thj$ jAitx A&TiyMAy. ahtoma, pattjapy immaizfi, MnnuAitY t - 5, How About - The Crinoline? A frightful rumor haa gone Into circu lation that under the decree of some arbiter of fashion," possibly Worth, crino line Is to resume Its ancient sway, and the present graceful and statuesque cos tumes are to Ktvo way to a form of dress which makes a woman's loes resemble nothing so much as the dapper of n huge bell. When we say "legs" in this nnectlon we i;eak, urneca.s.'u-ily,, by hearsay, for in the palmy days of crino- lino, as som may remember, the exist ence of a woman's lower limbs was t matter of pure conjecture, except under circumstances to be alluded to hereafter. Of the rise and fall of the hoopskirt volumes have been written in prose and - poo try, in pathos and. in, sarcasm, in humor and in sadness. Caricaturists have directed their newly sharpened pen ctl against it, satirists have dipped their pens In gall to scathe it, doctors have conUemrvl It and moralists1 preached against it, and yet it held Its own as though it was the most beautiful, becom- lng invention of the age. It mattered not, seemingly that maids and matrons, mod est and discreet, made public exhibition of the tops of their stockings when they got into a carriage or went upstairs or that when .they sat down, unless witu the most extreme care, they showed their ' ankles and a good deal more, the crino line captured the civilised world, and for every argument against it its devotees managed to And a dozen in its favor, That the distension of - the skirt by means of a steel coop or cage was not modest, that it was not healthful, that it was not graceful, and that it was incon venient in a hundred ways,- was demon- strated again and again, as completely as ever the binomial theorem was demon. strated, and yet what good did it dj'.' Ask the belles of twenty odd years ago what effect the demonstration produced on them, and they will tell you that crinoline was ' the fashion, and that no argument or demonstration could avail against that potent fact. But all this is a twice told tale. We should let the dead past bury its dead and see whether wi) speaking in this In stance for the sterner sex can devise any means for withstanding the tyranny of a fashion which threatens to force the nuisance of crinoline again on the world, Are we, the nominal lords of creation. so helplcsa, so remediless, 'in taw fin d slecle sge that we must allow that epi cene creature, the man milliner, to thrust upon us an article of feminine attire that has absolutely nothing to recommend it, and which women, if let alone, would no more think of taking up than they would of adopting as fashionable attire the primitive garb of a Digger Indian squaw? Have men any rights wmcn women are bound to respect, or, which is more to the point, If women are bound to respect them, Is there any to enforce the obliga tion? , This threatened revival of crinoline is no Joking matter. If the old boys of to day, who were the young fellows of a quarter of a century ago, will delve into the recesses of their memories, dissociat ing the personality of the lovely women of that era from the garb they wore, they can tell ub that there was no beauty or . comeliness of the female dress of that period and that the women knew It as well as th emen. If It was not gracerui or becoming then It certainly wluld not be now, but will that fact prevent the use of crlnolnes again? To that the only an swer must be, qulen sabe? . They order some things better under a despotic form of government than under a democratic. The king of Dahomey, no doubt, could issue an edict prohibiting the use of crinoline by the Dahomlennes, und have it obeyed, while lit