T -57 o 1 EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1893. PRICE, FIVE CENTS, VOL. XL. NO. 5tf. 4. ASTORIA, OREGON. THAT'S THE PLACE! Were I to seek a place to dwell, More like heaven and less like hell, Where roses bloom the year around, And where the finest girls are foundf ' A place that knows no cold or heat And where the climate can't be beat, Where epidemics are unknown And courtesy is strangers shown, Where the harbor is wide and deep, And Herman Wise sells clothing cheap, Where fair play rule 'tween man and man, And everyone does all he can; There's no other place 'neath the sun Such as "Astoria, Oregon." H. W. Shortfellow. THE ASSIGNEE'S SALE AT- Parker Will be continued for a few days until further notice. Everything MUST BE CLOSED OUT AKD PRICES - WILL - BE CUT To Suit the Condition and the times. W. W. PARKER, Assignee. 1. What has been the most fertile cause of war? 2. Where does the water in a blister come from? 3. Which sense is capable of the high est educational development? 4. Which is the most rapid national decadence on record? Answers must be in by Friday next. Please-send fall name, school and class you belong to. Hanson s QUESTIONS. OUR GOVERNMENT FINANCES Snmlns Gold in the Treasury Is Prac tically Emanstel. FIBST MEETING OF A NEW CABINET Ex-Cabinet Official, Hid Tbelr Old Aiilit- tuli Good Bye Token! of Kindly Remembrance. Associated Press. Washington, March 7. The majority and minority reports of the committee on ways and means on their Investi gation of the condition of the treasury are completed and sent to the printer. Springer, who prepared the majority report, says that, assuming the state ments made by Secretary Foster to be correct, on the 30th of June next there will be an estimated cash balance in the treasury of $20,992,377 over and above the gold reserve. This estimated balance is probably too high. The ma jority are of the opinion that at the close of the present fiscal year there will be an available cash balance in the treasury, aside from the gold reserve, of not over $17,000,000. As to 1894, Springer says the secretary estimated the available cash balance at $47,057, 402. But under the most careful esti mate that can now be made, It Is ap parent, says the report, that at the end of the ensuing fiscal year there will be a deficiency amounting to from $30,000,000 to $40,000,000. In these cal dilations no account has been taken of the requirements of the sinking fund. In conclusion, the majority cite Sec- retary Foster's statement that in his opinion there would be a deficit at the end of the fiscal year of 1894, and that the receipts of the government should be increased at once by $50,000,000 to meet the treasury condition as set forth In his report and that the gold reserve fund should be Increased by $25,000,000. The minority report is signed by all the republican members of the commit tee and it says the cohcluslons of the majority, from the evidence presented, seem wholly unwarranted and mislead ing. "In fact, there seems to be an ut ter lack of evidence to Justify any of the conclusions of the majority upon the statement of the secretary, which showed there would be a surplus in the treasury on the 30th of June, 1894." The statements of the secretary are supplemented by evidence of treasury experts, evidently of the most conser vatlve character. The estimated re ceipts being placed at a minimum while the estimated expenditures are placed at a maximum. STATE OF THE U. S. TREASURY. Down to Bedrock for Gold, but Noth ing Alarming In It. Washington, March 7. Ex-Secretary of the Treasury Foster -said this even ing that the treasury was down to bed' rock when turned over to the new treasurer today. Carlisle finds him self confronted with a great response bllity to maintain a gold basis, and a man with less ability might find the task a very difficult one. It is probable that before he has been two days in office he will find it necessary to choose between issuing bonds and trenching upon the gold reserve. The ex-secre tary said the department was now practically to the gold reserve, there being less than $2,000,000 free gold on hand. He did not regard the situation as alarming, however, as all the ex cltement about gold shipments ap peared to have subsided. It was, he said, In better condition than he ex pected to find It at this time, and did not look so alarming as It did a week or so ago. LEAVE TAKING. Courtesies between Cabinet Officers and Employes. Washington, March 7. The new cab inet officers all assumed their duties today. The new officers were intro duced by the retiring officers to the assistants, chiefs of divisions and clerks. The old cabinet officers shook hands with and bade good bye to all the employes of the respective depart' ments. This evening the officials and em ployes of the agricultural department met at the residence of! Secretary Rusk and presented him with a handsome silver service of five pieces with salver, and lamp. Assistant Secretary Wlllets will re main some time, at the request of Sec retary Morton. Claude N. Bennett.the Washington correspondent of the At lanta Journal, will act as private sec retary to Secretary Hoke Smith. A HISTORIC CEREMONT. Washington, March 7. The Induction Into office of the members of President Cleveland's cabinet, today (save Secre tary Gresham, who was sworn In yes terday) was a historic event at the state department this morning. For the first time In the history of the government the heads of the depart merits , assembled' In the diplomatic parlor and together took the oath of office. .. THE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS. Indications Are That the Populist Sen- ' ators Will Be Ignored. Washington, March 7. The demo- crallc caucus which met In the senate chamber .this morning was well attend ed. The action today Indicates that the populist senators are to be Ignored, as Senator-le of North Dakota, Peffer and Alien, populists, were not invited to be present. Martin of Kansas was present ' and participated In the pro ceedings,' Allen, it la understood, will vote with the democrats when It comes ta organization. The caucus organized by electing Gorman chairman and Faulkner sec retary. Much time was consumed In discussing matters bearing on the standing of senators appointed by gov ernors. A spirit of opposition was man ifested. It was finally decided, however, that these matters, together with the case of Martin, should be referred to the committee on privileges and elec tions. ' The first meeting of the president's cabinet was held this afternoon and lasted over two hours. The necessity for filling positions without delay was taken ft a self evident fact, but Presl dent Cleveland Impressed upon the offi' clal family the necessity of going slow ly in niaking selections. HOKE SMITH'S PAPER SAYS SO. Atlanta, Ga., March -7. The Atlanta Journal, Hoke Smith's paper, in a lead ing telegram from Washington serves a warning upon office seekers that ap pointments will not be speedily made. It says this Is going to be a business administration, and not a huge parti san machine. Prominence is also given to the fact that the president has served a distinct and emphatic notice that he would hammer with his veto every sliver bill that congress might pass. The declaration is made that tariff reform will be indefinitely post' poned. Chief among the reasons given Is that the finances of the government are in a precarious condition. The question arises, are the revenues of the ifuVerrjnusht' now vuffloient to meet the expenses Imposed by republican eX' travagance. This question must be settled before a decisive measure of tariff reform may be undertaken at this time, or can be determined. A TERRIBLE THOUGHT. New York March 7. A morning paper says: "The intimation that Cleveland may appoint a commission to visit Hawaii before acting on the annexation question has caused a chill to run up the backs of the Ha walian ' commissioners. The appoint ment of a commission, they realize, would not only occasion delay in the settlement of an Important question, but would deprive them of any hon ors or profits connected with it." OFFICE-SEEKERS ARE DISCREET. Washington, March 7. The Bteady tramp, tramp of office seekers sounded through the White House all day. While the larger number of those who saw the president were candidates for office, few of them attempted to preBS their claims, and congressmen with long lists of constituents willing to work for Uncle Sam, were discreet enough not to ask for favors, but sim ply to pay their respects. UNAUTIIENTICATED RUMOR. Chicago, March 7. A rumor In the board of trade this afternoon that the government had decided to Issue $50,- 000,000 In bonds, sent wheat up nearly a .cent. The Associated Press corres' pondent at Washington telegraphs at half past three this afternoon: "Cab. inet is now in session. No bonds have been Issued yet. What may be done, Is conjectural." A DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS. Washington, March 7 The demo cratic members of the senate went Into caucus this morning. Up to 1 p. in. absolutely nothing had been done be yond the expression of individual views. The time of the caucus so far, has been devoted to the consideration of committee changes and chairman ships. MAY