The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 19, 1890, Image 3

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tte jSatUt ist(rcm
-DECEMBER 19. 1800
Publisher and Proprietor.
sroaiAX nuiLio. - CassStbeet
'ferae ef Sabscrlptlon.
Served by Carrier, per week 15 eta
ent by Mall, per month Cocts
"Jt b Mall, one j ear . $7.00
Fre of poasc to subscribers!,
Tnc Astokiax Ruarantees to Its ader
ne the Unreal circulation of auy newspa--r
published m the Culuinlna rher.
(Additional Local News on 1st Page.)
Yesterday -was diversified with sun
shine, clouds, rain, thunder and light
ning:. Tho Smith Premier typewriter is
declared'to be the best by telegraph
B. Saari, who died on "Wednesday
last, -rill be buried at Gray's river on
Sandav next.
Temple I-iodce, No. 7. meets at
Masonic hall this evening for work in
tho second degree.
The improvements in tho postoffice
are sHIl in progress, and will bo com
pleted as soon as possible.
There was filed with tho county
recorder yesterday a niortgago for
$500, to bo placed on record.
Though, feeling for from well, and
unable to move around very rapidly,
. A. Weed is ngain on duty.
There will be practice at 4 and 730
for the singers in the Mikado, and at 7
sharp for the fan drill at Bescuo HalL
Laboring men and mechanics who
call it dull here will not be liable to
find it mueh better anywhere else they
ma' go.
Subscribe for The Astokiax, either
the Daxiir or "Weekly, and yon will
pet a first class novel with it every
month, free of extra charge.
In the probate court jesterday,
Lena Jobansen was appointed admin
istrator of the estate of O. P. Johansen,
deceased, and bond was fixed at
Work among the molders in Port
land appears to be good, but of the
bakers, laborers, painters, tailors, car
penters and other trades, many men
are out of work.
Now is tho time when a joung
man's be&t girl is trying to ascertain
the size of bis foot without asking
him. so she can have his slippers made
before Christmas.
It is rough weather this week for
vessels off the coast of "Washington
and Oregon, and will test their seago
ing qualities as well as tho skill of
their commanders.
Don't drop letters in the new lamp
post or street mailing boxes, until the
carriers commence their work, as the
letters will not be taken out of the
boxes until they are on duty.
A horse attached to a milk wagon
belonging to Larsen & Co., ran away
from Smith's Point yesterday and
alter wrecking the wagon and spilling
the milk, came to a standstill.
Amusements are rather scarce at
present, so far as entertainments at
the opera house are concerned, but so
long as the churches and societies are
in existence they fill the aching void.
Among the trial jurors summoned
to appear at Portland January 6th, for
attendance in the United States cir
cuit court, appears the name of "C. W.
Carnahan, farmer, Clatsop, Clatsop
The new letter boxes were being
put in place by Contractor J. "W. Sur
prenant yesterday, and can now be
seen on many corners. Thoy are of a
new and improved pattern, and are
both rain and burglar-proof.
A little flash of lightning and a
short peal of thunder frightened some
of the local residents shortly before
midnight The occurrance is unusual
in this city and the chances are that
there will be sonr milk in several
households this morning.
Printers in this city out of work will
find poor encouragement in going to
Portland, where Multnomah union
reports thirty idle men, with pros
pects of more; that work is generally
doll, and there is no visible sign of the
long-expected dailv paper coming to
Cbarler applicants for the new
lodge of the Benevolent Piotective
Order of Elks are notified that the
rand exalted ruler of the order, Dr.
Qainlin, of Chicago, assisted by
several members of the order from
Portland, will bo here next Monday,
and will institute the new lodge on
that' evening in this city.
The funeral of J. E. Haarbarg,
who was drowned on Wednesday, is
to take place this noon from Surprou
at's undertaking parlors, under the
auspices of Columbia Engine Com-
pny No 3, and the following mem
bers of the company have been ap
pointed pall-bearers: T. W. Morton,
it. Leinenweber, S. Olsen, H. Peter
too, J. P. Hay, L. Larsen, J. Bobin
son and W. B. Painter.
