ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. UtfpAY MORNING, FEBRUARY .. ... ,. - - -; - . rClUBHED IT Astorian-Colnmblaa rnWUbing Cempanj. ASTORIA, OKKUONi ASTOBUW BlIILDINO, . CAM STBMT Terve of Hnbwriptloi. DAILY, Eerred by Carrier, per week beut by Hall, per niouih ........... tfeut by Mall, per Year . Met . 60 ct .fi.uo WCIKLT. Bent by mall, per year, 12.00 In advance, Free postage to subscribers. Tarn Astoria guarantees to lt adyertlwr the largest circulation of any newspaper pun ished ou the Columbia Klver. In future all Item of local Interest forwarded to this olllce must be addressed to ihe . CUV Epiiou. Local weather for the twcity-four hours ending at 5 p. m.. yesterday, tur nlahed by the U. B. department Of agri culture, weather bureau: Maximum temperature, 60 degreea. Minimum temperature, 37 degreea. Rreclpltatlon, none. Total precipitation from July 1st, 1892, to date, 62.45 Inches. Deficiency of precipitation from July 1st 1892, to date, .CO Inch. This paper has tlu largest Cirevalin on the Coluvilla river. An honest and compute telegraphic re port gives a vrmpaper a right and title h the name. Tlte newt of the world, freih every morning at your breakfast table, it .hni n,L mn. 6 nil in the Aitorian. It . holds Hit exclusive telegraphic franchise, and its service is improving daily. When the Oregonlan Bays that the cry of "monopoly" la often raised by men to w nn their own evil clans, it states the absolute truth, but in saying as It did yesterday, that the Clatsop county delegation to the legislature adopted this plan, It Is trying to make the beat of a very lame case. Perhaps no leglHlature that ever assembled at Salem has been MtnmiKMl of such level headed sensible men as the one that Just adjourned. None, certainly, has got through business bet tor or with more credit to Itself. To pro test, as tho Oregonlun docs, that three gentlemen from this county could have successfully hoodwinked forty or fifty ol their fellow members Into voting for o measure that emanated from a "gang" for "personal Interests," is at once an Insult to those members, and a wilful untruth. The Oregonlan concludes: "ThlB Is the situation that confronts us. It has come about chiefly through the greed of a gang that pursues from ycui to yenr, and before every legislature. Hi purpose of taxing the commerce of thi Columbia river for Us personal and loca. benefit. It Is a not Improbable prediction that the evil will become so apparent Koveriiur in caning a special session 01 the legislature to deul with them. Fur ther, this act Is likely to be no inconsld erable factor In hastening the construe tlon of the Union Pacific to Puget Sound Then, when tills rond Is free to act I that direction, perhaps even Astoria urn the legislature of Oregon wll come to a. understanding of the situation." But surely Astoria and the lcglslutur of Oregon came to a good enough under standing a rew weeks ugo. It was gooc enough for us, anyhow, and proved qui: satisfactorily that wo may have a chunc for life in tho future, now that the Ore gonlan and the Interests of Portland ar no longer the supreme orucles of ou stute. We want to usk give us a Bquure, Mr. Sofus Jensen t honest answer to i plain question. We will also ask him t reply through the columns of The AHto rlnn. Tne giu-nei dim was referred to a com mlttee of the house. Representative Campbell was a membei of that committee the only Clatsop coun ty man connected with it. Tho bill was killed in committee and never heard of afterwards. How do you figure it out that clthci Senator Fulton or Representative Trull Inger had anything to do with killing the bill? If Mr. Jensen will return us a straight forward answr to the above, he wll meet with every consideration, So the 1893 legislature Is to go down intt history with a tag of bad names attached to its tall thut will reach from here tc the moon. Too bad. Hut why will not those energetic sheets that rage about