The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 25, 1893, Image 3

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. Light rains during today.
A full-fledssd cannera' association at
O. W, Cart has been excused as a Juror
for the term.
Albert Beyer.a native of Germany was
admitted to citizenship yesterday
A marrlaeo license was issued yester-
ij lU n arren atrom and Lena Welkkala.
Mr. Wallace McCamant, of the Port
land bar, was In attendance at court yes
terday. ,
me steamer Oregon brought a thousand
Doxes or tin-plate for the Pacific Can
Company, yesterday.
A happy device for discouraging times
Is that on a Chinese laundry, sign in
Adair's Astoria: "Sing yet"
The Infant daughter J Mr. and Mrs.
Kronquest will he burled from the fam
ily residence at 1:30 this afternoon.
The first Issue of the Beaverton Chron
icle published In Beaverton, Washington
county, reached the Astorlan yesterday.
Thourough repairs are being made to
tne Astoria Box Factory, and It Is the In
tention to start the mill up on orders
udoui march Gth.
. The bond of W. W. Parker as assignee
of the estate of Parker & Hanson, in the
sum or xo,ooo was filed yesterday with
jonn Hobson as surety.
At a meeting of the stockholders of the
Astoria Savings Bank, held Monday last
tne roitowlng persons were elected direct
ors: I. W. Case, C. H. Page, F. J. Tay
lor, J. Q. A. Bowlby, Ben. Young, Gust,
Holmes, and A. S. Reed.
s. H. Smith, Kalama; J. Wavlare, San
iranclsco; W. M. Black, Chinook; J. D.
Meyer, Portland; Charles E. Baker, Bos
ton; Wallace McCamant, Portland, A. P,
Bradbury, Portland; Royal T. Heath, San
Francisco; I. L. Cohn, J, Brlgham, and
M. Corrlck, Portland, are registered at
the Occident.
The Clatsop mill Is employing about
uiguiy- nve men. rresent orders are
nearly completed and the manager states
that the mill may close down soon, as the
market Is very dull, and there 1b no de
mand, foreign or domestic, worth men
tioning. Freight rates from Astoria to
points for railway shipment are so htgh
that Astoria lumber Is effectively shut
out of markets to the east.
The following officers were elected yes
terday by the members of the Columbia
River Packers' Association. M. J. Kin
ney, president; J. G. Megler, vice-presl
dent; George H. George; secretary;. Ex
ecutive, committee: T. G. Megler, chair
man; G. A. Nelson, J. O. Hanthorn. Di
rectors: M. J. Kinney, J. G. Megler, B.
A. Seaborg, F. M. Warren, G. Nelson,
George H. George, W. T. Chutter, and S,
The dance at Fort Canby this evening
will be In every way an enjoyable event.
It Is strange how such a stupid statement
as the one that objectionable people were
to be present, could have received any
credence, and It is hardly necessary to
say that the whisper had no foundation
in truth. Every preparation has been
made for a splendid night's enjoyment,
and no doubt the affair will take rank as
one of the'mnny successes of the present
winter season.
If you want some extra tine photos.
Aiooers is me piace 10 gei mem.
The scene along Fifth street as estab
lished last fall in Adair's Astoria, is one
of chaos. Scattered in reckless disorder
are planks, water pipe, street timbers,
foundations of houses, ruins of front
yards, fences and fancy flower gardens.
Yet the work of putting the street in pas
sable condition Is going on, for some of
the residents there, while not exactly
"mailing hay while the sun shines," are
making street while the water falls. A
stream of water from the hills to the
south is taken in a sluice box over the
lots to be graded, and as fast as from Ave
to ten men can throw In the earth, it is
carried down and spread in the street,
or the lots that are to be filled. Many
thousands of cubic yards of earth have
thus been cheaply removed, and bye and
bye there will be a fine street, when the
work Is completed.
Do not be deceived with cheap pictures,
but get your work done at Crow's gallery
and you will not regret it.
Yesterday's Washington exercises at the
Court Street School were well worth hear
ing, and it is a pity that so few of the
parents and friends of the pupils attend
ed. In the high school Professor Wright
gave an Interesting and instructive ad
dress on Washington, and John McHugh,
Will Levlngs and Andrew Dalgety read
essays touching the various sides of his
life, as a soldier, patriot, man, and pres
ident. Several recitations and songs from
the young lady pupils helped to make
the entertainment most enjoyable. In
Rooms One and Two, the special exercises
were carried out splendidly In every de
tail. Both rooms were nicely decorated
and the youngsters gave ample evidence
of close training by the manner In which
they drilled and sang their parts. A
dozen little fellows armed with
little hatchets sang an Im
possible little song about our
own Immortal George and the cherry
tree, and the "red white and blue" sym
bols displayed in the costumes of other
email performers were woven round with
song and story, very pleasant to listen to.
