1 J? 'fi 6 o i' r r.t EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XL. TO. 37. ASTORIA, OBEGON. SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1893. PRICE, FIVE CENTS, a- t i i 9 ill ifi kJZ Bam$ Ziv mm MB M .Asssignee'S sale at arker All their immense stoclc MUST BE CLOSED OUT In 30 Days or Less, PRICES - WILL BE - CUT To Suit the Condition and tho times. W. W. PARKER, Assignee. The Above Sale i3 Discontinued for 15 days, or until further orders, .. . Astoria, Or., Feb 2, As the Flax So the ... You can't go wrong if you buy MARSHALL'S Twine. The 1893 make is now being delivered . to customers. It is made of the flax . -crop of 1890. WHY? ,N . Because the 1891 and 1892 crops have been inferior. Marshall never uses in ferior flax. That is why his twine IS THE BEST! Sole Agents for Astoria, ELMORE,. SANBORN & CO. CAMPBELL BROS. (8nceens"rs to Warren A dmpoeil), WARRENTON, OBKGOiJ, lealers iu DRY GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOQD8, ' Hats, Capa, Boots, fehoea GROCERIES STAPLE FANCY Hkrdwf.ro, Iron rnd Steel, Crockery, Glassware Woodenware, Notions, etc., lluy, . , Grin, Flour iiud Feed. DOTTO: "Small ProllU Ul Cash Sales." ASTORIA IRON WORKS. - Cuncomlv street, loot Jackson, Astoria, Oregon. Ceacral Ikdiinists & Bailer Makers Land and Marine Enprlnci, Boiler work, Steam boat audCanuery Wors a Special ty. Castings of All Bworiptioni Had ta Order at Eiwrt Hoties. JOnif FOX President and Sup- f. U FOX . ' Vice PrwiUcu Chris Ereaaon. Frank Cock "hotel -TH&- CENTRAL ErEVSOH ft COOK, ON TDK JtUROPaAN PL.tN-I.lKGE clean rooiua, a firsi-v-luss re-taursni. H-erd by the day. week, or m ntx Privaie ru"nn I u fauillira etc , Transient citoin solicited Oysters, fisli,elC.,Ovlte t to order. A fir8t-c:a" sh'o 'i run iu conueelion with the premises. Th b"i of wines, liquors and clears. Good biatunl tableland privaUtcsrd toms. Comer Water Street and West Xiath. J anson s AKD W. W. PARKER. 1893. Grows, Twine Lasts On Meter System. To Consumers: The Went Shore Mills Co.. at great ex pense have perfected Ibeir fjectiic light plaut to the latetit known appnfalus, aod are now able to go to the public with a 8vetera that will be satisfactory in price and quality, its can be biiown oy tne ioi lowing rates ou and after Feb. 1, Wfl3 : Incandescent, all nitrht.... $1.50 " J2 o'clock... J.rKJ u ' 10 "... 73 Or by meter, j cent per boar. installation - Free - of Charge For nnrtiiMilnra inutitre of anv laembcr oi the lirm or at tne oiuce, toot oi uon eomly Ht. Wkst Hnoitu Jlii.us Co., J. J. 1 rnimiKer, rresiuent. Merchant Steamship " Cos Lice, Conncctlug witb ' Cuadlaa Pnclde Railway and Cbiats Stsam- 8klp Uafit TaVtncr frelehtand naasetiffert fi Port Anue- VWriorii, P.irt Town-nil, watile, Tacoma, Wli:tleont Kalrhaven, Ntt'.:i'ino, Ke tt'estnilu iteran t VaioUkr: !aUig AMo.la ; 8. Hsytiau iteyui)llc. 3 . Wilm uufon .. .. S. Hyiin-i Its-' ublic ' Freight M'-lctd at lliu-tlrr wh.trf, foot of Miiin -rt-eet. For further -anicular apply M Ute oQce, enier Tbird tuil ilala street FEHGCSOS BK03., Agent. ELECTRIC LIGHTS in II THE WAVES m Brilisli SliiD Pomeranian lias a v Terrible Experience. OITIOEfcS AND BAIL0E3 KILLED Wheelhonae, Boats, Bridge, and Irery. thlna; on Deck Swept to Destruction In the Middle or th Weht. Associated. Press. Greenock, r Scotland, Feb. ll.-Tho steamer Pomeranian arrived here today after a terrible experience. During the heavy storm, her first and second officer two stewards, two seamen and Ave pass engers were washed overboard . and drowned. he captain was dashed apalnst the bulwarks and killed. -The Pomeranian encountered boister ous weather Immediately after leaving port. It was thought that the wind would eoon blow itself out but Instead of abat ing, the gale Increased in severity until on the day of the disaster, the 4th of February, dawned with a frightful gale raging and a tremendously high sea run ning. The hatches were battened down and covered with tarpaulins, the ventil ators turned to the leeward, and every precaution dictated by good seamanship hr.d been taken to prevent the water getting below.