THE DAILY ASTORIAN, AS-TOMA, SATUKDAY MOftNlNQ, FEBRUARY 18, 1803. ABOUT THE CITY. Tho halls of oratory at Salem will bo client today. The members of tbo Y. meet this morning. No W. C. T. V. fires have yet record for February. stained the city's were rich In ponies when th winter be can will come -out in the spring on an equality with their poorest neighbors, to far as wealth is concerned. The trees are sprouting, spring is com ing', and no poets need apply. A marriage license was issued yester day for John O. Olson and Ulla Nelson. The Colonial levee will be held on the evening of February 23, In honor of Wash ington's birthday. iney nave received .a series of. new rubber Btamps at the poetomce from the department at Washington. Two-thirds of the denizens of China town have headaches today. Too much firecrackers and other stuff. George Noland Is beginning to look happy. He Is one of the few aspirants for office who have a sure thing. Frank Mlnettl was arrested by an offi cer yesterday, on complaint of Sheriff Smith, charged with vagrancy. His case will be heard today. . The custom houRe officials row, ..- And clerks of other branches, Are thinking of the Ides of March, And buying farming ranches. . Astoria Lodge A. O. U. W. met last lilght. The membership of this new branch of the order Is growing rapidly. Several new applications were received last night. Frank Carnahan, who has been In the hospital for several weeks, suffering from the effects of a fall received at Knappton Mill, .Is sufficiently recovered to get around, and was on the street yesterday. Information reached Columbus .Wash., Thursday to the effect that the remains of a white man were lying on the ice in the Columbia river, near the Washington shore, across from Blalock, Oregon. The body must have lain In its present posi tion for about two weeks, am was par tially eaten by coyotes. It is believed that the remains aoe those of an old man named Smallwood, who left Columbus several weeks since in a mysterious way. He had come to Colum bus early in the winter, saying he was a Methodist minister. He claimed to be respectably related, and also to have con siderable property and money. During his stay there he had a will executed in favor of a lady residing there. One morning he told the family that he Intended going to Portland. Instead, however, of crossing the river, he kept on east on the Wash ington side, and it is supposed perished with cold. The citizens of Blalock heard his cries for help, but supposed some one wished to cross the river, and as the Icj was running in the stream, it was impossible to cross. No one as yet has been near the body since it was discovered by the use of a field glass by parties in Blalock. Two young men left thre this morning to look at the body and ascertain if it really is the body of Smallwood. Personal Mention CORRESPONDENCE. Tbe opinions of correspondents are their owa. No communication appear ing hi this column necessarily voices the belief of tbe paper itself. WAMMBOVSe BTOBAOX. IN FIRE PROOF IRON BUILDING CORNER Antor aud Olner street. Enquire of i'ixhor brothers. WAXTSD. AGIKL WAJiTEDOVEH MESStKGEK Of fice. MR. ROU K KM, AUTANTKD TWO UNPURNiSHKD R'HIMS V for light house keeping. Address "Rooms" this office. WANTED.-A BOY ABOUT 10 YEARS OLD. Apply AsTOHiAtuofUce. TV MKXT. TWOLAHUK JtOOVH, FUKM-HE1) COM plrte for housekeeping, m xierate rent 10 the riuht party. Wl Third st.ert. OOMS KOR LIGHT HOUdKKKKHNG. Ground floor, goi'd location. Inquire it Uus office. Editor of The As tor lan: As a rule I would rather suffer mis representation than enter into a news paper controversy, but in the matter of the report of a late meeting of the Port land Chamber of Commerce, I think it right and proper to make some explana tion. In speaking against the building of further bridges in this harbor, which I have always opposed,! I am reported as having said: "Astoria has no port, never had, vessels are constantly getting aground there." ' This is absurd, and cre ates an Incorrect Impression! of words. As the discussion was quite unpremed itated, I cannot give my remarks word for word, but I was not discussing the rel ative merits of the ports of Astoria and Portland, and had no intention of cast ing a slur