Griffin & Beed of this city are daily
i& receipt of a number of letters
addressed to Santa Clans. The fol
lowing is a specimen of one received
yesterday from Gray s Kiver. It reads
as follows, and was addressed: "Santa
Clans, Astoria." Grav's Biver, Dec
14th, 1S90. Dear Santa Clans; bring
y little sister a doll and a doll wagon
aad some candy and some nuts and
state peanuts, and a tin horn. Bring
ate an air gun and a buck saw and a
kmfe aad some candy and some nuts
ad some peanuts. Fraxk.
CetHHtbia N 3 Attention
You will Meet at Surprenant & Co.'s
U4ertaklng Parlors, atl2 o'clock noon,
to-day, to attend the funeral of jour
lte brother fireman, J. K. Ilaarberg.
By order W. S. Kixkey,
II. L.OfGWORTiiY, Secretary.
Cranberries, Cranberries
50 cets per gallon at the cneapest store
lit town. W. G. Howell & Co.
Second Street, Opposite lleilborn's.
Choice Hams 14 cents per pound at
W. G. Howell. As Co.'s.
Sweet Apple Cider at the Astoria
Se& Works.
A New Monetary Institution Or
ganize! In TMs City,
Another new bank will open its
doors in this city in about two weeks.
This time it is a Savings Bank and
organization was completed yesterday
when articles of incorporation were
filed. The new institution is to be
known as the Astoria Savings Bank,
and tho capital stock which has all
, been subscribed is $100,000. The in-
corporators are I. "W. Case, C. H.
Page, J. Q. A. Bowlby, F. J. Patton
and Ben Young.
The bank will fill a long felt want
in this city. Temporarily the new
institution will do business in the I.
W. Case bank building.
' riosp of the Tern, Christmas Exei clues
.Anil Other Items.
Court street school closes to-day for
a vacation of two weeks. Owing to
the crowded condition of many of the
rooms no Christmas exercises will be
held except in the first and second
Some provision will have to be
made for the increase in numbers in
the high school, as the Tegular term
promotions take plaoo'about January
15th, at which time another class will
be added, and an examination will be
held for admission to this department.
A number of new pupils have ex
pressed their intention of entering at
that time.
The old flag which has floated from
tho building for the past year, while
school has been in session, tore itself
from the halyard yesterday and fell
into the street A new one has been
XumeroHs Wedding Fresnts.
Yesterday's Astorian contained a
notice of the marriage of Chas. H.
Johnson and Miss Lucy C. Foster at
the M. E. church in this city on
"Wednesday evening.
The bride was arrayed in a hand
some dove-colored Henrietta dress,
trimmed in changeable silk. The
bridesmaid, Miss Mary E. Foster, was
attired in a dove-colored cashmere
dress, trimmed in silk ribbons. Both
bride and bridesmaid had a bunch
of orange blossoms at their throats.
The best man was Joseph B. Sickles.
Presents received were, one wedding
cake, Mr. and Mrs. Johanson; one
bride's cakef "MrsjClara Johnson; one
half gallon of f riuttiEkie Parker; one
table cloth, Mrs. W. W. Parker;
table cloth and set of napkins, Mary
Foster; one bed -spread and two
sheefe, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson;
one dust bag, Mrs. G. W. Johnson;
one-naif -dozen hand towels, Thos.
Johnson; one coal scuttle, Annie and
Lizzie McLean; one lamp. E. R.
BTawes; one pocketbook, Freeman
Parker; two oil paintings, Ruby Fob
ter; two silver napkin-rings, Irena and
Alma Johnson; two China cups, Mary
N. Foster; one tea set, D. and D. B.
Campbell; one silver butter knife
and sugar spoon, Mrs. Clara Johnson;
one set glasses, D. S. Buterbaugh; one
set silver teaspoons, J. K. Sickles.
A. F.&A.Jf. Notice.
There will be a -special communi
cation of Temple Lodge, No. 7, A. F.
& A. M., at Masonic hall on Friday
evening, December 19, 1890. at 7-50
p. m. sharp. "Work on the F. C. de
gree. Full -attendance requested.
Sojourning brethren cordially invited.
By order Jay Tuttle, "W. M.
Church Fair.
