THIS DAILY ASTOKIAN, ASTOKIA; WEDNESDAY MOKNI27G, HAHCII 1 Utf.J FUBLlAHKn BY Astonan-CuIoabiaB PnWisbin? Company. ASTOHIA, OKF,CON AsTOBIAN' BUII.DIKG, ... CASH BTBKJET Tr of BibnerlptlM. DAILY. Penred by Carrier, per week........ 18 ct Seut by Mull, per niouth............,H.... fio ctt fceut by Alall, per Year .........7.0g vmir. Sent by mail, per year, $2.00 In advauca. t ree postage to nubsurlbta. TUB ASTOrtlAN auarailteaatd Its Advertisers the largest circulation of ny nowspaper imo- ImIiAiI till tllM ltllllltlll'.. Ulwu. Ill future all Items of local Inttwst forwarded to tins oillco miui be addressed t. ilie CllY ED1TOH. Local weather for the twenty-four hours ending at 6 p. m., yesterday, fur nished by the U. S. department of agri culture, weather bureau: Maximum temperature, 44 degrees. Minimum temperature, 35 degrees. Precipitation ,12 Inches. Total precipitation 'from July 1st, 1892, to date, 64,04 Inches. Deficiency of precipitation from July 1st, 1892, to date, 1.11 Inches. "Captain Grltzmacher and Detective Thit paper liat the largest Circulation on the Columbia river. An honett and complete telegraphic re port givet a newspaper a right and title to the name. The newt of the world, freth eoery morning at your breakfast table, it what you can find in tlie Attorian. It holds the exclutice telegraphio franchise, and itt tervice it improving daily. The funny fellows are having lots of sport among themselves over the new Columbian stamps, and Jokes about Co lumbus' whiskers are quite the vogue. The Joke has even reached Germany, presumably through the medium of New York exchanges, and the wits of the Rhlneland are handling It in their peculiarly ponderous way. The basis of the whole school of Columbian whis ker Jokes, and by the way they are getting pretty well bewhiskered them selvesis the assumption that the ser ies of Columbian postage stamps Is strictly chronological and sequential. That Is, that all the illustrations of the progress of the discoverer were made by the same man, some pioneer special artist on the spot, and that this person committed a grave error in represent ing Columbus in sight of land with a smooth face, and Columbus on land with a full beard, despite the fact that the time Intervening between the events was not sufficient, ordinarily, to raise a beard. It might, of course, be lightly said that the wonderfully stim ulating climate wen responsible for this rapid growth; but that would be trilling. It can confidently be expected however, that some enterprising firm of manufacturers of barbers' supplies will sleze upon the incident to advert Ine their particular brand of hirsute reju venator. That sort of thing is Inevita ble In these modern days, when trades men of a certain class have no regard for anyone's rights when their own in terests are under consideration. Iiut to the ordinary, steady going, nodute citizen, all the alleged Jokes are very wearying. To the man of artistic Instincts and information, they are in oomprehenslvely trifling. Of course when It Is considered that the various denominations of stamps are repro duced from historical paintings of im portance, by different, well-known ar tists, each of whom, In the absence of definite and official data concerning the personality of Columbus, had his own conceptions of the great voyager, Rtded by such portraits of him as were extant, and also that none of them Re garded their Individual work as likely to form part of a homogeneous series, the feeble Jest appearing inconceivably billy. But perhaps It Is cruel to rob the witlings of the brief happiness which the effort affords them and besides it calls