everything that comes in their way, bi a little bit specific In their charges? Ol course this would be embarrassing, ant might break up their case, but It Is a pit that such periodical howlers against ev erything that represents honesty and sol ldlty cannot be gagged or made prove a few of their assertions. ,j ;j The Farmers' Alliance, so called. In North Carolina, having sowed Is about to reap, but tho quullty of the crops they With each series of fifty TV A single or otherwise, on tho fast and favorite steamer Telephone, between Portland and Seaside, the As toria Real Estate Exchange will give free one lot 5" will harvest may not please them us much as thoy hoped. They sowed wind, and a great deal of It, and the whirlwind it Is they'll get. A bill has pasfied the house the democrats being Instrumental In securing its passage repealing the charter of the state Farmers' Alliance, which was granted four years ago, and tho indications are that it will pass the senate. The Alliance had a fund of $550, 000, and the contributers are asking where it Is "at", the belief being prevalent that It Is being used for the populist party. They want a receiver. "Whiskers" Peffcr has made a discov ery, which is important if genuine. He telegraphs from Washington (presumably at the state's expense) to Governor Lcw clllng advising to "guard state house and starve rebels out." He further announces (at state expense?) "republican members have placed themselves in position of reb els agalnBt lawful government of the state, and rebellion In Kansas, as well as rebellion In the United States, must be suppressed at all hazzards." So Kansas, according to Peffcr, Is not In tho United States? Governor Lewolling, finding he could not use tho mllltla, the people's army, to over throw the house of representatives elect ed by tho people, because Us officers do cllned to put their necks Into hnlters, hns summoned a Knight of Pythias, of the uniform rank, to lead tho troops that will not follow him. This is the "rankest thing of all. Spagoletti Is here Again. MR. Edlttora: I come back dese countra. Not able to staya away ana longa. I see da carlsslma Italia, da Blctlla, alia da wonderfula tlnga In my natlva land, buta my heart plua so mooch for Astoria dat I come buck In one rusha quick. Lucia de Morrlllo, she whata you call my "aunta." She din. me two thousand pistole. My henrta glad. My pocketa heuv. I rlda flrsta nlnns on one We steam nnd I coma back to shaka hand with da beautiful Sheldln, la beautiful harbor, da beautirul Islue Java, da beautiful everything.- But I aska for Sheldla, I aska for da watcha game. Everybody wlnka da eye again. Alia sing out "henevercameback anymore." Alia putta da flnga to da nose; say "Gona up da flue." Y'hata for maka da fool of da poor Italia man? When I lcava here few week aso Sheld ler da great man. He plenta wutcha, plen ta mona, he managa da Dally llucketa, ho nresldeiita, seeretarn, llnanca com mltta. everytlnga else of da Blue Jaya. He walka da street Ilka da gendsurme, he stunda un straight, he pompadoura hul cut. he smoka good clgara, he maka da "cltlzena party," he alia da time boss da Astorlu. away. He gone, He maka da big heuder down you goa, and he tnka da Freneha leave. But I wanta ma watch. I goa aftera him I feela da blood of Ourlhuldl In ma 'iretiHtu. I buy me one stiletto, und liana up my watcha. When I flnda It letta you know. Youra trula, SPAGOLETTI FRUTI, The Circuit Court. Circuit court met yesterday morning at .HO o'clock. The following cases were adjudicated ipon: J'he grand jury came In and presented wo not true bills and two true bills. State vs. Lung Chung, grand Jury re urned not a true bill, und defendant or lered discharged. suite vs. ueorge k. KlcliurUson, same jrder. liench warrants ordered Issued In other -ases. D. Mnhignmlia vs. Swedish Kvnngellcal Lutheran Church; motion to strike out the appeal urgued nnd submitted. Merchants' National Dunk vs. C. C. Ut