- Several seas were Bhipped but they did no damage. Suddenly, a tre mendous sea reared its crest a short dis tance ahead of the steamer and she plunged down a wave and before She could rise, th sea came over her star board bow and tons of green water; aft, almost at the same time, the falling wave astern came aboard the deck. The saloon, chart house, bridge, and boats were smashed In pieces and partly washed overboard. The deck was covered .with an almost Inextricable mass of wreckage and the utmost confusion reigned. . At first, the full extent of the disaster was not known. The steamer began to pay off before the wind and sea, and It was at once . see that the quarter must have been carried away. When the sea boarded her, every man about the deck who saw it coming, grabbed hold of stanchions or anything else that was convenient, and was due to this action that the loss of life was not much larger than it was, For a time, almost consternation pre vailed, but this gave way to a feeling of sadness when It was found that so many lives were lost, with Captain Dolzlel fa tally Injured and unconscious In the cab' In, the command devolved upon the first officer. When the chart room was carried away, the charts, sextants and quadrants In fact everything absolutely necessary to the navigation of the ship, went with It. The binnacle box and compass on the bridge, were also gone overboard, and had it not been that the after pompass remained, it la doubtful if tne steamer would have reached port for many days yet. The situation of affairs was terrible. The first officer called: y Remaining olft cers of the steamer for "consultation and it waa decided to put about and return to Greenock. This was at once done and without any Instruments with, which to take observations, the average had to be made entirely by dead reckoning, and progress was necessarily slo-, .THEY ARE RECOGNIZED. ' The Hawllan Commissioners Received as t Envoys by the President. . Washington, ' Feb. 11. The Hawllan commissioners followed up the distinct advantage they gained today . by their official recognition by the president, which gives them a diplomatic standing, by calling in a new capacity as the rec ognized envoys on Secretary Foster at the state department this afternoon. The conference lasted an hour and a half. The president In accentuating the cordial re ception of the .commissioners. Intimated to them that the negotiations which formed the subjet of their mission would be conducted by the secretary of state. The commissioners accordingly repaired to the state department at the close of the ordinary routine of the day's busi ness and laid before Secretary Foster In detail th practical proposition they were authorized to make and submit. Same progress was made as to arriving at a harmonious view of the exegencles of the situation' but no definite conclusion was reached and the conference adjourned until Monday. CRUSHED IN A QUARRY. Rutland, Vt, Feb, 11,-One of the worst diRosters in ' the history of the marble quarries occurred today at West Rutland a little after l.o'clock this afternoon tn the quarry operated by the Vermont Mar ble Company. A great mass cf stone fell Into the quarry and seven men were In stantly killed and a number of others f erlously wounded. The victims were crushed so that some could not be recog nized. The killed are WILLIAM LUKAS. FRANK SULIM. ED. POWERS. ALEXANDER BLUMQUIST, and three who are unrecognizable. SOME NOMINATIONS. Washington. Feb. 1L The resident to day sent to the senate the following nom inations: J. V.. I. Findlay, of Maryland, arbitrator; G. H. Shields, of Missouri, agent; A. W. Feguaon, secretary on the part of the United 8tates, under treaty for a claims commission between the United States and Chili. THE JOINT FISH COMMITTTEES. . Portland, Or., Feb. 11. The Joint com mittees appointed . by Oregon and Wash ington legislatures to investigate and re- port on the condition of the fish industry, on the Columbia river and to frame such bills as will protect fish, met In this city today. The committee today simply heard the evidence of the commlssoner and others as to the condition of the fish in dustry and the best means of proposition The fish committees wil report the re sult of their labors to the legislature, when some legislation will probably be commenced for the benefit of the industry. DOINGS AT SALEM. "he House Passes a Bill to Prohibit Prixe -Fighting. :' Sulem, Or., Feb. 11 The senate spe cial committee on Jute mill reported, re ducing the appropriaton to $19,000. The re import was adopted and the bill passed The state fair committee reported the affairs of the state board of agriculture In good condition. - The senate adjourned until 2. p. m., Monday. The house passed the following bills:. Ford's bill requiring county courts to levy school tax. elt'a bill providing for the care of dis eased sheep, etc., and the duties. of In spectors. Ring's bill to protect beaver In Mal heur and Baker counties. The senate bill providing for a recorder of conveyances in Umatilla county. Northup's bill providing for the drawing or jurors was passed. l ilxton's bill providing for a . Hen on the baggage of guests at lodging houses. ine nouse concurrent In the senate amehdments to the Jute mill bill. - Before adjourning, the house passed a bill to" prohibit prize fighting . ' FOSTER TALKS ABOUT IT. He Doesn't Think the Financial Situation -, Is Critical. ' New York, Feb. 11. Secretary of the Treasury Charles Foster In an Interview tonight regarding the financial situation, said:- . ; ; I do not think the Situation crltioa! enough to warrant the Issue of bonds. The banks of New York, today, have 600,000 of gold, and they are ready a any time to give It to the United State, In exchange for greenbacks. I don't think the failure t repeal the Sherman sliver act will result in" driving gold out of th? country. The government is in a position to redeem all its promises, but I think the gold reserve ought to be increased." "Is there any way of stopping the ship ment of gold abroad?" he was asked. "Nonej, that I am aware of," he replied. ' SAID THEY WERE BRITISH. Two Chinamen Who Tried to Get Across The Border. Detroit, Mich., Feb. 11. Chong Fong and Jong Bong, two Chinamen who were arrested In Port Huron, charged with be ing In the United States without the nec essary certificates, were tried before the United States circuit court at Port Huron and sentenced to ten days Imprisonment They had In their possession Canadian naturalization papers showing that they were British subjects, accordingly they will be deported back to Canada at the expiration of their sentences. A proml nent lawyer here, thinks this cose may lead to complications between American and Canadian governments, as it may perhaps be deemed a breach of the treaty between the two countries. KILLED BY A TREE. Oregon City, Feb. 11. Word was re ceived here today that Fn.nk Burgelmyer was killed near Canby, Or., this morn ing. He was cutting down a tree, when a large branch from above fell upon him mashing In his head and killing htm in stantly. The deceased was a young man and single. TAKING A FIRM 8TAND. ' Chicago, Feb. 11 The Railway Genera! Managers' Association has given official notice In advance of any demands from their employes that they will not be dis posed to consider any demands for In crease In wages. The association em braces the general managers of twenty one railroads running Into Chicago. PROTECT RAILROAD TRAVELERS. Washington, Feb. 11. A bill to protect and promote the safety of railroad em ployes, and travlers upon railroads by compelling the railroad companies to equip cars with automatic couplers and continuous air brakes, passed the senat today, by a vote of 39 yeas to 10 nays. NORVIN GREEN DYING. Louisville, Ky., Feb, 11. Dr. Norvln Green, president of the Western Union Telegraph Company, Is dangerously ill at his residence In this city. He has been unconscious since yesterday morning. He Is 76 years of age and very feeble. A PRINCE'S SALARY. - The Crown Prince of Roumanla Is to nave an allowance from his country of (12,000 a year, and his uncle. King Charles, Is to give him 112,000 a year. In the event of the Crown Prince's death Princess Marie would have a Jointure of 12,0W a yeast half coming from Roumanla and the remainder from King Charles. The Prince of Hohenzollcrn Is to make a set tlement on his son, and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh are to give their daughter an allowance, but she will not receive any dot until after the death of her parents , . It is no secret that there has been a prolonged and not altogether amicable ne gotiation respecting the settlements that are to be signed at Slgmartngen on the day before the wedding. It Is understood that the Prince of Hohenzollern proposes to allow 1,000 a year to Frlnre Ferdinand with an ultimate sum of 100,000. Princess Marie Is to get 2,000 a year from her parents during their lives with a sum of 50,000 after they have deceased. This arrangement-will permit of a settlement of 150,000 upon the younger children of. the marriage. A TRIBUTE TO lid Colonel Ingersoll at tlie Ecpnlca Clnti Banpct, DISTINGUISHED MEN PEESENT The Speeches are Full of Hope That the Party Will be Swept Back to Power In 1800. . Associated Press. New York, Feb. 11. The republican club tonight gave a Lincoln Anniversary dinner. More than three hundred men distinguished In nearly every walk of lit were present, and orator on the occa slon car.ie from all parts of the country, each In his own words typifping and rep resenting some sentiment or phase oi national politics. The president of the club, John A. Smith, presided; at hit right sut Secretary of the Treasur, Charles Foster,, and at his left Colons Robert. G. Ingersoll. Others at the guesta table were Chauncey M. Depew, Senftlo Squire of Washington, and others. President Smith in making the opemu address, said: "Tho little mishap of las November was but a temporary trlump: for the great anglomanluc which will b blotted out in the great tide of repub.l can victory that would sweep U.e part Into ower in 1396." Colonel Ingernoll responded to the toas ."Abraham Lincoln." He said in fail: "Abraham Lincoln' was a slrahgo minfc ling of the tragic, heroic and grot?sque a personification of. all that was gen'.l and Just, humane and honest, merclfu laughable and lovable and divine, an all thoce s telling attributes he conoale for the uno of man. Lincoln had no on cos tors. Ho had no fellows and no sue cessor. Ills was the grandest figure I our times and the gentlest memory of ou world." . JACKSON AND CORBETT. Prospects of .a Meeting at Last Begin t Grow Certafh. San Francisco, Feb. 11. Peter Juc'tso today issued a challenge to fight to a fin lsh with James Corbett, with Marquis o Queensbury rules governing, for the thai- plonship of the world and a side wage of $10,000 and the largest purse ever be fore offered by any club. It has bee mutually agreed upon 'that the contes shall take place not sooner than six an not later than ten months from date. - Milwaukee, Feb. 11. "I accept Pute Jjick;-n's tfrullenge wfth the provis that the acceptance is void If I succee In arranging a match with Charley Milch ell," Bald Corbelt tonight. "My manage Win. A. Brady, and Wm. Delancy m trainer, will meet Mitchell on his arrive In America the coming week; They wi have $10,000 of my money which Mltchel must cover within ten days or forfeit al right to a match with mo. Should Mltchea full to cover the deposit ! shall consiuV my acceptance of Jackson's dialling binding. j ; A GLOOMY PROPHECY. One of America's Physicians Says W WU1 Have More Cholera. Berlin, Feb 11. Dr. Kempsher, specla health officer, of the United States, ha Just arrived In Berlin, and after a lou of Inspection of Hamburg, Bremen, Ca? sel, and Fieltbon, He told a reporter to day that he was convinced that the pre ent year would see a fierce outbreak o cholera all over the continent, and In stead of being a sporadic disease, as I 1802, the plague would sweep the who' of Europe. Dr. Kempster refers to in cldents connected with his visit to certai large towns In reference of which lbca sanitary reports are unreliable. Dr Kempster also discovered dlscrepauclc between published figures of cholera am the number of cases registered on th government lists, showing that the tru figures were kept from the public. ENORMOUS SYSTEM OF ROBBERY Chicago, Feb. ll.-A. E. Walters r freight conductor on the Union Paclfl railroad, was arrested and taken to Oma ha tonight by the chief detective of th Union Pacific railroad. The arrest fs con sldercd Important as It Is the first o twenty others to follow, the result beln the breaking up of a gang which durlnr two years past, It Is said has robbed th railroad company of $140,000 worth of merchandise. Walters was arrested whll attempting to dispose of some cigar stolen from the company, which were sen; him by a confederate. MANY STEAMERS OVERDUE. New York, Feb. 11. A number o' steamers are overdue at this port: Th Westerland, from Antwerp, January 20th the Germanic, from Liverpool, ' February 1st; the Danla, from Hamburg, January 23th, and tho Persian Monarch, frorr. London. The severe weather encountered by incoming vessels shows that but lit tle peed can be expected In the face of such conditions. None of the steamerr are sufficiently behind their schedule time to cause any uneasiness. DROWNED ON PUGET SOUND. Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 11. Muldoor Brown and his companion Charles Hal strom, went rowing on the Sound las' night, both being intoxicated. Brown fell overboard when changing position and was drowned. Halstrom towed the body to the city, arriving this afternoon. LYNCHED FOR'HIS CRIME. Memphis, Feb. 11. The Fields, who as saulted Mrs. Jock, a white woman from this city, was lynched today. at Forest H1U by several hundred cltlsns. The vlc- tim after recovering composure identi fied the nevrro fully and It was with much diltlculty that the woman's husband was re-vented) from shooting him. melds when confronted by the victim, confessed the crlme. A LIEUTENANT COMMITS SUICIDE. Salt Lake. Utah, Feb. ll.-LIeutenant Capers Daniel Vance suicided by shoot ing himself at Fort Douglas this morn ing. He was courtmarshalled a short time ago on charges preferred by Lieu tenant F. H. Johnson, who claimed that Vance attempted to enter the apart ments of his wife one night while under the influence of liquor. CLEVELAND AND HIS VALET. Lakewood, New Jersey, Feb. 11. President-Elect Cleveland went to New York this morning, and Don M. Dickinson re turned with him thl. evening and will remain over Sunday. . BUSH WAS THE EIGHTEENTH. Hubbard Springs, Feb. H. Bush Mor gan, one of the worst outlaws In the mountains was murdered last night by some unknown man.- Morgan had mur dered 17 men. BPORTSMAN INGRAHAM DEAD. Chicago, Feb. ll.-George W. Ingraham died at hit home at Dixon, lis., this morning from paralysis. He was one of the most noted horsemen In the coun try. APPROVED THE SPEECH. ' London, Feb. 11. In the commons to day the queen's Bpeech was approved by a vote of 234 to 119.. If defeat comes to Mr. Gladstone, It will bo through the Irish faction, and he seeks to avoid that by putting forward at once the promise of half a dozen meas ures that he. holds would help him in a general election. The new Home Rule bill, as It Is given out, Is drawn with an astonishing detail of precaution. First, there Is to be on Irish legislative body empowered to make, amend and repeal laws for the peace, order and good gov ernment of Ireland." Then there Is re served for the Imperial Parliament the . power to enact laws effecting the status or dignity of tho Crown, or the succession to the Crown, or a regency; the making of war or peace; trtb urmy. navy, -militia, volunteers, or other military or njival forces, or the defense of tho realm; treat ies itind. wh relations with foreign states, of the relations between the vari ous parts of her Majesty's dominions; dignities or titles of honor; prize or booty of war, and many other things, including coinage, legal tender, patents, transmis sion of mails and telegrams; and there Is a sub-clause that retains to the Im perial Parliament five years' control over land legislation. This is meant to help Mr. Gladstone over the fence, as It were. Then the Irish Letflslnture Is restrained from pasHsing any law respecting the es- iuujjnmm'(H ot reiigiuiii or prumimiiiK the free exercise thereof, or Imposing any privilege or conferring any disability on account of religious belief, or abrogating jr derogating from the right to estab lish or maintain any place of ucnomlua clonal education or any denominational institution or charity, or prejudicially af fecting the right of any child to attend a school receiving publl: money without attending the religious iimtructlon at that school, or Imparlng, without either the leave of her Majesty In Council first ob tained or on address presented by tho legislative body of Ireland, or the consent of the corporation Interested, the rights, property or privileges of any existing corporation Incorporated by royal charter or local and general act of Parliament, or from enacting any legislation changing the terms of the Home Rule act, except In so f&r as the act Is declared to be al terable by the Irish Legislature. This Is meant for the reassurance of North Ireland. Much use Is made of tho shadowy, power of tho Queen, who Is to believe, If she will, that she has as much power over the Irish legislature as over the Imperial Parliament. The Lord Lieu tenant Is to give or withhold the consent of her Majesty to bills, under tha direc tion of her Majesty. Instead of abolish ing the office of Lord Lieutenant, it Is rather magnified. Is this treating Ireland like Scotland and Wales? Thei-e are to be two distinct houses of the Legislature, and disagreements are 10 m reierrea 10 a Joint committee, and may at last be referred to the people "a popular refer endum" The Upper House is to be of 103 members, 75 elected, the rest "peerage memberal' and the elective members must have 'an Income of $1,000 a year from property, and each must own or occupy some land or tenement of the net annual value of $125 or more. There are to be the same number of Irish members of the Imperial Parliament as of the Irish Legislature, and the aume man may bo a member of both bodies. If the Queen announces a state of war, the Irish Legis lature Is restrained from passing any vote, resolution, address er bill for th., raising or appropriation for any purpose of any part of tho public revenue of Ire land, or of any tax, duty or Impost, ex cept In pursuance of a recommendation from her Majesty signified through the Lord Lieutenant. Tllot Jones, of Vancouver, was In Seat tle a short time Wednesday, having come over with the bark Sabrlno, from Elver pool to .Nanalmo with a general cargo, and under charter to load lumber at Port Blukely. The captain of the Sabrlno took sick and had to be removed to a hospital In Vancouver. The bark was In tow of the tug Wanderer, and being In very light ballast, Jones said he thought at times she was 'going to capsize from the fore of the gale and seas. The Wanderer was almost a solid cake of Ice. He heard that the rumor of the wrecking of the American ship Kennebeck had been ron flrmed but could not furnish particulars. The report first came through the Indi ans, who had said she was ashore in Clayoquot sound, but afterward it was tatcd to have been in Carctay ew.i.