Till!! fiAli MTQniAtf, ASTOttlA. THlJiiSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 9 l FOBLISHKn T ltitriaa-tVIuLi;li!aa IV lisitmt . Company. AtsTOHlA, OKKUOSl Astouun Uuii.diso, - - - Cam Btbmt Teram of Biibscrlplloa. DAILY. gerved Dt Carrier, p?f wetk....... Ihent ly M ill, pur i'ni h .... tout by Mali, per Vear ........... , let Mttr WKKKLY. Sent b mall, per rear, 12.00 la advance, tfree p wtnKO to subMsrioer. Tn Astoria iruarauteps to Its advertiser the largest circulation ot any newspaper puu- laueu ou tue toiuiuuia uiTer. Jn future all Items of local interest forwarded to tul office must Ue addreesed to iii ClITEDITOJV Local weather for the twentyrfour hour ending at 5 p. m., yesterday, fur nished by the U. 8. department of agri culture, weather bureau: Maximum temperature, 43 degree. Minium temperature, 33 degree. Precipitation, ,15 Inch. . Total precipitation from Ju)y..Jt, ISM, to date. 45.99 Inches. Deficiency of precipitation from July 1st, 1892, to date, 3,43 Inches. . . r - Thit paptr hat the Urgent Circulation on the Columbia river. An honert and complete telegraphic re port gives a nempapera right and tith tf the name. The newt of tht world, freifi every morning at your breakfatt table, what you can find in the Attorian. It holdt tlie exclusive telegraphic Jranchite, and itt tervice it improning daily. OUGHT WE TO AtfNtXf The request of the Hawaiian revolu tionary government for the annexation the Island to the United 8tate Is most embarrassing, to say the least It pre inn nroblem of a most far- reaching character, which can not be solved off hand Were tho Wanda Inhabited by a homo genous population of a race akin to ow own It would be a difficult matter enouRh to decide what to do., but when the pure native themselves number . only about nflive. . one-third of the total, and the Chine!, and Japanese form another third, it ls extremely perplexing to even k those wno traoe. wnen tne lasi arop oi nuia believe that commercial and national ln-j quce4icd out of the Hawaiian cocoanut tereet require u to exercise $fntrol over the Hon. Glaus Spreckels will be re the Island. vealed lii all hi glory- " Mr. Lincoln The total population, according to tha thought it Impossible to fool the entire census taken in 1S90, i only 90,000 of whom 68,000, are male and only 32,000 f male. Thl disparity between the exes under contract. Of the 11,500 Chinese only 770 wore females, and of the 12,000 Japan ese all but 2,000 were men. .The Importation of these laborer from . Asia ho been going on steadily since, and It 1 estimated that the 24,000 of the census of 1830 ha grown to over 40,000 by ' thl time, so that the Chinese and Jaj anese male outnumber both the pure ai(J , mixed nRtlve Hawaiian of both sexes, two to one, and actually form nearly on1 half of the entire population. , There aro 'about 8,000 native of Ha waii born of foreign parent, and theje, with the 2,000 Americans, 1,300 British a,ul 1,000 Ck'rmana, Scandinavian and French form what i practically the ruling elaua, Ther are beside, tome 8,000 or ,00 . Portuguese, who may be counted on to acquiesce In what th native whites an,.l the Americana and other Europ eans may do, bo that there are some thing like 20.000 white to control tho forty odd thousand pure and mixed Sand wich Islandra, and nearly the same number of Chinese and Japanese coolie. To talk ahout admitting thl heterogen ous population Into the Union a a state I absurd, and to take them In and fur nish them with a territorial government will be no easy task. Our law forbid tho Importation of contract laborer, and a special exception would have to be made to enable the planter to keep those they have now. Those who overthrew the native queen' rule did