The steam laundry opposite and south
of the Clatsop Mill Co.'s mess house Is
turning out some nice work. The polish
on the shirt bosoms, collars and cufTs
done by this laundry Is as fine as could
be wished. Give them your washing for a
trial and see if you do not think it better
than giving the money to Chinamen or to
people in distant city. Patronize home
Industry when they give you good work.
' Mr. J. C. Trulllnger has received the
following communication from George E.
Willis; secretary of the Duluth Board of
Trade. The letter was asked for to set
tle a dispute on the grain question that
occurred in the legislature last week:
Dear Sir: Yours of the 8th Inst, ad
dressed to the Postmaster, Duluth, Minn.,,
has been referred to me by Mr. J. D.
Howard, postmaster of this city. In re
ply I would say, that wheat is shipped in
Teasels from this city In bulk, not in
ack x Cargoes vary from 60,000 to 100,000
bushels. Many of the vessels are ouik
headed Into compartments, designated
"forward", "middle" and "aft" hatch or
hold, some of the steamers having com
partments that hold Just 8.000 bushels
Jtor an Erie canal boat load). All grain
received here comes in cars, in bulk (no
sacks). Cars contain from BOO to 650 bush
els, are weighed, inspected, and trade
by. state officials, and grain ot aama
grades la : massed, together In elevators,
regardless of the shipper or consignee, and
Rroin receipts Issued for same, which are
negotiable the title to the grain being
at all times In the holder of the receipt.
Here Is an open letter to Hon. Charles
II. Woodard, jthe brave and noble senator
who has turned democrat la the last seven
days, and who took it on himself to call
Senator Fulton's conduct "unmanly." It
is from Mr. Francis I. McKenna:
Will you explain why you voted for the
Manley bridge bill every time It came to
a vote In the senate, before Henry Fall
ing, H. W. Corbett, and Boss Simon came
to Salem? You voted for the bill when
it passed the senate and went to the ex
ecutive ofllcer for a veto.- You voted to
make it a special order for a certain
hour. In short, you never failed to vote
tor the bill every time you had an op
portunity till Falling appeared on the
scene. You said In your speech against
Its passage over the veto that you prom
ised the Albina people to help them get
a free bridge. - Will you now tell them
why you made yourself an Ananias by
voting against their interests when you
had an opportunity to make your word
good? Have you the moral courage to
frankly tell those people that you were
badgered Into voting against the bill in
order to help - your financial credit at
home? Or. will you confess yourself an
ass, and say that you did not know what
you were doing when you made the prom
ise to the Albina people? Or will you say
that you were witling and ready to sell
your soul for the title of senator, and
made promises you never Intended to
The following communication has been
sent to the local chamber, of commerce
Astoria, Or., Feb. 24, 1893.
Whereas the legislature of the state of
Oregon, at Its last session appropriated
the sum of SGO.000. For an exhibit of the
state's resources at the World's Fair at
Chicago, and provided that one of said
commissioners should be a member of the
Columbia. River Packers Association, and
Whereas, the chamber of commerce of
Astoria forwarded a communication to
us, requesting us to name a proper per
son to represent the fishing Interests on
said commission, and we thereupon name
as such person Mr. J. W. Cook, of Port
land, and
Whereas, the governor of this Btase has
appointed George T. Mvers as the repre
sentative of the fishing Interest, and as the
only interest the said George T. Myers
has In the fishing Industry is on Puget
Sound, In the state of Washington, and
Is not a member of the Columbia River
Packers" Association, therefore be It
Resolved, that we protest against Geo.
T. Myers representing the Interests of
the Columbia River Packers' of Oregon,
on the World s Fair commission, and fa
vor the appointment of Mr. J. W. Cook.
We respectfully call your attention to
the facts as above Btated, and petition
your favorable action in the appointment
of Mr. J. V. Cook.
Columbia River Packers' Association.
Signed, J. G. MEGLER,
GEO. H. GEORGE, Pres. Pro Tern.
Secretary' Pro Tcm.
The Cli- nit Court.