zlnger; Judgment by default In favor of the plaintiff. George McCormnc vs. Misry Jeffery; tried and Judgment for plaintiff. J. F. Ferchen vs. Samuel Arndt; argued and submitted. In the matter of Ihe assignment of El mer Warnsta'.T; argued. The grand Jury brought in a true bill against Millard F. Hardesty, on the charge of seduction. He was arrested and placed under bunds of $iiKK). IT SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE. J. 11. Wllson,371 Clay street, Shorpsburg, Pa., says he will not ho ,ii,h,., ,Z King's New Dlseoverv for rmwinnmin.,' Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was Hi rent en,'. I u-nii ...,u,,.,,ni.. after an attack of "la grippe," when var ious other remedies ami uv Ami nhvuL clans had done her no good, ltobert Uar, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. Klmr'a than anything he ever used for lung trou ble. Nothing like It. Try it. Free trial bottles at Charles rt oners' rim Large bottles 60c. and $1.00. CiUirenCryforPitcliBr'sCuStorig NOTICE I Use Zlnfandel wine intead of coffen or en. u) renin nr mill.,,, Tk.-.,i Peach and nnrlont Cognac and wine at Alex. Gilbert's. HOME : AT - SEASIDE : FR round trip tickets sold. ASTORIA REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, Occident Hotel Build ing, As'-via, Or. YOU SHOULD HEAD THIS. The popularity of the Union Pacific is best determined by the superior servlee it accords to the traveling public In main taining two dally through trains to Oinuhu, St, Paul, Chicago and points east, thoroughly equipped wun an mo miesi appliances for the comfort and safety of its patrons besides shortening the distance materially with its last trains, me pres ent train schedule enables passengers 10 reach St. Paul seven hours quicKer ana Chicago twenty-four hours quicker. Omaha find Kansas flty and intermediate points, forty hours quicker than any line from the Pacific Northwest. Now that the election Is over and the business of the campaign has been set tled. Dr. Kulllnlx has settled down to professional business at his office, up stairs at No. 6X4 1-2 Third street, and will give special attention to chronic diseases. ratronlze the Northern Pacific railroad If you are going East. Low rates of fare, through tickets, baggage checked to desti nation. All purchasers of second class tickets ca-8top over ut Portland. Rates of fare sume us from Portland. If you have friends In Europe whose najssaue you wish to prepay to Astoria, cull at the Northern Puciiic offlce.steamer Telephone dock, and make known your wants, lieuueeu rates via an tne leau- Ing steamship lines. All the patent medicines advertised In tlila paper, together with the choicest perfumery, nnd toilet articles etc., can h. tinurrht nt thA Inwent nriees ut J. Vv . Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Hundley & Haas, VP First street, Port land, have on sale the Daily Astorlan, so thnt visitors need not miss their morning paper when they are here. E. W. Kuykendall, the undertaker, em bnlmer and funeral director, has his par lors in the Welch block, No. 718, Water street. Call up telephone No. 7. L. P.' Fisher, newspaper advertising agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Fran cisco, Is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at his olllce. Wing, Lee & Co.carry a full line of Jap anese und Chinese fancy goods, novelties fiml curios. Ladles' underwear made to order. 529 Third Btreet. sine Luncr. 355 Third street, carries a full line of Japanese and Chinese goods, novelties, curios, ladles' underwear made to order, at low prices. Parties visiting In Portland can get The Dully Astorlan at Handley & Haas' news stand, 150 First street. - Remember the Austin House at the Sea side la open the year around. All Fre. Those who, have used Dr. King's New Discovery know Its value, and those who have not, lmve now the opportunity to try It free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to II. E. riucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, hh well as a copy of Guide, to Health nnd House hold instructor, free. All of which Is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Chus. Rogers' drugstore. A Siii'rt Cure for Piles. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, causing Intense Itching when warm. This form, as well as Wind, Weeding or Protruding, yield nt once to Dr. llosunko's Tile Remedy, which acts directly on the .parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure. 60c. Druggist or mall. Clrculurs free. Dr. Rosanko, 329 Arch reel, Philadelphia, la. Sold by J. W. Conn. America's Great Danger AH ENGLISH COMMENTARY. Said an eminent English scientist recently: " The danger thnt Confronts the great Ameri can people to-day is not the possible adop- . ., r j. i i . . . tion ui a wroug iiiinuciui I1UUCV lor tile nation, or tho spread of socialism, or the increase of corruption among public men. All these are bnd enough, to be sure, but they are as nothing compared to the terrible national disease I had ulmost snid national crime -of overwork. The mad rush for wealth is set at a killing pace, and thousands fall by the way every year. You are likely to be one of the victims I How do we know ? Because it is the erin. tion to find a man or woman of adult age in perfect health. Nervous Disorders are spreading with fearful rapidity. Among the symptoms, are liacKaciie, liiliousness, Cold Hands nnd Feet, Dizzines, Hot Flashes, Fluttering Sensation, Faintincr, Headache, If.. .1..!.. 1 I A .1 S . . ' iisicna, jrnuiDiiuy oi tne iteart, Aichin clioly, Failing Memory, Palpitation, Rheu matism, Miort ureatli, Mceplessncsg, Her vons Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc. Rev. V. A. Carholu Pastor First Banlii t Liiuren, i enow springs, tv.wntesas follows: " I have used Dr. Miles' Restorative Kcrvine for the past six months. I iind it acts like t1 I. r n m i - . . 1 a clinrm on the whole nervous system. I have not found its eiiiinl in iri vinar iinmediafa relief. Dr. Miles' little Ncrvo and Liver 1'ills only need a trial nnd they will recom mend themselves to be tho best Dills in the market." "For five years T have suffered from Ner- TOU8 Prostration, I was nnnble to work or sleep. The first dose of Dr. Miles' Restnr.i. tivo Nervine gave me relief, nnd one thou sand dollars would not cover the good it has done mo." JOHN MINCHER, Youngs town, Ohio. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is nn- equalled in curing Nervous Diseases. It contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on a positive guarantee by all drurdslB. or Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Intl. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOJJUTEISf' PURE Astoria Real Estate Exchange Excursions. xl00 feet, in Hill's second a lovelj', level tract with beautiful gioves and puro water, ten minutes walk from the beach. Tickets on sale at office steamer Telephono, at BUSINESS CARDS. A A. CLEVELAND, . ATTOKJNKi AT LAW. ulflce-Kinney's new brk-k bullillng, corner Third and Genevieve streets ; up stairs. J Q.A.DOWLBY, AITORM AAD C01XCEL0R AT U Offise on becoud Street, - Astoria, ur. JOHN A Ti OUNKY' AT LAW. , Office in Kinney' new brick building, ovei Astoria National Bank, L. K Arftl&UY AT LAW. Office over White House Corner. Astoria, Or W. PARKER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AUEN1 Olllce Hi iieiiUiu street, Astoria, Oregon. DB-CvMiUaWiJubqeox. Office lii KUvel'n brick building. Calls nt teuued promptly atanjtiinu day or night. D9PHEv'0WyANJ&NSSlON. E OM 7. Oillceover Osvoud'sOIolliiug Htore, hours, 10 to YJ in, 2 to 5 p, m,7 to a p in. Sunday, 1U to 11 in. DR" rM3I a'ad surgeon. j special attention to Diseases of Women and Burgery. Olllce over Duiizlger's store Astorhu Surgery by i r. J. A. Fulton. Ottlce 178 Uais street. Hour 10 to 12 aud 1 to 4 J-u y Jio i ia ihfuuu AWOUrin EU R. Oilier, rooms 8, 4 over Astoria National Hank, hours, 10 to 12 & 2 to5. Kesidenee. 639 Cedar st. DR. WALTER I. H 'lWiWD. -j"t5:u?A!lllO PHYSICIAN & SUR gmm. Ollice, 4.". Third srrjet. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, Sunday 1 to 2. Residence 4G8 3d street P. MULLINIX. M. D... (j Vu neuiai iieaiiiieui tor Catarrh, organs. Tluoat Lungs, Kidney Geiiilo-Urinary organs. Oltlue u(.stau,uti.!i intra st, uours,i , p.m. BICBABD BAHRT. City Surveyor. O. B. ISOM. IT ARRY A ISOM, CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. Rooms 5 and 6, over astoria national bank. W. T. BURNKT, J, W. DBAI'EB Barney & Draper, Attorneys itt-Luw, Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years' experience as register of th C. S. Laud Dince here, recommends us in out specialty of Mining and all oilier biiMiieni be fore the Land office- or the Courts, and involv ing the practice ol the General Land Olllce. B R3CKIN8ROUCH & COWING. LAW OKKICE, OREGON CITY, OK. Special attention (liven to laud business. Set tlers ou homesteads or pre-einii ion claims and timber Uud purchases shown every advantage of t lie law. ror as-.lsinnct in waking unal proof call oil us. THOS. FREDRICKSON, 1'U.vO lONfcK. Io. 231. Wost Sixth rtreei. SOCIETY MEETIXUS. Soandtuavian Benevolent Booiety. KKGULAR MKKT1NGS OK THIS SOC1KTV at their rooms in ."ythliiu building t eight o'clock i- M.. on the second and luurtu Tues days of eacb month, AUG. DANIKLSON Seeretarv. Ocoan hlncauipme'.t No. 13, 1. O. O. F OKGCLAH MKKI1NG8 OK OCk'AN EN flitnS"UH,ri'ef1owV rfu(lfu4,,al -Ve'n 'pT'm;, on the second and fourth JHoiulays of cacli month. Sojourning breliiren eoidial'y inviteo. ) By order ;. p, I -- IUIEREUCLaK MKKTLNGiS OK lUISAt-SO-ciatiun a-e held at r. m. on tho tlrsi Wednesday ol each inos:iii oitlce on Genevieve street, suuLh ol t tituainus. W. L. R-'KB, ecrf ti.i v CoLumon council. 1E(UTLAR MKETlMiiS, FIRST ia ti.ird Tuesday evculii(:s of each AX1' moii Mi Persons desiring to have matters acied iipot. y the Council, at any regular meeliOK nrcsent the same to the Auditor mid Clerk, an or uefore the Krirtny eveninx mlur to Hie fuesdio ou which the Council 'ni,!'. itc rwiiUi meeting. K. OSRURN. Auditor and Police Judge. Itoitrd of I'llot CnniinlHHi, inert. miliC Kltil'UK M KETI MiS OF THIS BOA RD, X will be held on the first Mond v, of each month at 10ii.ui. in the rnninsoftlie Astoria Chamber of Commerce. W. L. KOUB, See ASTOltIA JKOSI H'OKKM, Ojucvmly street, loot Jack.on, Astoiia, Oregon. General Machinists & Boiler Makers Laud and Marine Engine", Holler work. Steam boat and Cannery Worn a specialty. Castings of All Descriptions Made to Order at Snort Notice. "?0I.IN. '9.x President tird Sun- u Vice PresiUen Chris Krenson. Frank Cook HOTEL -TIIE- CENTRAL KVEXSON & COOK'. ON TIIK hL'R.vPiiAN PI,..V-LAEF. elciiu riKinj, a tlral-class rei'taurnnt. Hoard by the d.iy. week, or nnmin. I'rivaiu rooms foj fiiini'Kn ite. Transient envtom h,.Ii.mi...I Uysiers, fiKJi,elc.,u mice i to orvler. A nrst-e hs sm:o.iii rim In connection with he IM'emlsL'rt. The,r uiiifc lmi.., I ciKrs. tables and private curd rooms. Corner Water Street and West Niulh addition to Ocean Grove CLATSOP LAND CO. Incorporated with $25,000 Capital Stock. Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Notary Public aud Couveyaiuers. Special attention nall to rents, payment of taxes, etc., for non residents. Solo ngeuta for South Astoria, Pros pect faik, Hemlock Park and Owen's Addition, also best Renelde, busings mid Inside property aud choice acreage. 