THE DAILY A8T0R1AN, A8T0IUA, . SUN.DAY MORNJLN(J, FEBRUARY 12. 1803. How is your opportunity to save money. u lit) Lai Marked Down 25 per cent for Gash Only. HP OMt P MIR 'FIlPPIIv MQU SIS ill MI o 1 CORRESPONDENCE. The opinions of correspondents are their own. No communication appear ing in this column necessarily voices tlie belief of tbe paper itself. To the Editor of the Astorlan: An editorial In your Issue of Feb. 7th, while pertinent and to the point under proper conditions, is being used by par ties as a basis to Influence the county commissioners to act contrary to the wishes of a large majority of the people In our road district and to foist a man on us for supervisor that we do not want. Tha editorial referred to concludes as folllows: "The commissioners should en tertain no application, or petition that advocates the appolnement of men who are not taxpayers In their own districts.' As before stated, the doctrine Is sound enough but' there are exceptions, and our district is one of them. It is a well recog nized proposition that a man cannot carry on two or more businesses widely different, either of which If properly con ducted would occupy his whole time, without one or the other being more or less neglected and suffering In proportion. For Instance, a thrifty, well to do farmer will find enough work on his farm at which he can profitably spend his tlmo from early morning until dark, and even then find plenty left undone. All of our best farmers recognize this, and It is generally with great difficulty that one naving u.11 uie qutuuictmuurj in muuteu to accept the office of supervisor. The reason, Is that one dislikes to be con nected with any undertaking that he knows he cannot make staisfactory to either hinaself or his neighbors, without pecuniary sacrifice greater than he can afford. A less conscientious man we do not want. " When otherwise It Is poor service and plenty of cost. A light rain and threatening morning will sometimes . . . . 1 - HTl 1 . . i C.UI a supervisor to remarjt iu m wu w for Jiay, so we will work on the road." An hour or too later It clears up, and, as it will not do to let good weather slip by, they go back to the Held. The tempta tion to charge the full half day to the road Is not always overcome. Another thing Is that generally and perforce work, instead of being done In the proper sea son. Is left until fall and applied just before the rainy season, the result being an Impassable highway until the middle of the following summer. We have con sidered all this and much more, and real ize that the road problem is one of the greatest confronting farmers. We con cluded the best way to do was to select a competent and honest man who under stands road making better than any of us, and who can devote his whole time to it and at the proper time of the year. Forty-six of us out of a possible fifty or fifty-five, have signed a petition to have him appointed, but two or three 'of the balance are endeavoring to defeat us with the aid of your article and some misrep resentation. It is true our man Is not a heavy taxpayer, but he owns some land, has a horse, cow. and Is thrifty and prov ident, tnd has the qualifications we want Our district embraces the road for which ro much money has been contributed by the citizens of Astoria and we want some thing to show them for the money, and a road from Young's bay to Seaside that can be traveled. We hope the commlsslonerr will stay with us and that you will give this space. Very Respectfully, ROAD DISTRICT NO. 5. Mr. Editor: V ' In your last issue I see an article in intinn to th Y. M: C. Association, In Which is the inquiry, "Why Is it the .aointinn rfoea " not Drosper?" As the inquiry is directed specially to any one, I will, with your permission, present a few thoughts. The name "Young Men's Christian Association." as constitute,! and conducted here, 14 a misnomer, for la It may be seen many old gray-bearded men, who are old in church work, younj men and old boys. This is all wrong for many reasons. Our boys and young men are taught to, and desire to respect old age, and Inclined to defer to them, and feel a timidity in the presence of old per sons, in saying or doing that which they their equals. It Is certainly not In keeping with the or iginal Intention and spirit of the organ ization as set forth In an early day. It was a place for young men and boys to assemble and converse, improve their minds and morals, fitting themselves to become better citizens, and the better to do the work set