ninnWAUE. IUON, STEEL, THE 1. Why do woolen materials shrink when soaked? 2. Does a strong rear wind accelerate the speed of an express train? 3. Is very hot or very cold weather the more fatal to human life in this country? 4. Who wrote the "Star Spangled Banner," and what occasion prompted tho words? Answers must be in by Saturday noon. Please send full name, school and class you belong to. In response to numerous requests we take pleasure in inviting: all pupils of private schools to enter this competition every week.- The age of the contestant MUST, be stated. ; As the Flax Grows; Sd.the-.;Twine&fe You can't go wrong if you buy MARSHALL'S Twine, Tho 1893 make is to customers. It crop of 1890. WHY? Because the 1891 nnd 1892 crops havo been inferior. Marshall never use3 in 'ferior flax. That is why his twine IS THE BEST I Solo Agents for Astoria, ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. ELECTRIC LBS On Meter System. To Consumers: The West Shore Mills Co.. st ereat ex pense bare perfeoted tbeir electric ligbt plant to the latest known apparatus, and are now able to go to tbe public with a system that will be satisfactory in prion and qaslity, as can be shown by the fol lowing rates on and after March 1, 1403: lnoandosoent,allniiibt.... $1.50 12 o'clock... 1.00 tt 10 "... 75 Or by meter, 1 oent per hour. Installation Free - of Charge Pn.n.rfiiJ.n inn.,;.. f of the firm or at tbe office, foot nlJStmJLiil- caHPLE ROOWS WUie3, Li'and Cirj . r.. o..rr..hin Mnesoid thr "'TwSTsSi West Hinth Btreet astorla. Oregon. .urrtiniA, . IRON WOBItS, act - ... lot Jackson. UJnw,A;u.Vla. Oregon. Ossii-g. .f All Dejript t. Order .t Ukn JVA ' SV ROSS, HICCIN CO. Butchers-jjid -Grsters Astoria and Upper AstorU. Vine Tew .nd CoffWtejS linmestl. and TroplciJ Jrults, v egeia Kiir cured asms, baco-j. eU. CHOICE FRESH ft. SALT MEATS CARHAHAH & CO OEIJXSAL HEECHANDISE ESTIOK now being delivered is! mado of. the flax "Yes! Yes! Yes! Positively llic Very Best!" Portland Dranch .TUB- Rubber Boots, I Shoes; and lawn Tennises. PORTLAND, OR. Call and Bee ub or send or ders direct. Corresponaeuco solicited. North Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Bohemian - Lager - Beer And XX Porter. All order, promptly attended to. ierehants! i HUNTER -& HER8EKS, Proprietor. Ot the PosHand Eutchsnnj Co.'s (.iels ,n me m - - ean pay moetproep figh Cor. Second and Csss street. rthTmart in compeUtionwU OREQOH ASTOaU. The only ure Cream otXartar .H?FS, TkH Ollj MllW V 'W mum of Homes- ao iciui