POX PW ABTqttlAU, AStORU, TIICrHSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 9 THE Cettsp Than a Government Bond. Pays Higher Rata of Interest. Is Indemnity In Cld Age cr Death. You get Better Protection in this Company " than any other. Viassachusf ette Mutual Assets Nearly $14,000. Forty-Two Years Old. The Best Insurance Law In the United States Is In Massachusetts. Good Agents Wanted. Send me your age for sample List of Cases For This Term. The following ) the docket of ease for the February term of the county court: Astor L,ode K. of P., No. 6, vs. War tin Carlson, - ' Adair, Mury It. et al. va. D. A. Owens Adair et al. . ' . Anderson, John vs. Justlna Anderson. Amor Land and Trust Co., vs. City of Astoria, et al. . . Astoria Guarantee Bub. Co., vs. City of Astoria, et al. Bellinger, Q. B. Guardian, vs. Jo. Hol laxiny. k .- . . . Hourn, F. vs. T. L. Frazer. lirucker, P. et al. vs. John Peterson ct al. Hecker, A. vs. James Jones. - Harnett, N. B. vs. John W. Barnett. Kurnham, B. vs. C. E. Itrlifgs. HuHh, H. B. vs. James Nelsli. Hush, D. H. vs. H. O. Newberry. Howlby, J. Q. A. vs. H. L. Oelott. Bliss, B. W. Co., vs. Arndt AFerchen. Berllnger, Btrauss & Co., vs. Sarfen cUle & Clolman. . . Bnelllnff, l vs. City of Astoria. Bubbltltfe, J. W. vs. City of Astoria. Clatsop Mill Co. vs. Gray's River Log 'cfatsop Mill Co. vs, Elmer WarnsUff. Cohn. H. vs. Victor Volney. Carnahan ACo vs. Holt & Co. Carnahan ft Co. vs. Holt Co. Callender, M. P. vs. Mattle Mekrlnln. Clinton, N. & Bona vs. City of Astoria. Clatsop Mill Co. vs.' Elmer Warnstaff. Case, I. W. vs. George Gon et al. Crosby vs. Arndt Verchln. . Crosby vs. H. G. Newberry. Davidson, T. O. vs. M. J. Kinney et al. Ve Force, J. H. vs. P. and A. R. R. Co. Dunbar Produce &. O. Co. , vs. C. F. a,Dwyer1 E. L. vs. New Astoria Trust Co. . ' -. Esberff, Bachman & Co. vs. Parker A HitjiMim. , Eagle Woolen M(H vs. Parker & Han son. Kerrlll, Laura vs,J. M. Bhlvely. Fisher Brothers vs. Hanson Ik Ander- ForBberg, N. A. vs. Charlotta Forsbenr. Ferchen, J. F. vs. Samuel Arndt. First National Banit vb. Arndt & Ferchen. ..,. Foard, Jnmea A. vs. I'n.rker ft Hanson. Foard, James A, vs. Parker tk Hanson, Graham, J. W. vs. Pacific Constructs C Gragg 8. A. vs. Clatsop County. Graham & Grant. vb. M; J. Kinney. Graham, C. J. vs. A. M. Twombly. GaQB & Klein vs. N. P. Dlnsmore. Hendren, W. T, vs. Justlna Anderson. Hon.ta.llng, the A. P. C. Co. vs. M. M Humphry, n. P. vs. F. D. Wlritpn et al. Holllday, J. vs. E. B. Bellinger et al. Holllday, J, vs. Oregon Real Estate Co. llaues, K. R. vs. W. H. Parker. Hlnmun, A. City of Astoria. Hong Chong & Co. vs. W. KelJ et al. Houeyman, John & Co. vi O. J..Thona et al. - . , H. Hoyneman vs. M. M. Dee et al. Hamlin Heal Estate Co. vs. City of As . tot-la et al. Jones, H. A. (No. 1.) vs. A. and P. R. B t'o, Johnson, Antone vs. B park of Light C;. Jontm. il. A. ((No. 2,) VS. A. and P.Hi It. Co. Kerney. P. N, Vs. H. D. Newberg. Kynslcr, Aug. vs. J. E. Saarl et