attention to the stamps, and Mr. Wnnamaker Is selling and his successor will Bell a larger number bf them as a result of the gratuitous advertising. While Mr. Cleveland's policy Is In doubt Mrs. Cleveland's has been an nounced, and It Is doubtful If her au gust husband can offer anything bet ter. Mrs. Cleveland's policy Is sensi ble, practical and In the line of good taste and good Judgment. She has For the Next Thirty Days, To meet imperative demands, I will offer at such low prices on install ments, with easy payments, that decided not to wear crinoline or en courage the wearing thereof. This la better and more effective than "sum ptuary laws' npralnst it by nil the leg islatures In the land. The llakor City Democrat plaintively asks: "Do we know our own minds?" "One strong pull must be made for the lunatic asylum," "Are the peoule of Baker City alive to their Interests In this matter?" "Baker City can of fer every Inducement for the location of an Insane asylum. Then why shouldn't we secure It?" Certainly If Baker City can show moie lunatics to the square acre than any other part of the state, she ought to get what she wants. The Demo crat has a strong card to play. The prlze-flghters with their wind and deposit cheques, and all the para- phenalia of bluffing ought to be started out for Hawaii and drowned on the way over. The Time to Work on Roads. The proper time to begin work or re pairs Is In the early spring, Just after the frost comes out of the ground, as soon as the roads have thoroughly set tied and dried out. Where the road Is old, with a good solid bed, the first thing to be done Is to cover It all over with a light dressing of gravelly ma terlal, and when possible, finish it off with a top-coating of hard-pan; but avoid putting it on too thickly, lest the going become heavy, as It la slow to dry out. Loam Is worse than useless, because It never packs properly and makes mud. Care must be taken to raise the road up toward the center, and give It a slight elevation at the crown, but only Just enough to shed the water on either side Into the gutters. On a level, straight road the crown should only be slightly convex, for rounding up a narrow road In the mid dle Is objectionable, Insomuch as It has the Immediate effect of forcing wheels of vehicles to run ulways In the same lino and wear away the new material into deep ruta that quickly become water-courses for the wash of the next ruin, and assist the rapid de struction of the road by preventing the water from reachliig the gutters. As fust as the new material can be laid on It should be very carefully raked over to remove all the largo stones and as many of the smaller ones as possible; for where this precaution la neglected until the stuff packs down hard, which happens in a few days, the stones be come so firmly embedded that they are not only difficult to remove, but soon cause the road to wear In humps and bumps, and later In the season, during the dry weather, they work up con linually and become a source of an noyance and danger. These stones should never be left In piles along the roadside, to be driven Into or scattered about by nilschevlous boys or stray cat tle, but carted away Immediately and dumped out of sight. The gutters .should then be carefully cleaned by emovlng from them all deposits of mud, decayed loaves, or branches that have collected during the winter months; never allow this stuff to be heedlessly thrown along the edges of the gutters or on the banks above them, ;or the first ralnB will surely wash all back to the old place, and the work has to be done over again. It la even worse to spread It out over the road,, accord ing to the common but mistaken prac tice of many rond-nmsters, since de cayed matter can never be packed prop erly, and always tends to make mud and dust In dry weather. SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of the school district, compris ing the city of Astoria, that there will be held In the said district an election on the second Monday In March, be ing the 13th day of March. 1893 Polls to be kept open from 2 o'clock p. m. till 6 o'clock p. m., of said day. This election is called for the purpose of electing three directors to serve said district. Polling place In First Ward, Engine house of Rescue Engine Company No, 2. Judges: John Hobson, C. S. Wright C. II. Stockton, Clerk, B, S. Worslcy. Polling place In Second Ward, Engine house of Engine Company No. S Judg es: J. H. D. Gray, J, C. Dement, D. II. Welch. Clerk, P. C. Cook. Polling place In Third Ward, at the office of the Astoria Box Company. Judges; T. S. Cornelius, W. P. McGreg or, John Enberg. Clerk, G. A. Nelson. By order of the board of directors of School District No. 1. C. W. FULTON, Chairman, II. B. FERGUSON. Clerk. Dated at Astoria .Oregon, this 2Sth day of February, A. D. 1893. YOU CAN HAVE A HOME IN E1WB PIE YOU SHOULD READ THIS. The popularity of the Union Pacific is beat determined by the superior service it accords to the traveling public In main taining two daily through trains to Omaha, fit, Paul, Chicago and points east, thoroughly equipped with nil- the Intent appliances for the comfort and safety of itt patrons beslden Bhortentwr the distance materially with Its fuat trains. The pres ent train ehedule enables passengers to , reach HI. Paul seven hours quicker and Chicago twenty-four hours quicker. Omaha and Kansas City and Intermediate polntH, forty hours quicker than any line from tne facing jNorinwesi. - Now that the election Is over and tne business of the campaign has been set tled, Dr. KulllnU has settled down to piuieswional liuinesK at his office, up stairs ut No. 584 1-2 Third street, and will give special attention to chronic diseases. Patronize the Northern Pacific railroad If you are going Kant. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggage checked to desti nation. All purchasers of second class tickets can stop over at Portland. Rates of fare same us from i'ortlund. If you have friends in Europe whose passage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pnclllc offlce.steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants. Reduced rates via all the lead ing steamship lines. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Handlcy & Haas, 150 First street, Port land, have on sale the Dally Astorlan, so thnt visitors need not miss their morning paper when they are here. R. W. Kuykendall, the undertaker, cm balmer and funeral director, has his par lors In the Welch block, No. 718, Water street. Call up telephone No. 7. L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, Kan Fran cisco, Is our authorized agent. ThlB paper Is kept on file at his oflice. Wing, Lee & Co.carry a full line of Jap anese and ChineHe fancy goods, novelties and curios. Ladles' underwear made to order. 521 Third Btreet. Ring Luns, 355 Third street, carries a full line of Japanexe and Chinese goods, novelties, curios, ladles' underwear made to order, at low prices. Fartles visiting In Portland can get The Daily Astorlan at Handley & Unas' news stand, 15U First street. Remember the Austin House at the Sea side is open the year around. A Sur Cure for Piles. Itching Piles a.o known by moisture like perspiration, cauxing intense Itching when warm. Tills form, as well as Blind, Weeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Hosanko's Pile Item;dy, which acts directly on the parts utfeeted, absorbs tumors, allays itehing and effects a permanent cure. 50e. Druggist or mall, circulars free. Dr. Eosanko. 323 Arch street, Philadelphia, lu. Sold by J. W. j Conn. On Meter System. To Consumers: The West Shore Mills Co., at great ex pence Iiave perfected their electiiff light plaut to tho latent known npparatiiB, and are uow utile to go to the public with u system tl at will be satisfactory in price and (liiali.y, 11s run bn shown by the fol-lowing- rates on nud after I'Y-b. 1, 1S1I3: InonmloRcent, nil niclit $1.!0 12 o'clock... 1.00 " 10 " ... 75 Or by meler, 0 nt per hour. installation Free - of Charge For particulars inquire of nuy r.iember of the firm or nt the ollicc, foot of Uon comly St. Wrht Sitonn Mills Co., T. O. Trullinxcr, President. WANTED ! By a competent bookkeeper, some fctn of books to post and keep in order. Charges moderate and work neatly and quickly performed. Apply II. S. E. Caro Astorian. ASTORIA WOOD YARD D. & D. R. CAMPBELL, Pro'rs. (Siioi'esM'm to A. 1'. Kruger) Dl'lllcM iu Fir, Simile, Alder, Ueniloek, sli. Spruce Mnttis and liny, Weod cut or uncut. outers ironiitiy filled, 'leleplniie No. 47. ilii-c tlireo limes. Leave erlers ut Cam limi & I'o.'i uor. &econ& ailvl Cars, or ul Wood Yald, THE : OltEUON : JJAKEltY A. A. t'LKVKLAM), Prop. Good Bread Cakes and Pastry, None but the Beet Materials used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of the city LEGTRIu LIGHTS Highest of all in Lcavenint; Tower. Litest V. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY FUSE EVERY LABORING Can avail himself of this golJon opportunity. LOTS IN THIS CHOICE ADDITION FOR $75 EACH, AT $5 DOWN ON BOND, AND $5 PER MONTH. BUSINESS CAKDS. A A. CIEVELAN3, . ATl'OKNJSJf AT LAW. (rtllce-Kinney's new brick building, corner Third and (JeDevleve streets ; up stairs. J Q.A.BOWLBY, AfTOMEY AiYD COI! JCE10E AT LAW Office ou tftecoud Street, - Astoria, Or, TOHfl H. SP"I "H, 0 ATllBNY AT LAW, Office la Kinney's new brick building, over Astoria National BiiiU, AR, KANACA, AiluU.YEY AT LAW. Office over White Rouso Corner, Astoria, Or w, W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AG E.N" t'flice Hi Benwin stieat, Aitoria, Oregon. DR.C. E. COULTER, I'HYMlClAN AMJ8CKGE0N'. ' Office In Wavers brick building. ChIH at tested piuiiiptly utaiiytliiu day .r night. D7. EILIV JANSON. HIYSTCIAN & HUltOKOX. U !OM 7 Oilloeov.r Osgood's Clothing Btre, hours, 10 to 1 in, 2 to 6 p, m,7 to 8 p 111. Sunday, 10 lo 11 in. DR. O. B, ESTES, rilYSiCIA! AriD BURGEON. Special utte iitiou to Dlwtases ot Women and Surgery. Office over Dagger's store Astoria. D1 ?. A. L, and J. A. FULTON. lSKAHtS OK WOMEN A nl'dAJI vLTY. burgery by i r. J. A. Fultou. Office 178 Cass street. Hour 10 to 12 and 1 to 4 TAY TUTTLE M.D., J PHYSICIAN, ttlTKOKUN at AOCOTJCIIKUK. Oltlce. loom S, 4 over Astoria Nittiona'Uank, hours, 10 to 12 & 2 to 5. Residence. CX Cedar st, DR. WALTER I. H1WASD. lIUAlUOol'ATIUt; l'HVS IClAN&StJR. genn. t'liiee, 1,I. Third street. Hours lo to 12 and 2 to 1, Sunday 1 to 2. .Residence Jut 3d si reel T P. MULLINIX, M. D., 1J. (lives -iecial i.eainu'iit for Catarrh, liiroat l-iinM, Kul, iey (ienilii-Urliiary organs Ollke ;i stair,5!t lliird tic, Hour,0 p.m. K1CHA40 HAfcRT. 0, H. 1SOM. City Surveyor. IJARkY A ISOM, ClVIb ENGINEERS AND SUUVEYOKS. Rooms 5 and 6, OVER ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK. W. T. BUKNKT, J. W. SBAI'KB 1 urney & Draper, Attorney Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years' experience as register of th ('. S. Lmul here, recommends ut 111 oui speelnlty of Mining and all oilier business be fore the Land nice or the ('uurls, and involv ing the practice ol the Oeiieral Land Office, B R3CfUN3ROUCH & C3W(NO. LAW OKFICK, OREGON CITY, Oil. Special aiteutinn g.vei: to land business. Set tler on liomestea ls or pie-einpilnn claims and timber land purclu-ses shown evurv advantage of l Ho law. riir us.-i.iwiico In making linal proof uu U4. rilHOS. FflEORICKSON, 1 I'lA .O iLNtii. No. 2.11. West feixlh Mreei. SOCIETY ,tii:etigs. Scandinavian Benevolent Society. KKIHILAR MEETINGS OFTH1S SOt'lE'JY at their ronins In t'yilimn buiidmi! o'clock r ai.. on the second and lourm Tii'n duys of eacn nionih. Alio. DANIELWN Secretary . Ooenn Kincamptne'.t No. 13, 1. O. O. F REGULAR MLK1TNUS Of OCEAN 1CN canipment Mo. Li, l. O. O. F., at the Odj;e In the O'lu Fellows Buililiut, ai seven v. i., ou the seenud and fount) Moinluy of trail) mnntl). Sojouruing brotbien coKtiully mvileu, Uy order ts. f , Astoria Building & Lodii Association 'EMiUKKUULAK MHKTl.NdS Or" THIS ArSO JL elation are held at K r. u, on tne I1r.1t Wednesday of each muuib. Otttce on (ienevieve street, south ol cut ip.inus, W. I.. ROllB, ee, i,H.rv Common Council, f KtH'l.AH MKl'TiMiU. FI1MT AK) 1 1 third Tuesday evenings of each monlb al 8 o'clock, swrl'eisoiiii desiring to haw matters acted tij-on by the C'liuiicl., ul any regular meeting nuust present the some to the Auditor und Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to tin Tuesday on which tlia Council'ii Hs reeulal meeting. K. OSKUHN. AndlMrnnd Felice Jiitlue. ISnlird of l'ilof Commissi incrr. mil REOULA It M EETISOS OK THIS IIOABP, JL will be held on the first Mond ,y, of each month at 10 a. in. lu the mount of the Ahturia Chamber of Commerce.. W. L. KOHB.Scc ASTOKIA UWX WrtltKS, - Gjuui'IdIv street, I nut Jiu'k. 011, Astoiia, Oregon. General Machinists & khv Mm Land and Marine Kiictnei, Roller work, Steam boat and Cannery Woii aSpcisiiJty. Castings of All Deioriptiona Mads to Order at Short Kotica. JOhN KOX Fresld"tit dKep- . U FOX Vice rresuten Chris Kvetnon, Frftuk HOTEL -TKE- CENTRAL EVKNSOM & COOK, ON THli hl'IinPiCAN I L X-LAHGtr clean ronti., flrsi-eUss rst:iunint Heard by the duy. wock, or niontn. I'rlvsin rt, uu f' j families te , Trunslt ut custom nuiiciU'd Oyi.leis, i1-li,eic.,c )te 1 to order. A (li-r-t- ft-B f i:oen run In connection whh 'he premises TTic Ih'Si of lin 8, 1 qunrs and l)rii-.i. Cnod bi.lliird tables nud pi'ivulncard otims. toruvr Water Street and West Ninth .. Ml IT MPPnUTTP EjUflMUU CLATSOP LAND CO. IiicorporKled Willi J'i.0M C;i;.ilu! StfC. Real Estste and Insurance Brokers, Notary Publlo and Conveyancers. Hpeclal attcuilou pnli to rents, payment of taxec, etc., for non residents. Sole agents for fioiilh Astoria, l'rus pectfaiic, Heralotilt I'ark and Owen's Atidltion, also best SHni1c. butir.ess and li itle rronerly and choice acreage. 4"J i hird tu. As;or.a. O. A. STIKS0H & CO.. BLACKSMIT.lllNG Phlp and Oamierv work, ilnrsi-uioelt g. Wag ons made and repaired. io m w jik pu; rantaed ou cass street, opposite me lain o nee GENUINE WALL'S END COAL -FOll SALE AX- 8S.CO I2S5 TO.!' $S..10 leave Orders nt Occident lintel. 0. 0. 5I0EN, AGENT, riitAt-itn jx HAliDWAUE, IltOX, STEEL, ISO ms AND FITM.VGS. STOVES AND TIN WARE, Blouse Furuislilnp! Goods, Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper. HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEA LE RS. Importers of All Uranus ol Korean and Ouuies tic Wines. Liquors and Clears. J. II. Cutter VViilHkics t. specialty. Vai Blab Bottled Beer. Finest lirawl of Key West aim Domestic Cigars MiUursior Medinfti r'urpnsos. rKiiiilylmde WuiltJied All ord.'irs fr im tl) City aiid Couuiry prop-- ,iy filleii Squomogue Street, - Astoria. Oregon ZT. 33. WYATT licaier In Har&rsre and Ship Chancer. Pure OIL C'li-t Vnrn!h, l'liiade O'l Cor ti'ii Ciiiw, H 'nip .stii Twine. I ir I . l I . WruuKlit Iroa ipiK4. ';,V,vaiiUIedCnt Nulls Orooorios, 23to. AKilf iillUHd Iinplcniei'is, Swl'. .M.i niacli iiC;, 'aims h: d ti!s. IHBEPEHBEST BOAT FOE P8HIUSD STEAMER -feSk LOHIliE Will Ichvo Astoria for I'ortln: d, (Fish er'n Dvck) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Tlmrridiiys, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:00 a. in., and Sunday ut 6:00 p. m. T!iS CK!CAG0. MILWAUKEE S ST. PAUL F.&LVJAY. CON.NECTIN'R V ITIf TKANSCONTIN L. ili LINES, 18 THE- OITLY liUTE RUNNING Electric Liglitod Cars BETWEEN Sr. PAUL and CKICASO AND CKAHA and CHICAGO. lilLEisHLKKi-iNt'i. Dis'i.NG Axj' i l'AKLOK CAKB, ind furnished wilh every luxury known to laoderu rnilwuy travel. Fir rpad, CcmJirt an J Safety this Litis (s Uncqualsd. Tirkcts on siilo at all prominent railway olt.ecn. further lnfnrmntioii Inquire of any ticket : n;;ent, or 0. r.lUlY. f'Yncrr.I Ac t. 1 W I'WI-'Y Tr.-.v Si-r A ,i,'.-r-, nti-.tlv J VUl 1,A. D, IJiii.bO... For - Thirty - Days - Only 1 make this offer. Less than one milo from Astoria Box Factory on Columbia river. Streets 73 and allevs 20 feet wide. I. "W. CASE, BANKER. THAHSACT? A GtMERAIi BAWE1N8 Ba8IrTZS8. Drafts drawn available in anyrar.of tho U 8 and Kuropc, and on Hong Hon, China, Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 3 Y. M. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. L W. CASE, INSURANCE AGENT, REPRESENTING German-Amerioan, of New York Oity, N. T. California Manns Insuranca Oomp'y, of S. T. National Fiw and Karma Ini. C., Hartford. Home Mataal Insnranoe Co., San Franoisoo. Phccciz, of London. I Imperial, of London, Oregon Fire and Marine, of Portland, Oregon, 3? XI 33 ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK DOKS A GENERAL BAKKIh'G BUSINESS. Accounts of Firms and Individuals bollclted on Kavorubie Terms. interest iinld ou Time Deposits. Money Loaned on Personal security. foreign and Uomcstiu Exchange bought an1 sold. D. K. Warren, President. J. K. llliorlnH, Cashier. J.C lionifni, Vieo President. I). K. Warren, 1 V. S, HrlKht, I John Hudson, j Directors, 11. C. Thompson, 1 TlifO Bracker, J Acts as trustee for orporatlona and Individ mils Deposits solicited Interest w 11 be allowed on savings deposit! hs lolltiws; Ou ordinary savings hioks 4 por cent, per mimim. On term savings honkd 6 per cent, per annum. On certificates tif depemit: For throo months, 4 per cont. per inntiin. For six mouthB. 6 per cent, per annum. Fur twelve mouths, ft per cent, per annum. f. CASK President J. Q. A. HOWLItY Vine-Pn sident RANK PA'iT' X Cashlor W. K. DEMEKT Secretary DIRECTOR: I. W. Caie, J. Q. A. Bowlby, D. K. Warren, 0. It. Puce, Den!. Youuir, A. B. Reed. (. J. ihyur. m PORTLAND - SAVIKCS BANK dp ponrr,Axn, ouRooff. Paid up cspititl .t260,000 Surplus and profit .. 60,000 V RANK riF.KUM. President. I. P. THOMPSON, Vice-President U CSTRAlTON, Cashier airICH TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO -....AND.. ALL POiNTS IN CALIFORNIA, Via the Mt. Route of the SoiitliCm Pacific Comp'y The Onlj Route Throagh California to al Pointa East and Senlh. Tb StcBif. Rout f tlio PifiSe Coast PULLMAN DUFF ET SLEEPERS -AS ! Ero;;D-rtAss sleeting cars Alfa-hed fo epr-ss trains, afferdlne snp tior se.Mir.ii.odiitiniis fur second cIhss pivssencers. '"Kets, slee,-!,, er Vierritlonn. etc. e:i 1 niw n or undress E. P. KOCKRS. Asist- n' (U'lienl Fii-ifcht and Fiia-fenger Ageut.Port R':.l, (r.