0 ASTOKIA, OREGON: SATURDAY mVFMKF.lt 20. 1E00 ISSUED EVERY MORNING, P. W. PARKER, Pnblkker aud Proprietoi. srouiAN Uuiluim - Cass Stu:t Tenns of Snbscrlrllon Served bv Canter, per week 15 cts Sent 13 Mall, per lHonlti . no cts est by MaH. one ywir $7.00 Free of Mt;tc lo mb"crner. Tun Astoiuav cuarautcfs to its adver lstae largest oirciiln'ioi. of any newspa t mi'otMicd om :1k Co unit w river. The 'he Smith Premier tvnewriter is ' declared lo 1m? the bet bv ielenranh ! yerators. ' 9; number of bbvs enrolled, 184; num- nM 77rr"T- -. I ber o 8-rls enrolled. 211; total, 395; lhe members of the Jnu brigade aro average number belonging, 32L7 Jequested to meet for drill this average daily attendance, 303. n.tomoon at 2 o'clock, at llescno hall. j Roll of honor containing the name3 r ,. , ., oE a11 Pupils who have been neither Undies, i ou wish a handsome absent nor tardy, and who are perfect i4nna cup wl saucer, attend tho in deportment .uicaoo tea to e given on the .30th ' mst. saoa The public schools of this city hav ing closed for the holidays, the chil dren will have ample time to celebrate Christmas and New Year's. Subscribe for Trrn Astoiuan, cither the DAirvr or Weekly, and yon will get a first class novel with it every month, free of extra charge. All persons who are to narticinate in th? Mikado arc requeued to meet for . mi.I. 11. ? -.t T ..! i 11 I practice this evemu" at i HO at lUe residence of llolwrt Carruthers. Geo. Christiansen, the ouug forger from Smith Bend, was released fiom tie county jail yesterday, relatives of Ike young man who recently learned of Ins trouble, giving bonds for his appearance. A Japanese song in the Japanese language and in Japaneso costume will bo sung by a lady of this city at the "Mikado Tea'' concert to be given by the Y. W. C. T. U. on Ttxesdav, December SOlli. A pleasing incident at tho closo of school yesterday, was tho gift of an elegant shaving set and a gold headed cane to Prof. Pratt, principal of tho j Court street school, presented by the ! members of his clas. i Oa Thursday evening. January 8. 1S91, there will be a joint installation I At the M. evomuj;, the E. church to morrow pastor, J'ev. u. W. 'wuiv ilujc wa-jiiii-u iur kcuiu uanson, uertl at the office of the county recorder j monson, Alma wo ciortcaire ileeus amoiinunir to ' Hvnll Tlrr - ' ... - , of the officers of the G. A. II , the V. ' "y eiirey, unas. Joiinson, Jda tins K. C. aud the S. or V., which -will take k'fson, Lizzie Busey, Loring Stinson, place in Grand Armvhall. corner of Bertha Foster, Katie Scannell, Bennie Cass and Second streets. Powell, Jeanio Porter. Lewie Ossen- G man is, will preach an appropriate I Ida Lamppa, Bertha Foster, Lewie sermon for the occasion, entitled: Ossenbruggen. "Our .Pilgrim Fathers the Sunday Cth Grade. Charles Abercrombie, toy gave us; Should we Secularize i liobert Montieth, Johnnie Ossenbrug- illiM i gen, Elmore Boss, Hjalmar Strom, ! Emma Erickson, Beba Hobson, Mabel Evorv man likes to be considered a Ohler, Annie Peterson, Nellie TJtzinger, perfect gentleman aud the fact that a George May, Antoine Nowlen, Eddie largo number cr gentlemen patronize ' Overton, Charlie Stone, Frank Wood tbe Astoria baths on Third street held, Maggie Higgins. Lena Mason, show that L. E. Gillet's enterprise in ' Lizzie Overton, May TJtzinger, Eddie fitting up such fine rooms is appro-1 Parker. ciatcd. Bank L -A Class. Charlie Aber- crombie; B Class. Antoine Nowlen. To-morrow morning at the Con- 7th Grade. Olive Andrews, Hau grccational church the pastor, Bev. G. nah Carlson, Genie Lewis, Ella Powell, C Hall, will take for the subject ofjlrena Johnson, Annie McLean, his discourse 4Forefnthera Day," ( Thomas Carlson, Eudolph Boentgen, which is the anniversary of the land- Alida Buppa, Leonard Stinson, ng oi me riignms on i'jymouui j .uocK, so exquisitely leuuerea in verse by the sweet poet, Mrs. Hemans. Mrs. Thomas L. Smith died at Brookfield jeslerday, aged 25 years, leaving four children, the eldest 8 years and the jonngest 2 months of I ago- Undertaker Surpreuant tends j up a coffin ou the Telephone this . morning, and the funeral will lake place at Brookfield this afternoon. Nothing has been heard from D. P. Thompson or J. H. Smith, of Port land, in reference to a proposition on railroad matters, but as Hon. C. W. Fulton has not yet returned it is prob ably in his hands, and on his return to this city on Sunday morning, it will doubtless be submitted to those inter ested. A number of the teachers of the Court street school were pleasantly remembered with gifts by their pupils at the close of school yesterday after joou. Among the recipients of gifts were the follewing: Miss Badollet, toilet set; Miss Powell, gold pen; Miss MacCormac, manicure set: Miss Lev ings, toilet set. Unless the real estate dealers make some extra exertions, the total trans fers for the j ear will fall short of two millious. They are in reality far more than that, as many transfers of valu able property have been recorded in the year where in each case the con sideration in each deed was staled at onlv one dollar. Yesterday a native of Great Britain, named John Yeon bade an affectionate adieu to Queen Victoria, and offered j his baud in friendship to Uncle bam. The venerable gentlemau look the offered hand kindly, aud informed John that if he would be a good boy five years he should thcu bo made one of tho great American family. Several notes and county warrants -which were stolen from the safe of Xncklo Bros, at St. Heleus on Tues day morning, have been found on the bank of the river near that place, under a tin box, and it is now sus pected that tho burglars were resi dents of St Helens. It was at first supposed that all the papers had been found at Kalania. Bemarably fine furniture for the postoflice and tho custom house in this city is on the way here from.the east, and will soon arrive, having passed Council Bluffs on the 9th inst There will be for the postoflice a hat rack and mirror, revolving desk, and patent sack rack. For the custom house there is coming a hat rack and mirror and other furniture, as well as a new carpet. The Scandinavian Benevolent Soci ety will givo their anuual grand ball nt'thc Columbia caunery on Jan. 3rd. Even one who attends is sure of a fjoodtime- The invitation and floor committees arc gentlemen who always succeed in making it pleasant for all .,.. ilmir snnervisjon. The tickets admitting gentleman and ladies are! oalv one dollar, anau you go, mere is o wav you could have any more fun unless you were bigger. Go to tho Columbia bakery for all kinds of cakes. COURT STREET SCHOOL. Report for tie Fonrlb Monti End ing Dee, 19. 1880. x.uius oy tjzj: jioltj or Jioyon. The following is the statistical report of the Court street school for the fourth month of the present term, ending Friday, Dec. 19, 1890. Tho month is two days shorter thsn usual, there having been but eighteen days of school, but the total report is given herewith. Number of days taught, 18; num ber of davs nttanrlnnniv iiKfTI nnmVia of dnvs absence. 