al. Kronstud, Ingroborg vs. Ounder Kron- BtKlnney. M. J. et al. vs. City of AstorU . et al. Long Co. vs. Anderson and 8on. , Lolkhtcyrr, 8. vs. M. M. Iee and wife, Llbke. E. F. vs. Mitchell Bros. LHvenweber, Mary H. vs. City of As toria et al. , Lucy, lennls vs. Bkelllher, 8, Meyersteln, Lewis vs. J, E. BaaiL MeCorirme, F. vs. Mary Jefferey, Murray, I). B. vs. J. M. Taylor. Morrison, E. Mary vs. Jus. Holllday. Makarlnen, K. vs. M. Anderson. Megler, J. O. vs. Ctas. Woods. Marrlon. R. R. et al. vs. City of Astoria. Mi'yerfalld Gans vs. Larson Moor, Montelth, D, B. et al. vs. C. H. Page at. al Milne, Cath. B. vs. M. Milne. ; O'Donnel, F. C. vs. Howell Bros. . . , O'Hara, P. vs. H. K Prltr. . Pierce, H. W. vs. II. A. Smith. I'lrree. H. W. vs. H. A. Bmlth. Parker, Kben P; vs. W. H. Bain t al. Park & Lacy Mfg. Co, vs. A. P. R. R. Co. Peninsular Iand 6 Truat Co. vs. Clat sop It. & C. Co. .... i'nrker, Irene et si. vs. City of Astoria. Qulnn, James vs. City of Astoria, Hohb. J. M. vs. J. W.Hume. Koh, Hlgglns ft Co, vs. J. H. Matter- Itungo, Chillies vs. H. L. Nat.terstadt. V 1 & T. Co. VB. ClatBop It. ft C. Co. ltogers TruBt Co. vs. City of Astoria, School District No. 24, vs. Bchool DIs. Hlflvely,. W. vs. Milton Elliott Suiavn,'Ervs. Board of TUot Com- "1.l.HMl:.ne,r!';.. t P. nrown - u.v.i.i'i ioic A. vs. Henrietta M. Halto, A. E. vs. Pavls, Sto .1 Cima. vs. Hlmr W arnstafT Shivety.C. W. vs City of Asto.U. MlUlll, jw. -- - - ThomHon, C. R. vs. Hlrsm Brown. Turn 8 e va, W. R. Mcintosh et al. l-lrioh Umll vs. Fr,c II!lchA . Wynt & Thomson vs. Andrew Antllla tSon. F. D. vs.' John BH.cc ,"t fehore Mills 'Co. va. C. W. Roher 'nr.-uH i II A. Pnilth.' ' W.-st Shore Mills Co. vs. H. J. RUey e,.,1' . , n v ntv of Astoria. s'i. w "ivo'"'" W'vmRii. I'artrliise & A. lUhKin.'re. . AM(,. . W.,l. h .Nancy v . j ..,HTr l;:ll ' V8. 8. I, anI Mary -It, Vn. Iter, va. Arndf Fwchcn. policy. Tbe Valentino Social Programme. The following program for the Valen tine concert to be given at the Metho dist church next Monday evening: 1. Selection. Stringed instruments.... . Messrs. Rogers, Blerbach, Taylor J. Ladies quartette, "Blue Bells of Scotland." n Boprano: Mrs. F. J. Taylor. Mrs. H. O. Van Dusen. Altos: Mrs. A. L. Ful ton, Miss Levlngs. 3. Vocal Solo, "Pauline" Miss Ruth Garner 4. Instrumental Solo, Mrs. Eakln. J. Vocal Duet, "Negroe Melody (In costume), Masters Will .and George Grateke. t. Vocal Solo, "Carina" Mrs. G. H. George. II. 1. Vocal Duet, "The Cup of Woe".... Mrs. B. Van Dusen, Mr. H. G. Smith. ?. Vocal Solo, Selection Mrs. F. Taylor. J. Vocal Duct, "The Lord Is My Shepherd." Mrs. C. It. Thomson, Miss Levlngs. Ileal Estate Tranelt rs. Following are the real estate transfers recorded since February 1st, as reported for The Astortan by The Astoria Ab stract, Title and Trust Company: Ella B. Eaton to Emma R. Bteloh. lot 4, hlk 32, and lot 1, blk 3 Holladay Park I 100 Sampel Oownn to Mary F. Gowan, BWffl of SE, of BV of sec 7 T B N, R 10 W 5 0. Wlnirnte