upon your port. I did say with reference to the want of room In these ports for the further development of the shipping trade, that if our port roONO LEWIS, AQEN t8 AND DEALERS fOH BALIS. EWRNItUBE- CDMPLKIK r houkeeiilneevrvlhinii ni Scull' new house, O. K. ELWOOD OUTFIT FOrt new. i'H Main t. K8ALKOK KKNT. GOOD SALOON AND house. Good opportunity for light parlies, uquire at this office. luqu MlaVULLANKOVl). The West Shore Mills Company have torn down the electric light plant and have made a sale to a firm In Portland of the old engines. These were being hauled away yesterday and shipped to Portland on the Telephone, Mr. J. H. DeForce left last night for the east where he. will visit the principal oil factories and refineries to obtain in formation as to the latest methods of refining the oil put up on thlB river. He will also purchase new machinery to enulp the factory he will eBtabish on Young's river In a first-class manner. The Oregonlan says the following Is the "slate" that will be likely to be successfu in the Oregon offices: Collector of inter nal revenue, Henry Blackman, of Hepp ner: collector of customs, Portland, T. J. Black, Halsey; marshal, Henry Grady, Penrilpton: district attorney. Geo. No- land, Astoria; appraiser, Pat Powers, Portland. Monday afternoon at Yaqulna bay, the body of a man was washed ashore, and picked up by the residents there. It had evidently been there -a long time, being badly decomposed. The man was plainly dressed, with three pairs of overalls on. Nothing was found on him to identify him w was Drobablv drowned miles away from Yaquina and had probably been in the water several months. fantnin .t. W. Brown returned from Washington, D. C, yesterday. He has been attending as a delegate from Asto ria Harbor No. 22, the annual rr.e3tlng of the Grand Harbor of American Asso elation of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels. He reports a great deal of bus iness transacted that will redound to the benefit of mariners and commerce gener ally, but too varied to give any detailed account. Wade Hampton Smith yesterday made a sale of an acre of land at Fort Clatsop to a company who will erect on it a snin gle mill. The buyers are Mr. Johnson, awver at the West Shore Mills, and a miller from Portland. They have bought the shingle mill that was running on the Lewis and Clarke river, and will remove It to the new quarters and enlarge it to a .ncltv of 60.000 a day. Tney aiso con tomnlate adding to the plant at an earl. date machinery for the manufacture. ;of sashes and doors. . Amonir the first white residents in the nrfhwit was Mr. J. H. Coventon, of Tho nalles. He was in the employ of the American Fur company in 1837, and he hunted and trapped on the John Day and Deschutes In that year. He returned east in 1857, and again came to the coast in 18C1, since that time he has remained. rrh rJrt irentleman is now 74 years om, ctralght as an arrow, and quick in his movements. When he is properly wound nn ha ran relate the most interesting stories In regard to pioneer experiences. t .out Batnr;lav nlKht the store of A. F. p.pi.v. at Scappose, was entered by hnreiars and robbed during the absence of the proprietor from the city he hav- io. rne to Albany. Very meager par ticulars of the burglary were received Ralpm. and the amount Pt booty secured by the thieves cannot be learned, They have not been captured n the officers have very little clue to work on. " is thought they are mem bers of thePortland gang, but this Is not an assurea iaui, C. P. Ur'S'.'.ur went to Portland last night on the Telephone. Mr. L. A. Loomls, president of the I. R. and N. Co., came to town yesterday. Mr.' Jas. Flnlayson came over from North Beach on the tteamer Uwaca yesterday. Miss Bertlvi Goult" had a chunse for the better yesterday. 