Uzzi A ROUT THE CITY; No parties In Lent. Water, water, everywhere! Whose straw was that efllgy stuffed with. Chinese cigars were common property last night. , Firecrackers last night drowned the noise of the rain drops. A Chinaman suspected of being the as sailant of the man who is now dying in Chinatown has been arrested on suspicion by the police. The funeral of Mr. Henry Powell will be held at 1 o'clock this afternoon from the family residence and the Presby terian church. Jim Christy Is making himself known In the east by sawing off slabs of old piles that were driven forty years ago and are still sound. These he Is sending to Boston and New York. Another Chinatown squabble yesterday, for which "sam-sue" was responsible, was the means of two shoemakers ob taining handsomely broken heads. The matter caused no excitement among the Celestials, however, as the multitude of new year's night duties put such a com mon occurrence into the Bhade. The C. L. S. C. meets, at 7:30 this even ' lng at the study of Rev. R. B. Dllworth. The folllowlng papers will be presented: 'The life and writings of Xenophon," Mrs. W. I. Crawford; "A comparison be tween Epamlondas and Pericles as statesmen," Mr. S. T. McKean; "Full de scription of the different war tactics used in ancient Greece," Mrs. Ross. These papers will be followed by full discussions and the questions and answers in the February Chautauquan on Grecian his tory. ' ' An A. D. T. messenger boy In Seattle, named Harry Evans, aged about 14 years, knows more about wires and electricity now than he did a day or so back. Com ing through the alley way between the Post-Intelllgencer office and the Scheuerr man block on Tuesday he came in con tact with what looked like a loose piece of wire dangling, from the roof. The re sult was a boy knocked down, burned about the neck and very badly scared. The wire was a telegraph or telephone wire which had been broken by snow thrown from roofs and had fallen across one of the Union Electric Company's live wires, becoming thereby quite live itself. The boy escaped without serious injury, but his experience may be of value to any person who feels inclined to trifle with apparently harmless wires . lying loose around the Btreet. Along the Wharves There was very little moving along the water front yesterday as the bar was too rough ' for anything to get out. The "Columbia came In and the Oregon left for San Francisco. The wind was reported as blowing at 50 miles an hour 3 a. m., moderated to 48 miles at noon and by 4 o'clock had gone down to 30 miles an hour. There are several ships outside but the tugboats will not attempt to bring them in till the weather settles. . The steamer Homer cams down yester day loaded to her mark and will pass out today If the bar is smooth enough. The British ship Alnsdale was towed to the Sand Island anchorage yesterday but could not doss out on account of the rough sea on the bar. The Star of Bengal will go to sea this . morning If it is possible to get outside the heads. .. ' The Birkdale has broken her windlass and the underwriters have been notified In order "that- she may be Inspected be fore repairs are made. The Ilwaco came in early yesteday with a good load of freight and passengers. Two clipper ships with freight for Seat le are looked for to arrive soon. They ' are State of Maine, which left New York July 27, with 1,461 tons for that city, and the Conemaugh, " which left the same port for this city with 1.TT9 tons of ' icht Th parzoear are mostly hard ware, rails, Iron pipe and canned goods. The steamer Ellis met with an accident on Pueet Sound Tuesday near beattie. Bhe is supplied with a boiler like the one hioh fared so fatal on the Montlcello, and when off Five-Mile point, near Seat tie, a part of it blew out. The fireman had lust eone aft to tell the engineer that something was the matter, so luckily was not hurt, both escaping the steam. Bhe .... nvri in hv the Quickstep. It Is thought