THifi DAILY ASTOKIAN, ASTORIA, S.UKDAY MOKNING, 2d.AECH JH. lb! a PCBLISHID BY . . AHtanan-Culambiai rnbiUMng Coscpanj. AdTOKIA, OKEQON I ASTOKUW BUILDING, - CAM BTBBCT Tsras or Habserlptloa. DAILY. Served or Carrier, per week.... 16 & bent by Mall, per munlh. 6u Cu beul by Hall, per Vear ...7.uu WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year, 12.00 In advance. Free postage (0 subscribers. TBI ABTORUH Kuarameeitto tta advertiser the latuest circulation 01 ny uewapaper pu. ished uu the Columbia Itlvor. In future all Items of local Interest forwarded to thwoiuce must be addressed to ina . Ciiy Editor. . Local weather for the twenty-four hour ending at S p. m., yeterday, fur nished by the VS. 8. department of agrl culture, weather bureau: Maximum temperature, 46 degrees. Maximum temperature, 37degree. Precipitation, from July 1st to date, 65.61 Inches. Deficiency of precipitation from July 1st, 1892, to date, 2.79 inches. Thit paper hat the largttt Circulation on the Columbia river. An honeit and complete telegraphic re fort givei a newspaper a right and title to the name. The newt of the world, freth every morning at your breakfatt table, U tnhni vnu can And in the Atlorian. It " a- v holdt the exclusive telegraphic franchise. and ilt tervice it improving dailyi.".. Yesterday morning the case of libel against the editor of this paper for calling Sidney Dell a liar and a falseflor was dismissed, and today we feel it a duty we owe ourselves to speak of the matter freely and fully. This man Dell, through whose exertions the in dictment was brought by the grand Jury, had the audacity to test In a criminal court the accuracy of our statement. In his final frontlo appeal to the Jury for "JUBtice," he warned those gentlemen that If they failed to bring in a verdict of guilty they would be substantially understood as tjelng of the opinion that the Astorlan' charges were true. In this particular we agreed with the prosecuting witness, and what Is the result? The Jury returned Into court with a disagreement, but with a two thirdB majority in support of our statements. It is a pleasant thing to know, as our friends yesterday showed us very plain ly, that such a result was a complete vindication of our course and an abso lute condemnation of this conceited, egotistical fool, whose true character has at lost been successfully and pub licly exposed. The charge of Judge McBrlde to the jury was an absolutely fair statement of facts, and he must allow us to thank him for his ruling that whenuver newspaper finds a case of flagrant wrong doing and evil, it is Its duty ant' privilege to expose it and give It the widest circulation. . This we have always done, and thl: we will continue to do as long as the Astorlan exists. If publlo officials li the honest exercise of their duty an again maligned and attacked as the) were by this cowardly "lawyer," they will always And our columns behind them to support and encourage their acts. Our readers can rest assured that no fear of libel actions, or of the work of spiteful bumpkins foisted Into a posi tlon of temporary power vlll prevent us from doing our duty. . . The populist party of Kansas, or more properly, the organised Anar chists of the grasshopper and aunflow er Btate, has received a setback that ought to finish them. After resorting to force In support of their attempted fraud, and evading all referenoe to the, they have been compelled to bow to the decision of these court. Fifty four populist members of the leglsla ture, who for a while trained wltt th sham "house of representatives," have come to their senses and returned to their seats In the legal nouaethat wa organised by the republican. and what few democrats ther were. The decision of the supreme court of Kansas that the "Douglass" House waa the legal one, was at first received y the "Dunsmore" House In a surly and recalcitrant temper, and the more hot headed among them talked of diso beying the mandates of the court; but, For the Next Thirty Days, To meet imperative .demands, I will offer at such, low prices on install ments, with easy payments, that crazy as the populist have been, It ap pears they are not all afflicted with a suicidal mania, and political Bulclde It would be for them to hold out longer against the expressed will of the people and the law In the case. The defeated populists who were declared by the Dunsmore House as "elected," can now flock by themselves somewhere outside of Kansas, At least five millions of voters have professed the deepest love for silver. Suppose they take twenty dollars each in silver certificates and draw the coin that would be one hundred millions of silver dollars In circulation. Then suppose Mr. Carlisle is authorized to sell the $102,973,771.21 gold value of silver In the London market and re plenish with gold. We ought to get $100,000,000 gold, and hold it In reserve for the treasury notes of '90. There is In the treasury, greenbacks, $32,006,273. 