290nrmsfjnrt.orri;Tioco 1st Grade. Jennie Rowland. Ethel Millard, Lena Kronquest, Katie Stone, niiuca ouuuuue, xessie orregory, Xjiine ja Jjarsen, Jennie Os Abramson, Annie Lau- ITerchen, llosa Parker. riuur .iwusjow, juaio am, Unas. Cleveland, Loyd Uhlenhart. Frank Furtado. Carl Chrishanser, Oscar Hendrickson, Isaac Laanti. Rank 1. Sidney Snow, Loyd TJhlen hari, Bessie Gregory, Minnie Doo neke. 2nd Grade. Lil Habersham, Lydia Larseu, Ida Nordberg, Hattie Utzin ger, Francis Petit and Fred TJlrich. Rank 1. Himie Parker. Lil Haber- sham, John Kelly and Bessie Beid 3r" Grade. -Jamie Babbidge, KonrrA linfira T?w9rkr-l- ntnni..L..H ""rt niutcio, oJHiraii II cotciuurK, Unarles Johnson, Joo Furtado, Gertie Stockton, Maud Kindred, Bita Marion, Mamie Smith, Olga Lucca son, Alpha Hendrickson, Mary Nowlen, Josie Lawson and Delia Millard. Bank 1. Gertie Stockton, Delia Millard and Joe Furtado. 4th Grade. Victor Long, Tommy Parker, Emma Carlson, Emma Hamil toa, Mary Kronquest, Gurnia Olson, Laura Parker, Jennio Curtis, Nellie Mason, Gracio Bannells. Willie Cyrus, Katie Bonslow, Annie Jeffrey, Willie Johnson, Don De Force, Malts Long, Amons Larson, Emil Nyman, Annie Johnson, Florence Boss, Ethel Stin- sn ami Annie Busey. Bank 1., A class. Adelaide Mon ieith. B class. Don De Force. 5th Grade. Sophia Hanilla, Annie Nowlen, Nettie D'Elia. Dot. Davis. Os- car Prael, Bennie Marion, Fred Lid- l)Cr7, rau Grannis, Alma Johnson, brnggen, Elmero Leasy, Ida Lamppa, Bank 1. A Class. Bertie Hibbs. - uoc xavies, aopma Manilla; U (Jlass.- i? rankio Holden, .Nellie Hendrickson, Hilma Johnson, Maud Stockton, Wil lie uustaison, Uelle Wooden. Bank 1. A Class. Olive Andrews; B class. Nellie Hendrickson. 8th Grade. Mamie Ttfillard, Alex andria Wilson. Christina Tanper. Daisy Stockton, Edwin Hobson. Bank 1. A Class. Minnie Bice; B Class. -Edwin Hobson. A special meeting of the Y. W. C. T. TJ. is hereby called for 1:15 this afternoon at Bescue hall, when all the members are requested to be present. Mrs. J. T. Bos3, President. Life is misery to thousands of people who have the taint of scrofula in their blood. There is no other remedy equal to Hood's .Sarsapaiilla for scrofula, salt rheum and every form of blood disease. It is reasonably sure to benefit all who tiy it. M&e to UjjerMoria Residents, The number for houses iu Up per Astoria having arrived, resi dents desiring: their houses num bered for the Free Mail Delivery to commence January 2nd, 1801, aro requested to call and leave orders "at the Astoria Abstract, Title and Trust Company's of fice. K. Z. FERGUSON. Secretary. The 8 h series of tho Astoria Building and Loan Association wilL be opened January 1st, 1891. All ptrsons wishing to subscribe for stock will please call on tho. secretary on or before that date. W. L. Kobb, Sec'y. Merry Christmas. E!egant and useful Christmas pres ents at the Bazar. Embroidery and Mamping done to order. 1G3 Cass street Cranberries, Cranberries r0 cents per gallon at the cneapest store in town. W. G. Uoweli. & Co. Second Street, Opposite lleilborn's. Choice Hams 14 cents per pound at V7. G. Howell & Co.'s. Sweet Apple Cider Soda Works. at the Astoria Canary Bird I.ost. lleturn my canary bird to me at the postoflice and receive a liberal reward. Jab. vr. Hare. Fruits, Nuts, Popcorn aud sweet cider iu die jiuiiuays at V. G. ilOWELL & Co.'s. Candy and Ifuts At ilolnu's, G10 Third street Fresh Clatsop eggs 40 cents per dozen at Thompson & Ross. Fine Table Wine Delivered at GO cents a gallon, to any part of tho citj. A line line of pure California wines at low prices, at A. W. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon. A fine display of Christina? goods at the Bazar. Stamping and embroidery done to order. 1C3 Cass street. Hand in your ordeis early to the Ore gon Bakery and avoid the rush. Remember the Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. r PERSONAL MENTION. A. E. King of Hwaco, was in the city yesteyday on a business trip. Major John L Bogers, U. S. army, stationed at Sar Francisco, is in the city on a brief visit. Mrs. W. C. Eicord has ldndly con sented to assist the ladies in tho Mikado entertainment on the 30th insh Samuel Bartholomew went home to Portland last evening on the steamer, after a visit of ten days with his brother Arthur Bartholomew, engineer of the Bay railway. 3IARDJE NEWS AND NOTES. The British ship Alcinous finished loadincr at the Union Panifin wlinrf yesterday and was hauled out into the stream. She will clear to-day. The little steamer Volga dis tinguished herself yesterday aflpr- uoon, making tho run from Hwaco to mis point in an hour and twenty-five minutes. She came through the mid dle channel. Passengers to Portland. The followinn- is tho list nf nnccoi'. gers having rooms who went up the iici ju&l uijjut on tuo steamer y. j:. Thompson. Mrs. Moore. J. J. Tfivlnr. Mr. fJrif. I fin. O. B. West, D. B. Staples, M. B. I XXUL-'UiLLUti. WTTI- KnmtVino A l 1 Smith, Mr. Frank, Mr. Loveland, TL Crohn. J. H. "D. firav. Tn'o HnMonv E. P. Thompson, Ern. Ferguson, J. a! uiveu ana wiie, M. Li. Uardoll, Miss Ausmus, Miss Alston, Miss Smith, J. Goldstein. J. O. A. "Rntrlhv- .Tnp TWrr. man. Miss Schofield, B. L. Shepheard, V. M. McCullough, W. A Campbell, E. T. Dawes, J.McMulleu, A J. Whit- tai-er, jr. Johnson, 1. Burtholomew, H H. Tinker, Sydnev Dell, Mr. Barnes, W. J. Hunsaker, M. Hcrrick, J. S. Oswald, W. B. Grav, C. C. Brown. Church Fair. Ladies of tho Finnish Lutheran church will givo a Grand Fair at Lib erty Hall next Saturday evening, where will bo a fine display of over 500 different kinds of articles of every description. Koad Supervisor's Notice. The roadway from tho Anglo-American cannery to tho eastern end is im passable until further notice. B. GaliiAGHeic, Supervisor. Don't Go Shabby But look out for tho Famous Ply mouth Bock Pants Co.'s Pants, to order from S3.U0 to S8.25. Suits from S13.25 to S25.00. Overcoats from S10.- 25 to $25.00. Every garment guaran teed. P. J. Meant, Agent Wciiiliarrt' ISccr. A fifteen ball pool Table and all the leading newpapf rs on file at the Sun nyside Saloon. Teleplione loilzrirtjc House. Ut'-St Hi'd-i in town. 1'iwmw iwr nilil 50 and 2.". ct.s Jht v. ee3 S1.50. New :! clean. Private entrance. For Kent. The Store lately oeetmii'il Iiv TlimM -C- Sherman. Apply to C.S. Gukdeksox. holographs lor Christmas. Go to Crow and havn vnnr nlintn taken for a Christmas present. Your menu win value it. Frehh Ku stern Chestnuts. Main St. bet 1st. and 2d. 1, X. L. I'uilding. Fruits. Candy, IViils. Fre-h Peanuts every day, I. X. Building. Ludlow's. Ladies' J&.00 Fine Shoes; aUo flexible hand-turned French Kid, at P. .1. Goodman & Co.'s. Wanted. Position as planer man, or to work a handsaw, or a sticker, or mortteer. Can file and hammer saws. Aildiess "J. M.". care Astouian. Kiiachc-IIro! och Norsk-Sill hos Parker & Hanson. Attention Smokcr.s. Commercial. Lurline, La Perla Cubana all imported. Flor de Madrid. La Palladina. La Ermiua. LaFamana in Key West Brands. The 3elmont Mocha. Heading Itoom in rear of Cigar Ston. CUAULES Ol.SKNS Wcinharl't liecr. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. A fine lino of Cigars and Cigarettes can be found at tho Columbia Bakery, 59G Third street Mrs. Zumwalt has removed her dress making parlors to fiG Front street be tween Spruce and Madicon. near the gas works, where she will be glad to rctcive her customers and friends. Cigars At Holmes, GiO Third street Charles Higftins, a colored man, from England, is now prepared to do all kinds of housework, beating carpets, cleaning windows, offices, etc Ad dress this office. Nothing Succeeds I.iho Success. It is verified by tho fact that nearly everybody eats at Jeff's New ro t aurant Fresh Oysters, Eastern Clants At John Rogers' market, opposite C. H. Cooper's, Third street Fine lot on "Water Street for, Sale or Lease, on easj terms. Apply at Hamburg House, until Dec G. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s. Go to Olsen's for Cuban Blossoms, 10c All tho patent medicines advertlseu in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articlos etc can o bought at the lowest prices at J. V. Conn's drng store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Oaly One in the United State,. Out of 1357 cough syrups manufac turetl in the United States, but one has been found' to be entirely free from opiates and that Is the California Posi tive and Negative Electric Cough Cure, which is the best on earth for coughs, colds, croup, etc Sold by J. W. Conn. GMliren GriArPitclierys Dastoria HEAL ESTATE TRANSFEES. Deeds filed or recorded December 19, 1890, as reported for The Monxca AsToniAs by the Astoria Abstract Title and Trust comnany : S D Adair and wife to Jennie Williams, lots 19 and 20, blk 8, Merriwether Down3 120 Same to B H Williams, lols 28 and 29, blk 5, Merri wether Downs 125 Maxwell Young and wife to Louis Erendt, lots 1 and 2, blk 1. Young's add 150 Astoria BE Co to C W Ludwog, lot 13, blk G, Bailwayadd 100 J F Brown and wife to J H Lunn et aL all of Brown's add.9blocks .2.000 M J Kinney t al to L E juanrorth et aJ, lota 11 to 15 inc, blk 58, New As toria 750 Samo to C C Paterson, lots 1 and 2, blk 31, New As toria 275 John Smith to Alex Gilbert, the SE of NEif andEK oC SEK of sec 80, and SW K of S AY4 of sec 29, T 7 N,B8W L300 Deeds filed, 8; total amount 4,820 i-rcviousiyreporteu mis year j,uio,7uy Total to date 1,918,529 "A GROTVT.." Mb. Editer: Although my taxes ara Knoll, yet they are as burdensome to mo as If I paid much more. And as a tax-payer, I'fcel that I have c right to critloiso thoso extravagances that are factors in the crea tion of high taxes. I have in my mind tho county hospital. No sooner docs tho Im pecunious citizen becomo brotcn down and debilitated, than he rushes off to the hosuitaL Even persistent dyspepsia and constipation aro getting to be excuses for admission. Hence, allow me space to enter my fcebla protest against further continuance of this pernicious practice. It cost3 too many hard dollars for the treatment of theso unfor tunates, and it isjiightimo that they should know that they can save the county that ex pense, by the judicious use of a few bottles of Joy's Vegetable SaKaparllla, arcmody that within my observation Is a sovereign cure for those too common disorders. If they won't toie it they ought to bo compelled to by some law that would meet tho case. Under the circumstances a full hospital if Inexcusable, hence this growl. A CITIZEN. Kc.iS Torchon J.nee.s. Look at Mrs. McEwans fine assort ment .r20 Third street Salmon S.olUcs. For two or three days Sroie.au fc Sherman have some fine Columbia river salmon bellies in kit and half barrels. House for Kent. Apply at resid-nce of Thoa. Logan, opposite the Congregational church. police. You can save money by using Mr. Gilbert's Zinfnndcl wine instead of coffee or tea. It is much healthier and costs only Go cents per gallon. It is three j ears old. He has also peach and apricot brandy. Don't forget his French Cognac aud French