before them euner in the church or out of It It Is a fact that must be recognized In the church and moral well as in politics, that young men are pushing to the front, and want to do, and will do, a given a chance; bence I say give the boys a chance. Old men withdraw, graduate, or superannuate and leave the field open to them. The work may not be done as old hands would do It, but the results would be better, and brighter young men would be brought out. I would have a by-law retiring all men at a certain age, say 30 to S years, sending them into the church to continue their work; and also - all men. Irrespective, when they marry, advising them to enter the church, where th!r Ivm mav to with them, where they will find plenty of work to do, leav lng their places to be filled by the on coming generation of young men, v.. . Forty Thousand Cam. Yesterday the l'aclnc Can Company turned out 40.000 cans, all the machinery working very smoothly. There will be a social at Knlemeyer's Hall Satunluy evening , Feb. 11th. Beugl t in by the Creditors. The Stock of ?. T. Dlnsmoro was sold yesterday morning at auction by Sheriff Smith. Cans & Klein, of Helena, Mon tana, the attaching creditors, bought the whole In bulk for $5000. Call at the Albatross fresh smelts daily.' Fish Market for Will Work For Nulaml. D. R. Murphy, chairman of the demo cratic state central committee, has dropped out of the race for Uuited States district attorney, and has. signified his intention of throwing all his influence In favor of George Noland. If you want some extra nne photos, Mooers' is the place to get them. A Pleasant Kreuiug's Kulerwliiiuent. Miss Rita Packard gave a very Inter esting and amusing party on Friday night the guest of honor being Miss Bird, of Portland, Me. A contest of art, music, and dancing, kept the party merrily en gaged until an early hour. The invited guests were Miss Bird, Mr. and. Mrs. E. Z. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Colin B. Har aden, Miss Reed, Miss Myra Stevens and Messrs. A. Ross, J. Foss, Frank Spittle D. Stuart and J. Taylor. The Telephone will resume her regular trips up river Monday evening. Action to HecoVer. A suit was filed In the circuit court yes terday by R. L. Sabin vs. Hafevist and Toivonew, to recover the sum of J5AI.62. The complaint alleges debts to Flelshner, Mayer & Co., Boston Shoe Company, Buckingham & Hecht, and H. Wolf & Brother, of Portland, aggregating the above amount All the claims were as signed to R. L. Sabln, president of the Portland Merchants' Protective Associa tion, who brings the suit. . y Shanahan Bros, are selling dry goods 25 per cent cheaper than any oiner nouse In Astoria. ' Another Break flown Thronsh Bain. Washington street was deluged again yesterday. The water caused by the melt ing snow poured down the Incline In tor rents and gradually undermined the em bankment between Fourth and Fifth streets, carrying It away and scattering tons of dirt In all directions. As the run was all on the surface, no houses were undermined, but a good deal of the road way is broken up. As soon as the weath er clears up the damage will be repaired. Mr. T. Frederlckson, piano tuner, has re moved from 238 Cass street, to 231 West Sixth street. . 'foncue Foiut Bnoy Station. The repairs : and alterations that are called for at the Tongue Point Buoy station, Include w6rk of various kinds that will make an expenditure of about j ov t;iutXX't$)t call for a now strong wharf, 137 feet long by 200 feet wide, a new galvanized iron ware house 45 feet by 100 feet, for storing the buoys, a tramway- and switches, and a good many repairs to the old wharf propr erty, as well as the removal of the der rick. - Shanahan Bros, haive always sold dry goods, fancy goods, notions, etc., 25 pej cent cheaper than any other house. , Scandinavian Social. The Scandinavian social at Knlemey er's hall was a decided success. The house was well filled and a very inter esting program was rendered. It con sisted of instrumental and vocal solos and duets and recitations, followed by a bounltful supply of refreshments. The proceeds will help to pay tor the new organ. Rev. L. Walby will conduct re ligious services at the hall on Sabbath evening and Wednesday evening of each week Jintil further notice. The latest styles of boots and shoes at P. J. Goodman ana i siore. oign the big red boot of Bfieao Clnb Entertainment, There was a very fine program and a large and attentive audience last night at the Rescue Club's meeting. President Crawford occupied the chair, and offered prayer. Miss Nellie Busey acted as or ganist. The following program was car ried out: Recitation, ".lackey's Letter," Miss Florence Ross; Reading, "The In toxicated Geese," Mrs. C. A. Gearhart; Instrumental music, piano. Miss Mamie Smith; recitation, "That Dreadful Boy," Miss Myrtle Bllnn; music, pluno and vi olin. Miss Nellie Busey and Fred Busey; reading, "A Trophy from the Slums, Miss Ocea Campbell; some excellent re- L The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, -Jo Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions cf Honei- ,o Years the Standard marks on the need of good temperance work here by C. M.