81, and gold certificates, $7,782,2C0, or more than $40,000,000 greenbacks and gold certificates. This is precisely the equivalent of gold, and add to it the gold coin and bars and we have over $250,000,000, gold, greenbacks and gold certificates on hand.. There are also In the treasury, silver certificates, $6,782, 2C0; and national bank notes, $5,678,127 El The general result is that we have pearly seven hundred and fifty millions tof cash on hand. Ther is a good deal Ibf paper out, to be sure, but the people seem to want it. We presume the democracy can so break down the pub llo credit as to get the treasury into trouble, but .there is no need to do so. Mohamet; Mohammed, or Muham- mad Alexander Russell Webb it doesn't matter how you spell his name the old Christian but young Turk, to paraphrase Sir Walter, isn't half as big a man as old Brigham Young, though he squinted in the same direction. He is said to be a man of "limited Intelli gence and education." It looks that way, certainly. But every one to his liking. If a man hasn't brains enough to be a Christian, let him be a Turk, or a Theosoph, or a fetish-worshiper. Christianity Is the religion of progress and of humanity. Woman's condition is elevated by It as never before in the history of the world. Islamlsm denies her the possession of a soul, and keeps her enslaved. Brigham Young was cunning enough, In all his polygamous teaching, to accord a future state to woman, in keeping with the spirit of the age. Turk' Webb. will not make any converts among American women, and very few among the men of the race. He has hit the wrong field-. No smart Yankee wants to wear a lot of shawls and towels on his head, or a petticoat around his feet, a la Turk, jven If he does admire a pretty woman. Mr. Webb Is wasting valuable time .n America, and putting In work that won't count. Columbia Tender Company No. will! give a bal April 8th, at Columbia .annery. All mviteu. SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice Is hereby given to the legal oters of the school district, comprls- ng the city of Astoria, that there will be held In the said district an election in the second Monday In March, be ing the 13th day of March. 1893 Polls to be kept open from 2 o'clock p. m till 6 o'clock p. m., of said" day. This election Is called for the purpose of electing three directors to serve said district. Polling place In First Ward, Engine house of Rescue Engine Company No, 2. Judges: John Hobson, C. S. Wright C. II. Stockton. Clerk, B, S. Worsley, Polling place In Second Ward, Engine house of Engine Company No. 3 Judg es: J. II. D. Gray, J, C, Dement, D. H. Welch. Clerk, P. C. Cook. Polling place In Third Ward, at the office of the Astoria Box Company. Judges: T. S. Cornelius, W. F. McGreg or.. John Enberg. Clerk, d. A. Nelson. By order of the board of directors of School District No. 1. C. W. FULTON, Chairman, H. B. FERGUSON, Clerk. Dated at Astoria .Oregon, this 2Sth day of February, A. D. 1893. CMlireii Cry forPitcher's Castori3 8CHOOL TAXK3 DUE, School taxes are due In district No. i, comprlatng; Adair's Astoria, West of Jordan Avenue. W. F. McGregor, Dis trict Clerk. Office &8 Third street, I'pper Astoria YOU CAN HAVE A HOItlE IN HILL'S FIRST ADDITION. YOU SHOULD READ' THIS. The popularity of the Union Pacific Is best determined by the superior service It accords to the traveling public In main laliilng two dally through trains to Omaha, St, Paul, Chicago and points east, thoroughly equipped with all the Intent appliances for the comfort and safety of its putroiiB besides shortening the distance materially with Its faat trains. The pres ent train schedule enable passengers to reach St. Paul seven hours quicker and Chicago twenty-four hours quicker. Omaha nnd Kansas City and Intermediate points, forty hours quicker than any line from the f'acillc Northwest. Now that the election Is over and the? business of the campaign has been set tled. Dr. KullInU has settled down to lOfesBionnl business at his ofllce, up stairs at No. 6S4 1-2 Third street, and will give special attention to chronic diseases. Patronize the Northern Pacific railroad If you are going East. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baKKapre checked to desti nation. All purchasers of second class tickets can stop over at Portland. Rates of faro same as from Portland. Tf you have friends in Europe whose tjuSMUKe you wUh to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific ofnce.ateamer Telephone dock, and make known your, wants. Reduced rates via all the lead ing steamship lines. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest nerfuniery. and toilet articles etc.. can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. llandley & Haas, 150 First street, Port land, have on sale the Dally Astorlan, so that visitors need not miss their morning paper when they are here. L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Fran cisco, is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at his office. Winer. Lee & Co.carry a full line of Jap anese and Chinese fancy goods, novelties ami curios. Ladles' underwear made to order. 613 Third street. Rlnor Lunir. 155 Third street, carries a full line of Japanese and Chinese goods, novelties, curios, ladles' underwear made to order, at low prices. Parties vlHliinir In Portland can get The Dally Astorlan at llandley & Haas' news stand, 150 First street. Tf vou want some extra nne photos. Mooers' is the place to get them. Remember the Austin House at the Sea side is open the year around. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. Notice is hereby given 'that a meeting of the stockholders of the Chignlk Bay Company will be held at the office of the Fishermen's Packing Company, Al- derbrook, Astoria, Or., on Tuesday, March 14. 1893. at 9o'clock a. m., for the purpose of considering and acting upon the question of dissolving the Cor poration. O. A. NELSON, secretary. Astoria, Or., March S, 1893. A Sure Cnre for )lle. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, causing intense Itching when warm, i nis iorm, as wen as xmim, Ripedlni; or Protruding, yleia at once to Dr. Hosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays Itching and effects a permanent cure. 50c. Druggist or mall. Circulars free. Dr. Uosanko, 329 Arch street, Philadelphia, l a. ooia Dy j. w. Hnnn. STRICKEN DEAD. TRUSTWORTHY STATEMENTS. A recent New York dispatch reads: "James C. II . a line looking and apparently healthy mun, was observed to stagger while walking on Fifth Avenue this alternoon, and alter tuning one or two un certain steps fell to the sidewalk. When picked up he was deud. A physician ex amined the ixxiy.nnu prouoiincea eaiiuius the cause of death. A peculiarly sad feature of the case is that Mr. II was on his way to Maine, to settle in the home of his boyhood. He had passed the previous ten veurs in the western mining country, and had amassed a fortune. If YOU have any of the symptoms Riven in the foliowingtestimonials you should lose no time in seeking relief. From John L. Roberts, Slatington, Pa.: "I have suffered with palpilation, irregular pulse, fainting and mothering spell, pain in s'lOuWers, tide, and arm for over forty yeart. Tor twelve years have been treated without i , y P'O'U'ue"' l"'rr' borhood and in New lork. Orowing con- atantly worse, smothering spells followed one another, so my life was often in danger and I needed constant cnre. as my son naa Deen , cured by Dr. MUei A'w Heart Cure, he sent mo three bottles. The first dose gave ma instant relief. Before using the last bottle L'oidtte'yeaSrgS of Cleveland, O.: " I had been troubled with my heart and stomach for years, but for six- leeri wont is had been confined to my bed. I had four of the best doctors in the city, but none of tliein could benelit the weakness of my heart. I also had dropsy and rheumatism, I never took medicine that relieved me at once as Dr. MM Ar'w Heart Cure does. 1 am much stronger. My appetite is splendid. I gain strength with every dose. I have gained more in six weeks from your treat mcnt than in sixteen months from all the doctors." v "Dr. Miles' Few Cure for-lhe Heart is sold on a positive guarantee by all druggists. It is mfe, effective, afreenUe and doe cure." Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Iud. Highest of all in Leavening rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 iTfv n ABSOLUTELY PURS EVERY LABORING MAH OR MECHAHIG Can avail himself ol this golden opportunity. LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION FOR $75 EACH, AT $5 DOWN ON BOND, AND $5 PER MONTH. . BUSINESS CARDB. A A. CLEVELAND. ATTORNEY at law. office-Kinney's new brie butlrtlng, corner Third aud Uenevleve afreets ; up stain. J Q. A.BOWLBY, A1MM AxD COLXCELOR AT LAW (Jftlce on second Street, - Astoria, or. JOHN H. SMITH, ATlOltNKY AT LAW. Office In Kinney's uew brick building, over Astoria National Bank, AR. KAfcACA, A 1 iuttiVEY AT LAW. Office over White House Corner, Astoria, Or w W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND IN8URANCK AGEN1 Ofllce 11a lien urn strenl, Astoria, Oregon. rvD f c 1 , Trn 1J PHVSIfllAN AMI HITRflEnV. Office In Flavel'8 brick buildug. Calls at tended promptly at anytime uay or night. TV. riLiv JANSON. l & SUhOKOV. It OM 7 U PHYHlOlAN Olllceovcr Osgood's Clothing Store, hours, 10 to I?- in, 2 to 6 p, lit, 7 to 8 p in. Sunday, 1U to u in. DR. O.B, ESTES, PHYMICIAN AND BUROEON. special attention to Diseases ol Women and Surgery. Office over Dauzlger's store Astoria. TR'. A. L, and J. A. FULTON. J UV WOMEN A ttP-Ul ALTY. Surgery by it.. A. Fulton. OUlce 178 Cass street. Hour lo to 12 and 1 to 4 TAY TUTTLE M.D., O PHYSICIAN, SUKUBON 4 ACCOUCHEUR. Ofllce, rooms 8, 4 over Astoria NationsBank, hours, 10 to 12 & St to5. Residence. 689 Cedar st. DR. WALTER I. HOWARD. IlUMUiol-ATHli: PHYSICIAN 6UR geun. Oliice, 454. Third street. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, riuuday 1 to 2. Residence 468 8d street T P., MULUNIX, M. D., JJ. (ilves t-pHeuii neaiiiieiit for Catarrh, 1 In oat 1. nn us, Kidney (it nilo-Urinary organs Ofllce upstairs,684 third Sc. Uours,fi a.ui.B p.m. RIOBABD HARRY. O. B. ISOM. City Burveyor, JJARRY A ISOM, CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. Rooms 6 and 8, OVER ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK. W. T. BURN If, j. w. sum Barney & Draper, Attorneys Oreiou City, Oregon, Twelve years' experience as register of tb 0. 8. Land oWce here, recommends us in our spec-lain of Mining and nil other business be fore the Land I'tUce or the Conns, aud involv ing the practice ol the General Land Office. T)RQCKt NBROUCrT & COWING. LAW OKK1CE, OREGON CITY, OK. Special attention given to land business. Set tlers on homesteads or pre-empi mil claims and timber laud purchases shown every advantage of the law. tor assistance In making dual prool cull on us. THOS. FREDRICKSON. riA.0 lUNMU &o. ail. West sixth street. SOCIETY ITIEE'I INUS. . Scandinavian Benevolent Sooiety. KKUUI AR MEKTIJStiS OK THIS SOCIkrS at their rooms in Pyihlau building at eight o'clock if M.. ou the second aud lourtti lues days of each monih, AUU. DANIKLHON Heeretarv. Ocean Hincampme-.t No. 13, LO. O.F REGULAK MH.KUNUH OK OCEAN EN eainpiiien! No lit, I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, lu the (ld fellows Building, at seven P. tf., on the 9ei-(iiid and (nurih Mondays of each mouth. Siitourmng bietureii comiaily -nvitefl, Bv order O. V. Astoria bulidmg & Loan Association THE ItBtiULAit MliETlMiS OK THIS A.-SO-elation a-e held at 8 p. in. on the tlrsl Wednesday of each niumb. Office on Uenevieve street, south ot Cheuamns. . W.L. KOBH, seeretarv ' Common Council. UKOULAK M-KI'lltUri. FIRST AND third Tuesday evenings ot each month m o'clock 0-Persoiia desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before tne Friday evening prior to the Tuesday ou wnion tne council in "s Teirmai meeting. K. OSBURN. Auditor and Police .Indue. Hoard of Pilot Coinmlsid.iners. rPHERKi.iCI.AR MKETIXG8 OF THI1' BOARD, will be held on the first Monday, of each month at 10 a. in. in the rooms ot '.he .v-torla Chamber of Commerce. W. L. KOBB, Seo AVfOltlA IKO WORKS ' Cuucomly street, hiot Jachon, '"' ' Astoria, Oregon. General fedtjoisti & Met Mm Ctingi of All Desoriptiom Made to Order at . short Notice. JOLN FOX I'rendent ai d sup- L. FOX - -..-Vice fresideu Chris Evenson I rank Conk HOTEL -TIIE- CENTRAL EVENSON & COOK, 0 THK KUItnl'SAN PHN-LARGK cleim ron.s, a tlrsl-eliiss restaurant. Hoard by the dny. week, or montii. l'rlvio ro- ms f'U fiimiilt te , Transient oii'tom solicited. Uvtcrs, tlh,elc.,e nne I to order. - .1- . -.... n It. nj.nnni.lln.l t.'llh A iirhi-e -b pit-wii .in. -.v.. ...... the premises. The bee, of wines, liquor and :li;nrs. Uood bl.ll. rd tobies una private earn rooms. .....-. .v Coruer Water Street aud V est Mulh. CLATSOP LAND CO. Incorporated with J25.00O Capllal Stock. - Heal Estate and Insurance Brokers, Notary Publlo and Conveyancers. rlcil attention paid to rents, payment of taxe, etc.. for mm residents Bole stents lor ftouih Astoria. Pri pectr'ai. Hemlock Park aud Owen s Addition, also best Heaslde, business nd Inside property aud choice acreage. 