The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 28, 1890, Image 3

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    T?T TT T-B
i: - :n. r
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- sir wW (
9BMDAV . .1" i'M'KMUKK 2S. 1SOO
ihtW:it--r 1 rmprtetar.
rRiAX Itanij.jvo, - "assSti:ebt
"lUra-. T irl,cipti-.
4 tar Gnmcr. -tr weefe
r . -or lOMrt
' MaR. onr yrar
ihw r -ma-err : iheriberL
Wat A$tvoiAx -tt-u-.M-: u lis nilvcr
"" SiH 1ie-4 HrtMi.ttiiM, of aiiv iieWhiKi
r).Hi;hHt on !! (..: ..!- river.
Interesting -r i-p.d mm via
this after
"J o'clock.
at V. M. C. A. l-nll, ;d
Tkc lvg in A.idt-rltrok have ar
mpo& n jrnm.! tnric-y slmot for New
Xanr's &ny.
0r-jt iloLh proved up yesterday
1rfi ike ciMtnty clerk on a com
wntod bomet.?nJ claim of 100 acres.
First citizeitfeLip papers were issued
yesterday to A:i?uit Johnson and
"YtaalMUK Iton-'iin. lioth subject of
I4e cr T Knbi.
In the fmttih of M. :L Flynu there
was srant rejuicit'.-' yesterday over the
arrival of a little daughter, who is ex
pected to rattke Iht home ivith them.
Notts ranched this city yesterday to
the effect that a Swede 'named Peler
sma was drovrned at Slack's logging
camp iear Nemn on Shoalwater bay.
Services in the Congregational
'clmrch to-dny morning and evening
Qmstrnas themes. A Christmas
Ury in the evening everybody
Tiwe will le services in the Ger
wa lnHii:-f Uii afternoon at 2
ockwk by Kor. G. V. Schmid. The
Ujcct of the sermon will be: ''The
Sari; of 1W Anrl."
"Wms is the last Sunday in ISO.) thai
wc trill have a chance to take a bath
attke cfcgjtul rooms or L. E. Gillet. on
Third tree4, opposite Kncker's resL'iu
nmt, known as the Astoria Ualhs.
Duc-iac the wind storm last Christ
mrs morning the wiud at Caj:c Han
Nck bniaetl tiirongh the register at
the rale of eighty-four miles an hour
and the light keejier says it was a
wold night.
At the M. K. church tliis morning
there will In preaching bv the pastor,
Rv. G. V. GrannK on the "Duty of
th Okwrrh tn th Werld: or Christ's
Gnmttriasinu to tho linitn." In the
viHng there will be a Sundnv school
concert. hjmI a short aldrei by Hev.
G. M. Irwin, suporiuteiidiMii of th' In
dian school at Chemawa
lv. 11 W. Gamer. LL.1)., will
Mlnct services today, morning and
vMiiag. a! Hr Presbyterian rhuich,
SabbaUt iclicil at clo?e of morning
sorvieos. Young People's Society of
Gkristiati Emhiavor nice! lag at Co'50
r. X. m lu Vestry. Citizens and
utrtwgen cortliallv invited to attend
nyor nil f the.'4 srvwe?. S-nts j
N bettor exuenditure of four hits !
gah 1 made than t go to Gnffui & '
KeeA's or Uie New York Novel tv store i
awl purehaoe a ticket for the Mikado
C which it? to le given by the ladies
at Liberty imlL on Tuesday evening,
ojftrially as tub iwoceod-; are to es
tablish, a free public library for the
cStar. Yo are going, you say? That's
."""S --- Uiicawu
were arrested
!h i&flu
T-,flavR,VWa!1h00kear'li'--?oli1faucv touches; the vessel
lif ()MMtaU 0iet. on a charge of i wi1 soon be rea-lv for iaunclljn
Intvui assaulted a CbIllfts;, vegetable
Idulir iu tne lower cski of lite city at
am early h ur yesterday morning, i
TWe befclN of tin Pg.m w ro ovr- I
tatraed. it m -rehandist sacsttered in
tike street and Ir liim-el'ltadiy beaten. '
TWeytmng lan, whom Ih Chinese
idda4&d were reieaed oa d-positiiig j
S20 bail each and will appear fori
oxrumaatioft in Justice Cleveland's
CMtrt Ut marrow.
