TliliS DAltV ASTOBIAN, ASTQIllA, TUSPAY MOANING, MAliCH 7, la rOBLIBHIDBT v . , Astorian-C!umbIua FsMIsfrs Cpaj. ASXOKU, OliK'i' ;N I ! Ahtoruh Duiloiku, - - - Cass Btriet TariD of Bubnerlptlos. DAILY, fr'erved Djr Carrier, per week...... IS cts tvut hv M;ill, i,er month Cu cts Ueut by ilull, pr Year ....... ........JJ.lHl WEKKI.Y. Bent by null, per Ter, la Ui In advance. . free police to subscribe!. Trr As rout AN guarantees toil advertisers the largest Circulation of Buy newspaper nub- Islieu uu uie uoiuiuuiinwver. v. j ; In future all Items or loal lntfst forwarif d to mis omce muni ue aanreaaju wiw Vut Kbitob, Local weather ." for the . twenty-four hours ending at I p, m., yesterday, fur nished by the U. S. department of agri culture, weather, bureau!.. ., Maximum temperature, 63 degrees. Minimum temperature, 35 degrees. , Precipitation, none. ; - . Total precipitation from July 1st, 1SS2, to date date, 64.28 Inches. . Deficiency of precipitation from July 1st 1892, to date, S.00 Inches.' ,' ' ,. This paper hat the largetl Circulation on the Columbia river. An honeit and eompUte telegraphic- re port give! a newspaper a right and iitU to the name. The newt oj the world, freih every morning at your brealfatt table, it what you can find in the Attorian. It hold, the exclueke telegraphio franchiie, and itt tervice U improving daily. A well-known resident of this city has taken the trouble to' send to the Ban Francisco Examiner a long-winded series of statements all purporting to show why It Is that Astoria has not as yet any railroad connections. He man ages to give every reason but the right one, and choose to ' Ignore the fact, that but for the selfish greed and baby ish Jealousy of himself and a few dozen of his friends, we would have had a railroad long ago, The small number of really lnfluea tlal men who have vlslteM this clty- men like Dickinson and Hill, who have It In their power to carry out their promises, have been absolutely sick ened and scared away from any at tempt at a deal by the stupidity of the parties with whom they tried to do business. 0 ' ' The question of subsidy arises. At once these people see themselves poor, Innocent victims of railroad corpora tloris whose only Idea Is to rob and & spoil them of property. They put on a new air. They are about to be mill ionaires, and land that is not worth more than the timber on it they see in the dim future quoted at thousands of dollars per acre.' They hang on to it accordingly. And then when thelt conduct has choked off every man who means business, they- once more become the antique mossbacks of prehistoric times, subsldo Into their coat collars, and whine from morning till night about the world In general and "hard times" In particular. If by some merciful dispensation ol providence these blind fools can be en ubled to see more than three yards be yond their noses, there may be some hope for a railroad. . But It is a very shadowy proposition, and matters look now as It we will be compelled to cling on In the same old way until this unique race is extinct. The "green goods" Industry has not been attended with any fatality, ob far as any records go, since Holland, the little Texan, shot and killed Tom Davis, the big crook, and alleged coun terfeit money dealer, some years ago in New York, until the Incident et Pokeepsle, In which George Appo, the half-breed Chinese crook, who attempt ed to swindle two South Carolina rus tics, was shot by one of them. The , man who did the shooting, and who gave his name aa Ira Hogshead, Is now in Pokeepsle Jail. A curious feature of these swindles is that the would-be purchaser of al leged counterfeit money, "which it Is Impossible to tell from genuine." come from the South and Southwest. The game Is old, very -old, and the papers have teemed with Instances of It for years past; yet victims are still gath ered In. The men who come here with the Idea of getting something for nothing generally get in to some dls- For the Next Thirty Dajs, To meet imperative demands, I will offer at such low prices on install ments, with easy payments, that graceful scrape, which exposco their names and identity to the public, and very frequently loses their money and othor personal property. In their little venture's. Yet atlll they come.'. '. , Perhaps they cqme from 'regions where the newspaper ' docs not circu late, and so arc ignorant of what a hopeless quest they are on, The fun ny thing about It la that they Imagine they, are unknown, while the fact' is the frequency with which they ap pear has made their type a familiar one to the police, who can, and usually do, "spot" them very soon after their appearance in public ' Since these poor fools never read the papers, cannot some means be tak en to warn' them of the veil as the criminality, of their attempts to get rich by taking unfair advantage of their neighbors? Why can't clergy men in these benighted regions take up the subject, and give a general, Im personal warning? Of course, It is-im- poilble that the moral side of the question would not appeal to their na tures, and perhaps Is most likely, they consider themselves smart enough to outwit the New York thieves, not knowing how many have failed. In the mean time the oftener the dis appointed seeker after illicit wealth shootes his tempter even to the death, the better It will be. Further than this the men who da the shooting should receive a premium on .every crook whom they place in this condi tion. But, In order to make one evil correct the other, the authorities of the city where the shooting takes place should be required to ascertain cor rectly the proper address of the would-be purchaser of green goods, and then, by arrangement with the of ficials of, their home, cause a' state ment of the fase to bo published, where and In such manner as will be certain to fix the attention of their neighbors upon them. If the latter do not make them feci sorry and "tired" it will be strange. We knew it. We felt It In our bones. The Portland X'eBrai1' no sooner gets on top of the heap than it begins, with all its majesty and power at its back, to trample the life out of the re publican party. Republicans, listen to this, and then let the Iron sink into your souls and turn democrats: "There is no use in denying the feel ing so generally prevalent' that the re publican party, as a power dies today. This Is not a democratic claim, a par tisan shout of victory, but a sincere ex pression of truth that is asserting It self on all skies. The tone of the re publican press, the Interviews with re publican leaders, and the remarks of men- of all parties have an undercur rent of sentiment to this effect. This Idea fdmply will not be downed. To day the peoplo of the United States, .at a result of a majority vote cast sev eral months ago, do formally bid the republican party a cheerful good-bye." The Jig's up. It's all over. There't nothing left for us to do now. but to fo to Hawaii and start a female Kana ka Frances Folsom Kalulanl republi can club. "Ex-Presldent Harrison," sounds too long and too awakward. Henceforth when we refer to him he should be known as "General" Harrison, the name he bore before he was elected to the presidency, and the name he has done so' much to honor. Under the shadow of his ."grandfather's hat" he possibly brought himself Into notice, but his own prowess and work have utterly repudiated the Idea that the glamor of illustrious ancestry has been responslple for his success. So "Qeneral Harrison" let It be. The Roseburg Review, after a Billy tirade againBt the repeal of the mort gage tax law, says In another portion of Its editorial columns: "Roseburg needs a board of trade or chamber of commerce very badly." We should say so. Ex-Mayor Grant, of New York, huf become president of an accident In surance company. His experience as a member of Tammany should ' have made him an expert on accidents. The late General Beauregard left a fortune of 12,000,000, but the ineffuca ble lottery stain Is on It all. , The, city charter came home yester day. YOU CAN HAVE A H0BIB IN HILL'S FI EST ABBITI0 YOU SHOULD HEAD THIS. The populartty of the Union Pacific is beet determined by .th superior servic It accords to the traveling public In main taining livn dally through trains to Omuha, St, Paul; Chicago and polhtK tan I, thoroughly equipped with all the latest appliances for the comfort arid safely of ita patrons beside shortening the distance materiully with its fast trains.-The pres ent train schedule-enables passengers to reach St. Paul seven hours quicker and Chicago twenty-four hours quicker. Omulia and Kansas City and Intermediate points, forty hours quicker than any line from the 1'aclllc Northwest. Now that the election-Is overhand the bunlness of the campaign has been set tled. Dr. A'ullinU has settled down to professional business at his oftice, up stairs at No. 6K4 1-2 Third street, and will give special attention to chronic diseases. Patronize the Northern Pacific railroad If you are going Bast. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggage checked' to desti nation. All purchasers of second class tickets can stop over at Portland. Rates of fare same as from Portland. If you have friends In Europe whose passage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacific ofllce.steamer Telephone dock, and make known your Ivants. Reduced rates via all the lead ing steamship lines.. Alt tho patent medicines advertised In this pnper, together with the. ".choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W, Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. . . r,., Handler & Haas. 130 First street Port land, have on sale the Dally Astorlan, so that . visitors need not mixs their morning paper when .they are here. I. P. Fisher, newsnnner advertising gent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, Ban Fran cisco, is our authorized agent. This paper IS kept on file at. his ofllce. Wing. Lee & Co.carry a full lln'e of Jap anese and Chinese fancy goods, novelties and curloR. Ladies' underwear made to order. 62 Third Btreet Sing Lung. 355 Third street, carries a full line of Japanese and Chinese goods, novelties, curios, ladies' underwear wade to order, at low prices. - Parties visiting In' Portland can get The Dafly Astorlan at Handley & Haas' news stand, 1M First street. . 1 If you want some extra tine Photos. Mooera' Is the place to get them. T7 (i m P rl Vi . r thft Alinttn IfniiaA at th. flna . .w .......... a.vwbu O.V fc - U J V. . side la open the year around. -. . i - A Pure Onre for Piles. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, causing intense itching A'uen warm. 1 iiih iurm, as wen as uuna, Bleeding or Pitrudlng, yield at once to Dr. Hosanko's Pile Kemedy. which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure. &0e. Druggist or mail. Circulars rree. Dr. liosanko, 3a Arch treet. Philadelphia. Fa. Sold by J.