'J be fever has now left her and there is every prospect for her rapid recovery. B. ..A. Sen'our came over from llwacj and went up to Portland en route to Olympla, where he goes to the legislative The following passengers went up on the Telephone last night. D. K. Warren, J. W. Cook, B. A. Seaborg, N. B. Powell, J. P. McGowan, N. Klippent, H. S. Gile, J. G. Megler, Capt. A. Pease, M. Mc Nlght, E. A. Taylor, J. Phillips and C. Norton. was destroyed the port of Astoria was too small for a largo number of ships to lie at anchor in, and that on account of this want of room it was no uncommon thing for vessels to touch the ground. The same thing has happened here, and I have made Blmilar remarks. I do not consider the anchorage ground at Astoria is capable of extension and believe I said so. In this I may be wrong, but it is a very different thing from affirming that Astoria never had one. Yours Respectfully," ; JAMES LAIDLAW. I in real estate aud Oregou Pine Lauds, 616 becona trtel Cltv lots and acremre. Toncue Point property, navel property ,ali ou eay units. 10-acre fruit aud chicken tracts close to town. cheap. Best thing on the market. Y. M. C. A. regular gospel meeting next Sunday will be addressed by Prof. R. N. wrlgnt. ah men invuea. , WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY BALL.. SALARY OR COMMISSION To agents to handle the Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The most useful ana novel invention or ine age. crtues Ink thoroughly in two seconds. Works like magic. 200 to 600 per cent profit. Agents making ISO per 'week. We also want a general agent to take charge of territory, and appoint sub-agents. A rare chance to make money. Write for terms and specimens of erasing. Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., X1067. Lacrosse, Wis. ROSS, BUTCHERS HICCIMG & CO., - AND - GROCERS Astoria and Upper Astoria. is "Vr - .a ii' ' m mm Fine Teas and Coffees, Table Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Emits, Vegetables, etc, CHOICE FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Sutar Cared Hams ntd Baoon, Game, Poultry, etc. LIGHT AT EVENTIDE. the long- On quaint old cupboards and used tnines That In the years drift up, glad mcming leans. Plays with the kittens on the floor and nings Fierce beams into the nooks where night still creeps. It falls where Karl and Gretchen, drawn no less Bv love than thev were fifty years ago. In rugged peace and wrinkled comeliness, Sit knee to knee in lire's son afterglow. God's blessing" on their old romantic Concomly Tribe No. 7. Improved Order I of Redmen, extend a cordial invitation tol the DUbllc to attend a grand ball to be given Wednesday evening, Feb. 22, at usher s nan. Ticaets may ce ODiaineai from any or tne members. IOOO BOXES RAILROAD TIES? No! Neckties-In puffs tecks and four-in-hand, plain or fig ured, in silks, satins or silk crepes: these goods sell at re- hearts! ! tnm 5'K 1 nnA 01 OR- fciiT sweet story she is spelling to" ivi s v -') w you can take your choice for only 50c. at HERMAN WISE'S, Tbo Iieliable Clothier and Batter. THE PILOT BILL 'Tis Ruth's nut To Karl, the while in dreams his mind de- oarts. And Ruth is not tbe maid he dreams about. He sees love cradled In the soft blue eyes Of a shy maiden, and his own grow dim As. like a humming bird his fancy files Back to the day wnen ureicnen came to mm. And thence on wistful wings, his mem'ry sweeps, Over the years that seem an unmarked plain. Dut where his soul within each furrow aliens. And ev'ry foot-mark speaks of Jjoy or pain. That cradle there are many such; the earth Han manv little crosses on her breast. The peasant starves and has his hours of mirrn. On many fields are soldier sons at rest. Tho' Karl may sigh, his gentle sorrow dies Rtlllhorn unon the threshold of his cot. And so, as hunger to sweet food, his eyes Turn to tne little mam wno snarea ms lot. It is the voiceless love of years that speaks In one long look, as Gretchen feels him lav A hand on hers; and what his spirit seeks I Bne gives, inu rvuxi; ib u-u one mm.. , . mi i I to say. mnrc mir ni OTS Will DO en- r-Thn. n nthnm.vln St. Louis Globe- "iv" " r tJomocrai. . Howell & Ward GROCERS. Despite tho opposition of the- U. P., Campbell's Pilot i Bill has passed, and once abled to make a decent living. The inter-continental railway commis sion has had orepared in fac simile a miniature of Central and South America to show the surveys of the proposed rail road intended to unite the systems or North and South America. The work was done by B. E. Court, of the hydrographlc office, and is a faithful representation of the topography of the. countries named. It la about twenty-five feet long, and will be sent to the