Tiw fire alarm which sounded at
S51ast evening was for a fire iu the
(caeyotoeusonsmaciiiuesiiop on i)Snn Francheo , he will await the next
Parknr s wharf. Tho sparks from it nai.
inKMt Lilian ihiic hi iui iuui ui uie
bnildiuc, but the total damage will
not Iks over S10. Occurring at such
,-a lo-viLaafl .---f-l -ivl'l'-'ill Tnf f
everybody via f. '
tmnltnl aud tSi- struts were soon '
sw-maiug with iteople, but if they ex
pected to sec much of a blae they
wore disappointed. As usual the fire
MtoH rcspondel promittly. but had no
kaml wtwk to do.
Yesterday inorniiies (-olnmbian,
ftor the manner of its kind barks
and snaps at evcryoue who has as
Ktitod pnevt-uting them from getting
xihoir dtaltonei-t printing bill passed.
It is tli business of the council and
tiio "widitor ami police judge to see
that bills are made out according to
contract If the Culumbian's bill
had bean an honest one its publica
tion could liave done them no harm,
aud th council instead or rejecting
afMild liavo iassol it. If Auditor
Jewctt had assisted th Coin m bum
tv get its bill through, and thereby
robbed the city of some ?7.", evidently
the Columbian would not have ac
enpod Ittm of ignoran'eM or "ofTensive
Iartiality." Auditor .Tewett has been
roimmed to the ollice he now holds
(iavoral succedsive times, because the
tax payors and voters of this city be
lieve him to be houc&l and capable,
aud the fact that these rogues of the
CdMmbtGn have attacked him is
the highest praise for him. The
councilman who rejected tho same
bill knew it was a steal aud treated it
as such. Xo one expects the Colum
bian to praise the men who have re
fused tr act m collusion with its dis
honest schemes. The Astokiax ex
posed the steal because it wanted
the public to kuow how false were
the Columbian's claims for honesty
and fair dealing. Of course the
Columbian don't like it
No rogue e'ro felt tho halter draw
With good opinion of the law.
Children's Clothing
Closing out at reduced prices, at Mrs.
McEwan's, r2i Third -street.
The S h scries of the Astoria Building
and loan Association will be opened
January 1st lifiU. All persons wishing
to sub-scribe for stock will please call
on tfie secretary on or before that date.
Yon can save money by using Mr.
Gilbert's Zinfandel wine instead of
coffee or tea. It is much healthier and
costs only 00 cents per gallon. It is
three " cars old. 1 le has also peach and
apricot brandy. Don't forget his
-rencli Cognac aud French Wine.
Alex. Gilbert.
Tiiree Lane Ships Arriye in Tos
terflay Afternoon.
The British bark Lizzie Bell, ar
rived in yesterday, loG days from
Antwerp. The vessel has a cargo
composed mostly of glass and cement
Captain Henry Edwards, master of
the vessel, reports having had
a rough trip of it off the horn and
again ouHDhristnias morning when the
cred the storm in great shape and
met with no mishaps of any conse
quence. The British ship Duuboyne, J.
O'Neill, master, also arrived in yester
day. She left Antwerp seven days
later than the Lizzie Hell and brought
up off the river about the same time.
Captain O'Neill reports a voyage i
similar to that of the Lizzie Bell, nud I
also au equal amount of bad weather.
She has a general cargo, largely glass
and cemont.
The British ship, Jiurdeurfi. 1,'jyi
tons, Capt. P. Johanson, arrived from i
Hong Kong yesterday, with 875 tons .
of sand as ballast She will load
wheat for the United Kingdom. She !
left Hong Kong, China, October 10, i
1800. I
The schooner lily llicer arrived j
from San Francisco yesterday iu bal-1
last and will load lumber. She is at!
Kinnev's wharf.
i?...i0 ,rt rm ci.,.-: I?
of the rough experience of the little
"vj'vw vumv uvm wuuuinaiti un
steam schooner V. If. Harrison while J
at sea in the big storm of Christmas
morning. Tiio Jlarrison reached , lam: Airs. JJrodie, secretary; Mrs. G.
Oysterville yesterday morning and tho C. Hall, treasurer; Mrs. Christensen,
officers and crew reported one of the ( conductor; Mrs. Cathcriue Mouteith,
roughest trips in the history of the guard; Miss Callio Brodic, assistant
vessel. When off the entrance to tho ' conductor; Mrs. Christensen and Mrs.
bar at Shoalwater bay, it blew so hard i G. C. Hall, delegates to state conven
and the seas ran so high that Captain i tion. t
Latham decided to beach her. This i The Corps is in excellent condition,
he found it impossible to do, as the ' and. the meetings are interesting i.nd
wind and sea were both off shore. I well attended.
The only alternative was io run out '
to sea, and this was done, the little J A TaX layer's Opinion.
vessel weathering the storm and reach-
iug port yesterday as stated. The re-1 Editor Asteriajt:
port that two of (he crew had been I, for one, believe the city council
washed overboardand drowned on the i did right in reducing tho police force,
night of the storm is denied by Cap-'The city is heavily in debt, und
t-iin Latham. beyond the amount allowed by its
The steam schooner Cosmopolh; f.harlr- P, claimed that when
Capt George Dettmer, cleared at the tho electric I'S wero in operation it
custom house vesterdav for San Fran- !vould reduce the expense for police
cisco with a general cargo consisting forc, f the streets would be lighted
of grain, merchandise etc RO tnat 'ewcr men would be required
rp:" ' ,, ' ', " . T -rr 'to watch suspicions characters. If
wiSSnm? mer.Cffa't?,Car.L W:H-: merchants aro in the habit of leaving
SiSfr" tl ilverf tlieir doore unlocked so that police
IrfiHf1111168 arg IOadS f mea liavo to see that thev are closed,
rociciortnojaty. the merchants shonld cl'nb together
The British bark JJirker left for tho and get a trnstv mau or two to sec
mnutjj of the river yesterday and will that their property is not molested,
cross out to-day bound for tho United J and not put the large number who
Kingdom. don't need policemen to the expense.
The new steamer Astorian, owned j fost every city has a force or special
by H. B. Parker, will make a trial tripiP1jce that assist the city officers in
to-morrow noon. police duty. When onr streets are
Tlie steamship State of California,
Capt 1L S. Ackley, i3 duo thi3 morn
ing from San Francisco, according to
schedule time, and brings the follow-
nig passengers: Miss Allen, W. ,T.
Cuddy and family, T. Channen. Miss
Jennie Mead, M. Marx, Z. M. Check'
a,1l 1". N. Curin.
The steamship Coffinbiff, Capt P.,
Bolles, n to leave Portland this evon- '
iug, according to published list, and u ,
so will leave here to-morrow morning i
far San Francisco. i
The carpenter work on the new '
steamer building at the Astoria Iron
works for Capt Babbidge, is nearly j
nomnlntrtfl nml fln .wL.tnr, ort ..,
T. Christians, of Yona's riv?
m the city yesterday.
Tlios. Bussell has so far recovered
j from his attack or typhoid fever as to
be able to take short-walks.
, W. L. Stone, of We3tporl, was in
the city yesterday, and reports a fine
j time on Christmas at that place.
I Mr. Cullen, of Ilwaco, is iu the city,
aud having missed the steamer for
Hev. G. M. Irwin, superintendent of
the Indian school at Chemawa. arrived
il . : ii.. - .,-...
''''i ftcuiii ua me sieamer jionua,
:iad willj? to Clatsop to-morrow
some Indian children ho will take
back with huh to attend the govern
ment school.
Eichard Carruthers has resigned as
messenger of the Western Union
Telegraph office in this city to accept
the office of billing clerk at the U. P.
dock, made vacant by the resignation
of Wm. Binder, who has accepted a
position as one of the city mail car -
Angus Gor, one of the firm of
Christensen & Co., of this city, who
left for his old home in Norway about
six weeks ago, writes to his sister that
he is haviug a splendid time in tho
old home of his birth, so much so that
he has no lime to write very long
A Sarccssfnl Debut.
Several weeks ago The Astoria
mado mention of a 3'oung man, for
merly in this city, and well and favor
ably known here to many of the old
residents William EInor Johns who
was taking lessons in elocution and
oratory, while studying law, in tho city
of Oakland. Ho made his debut as a
dramatic reader in that city a few
evenings since, and must have suc
ceeded admirably, judging from the
encomiums of tho press, for he is
spoken of in the highest terms as
evidencing a degree of talent far be
yond the most sanguine expectations
of his ardent friends and admirers.
He was equally successful in comedy
and tragedy, and should ho visit this
city, as ho now intends, will be sure
to receive a warm reception.
Telephone JLodirlBe fionec.
Best Beds iu town. Rooms per night
EOand 2T cts per week S1.50. New and
dean. Private entrance.
Cranberries, CmRbcrries
M) cents per gallon at the cheapest store
'.n town. W. G. Howell & Co.
Second Street, Opposite Heilborn's.
Fruits. Candy, Nuts.
Fresh Peanuts every day, I. X.
Runs high at ,1. W. Conn's drug store
over System Builder, as evervhodj is
using it for Catarrh of the 'stomach.
Jjyspcpsia, Constipation and Impure
Blood, and to build up the system it cer
tainly possessis wonderful merit when
all speak so well of it
Fruits, Nuts, Popcorn and sweet cider
for the Holidays at
W. G. Howell & Co.'s.
The Council
to Be AskcJ to
Its Action.
Reconsider I
The action of the city council in re
ducing the number of police officers in
this city has roused a storm of indig-
generally. Early yesterday morning
a petition was put in circulation by
.citizens and business men, and was
""" "uc""'. sjguL'u. oc a single
refusal of a signature was met with,
and by the time it is presented to the
council at the next meeting it is
thought that there will not be less than
1,000 names attached to it. The peti
tion reads as follews:
""We, the unersigned bnsinos3 men and
property owners, residing in the city of
iolit no I
j wholly inadequate to the needs of tho
1 city and its protection, hereby iMJtition
your honorable bodv to reinstate William
Beasley in tho First ward and appoint
sorae suitable person in the Second ward
as policeman.
. ,,, t, , nm , .
Leient E,ectIon r 0!iccrs and N,,tcs ,,f
Cushing Corps, No. 3, had a special
meeting yesterday afternoon, to prac
tice for their installation which is to
bo Leld jointly with the G. A. B. and
Sons of Veterans on
- '
Next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock i dcared, and deferred tlie remain
fiiora ttr-ii v, o Toi , 1 i. der of the trip until to-day.
Corps, when a committee of arrange-!
ments will
for tha ioinfc insfnllai?nn
Aftlmlr nf Anninr. .,r r:..
ti.a fniinirimr !, r n,A .,.
c,,;nvfln,.Tir tt t t.i ....:
suing year:
dent: Mrs.
Mrs. H. B. Parker, p.esi-
I. Bergman, senior vice
president; Mrs. .T. P. Ferchen, junior
vice president; Mrs. Tillie Crow, chap-
mum.- in iujj.uicu, iuu.v wuu art: uuiii;
fitted by the improvement have to pay
for it. So it should ba with the
expense for police service; those who
receive the benefit should pav for it
Re.srae Club.