Wine. Alex. Gilukkt. $1,000 RKVAhCI, What Would Astoria IW With out Jeff? S1,(K0 rcw.ir.l in U- :. gold coin will be paid by uJeff,' the World Kenowned Caterer, to any peron who can satis factorily proe he cm tret a better meal or a greater variety of all the Delicacies of the season to chose from, than he can at .Jeff's for the money. Second street, opposite Telephone Landing. Worse Thau JLeproy Is Catarrh, and there is but one prepa ration that does cure that disease, and that is the California Fositive and .Neg ative Electric Liniment. Sdd by J. V. Conn. It also cures neuralgia, rheuma tism, headache, sprains burns and all pain. Try it and tell your neighbor where to get it. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser able by that terrible coujjh. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold bv Th. Olsen. SHILOH'S VITALIZE' is what you neid for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all svnintoms J of Dispcpsia. Price 10 and 7" cents per bottle, sold by Th. Olseu. y Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attention Clvonto Filling " Cf Orders. A FULL LIKE CARR2ED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of the city Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Eulldluj' on Water Street r. O. Box TiS. Telephone No 37. tSTOUIA. OKF.GOIV FOR SALE V Cheap For Cash. Inquire at Standard Saloon Santa Oiaus Are again Cry Sftiifis! MStDreaMM Hew York Novelty Store, "Where will be found a large a varied assortment of Holiday Goods! Holiday Goods! Christmas and New Year Cards, Toys, Leather, Flash and Oxydized Toilet Sets, Bound and Toy Books, Albums, Jewelry, Gold Fens, Gold and Silver-headed Canes and Umbrellas, and a great variety of Novelties and Notions. Presents for Old and Young ! Holiday Gifs io Suit Any and All Tastes. Prices lower than the lowest within tho reach of all. A cordial Invitation is extended to everybody to call and inspect onr stock. Country orders solicited. Prompt attention guaranteed. R. STRAUSS, NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE. OPPOSITE OCOTDENT HOTEL. AN ECZEMA 17 YEARS. Cored, in 8 Weeks. One et tUc Greatest Cores Ever Performed "by tlic Cuticura. Remedies. At the ase of three months a rash (which afterwards proved to be eczema or salt rheum) made its appearance on my face. Physician after physician was called. None of them did me any good at all. but made me worse. Thedlsease continued unabated : t sDrcad to mv arms and lee?, till I was laid up euwreiy, ana irom continually sittint; on the floor ou a pillow, my Hmb3 contracted fothat I lost all control of them and was utterly helpless. My mother would nave to lift me out and into bed. I could get around the house on my hands and feet, but I could not cet my cioiues on at an. j and had to wear a sort t ol dressing gown. My ; halrhadaumatteddown or ia'ieu oir, ana my head, face and ears were one scab. The disease continued In this manner until I was seventeen years old, and 0110 day In January, 1879, I read an ac count In the 'lYibunc of your Cuticura. ItciiEOiEs. It desenbed my case so exact ly that I thought, as a last resort, to give them a trial. Wtien I first applied them I was all raw and bleeding, from scratching mysclf.but I went asleep almost immediate lv, something I had not done for years, the effect was so soothing. In about two weeks I could stand straight but not walk, I was so weak ; but my sores were nearly well. As rear as I can judge, tho Cuticura Hkmkdies cured me in about six to eight weeks, and up to this date (", .. from Janua ry. lSTP. to January. 