"h m Hff" lUic fjaitjj gfotfmt ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY. .DECEMBER 27, 1890 YEsraiDAY, in an editorial in these columns copying an article from the San 'Francisco Commercial News, a typographical error svas made in quoting "twenty" feet of water on the bar at low tide "when it should have read "twenty-five." Avat down Boath a Georgia editor preaches a whole editorial sermon when he states in homely hut forcible language: "The longer we run a news paper and write about people and cvohIs, the more we realize how im possible it is to scratch every man on the siot where he itches the most" Another strong point in favor of the superiority of the Columbia river bur aad the convenience of our harbor for tfoe ingress aud egress of vessels was manifested j esterday. The Brit ik skip Scottish Isles with a cargo of 8,1Q) tons, aud drawing twenty-three foot aud four inches, sailed from the Young's bay anchorage without a tug, and passing down the river, crossed out over the bar. PkAiNTiYE and pointed is the appeal contained in the issue of the Portland World which appeared prior to Ghristmas, when the urgent request was made for the 4,837 delinquent subscribers of the paper to come for ward and pay from $2 to 12 each, which they were owing for subscrip tions, that the publishers might indeed have a merry Christmas. It is hoped that the response was liberal enough to bring joy to the heart of the weary poiicil pusher. Govkkxxikxtax. control of railroads isoaeot (he fundamental principles ot tlio Nationalists, and though some people consider it an absurd propo sition, jet tlic recent consolidation of the principal roads tinder the control of Jay Gould is a strong argument in favor of the followers of Edward Bel lamy. If it is a good thing to have the roads operated under one manage ment, possibly it -would be ivell to have them under national jurisdiction. Entertaining this idea, it is stated that Bellamy is about to start a new nationalistic paper in the city of New York, where he believes it will pros por, for it will undoubtedly have a large circulation. One thing is cer tain aud that is, many people are beginning to believe that if the gov ernment can so well handle the postal system, it might as xreU manago the railroad and telegraph, and this logic is certainly hard to refute. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The British ship Vhcount loft up the river yesterdn y. The steamship Oregon, sailed for San Francisco yesterday. The British ships Iron Cross and Alcinous, crossed out yesterday, bound for the United Kingdom. The British ship ScotlhJi Isles dropped down to tho mouth o the rivor yeslorday. The steamship City of Topelm ar rived from the Sound yesterday, and is discharging coal at the TJ. P. wharf. She liad 2S3 tons for this port, Si tons L which were taken off yesterday attcrnoon, and will hardly discharge the balance to-day. Another barge was wrecked in the Btonn Ghristmas morning. Captain Grang, of tho Telephone, reports that the surveying scow, at Bay View, was struck by tho wind and her deck house blown off. The schooner Jolt n F. Miller, owned and commanded by Capt B.ILHansob, arrived yesterday from San Francisco, bringing about twenty-five tons of hay and the rest is ballast She will load lumber at the Clatsop Mill Co's wharf, for San Francisco. Tho schooner has been outside for over a week standing eff and on, waiting for the storm to subside. Capt. Hanson reports very rough weather outside, much worse than ho has seen for many years. RCAIi ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed or recorded December i'G, ISOiT, as reported for The Mousing Astoriax by tho Astoria Abstract Title and Trust cempany: M M Dee to C J Tingry, lots Cand7,blk23,in Chelsea KBadd 225 X It Brown to Peter Aggeseu lots u, i and 13, blk 20, Bosedalo add M Olsen and wife to Arthur J Tee, lot 5, blk 4, Brad bury's add Ella T Beard and wife to .t HAnstcy, lots 9 and 10. 