Ladies of the Finnish Lutheran
church will give a Grand Fair at Lib
erty Hall next Saturday evening?
where will be a fine display of over
500 different kind3 of articles of every
Road "Sripervisor's Notice.
The roadway from the Anglo-American
cannery o the eastern end is im
passable until fnrther notice.
B. Gallagher,
Don't Go Shabby
But look out for the Famous Ply
mouth Bock Pants Co.'s Pants, to
order from $3.00 to $8.25. Suits from
S13.25 to $25.00. Overcoats from $10.
25 to $25.00. Every garment guaran
teed. P. J. Meant, Agent
Notice to UpjerMoria Residents.
The numbers tar mhscs in Cp
per Astoria having arrived, resi
dent acftlrlnfftaeir hemes nam
bcred'fer'tht! Free Mail Delivery
to cammenco January 2nd, 1801,
are rca.actca m call ana leave
orders at the Asteria Abstract,
Title and. Trust Company's of
fice. E. Z. FERGUSON.
The 85k series of the Astoria Building
and Loan Association will be opened
January 1st, 1891. All persons wishing
to subscribe forstoek will please call
on tho secretary on or before that date.
W. L. Rons, Sec'j.
Canary Bird Jest.
Return my canary bird to me at the
postoffice and receive a liberal reward.
j as. vr. UABK.
Fruits, "N uts, Popcorn and sweet cider
for the Holidays at
AV. GnowELi. &Co.'s.
Candy srnH. If uts
Atllbhhes, 640 Third street
Fresh Clatsop eggs 40 cents per dozen
THOMPSON fc iioss.
Fine'JauIc Wine
DelheredatGO cents a gallon, to auy
g art of tho city. A fine lino of pure
alifornia wines at low prices, at A.
W. Utzin;ers-Ctomopblitan saloon.
A fine display of Christmas goods at
the Bazar. Stamping and embroidery
done to order. 165 Cas9 street.
Hand in your orders early to the Ore
gon Bakery and Tivoid the rush.
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside Is open tho year 'round.
Flrst-ciassshaving,25c Ferd Ferrell's.
able by that terrible cough. 8hiIoh's
Cure is the Iteraedy for yon. Sold by
Th. Olsen.
quickly cured by Shlloh's Cure. We
guarantee it Sold by Th. Olsen.
Regular Meeting-of the Orj;aaIzatoH.ln
Fortified ob "Wednesday.
The report of the proceedings of the
assembly "which "was" given in yester
day's Oregonian, contains some mat
ters of local interest here, among
which is a communication from tho
Fisherman's Union of this city as fol fel fol
eows: Astobia, Or., Dec 15, 1890.
Captain John O'Brien, President
Federated Trades, Portland Dear Sir:
I now forward you a resolution which
was sent to me from the Coast Seaman's
Union of San Francisco, of the Colum
bia River Fishermen's Pmtpri TTnion
The same was duly passed at tho last
meeting ina sent to Washington.
Would yon kindly attend to it. and if
passed send the same to our delegation
in congress and urge them to use their
endeavors to defeat tho objectionable
section of the act mentioned in the reso
It ia of the utmost importance to the
Coast Seamen's Union, and should it
pass, will seriously injurs them.
Fraternally yours,
Axex. Suttok.
The preamble and resolutions
referred to in the foregoing communi
cation are as follews:
Whereas, A law was enacted at the
last session of congress providing that
when coasting seamen Bign articles be
fore United States shipping commission
ers, they shall be subject to all the penal
provisions of the shipping commission
act, while other provisions of the same
act , passed for the protection of seamen,
are left inoperative, and,
Wheekas, It is now rumored that an
attempt will be made at the present ses
sion of congress to enact a law making it
compulsory for all coasting vessels to
sign craws before United States shipping
commissioners, therefore, be it
Resolved, That we, in behalf of the
coasting seamen of America, protest
against the passage of any resolution or
amendment to the present maritime law
mating the shipping before United
States shipping commissioners compul
sory on coasting vessels;
Resolved, That we ask our representa
tives in congress to use all their influence
to prevent tho passage of any measure
of this kind.