471 lUini sl, Astoria. G. A. STINSON & CO.. BLACKSM J T HING Ship and Cannery work, Ilorsisnoelng, Wag ons made and repaired, do id work giu-ranteed On Cass street, opposite ine iur Talk o.uce 1 GENUINE WALL'S END COAL -FOB 8ALE AT- S8.50 11211 TON $8.3 Leave Orders at Occident Hotel. G. 0. MOEN, AGENT, aiAxi;s C. CROSBY. DF.AI ICR IN HAltDVVAUE, IRON, STEEL, IRON riVK AMI iTniNHN. AND - TINWARE, STOVES House Furnishing floods, Sheet Lead, Strip Lead, Sheet Iron, I'm and Copper. HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of Ail Brands of Foreign aud Domes tic Wines. Liouors and Clears. J. H. Gutter Whiskies a specialty. Vai Blab Bottled Beer, noehi oranasoi Key westanr uomestic Clears Liouors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited All orders from the City and Country pron'wy filled. Bquemoque Street, Astoria. Oregon J. 33. W YATT - Dealer In Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Blnacle OH. Cot ton Canvas, H'nip Sail Twine. Lard oil, Wrought lion Spikes, GalvaulztedCut Nails Grooorios, into. Agricultural Implements, Swlng Ma machliie, Pauus aud oils. INDEPENDENT BOAT FOR PORTLAND Will leave Astoria for Tortlat d, (Fish er's Dock) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays al 7:00 a. in., aud Uunduy at b:U0 p. m. The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST.- PAUL FilLWM. CONXECTINO W1TII AX TRANS 'OXTIN t.NTAli ..INKS, -IS 'iHS- OITLY LINE RINMKG Electric Lighted Cars i?ErvE:x Sr. PAUL and CHICAGO AND OMAHA a:d CHICAGO. The EXPRESS TKAIN3 Consist of VEST! Ul'LED, SLEEPING, Pi NINO AND PARLOR CARS, HEATED BY STlAM And furnihcd lth every luxury known to uioucru runway travel. For fpsed, Comlart anj Safety this Una is Uncqu.leJ. Tickets on sale at all prominent railway offices. For further Information inquire of uny ticket i;eut, or r. .r. EDDY. General Agt. J. W. C.ASKY, Tiav. Pass. Act. i'OKTLA.ND, OKEUOX. TO foot of Alder street; Isons & Co., 113$, Third St. Burlington Route office, 250 Washington street, and l p Northern Pacific passenger office, 1st and Wash ington StS. Deec.S will be delivered nt tha I. W. CASE, J5AJNKEK. Trahsactc a Genual Bahuhb bubikisb. Drafts drawn available in any nari of tho D. 8 and Europe, aud on Jlong Kong, China, A Office Hours:--10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. I. W. CASE, INSURANCE AGENT, KEPRESENTINQ German-American, of New York City, N. T. California Manns Imoranoe Uomp'j, of S. T, National Fire and Marine Int. Co., Hartford. Homo Mutual Insuranot Co., 8an Franoiseo. PhtBaiz, of London. Imperial, of London. Oregon Fire and Marine, of Portland, Oregon. thid ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts of Firms and Individuals Solicited on Favorable Teims. Interest paid ou Time Deposits, aioncy Loaned on Personal fecurlty. Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought ml (old. 0. K. Wu-rea, President. J. K. lllKKlns. Cashier. , J.C Drmeat, Vice Fresldent, 11. K. Wrre, 1 N. Wright, 1 John llobson, Directors, H. t'. Thompuna, 1 Ibeo Briefer, J THE ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK Acts as trustee for corporations and Individ uals Deposits solicited Interest will be allowed on savings deposits as lollown; On ordinary savings books 4 per cent, per annum. On term savings hooks (per cent, per annum. On certificates of deposit: For three months, 4 per cent, per annum. For six months. S per cent, per annum. For twelve months, 6 per cent, per aunum. I. W. CASE President J. Q. A. HOWLBY Vice-President KKANK PATTON Cashier W. . DEMENT Secretary directors: I. W. Case, J. Q. A. Bowlby, D. K. Warren, C. U. Page,- Ben. Yountr, A. 8. Seed. F. J. Tsybr. THE PORTLAP SAVINGS BANK OF fOKTLAND, OltKOON. Paid op capital ,...1260,000 Surplus and profits 60,000 tRANK DEKUM, President. D. P. THOMPSON, Vice-President H. C. STBATTON, Cashier QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO ..AND.. ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA, Via the Mt. Shasta Route of the Soulliern Pacific Comp'y The Only Eonte Tlrotgh Clifomii to al Points East and Seuti. The Scenic Ronte of the Pacific Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS -AD . SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING C.IRS Attaohed to ejtprss trains, nffordlnff sinv rin. accommod.a'o,,, for se-'ond elm SZ'k c. ca 1 np,-n or HMJlre-s fe p kfM' vuaf l0,n? kV viinjc U