- W. Oonn. .. . STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that a meeting if the stockholders of the Chignlk Bay Company will be held at the office of the Fishermen's Packing Company, Al- rterbrook, AHtoria, Or., on Tuesday, March 11, 1S93,' at Oo'clock a. m., for the purpose of considering and acting upon the question of dissolving the Cor poration. , G. A. NELSON, . becretary. Astoria, Or., March 3, 1893. Attempt at Suicide. It Might Have Been Prevented. From the Boston Post. While the walks, in the Public Garden were crowded yesterday afternoon about 4.30 o'clock, people Dear the. entrance gates at the cornet of Beacon and Charles streets were horrified to see a man suddenly plunge knife repeatedly into his throat and fail to the ground,-. W hile waiting for a conveyance an officer questioned the would-be suicide, who was about 60 years of age, as to his name, address, aiW reason for wishing to end his life, but the man steadfastly refused to give any infor mation regarding himself. lie was taken to the' Massachusetts General Hospital and surgical attendance given him. Although weHk from loss of blood it is probable he will recover. About 0 o'clock last night a hospital attendant got a little information from him'. He said, his name was Samuel D -, and that he catne some weeks ago from New Brunswick. The lost few days Aii head hat felt queer, and he has been wan de rl ng about the city , not k now ing w h ich way to turn. What impelled him to commit his rash act he was unable to say. . The above is the familiar but terrible, story of the results of mental derangement caused by overstrain pt the nervous system. People who have diainest, headache or back ache, or who are troubled with melancholy or despondent feelings, are already well on the road which leads to insanity and suicide. "Dr. Miles Medical Co.: I cannot find language in which to express my apprecia tion of the great beneiit I have derived from the use of your Restorative Nervine. When life became a burden I would tiso the Nervine to soothe my weakened iifrres, and to calm my exhausted and irritable brain." Mrs. H, Brown, Rochester, N. Y. Dr. Nilci Rettoratire Nervine has no equal in CURINO Nervous. J)iseasei.,- It contajna no opiates or dangerous drugs'. ' Sold on a positive guarantee by all druggists and Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd. . Highest of all in Leavcnincj Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Mil ABSOULTsEUZ PUSH - EVERY warn Can avail himself of tbij golden opportunity. LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION FOR $75 EACH, AT $5 DOWN ON BOND, AND $5 PE3 MONTH. : BUSINESS CAKDtf. A A. CLEVSLANO, ATiUKWKY AT LAW. ;ni-Kinney's new brlek bnlliiing, corner Third aud stream ; up stairs. J Q. A. BOVVLBY, " AiTCKXEY AXD COUCELCR AT LAW onice on Second Htreet, - Astoria, Or. - TOH.1 H. SWITM, 0 ATIOKNUV AT LAW. Office In Kinney's new brlek building, over Astoria National JUnk, AR. KAMACA, . . . AriOKNKY AT LAW. Office over White House Corner.. Astoria. Or W. PARKER, R?,iL. ES1?,ATB AMD JN8UIUNCB AUEN1 office 11 i ilenu.n sheet, Astoria, Oregon. I)"" C'lk VriiCiAAMl HUUGEOX. om In fuvel's brick building. Call at tenued promptly at anytime day or night. PHYSICIAN & BIHtUKOX. B OM 7. Olllceover Osnood's Clothing Store, hours, 10 to W '". 2 ' 6 P. 1". 7 to 8 p Hi. Sunday. 10 to 11 III. DR. O.B. ESTES, . PIlfKlCIAfi a'nD STJBOE0N. ' epeclal attention to Ditease- ol 'Women and Surgery. Oinoeover Uat.zlger's store Astoila. DR?.,A. L, and J, a. fulton. W8KABK3 OK wVWK Aai-jfUULtY. Surgery by r. J. A.. Fulton. OlUce 178 Oais street. Hours 10 to 12 sad 1 to 4 JAY TUTTLE M.D., 1'UYSIUIAN, aCJliUUON ACCOUOHEDR. . Ortlce. rooms 8, 4 over Astoria NnttonaiBunk. hours, 10 to 12 & a to5. Kesideuce. m Ceaar at. "W V H . . V . ... llOftlUiUl'ATIiiCJ PHVfcjIOlAil ft KITR. gnu,,. viNin,,ji, iinru Strom., uours 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, tSunday 1 to 2. ilesldeuoe 468 Kd si reel r P. MULLINIY M n JJ. Glvei speoial ueaiment for Catarrh, Ihioat Lungs, Klduey Uenlio-lrtiiarv oruana. omce upstairs,5lg rhlrd Bt. ilours.B a.mji p.m. Ricoano HAUBT. . O. H. MOM City Buryeyor, JJARKY A ISOM, CIVIL ENGINEERS AND 80KVKY0K3. . Rooms s and 6, OYER ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK. w. t. BuaNsr, 3. W. DBAFIB Barney & Draper, AiiuTQeys aLaw, Oregon City, Oregon, Twelve years' experience as register of th 0, 8. Laud OHice hero, recunmiends us in oui specialty of Mining and all other business be fore the Laud cfllce or the Courts, aud involv ing the piuelice oi (he Qeueral Laud Ohlee, JgROCKfcNSROUCH tL COMING. LAW Ol'r'ICE, ORKGON CITY, OH. Mpeelal attenthsi kIvii to laud business. Set tlers ou hoiiiestea is or pre-tmp; ion cUluis and timber land pUrclwies shovu evsrj a-lvautage of Hie law. ror us-Ktuiics In iiiaKing liuul proof eu.ll on us. THOS. FREDRICKSON, , . - - l'1V.-.O (UMsil. Kv. West blxth Btreei. SOCIETY mttKTINU8. Scandinavian Benevolent Society. . KSUU1.AR MKKTtNUM OK THIS hWItfV at their rooms lu Pythian building :it eight o'clock r. m. on the seceud aiiu lourtu luos days of taoh mouth, AUO. DANIKL80N Secretary. Oceari .BincHrnpcje'.r Mo. 13, 1. O. O. K HEOLLAll MlvKflNOd OK OCEAN EN caminienl No. u. I. o. O. v., at the Lodge. In the O'bx Fellows Butidioi:, hi. neven p. M., on the seetir.d tuid 'fourth Mondays of each mouth. Kojoui'uluK hreii.rea ooidiaily invited, Uy order . f. Astoria Building & Loan Association nn HE REGULAR MEETINGS OK IHJSAnKO A elation a-.e held at 8 p. u. sa the first Wednesday of ewb nn-sth. Oiliue on Genevieve street, south ot Cheuaiuus. - V,'. l. Roun, eeivfKry. Common UounoL OEGCLAR MilKUlNOS, FIRST AN 13 !. third Tuesday evening of each month ,st 8 o'cioek. Persons desiring to have matters acted iipnr by the Council, at any regular meeliiiK must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, ou or before the Friday evening prior to tl.s Tuesday ou which the Council I'oidi IN retrulai meeting. K. OSKUKN, . Auditor and Police Judxe. Hoard of Pilot Coinmlsslonerf . THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS BOARD, will be held on tho first Mondny, of each month at 10 a. m. In the rooms oi tho Astoria Chamber of Commerce. W. L, KOiiB, Seo ASTOUIA IROS WOSiKS, Ooucomly street, toot Juckdou, - Astoria, Oregon. General SIaehiRists& Mcr Makers Land and Marine Knidne, Koller work. Stemn boat and Cannery W'oik a Specialty. Oastiogi of All Dsaoriptioni Kids ts Order st Short Notice. JOLN KOX.... President and Sup- . L. t'OA ......Vice PresiUeu Chris Evenson. Frank Cook HOTEL -TEE CENTRAL KVEN90N & COOK, ON T II K KUROPKAN PLAN-LARGE clean rooius, a ttrst-elasa reitaurat, lmrd Hy the day, week, or mnutn. Private room fia ftunilies etc , Transient cimtom lolieited Oysters, fiah,etc.,o uite t to order. A lirst-c'ais paloiin run In connection with the premises. The bet of wines, liquors uud clgnrit. Good billUrd tables and private card rooms. Comer Water Street aud West Nluth. ORI cu CLATSOP LAND CO. Incorporated with JI'lOM Canilal Stock, ItesI Estate and Inmirance Broker', NnUry Public and Convcjani ert. rlpeclal stteutlou paid to rents, payment of tsxen, etc., lor non reMent. 8ole sgeuU lor fouth Aitoria. Pnn pcclHaiK, Hemlock fork and Owen's Addition, alwihent HenMiie, buMns aud i..ldoproierty and choice acreage. in I'hird St.. Asiona. O. A STDISOIT & CO.. BLACKSMITUING Bhip sud Cannerv work, Hon wtoeli g. Wag ons made and repaired, t.oid wjrk gutianteed On Cass street, opposite ine ' nn Tain o nee GENUINE WALL'S END COAL -FOIt SALE AT $8.30 PUR 'TON $8..0 Leave Orders at Occident Hotel. G. 0. J10EN, AGENT, MAGXUS C. CEOSBY, DEALER IX HARDWAUE, IRON, STEEL, IUOX'PIPK AN!) JfHTINOM. . STOVES - AND TIN WAKE, House Furnishing Goods, Sheet 1-cad, Strip Lead, 81ieet Iron, Ilu uud Copper. HUGHES & CO., . Wholesale and ReUU LIQUOR DEALERS. importers of All Brands of Foreign and Domes tin Wines, Liquors and Clears. J. B. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Vai Blab Bottled Beer, Fluest brauds of hey West and Domestic Cigars Liquors tor Medleioal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited All orders from the Oily aud Country proi'-rwy filled. 8queaoque Street, ... Astoria. Oregou T. 33. WTATT r Dealer In Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varutrtb, Blnacle Oil. Cot ton Canvas, Hmp Hall Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spike-i, Ualvanlzted Cut Nalis Grrooorios, Jlltc Agricultural Implemerts, 8wli:g Jla niaehmes, Palms aud Oils. INDEPENDENT EDIT FOR f OBTUNS Will leave Astoria for Portlar d. (Fish er's Uook) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7.-00 a. m., and Sunday at (i:U0 p. in. Tiio CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL FAiLWAY, CONNECTING WITH A Mi TRANSC0NTIN EM AL LINES, -IS THB- OULT LI2TE RUNNING Elootrio Lighted Cars betv e :h ST. PtULand CHISAGO AND OMAHA and CHICAGO. The EXPRESS THATN8 consist of VESTI BULED, SLKEC1NO, DIN1NU AND PAKLOB CARS, HAT0 BY STtAM And furnished with every luxury known to laouern railway travel. Fcr fpesd. Comfort and fafety this Line is Unequaled. . Tickets on sale at all promluent railway office. For further Information inquire of any ticket gent, or f. J. EI)T)V. Gpneral Aet. J. W. CASKV, Trav. Pass. Afft, .1 OUTLAID, OlililiOX. 7 For - Thirty - Days - Only I make this offer. Less than one mile from Astoria Box Factory on Columbia river. Streets 73 and alleys 20 feet wide. I. W. CASE, BANKER. Drafts drown avallahle in anypsriof tho tf , 8 sud, and on Hong Kong, China, Office Honrs:-10 A. M. to 8 P. M, Odd Fellows Building, , Astoria, Oregon. I. W, CASE, INSURANCE AGENT,. KKPKKSKNTINO German-Ameriran, Sew York City, 11 Union fire tnd Marine, of Xew Zealand. ' National Fire and Marine Int. Co., of HarlforJ. Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford. -. Dome Mutual Ins. Co., of San Francisco. Phtrnii, of London. I Impirial, of London. New York Plato Glass Ins. Co.- ' ram ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK. DOES A GENERAL BAKKIHO BUSINESS. Account" ol Firms and Individuals Solicited on Kavorable Teims, . . luterest paid on Ttmo Deposits. - Money Leaned on Personal fccuilty. Poreiirn aud tlouiesllo Exchange bought au1 fold. . I).' K. Warrsai President, J. K. IllrirWu. Cashier. J.C Durneai, Vice President, l. K. Wurrsa, 1 C. H. WrUbt, I Jobs llobnon, Directors, II. t. Thooiioi, 1 . Thed ilracker, J TEE ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Acts s trustee for lorporatloni and Individ uals Deposits sollcltod Interest will be allowed on savings deposits as lollowa; On ordinary savings h-ioki 4 per cent, per anuum. - On term savlnes books 6 per cent, per tnnnm. On eertirlcates of deposit: For throo month", 4 per cent, per- annum, 'or six mouths. 6 par cent, per annum. For twelve months, 6 per cent, per annum. - I. W. CASE I... ...PreIdent J. Q. A. BOWI.BY Vice-President FRANK PATON Cashier W. E. DEMENT Secretary DIBKCTORS: L W. Case, J. Q. A Bowlby, t. K. Warren, C. II. Pagr, Ben, Younir, A. B. Reed. r. S. Tsylar. THE PORTLAND SAViNCS BANK OF PORTLAND, OKKOOK. Paid up capital .?260,000 Surplus and profltR 60,000 t RANK DEKUM, President. D. P. THOMPSON, Vice-President. U. C. blEATION, Cashier QUICK TIME TO - SAN FRANCISCO ...AND., ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA, t, Via the Mt. Hlwsta Route .of the Sontliern Pacific Comply Tho Only Font TVonph 0lifornia to al Pointi Eut ana Seuth. Tho Scenic Koatc of the Pacific. Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS f AKD . SKCONO-CLA83 SLEEPING OARS Attached to exnwss trains, atfnrdlns snn-rlot aecominrNlHtlons for second c a" psweners. tor rU-s, tiokets, sleephi ear rewrvatinns. ete., cail uprn or afiress E, P. BiKiKHS. am (ieneial Freight aud Passeuer Aiiut,Port-and.ur.