18S7) I have not been sick in any way, or liave had the least signs of ine aisease reappearing on me. W.J. MCDONALD, 3732 Dearborn St., Chicago. 111., June 30, 'ST. Cuticura Remedies. Arc the only infallible Skin and Itlood rurtfieis. Sold everywhere, PricoiCtTicu m., trie great Skin Cure. 50e; Cuticura hoar, an exquisite Skin Purifier and beau tifier. 25c; Cuticura Resolvent, the new blood rurifler, Si. Prepared by tho Potter Ijrug and Chemical Corporation-. .Boston. es"cnd for "IIow to Curo Skin Diseases." CI pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. HOW MY SIDE ACHES! Aching Sides and Back, Hip, Kid ney and Uterine Pains, and rheum atism rclclTcd. in one min ute bv the Cuticura. Anti- PainPJnstcr. The first and only In- santaueons pain-killing plaster. educed ! FO SIXTY DAYS Account of Hard Times. G. W.Smith Watchmaker and Jeweler. FINE Sol Gold alii Silver latches, Clocts and Jewelry. A fine stock of Jewelry af tho latest pat erns to select from. Repairing Fine Chro nometers, Watches, Clocks and all kinds of Jewelry made a specialty. All work war ranted, and on reasonable terms. A large and comple assortment of optical goods. Call and examine goods and prices. Miop, 53 Third Street, next to Woriley & Carruthers. G. W. SMITH, ASTORIA, OREGON. AUSTIN "HOUSE G. A. McGUIRE. Propr. Open All tie Year 'Ronnfl. THh POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully located on the banks of the Necanlcum, within five minutes walk of CLATSOP BEACH, The most pleasant Seaside Itesort Ou the Jf orthu est Pacific Coast. Every attention is paid to the comfort and accommodation of the guests, and the table Is supplied with tho very best iu season. Here are plenty of Clams and Crabs, there Is game in the woods and plenty of the finest fish in the streams. House -:-Cleaning CARPETS BEATEN -AND- Neatly Mei Caie ol -by-CHARLES HIGGINS, A colored gentleman lately from England, Leave orders on slate at Astoriak Ofllce. THE- Scot Bay Foimflry -CORNER-WEST FIFTH AND WALL STS. Astoria, - - Oregon-. CASTINGS Of all Descriptions MADE 10 ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Headquarters located at the fW && I ' vv - Ti'N3y1 Five k Gent's Embroidered, V!V Initial, Fancy, Plain, y silk LADIES' Ultll v AND WHITE VO - jk LINEN. GuLOREDi k Cashmere and snk liSEREIPk Mufflers ! Silk and Linen, J& t Real Oichesse and Bretons Lace. v x Children's Handkerchiefs. vA C. Leading Souse of Astoria, Or, Watch His Window The Popular Boot and Shoe Store, 537 Third: St. Opposite the Office of the late ''Evening Pioneer." Holiday : : Goods. U 2. DUPARK. WJt. BRANDT. NEW DEPARTURE AT TJ. H.. IKTESiXLT Shaving, Haircutting Saloon S7G Conconily St. iwlshtoiufonn my customers, and the, puMlc at large, tnai l nave mieresieu our. wm. Brandt, as auxiliary In carrying on the Shavlne and HalrcuttlnR business, opposite tho Delmonlco restaurant, on Concoraly street, next to Parker House, Astoria. Call and see for yourseU. ..,,. L. E. DUPARK. Proprietor. A BARGAIN LOT OH MAIN St. -ON MOTOR LINE ONLY $so Wingate & Stone, wmm H. COOPER, THE North Pacific Brewery? JOHI-T KOPP, - - Proprietor. -BREWER OF- H ' 'K.A K W K H H EXTRA PHtfE E-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. New RESTAURANT SECOND - STREET (Opp. Telephone Landing.) Is tie Bon Ton Restaurant of tie Town j (AJCD THE FIKKST OX THE COAST.) Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Speciatly 37ie Finest Wines and liquors. Private Entrance and Rooms. N. B. No connection with his old place on Main Street. 1 1 1 Dozen ! '. .? Sst - ,. M A N ,A(4H K. HK.W.H. STEAM. REER. ; 11 1 1 TIE IMLY RBSTAURAKT-JEFF'S First-class shaving,25c;Ferd Ferrell's.