Circuit court met In regular session at
9:30 yesterday morning-
The following cases were adjudicated on
E. W. Bliss Co.' vs. Arndt & Ferchen,
Judgment by default In favor of plaintiff.
M. C. Crosby vs. Arndt & Ferchen,
Judgment by default.
H. A. Jones vs. Astoria & Portland rail
way company, demurrer overruled by
consent and Judgment and order of sale
of attached property made.
H. A. Jones vs. Astoria & Portland rail
way company, (No. 2) same order as
Parker and Lacy Machine Co. vs. As
toria and Portland Railway Company de
murred by consent and order of sale of
attached property.
G. Wlngate vs. City of Astoria on ar
Hamblin Real Estate Company vs. City
of Astoria et al. on argument.
M. S. Warren vs. City of Astoria et al.
on argument.
Nancy Welch vs. City of Astoria et al.
on argument.
Astoria Land and Trust Co., vs. City of
Astoria et al. on argument.
C. W. Shlvely et al. vs. City of Astoria
et al. on argument
IS FtilFITS T(H.:!i-
JEFF'S, Tfcs Oslj -'Restaifflt.
The wonderful hair producing medi
cines, remarks the Moro Observer, which
are so largely advertised nowadays and
Illustrated with portraits "before using"
and "after using," fade Into Insignificance
when we ge at the new Columbian post
age stamps. The one cent stamp repre
sents "Columbus in sight of land," his
face being Innocent of any hirsute cov
ering; but on the two cent stamp, which
shows the "Landing of Columbus," which
must have been less than twelve hours
later, the great discoverer appears with a
full beard. The great question now agi
tating the minds of historical students is
ColumbuB, where did you get that
Bncklen's Arnica Naive.
The best salve In the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, plcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive
ly cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Cbas. Rogers, suc
cessor to J. C. Dement
The usual service will be held In the
Presbyterian- church tomorrow morning
ana evening.
There will be services In the German
language at the Congregational church
Sunday afternoon' at 2:80. . '
There will be preaching at the Baptist
cnurcn morning and evening; Sunday tmxt.
Young Peoples meeting at 1:30. .
Service at 8t Thomas by the Sea, Skip-
anon, on Monday, February 27th, at T:i
p. m., the Rev. Wm. 8. Short officiating.
Grace church, Episcopal, ' Rev.' W. 8.
Short, pastor. Service on Sunday morn
ing at 11, and In the evening at 7 o'clock.
Sunday school at 12:30 o'clock. . -
Scandinavian M. E. church, Upper As
ranarana, services as usual, at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p, m, Sunday school at 10 a. m .
Rev. L. Walby will preach at Knlemey-
ers hall at 7:30 p. m. Cubject Peace."
Services at the Congregational church
morning and evening. Subject In the
morning: "The Growth of the Kingdom,'
Evening subject: "Christ at the Door.'
The Sunday school meets at 12 m. and the
Y. P. 8. C. E. at 6:3a
Tpe Norwegian Evangelic Lutheran
church IXL cannery. Hemlock street near
Clatsop Mill, Uppertown, Service Sun
day as usual at 10:46 a. m., and at 7:30
m. Sunday school 10 a. nx Lent ser
vice Wednesday at 7:30 a.- m. by Rev.
L. Nlssen, residence at 1749 Hemlock
street. .
M. E. Church, Q. A. Linden, pastor.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 1M p. m.
Morning theme: "Church Extension,'
evening subject: "Delusions." Class meet
ing at 10 a. m. Sunday school at close of
morning service. Young people's meeting
at 6:30 P. M.. Subject "Our Tempta
The editor of the North Yamhill Leader,
In his efforts to raise money enough to
buy a pair of pants, has perpetrated the
following poetic effusion:
Lives of poor men oft remind us; hon
est men don't stand a chance; the more
we work there grows behind us larger
patches on our pants. On our pants
once new In glory, now are stripes of
different hue; all because subscribers ling
er and won't pay ua what Is due. Then
let us be up and doing; send in your
mite, however small, or when snow of
winter strikes us, we will have no pants
at all.
I upon a hassock low.
Watching o'er her face the rosy ,
Cupid dimples come, and go;
rme wunin a rocKer cozy.
For the lover firelight heightened
Every blush with ardor bold.
And her locks of brown were brightened
into goia.
LIko the fabulous "Jack Horner"
Of the merry nursery page,
Gleeful from a dusky corner
Grinned an Idol, gray with age; .