125 blk 4, Skspanon add 250 li 2 -Mitchell and wife to Antony Frantz, 10 acres in seeaa.T8X.Il7 W 230 U Ja to .Luzabeth loung, re ceiver's receipt for SWii ofSWi,,sec29,T8N, 11 sw 100 TheAstunalt E and Trust Co to Joe Beveridge, lots 1 and 2, blk 5, Bailway add 200 Gyrus Olsey to John G -Nurabrg, lot G, blk 5S, XbClurcs 50 Deeds Clod, S; total amount 1,181 Previously reported this year 1,928,M0 Total to date $ 1,929,621 Cranberries, Crasbcrrics Q cents ier jellon at tho cheapest stor a town. W. G. IIoweel & Co. second iStreer, Opiosito Hellborn's. TJic!attt style ot Gents Boots and slu jit 1. J. Goodman & Co.'s. TJmj lk series of tlio Astoria Building xA Lmh Association will be opened JaiiHary 1st, I8il. All persons wishins tovUscrilef0r stock will please call on the secretary on or before that date. V. L. Robb, Sec'y. Churles lliftl?, a colored sian, from ntl4MMi, is how pruned to do all ikMMK m hswTK, ieatiHg carpets, WHMfews, ce, etc. au- GRAND BALL GIVEN BY THE SCANDINAVIAN BENEVOLENT Society At The MBia-'.-iiaieiT ox Saturday. January 3rd, 1891, A Splendid Good Hmo In this Fine Ball Boom Music by Utzlngcr's Orchestra. Grand March at 8:30 p. m. INVITATION COMMITTEE. Adolf Johnson. C. Evenson. Aug. Danlelscn. J. T. Carlson, L, Larson. FI.OOK COMMITTEE C. Eenson, J. L. Carlson. Martin Obcii. TIip grand success which alnajs attends the social dances Riven by the Scandinavian Ilencv olent Society is si sufDcicnt cnarantee that an enjoyable time will be hod by ail w no attend. Admission, Gentleman and La dle, SI. 00. Prices Reduced! FOR SIXTY DAYS OK Account of Hard Times. T Watchmaker and Jeweler. FINE Sol Gold anil Silver fatclies, Clods aid Jewelry. A fne stock of Jcwelrj ar 1 he latest pat crns to select from. Jtppairiuj: Fine Chro nometers, Watches, Clocks and all kinds of Jewelry made a specialty. All work war ranted, and on reasonable terms. A large and complc assortment of optical goods. Call and examine goods and prices Shop, S3 Third Street, next to "Vorlcy & Camnhers. G. W. SMITH, ASTORIA, OREGON. FOR SALE rei Cheap For Cash. Inquire at Standard Saloon JlKlfl Stock fmm,-mm,ism;:i C3i Carries a fall r& p & Especially far tho The Se.isifle Bakery also has f Jcsh everj all specialties known in a Bakery. Orders Mageo, Argand and Acorn loves mm '5 Cooking and Hen ting, EVERYONE FULLY WARKANTED ATLK CLOSETS, I'LUHBINn (.OOIS roirs, sies, ad hath tohs Woo c&? So-LTUL-y-, Stl CHENAilCS STKEET. GODB THINGS Oregon anflies 3ii CMsias Tree Ornaments Mince Pies and Fruit Cakes a Specialty. To order in artistic stylo. 23"Haad in yonr orders early and avoid tho rash at tho last dav. C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Irlaln St. Wharf, Astoria, Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTDXE Brand Salmon Twine, WOODRERRY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Trices. FIRE INSURANCE Effected la First Class Companies, Representing S13,oee,000 FKffiJHX, MOMB, .Hartford, Ceaa .....New York, lKaey FtcMe BxrMa ami Wlk, Frg e ft Ce JW Manufacturing Jewelers and Yf&tehmafccn have josfc received ten Bo sare and call before KIEMI & ENGROOS, &$ . "Enlarged and Befitted to FINE V Shoalwater Say and Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, HE.VLS COOKED THIRD STREET, o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-oo-t-i-o-t ft iioi Haass Formerly the Main St. House.) This is the C caacst and is in the Quietest Location of any Hotel in the Citv. WHITE COOKS. : was O-O-O-O-O-O O-O-O-O ll - O - O - ll - O For Desirable Acreage Op INSIDE PROPERTY. . Cnli on or Address SECOND ST.. Near rostofficft. assort meat of d? tLx'EMMk'Wm d day FRUIT, CAKES, iHNCE PIES, aua for cakes solicited. rajL.L-r..'T v jAiggs!osa Largest Assortment Oivr One Ilundrcd Varieties or choice Candies ami Nuts tn select jour Holiday Goods fom at 0. B. Smith's CANDY AND F1KIIT STOKD. 4 S3 Tliinl Street, Kcar Western Union Tclcrapli Office. D5"Fresli Goods received every day."W FOB CHRISTMAS. Bakei FOR WIMTEB IEiT MY OVEECOATINGS Suitable F0RDEESS OR BQSfflESS WEAR ARE CHOICE GOODS THE FATTJCKN, The Best, THE PRICE, TIic Cheapest Aud Tho tySea also My Special Tcxx-Bollar Pants, to Order. Addr&ts James Finlayson MERCHANT TAILOR, 584 Tkird. Street, Asterla, Or. V & 1HGE00 &38 m jBweirv. U' ;tp bi ? buying anywhere else. C28 THIRD STREET. n Meet the Popular Demand.S3 :olMUEiArcl m lilt WMli Eastern Oysters. Etc. TO OKDEK. ASTORIA, OS. o ii ii o-o-o n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o - : NO CHINESE. Proprietor. - il - O - O - O - O o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o r:i"f M.'.i.i.JUHwwMiftjn Loinenweber d Goodenough, P. O. Bex 63. 3IAEKSTS. Washington Market. Main Mrcct, - Astoria, Orrjjoa. CBKIbTXaiiCV A VII . PROl'RIETOnS. kJESI'IJCTFULIA' CALL TIUE ATTES L& rion of tho pnM!c to the fdet thai ibe RKye Market wfii always besuppltedvlth n ULL VARIKTIT AND BKST QTJAIaTS rf. ft V. CURES SSCAf ! I .. rtH be j old at lowest mfts, wbo'i jie aud rotidl . sST'bpi.clal jittentlon Rlvea to scpplln? ships. STAR MARKET. Fresh and Oui-wi iUe&ig, Vsota"bles, FBUiTS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT nor! CKKXiSlSJe Street. Anmt-. . FISH MBJME I4BKET Fitzgerald & Go, Co Where You Can Get Fresh Fish, Sim?, Eggs, Ec. Vc abo Keep a Fine Line of CANNED MEATS MiD FISH J MarXct n Olney street, near Tcleihone kJVi. Boadwav Market. ZiifraJls Jc SJjii:nn.n, Troiir's. Oipo3.t Fo ud A.?tolcs. A First-Class feai Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats All Purchases Delivered in any part of the City. HENRY GLASSOP Poultry and'Fish In Quantities To Suit. Southwest cor. rourtli & Cass AD- General :-: Jobbing Jfi'e undersigned is preparrd to do any vr Ju his hue atshojtnoticer!n&KiUi J j''ory manner. WOOD FOR SALE. Orders left at Foard & Slekcs. or at Asto ria Box FcUry will receive prompt attea tica. ' F. FEAKES. WBGLE5&L33 SD RETAIL DEALER IN firocBrn Proviiii IS, ins Crockery Glass Plated Ware. ro The Largest .nd finest assortment of o'Wz&Btek Faults and IfegetafcXes. Received f -era every Steamer. SZSS3KES TIic Largest Stock ! e ?7JTW L f- ' J'J r -- -iWJ Immense Stock OF jF TLT jES. 25" X 5? TJ S2. C H A S . II E Two car loads recehed: Jlort" on the display of Furniture, Carpets t tc, in the eity. Tho Old Stand, ISE.V5P: t5fe-Si5K.y -A Ci ptwE''- r5BS! T "Hi" iiHf1! iii i f ANo U new Him- of Ready Pfiade Clothing, Hals, Caps, Shirts, etc., FURNISHING GOODS AT EASTERN PRICES. fcjf If ou want clothing to fit, CiJtoin or ready nuile io to FLYNB. The Tailor, Thiril ami Olntry Street, ASTOUIA, OREOON cs-q ,s?o ?se: pi FOR FRESH BREAD, Calirs, and S'Inc Coi:fccJin:icry. All Order Polivcrcd. COCLEY BROS mj:?jsiemt A "S3IITII PBE3IIEIin seen .it THE ASTOKIAX Oilice, where it is in daily use. L'B, '-? Krk ft ri rj Si ?AiOsrt,r PP-ffl E3A8A Uamaa m mmm m mtm mmm muss WIIfTEE & HARPER, Prop's AGENTS Tie MatcMess Bete Brotters' Pianos ALSO .T. & C. Fischer, Ives.