to C. W. Stone, lots in Holladay Park 1,000 8. D. Adair to Mary Ann Adair, blk 14, lots 25, 26, 27, 78, 7, and 30, blk 12, Meriwether Downs 1 David Montan to C. R. Thomson lot 8 In blk 87, McClure's 200 D. H. Welch et al. to W. Maston, lot 26 n blk 47, Astor Add... 80 rcmnmil M nti.xi. M. P. Callender, of Knappton, 1b In the city. Hon. J. G. Mcgler, of Brookfleld Is at the Occident. George Cherry is confined tothe house with sickness. Frank Carnahan, who had his Bhoulder badly injured last month, Is now out of bed, Mr. John Edgerton, a capitalist of Pprt lund who has considerable Interests here Is looking over the city. C. M. Huxford, supsrlntendent of Kin ney's cannery, has returned from an ex tended trip through the East. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers . have taken the apartments lately vacated by H. F. Prael, Sr., on Second street, and will go to housekeeping. Mr. Prael has secured and is now occupying the Rogers residence on Court street. A Suit Cure for Piles. Itching Piles a.e known by moisture like perspiration, causing Intense itching when warm. This form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on the parts affected, absorbk tumors, allays Itching and effectB a permanent cure. 60c. Druggist or mail. Circulars free. Dr. Bosanko, 329 Arch street, Philadelphia, Fa. Sold by J. W. Coun. 'NOTICE. Astoria. February 7. 18-J3. As I expect to retire from the doming business. 1 desire to collect all ouihiuiiu Ing uccounts. Hills remaining unpaid by rcoruury lbtn m win De given to an attorney lor collection, have cosis. HERMAN WISE. CliililreiiCryfrPitclicr'sCasiori3. Two Train Dally. The Union Tactile Is the only line run ning two dally throviKti trains between the I'aciiic Northwest and Kastern cities. " Cood lMik. y Good looks are more than skin deen. dependlna; on a heulthy condition of all the vital ortcHns. If the liver be Inactive, you have a bllllous look, If your stomach be disordered, you have a dyspeptic look and if your kidneys be disordered you have a pinched look. Secure Rood health and you will have (rood looks. Klectrlc Bitters Is the (Treat alterative, and tonic, acta directly on these vital ononis. Curea pimples, blotches, bolls, and (fives a (rood complexion. Sold at C'has. Kogers' drug stone, du cents per oouie. The latest styles of boots and shoes at P. J. Goodman and Co. 'a store. Sign of the big red boot Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla Rata Baby was lick, we cave her Castorla, Then ah was a Child, she cried for Castorla, IThta sb became. Hits, she clunr to Castorla, Ta sh had Cbildraa. ah fare them CkatorU All Free. niiv np unm ur. xvi ii k a nrw uincovry know Ita value, and ihos who nav not, hv now the opportunity to irtvr m nA . i.ui i ...i. a " - w muu ui'ik If i rrrr. , c'nu your name and atldreaa to U. K. Hurklea v v.. vnuHKu, una a BanTie oox oi Dr. King's New Lire Vllln fre-j. as well aa A MM.U A . Sll I. . 1 1 I . L , 1,.. hold.. Instructor, free. All of . whleh. Is iu u yiui k.wki iumi ros I yew pothlng. C"ri.. itogefs' flrugstori'-. . nsurance It will pay .you to me 1 will be in the city the 'r ; last of this week. H. G, After dinner, if you have dis comfort and suf fering, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, or Anti Bilious Granules. They're made to assiiit Nature in her own wiit "II nnirhlv WK. tho old -fashioned pill did forcibly, these do mildly nnd gently. Thoy do more, too. Their effects are lasting ; they rrgutate the S'stem, as well as cleanse ana renovate it ne little Pellet's a pontle laxative ; three to four act as a cathartic. They're the smallest, cheapest, the easiest to take. Unctjuoled as a Liver Pill. Kick He-adac&e, Bilious Head ache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious At tacks, and all derangements of tbe stomach and bowols, are promptly relieved and per manently cured. Put up in sealed vials a perfect vest pocket romedy, always fresh and reliable. They're the cheapest pill you can buy, be cause they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or vour monov is returned. You only pay f on th good you get, Con you aik more I JAPANESE 1 EaalEly ' CURB A now and complete tretment,consitlngol uppoltnri(, (iniimeni in camuies, io in box and fills: a positive uuro f ir external, In l.Timl liliiiil or lileedlii-'. Itching, chronic recent or heroilitnrr pilcB, and many other diseases and female wcaknes.es; H Is always a Sreat 'lenent to the general h"altn. Jne nrst Iscovcry of a medical euro rendorlng n oper tlon with the kulfe unnccssnry he-eaftct I'hU remnilv has never ben knovn to fall. l per box, 6 for W; sent by mnil. Why suffer from this terrible disease when a written guar' aniec ia rlven with 6 boxes, to refund the money if not cured. Bend stamps .It 'free sample. Guarantee . issued by Woodward; Cl'irk Co., Wholesale aud Keiau imii?ifiis Solo Agents Portland, Or. For sale by J. W: Conn. Astoria Oregon. I;,' OGQOOOOOOO GOOD NEWS q For the millions ol consumers of Q oTnttfs Pills, o Bit gives Ir. Tutt pleasure to an- tffc nuiinue that he is now putting up u TEWY LIVER PILL O Trhliili la of exceedingly small size, a vet retaining lilt tliu virtues oftlie J titrgt-r onus, tiunrauteed purely vegetalilo. lloth sixes oi'thesepillH f are atlll issued. 'Hie exact size of OTUTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS Is shown In the border of this "ail." OOOQOO0 BETTO WS I A Posits Cure In use over SO t ni a. Simi le, ttfrctix ll'iii. l'ttl. llilihi-pt (eali nioiiluls. At driiKKl.is, or iiiuIIimI nn receipt of prk-30o, per box, fWIKKtlMAM I10WI oasts co, i J Trops,, i,.iitliuure, Md. A. ATWOOD rut SALVE Employment Corner Stark and' Front St., Portland, Or. Malo Help furnished E. K. Co. Contractors, Sawmill Men and Others, on short notica. v STEAMER R. Leaves Astoria on Mondays and Thursdays for Bay City. Tillamook City, and all Hints on 'i illamook Hay. Leaves Kay tuy, unamooK uty ana una. uiook Hay points on Tuesdays and Jidays, , rhe steamer R. P. Elmore eonnrtu with Union Pacific ctenmcrs for Portland, and through tiekets are issned from Portlaud to Tillaniook Hay points by the Union I'aciiic Co. Ship freight from Portland by I'uioa Pacifle , BteameitJ. ?XI0N PACIFIC R. R. C0HI AXTT Ajnts -foctlutli Comp COLTON, Gen. Agent, 242 Stark Street, TheOripial and Mm (WORCESTERSHIRE! SAUCE Imparts the most delicious tuta and zest tc EXTRACT Of LETTKUfrom S MEDICAL GEN. TLEMAN at Mad. ru, to III. brother St WOKCKaTEB, lUy, 186L "Tell tEA PEBRIN8' that their uuoe in hltrhly esteemed in India, and 18 to my opinion, tho jnet. palntfibta, as v?H aa Ibo uiort whole Ki9 nauce that ia made." Beware of Imifetions; MfMIMOMPJtCPTaWsMB-fFswt-K m.-np-K-sas. ' Bee that you get Lea & Pernios' BUra.tr.re on every bottle of Orlirlnsl Qenulni JOHN DUNCAN'S HONS, NEW V'llttt. Tide Table for Astoria. FEBRUARY. 1 1 ' iu mm 'W"wmi m ' ' . C SOUPH, GttATII!Sr I tl FI8II, HOT &COIJ tgSStf. MEATS, GAME. WELSH BABEBITS. KsaSr cVo- . HIOH WATHK. LOW WATBIl tA J H I J!1, A. M. P. M. Q fi. in. lit. li.iii.'iiT i li. ill. I It. 'h. m. ft. W 1 i .) V a oi II , V hi" i 7! 7 l 1 5 T. 2 2 17 8 2 1 8 II; S till 2 Si 8 2ti 1 0 F. 8 4 2 1 8 5 8 M 2 2 101 0 8 It. 4 8 2( 8 (I 8 18 UK It 41 2 0 84 OA 8. i i 58 8 4 '. 7 1 110 21 I '. 10 !IK 1 2 M. 6' 4 :i 8 4 4 61 0 i, 11 11 1 ll 10 48 2 0 T 7 6 13 2 5 r,l : r VI tHP 1 0 11 27 2 8 W- Hi ft M) 8 1 7 01 5 2i . . . .! 1 0(1 1 8 T. 91 fl 48 7 8 8 21 5 4 0 11 8 2 11 1 4 F, 10 7 89 7 7 9 hi 5 B 1 IS !1 V 8 lb 0 9 8. li' 8 84 7 10 M j8! 2 4H :lnl 4 11 0 4 8. 12! 9 Ul 7 5 11411 u ill 4 ol ;1 7j 4 Hi 0 0 M.lllloa. 80 . . .1 & 02 HU, A 41 0 5 T. I I 0 23 7 1 11 feu 8 21 6 Al 4 Ol 6 111 0 8 W 1 0 ftli 7 8 12 oi 8 2i 0 31 8 01 0 .'II 0 8 T. li. 1 28 7 8 12 411 8 4 7 OH 3 0 7 2.i 0 7 K. 17 1W 81 1 8.1 8 4! 7 49 2 4i 8 01 0 4 8. 2 29 8 4 2 18 8 8 8 2)1 1 8 8 118 0 1 8. 11) 8 Or 8 7 8 OH 7 0 9 09 14 9 1 0 8 M.20 8 84 8 7 8 08 7 6 B 51 10 0 In 15 T. J 4 16 8 7 4 01 li t 10 4ii 0 8 10 ,W , It W" 4 at 8 8 S.W tl 11.0 0j il2i 80 T. 2:1 8 48 8 4 7 18 J li . . . . 12 5i Oft V. 24 48 8 2 8 411 S U 0 21 .1 1) 2 Iti 0 2 2 7 AH 8 1 10 Oil li u1 1 18 14' J 28 0 2 8 28 9 04 8 1 li Ul li A 8 21 II! 4 211 0 7 M 27 io li 8 n u w 7 y l i H 6 2i 1 0 1. .8 11 11 8 A . . . .1 81 :l :l 11 0. 1 1 The heiKht is reokoiud from the lev-, .f hv enuie lower low wnl-m the ulne f.tr which tt c sound. UK are xlvtiu ou tho Cnatt ami liole,,,o survey chart. . SCHOOL TAXES DUB. Bchool taxes are due In dlHtrlct No. 9. comprising Adair's Astoria, West of Jordan Avenue. W. F. McGregor, Dis trict Clerk. Oilioe 658 Third btreef, Upper Astoria & COMPANY P. ELMORE t W Office. You May Years. any You can Get Year. Portland, Or. 2 THROUGH DAILY: TRAINS Leav ng Portland, 8:45 AM. " 7:30 PM. 3 1 DAYS TO 2 CH I CAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, i Free Reclining Chair Cars, Din ing Cars ASTORIA AND SAN FRANCISCO FE3RUABV, 1893. Orepnn Friday Fehinnry 3, Oluiuo a lui a:a.v F -urunryT. Nlate Milnr . y !' lirnary 11 iriKnii W-ilu uliiy Kebruary. Columbia S n i eiTiirv 19, i,.m i liur. y i ary 28. " " Oieumi u,n KtiUiuary iff.' ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMERS Morning boat leaves Aatoria da'ly, ecep' Suniluy, ai 7 a. in.: returning. Ien.es Portlxml dully, exeeit Hal untiiv, at 6 . m. Mght lioal leaves Ainr' d:uly, except Similay, lit 6 p ni ; r tiirtili g Imives l'ortlBiid dully, exet-pt Hm diiy, t?8.m. 1 lie nvirniiigb.iut frum Yo tlmul mnk t iHiidiiiKson tne Oreiiun id luesdy, Tl nrs dyi. i.ii i S i.tirday ; mi WhmIiIi gum 81 Je Mon iIiivh Weiliieadiija and Kriduvs. Fn m Ainrla tl e iiiomiIiik iji.Kti iiuiks lin'iilliiit mi i lie Ore gon Aide Monday. WednesdHva and K'li s, iiiui un the WHHliiiigton Dlde Tuesdays, Tl ura ilrws mill Snturda- a. . For ntes ai.d general lnfoimatlon call on or addwAS, W. II, HURLBURT, O. W.XOUN8BEKRY, A. Gen Ant pet Fortland, Or, Astoria, Or. QUICK TIME TO SAN FRANCISCO ....AND.-, ALL P.0INT5 IN CALIFORNIA, Via the Mt. Shasta Route ol tbe Sonlhcrn Pacific Coinp'j Th Cclj EonU Tlronga California to J Points Eut tai Stuil. RoDto of ih raciSe Coast The Sterne EPERS PULLMAN BUFFE SLEEflXG C.IKS tr. exprai tmlrs. alt r.11ne np rhir .aiKt.it!fn forsei-ohd clai- pswnsrs. "'Miikets Mwtil.ig fU rwi vatiims ...iK.CiBpUt 1 r-aaienijer Ai-eiit,i'urt- AmMi Line -Running Cash Your Policy After, Two - Ycu Are Guaranteed Against Liss Af.er two Years. - You Can Borrow Money on This Policy. Your Dividends in Cash Each Is the line to take to all Rutins EASTandSOUTH It is the DSNfNG CAR ROUTE II ftors tl e heM seivlce, (oji binug SPEED and C0MF0IIT It Is the popular rente with those who vi b to travel on THE SAFEST It is tr.e'efore the route you h"u'd tke It runs lhn.u.h vistibuled trains every day in the year to ST. PAUTAHD CHIOAGO No Change of Cars, Elegant Pu'Inun Sleepers, Superior Tucrist SI i pern, . , ' 9nTt.nf'M Fi-! Viaii' i loco 6'uniH ui,uum ii(o '.i 1UDO mcirtia Only one change of cars ' Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Tart of the c ivilized world. - Passengers ticketed via. all boats running between Abtorla, Kulania aud ?ortloud. Full Information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on apDlleatlnu to R. L. HOLF, ent Astoria Htcamcr Telephone Duck. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First 8t.. enr. Washington, Portland. Oregon. : j '. the CHICAGO. Mil iiimiirr o c-r nun miLVHUILL Ct Ol. iHUL . RAlCWAY, ' CONXECTINO WITH AW. TRANSCONTIN ENTAL, UNES, -IS THE OHLY" LIIT23 ' RUN ING : Electric Lighted Cars BEIYTKEN - - ST. PAUL and CKIJAGO The FXrR2.rJS. PIN1KO AND' j"rATi:D BY STf Af.l And luraishfd with every luxury known to modern railway Iravel. Fcr fpacd, Corafart and Ssfjty - this tins Is Unequaled Tlclpta nn mJta mt .11 - , . oftiivi. f"."! railway .sei.'t,',orher iLto"t"ulon ,nl"1' o' nr ticket C. J. EDDY. General Aet. J.W.CASEY.Trav.VaMA-t, ; rORTLASD, OKU0X. AND "'1 s