-Huxford," were fol lowed by an Interesting talk by Prof. C. C. -Brower, and an .earnest, stirring speech by Dr. O. B. Estes. The closing remarks were spoken by President Craw ford. - . Shanahan Bros, buy for cash and sell for cash.- No bad accounts; they can thus sell 25 pf r cent cheaper than other houses. . Want Them to Attend. The following letter addressed to the officers and members of the Republican Flambeau Uniformed Club, of this city, has been received from A. D. Rockfellow, president of the Thurman Legion: "The Thurman Legion Intend celebrat ing the inauguration of President Cleve land by a uniformed procession on the evening of March 4th, 1893, terminating with a grand ball' at the armory of the First Regiment, O. N. O. Your club Is most respectfuly Invited to Join us on this Interesting occasion. Forgetting po litical differences, let us all, as citizens of a common country, Indulge In the pa triotic Impulse that prompts us to honor the chosen chief of the American people, and In so doing, Justify the hope of the perpetuation of our government 'of the people, by the people, and for the peo ple.' Kindly inform us of your .pleasure at your early convenience." A. D. ROCKFELLOW, Prest There will be a meeting of Ocean En campment, No. 13, I. O. O. F., tomorrow evening. All members are requested to be promptly on hand at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of installing officers elected, and other business of importance to be transacted to the Interest of all con cerned. More Wall Parer Just Oecelveu. '. A largo invoice of Ingrains, including all the shades manufactured by Fr. Beck & Co., New York. My line of wall paper for 1893 will be far ahead of any stock I have shown in Astoria, and when all In will furnish wall paper for an entire house to any one who will find an equal stock either In quality or quantity in any one retail house in Oregon, not excepting any In Portland. My present stock has been admitted to be ahead of any stock In Portland, by two dealers there, and ny '93 goods will be worthy the support of those who believe in patronizing' home enterprise, as prices will be the same as in Portland. Hoping for . a liberal share of patronage, thus enabling me to continue giving Astoria a flrst-clada house In my line of trade. Very Respectfully, B. F. ALLEN. THE PILOT BILL Despite the opposition of the U. P., Campbell's Pilot Bill has passed, and once more our pilots will bo en abled to make a decent living. . Prosperity for one olnsa is to the benefit ot all; there's no gain in sending money out of town, or by patronizing concerns who bring their old trash here and take our good money away from us. If you believe in building up j'our . town, trade with your home merchants, who stand by you in hard timeh as . well as when times are good. You cannot possibly do better than by troding with tbe Reliable Clothier, Herman Wise, because bia st)ck is first-class and his prices are tery reasonable. wAnsnovatt btoraob. IN FIRS PROOF IRON BU1LDINO CORNER Aatorand Oluey street, Knqui re ot Flutter drothem. -. ro vxn. baft of boom sticks and chains at tagie launeiy. inquire oi a, nunonson or A. Peterson. WASTED. ACOMPBTuNr (JIRL FOR GHNEKAL homework. Apply Uk Geo W. tiauuoru, corner Wt sixth and Arch Street. w ANTgD. A BOY ABOUT li YKARSOLD. Apply Astokmn oriiuo. TO It EXT. rt(50515ToHITG HT irXtUEKEEl'INGJ IV i round floor, noon location. iLquiro hi tins offlce. rOH SALE. nOKSALKOK HUNT, GOOD 8AI.0ON AND r house. Good npiortunlty lor ilgt parties, Inquire at this oitice. GET YOUK GOAL AN D HAY FROM Fit VN K 1MMANI. I'.est W alb Uml cl delivered, (W.oO. Gall at m Third street. i lenhoue 13. MISVULLASKOVN. f OUNQ ft LKWIS, AGENTS AND DEALERS X in real estato and Oregon Fine Lands, 616 Second street. City lots Hiirl acreaRB, Tongue Point property, Flavel property, all on eay itrnis. 