On mention, the assembly indorsed
the action of the Columbia Biver
Fishermen's Protective Union, and
joins them in their effort to protect
the Coast Seamen's Union from the
penal provisions of the shipping com
missioners' act. The recommenda
tions of the Coast Seamen's Union
were adopted, and official copies of
the preamble and resolutions were
ordered sent to RpnfttnrH Mifnhflll mid
Dolph and Bepresentativo Binger
"V7. B. Bowland, of San Francisco, is
here on business.
B. H. Espy, "Mayor" of Oysterville,
was in the city yesterday.
J. B. Goulter, secretary of the L B.
& N. Co., was in the city yesterday.
L. O. Belland, formerly of this city,
but now located near Westport, was m
the city last evening.
Capt A. McLean of the Point Adams
life savingstation, accompanied by his
wife, signed at the Occident yester
day. Mrs. N. Philips and daughter Flora,
who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
J. Cohen the past week, left for their
new home at Spokane Falls yesterday.
Miss Philips has just graduated from
the Academy of Music at Boston.
We are all free American citizens
enjoying our personal liberty; but
most of us are in physical slavery, suf
fering from scrofu'a, salt rheum or some
other form of impure blood. Hood's
Sarsaparllla is tho great biood purifier
which gives physical liberty.
Weiuliard' Uecr.
A fifteen hall Peel Tabic and all the
leading newspapers on file at the Sun
nyside Saloon.
Telephone Iindicmc House
Best Beds in town. Rooms per tsljiht
SO and 25 ct per oek SIM. New r.ud
clean. Private entrance.
For Rent.
The Store lately occupied 1)3' Thrall &
bhennan. Apply to
C. S. Gundeksox.
.Photographs lor Christinas.
Go to Crow and have 3'our photo
taken for a Christmas present. Your
friend will value it
Frebli Eastern Chestnuts.
Main St bet. 1st and 2d. 1, X. L.
Fruits. Candy, JVals.
Fresh Peanuts every daj I. X. L.
Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s.
Attention Smokers.
La Perla Cubana all imported.
Flor de Madrid.
La Palladiua.
La Ermlna.
La Famana in Key West Brands.
The Belmont
Reading Room in rear of Cigar Store.
Weinhard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone .Sa
loon, 5 cents.
A fine line of Cigars and Cigarettes
can le found at the Columbia Bakery,
59G Third street.
Parker & Hanson.
At Holmes, 640 Third street
Charles Higgins, a colored man, from
England, is now prepared to do all
kinds of housework, beating carpets,
cleaning windows, offices, etc. Ad
dress this office.
fYetkijBg Succeeds JLike Success.
It is verified by tho fact that nearly
everybody eats at Jeffs New re
tain rant
Fresh Oysters, Eastern Clams
At John Rogers' market, opposite C. H.
Cooper's, Third street
Fine lot on Water Street for, Sale or
Lease, on easy terras. Apply at
Hamburg House, until Dec. C.
The lateststyle ol Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodmak & Co.'s.
Only- h& im the United. States.
Ont of 1357 cough syrups manufac
tured Jn the United States, but one has
been found to be entirely free from
opiates and that is the California Posi
tive and Negative Electric Cough Cure,
Which is the best on earth for coughs,
colds, croup, etc Sola by J. YV. Conn.
CUllrei Cr jftrFitcbBrrs Castorla
A Parling Worfl to Astorlans In
"Silra Sliaiils."
P. S. Anuther matter uv Impor
tunse ter uss awl air ter hev a mann
with sents 'n grit 'n finanshul baking
'n rale rode idees fur ter leed uss onn
ter vicktry. Thefc mann air Prank
Jay Tailer. Him 'n ole kurnel Jim
hez gott et Smith's Pint whot wil eesy
maik 10 milyuns upj.on kompleeshun
nv a rale rode ter a thru kerueckshun.
Hee air rite inn owre midste, ez it
wair, 'n wair bornd onn oure soyle.