& Pond Hamlin and A. B. Chase & Co.'s Organs. The above Instruments sold for caMi. or commission asent. but s.i eat legist SCO f0 by rcscnt.itnc, v. . b. c:iry. flBW F. rUKKK. CAUL '.. Il.'SOX Ha rkf PQfltl i U! SL'COHiSOIto 10 Q. L. PARKER, DKAI.CRS K GENERAL IERCJ-! AN DiSE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer Tins yeek. oss - CS-C5oc3.s, The Old Stand - Astoria Orceon. Jolin L Dement. Successor to W. E. Dement k Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. FrescrijitIo:t. Carrfnlly CoKJHonn:leri. Ajjent lor Mesicair Salve and Ulorsareglaii Filn Cere 21AXTOU:G. K. C. LRWIS. 0 I uu Jlial Estate and Tlm'jcr Iand Brflaers. Practical Cruisers and Estimators Taxes paid and tends protcctel from trespass, Eino xraui ia Oregon and "Wabh Ingtoa for sale. Correspondence Solicited. o8G Tliird Street Astoria. Or. Ten d Mill an The Lowest Prices ! m ?''x1k jg Mf '& z&y 32 .O-Kve" ife&s 3? 1 L B O H N . wiy. You are initcd to see the flnc Prices rea-iOii.UIe. Astoria, Oregon. LATESTC GOODS IN WOOLENS ARE UNSURPASSED. 1 o p? Wfih mi I I ml TYPEWRITER Contains raorc points of merit than any other 'iypewnter on the market. If jcu arc interested in, or contemplating the purchase of a -ciitipg machine, send for illus trated catalornie to r&i'. W. IIRYX0LI55, Agl. Ho. 23 L.turk Street, PORTLAN!?, - OREGON. TYPEWJIITER can Le FOR and otlier pianos. Mason & on e.isv Installments. Do not buy of a dealing directly with the firm or their rep- CHKI-f. EVEXSOX. F. COOK THS. Sspnti ' U sf p M H i SYENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LslRGE CLEAN" ROOMS, A FIItST-CLASSRESTAUIiAJiT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Ojsters, Fisii, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order, lVATKKMt., Opp. Foard & glokcs A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run in connection with the Premises. The Best of yWES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. V. H. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. Butter, Eggs, Canned Goods, Potatoes, Wood and Willow Ware, Etc. iimon Fisheries I Wc aro prepared to Supply our Tatrons and others with tlio best Eisli Netting, in Traps or Seines, our Long Experience War rants for if 91. We invite early orders. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO. Boston Of f tec, 94 Commercial Stl inJgS35bn ilji 1 ii I 0i M liT-1; Hot moAr BEING DISPLAYED A -OF PER AMERICAN SHIP BOOKS Gases In Addition lo Our Already Large Stock, Willamette :- University Graduates Students in Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law and Hedical Courses. Also Musical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Courses. It is tho oldest, largest and least expersivf Institution of learning In the northwest. School opens first Monday In September. Send for catalogue to THOS, VANSCOY, President, Salem, Or. saw fc Boil is LeaflM Tailor New Fall Coods Just Received. Latest Goods in the Market. ST"Call ami bo convinced that I turn out the most fashionable suit in the city. 513 Third Street, - Next to C. H. Cooper's. einhard's Is the Choice of Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to be directed to H. WEDTHARD, Portland, Oregon. Corner Twelfth and. B. Telephone 72. Wholesale W Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wine in any qnanntj at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. ! Ri AND TOYS New Goods. TTLLIE E. STARBUCK. Reed. HHHtaccan Lager Beer ! the Connoisseur. F. O. Box 405 hie House. Kr-1 mimm 'W; JuMPDVilRIIITIR AN ELEPHANT CANT CLIMB ATREC . a whale cannot live on The shoes . A COOK CANNOT 001 QUITE HEft PEST " rcc BF THE RANGE KA5 NO fe OCCMire Gauze DoorW it yoxttstaes? thi1 ssst Buyiho CHARTER OAK, With the Wiro Qauzo Oven Doors. vbeC&. 3' .1JrlA W '&a i UCr,- xJ-CK . -v t V - t-iC . .iy ""i. 1 , K-. .- . -? BmB?- "-- ,