The usual large attendance was
present at last evening's meeting of
the Eescne club, and the usual ex-
cellent program was rendered. The
orjer 0f exercises iu detail wa3 as fol-
lews: Becitatious. Pearl Estes and
Lulu Estes: recitation, Lulu Dillon;
recitation, Emma Hamilton; soug,
Uiruie Gnswold; recitation, JelFCrau
dall; song. Willie and Georgie Gratke. j
accompanied by Miss Gratke; recita-1
lion. Liizzte Busey; address, v. 1. i
Crawford; iustrumental solo, Miss
Mand Wade; reading, Mr. Tlios.
The committee on program for
next week was appointed as follews:
Mrs. Wni. Dillon, Miss Emma Hamil
ton and W. L Crawford.
Fresh CoconmU.
Main St. bet. 1st. and 2d. I.
X. L.
A fine display of Christinas goods at
the Bazar. Stamping and embroidery
lone to order. 10j Cass street.
' a fine line of Cigars and Cigarettes
can l)e found at the Columbia linknrv.
' -,. pi.;..i - . "
" nnni Mreet.
Go to the Columbia bakery for all
kinds of oakes.
Hand in your orders early to the Ore
gon Bakery and avoid the r."h.
Fine Sillc Astrachan Capo
J At reduced prices at Mrs. McEwanV.
52(5 Third street,
! :
! " Olsen's for Cuban Blossoms, 10c
Piano For Sale.
Estey upright, in first class condition
for sale cheap. Applv to Mrs. t. U. Lo
gan, No. IS!) Cass street
House lor It cut.
Apply at residence of Thos. Logan,
opposite the Congregational chinch.
AH the patent medicines adveniscu
in this paper, together with the choicest
Cerfuuiery, and toilet artichs vU. n
e bought at the lowest prices at .. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
First-ciassshaving,25c, Ferd Fern-IPs.
Fresh Clatsop eggs 40 cents per dozen
at Thompson & Bos'. Oysters, Eastern Clams
At John Rogers' market, opposite C. II.
Cooper's, Third street
The latest style of Gents' Bools and
Shoes at l J. Goodman & Co.'s.
Candy aud Nuts
At Holmes, C10 Third street
For Rent.
The Store lately occupied by Thrall &
Sherman. Apply to
C. S. Gunderson.
Parker & Hanson.
Merry Christmas.
Elegant and useful Christmas pres
ents at the Bazar. Embroidery and
Stamping done to order. 1C5 Cass street.
Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shees:
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
ntV. .1. Goodman & Co.'s.
At nolmes, C40 Third street
lASTORIA'S railroad visitors.
m, T1 in -j n i. f Deeds filed or recorded December 27,
Tiiey Loot at Seaside, Gearliarijisgo, a? reported for th? mobm
Fart, tiie Riyers ani Bay.
Yesterday the railroad men and vis
itors took an excursion over the Asto
ria & South Coast railroad, as out
lined in these columns in the morning.
Mr. Eeid and the English, engineer,
IiTr. AEcNanglit, visited Tanzy Point,
then walked across to Wnrrenton,
there met the other gentlemen and
Clatsop beach, which was viewed with
much interest by tho engineer.
Beturning to tho point where the
turn table is located, they left the
cars and at the request of Mr. Mc-
Naught, Le and Mr. Beid walked on
the shore around to the mouth of the
Lewis and Clarke river, then back to
the trestle, and walked ont to the end
of it that the visitor might the better '
seo how it was constructed.
At the end of the incline tho whole ,
party were met by tho steamer Elec
tric, on which they embarked and ,
cruiseu arounu me uay, up uio xiewis
and Clark.a short distance, then up
j iL"u"?1b ua, am .UP oung s n r,
I IMif MlI Tint 11-r-n limn fr rrr rta fnr na
, vu " "" ii umi, iu tj uo .
Pf morning they will go on the;
i Electric "around the bay and up
loung s river as far as the allnski,
ioungs river as iar as xne vvaiiusKi,
thus showing the vast extent of water
front and tho large area of anchorago
which could be made available iu the
i event of the construction of a railroad,
nntl will ilifn nn in ihn irHv.
From all that he has seen the en-
giueerhas formed a verv favorable
opinion of this city and surroundings,
and admits the necessity of a railroad
to connect it with the three lines of
transcontinental roads now iu the
state. Ho was in Spain when the
telegram reached him from Loudon
requesting him to come to this country
to inspect this road, having gone there
oJook at a railroad J10 miles in;
length which his employers proposed
to purchase the bonds of, if, in hi3opin-'
ion, it was a good investment, and ;
camo here as soon as he could get
away, not Laving seen his wife and
family Tor over a year.
This evening the gentlemen return
io Portland on the steamer It. 11.
full report which will be forwarded bv
mail, giving complete accounts of all
he has seen, and his impression and
Life is misery to thousands of people
who have Ihe taint of s-er.)fuhi iu ti.eir
blood. There is no other remedy equal i
to Hood's Sarsaparilla for scrofula, alt '
lheumanil every form of blood disease, i
It is reasonably sure to benefit all who
try H.
Notice to UpDcrAstoria itesHents. j
Ttc m-mbur.s for lioti.'.cs itt Up- '
per Astoria. Ii:.viii;r arrived, rcsi-
tlciiK dcsiriur11cir Iiouscs num '
Iicrcd for tJic Free Mail "Delivery j
tocoinmencc January 2nd, 1801, '
arc requested to ca!l and leave '
orders at tlsc Astoria. Abstract, '
Title and Trust Company's of
fice. K. X. FERGUSON.
- . , . .
I Uinhard's Kocr.
j j1-"-'1 f rej- Lunch at the Telephone
; "M"g cents.
Attention gmokor.s.
La Perla Cubana all imported.
Flor de Madrid.
La Palladina.
La Ermina.
La Famana in Kej' West Brands.
The Belmont
I 'fading Iloom in icar of Cigar Stor-.
Thompson, and from there Mr. Mc u'ii found to be entirely free from
Naughfcwill cable a message to his iarcs aiid that is the California Posi
employers in London, and write out a 1
i roc Delii'crj o-".?3kHs. j
'mew your subscriptions at Criffut
& I teed Y for papers and periodicals for I
18D1. Bring name of street and number .
of your house, and thus you will insure
prompt delivery of your reading matter. '
Phulograpus lor Chrislnia-.
Go to Crow and have your photo
taken for a Christmas present Your
friend will value it
Fine Tabic Wine
Delivered at GO cents a gallon, to any
part of the city. A line line of pure
California wine at low prices, at A.
W. Utzinger s Cosmopolitan saloon.
Has just Received a Fine and Well
Selected Stock of
Diaionis, rata anfl Jewelry
Suitable- For
Holiday ; Presents
At Very Low Prices.
u-All -joeds warranted as represented".
GCO Third Street, Astoria, Or.
'A largo stock of all
New Year Gifts
New York Novelty Store,
ascvuuus uy uio jaaiAjuu xuirui
i Title and Trust comDany :
; A- Knapp to D. K Suther
f land, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk. 3,
j Knappa S
i Deeds filed 1; total amount 200
Previously reported tms year lty2y,621
Total to date SI,!
1b Aatonlshiog Offer Some of tba
The San Francisco papers of recent dat
contained tho f ollowins effer:
"As an evidence ol the ability of Joy'i
Vegetable Sarsaparilla to prevent sick head
aches, we will give to tho first twelve re
iponsible persons who will apply at orar office
a bottle free if they "will agreo that after
they have been cored that they will admit
the fact over their signatures."