this land of liberty a series of acts of congress and acts pf the legislature as long as from here to Cape Horn would produce no more effect than the sighing of the seph- yr In tho tree tops.. However, we may console ourselves, temporarily, with the retlectlon that sufficient unto the day It- the evil thereof, and that some speda' providence may Intervene to protect ur from the awful Infliction of hoop skirts, At St. Louis the river is blockaded solid, gorged to the bottom as far as the eye con roach, and everybody and evety- thing Is passing over the ice. St. Louis steamboat men anticipate a long refct and It Is predicted that the river will re main closed' at least sixty days. In 1S7-, the river closed at St. Louis On the night of December 21st and opened on March 1, 1875. . ' - - The district court of the United Stater rules that if a vessel at the time supplies are furnished her Is In the use, posses slon and control of others than the own - or, which fact Is or ought to have been . known to a party furnishing supplies, ' and the person so having possession oi - the vessel resides at the port where the supplies are furnished, there exists the snme pnsumptlon that credit was not given to the vessel, as in oases where the . owner resides at such port. : An Insurance case has been decided in New' York wherein sn Insurance policy Insured a vessel against Are on all In land . waters us for south as Norfolk, . Va,' Afterwards a. rider was attached to the policy, giving permission tor the tug to go as tar south aa Charleston, but not to cover on trips either way between Nor folk end Charleston. On her way from Norfolk to Charleston, and while north of Norfolk, the tug aught fire and was burned The court held that, being at the time on trip 1 between Norfolk and Charleston, the wording of the rider pre vented any recovery on the policy, even If the loss occurred on inland waters. The Ohio river is higher than ho been known nt this season for years. The steam yacht Sagamore has been sold for I125.0OO to Edgar Scott, of Phila delphia. A direct line of steamships between I'hlladelphla and Antwerp and liixmen Is now contemplated. . , - , . Orders have been issued at the Navy liear-Admlrttl nei'hma commanding the European squadron, for i.ia fliiu-xhln Ni-waik and the gunboat rr.ninirtin to convoy the Columbian car nvfls I'liun and Nina from Spain to the An act to provide tor the establishment and malntenam-s of a training ship for the lnrueiln of the boys In California In nauilcnl matters has been recommend ed by the chamber of commerce for pss Ke i,v, tho ic; Mat lire. The act calls fur J',,". R-ilt,. r f CUifoniiu. to. nrproprlate h H'im of tn.-r.-or, and the author- Izlue of the governor to procure from the government a ship of suitable tonnage for the accommodation of 230 boys. , ; ' , Ceorgc Hall, a cook employed on the ship America, was Instantly killed last Thursday morning by falling through the hatch into the hold of the ship, a distance of thlrty-flve feet, and striking ua'f'y on his head, fracturing his skull. Tne deceased was a native of Nassau. Baha mas, and 38 years of age. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ifhen Baby wu sick, we E lr Cutorl When she was a Child, she cried for Caatorla, ffhen she became Mas, be clung to CaJtorU, Pheo the had Children, the e &em CtorU t. P. Fisher, newspaper rt1 .gent, 21 Merchants' change, San Fran Cisco, is our authorised asent. This paper is kept on file at cIb olllce. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised Orusglsf to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con iump Ion? Coughs, and Co ld "pon this condition. If you are off icted w 1th a fnnch Cold, or any Lung, J nroat ri chest trouble, and will use this remedy tin dl rec t od, gi v 1 n g It a fair trial, and ex perience no 'benefit, you may return t Kule and have your money Jet"" w, could not moke this offer urn we rmt know that Dr. King's New Discover, ?oi.ld bTreUed on. It never disappoints. Trial battles free at Chas Ilogers' DrU(i Store. Large jjze 60 cts. and i.uO Vwlispuled Authority. The tTnltcd States Dispensatory says: that "Oi Ions are a stimulant, diuretic aiy expectorant ;they increase the appetite and Promote digestion." The Juice made Into syrup "as in Dr. Ounn's Onion Syrup, has a spec'llc action on the Throat, Lungs and air passages. It not only cure Cough, Cold. Croup and Consumption, but Its stimulating effect strengthens and build:, u i Um system afterward. As a ton to and reutoratlve It has no equal. We solicit a trial in the most chronic and stubborn cases. 1'rlce DO cents. Bold by J. . Conn, Druggist Specimen Chum. S. II. Clifford. New Cassel, Wis.," was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver" affected to an alarming decree, pppetlte fell away, and he was terribly reduced In flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Hitters cured him. ci,nhnl Mnrrlsbur?. 111., had a running sore on his lep pf clsrht years standing. Used three bottles of K ectrlc Hitters and seven boxes of Bucklen s Ar nica Salve, and his leg Is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., huu uv' lnrge Fever sores on his lesr, doctors ruld ho was Incurable. Ono bottle Mectilc rmtnrQ mH nn? hnx Burklen s Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Chas. Rogers, druggist. Reduced R.ites. Pnmmenrlntr todav.Julv 29. the rates on the I'nlon Paclllc steamers between Ab orla and Portland and Intermediate po'nts affected, will be 11.00 one way and $1.50 round trip, tickets good until useu. u. vv. Lounsberry, Agent, Astorlu, Oregon. " Nw Try Tins. It will post von nothlne and will sure- Iv do vou irood. if vou have a coui?h, cold or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New discovery fr Consumption, coughs and colds is guar anteed to give reiier, or money win oe paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found It lust the thlnir. and under Its use had espeedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample at our expense ana learn tor your n,.- It la 'Pl u 1 bottle free at Chas. lingers' drug store. Large size CO cents and fl. Two Tralni Daily. The Union Paclllc is the only line run ning two dally through trains between the Pacific Northwest and Eastern cities. ntrii jmoi itvn r,uw. ...inn ,t i . ., KOCH'S DISCOV ERy. Th (u!mti. cle baccilli were dlscovored by Prof. Kc'ii, to be constantly pres ent in all cases of consumption. Where the blood Is impoverished or impuro, there results that con stitutional condi tion known as scrofula, which is character ized by the liability of cortaia tissues to become tho seat of chronic inflammations. The trouble may start as catarrh in the nasal passages, throat or lungs, and as tho membranes become weakenoil, tho tubercle baccilli outer, and multiply, and wo have, as result, that drood disease Consumption. Find a wrf oct romody for scrofula, in nil its forms omothin3 that purifies the blood, as well as claims to. That, if it's taken in time, will euro Consumption. It has been found in Dr. Piurce's Uoldcn Medical Discovery. As a strength -restorer, blood-cleanser, and fleah buildor, nothing uko it is known to modical Bcionce. It's tho only remedy so sure thnt it con be guaranteed. If it doesn't benelit or cure, your money is refunded. JAPANESE is, CURB . A now and-cnmiilote treatment, rounistiMt of npposltoilna, ulntmcnt In eaiaulea, alao i:i box and