McCLELLAN MARRIED. Paris, March 7. The rellgous war rlage of May McClellan, daughter of the late General McClellan, to Paul Desperez, an attache to the French legation at Washington, occurred to. day. s RAILROAD PRESIDENT ELECTED, Boston, March 7. Vice-President Relnhart, of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road, was today elected to succeed President Manvel, deceased. DEATH OF MRS. BROWN. Chicago, March 7. Mrs. Archibald I. Brown, eldest daughter Of Chief Jus tice Melville W. Fuller, died here this morning. KAIULANI TO SEE CLEVELAND, Boston, March 7. Princess Kaiulanl, left this evening for Washington. She will call on President Cleveland. II Anderson's Railroad Bill Passes as Amended. VAEIECY OF GENERAL NEWS ITEM8 Racing or No Racing" the Subject of De bate In New Jersey, Affirmative Ha the Inside Track. Associated Press. Olvmuia. Wash.. March 7. The con sideration of the revenue bill was con cluded by the house this morning and passed by a vote of 64 to 18. White's senate bill No. 8149, lor tne excavation of water ways by private contract, was passed. A message from the senate an nounced their decision that that body was not to concur in the amendments to the revenue bill, and a conference committee was appointed. Ludden's bill for the appraisal ana sale of tide and school lands was passed. The Anderson railroad bill consumed much of the morning session of the senate, and it was continued this of- ternoon.. The bill occasioned endless debate and as amended was passed. Section 1, as passed, reads: "No individual company of corpora tion, owning, operating, managing oi leasing any railroad or part of rallroa In this state shall charge for or re ceive a greater or higher rate for car rying wheat, bailey ,flour, flaxseed. rice, or other mill stuffs, oats, potatoes, or hay. than 85 per centum of the rate. actually charged for carrying said ar ticles or commodities on the first daj of Jaunary, 1893, provided, that n greater rate than $5 per ton shall bt charged for, carrying the articles or commodities hereinbefore enumeraed for a haul of 500 miles or lees." Tucker's house bill providing for a levy of a three and one-half mill ta for school purposes was lndeflnltel postponed. ' Recess was taken until 7:30 p. m. The senate devoted nearly the en tire evening to the consideration of Mentzer's house bill to erect a state capltol, and passed It almost unani mously with an amendment that $1,000, 000 be appropriated for a starter. THE SENATORIAL SITUATION. Olympla, March 7. Following wat the vote for today: Allen, 4G; Turner, 19; Griggs, 7; McCroskey, 20; Van Pat ton, 9. The remainder, scattering. THE NEW JERSEY CONFLICT. The Racers Versus the Anti-Racer. Struggling for Supremacy. Trento. N. J., March 7. The anti- race track memorial was presentee in the assembly today. A resolution providing for a public hearing of dele gates from the mass meeting of tm anti-racing people provoked a heated discussion. The speaker ruled the res olution out of order and an appeal wat taken and the chair was. sustained. He then announced that the chairman of the committee on municipal corpora tions would accord the public a hearing on the bill at 2 o'clock, and the fight for the present was over. In the senate Marsh presented a pe tition from a committee of fifty, asklnj for a hearing on the racing appeal. He made a motion that such hearing be granted, but President Adrian de clared It out of order. He was inexora able and the whole subject had to be dropped. The house committee on municipal corporation this afternoon) heard the committee of fifty. Tomorrow the ad vocates of racing legislation will be heard. THE WASHINGTON EXHIBIT. Re-election and Reorganization of the Committee in Tacoma. Tacoma, March 7. The Washington World's fair committee reorganized here last evening, reelecting old officer as follows: Dr. N. G. Blalock, of Wal la Walla, president; D. S. B. Connover, of Port Townsend, vice-president; P. C. KaufTman, of Tacoma, secretary; Sam' uel Collyer, of, Tacoma, treasurer; and Dr. G. V. Calhoun, of Laconner, execu tive commissioner. Commissioner Cal houn leaves for Chicago on Monday to superintend the completion of the state building, and the arrangement of ex hlblt. FRANK NEWBRA SUICIDED. Portland, Oo., March 7. Frank New bra, a Jewelry engraver, committed suicide this morning by means of mor phlne. Newbra was unable to obtain work and was despondent. He was thirty-two years of age, and unmar ried. His parents live In Grand Rap- Ids, Michigan. THE INDIANS WILL SELL. Moscow, Idaho, March 7. The spe cial messenger from the Lapwal this afternoon, brings the Information that a majority of