Tltl offer so Etartllngly asserted, the effl.'
j ciency.of tho remedy that many accept!,
and the letters of the parties, nearly all of
whom responded, are probably the most
convincing attestations that any remedy
ever received. The following Is a sample of
thoso received :
I have been subject to bilious headache
and constipation for several years past; ia
,, have been compelled to take a physio
evcrv other night or else I would have a
bcAtlachc and 'dull, mean feeling. I hav
taen that bottle of Joy's Vegetable Sarsa
jiarilla, and have derived great benefit from
It, and intend continuing it. After my own
experience I can heart Uv advise those trou
bled with biliousness and constipation to try
125 Locust Avenue, San Francisco.
Don't Go Shabby
- -
. But look 'out for the Famous Ply-
momu iwos rants o.'s Jfants, to
order from S3.00 to a25. Suits from
J S13.25 i to 5-vO. Overcoats from 810.-
25 to S25.00.
jvery garment guaran
P. J. Meaxt, Agent
Choice Hams 14 cents per pound at
V. G.Howkt.t. & Co.'s.
YiVinharcl'.s Beer.
fifteen hall Peel Table and all Iho
hading newspapers on file at the Sun
u. Mile Saloon.
Charles Jliggins, a colored man. from
England, is no.v prepared to do all
kinds of houseworic, heating carpets,
cleaning windows, offices, etc. Ad-
drvs.s litis office.
Only One iu tiec Uuif;l Slates.
Out of 1357 cough srups manufac
mrwl in the United States, but one has
colds, croup, e'e Sold by J. W. Conn.
At lite
Saturday. January 3rd, 1891,
A Splendid Good rime In this
Fine Ball Room .
ITiusic by irtzliiger's Orchestra
Grann March at 8:30
Adolf Johnson. C. Evcnson. Aug. Danielson.
J. T. Carlson, L, rrsoii.
C. Evenscn. .1. L. Caflson. Mnrtltt Olsen.
The pr.ind success which always attends
the social dances iveu by the ijrandluavlan
Bem-vo:cnt Society Is a Mifllcient guarantee
that an ei'joyablctinit- will be had by all
who attend.
t Admission, Gentleman and La
dies, SI. 00.
Prices Reduced!
Account of Hard Times.
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Sol Golilaiiil Silver fatcles,
Clocfe anil Jewelry.
A fine stock of Jewelry af the latest pat
crns to select from. Repairing Fine Cnro
nometers, Watches, Clocks and all kinds of
Jewelry made a specialty. All work war
ranted, aud on reasonable terms, A large
and com pic assortment of optical goods.
Call and examine goods and prices.
Shop, 53 Third Street, next to "Worsley &
styles to select from.
and Galling Cards
iviuuii in i uu ucaiuu caiui nil tuuKiia.
mm ball
200 L llfaTl II 11 IfA 1 I ll'al m-
r Vu nu u hu uuhii
xSk Gent's imbroitlereil
vSr Initial, Fancy, Plain,
COLO RED i rfsK Gashmere and si,k
Silk and Linen. CAX
: -wjj
Real Duchesse and Bretone Lace. t
tCt .
Children's Handkerchiefs. V.-A
p. m. T-TWaTT,",---aT,,,-Tar,flWni II - rrmammmmnrr. .u.-j.u.,T.
THE , k-
I iiWT frTyr-n1 lllillliiwun -- lint OHiP'T-irr nt " -iri f rm - - il fli-U" " baT " " " '' w
Leading Bouse of Astoria, Or.
Watch His Window
The Popular Boot and Shoe Store, 537 Third St;.
Opposite tho Office o tho late "Evening Pioneer."
Holiday : : Goods.
Shaving, Haircutting Saloon
S7C Conconily St
I wish to Inform my customers, and the
public at large, that I have interested Mr.
wm. Brandt, as auxiliary In carrying on the
shavluz and Haircutting business, opposite
the Delinonico restaurant, on Conconily
street, next to Parker House, Astoria.
Call and see for yourself.
, "Proprietor.
Wingate & Stone,
North Pacific Brewery,
JOHN K0PP, - - Proprietor.
s: 3Z IP O 0E-L T IEJ It .
(Opp, Telephone Landing.)
Is tie Bon Ton Restaurant oMtoftwn
Dinner Parlies, Banquets, a Specially s
jCIie Finest Wines and JOiguors.
Private Entrance and Rooms. A
N. R No connection with his qld place on-?
Main Street. " - -