Kills: a positive euro f ir eternl, lu ternat blind or' bleeding, Itching, chronic, reoeut or hereditary plica, and many ""other tlltinttflea &nr1 femulA ivi.nkiitHt!iT It ( Hlu-rivu ret bent'tlt to the vencral health. The hrat Iscovery oi a medlral euro rcmlerliig an nper tlon with the knife umiecratiai-y hertalter 1 hia remedy haa nevci' be- n known to fu'l. I per noz, b Inr W; Rent by mall, n by antler roin this terrible diaenae when a written ffiinr- mee la slvcn with 6 boxes, to refund the money U not-cured. Heud atampa ! r free aamnle. Guarantee issued by Woodward Clark A C ., Wholesale ana Retail Tlrumia't Hole Ageuta Portland, Or. For ule by J. V. Conn. Astoria Oregou. oooooooooo O GO OD NEWS O ' q For the millions Ot eonsumors of q oTutts Pills, o ft It glvra Dr. Tutt pleaaiire to an- (f nuuuoe tliBl be i now puttlnir una now putting up a O TINY LIVER PILL Owlilcli in of n witlnal V small at, rv vet retaining all tho virtmnof the lrgvr oiirn. lunnuitHd p.ufly OveKt'talite. lloth alteaorthCHo pliu (? am atil I imiieit. 1 li exact alio of fj TUTTS TINY LIVER PILLS g v laahuwa In the bonltir of tlila"uil." OOOOOOOOOO BETTOITO A Positive Cure I FOR PILES. TTusov.t 3 It em lrll-(. Jl iKlH-Ht l.'M.. At (t). Of Mall,i, on iiwmt i3 Pnw-3Up. wrl. WiaUtHall k 1801- "J C'J., 'rep., ti.iiliiuurr,'Md. PILE Tfcadiips! aniGsnum: (WORCESTERSHIRE) Imimrtf tho meet EXTRACT ofaLKTTEUfmra aMKDJCAI, OKU. TI.EMAN t Mod. na, to liia brother t woitCESTEtt, diHdoiia tasto and rost to 801PH, FI8II, i"-:V: HOT loU MEATS, GAME. WELKII- UABEOITS, May, 1651. "Ton I.EA ft PEBBINS' that their sauce la liiL-bly e teemed in India, and Is In my opinion, tho mot palatuMc, as veil aa ttie uint wbnlo aume aiiuco tout is SAUf.- niaue. Bsware of Mops i eeo that you get Lea & Perms' Slctiatm on every bottlo of OrfRin si h Oanulna ; JOHN WI NCA.VS KO.V8, NliW Y'IKK. rhe Next Number Especially Gooda TALES FROM TowNToPtcs READ BY ALL WEN AND WOMEN. ' Published first day of December, Marcb, June auu September DELICATE, DAINTY, WITTY. INTENSE. Every reputable news aud book stand has It, Price, single number, 60 CENTfi. S3.00 PEK VEAfl, postage FitEK. .. This brilliant Quarterly reproduces the best stories, sketches, burlesques, poems, witti cisms, etc.. from the early numbers of that niuc1! talked-about New York Society Journal, Town Tomcb, which Is published weekly. Sub scription price, frt.Ou per year. The two publications Towi Topics" and 'Talks from Tows Topics" together, at the Vow club-price of $5.00 per year. . A&k your uewsdealer for them or ad area TOWN TOPICS, 81 West 2Jd fitreit, N. Y. ( ity T a. These tiny Capsules are superior to lwlsam of Uopalua, Cubcbs and Injectlona (rIfjf TLey cure in 48 hours the same diseases without anyincott-1 venience. SOLD BYALLDRUG01ST8; COHSUgSPTIOR. I havo a pooltlvo remedy for thcnbovedlseasej by its use tlioiUAods of eat-co of the worst kino and of lonat standing have U en cured. iDdcerl, sostroniiianiyfaithlii haetilcacy, that I will fend two bottles vceb, iiita a VALUAIlLK TI5I3ATISE on this dlmsiac to any suC"rer why Will send me their lipreba and V. O. eddress. A. SMCDM. tt. C. 131 Pearl Ct,. H. T. Sam Freoman, JIIJA,K.5n,riI.'.:"'-;1r Snenlnl ntti-ntl'Mi wild to all ',iii and st'i mtmnt reiiairin.'. .! k ii'L" of hlaekMiililiingdoiis to oMrr. Ki-M-olass li-ireslioel'iif, J.i JW!K worK it siieeialt . S!n(. 'luey h reet, betwieti Third and Astor, Asto! la. uri'ton. - INDEPENDENT BOAT FOR PORTLAND Will leave Astoria for Tortland, (Fish er's Dock) on TiiCHihiyH, Wedtiefilrtys, Tlmrailays, Fridays curt SiturJav's at 7:00 a. iii., uu'l Sunday nt C:0O p. ni. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Telephone. Lave.t Astoria Every evuniug except Bunday at 7 p. in. Arrives at Astoria F-verj day except 8uuday at 2 p. m. Leaves Portland Kverv nar except Si.noay ai 7 a. m. C. W. STo' K. Agent, Atnria. : K. A. okklkv, Ui-iiernl Aki-hi, T'lriloml, Or. A. ATWOOD Corner Stark aivi Front St., Portland, Or. Male Help furnished R. R. Co. Contractors, Sawmill Men and Othera, on short notice. STEAMER R. riPtivrs Astoria on Mondnys nnd TlmrsJays for Pay CifT. Tillainnok City, anil nil Mutton lillarowr; liny. jIrvm Hay City, liUiiniooktiiy and lilla liiotik l'ay points ou Tursdirj and Fiit.ys. . steamer B. P. F.lmre eonnftM .itli llnion Iciflc r (eamrrs far rortland, and ihroujrh tickets arp issued from Portland t ramnik Pay points by the I niou Facilio Co. Ship frdRht from i'crtlaud by Lnton taeiilc Htl'UlUl'l'st. ELMOUE, SAEOKN.di.CQ.,ife Astoria., iwion Pacific b. e. cohpaxy. ARpi Index to Steamers. lor tortlaud. Telephone, from Flavel's dock, daily at 7 p. m., except Sunday, 1L 1L Thompson, from Union Pacific dock daily at 7 o'clock a. m, except Bundur. liurlmc, from Fisher's dock. Huuiluv. at 6 o'clock p, m. ; every day, except Holiday, at I o ciooK s. in. Ilnssalo, from Union rooifio dock, daily, at ti p. m., except Sunday, Astoriun, from barker's dock 8undnys, Wednesdays and Friduys at 0 p. m. - - fmt Ilwace. Iiwaoo, from LE. AN. Co's dock dally except Hunday, connecting with 10 b. m. train forBoalund; returuiug, connects with Portland steamers. La Camas, daily at 3 :30 p. m. For Voang's River. ' - , Mayflower, Mondnys and Batnrdays at 6 a. in. aud 2 p. m.j Tuesdays and Weclnesdys n v u. Ul. . rr ItsUlroad Landing;. Electrio, dally at 7:15 a. m. and 6:15 p. m uum i isuor s uucsT. For Westport. U. ATiler, daily exoept Saturday and Snn uay ai i p. m. ( For Woods Landing. ' R. Miler, Thursday and Friday at 2 p. m from Fisher's dock. For Deep Itlver. Queen, Tuesdays and Saturdays at 5:i'a. m. and 2:lio p. mr - Wenona, from Flavel's dock, Tncsdays ana Saturdays at a5 a to. aud 2:1) p. m Ecljpse, TuesJajs at CJOa. m. and-'ulO i, in. For New Astoria. .' E. I Dwyer, daily exoept "Sunday at 9 a, In. and 3 p. in. - For ' Warrenton and Sfcipanou. Kleotric, daily, aooording to tide, exoept ennuay. For Lewis and Clarke. 0. W. Rich, duily exoept Sunday, accord i&K to tide. . . For Uray'i Itlver. Eclipse, Thursday and Friday morningt aooording to tide. For Knuppton. Wenona, Tuesduys and Thursdays at 5:45 a. m. ana zsai p. in ... For Urajr's River and Knappton. . Wenona, Wednesday at 11 a. in. For Bar Clfr and Tlllamoof Bay. R. P. Klniore, Mondays and Tbursdnys at i:uu a. ru. Do You Know That the Weekly Astorian Goes Every where? Advertisers, Do you see Your chance? THE : OUEIiON : BAKERY A. A. CLETEtASP, Prop. Good Bread Cakes and Pastry, None but tne Host Materials use J. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customer" Bread delivered In any part of the city & COMPANY P; ELMORE - t? fortiaud.- , ; J Off ice. iltbStW ' Tin a Running THROUGH DAILY TRAINS 2 Leav'ng Portland, 8:45 AM. 7:30 PM. VA 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Steeyera, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Din ing Cars. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMERS Morning boat leaves Astoria dally, except SHIKiav, ai7 a. in.; reiuniinK. icn.u; dailv, except ; Satuiday, at 8 p. in. MgM bout leaven Astoria daily, except Hunilay, at 6 p in ; r iiiriiii i; leaves Foitlimd daily, exctpt Sunday, at 7 a. m. flieiiionilnKl) 'lit from fo tlaliilmak 1 lamllnusou tne Onon side 'J uesdays, Thurs- . . a,l.tii uIiIm MiiM. das Wednesda s and Krldays. l-min Astoria the inorniiiK OiatmiiKs iiiuiima onuirun iron lil Mondays, Wednesdays and Fildajs, and on the Wiislih glon hide Tuttada s, Tmiiii dins and Salimla-a. . . , For rales ard KfLcrul InloiniatUn call ou or acldrei, . W. H. rrtJHLuUKT, O. W.I.OUKBliEURV. A. Gen bh. Aki. 