the Indians on the Nez Perce reservation have signed the agreement for the opening of the reser vation. This comes as a surprise as two of the three members of the commls- ' sion appointed by the government to confer with the Indians, left for the East a few days ( ago thoroughly die? couraged over the stubbornness of the natives. " THE OREGON PACIFIC. Continued Postponement of Sale. Also of an Astoria Terminus. Corvallls, Or., March 7. The sale of the Oregon Paclfto Railroad, which wan advertised to take place tit-lay has been postponed one week. The bond holders petitioned the court for a further ex tension of three months to allow ex perts to complete the examination of books ani properties heretofore pre vented by the action of the late re celver, and also to Investigate the ter ritory east of the Cascade mountains. The court Is Inclined to grant the peti tion If some satisfactory provision could be made for the payment of at least $40,000 upon back pay due em ployes. This matter not being as yet in the shape desired by Judge Fuller ton, the sale was continued one week. Several persons who claim to know, say that the Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy will bid on the Oregon Pacific and use It to complete their road to tide water. The Burlington has al ready reached the Idaho line and if they can get the Oregon Pacific the gap to be filled in will be considerably less than 500 miles. If the Burlington should acquire the Oregon Pacific they will build a line from Albany to Port land a distance of eighty miles, and probably extend It to Astoria. GOVERNOR STONE'S OPINION. He Condemns Federal Courts. Says Says They nre No Good. Jefferson City, Mo., March 7. Since Friday last, v ht n Judge Phillips of the United States court announced a de cision In the case of the St. Clair coun ty Judges, Governor Stone has been giving the points of the opinion some close attention. He gave out today a lengthy statement on the subject. He denies his trying to defy the federal courts and then says: "The federal court Is semi-foreign to the state. ' Circuit Judges , are . rarely cltlze'rifa of the 6tate whose laws they set at defiance. States have absolutely no control over them, They have no special Interest or concern In the gov ernment. They hold life offices and draw salaries from the federal govern ment." The governor thinks It would be bet ter to "go back to the old rule which prevailed In the better days of the republic when the spirit os well as the setter of the constitution was observed and when state sovereignty sovereign within its proper sphere was some thing more than a shallow pretense or a mocking dream. Do that, and these hateful and menacing conflicts In Ju risdiction will dtsappeur." A DAMAGING FIRE IN "PORTLAND. Large Stock of the Brownsville Wool len Mills Suffers. Portland, Or.. March 7. A firo broke out tonight on the second floor of a building on Second and Mor' rson streets, In a room occupied by a Japanese store. The fire, which started from an overheated stove, was soon ex tinguished by the department and the loss on the upper floor was nominal. The lower floor which was occupied as store by the Brownsville Woollen Mills, was flooded with water and the stock of goods valued at $200,000 badly damaged. They claim that their loss will reach $100,000. The stock was In sured for about one-half Its value. HALL-FITZSIMMON FIGHT. New Orleans, March 7. -Trains ar riving this morning brought additions to the crowds in attendance on the fights. There will be more people pres ent than was expected laM week. Most of the flgheter here p'.n their faith to Hall because they believe he will be able to hit Fltzslmmons, and most experts agree that Fltzslmmons does not rllh being punished. Hall will enter the ring v.elghlng about 17S pounds. Fltzslmmons will be seven or eight pounds lighter. IOWA TOWN ELECTIONS. Des Moins, Iowa, March 7. Town elections were held throughout Iowa yesterday. Returns from seventeen of the principal cities show republican successes, at Ottumwa, Atlantic, Car stln, Mason City, Sioux City, Fort Dodge, Lemars, and Iowa City. The democrats won at Creston, Cedar Rap Ids, Independence, Boone, and Clinton. Party lines were not closely drawn, so no comparisons can be made. NOT A FULL CONFESSION. Little Rock, Ark., March 7. Rev. H. 8. Buchanan, one of the Arkansas In sane asylum trustees, has confessed that he embezzled about $15,000. It Is nc known what be did with the money. BURNED TO DEATH. Clark vllle. Tenn,. March 7. Mr. J. W. Jone and daughter were In a field when their their clothes caught fire from a burning brush heap, and both were burned to death.