ao for financial reasons pure ami simple, and this la another complication. Clau Spreckel. the wealthy sugar plant er and refiner, ha already made over 1600,000 out of the revolution and the an nexation talk. On Friday last the stock of the Hawaii Commercial Company aaj out In San Francisco at ten centa al shore. Saturday It Jumped to ft) a share and, a he nnd hi son had bought in all that could, be obtained, they are almost the olo gainer. Now, If the Islands should become United State territory the 100,000 share of thl company would probably go up to 100 or more a sharp the figures they were quoted at a few year ago una the Spreckel would be make milliona out of thl one concern alone. ' Then there I tho bounty of cent a Wjth cacli series offifly single or otherwise, on the fast and favoritP steamer Telephone, between 'Portland and Seaside, the As toria Heal .Estate Exchange will give free one lot 5" pound to be paid . to American sugar planters undtr tho Mo'Klnley bill. If the United State will continue to pay this bounty and Hawaii become a pan or in. TTnid State the Spreckel family will UUUAI wn"" ' . ... ' m,..1 eeverol million every year on tm1. mnt It In therefore, a clear a any- runt, it is, mweiuic, Cot account. thing can be that the o-called revolution at Honolulu and the demand for annexo-1 in are Dart of a scheme having but one Hon are pan oi v. o object, and that I the putting money Into the pocket of tho rich planter and their satellite. To oblige them this country la Bau'iiutn. iw v" to be burdened with a most undesirable population, and all that thl Implies, and more than our own worklngmen probably oven suspect now. But we must keep the Island out of the hand of an European power, and partic ularly out of the hands of (fi-eat Britain. Thl much the American people will un doubtedly concede. It 1 very evident, however, that before they conclude on tho necessity of deciding In favor of annexa tion they will do some very crlou think ing. They will not permit a few mill ionaires, who havo all the elflBh ln- atlnct of their class, to compel them to take a Jump Into an unknown ea. Tho new from Salem thl morning Is encouraging, and excellent though It Is to think that the pilot bill ha passed the house, we consider that the repeal of the mortgage tax law by tho senate give a great deal more reason for congratula tion. Thl bugbear that ha held Oregon back In the race, that ha kept u falling every year behind our sister state of Washington, that has locked our doorB to the capital that men are willing and anxious to Invest with us, ha been re moved. We are correspondingly happy. It Is hardly thought probable that Pen noyer will veto the action taken by the two legislative bodies. If he does, he will dig the grave of his political suicide sev eral feet deeper than It 1 already. .The Hawaiian situation In a nut shell:, thXn Pacinnteamer's be'tween" The esteemed democratic party Intend; orla and Portland and rnjedWetj to restore the duty on sugar. If thoi roun(i trip, tickets good until used, G. W. Hawaiian Island, are annexed to the! Lounsberry, Agent, Astoria, Oregon. United State tho duty 'will not apply toj Preach Tansy Wafer, sugar ralaed there. The enterprbdu j Ladlpg wil nnh theBe wafer8 Jurt what Mr. riauH Sureckels is not above over-1 n,.P,i ftnd an be depended upon ------ ' turning a nauve goverumo.u io, poe of obtaining monopoly of the American people all the time, even by nppeals to their national pride. x JJffl.rjui?! Beecher once said: These are my special pet, and there are no states which have uch a future a thM. That. Kna 1. .. -t -" Bummer, and the great Japan gulf stream sets against their coasts. Their winter are .1. . ... . almost snowies, and their summer are made fertile by abundant rain coming In from the ocean. These states have a transcendant climate and every element of commerce." And the next day well, never mind. lir. ' . 1 . ... ith win niurc a long suirenng punnc. Mr. Gladntone Is now eighty-four years of age and ha seen much service In his time. Rut we venture to ay that he has never scon a parliamentary situation more difficult, one may ay more de. perate, than that which now confronts him. Ill following Is made up of odds . . . , . x and ends which present an appearance of solidity before the Torle. but are bound to drop away from him the mo- ment that the work of the eeselon be- " 1 .m....... I ! Up to laBt week the two evening sheets have been regularly copying, word for word, the Aatorlci'a report of the c.ty . . ' vu..t un or tnem actually sent a "representative" to tho lnnt mt. . l , , v, punnea ui Diwain. Tney inaura pcrfeot digeation, lng, and Oiled up Its columns yesterday free from dsngerous drugs and opiate. Sold KfSJ5S2S.ho,!',MK1 cure oon'P"?n talking about the wonderful ach.vement " f ?" RUarjutee, or f'SSCSS! Thl I enterprising. If some of the newspaper of the coun-' try had worked a hard before the elec-' Hon to how the wickedness of Tammany j nan a tney are now doing, the result might have been different. . There Is no longer any doubt about thei Tammany bds. Richard Crocker, want-! hig tho earth. He haa imn intn tho wi estate business. The picture of Carlisle in published In the Portland Telegram, Look like Eu. gene Aram pondering over hi crime. The Raker City Democrat says: "Hal' Hal Thl language 1 fearful and ahould i suppressed. Ireland la about to ret Unnw t?h!a again. In the wme old way-on nmvr. ' HOMS AT round trin twUt haI.I ASTORIA REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ' IfoJeJ YOU SHOULD READ THIS. The popularity of tho Union Pacific is veiinij public In main- hainlng two dally through train to . , c, un ,,, phlnnvn anil rwilnte on Itt Omaha, Rt, Paul, Chicago and point east, tnoroKhiy equipped with .all the intent appliance for the comfort and safely of, it piitnm beside shortening the distance materially with it last trains. The pres- J vaul Heven hour quicker and Chicago twenty-four nour quicKur. Qmaha and Kantta City and intermediate lllt!4 forty nourl, quicker than any line from the I'aclrtjhwej Now that the election la over and the K,.oini nr thA mtniui en ha been Bet- tied, Jr. KulllnU lias settled down to pwil'essionnl business at his ollice, up talr at No. 684 1-2 Third street,, and will give ppeclal attention to chronic diseases Patronize the Northern Pacific railroad If you are going Kant. Low rate of fare, through tickets, baggage checked to desti nation. All purchaser of second class tickets can Btop over at Portland. Bate of .fore same as from Portland, If you have friend In Europe whose passage you wish to prepay to Astoria, call at the Northern Pacllic offlce.steamer Telephone dock, and make known your want. Heduced rate via -all the lead ing steamship line. All tho patent medicines advertised In thl paper, together with the cholceat perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can . hm.irht at tho lowest prices at J. VV. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. i, Handley & Haas, TtDO First street, Port land, have on ale the Dally Astorian, so that vlHitora need not mis their morning paper when they are here. Parties visiting in Portland can get The Daily Astorian at Handley & Haa' new stand, 160 First Btreet. . . Remember the Austin House at the Sea side l open the year around. NOTICE f Use Zlnfandel wine Intead of coffee or tea. 60 cents per gallon, uoai iorgei Peach and apricot brandy, also French Cognac and wine at Alex. Gilbert s. Bucklcn'a rnlca salve, The best salvo In the world for cuts, brulsen, Bores, plcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures plies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Hice 25 cents per box. For snle by Chas, Itogers, suc cessor to J. C. Dement. Reduced R tes. . '. I . 1.... T . . I OA fnt.B nn , iverv t me to give relief. Safe and eure. c&n -be gent by mal, geal(,a securely, JJrtt TOO OFTENJHE CASE. INTERESTINQ PROOFS. A young society lady, after a round of gayety, becomes suddenly conscious of an un usual sewmtion. She ha frequent attacks of ditzincs, her back aches, and sue reels blue ana generally run down. , Mothers, look well to your daughters I proach of disease" rewlveyoilr'rntohl atten- :iriuli..L-iJ;Li .i , ... P . . . . uv,, unit ia nvieiiiKii viliuiutol v UCUICVI . I. : .. 1 ' i. i . anytiuiig wiucii promises relief. There is hope (or all suflerersfrom Nervout "??""v 1'fau wnM ,uUOws: - Irs' Je'"e C. Duvis, a fine artist and an accompli8ied nuthoress; of W'estfiel.l, Wi., had been subject to headache evor since she C0l"d remember, bo severe were her at- t',fksMWca.i8enttimestemrK)rarydeliriiim. I...I f-il..l ll.;.l... U.'i,ta.,l' . ' V U'UU1" - HIV4IIIUVIIV UUU IUIICU IrU 1CIIGTU lit I DU alter U"ing Dr. Miles' Kestorutive Nervine she wnies t "Mv record i. to me. at least. Wit 11 ..t.kl, r l.nan.lllA .nMUnll. .M- .w.,. j,nUa..iio, v,,iioiuiih - I creasing niinetite, and a cousenuent (rain in weight of llvo and a half pounds in jubt on, week." Six weeks later she writes: "Have read and sewed iiunn oderatelv of late, but my t return" headiichrs do not return, m:ii ... -t ir.i lllllfMfH (111 wi r k T pnriipn was iittat ked three year ago with turn of Jife 'n 'ts wflr8t form. It finally went to her head and all indications were that it would result eiihcr in insanity or soflening of the brain. Jler husband thus writes; It would be impossible for mo to affemnt a description v ner tnjienngt aunng ail this time, bhe rented by our 6 local physicians, with but temporary benefit. Bhe has taken ; iur Oottieg or DR. Miles' Kestobativk Nebvine, and is cured. She h is gained twenty pounds in weight. I tell yon, she ofcn Wees you for wbut you have done for '"f,"' . .t . . ,, Recollect that for tlie cube of all Ker- Tmw Diseases there is no remedy which np- nroacliM . MiL-J Tlpxinmti, N.r; T in w iUeUICa' U0" JMK"art' lna- Kitchen Economy Actual tests show the Royal Baking Powder to be 27 per cent, stronger than any other brand on the market. If an other Baking powder is forced upon you by the grocer, see that you are charged the correspondingly lower price. Bread, biscuit, cakes and muffins are not known in most delicate and perfect quality .where , Royal Baking Powder is not used. - SKA'SITYR! - Astoria Real Estate Exchange Excursions. xl00 feet, in Hill's second addition to Ocean Grove a lovely, level tract with beautiful gioves and puro water, ten minutes walk f rom the beach. - : Tickets on salo at "office steamer Telephone, at BUSINESS CAKDH. A A. CLEVELAND. A. AT I'OliNE AT LAW. lfttpU hnnuv'a nMf hrlflr luitl.tiitir- MmlAI Third mid Genevieve streets : up stain. J Q. A. BOtrVLBY, . A1TOXEY 1XD COl'XCELOR AT LAW Otllue on Second street. Aston, Or. JOHN H. 8MI H, . A f lUltNKV AT LAW. Ollice in Klnuev't new brick building, ovei Astoria National B.mk, A.B';KAfYATLAW. Office overWblte House Comer. Astoria. Or W. PARKER, REAL FSTATB AND INSURANCE AOEN1 ollice IU Uentou street, Anturia, Ureou. . DR-CrflVNTA8UR0i)N. t Ufflun tu FlHvel's brick build ug. Calls at tended pmmully at anytime uay urnlghu D4phyIVcIanJ&NbuugV.on. R OM 7. Ollleeover 0.ood's Oloihlng Store, hours, 10 to 12 m, 2 to 6 p, m, 7 to s V Sunday, 10 to 11 lu. DR ft-fSIaA'SD SURGEON. Hneclal attention to DiueaHes ol Women and 8urgery. Office over Dagger's store Attoria. Surgery by . r. J. A. Fulton. Ollice 178 Cass street. Uourn 10 to 12 and 1 to 4. J PHY JlCI AtiMu HUK'A ACCOUCHEUR. Unlet . rooms 8, over Aaiona siiura,i. houra, 10 to 12 & 2 to6. Residence. 610 Cedar st. D' MnAliUANASnR geoll. t,IIuv,4il. I'lurU stroei. llou-s 10 to 12 and 2 to4,rtunday 1 to 2. Reiddeuce 4t8 80. si reel T P. MULL.IN1X, M. D.. . , JJ. Gives fpeciiU ueaimeiit Catarrli, Tiiioat Liiiil'"!, Kid'.ey Genilo-Urinary orMims Ollice upstaiiii,64M I'uird (St. Houo, a.m, p.m. BIOHAKD HAKHV. 0. B. MOM, City Surveyor. JJARftY l&OM, CIYIL ENGINEERS AND 8CRVEYOR3. Boom s aki 8, OVER ASTORIA MAI ION AL BANK. W. T. BUBNCV, J. W. DKAWtB Barney & Draper, attorney iltl.UWi , Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years experience as reister of th I', a Laud Oilice here, revoiumeuda us in our siieclaltyof Mining and nil oilier business be fore tlie Land 'lllce or the Courts, and Involv ing the practice ol (he General Litud ultlce. lROCK.aNBROUCH & COWInC. LAW OFFICE, OREGON i'ITY, OR. Special attention iitven to laud Im-lness Sot tleraou lioiueatea-lsorpre-einiiiioii vlal-iS "U tiuilierlitnd puieli4.ies shown ever advantag of i he law. Fur assistance in inaKing n.al proof call ou us. rPHOS. FfiEOBICKSCN, X I'K O i L.N til. &o. ail. West tlxih -f ie:. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Bcanfllnavlau Benevolent Society. RKUULAK MEETINdH OK THIS 8O01F.H at their rooms to fytlilmi bullilluK tt n'ihi o'clutk p. m.. ou the second anu lourtli Tues days of each monib, AUG. DANIFlJt! Secretary. Oouou taicainpme'.t Mo. 13, i. O. O. b REOUbAK MKK1I1SOS OF OCEAN En campment No la. I. O. O. F at lle Lodge. By order -.'jtt;b Ascoiia ouuuiug & Loan AsaoctMCion . i fgiHKitici;iii.ii MUKiiMUMnif-iuiu ciatien a-e . he Id hi s p. h. on the first Weauesduy of each ntoHib. Olflite on Ueuevieve ini, soutu oi lueuutlilts. W. L. ROBB, Secretory Uoiunion iouiicit. !E(1ULAR MEE11NUH. FIRST Al. third Tiiflnrliiv AM - " viuvn, iTflBnlr,!w 1,1 "aTe n!u'n ied bD,Wi'B5 ff !!! Si,'"LnSl AH ftr IdrAN, .l.d l.m.A.. ...1. . 1 . 7 . . ' " j huaj ovuiuk prior io me 1 J on wnlco tlle Oouneil hU n rwulai meeUuK- A,lrtto, JSl I : Annitnr and FoUch .Indue. Board of Pilot Coinmlsnlonert. TImI'k0,1 M"-TINU8 of this board, H" w'u be,ho,d on tho first Mond-y, of eaoh .. I .onl.1?: J.u.: Ja-111 lnu "!:." ;1o A-loria noma oi -lie a-Ioi W. L. ROUB.Seo DR. GUNN'S tMPHOVED, LIVER PILLS OhLYONE FOR A DOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR, Breath bad or Head achlngF One cf these pills re lieve dietreaa In the atomach and eurca headacae. one eaoh nlf hi for a week aweetena the atomaoh and Fr bMe b J-w- Conn. Druggl8t, I i Gelo F. Prlier. Carl A. Hanson FARKEK & HAN SOX, Succeior to C. 1 I'wrfcer, Penleri in General Merchandise NEW GOODS ON EVERY STEAM KB. THIS WKKIC. press Goods. The Old tad, Astorlu, Oregon. CLATSOP LAND CO, IncorMrnted with t25.000 Capital Stock, Heal Enlato and Insuranc Brokers, Notary Public aud Oonveyaii' era. Special attoutlou paid to rents, payment ot taxes, etc., lorni.n events. Hole agents lor South Astoria, , Pros nectPai, Hemlock Prk and Owen's Addition, alao best Seaalrte, business and inside properly and choice acreage. 474 1 hlrd St.. Astoria. O. A. STIIfSOlf & CO.. BLACKSMJTHING 8hlp and CannerT work, Horsesnoelrg, Wag ona made and repaired, no ia w jrk gui rantied on Cass street, opposite tne i-itcn Tula o act GENUINE WALL'S END COAL -FOB SALE AT- $8.50 PER TON $8..'J0 Leave Orders at Occident Hotel. 0. 0. MOEN, AGENT, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, ror ciaisop tjouiiiy. Herman Heyneman, Plalntlnr. vs, M. M. To M. M. Dee and Helen Dee, Defend ants above named: In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com r.ioint nf nlHintiff filed avainst you in the hnv entitled cause bv the first das Of the next regular term of the above named court, next touowing six weens puun cation of this summons. And If you fail to answer sold complaint a hereby re- ouired. you are nereny noinieu mac me piainnu yin apuiy to me tuuu iwi ioi relief prayed for therein, to-wlt.: for ludument against you anu eacn or you fnr the sum of one hundred and thirty seven and fifty one-hundredths dollars For twelve months, 6 per cent, per annum. ' and Interest thereon at the rate of tenlj yf cuy TosMcnt per cent per annum from the seventh j. q." a. BOWI-UY.. ;. . V lce,Pr. aldont day of October, ISai. and for fifty dol- cjiNif patthm ranhier lars additional a attorney' fees, and for costs and disbursements of this suit, and for a further decree foreclosing the mortgage seto ut In the complaint here - In. and for the sale oi tne real property therein descrioed. Deing aivers lots in Chelsea Railroad Addition to Astoria,! payment of Bald amounts, and for such otner reuer a may ue proper. This summon Is published' In Ths Weokly Adtorian by order of the Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judge of said court, made the 14th day of Jaunary, 1893. J, A. KAKIN, Attorney forinalntiff. ATTENTION ASSIGNEE'S "NOTICE. All person Indebted to the firm of Parker & Honson will please call at my office, 112 Henton street, this city, and settle Immediately with the undersigned. V. W. PARKER, Assignee. Astoria, Or., January 23, 18s3. ASSIGNEE NOTICE. To the creditors of Parker & Hanson, and of Gelo F. Parker and Carl Han eon, Take Notice: That baid Gelo F. Parker and Carl Hanson iiave made an assignment to me jolnraho inuiviuuur creraviwHt of Jhelr That ail Dersoim havinix niuim ...in. -them or either of them should present nuno unucr uutn io me at my ollice ... nnwi iih ui-cKuii, wunin tnree mentti from this date. W . W, PARKER, Asslsnje. Aow.ta, ucun, uunuary fiiin,.ioya NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City Oregon. December M. lsiti Complaint i:aviiig entered at this otflcB uy uaries o o,i against Airred Rose for abandoning aia homestead entry, No. 80o2, dated August 5, upon the BWVi of anu ii yi vi awi oi section a, nnd SKi,: of NfcJH and NE of SE(i of Section 21, Township 7 N,. Range S W in ciatsop county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at Astoria, Oregon, before the clerk of ciiitsop county on the th day of Febru ary 18U3, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond anu rurmsn testlmon concerning said al leged abandonment, and on the testimony then submitted a hearing will be had at mis ollice on March 10, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m. , X Jj T- APPERSON Register TUEIIOMUILDS. TIIKIR WORKS AND RELICS,. -BY- REV. STEPHEN D. PEET, Ph. D.. ID'TOB OF AU.ERICAK ANTIQUARIAN,' Author of Animal Effigies and Emblematic .Mounds, etc. 1 This bcok treats of the Vound-bnlldera: theii occupation, ino ea i.f life, religion systems, ti !,', in miuim hiiu eariv migrations. . The work coiiIhIus descriptions of the earth works ol all clauses. The clasiBcation of the whether as village residences, aa defenses, as Minimus is linitu arconl nir tn ti.eir iu. ,'-.,k,.,u airuuiuroK, or as aacrmciai or Oiinai iuueea. , The work contains many illustrations and peeiully pipes and pnlterv. The vai' e of the book "is that.lt contains a comprehensive lew of the whole field, and i Iifnrii.utti-n about the mounds i.nd le'ies of . II t-t s and diatricta. It g one (if a series Khleh Is devoted to pre-hlstorln America, and perhaps -arm. 1,1 lie rigard- d as the most Intor e-tlnn vnluir e. The .iiiilioroMtnha-riptions. Orderaean lie scnl in he publishing house, 175 abiw-l) avenue, (I'd go,or to the auiliorat Avon, UL j ..u .." iii'iia i.i ivii .iiiiii. iiiuiiinrH ruii.ta tto. PBTPE. 1 Ki r ... j. - : -Voot of Alder- street; Isops & Co., 1131, Third St.,: Bnrlin.rt"n Koute office, 2"0 Washington street, and t,.P Northern Pacific passenger office, 1st and Wash ington Sts. Decr.s will be dcliverrd at th ending, Asfo-ia, Or. I. "W. CASE, BANKER. IRAKSAOT? A 6ilHRAI. BANKIH9 BDSIltlBS. Drafts drawn available In any ear j of the V. 8 aud Eunpo,aud on ilong Kong, China, Office Honrs: 10 A. M. to 8 If. U. Odd Fellows Building,. . Astoria, Oregon. I. W. CASE, -INSURANCE AGENT, REPRESENTING German-Amorioan, of New York City, N. Y. Californit Manns Insnranot Oomp'y, of S. P. National Fin and Manna Ini. Co., Hartford. Home Mutual Innranos Co., San Franoiaoo. PhoBnix, of London. Imparial, of London. Oregon Fin and Marin, at Portland, Oregon. A. I I HI ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK DOES A GENERAL BAKKINQ BUSINESS Accounts of Finns aud Individuals solicited on Favorable Terms. . ' Interest paid on Time Deposits. Money Loaded on t'eraoual security. Foreign aud Uomeatio Exchange bought anl old. , , D. K. Warra, resident. . ' J. K. Ulitirlaa, Cashier. J.C Drmaai, Vive President. I. K. Warra., 1 - . S. WrUht, - John llobao, Directors, ' II CTbomiMO,! Theo Rracker, .J THE ASTORIA SAYINGS BAM Acts as trustee for orporatloni and Individ uals Deposita aolleltea Intercut w'll be allowed on savlnsa dcDoalt as lolluwa; On ordinary saving' h'Kka 4 per cent, per i annum. Ou terra savings hook C ner cent, ner annum. Ou certifleates of deposit: For three uionth". 4 ner rer.t. ix r ami ira. For siv months. 5 nor rent. Der annum. w B, uemeNT eoretary , - b,ctoiw ! L W. Case, J. Q. A. Bowlby, D. K. Warren, v. u. rage, neui. ioun,r, a. B. neea. r. j. lay. br. F0HILAN3 SAVINGS BANK l,f 1'OBTI.AND, OHROOK. Paid np rapital .$26O,0OO Surplus and pro flt 6000 (RANK DEKl'M, Pn sident. I). P. 1 HOMP80N, Vice-President H. C.8TBAT10N, Caahler . DKAI.KR IK IIARDWAltli, IRON, STEEL, IRON PIPK AND FITHNOS. STOVKS TINWARE, House FiimNhlnif tiods.Sh'aet lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron, Tin aud Copper. ASTORIA TRANSFER - CO. CRANK DAMANT, Propr. Uvery, Feed and Sale Stable, 1AIIT7 1 lC H-.lpH, ., iii oai aon nay at. lowest prices. TeTe- " plioneKo.12. Third Stieei, CARrJAHAf. & CO bncceaanrs to I. W. Cnse, Importer and Wholesale and beiall dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cor. Second and Caas Street, ASTOKIA, . - OBEGON .. HUGHES & CO., Wholesale and Retail LIOUOR DFAl rot Importers ol All brands ol Foreign and Dome. no wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Gutter Whl.mciH. a aitAAinifw v. niaf Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars - " w uquors ror Medicinal Purposes. Famllv Trade .Solicited All ni'.taf. Imm nity and Country proc'y filled. tuuemoqueBtreer, - - Astoria. Oregon T. 23. WTATT Dealer In ' icn'ware and Sfcip Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Bmacle Oil. Cot ton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. T-rd t. Wrought Iron Spikes. Galvanise f Cut Nail O-rooorleSi I3to. Aurtcullural Implomopts, 8wlng Ma-niacliiue.-, f'alms Miid Oils. EE. B. PARKER PEALEK IS Ime, Brick. Sand, fire Brick. Flm riav. O ment, Mill Keed.Oata, straw n.tlr. W.od T)lll,vere,l tn iirri Draying, Teaming ini Expreai Bniinsu. FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. Heavy and Sbaif HAEDWAR E . Cwvy In " ivk " Wagons and V ehicles,- Karra Machinery, Valnt. !ila. Var""110! UWKora w piiiiea, f at.oanK s ,.,ACO Doota aud Win' own. i - PFJOVISIOPJS, FLOUR and Mi IX FEED. ASTOfil.lv - ;' - OREGON.