the boiler will be condemned. NOTICE! Cse Zlnfandel wine lntead of coffee or tea. GO cents per gallon, jjcmi iuik-i Pmrh and anrlcot brandy, also French Cognac and wine at Alex. Gilbert's. lnntkM atilnmcknt nt M W8J1 DarrfT com. ing on the next steamer. Remember that my stock of wall aper will be the largest - B. F. ALLEN. TILE DAILY A8TQ1UAN, AST0E1A, THUBSOAY MOANING, U U ML- Sold at ilanufacturer's Cost The Corpse SWung From a Pole. In the cold, gray mist of the early morning yesterday, George Stevens start' ed down town to feed his horses. Day was Just breaking and everything was chill and Cheerless. When he reached the corner of Court and Genevieve streets his heart Jumped to his mouth, and the blood froze in his veins. There, swinging slowly' to and fro with the storm, clearly silhouetted against the gray sky, was the figure of a man hanging thirty feet in the air, from the end of the derrick used to erect the new electric light poles. One look told him the awful tale, and he made a bee line for the stables, where, haggard and breathless, ho related what, he had seen to Frank Damant. Frank ran to the end of the street, satisfied himself, and calling up Coroner Pohl, told him that a man had been lynched. With his usual alacrity, the coroner jumped out of bed, dressed himself, and ordering Damant to get an express wagon ready, wheeled out a pauper's casket and start ed for the scene. By this time quite a large crowd had gathered and when he reached the spot he ordered the people to give way and allow him to cut down the corpse. The wagon with the colfln came rattling up the street, followed by half a hundred people who had heard of the lynching, and with a morbid curiosity wanted to see the remains cut down. A 4 p. m. editor had been aroused from his dreaming, and with a face blanched to ashen whiteness came puffing up tho street determined to get out an extra while the ed itor of The Astorlan slumbered. The coroner had by this time climbed up th electric light pole and made out the fol lowing placard tacked to the back of the Inanimate thing. , ' This man died a short and sudden death for wanting to know from the wa ter commissioners WHY he had to pay his water rent when he didn't get any water." During the morning the spot was vIb- lted by hundreds of people .who had heard the terrible story. Among the crowd who hurried to the place early was Secretary Holly Van Dusen, who had been told that one of his fellow commissioners bad been lynched, and a report gained early cre dence that. Frank Spittle had been held up by thugs, robbed of a parchment deed and strung to the derrick. It was. noon before Captain McKevltt, assisted by a small boy from one of the schools, cut down the cause of the commotion, which turned out to be one of the suits worn at the masquerade, stuffed with straw. Among the most Interested witnesses of the affair were a lot of passengers on the ocean steamer who went away with the Idea that Astoria was a tough plac; where "a man for breakfast" was a com mon occurrence. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Following Is a list of letters remaining in the Astoria postoffice, and persona call ing for any letters In this list will please state that they are advertised. Advertised Feb. 14, 1S93. Alatala, John Blinn, Mrs. Flora 13. Burn. John Bush, Peter Cherclighl, Harry Coon, Joe Coffey. J. W Davis, Mrs. Jennie Klengsen, in us Erickson, August Ford, Mrs. H. O. Fortunato.Baroneldnl Graham, Mrs. L. W. Jonson, Mrs. John, Henry Fit ' Knutscn, B. Larson. L. A. McFarlin, W. Olsen. -Thomas Evens, Mrs. Annie Grarg, Noah Goldberg, Jake Hasbrouck, Frank Jonasson, J. J. JCalRon, Sail Lane, Misses (2) McFarlan, John Nichols, Anton Olsen, Andrew Peterson, Ridr Pherderson, Frankle Rava, Edward Riiuma. Kalle r Randais, J. A. Tripp, Henry Wallln, Simon FOREIGN LIST. Chrlstlansen,Andrlas!Erlkson, Miss Sofia Ingemansson, Aug. Larson, w. Liuska. Tanyl Nllkkvia, Anttl Nyland, Anna