47 1 1 Bird St., Aslor.a. O. A. STIKSON & CO.. BLACKSM J T MING 8hlp aud Cannerr work, Horsmiioelr g, Wag- onip auu uaiinerT wura, ii-'in"1""--" , ons made and repaired, do WJrk gumai On Cass street, opposite tne V i-um TalH o uce GENUINE WALL'S END COAL -FOR SALE AT $8.50 PER TON $8.0 Leave Orders at Occident Hotel. G. 0. 310EN, AGENT, MAGNUS C. CKOSBY, DIALER IK HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, IROM P1PK AND FITTT FITTINOS. TINWARE, STOVES AND House Ftu-nlshlng Goods, Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron, Tin aud Copper. HUGHES & CO., .. Wholesale and Retail LIOUOR DEA LERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Domes tie Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Gutter Whiskies a specialty. Vat Blab Bottled Beer. Fluest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited All orders from the City and Country prop-vy filled. Squemoque Street, - - - Astoria. Oregon J". XX. WYATT Dealer In Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil. Bright Varnish, Blnacle Oil. Cot ton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. Lard OH, Wrought Iron bplke-i, Oalvanizted Cut Nails Grooorios, 33 1 o . Agricultural Implements, 8wlng Ma inachniei, Tauiis and Oils. IMPENDENT BOAT FOB FOBTLAND !baUllIE Will leave Astoria for Portland, (Fish er's Dock) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays aud Saturdays at 7v0 a. in., and Sunday at 6sX) p. m. Tll3 CHI6AG0. EE I ST. PAUL FMLWW. CONNECTING WITH AhL TRANSCOM'IN LM'AL LINES, -18 THE- 02TLY LI2TE RVMMKO Elootric Ziighted Cars BETWEEN ST. PAUL anj CHICAGO AhD QMAKA ard CHICAGO. The KXPRFSS THA1N8 consist of VESTI- l-AULOK CAK6, HrATID BY STlAM And furnished with every luxury known to modern railway travel. Fit Spaed, Comfort anj Safety this Uns is Unequalel Tickets on snle at all prominent railway oflices. For furthor Information Inquire of any ticket cent, or C. J. EDDY. General Asrt. J. W. CASKY.Trav. Patw. Afft. rUUTLAiND, QREUOX For - Thirty - Days - Only I make this vffer. Less than one mile from Astoria Box Factory on Columbia . river. Streets 73 and alleys 20 feet wido. I. W. CA SE, Tumor; a Gshekal Bahkinq Busnrus. iirawn available in anv car; of the U 8 aud Europe, aud on Hong Kong, China, Office Hours: 10 A. H. to 8 1. M. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon, I. W. CASE, INSURANCE AGENT, KKPKK.iEiNTlNU CermaB-Ameritan, New York City, N. . Union Fire and Marine, of new Zealand. National fire and Marine Iui. Co., of Hartford. Conneetient Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford. Home Mutual Ins. Co., of San Francisco. Fbunii, of London. I Imperial, of London. '' New York Plate Glass Ins. Co. TIX 13 ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts of Firms aud Individuals solicited on Favorable Terms. , Interest paid on Time Deposits. Honey Loaned on Personal security. Foreign and domestic Exchango bought anl sold. D. K. Warrea, President. J. K. HIk!h, Cashier. iX npnimt. Vice President, J). K. Warrea, 1 !. H. Wrinht, I Joh Hnlo, Directors, H.C. ThomiMoa, 1 ThfO Hracker, ) THE ASTORIA SAYINGS BANK Acts as trustee for ;onoratloni and Individ uals Deposits solicited Interest will be allowed on savings deposits as follows; Ou ordinary savings rrioki t per cent, per annum. - On term savings hnors 6 ner cent. Dor annum. On certltica'.es of deposit: jor throo uiontns, i per cent, per annum. For six months. 6 per cent, per annum. For twelve months, 6 per cent, per annum. I. W. CASE President J. Q. A. BOW LB Y Vice-President fkank fatton Cashier W. E. DEMENT Pecretary DIRECTORS! I. W. Case. J. Q. A. Bowlby, D. K. Warren, C. U. Pace, Benl. Youn -, A. B. Reed. F. J. Taylir. THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK HF POKTLAND, OHEOUN. Paid up ospital ........ .260,000 Surplus and pmflts .. 60,000 CRANK DEKUM, President. 1). P. THOMPHOf, Vice-President U. C. 8TUATTON, Cashier QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO AND. ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA, Via the ilt. Shasta Route of the oatiiern Pacific Comp'y Th Only Routs Thi-ongli Oalifornia to li Points East and South; Tlio Scenic Rout of the Pacific Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CABS Attached to express trains, affordlne snp'rlo bccominodatloiisforseoond class passenners. For ratm. tickets, slurping ear resorvations. etc., cad nix'tt or aldres E. P ROOEH8, AsUt ant General Frehjht aud passenger Aeut,Port and. Or. -