Hee hez lernt a gret deel abeout rale
rodes hit iss trew inn ther las yere,
'n hee lerns powful fast Hee air
yung tu 'n aint afeard tu git inn oaver
his ankuls lak sum nv em. Heo kin
ral ly awle nv ouro brito n welthy
yungo menn. Thars ther Vandusens,
'n ther Fulltowns, 'n ther Helmores,
'n Megglers, 'n Loabs 'n a hull lott uv
em ez I dissremember thair naims
whot wnd jes eggzakly putt thare
eholderes tu the whele 'n shuve her
thru er hoopin ef Frank Jay wuz ter
lede em. Awle tha nede iss er levil
hedded leder with pluk 'n sponsi
billyty. Frank air, in mierpinyun, er
nacherul bornd rale "rode mann.
Foller himm 'n yer'll get er rode rite
Them's Semanthy's idees, 'n shee
axtmee ter rile 'em npp. She air
kinder stuck arter tha jedge, I think,
bet I coanside.
P. S. S. I gess I drapt thu abuv
post skrip down inter ther linin uv mi
oaver koto, 'n I send hur erlong hi tha
male kerryer ez wee mett onn topp
uv Saddul mounting. Me 'n Semnn
thy hev bin a hoofin itt oute ter ouro
ranche, but hit air powful muddy.
Semanthy air er siein a gudo deel
erbout mi brother grainger, 'n sez
she wudenter minded hit soe mutch
ef heder bin erleckted dereckter, ez
hee cood help Jedge Tailer a heep 'n
wuz ther nex best mann. I tole hur
hee gott left bekaso hee wuz tu mod
dest 'n dideut konnubee 8 with Jedgo
Tailer 'ji John Addums. et setterer, ez
I begd himm ter doo. Bet hee toald
mo tha must kum ter him fust It air
lakly, tho, sum feller wil resiue onto
'n putt mi bruther grainger inn.
Wee air neow inn site nv Billy
Lonb's towno 'n jeewhillykins! the hi
treeso 'n thu butifnl vallee, whare mi
furtel fansy kin awlreddy see ther ter
bakr 'n ther hopps 'er groin luvly 'n
Jedgo Tatter's rale rode er haulin awle
them prowducks, tn ther kole fram ni
mi Pebbul Erik ranche. Bet i must
stopp riting 'n reetyre ter mi silvern
shaids, 'n yer Sitty Swells woant see
ole Ha Sede uoo moare onless tha
kum oute onn Jedge Taiier's rale rode
ter see me 'n Semanthy et mi ranche.
P. S. S.S. Semanthy wnir a wid
der befoar wee hitched. Nily a gude
menny grate menn marrid widders.
Mi next will bee a widder. Guv
Peni'er, 'n Geo "Washinton 'n Henri'
2nd, 'n lots uv 'em marrid widders 'n
awle grode ter bee grate menn.
Farewell, Yeours Trewly,
Ms. EDiTen: Although xxj taxes are
small, yet they aie as bnrdensome to me as
If I paid much more And as a tax-payer,
i;jecl that I have c right to criticise those"
extravagances that ore factors In the crea
tion of high taxes. I h&Te in my mind tho
county hospital. No sooner docs tho im
pcccnloBs citizen, become broken down and
debilitated, than he rushes off to the hospital.
Even persistent dyspepsia and constipation
ore getting to be excuses for admission.
Ilcnce, allow mo space to enter my fcoble
protest against further continuance of this
pemioions praetieo. It costs too many hard
dollars for the treatment of these unfor
tunates, and It is.high time that they should
Lnow that thoy can save the county that ex
pense, by the judicious use of a few bottles
of Joy's Vegetahlo Saraaparilla, a remedy
that within my observation Is a sovereign
cure for those too common disorders. If they
won't taVo It they ought to bo compelled
to by some law that would meet the case.
Under the circumstances a full hospital is
inexcusable, hence this growL
A cm ZEN.
$1,000 REWARD,
What Would Astoria Be With
out JcflV
S1.QO0 reward in U. S. gold coin will
be paid by "Jeff, the World Renowned
Caterer, to any person who can satis
factorily prove he can get a better meal
or a greater variety of all the Delicacies
of the season to chose from, than he can
at Jeff's for the money.
Second street, opposite Telephone
You can savo monoy by using Mr.
Gilbert's Zinfandel wlno instead of
coffee or tea. It is much healthier and
costs only 60 cents per gallon. It is
three years old. He has also peach and
apricot brandy. