y THIS bAlli A8TO11IAN. ASTORIA, SATURDAY MOKNIHG. 1IABCH 4. 181H1 OUflL" DAILY, MARINE" COLUMN The schooner Surprise tome In J'ea , terday from the fishing banks with half a ton of sole and cod fish and 700 crabs. The learner State of California came in yesterday from San Francisco and after discharging Astoria freight, went up to Portland. The American ship George Curtis, which left here in October, arrived at Falmouth on February 27th. The British Bhlp Port Carlisle, from this port, arrived at Cardiff on Febru ary 27th last. ' The Oregon went out to San Fran Cisco yesterday, after taking on here 900 bundles of pulp, 181 socks of oysters and 1157 bundles of snooks. The urmen ship Holyrood went alongside the bonded warehouse yester day and commenced -to unload part of her Cargo of tin. '.', The steamer Cella sailed- for the northern coast ports Tuesday from San Francisco, with a non-union crew, put on board under police protection. The wind at Point Lobos, Cat., regis terea miny-mx nines an hour on Wednesday afternoon, from the north west. None of the few arrivals brought any news of disasters from the gale of Saturday. From their reports It would seem that the elghty-three-mlle-an-hour hurricane on Saturday wag confined to the locality of Point Reyes and that the wind, both north and south of that point did not reach over sixty miles an hour. Thsv steam collier Mackinaw, Cap tain Llttlefleld, which left San Fran cisco on the 23d inst. for Comox, lost two blades off her propeller on Satur day morning during the gale and re , turned to port for repairs. Salt was used to assist the steamer on the re turn. The steamer. Lily will be sold at Seattle to pay her Indebtedness. She was libeled some weeks ago by sev enteen of her creditors. Judge Han- ford directed United States Commis sioner Emery to take testimony In the case, Monday many witnesses were examined and the testimony Is now all In New masters have been named for a number of vessels on the Sound. They are as follows: Alvln H. Curtis, made master of the steamer Ellin, late master C. H. Mun- sin. C. F. Nagler, made master of the steamer Mabel, late master 13. A. Swift. ' ' W. C. McMillan made master of the steamer Cascade, late master John An derson. , Frank S. Johnson, who Is now In New York, expects to start for San Francisco Immediately, says the Re ", port, and to arrive there by the end of the week. He will be accompanied by Trainc Association Manager Leeds. Mr. Johnson says the Panama Railroad Company has ''Wile satisfactory con tracts with his company and that the contracts have been Bent to this city for ratification. The railroad company has chartered the steamer Saturn for the North American Navigation Com pany, and will leave New York next week with a cargo for Peru. The ves. gel Is expected to arrive' In Panama on April 20th and there it will be trans ferred to the North American Navi' (ration Company, and by It put on the line between San Francisco and Pana ma. Mr. Johnson says that the vessel will .be economical, and that the com' pany can secure others at favorable terms as desired. It Is expected thut the through trip will be made In from twenty-six to twenty-eight days. The ' Paclfio Mall Company has asserted thai the North American Transporta tion Company could not compete with It In running 'steamers to Panama, as the Pactflo Mall has the coaling Na tions and is otherwise able to Btnother competition. As to this President 8nr ry Baldwin of the Tramc Association said to a D. R. reporter: "We are will ing to give the Paclflo Mall all the ad vantages It may have In coaling sta Hons and prestige and then compete with It Its vessels are back numbers and are run with the old methods. They ' need a great deal 1 6 run them that we do not need. Our vessels will be mod' em, and will be economical In every way. We are going Into this with our eyes open, and there need be no doubt about our ability to hold our own In the competitive race." The Trafflo Association and Chamber of Commerce have telegraphed to Con gresaman Geary ; their appreciation of hlB efforts to expose the combination between the Pacific Mall and the Transcontinental Association, " The Pacific Mail steamer City of Pe king came off the Hunter's point Ory dock at San Francisco on Wednesday, after having a new stern shaft put In in place of the one that broke on the Inst trip of the steamer to that port . from the Orient. Other repairs were made and the hull' was scraped and painted. The steamer Is again at the pacific Mall dock. . STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders or tre enigma Company will be held at the office of the Fishermen's Packing Company. Al derbrcVjk, Astoria. Or., on Tuesday. March 14, W3. at So'clock a. ro.. for the purpose of considering and acting upon the question of dissolving the Cor poration. O. A. NKLhON.y Astoria, Or.. March 3. 1893. fresco Tansy Wafer. - tidies will find" these wafers Just what thev need, and cn be depend! Won .L " me to give relief- Safe and sure. I,? ybe nt by mail sealed seeurely. J .(,- 2W per box. For sale only b J. V.'. Conn, comer beooud and Oum urml TO- The usual services will bs held In the Presbyterian church tomorrow, morning and evening. . , There will bo services In the German language at the Congregational church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 . There will be services In Johnson hall, 2054 Hemlock street, next Sunday at 10:45 a. m., and 7:30 p. m conducted by Rev. r. Stlen. Grace Church, Episcopal, Hev. W. Short, Pastor. Services on Sunday morn Ing at 1L and In the evening t 7 o'clock, Sunday school at 12:30 o'clock. 20:8-11. Subject In the evening, "Work and wages for all." Text, Math. 21:28 The Sundayschool meets at 12 m., and the Christian Endeavor society at 6:30 p. m. . Scandlvavlan M. E. church,' Upper As toria, services as usual, at 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. Rev. L. Walby will preach at Kntemey er's hall at 7:30 p. m. Subject, "Victory of Truth." The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church. IXL cannery, Hemlock street, Uppertown. Services Sunday at 10:46 m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a, m. Lent sermon Wednesday night at o'clock. Rev, L. Nlssen. Services at ' trie Congregational hurch morning and evening. Com munlon of the Lord's Supper In the moraine:. Subject of the sermon: "Re member the Sabbath Pay," Text, Ex, service at 7:10 p. m. . Regular services are resumed at the Baptist church and will continue until further notice. Rev. Mr. VonTassel will discourse In the morning on the "Spiritual Harvest Field," and In the evening on the question, "Am I my brother's keeper?" , Young People Union at 6:30. Strangers and visitors always welcome. M. E. Church, O. A. Landen pastor, Rev. H. M. Clark will preach at 11 a, m. Preacmng at 7 :su p. m. Dy we pas- tor. Subject, "Chosen for Salvation.' Class meeting at 10 a. m. Sundayschool at close of morning service. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m., led by Msls Mary Powell. Subject, "The per- Us of a Chrlstless civilization." Song In all the other churches the usual Sab bath services will be held without any change. Heal Estate Transfers, Following are the real cstato transfers recorded since February lBt, ns reported for The Astorlan by The Astoria Ab (tract, Title and Trust Company: W. A. Chlsholm to Cornelius Hunt. El-2 of SE1-4 Of sec 26. T 4 N. R 9 W I 1 A. O. Burns, to Robert L. Ball, lots 3. 4. 5. 6. in blk 24 Columbia 2d Addition.... COO Robert L. Ball to C. II. Schram. same property 536 United States to Sarah L. Byrd Adm patent Circuit court met yesterday morning pursuant to adjournment at 0 a. in The following cases were adjudicated upon: State vs. Robert Carruthers; plead not guilty, trial set for March 8th. State vs. Robert Carruthers (No. 2) plead not guilty; trial set for Murch 8th Lewis Delther and brother vs. D. A. Muys; decree for plaintiff and order of sale of attached property. E. P., Parker vs. W. H. Bain et al. lecree for plaintiff on verdict of Jury John Anderson vs. Justlna Ander son; decree for plaintiff on verdict of Jury. Joseph A. Foard vs. Parker & Han- jon; decree overruled by consent, and lecree for plaintiff. State of Oregon vs. yep Man on trial. , ; SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of the school district, compris ing the city of Astorla.hat there will be held In the said district an election on the second Monday in March, be ing the 13th day of March. 1893 Polls to be kept open from 2 o'clock p. m. till 6 o'clock p. m., of said day. This election Is called for the purpose of electing three directors to serve said district. " Polling place In First Ward, Engine house of Rescue Engine Company No. 2. Judges: John Hobson, C. S. Wright C. H. Stockton. Clerk, B, S. WorBley. Polling place In Second Ward, Engine house of Engine Company No. 3 Judg es: J. II. D. Gray, J, C. Dement, D. K Welch. Clerk, P. C. Cook. , Polling place In Third Ward, at the office of the Astoria Box Company. Judges: T. S. Cornelius, W. F. McGreg or, John Enberg. Clerk, G. A. .Nelson. By order of the board of directors of School District No. I. C. W. FULTON. Chairman, II. B. FERGUSON, Clerk. Dated at Astoria .Oregon, this 28th day of February, A. D. 1893. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular ns to need no special men tion. All wno nave usea mectric itinera sing the same gong of praise A purer medicine does not exist and It Is guaran teed to do all that Is claimed. Kleetrtc Utters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, alt rheum and other affect Ions caused bv lmnure blood. III drive miliaria from the system and prevent as well a cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headaehe. constipation and Indigestion try Electric Hitters Kntlre satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Price We. and tl.OO per bottle at Charles Itogers' drug store. -' Do not be deceived with chean Dlcturea. but get your work done at Crow's gallery and you will not regret It. All Kre. ' ThonA fcho hav uacil T)r. Klnff'n w Dlaoovery know its value, and thoa who' have not. have now the opportunity to: try It frew. Cull on the advertlaod dine- gist and net a trial bottle frw. Send your nam and address to H. K Hurklen & Co., ChlcaKO, and sret a aitmple boi of Dr. KlnK'a New 1.1 fe 1'llla fre, aa well as a conv of Ould to Health nnd Houe-: hold inftruetor. free. All of -uhlch Is ltunranted to do you a-ood .and cost you I uothing. Chas. Uotrert' druKstora. i A REMARKABLE SUSPICION. A Young Lady Dreams the Manner Of Her Lover's Duuth. Orovillo, Cnl., March 8. In the latter' part of December, W. E. Hancock of this place, disappeared. Today his body was found In a deep shaft about a quarter of a mile from town He was engaged to marry a young lady. In Stanley, Kansas.' After his disappear ance she wrote to officers here, asking if any reservoirs were near his house. She had dreamed that he was drowned In a deep reservoir. The shaft in which the body was found was partly filled with water and It was within a few yards of a large reservoir. ' GOVERNOR LLEWELLINO DENIES Topt-ka, Ks., March 3. The Topeka Capital charged openly . today, that a draft for $3000 and $1500 cash had been paid to Governor Llewelllng's private secretary by Attorney General Little and . James F. Legate to secure the appointment of police cotmmlBsloners In Kansas City, Kansas, who wold allow lotteries to continue unmolested. Governor Llewelling denied the. story today. The editor of the Capital says ho can prove his statement. .. j ' CMltaCrjiicte'sCaslria J. R. Wilson.371 Clay street, flhnrpsburg,. Pn., says he will not De witnout ut. Vlnir'a Slew ninooverv for ConcumPtlon. Coughs and Colds, that It cured his wlte who was threatened with pneumonia I after an attack or "la grippe," wnen vur- imiH other remedies and several physi cians had done her no good. Robert Bar-1 ber, of t'oonsport, ra., claims ur. tt.ing s New Discovery has done him more good I than anything ne ever usea ior lung trou ble. Nothing like It. Try It. Free trial bottles at Charles Kogrs- arug store. Large bottles 50c. and Jl.OO. NOTICE! Use Zlnfandel wine Intead of coffee or tea, 60 cents per gallon. Dont forget Ponrh iitnl anricot brandv. also French Cognac and wine at Alex, uuoert s. All ladles desiring well-fitting suits made In the latest designs, call on Mrs. Sarah Ross at the Misses McKae Mil linery iParlors on Genevieve street. Prices according to work. Mm. Rev. Klssen. muBlc teacher, has removed to 171S Hemlock street, Lpper- town. children Hry for Pitcher's Castcria Vipn Baby was sick, we gave her Cajtoris. Vhen she was Child, she cried for Csstorla, 'nea she bacsme Miss, she clung to Citori, I'ucn she had Children. sh gave them Cajtorif Bucklen's Arnica Halve. The best salve In the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped Hands, chilblains, corns, ana an skiii eruptions, ana positive- y cures piles, or no pay required, it cuurantced to srive perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cenu er box. For sale by Chas. Koaers. suc cessor to j. v. uemenc "It makes mt tired! Peoploask mo is marriage a failure Of courso faint; s'poso I don't know my biz what ntn I bore fori" If tbo wo men only'koep healthy they keep in good spirits una cupia is in domand Let every eufocblod woman know this there's a remedy that 11 euro uer. the proofs posi tive, it (loos what Is promised. Iloro s tho proof if it docsn t do you cood Within reasonable time, report the fact to its makers and got your money back without a wow Due you won't tio it i i no remedy is ur. l leree s favorite rre- scriptlon-aiid it has proved itself tbo right roniody in nearly every cose of female weak- ness. 'it is not n mfraclo. It won't cure evarythinc but it has done moro to build up cnrooblea nna broiccn-down women wan any other mediuino known. - JAPANESE CURE A now and oomnleto treatment, consisting ol iiipposltorlcB, iduiin' lit in capsules, also It box and Mils; a positive cure It o ternal, In vtirimi mum ur uieuuill, ii-itii i u, euruillU I recent or hercdllar,' riles, and many other! ?til? r.!?"?"',1.1" 5lSi; I discovery of a medical euro rendering an oper- lion with the knife mineo ssury hertafter 1 Mi remedy has never be n known to fail. t per bx, ior : sent by mail. Why suiter rom this terrible dlseKse when a wrilluniriiar- meet Mvon with boxes, to refund the money If not cured. Pond stamps f. r free ssmi.ie. uuarantee issu. d by Woodward Clrk A Co., Wholesale aa Retail Druggists oie Agonis romanu, wr. ior iaie uyj. w. Conn. Astoria Oregon. CO O Q O O O O OO O GOOD NEWS O f For liio millions ct consumers of ft olniVs Pills, o ft It elves lr. Tntt plcasnro to n noiiiK O that he la now iititt iug ojm " 0 mn LIVER FILL o Oxi'iMcii isorpxcrtiiugiysiiiniisi9!, yi t rotuliiiitjrnll the virtue ol tho J larger oiie. i.uariintfH'tt ptirly Over.ernblc. lloth sisesof tliuxo pill f oro still issued. Uioeutct alio uf'4' . Q TJTT'S TINY LIVCR PILLS f shown In the lKr.Ierl'tl1."ul.",;:? - G5QOQOOOOOO Caveat, and Trarie-M arks obtained, and all Pat ent busmen conducted lor Modcratc Fees. Oust Ornci la OMirrt U.S. PTCMTO"ict and we can secure patent iu was tiaia than taoee Seod model, diawinf or photo., with demlp 30. We advise, if patentable or not, free ol chart;. Our fee not due till patent it secured, a MMLrr. 'How to Obtain latents." with coat of tame la the U. & and turciga countries tent bee. Address, c.A.Grjovv&cq. Aw. Pattnt Aitirff. Wabuimatam. B. C. r'''"''Tnn 'ar'" .. rMM-n --i iiii A. AT WOOD Employment Office. Y Corner Stark and Front St., Portland, Or. Halo Help furnished B. R. Co. Contractors, Sawmill Men and Others, on short notice. TiieGiipal and Genuine (WORCESTERSHIRE) WIT TKW'i'iii "ri una fin SAUCE Imparts' the meet delicious taste and cost to EXTRACT of s LETT 11 from MEDICAL GEN ' TI.EMAN at Mud. ras, to his brother at WOKCESTEB, May, l&L . "Ten LEA . FEBF.INH' that their sauce 1b highly uteemed In India, and lain my 80UPM, GRAVIES, FISH, HOT. fc COLD SflliVJ :U mPTSRvm GAMEf opinion, the .most -ASPCP1 9 WELSH. ' palatable, aa well as the inofr wholo. ; I BAUEBITS, some esuco that itf uude." Beware of Imitations ; see that you get Lea & PerrinsV Signature on every bottle of Original ft Genuine. JOllN PUNCAN'S HONS, NEW YORK. KMARK OY NOT RIDINO THE RIGHT BICYCLE itno ron oJr frMLOOue-Ttuj you au abovt ORTiipACiricfnrcLEpo. BICYCLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION."" Mrovam BmioiNg -Portland Oregon. BETTOR'S I A Positive Curs OR PILES. In am over SO Years. Hi.-yrc. Tardive HO. dtrfid. Hllit test j. nionlals. At druggists, or mailed on receipt of prlue-50c. put box. fwiHUlMANH A tftOWN OHM C3., i J'rops., liuliluiure, Md. l GUM'S IMPROVED ' LIVER PILLS ' 0HLY ONE FOR A DOSE A WORD TO LADIES. Thee pllli ere k dlffnrent In Uite, imell and action from otbera. that thev mtsht b iulli.fl a tnadf natd eonfcMtion. lAdiea unering' from headaohea and thoie with aaUow oomplexion who oannot take ordinary pill, are delighted with them. They make the akin beautiful, free from blotohee and pimplea, 850. Soaanko Med. Co, Philadelphia, Pa. THE OPEN SWITCH. J.X ESTABLISHED SAFEGUARD. Anvbodv who tiavela bv cam known what is meant by " an open switch." It is the terror of railroad men, and the dread of the trflVAlnr. Tta vintimo killed. hnrrihlT man. gled or maimcd for life-are numbered br ..i, ,. J the score each year. I et e ven tne areaded open switch in not bo wiueiy laiai an is a certain disease, wnicn, without ceasing its activity for an instant, is daily filling hundreds of graves. What is that terrible ailment? you ask. It is Heart Diieaset "But," you reply, con fidently, "I haven't any heart disease my heart is all right." Are yon sure ? Dr. Franklin Miles, of Elkhart, Ind., the distinguished specialist in diseases of the heart and nervous system, states that disor ders of the heart are as common as those of the lungs, liver, stomach, bowels or kidneys, mo tuiigiiiivi) giumavu. vunci, ui aiuucjO) thnnirli nftnn luisnanectnrl. Thn rmann non. Die are not aware of tbU important fact it because symptoms of heart disease are not usually recognized as proceeding from this ' ,. .(,,:k.. fnm H,o. """ "" source. If Toll have shortness of breath. pattering or palpitation, pam or tenderness : iBr hr.nt alinnldornr aiilo nnnrosseH or lelt Dreasi, siiouwer or Blue, oppressea or ctioaing sensation, Hunting or smomering sne Is. inur neart tt oncelea, "1 hud been troiihled with heart disease for years. My left pulse was very weak, could at times scarcely feci it, eicitemcnt would" weaken my nerves and heart, and fear of j impending deal ft stared me In the race lor l , nnJ Um Hon hours. Dr. Miles' Nerrin and New Heart ; Curt are the only medicines that have proved of any benefit and cured me." L. M. DYER, Cloverdale, Md. 1 " My wife hasbeen taking Vr. Mdef Ae Cure far Vie Heart. She thinks it wonderful. Slio has not been troubled with pain or smothering spells since nsing it We have also used i)r. Jtliletf NI, and we find them all they are claimed to he." GEO. L. FINK, Philadelphia, Pa. - These and hundreds of similar testimo nials are convincing proofs of the wonderful powers of Dr. McV Km Cure for the Heart. It is t,fftive, aqretablt, and above all, SAFE. Bold br druggists on a positive gnaranteo,or Pr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. Heavy and jlf HARDWARE Csr.Tln-to'k Wagons ani Vehicles, Farm Maehlnery, Faint. MIs Varnishes. Iyppors Ktppiiet, rai.nsiK a Mauve, DMrs aud ttin uwi. PROVISIONS FLOCK and MUX FEED. ASTOKU. - OBEGOH. I. 8Mi & COMPANY PICKED UP. A new scow, forty feet Iodb, fifteen foot beam. New anchor and line. Own er can have same by proving property and paying' expenses. Henry Pibb. Knappa, Or., Feb. 21th, 1893. . ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. FRANK DAJIANT, Propr. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Express and delivery business, GET YOUR COAL AND HAY FROM FRANK DAMAN f. liet Walls bud coal delivered, U.u0. Call at 433 Third street. Telephoue 12. C. P. UPSHUR, SHIPPING and COMMISSION Astoria, Oregon. X. XI. c& N", CO, O SCeamer Ilwaco T.C8Te3 Astoria dully at 7:30 a. m. for Ilwaco calling at Taiixy Point, and connecting with rmiruau running norm at lu a. in, ana wuu boats on shoalwater hav fur South Bend, ftuimliiue, North Cove And oilier point tl much tu liray's Har bor, ltetiirnli e connee'H ar. Iiwhco with earners lor Astoria and Nls;h( Boat for Porllund. JOHN it. (iOULTEH, L. A. LOOMI8, Kecreiary. irtsluent. B. V. EGBiUtf. Superintendent. PORTLAND AMD ASTORIA. Steamer Telephone. Leaves Astoria Every evening except Suuda; at 7 p. m. Anivea at Astoria Everyday except Sunday at 2 p. ra . Leaves Portland Every aay except Sunday at 7 a. m. (I. W. STONE, Agent, Atttorla. K. A. aKELtY, General Agent, 1'ortlund Or. North Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Bohemian - Lager - Beer And XX rortur. Al! o deis promptly attended to, U'fi. D1MBLS0S, SAMPLEROOu1S Wines, LitjuorB and1 Cigars. Agent for the K H iON yteamshlp Line and thi TDINtiVAl.LA rJtenm.ihip Line, direct. AIR. i, agent for ".xv-nska fiiljuneu" anfl Iveiiskft AniHr!kaui.'?n " Cori.er ni Waim ai d West Ninth Street Astoria. Oregon. JEFF'S, Tto Only Butamt CARNAHAN & CO Bucceaiinni to I. W. Case, Importer and Wholesale and Retail dealer in- GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cor. Second au4 Casi Street, ASTORIA, OREGON Foard & Stokes C17LOOJD3nJ3 Dealers In Olsssware. Crockery. ShlD Sunnlies. Tobacco. Wines and Fine Whiskies. Fine Teas and Coffee a Specialty. The Faust Display of nuns in ine i;my, r resu on r.very eieamer. Coiner of Third and West F.lghtn .troets. CAMPBELL BROS. (SnccessoM tn Warren A CampbeH), WASRENTON, OREGON, Dealers in XXITE" GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Bats, Caps, Boots, Shoes staple unuuLniLo rANcif Hardware, Iron nnd Steel, Crockery, Glassware - noouenware, notions, etc., nay, Gr 'in. Flour and Feed. I OTTO I "Small Froflu o Cask Salas." -r-r -r-j -ry T") "FT" T"" T) rT, I ), X J.l JL. li X g , , , , . h Um. Bilck. Sand, - Fire Brick. Fire Oif. Cement, Mill Koed.OaN, straw Hair, wihw injuvoreq to i ruer. Dnviog, Teaming and Express Eoiiaesi J. C3-. ITioixxi, Mariiifacturing Jeweler Wa ches a Specialty. Sclid and Piated Silver Ware. CAIBKELI.V That cm b tiken apart aud p iekel ui trunks. K Third Stree. -Vorle, Oregon. SOOTH MB SH0E3 Tut Urijest Stock, sal Quality and lowest Price at the Sign ot The Golden 8hoe. COLIMBIA TRANSFER CO., WILLIAM WIXSOX, Prop. - FEED - AND - SALE - STABLE Griientl KxMrss and Delivery ISuprs. O.Te.! 118 OInev tret. Stahlra tHt of Wtst Mutnsi, As ona. TtU phooe 'o. U. Line Running THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leav'ng Portland, 8:45 AM. " 7:30 PM. DAYS TO CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Cmaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Din. Ing Cars. ASTORIA AND SAN FEANCISCO FEBKUABY, 1893. Oregon Friday February 3. CiiluniOialuesflHV February 7. Stale Mitiir.liiy February 11. ni'tgnn Wedui-sday February. Columbia Siitiriii hcbruiiry 19, Male i hiirsdsy February 23. Oreiioii Alonuav Febiuary 27. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMERS Moraine boat leaves .Ast rh da'lv. exceht Sunday, -a, 7 a. in.; leturmnK. leae I'orlliind dully, except Mntiudiiy, hi b i. m. Niglit bunt leaves Astir:a dully, i xcepl Huiiday, i 0 p. in : r tin lib g leavtsl'ortlmid ltily,exc it Sunday, at7 it. m. 1 he morning h-iit fiuiu I'o tlaiid maki s iHiidiiiL'Son tut- Uriuuii kide 'I m sdavf. Thurs days, xiiii Sa'urdayj ; in WhhIiii gion si'Je Min dava Wt'dnrndii.ts mid Kriduys. In in Astoria the nioMiiiig IikmU nn.krs laiidlnic ou the Or goli aide Moiulns, Wediiesdava and Flidajs, and on the Wiishii gum Mile tuewluyi, Thurs days and Siiluitlaa. For rales and genrnl iufoiwatlt n cull on or address, W. H. HURLBURT, G. W. LOUNSBEKRY, a. ul'ii -aM. ngz. Aeeiit ToTtland, Or, Astwia, Or. Is the line to tnke to nil joints EAST and SOUTH It is the DINING CAR ROUTE It offers the bet service, com bining SPEED ami COMFORT It Is the opul'T routo with those who tvl hto travel ou THE S A-FIlST Itls tie efore the rou'e yu fhru'd tike. It runs throut h vestibiiltd tiah.s evei y Uuy lu the i etr to ST. PAUL AW CIIKIAGO No Change of Car, Elegant Pullman Sleepers, Superior Tunrist Slieperr, SpIi'Dtlid Free etoDi'-clafs Sleepers Ouly one change of cars Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Tart of Hie tlvilized aorld Passengers ticketed- via. all bonts running between AbUtfla, Kalama aud I'onlaud.- Full Information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnUhwl nn apullcatloa to R. L. WOLF. Agent Astoria Steamer Tciephoiie Dock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Ajrent, Ro.W First Bt .oiT. Washington, Portland. Oregon. ASSIGNEE NOTICE. To the creditors of Parker & Hanson. and or Uelo F. Parker and Carl Han son, Take Notice: That Bald Oelo P. Parker anrl CnH Hanson have made an assiimment tn of oil their estates for the benetit of their joint and Individual creditors. That all persons havinar claim aralnat them or either ef them should present the same under oath to me at ray office In Astoria. Oregon, within three months from thi9 date. W . W. PARKER, Assignee. Astoria, Oregon, January 27th, l&a SCHOOL,. TAXES DUE. School tax en are due In -district No. 9 comprising Adair's Astoria, West- of Jordan Avenue. W. T. AfcOreeor. res trict Clerk. Odice 6a Third street, Vppej. Astoria a 2 Mo if