World's Fair as part of the government exhibit. In addition to the lines surveyed for the railroad the map also shows the present and pros- Dective steamship lines from Norm to South America, with the names oi tneir terminal ports and intermediate stopping points, if any. ToU nnr urtvli-p and have voud photos taken at Crows Gallery, the only place in the city where you can gei nrst cia work, - . i IT SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE. .1. B. Wllson,371 Clay street, Bharpsburg. l . , . ,. y.,.rJ 4;moa Pa., says he will not De witnout ur. etauu i'y j m iuju nmvr Kings JNew uiBcovery iur wkuiii.uuii, Frosjierity for one class is to tbe benefit of all; there's no gain in sending money ont of town, or by patronizing ftnicems who bring their old trash here and take our good money away from na, THE COLONIAL LEM The World's Fair Directors Mo Have 5,000,000 Souvenir Half Dollar Coins in their treasury, the gift of the American people by Act of Congress. The patriotic and historic features of these Coins and their limited number, compared with the millions who want them our population is 66,000,000 have combined to create so great a demand for these World's Fair Souvenir Coins that they are already quoted at large premiums. Liberal offers from speculators, who wish to absorb them and reap enormous profits, have been rejected for the reason that x This is the People's Fair We Are the People's Servants and a divided sense of duty confronts j We need $5,000,000 to fully carry' out our announced plans, and We have decided to deal direct with the people To whom we are directly responsi ble among whom an equitable distribution of these National heirlooms should be made. The Worlds Fair Offer to the American People: That none of our plans fpr the people's profit be curtailed we must realize from the sale of 5,000,000 Souvenir World's Fair Fifty cent Silver Coins the sum of $5,000,000. This means $1.00 for each Coin, a much smaller sum than the people would have to pay for them if purchased through an indirect medium. Every patriotic man, woman and child should endeavor to own and cherish one of these Coins, as they will be valuable in future years a cherished object of family pride. Remember that only 5,000,000 Coins must be divided among 66,000,000 people. ,1 nese Coins could be sola at a hieh premium to Syndicates, but we nave enough World's Fair Souvenir Coin for a Dollar. If you believe in building TO BE GIVEN BY THE 4'Y's" up . i ,i Arrnnp-pmenta are beincr rer ..him m t rn ito witn """n - - juui tux.t "V fiinrl fm- thft flntmfi nmcnt tVUVXU The Chinamen have hit on a trick by ..-. .i.- ..oii hnvs are kept fr.m wnicri mo oikim j !. . nrf .teallng their flrecrack. ni n. long string ot small - ' r,r the bottom of a pole, iv. , shove them a bunch of 7. " wha. and light them both togeth mn. ., .mail firecracker are go- i.arM bottles 60c. and $1.00. nr.. line - - . . v. v,mv t In their work ,n ? CTZn no longer pack A Rure Tar for ana me 1rtnC. 1.1- Ann armineiiiciii. It lO vn Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe." when var ious other remeaies ana several yiijui oiuria hurt done her no srood. Robert Bar- v,. t r-now.nnrt Pa., claims Dr. King's I Hflrnverv nail UU11C mill llivio than anything he ever used for lung trou- kIa isinthlnir llKe ll. I ry iu ricu wiIpii at Charles Rogers' drug store. your home merchants, who next week. A short program is in procusB ui . uicpuwitiuij, to be lollowed by an oia fashioned 6upper. bome-old time characters will be there, and you are all invited. Admission, 50 cents. as well as when times are good. lies. l , frtw nia own oi""'" ' i T.jiftinflr flies ac- miuwh w luvwvuto Af crackers Which he has snatcheJ ,,k perspiration, causing Intense itching string of cracKers w 11 on hn warm. This form, as well aa Blind. Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to KJ noLnkn'i Pile Remedy, which acts . ' ntle. or stamped out u wnen warm, lIViu - the ground. place atn at Chas. Matteson s .. v a mm creek, near Heppner. "p i .ahbed Chas. Matteson OUring a rataev " -' ' - . tr. the influence, more or lees, Thr wounds were mad' over e right shoulder blade. The evi , : -,. .w these were made by .nn was stooping down Male wiiuo . tii to pick up a stick of stove-wood. Hale w J arrested and brought before Judge Z"Xr.t Hononer on Thursday charged wRh assault and Intent to kill. The late heavy snow storm ha. wrought a great hardship to stock throughout th, t- ,Hnn. of Eastern Oregon, IT1"' " -fell deen and the weather was cold, cattle and horse, .uttered very was c . il ..M,n. say. that In- 7aTcayu are dying by the on the Umatilla reservation. The .now 1. reported to be three feet deet . andthe cayuse. are unable to reach the grass, l ltZr true to Indian tradi- r " . orovide last summer directly on the part, auecieu, u i.iTnnn allavs ltcniiiB ' , ' r rvwiiirirlul mflil ?; frie. Dr. Bosanko, 329 Areh Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Buld by J. W. Conn. ' . Call at the Albatross Fish Market fori fresh smelts - aauy. Yon cannot possibly do better than by trading with the Reliable Clothier, Herman Wise, because his stock; is firet-clas and hi prices are very reasonable. North Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Bohemian - Lager - Beer And XX Porter. AH o: den promptly attended to, '11 llll mm Baking Safes, Fireproof. m -llr.ln Hfrl kept ll StOCk St iv. in. t hird St.. Itoal Katata Ottlee. Wr- ranted as cooa as ae uvbu ii.-'i". j W. C CABBitU Agent. IB U.WUVIi The only Pnre Cream of Tartar Pf.wltr. No Ammonia; o Alum. Used in Millions of Home- 40 Years the Standard. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO FBAKK DAMANT, Prop. Livery, Feed 'and Sale Stable Express and delivery business. Vl ttAHAKl. 1 wails ana wmt ubiit"" fiigu. tU MJ3 JUim airorv id'uu confidence in the people to keep the price at a Dollar for each Coin, as this will make us realize $5,000,000 the sum needed to open the Fair's gates on the people's broad plan. Hnw f ft fif Go to your nearest Bank and subscribe for as many MJ. . coins as yu need for yur family anii friends These The COlllS Sub-Agents of the World's Columbian Exposition wifl give you their receipt for your money, as delivery of these coins will not begin before December. There is no expense to you attend ing the' distribution of the Souvenir Coins, as we send them to your local bank. If for- any reason it is inconvenient for you to subscribe send Postoffice or Express Money Order or Registered Letter for as many coins as you wish with instructions how to send them to you, to TREASURER WORLD S "COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CHICAGO, ILLS. Order, will be Pilled In tbs Order la which they are Received. J. O. KTlonal, Manufacturing Jeweler Wa'ches a Specialty. Solid and Plated Silver Ware. UMBRELLAS Tlist e.m be taken apart and piCKeu 111 trim.. 400 Third Street. Astorls, Oregon. Mil. DiNIELSON, SAnPLEROOMC Wines, Liquors and Cigara. Agent fr the OUION Mteanuiiiip mil auo in. THtNGVAI.l.A Hteaiimlllp Unit, illroot. Al', Hii't (or "Hvrnssa Trllmneu" and Sveiwka Anierlkaiiaren." ("(iruer ot Waier ana wew nmiu Astoria, Oregon. , JEFF'S RESTAURANT -18THB- Bon Toa Ton Restaurant in the Town (And the Finest on the Coast.) Dinner Parties, Banquets a Spcclalt Tss flaest Wises sail Liquor. Foard & Stokes ohoobho Dealers In Olnssware, Crockery, Ship Supplies, lobwcn, Wines ami Fine Whiskies. Flu" t' sndCofleeaBofcislty. The Kin. st Dlilsy ol KrullH In the Oily, Kresh on Kyery memn-r. Corner ol iiiira aim west tinuvu dhc:. PICKED UP. A new scow, forty foct Iobh, fifteen foot beam. New anchor and line. Own er can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Hekoy Pise, Knappa,Or.,Feb.24tb',1803. . M. M. Hunter, J.U.Mvrgets. HUNTER & MERGENS, rroprletors of the Portland Butchering Co.'s Markets InAntorla. Dealers In all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats Corner Beeond and Bnt"u tr els Corner Third ami WeitWuhiU street. 8hlppliiR trade a Hpeclslty. Trm Cash. Farn- llles, hotels and reaUwrauls supplied. B0OT3 A1ID SHOES Hi. largest Htock, Best Quality and Lowest Prices at the Sign of The Golden Shoe. . '.' H. B. PARKER DEALER IS Lime. Brick, Sand, Fire Brlek. Fire ClT, ( Mill reed.OHts, Btraw Hair, Wood Delivered to tirder. Driyinf, Tmint m Ixpw Buimm. CAiKJAHAn l CO Eucecnoors t I- W. Cxw, Importer tad Vt holcl aud iuuil desier la GEIIEHAL JZZZCZt&llZIZZ Cyf.3wul tuti Ciu Sirwi, ASTORIA, OREOOH rc7 . polble cold winter. Many who