10-acre fruit aud chicken tracts close to town, chtap. Best thing on tbe market. SALARY 0B COMMISSION To agents to handle the Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The most useful and novel invention of the age. Erases ink thoroughly in two seconds. Works like magic. 200 to BOO per cent profit. Agents making f50 per week. We also want a general agent to take charge of territory, and appoint sub-agents. A rare chance to make money. Write for terms, and specimens of erasing. Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., X10G7, LaCrosse, Wis. Howell L Ward GROCERS. The SONS OF HERMANN Will be given on- FEB. 14, (St. Valentine's Day) FISHER'S HALL Spectators are admitted by general iuvitaikiu. " MsBkflr'a tickets can b had only from memlxM-a of the lodge and are valid only when properly eined. . Mr. L. Kej-arr the well known eofltnmpr will be at tbe Btore of John Ilaho, Third atreet, Monday and Tues day, any one wishing costneaea can ob- COQPBBi The leading and largest House in Astoria. ROSS, HlCCIfJS & CO., BUTCHERS - AND - GROCERS Astoria and Upper Astoria. 3jfc Sell, CHOICE FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Snaar Cured llama ami J. G-. SdTloxxxi, Manufacturin a: ' Jeweler Firo Wa'clies a Specialty. Solid and Plated Silver Ware. UMBRELLAS ThRt can bn takon apart ai d packed In truiikH, va Third Street. AsloriB, Oregon. JEFF'S RESTAURANT -18 TILB- Bon Ton Ton Restaurant in the Town (And the Finest on the Coaat.1 Dinner Parlies, Banquets a Special Tat Flacat Wines sad Liquors. Foard & Stokes C3-HOO33R0 DealPM in Olasswnre. Crockery, Ship Supply, Tobm oo. Wines Hint Fine Whiskies. Fine Tm and OnVe h rtpecinlty.- The Kimst DlNpluy il mill nil lie i;ny, r nwil on nt pry taeMintr. corner oi mini aim wen ciBniu Birevii, FOB SALE. Trap and seining ground in n good Locality, also trap gear. For further particulars Inquire atP.B.E. Co.,UG Olney St. C. P. UPSHUR, SHIPPING anil COMMISSION Astoria, Oregon. ASTORIA WOOD YARD O. A D. t. CAMPBELL, Pro'r. (Siicceworn to A. F. Kraer) Dealer In Fir, Maple, Alder, Hemtock, Ah, Borues T.lnilw mid liny. Wood cut of uncut, order promptly lllled. leleplione Nu. 47, rlnK three, limed. Ibvs order at Ciiriiliaii & Co.' cor. Becond and tu, or at Wood Yurd, CGLUM3IA TRANSFER CO., WILLIAM TVILHOX, I'rop. FEED - AND , SALE - STABLE . General Exprent and Delivery Bmlness. Office U4 Olney treet. Ktnlilf loot of Wrat Mnlh i, Astoria. Telephone No. 41. . E00T3 2LITD SHOES The Largest Stock, Best Quality and lowest Price at the Blgn of Tlie Golden BUoe. I. XI. c XT. CO. O ftteamer llwaco Leave A.torta dalljr at 71, m. for flwiwo ealliiiK at Tanny l'ulnt, and coniiei.-UiiK itli railroad running lmrtli nt 10 a. m, and Willi hoiili ,n nhdHlwater hay fur Bawlh lifBd, Kuimhlnt, Nsrth Care And oiher poluM thmiiKb Ui tjrar'" llnr bar. Krtiimli K eonueen at (ari wiHi earner (or AHtoriaand Houli for Psrlland, JOU.S W. OOCLTEH. L. A. LOOMI B. V. Fine Teas and ; Cqfffees, Table Delicacies, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Vegetables, etc. ttacoti, Game, Poultry, otr. W. OAMKLSOX, SAL1PLEROOLlS Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Aent fr the GUION Mtoaniahlp Line and tli TH1 NO VALLA (Steamship Uun.rilroot, Al, j:iit for "Nvmwka TrlUunen" aud Kvenska AmrlkHiiareu." Corner ol Wti!r and West Ninth BtrMt Astoria, Oregon.. M, M. Hunter, J. D.Mrrgeus. HUNTER & MERGENS, rropilotorsof the Portland Butchering Co.'s Markets Jn Astoria. Penh-re In ull kinds of Fresh' and Salt Meats Corner Bcennd mid Bepton lr els (Jorner Third mul Vet highlit nlreetl. SlilppliiRtriMleaHpeninlty. TarmnCiiVi. Fam ine.", hotels mid rtstauntLl supplied. North Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Propiietor. Bohemian - Lager Beer And Porter. An orders promptly attended to, H.B. PARKER PUALE8 W . , Ume. Brick, Sand, Klro Ilrlck, Fire Clny, Cement, Mill Peed, Oat, rttraw llalr, Wunii nlivNut n (irilnr. Drayinf, Turning and Ezprtu Eusines. FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. HeTy and Shalf HABDW ARE CirrylntUKk Wagons and Vehicles, Frra. Machinery, PainU, '111. Varnlhe, Loggers' Hiippltes, Kalibank f bcalei, l)oor and WIik.ow. pnoviGionc, FIXHTB and MILL FEED. ASTOKIA, - - OREGON. T. X3. Wlyl.,T,E, Dealer In lire Oil, Brlpht Varnish. Blnaele Oil. t nf- fin -hiivas Hemp HhII Twlhj.. Lrd oil WrouKUt Iron Bpikw, Ualvaulzted Cut Jiail OrooorloD, X3to. Agiicullural Implement, 8wlng Jla nittcliluas, ralnis and Oil. Safes, Fircprcof, T. .i,.hrBtod alpine Pofon kept H ttock the tlilr.1 St., Ul -" "". raa a good a uejl. '