And he through his dark lips muttered.
What I lonired to there avow:
"Tell her," were the words he uttered,
leu ner now: -
Then there fell a silence sweeter
Than when air la stirred with song,
Than when strains in mellow meter
Swing with rhythmic sweep along.
In her eyes a look beguiling
Bade me not to break the spell;
Something told me in her smiling
All was well.
Crow's gallery Is the place to have
your pnoios lanen. his work is acknowl
edged to be the best
Despito the opposition of
the U, P., Campbell's Pilot
Bill has passed, and once
more our pilots will be en-
-Aator and, Diner street, inquire oi f Isbor
oivuutrn. v
XX years old. Address W, K.G.thls odlce
Apply AiToui.n office.
J? stairs In houie, No. Iks Wash. Street. Apply
muuuwea, DdlillHAA,
week or mouth U-rms very reasonable at I
r unoi, iu mira bireet.
xti seeping, call on r. II. WILLS al the Occi-
acut bar.
piete lor mm? keening, ni Hletute rent to
mo mm party, mu miru stiet'l.
li Ground flour, good location
this oOlce.
inquire til
1 i lee HOU.1A. KVt-rv IlilnfP mnrv. A In f.Mt.
vts iyie, an i oira street.
Third Street, tuys and sells new and aec-
outl-haiiil furniture, liigheat cash price paid
v. .ujiii.uir, civ.
noss, Hiccino & CO,
' ', ' ' ' - . - . . '
Astoria and Upper Astoria.
Fine Teas and
Table Delicacies.
Domestic and
Tropical Fruits,
Vegetables, etc.
(sWfc Sell
?; L J
in rfil AMtfttA llri tt-Avnn Pin f ftl
CltV l0t Anil arFAAlTA- TnnmiA Vnfiit nrvtrti,
-a-fVM vfr"t?i u vu cwty ItTUlS.
10-acre fruit tod chicken tract rirwu tn rnwn I
Best thlnR on the market.
Bnear Cured Ilims aid Bioon, Game, Poultry, etc.
mm or
The World's Fair Directors
Howell & Ward
Have 5,000,000 Souvenir Half Dollar Coins in their treasury, the
gift of the American people by Aet of Conn-ess. The patriotic and
historic features of these Coins and their limited number, compared
with the millions who want them our population is 66,000,000
have combined to create so great a demand for these World's Fair
Souvenir Coins that they are already quoted at large premiums.
Liberal offers from speculators, who.wish to absorb them and reap
enormous profits, have been rejected for the reason that
This is the People's Fair--We
Are the People's Servants-
and a divided sense of duty confronts us
We need $5,000,000 to fully carry out dur announced
plans, and
We have decided to deal direct with the
people To whom we are directly responsi
ble among whom an equitable distribution
of these National heirlooms should be made.
Fhc World's Fair Offer to the American People: ;
That none of our plans for the oeonle's nmflf K mrtiiUA
must realize from the sale of 5,000,000 Souvenir World's Fair Fifty-
cent Silver Coins the sum of 5,000,00a This means Jl.oo for each
jm, a mucn smaiier sum man tne people .would have to pay for
them if purchased through an indirect medium. Every patriotic man,
woman and child should endeavor in nwn anri rhu
Coins, as they will be valuable m future years-a cherished object of
family pride. . - - J
Remember that only 5,000,000 Coins must be divided amone
World's Fair
Souvenir Coin
for a Dollar.
bled to make a decent living.
, Prosperity for one olaes u to the
benefit ot all; there's no ij-uih in
sending money out of town, or by
patrouizing concerns who bring
tbeir old trash here and take our
good money away from u.
If you believe in building
up j'our town, trade with
your home merchants, who
stand by you in hard times
a3 well as when times are
The annual meeting of the Astoria
Young Men's Christian Association for
the election of officers and trustees will
be held at th association rooms on
Thursday evening, llorch 2nd, 1S93, at
8 o'clock.
French Taosy Wafers.
Ladies will And these wafers Just what
they need, and can be depended upon
every time to give relief. Safe and sure,
can be sent by mail sealed securely.
Price, $2.00 per box. For sale only by 3.
TV. Conn, corner Second and Cass streets.
Yon cannot possibly do better
than by trading with the Reliable
Clothier, Herman 'Wise, becsnse
his stock, is first-clam and his
prices are very reasonable.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powutr. No Ammonia; No Alam.
Used in Millions of Hcnisj 40
Years the SL-iiri
O. & D. R. CAMPBELL, Pro'ra.
(SuooeMiorn to A. if. KraiT)
Denlers in
Fir. Maple. Alder, Homl-icU, sli. Spruce Wmb
sod liny, Wood cut or uncut, orders promptly
filled. lelepU. ne iNo. 47. riiiji Hirm-linns.
Lrnvs orders Ht Carmlmii & Co.'i our. feecond
U'li sss, oral wood VH!U,
1 '
Oeneful Express and Dollvery Business.
Office tl Olney street, Htabln font, of West
Ninth it, Astoria. Telephone No. 44.
could be sold at a high premium
to Syndicates, but we have enough
confidence in the people to keep the
price at a Dollar for each Coin, as
this will make us realize $5,000,000
the sum needed to open the Fair's
gates on the people's broad plan.
HOW tO Get Go0 your nearest Bank and subscribe for as many
Tt. "!. fO'"5 as yu need for your family and friends. These
I Re LOUIS Sub-Agents of the World's Columbian Exposition
wifl give you their receipt for your money, as delivery of these coins
will not begin before December. There no expense to you attend
ing the distribution of the Souvenir Coins, as wf send them to your
local bank. If for any reason it is inconvenient for you to subscribe
send Postoffice or Express Money Order or Registered Letter for as
many coins as you wish with instmctions how to send them to you, to
Chicago, ills; ; ; .
Oraert will be Pilled In the Order la which they ar Received.
A. i. CLITELAHD, Prep.
Good Bread Cakes and Pastry,
None bnt the Beat Materials used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered la any part ot the city
A oew scow, forty feet lone, fifteen
foot beam. New anchor and line. Own
er can have same by proving property
and paying expense. IIbnby Fisx.
Enappa, Or., Feb. 2Kb, 1803.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable,
Express and delivery bualneav '
DAMANf. Bet Walls Knd cisl delivered,
V.iX. Call at t l'ulrd street. Telephone 11
Astoria, Oregon.
Hevy and 8hlf
Chvt to fwk '
Wagons and Vehicles,
Farm Vsrhlnery, Paint. 'Il, Varninhes.
Loners' Kuppllea, Pafjbink's scales,
boot sud Hlm.owa.
J. Gr. XJ01P
Manufacturing Jeweler
v.. ): i ... v ' --''V.:? !
Wa'chcs a Specialty 1
Solid and Plated Silver Ware.
UMBRELLAS That tin 6s t;ikeu apart anil
: j ''P ked lU tlUIIKH, . .
' 406 Third Street. Asiorln, Oregon, i
-18 THE-
Bon Tea Ton Restaurant in the Town
(And the Finest en the Coast.)
Dinner Parties, Banquets a Specialty
Tat Flaert Wises aad Llqaors.
Sucf""r to I. W. Cawj Importer and
Wholesale and UeUll dealer In
. Cor. Second andt'aai Street,
North Pacific Brewery
JOHN K0?P, Proprietor.
Bohemian - Laser - Beer
Aad XX Porter.
All orders promptly attended to.
Safes, Fireproof.
T..v eclW.te1 Alpine Fafi s V.-pt la slock al
the 7, Third tU, iiwl 4ii w...
fintsa tx JSCS 2 3 Uflt. 7uim very euj
W. UCAShtLUAieut,
Wines, Liquors and ' Cigars.
Apr nr far the OUIDN Rtamihlp Llns and the
rillNUVALI.A HteariiKlilp Line, direct.
Also, HMit (ur "Hvciuka Xrlbuuuu" and
Mvenslta Ainorlkansren."
iirnur oi Water and West Ninth BtreeU
Yaloila, Oregon, .
M, M. Ilunttr,
J. I), MergoDH.
Proprietors of the
Lime. Brick, Band, Fire Brkk. Fire Clay,
Omcnt, Mill leed,Osts, Biraw Hair.
W'mmI IHjlivered to order.
Draylng, Teaming and Sxprni Eui&cu.
The Largest Stock, Bast Quality tud
Loveat Prices at the Sign ot
. Tiia Golden Sluw.
Portland Butchering Co.'s Markets
In Astoria. Dealers la nit
kinds oi
Fresli and Salt Meats
Corner Seeond and Benton utrecls.
Corner Third and Wt fcWilli itlreetf.
Shipplnfttrnde a Specialty. Terms Cash. Fam
ilies, hotel and reatuuntnla supplied.