'irei.t rorlliuid, Or, Astcila, Or. aUICS TIME TO ' BAR FRANCISCO ...AND...... ALL POINTS IN CALIFORNIA Via tbe Mi. -ihiuta Route of the Southern Pacific Couip'j T!; Oily Font Tlroigh "sli'ofaia to t Fointi East tad Seulh. The Scenic Route of the Pacific Coast PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPINd CARS Att:bp(l to.cxprPM trains, affording sup rlof ac.'oiiiinodatUiiis lor aeoond claa- passengers. Kor rat"a, tl'ikets, sleeninH car reservations et., call upon or address E. P KOGEKH, Assist am Gmoral Frnlgbt aud l'aaaenKer Ageut,rort aud, Of. I. XI. t&s TST, OO. S3 flleamcr llwaco '- T eoves Astoria dnilr at 7;S0 a. m. for Twaen uali'i-K at Tansy P.dnt, and -o--nectlni w-tl railmivl runiiiiijf norili at 10 a. ui, and wtb lm-iw n a'nmlwater ia fr Soulh Krnd, Sunniliine, 5iorh Cftve Ami o her miiiils II rvuch V ' liar- hnp. i iim.1. ttt I M Will) aeaTPrafor Astor'atuid NlKbt Boiati for rarnnna. JOHN . OOCLTER. L. A. I'OMiS, -erfitarV. - Fn-aideiii. K, V. f.GBcUr. BupeilnteudeLt. Scientiflo American Aoency for -LA t A I ri CAVEATS, TRADE MARXS, VvroiaiA a vaiva For lnf'rTnatifo aritj fppe Hnndboolr writ to ML'NX A vo BuoAuwAY. New Vokc. OliL.-rt bnreutt f- aetntrlDir TatentP In A merit m. -Kverv put out tniton otit by ui I for p'utuic Oy a ounce giToa free ot ciaaxge in lite f txvMit vmim tar-ittrt'cIrrnlnt'OTi of srir Brt ni,J flc pcwr In the Wiukl. Miin.ii Ur llin-strated. IS'o ii-'HijU'Riit run id b'j th ut It. Wef-, ft Jrari H.stjtii r;ontrij. Airtm iirNJ k CXK, a ; The CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL '. . . . " RAILWAY, CONNECTING WITH ALL TBANSC0NTIN ENTAL LINES, ; " is The- , OITIiY LI27Z. 11UNMNO Electrio Lighted Cars BETWEEN ST. PAUL and CHICAGO AND ' ' . " OMAHA and XHICACO. The EXPRFS8 THAIN8 conaisi ot VESH BULED, SLEEI'INO, DINING AND l'AKLOK CARS, , . IIFATED BY STEAM And furnished with every luxury known to modern railway travel. Per Speed, Comhit and Safety this Line is Untqu:led Tickets on sale at all nroiufucnt railway olpcea. For further Information Inquire of any ticket aeeut, or C, J. EDDY, GeneraLAgft. J. W. CASEY, Trav. PasAsrt. -1'ORTLAKD, OEE60N. rrom Terminal or Interior Points THE U the Unetc ah- to All Points in the East ard Soufh. II to the Dining Car Hflnte. It Tims Through Veatlbuled Tralaa Every Day In tbe Year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO No Change of Cars. Compose of Dining Car unsurpassed. Pullman Prawlui Hoom Sleejere 01 Latest Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars Best that can be constructed and In which to commodattons are both Free and ur nlalied to holders of First or Bec-oud-class Tickets, and. for Elegant Day Coaches. - Contlnnone Line Connefltliuf with All Llnca. HtTordiiig trecl and l-n-Interrupted service. " Pi.llmnn Slppnfir Reservations Can be secured to adranr through auy Agent Through Tickets To and from all Points In America, Eiig'snd and Eiux'OP can ne purcnasKii ai Otii ol lUto Connouy. - .... ! all lwwla nmnlm between Att.ria, Portland ai.d Kalama. Kiui Informctii'n coiicrniina ra:e lime oi ir.lus routMi and other details fumiNbed o lillcatlon to any ageut, or R. L "iLr. agent Aatoria a. d. Charlton, ; Asitstant OwiTal rassenw Apeut, No. 121 rirst 8t..e.T., " Portland, ureitou. nVAirr it Ceve.tandTrde-Marktobuined,aodmU Pat- ent business onaueu iu "idbibah. - 3 11 a BtTrirr OmCt f Send model, dr awing or nhott viid J too. eaviRc, 11 fiv.'-.w . -- --( che. Ouriec.du.t.llm BiMMiirT. nu" mw". j ,.f in the U.S. and foreign countrM 5 c.A.Gnowoo. ! opt. Ptint omer, WSMiieTOi. tCJ f