Louisa' Olsen, Miss Maggie Sonrtvlir- Harmon Slmes. A. Svensen, R. R. Walhaja,' Henry james w . xiurv, I . jm. Bneklen't Utile Salve. Tho hr-ut salve In the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay requirea. ii Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Chos. Rogers, suc cessor to J. C. Dement. lniRQ)o)p. y)"ii Mil The only Pure Cream of Tartar Pfiwdtr. Xo Amnwir Ko A!sn:. Used in Millions of Home 3- 40 Years the Standard U) IV l' - Our Sale mm' Perional Mention. J. N. DeForce left on the Telephone lost night for the east. H. Chrlstensen left for Portland last night on the Telephone. Capt Flavel was reported yesterday as improving slowly but steadily. Miss Bertha Goulter is still very sick and her recovery very doubtful, Dr. W. I. Howard and wife left oh the Oregon yesterday for San Francisco, Miss Lulu Rice left here yesterday on a well-earned vacation for California. Samuel Elmore, with Mrs. Elmore and family, left for San Francisco yesterday. S. Schmidt, the sturgeon packer of Ska mokawa, came down on the Telephone yesterday. Judge Milton Elliot returnel on the Columbia yesterday from a three months' visit to Southern California. Joe Choynskl, the celebrated puglliBt, was among the passengers on the Oregon for San Francisco yesterday. F. Maion, returned from, San Francisco yesterday on the steamer Columbia, and reports business as very dull down there. Mrs. Clara A. Fisher and son, who have been spending two months with friends In California, will arrive home on Sunday by the Queen of the Pacific. D. B. Mackay, M. Wise, Dr.. W. D. Baker, and O. B. Olson, all of Portland; J. D. Douglass, Henslla; Max Abrahams, Ed Lezynsky and L. R. Fairland, of San Francisco; J. L.TVetherbee and S.' Scotch ler, of Eagle Cliff; P, J, McGowan, Chi nook; J. G. Meglcr, Brookfleld, and C. W. Lowe, of Chicago, registered at the Occi dent yesterday. Call at the Albatross fresh Bmelts dally. Fish Market for THE-PILOT BILL Dcspito the opposition of the U. P., Campbell's Pilot Bill has passed, and once more our pilots will be en abled to make a decent living. Prosperity for one class is to the benefit of all ; there's no tain In sending money out of; Ujwd, or by patrouizing concerns who bring their old trash here and take our good money sway from u& If you believe in building up your town, trade with your home merchants, "who stand, by you in hard time as well as when times are good. Yon oannot possibly do better than by trading with the Reliable Clothier, Herman 'Wise, because his stock is first-class and his prices are very reasonable, '9 0 i-'h h - It at- it fill Xc it Has Been a Great and. urmg WASEBOVHK BTOBAQE. IN F1RK PROOF IRON BUILDING CORNER A i tor and Olney itreet. Enquire of Plaber it ro then. WANTED. AGKNT4 0UTH1T FREE. From 2OloJl00 weekly regular! v earm-d by our Salesmen. ), Box i;i7l New Yoilc. WANTED TWO liNKUltNISHtll KiHiMd for light house keeping. Address "Kooma" this olllce. vv ANTHD. A BOY AUOUT It) l'EAKS OLD. Apply AuTokuh ouice. TO BEST. rSlWO L'VKCiK JOUVB. KUKM-HED tOM 1. plete fur housekeeping, imxlvtuta rent to the rlshl puny. Oil llilru sliett. rUOM3 KOH LIGHT UoUsEKtBl'ING. t Ground floor, good locallou. liiiiulre it Ihmoftloa. a our. A BUNCH OF 81XKb.8 ON A 1IKAHT shaped key ring. rnder will bo nniUU'ly rewarded by r turning dime t.) tins olU.u. VOlt SALK. noit BALKOtt KKNT, GOOD SALOON AM) l noute. uoon opportunity lor ngiii parlies. Inquire at this otllco. MiaCEL.LAlib.OllH, V"0UNa ft LKWIS, AGENTS AND dealers 1 in real eulute aud Oregon i'lne Lands, 61S aeconu iireei. City lo'j and acroage, Toniio Point property, navel properly, an uu ewy itruis. 10-acre fruit and chicken tracts close to town, cneap.- i Best thing on the market, I. SALARY OR COMMISSION To agents to handle the Patent Chemi cal inn Erasing pencil. Tne most useful and novel invention of the age. Erases ink thoroughly in two seconds. Works like magic. 200 to BOO per cent profit Agents making $50 per week. We also want a general agent to take charge of territory, and appoint sub-agents. A rare chance to make money. Write for terms and specimens of erHslng. Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., X10G7, LaCrosse, Wis, Howell & Ward GROCERS. Safe3, Fireproof. T.. eele1-ate1 Alpine 8'fes kept In stock al Ibe 41. 1 hlrd SU, lUwl ViMtm Ottice. Vr rauted a good as the bet. Term rerf ejr W. O. CAriEl,L. Agent. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. FRANK DAMANT, Propr. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Express and delivery biwine. it i;t r" 'XI.'. LiM) "AT rnvjf FuAKK DAMANT. l--l WHim r.lid u ie:ivereu. , Cull at Hi Third itreet. Tt leplioue VI. FEBKUARY 1G, 181)3. "ai y hi is iu COOPER The Leading and Largest House in Astoria. R03G, HICCirjG & CO., BUTCHERS - AND GROCERS Astoria and Upper Astoria. 1 4 CHOICE FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Sucar Cured Hams ni d Ikcon, Gome, Poultry, etc. Manufacturing Jeweler Wa'cbc8 a Specialty. Solid and Plated Silver Ware. CiiBItEI,m Tlint run lie talcon apart and pneked in truukH, ? VA Third Street. Aslorlo, Oregon. JEFFS RESTAURANT -18 THH Bon Ton Ton Restaurant in th& Town (And the Finest on the CoasU Dinner Parties, Banquets a Special) ! Tbi Finest Wipes and Liquors, Foard & Stokes d-nooEB.0 Denier In OIhhwiu'i1, Crockery, 8h1p Ruppllev lolwcn, Wines ami Finn WMskle. Flue le,i Biid CnlteeaHiieciitUy. Tile Fmext Dlxplay ol Krulis in the Oltv, Krcah on Kvrry Steamer. Coiner o( IlilrU and Went ElKutu PtreeU PICKED UP. , A uew scow, forty feet long, fifteen foot beam. New nnchorand line. Own er can have eame by proving property and paying expense, Henhy Fike. Knappa, Or., Feb. 2Mb, 1893. CP. UPSHUR, SHIPPING and COMMISSION Astoria, - Oregon. ASTORIA WOOD YARD O. & D. R. CAMPBELL, Pro'rs, (Suore-sors to A. K. Kramer) Dealen lu Flr.Manle, Alder, llenilonk, (ih. Piirnce Tlntb rind Hay, Wood cut or uiieiit.uidei'M pininniiy Oiled, ieleplnuis no. 47. riliie three limeK. Iave ordeiK t Cnrn ilmn ti t'o.'f cor. oecoiiG and Cans, or at Wood Vaid, COLUMBIA THSFER CO., WILLIAM WIIOX, Prop, FEED AND - SALE - STABLE tlenenil Express nnd Unlivery Utnlne. Offlee IU Olnoy street. HlahUa foot of West Klntn u, Amortu. Telephone Ho. U. BOOTS MID SH0E3 The Largeat Stock, Best Quality and Lowest Prises ii the Slicn of Tlie Golden Shoe, CARFJAHAn CO ?Orenort trt I. W. Cm', Imjf)rti;r aud Woole ale and Huull dealer iu GEIfEIiAL iiehcttat.tsz Cor. Second an4 Cm Btreet, A8TQUIA, OEE0OM " - uccess. c ""a it"1 .ua k Fine Teas and Coffees, J able Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, etc. AUG. DIMELSON, SAt1PLEROOL.0 Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent fr tlie 0U1ON HteRmshlp Mns aud tbs rillNGVA.LI.A Hlesmshlp Line, rtlrcot. Al8-, agent for "Hveuuku Trlbunen" and Svenoka AiiierlkniiRren." Uorner ot Water and West Ninth Street Astoria. Oregon. M, M. Hunter, J.D.Mergets. HUNTER & MERGEN3, rroprictors of .lis Portland BulcheringCos's Markets In Astonii. Peiilrs In all kimts of Fresh and Salt Meats Corner Seeond and Benton lr ct (Joiner Third and West fclnluli ntreeti. BlilpplnirtrndeaHpeclaltv. TrtrnmCsh. Fam ilies, liutels and restauntLts supplied, . North Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietor, ! Bohemian - Laser - Beer And XX Porter. Alio Udii promptly attended to, H.B.PAEKER ' PEAtEB IN Lime, nrlek, Band, fire Briek. Fire Clay, Crinent.Mlll feed.UaW, atraw Hair, Wood Delivered to order. Drayinj, Taminff nd zpresi Baiinm, FISHER BROTHERS. SHIP CHANDLERS. Hoary and Bholf HARDWARE Ctr.y In t Wk Wagons and Veliiclea, Farm Machinery, Palnln, 'Hit, VarnlhUfs. loggers' Hupplien, Falibauk t bcukl, Poon and Wluiows. PROVIGIOHC, Fl-OUa and MILL FEED. AST0EIA, - 0EEGON'. 7. X3. WST3l,37'2? Dealer in Ezr Hnre Oil, BrlpM Vanlls, Pmacle OH. Cot ion Chiivh, H-it.p riiiil ln.n. Lard m(, . V"i vudiit imu el-ike. oaivauiz.d tut Naia Agricultural Iinplenint, Sw!nj M;v nim lilnei, Faiihh ml On-., r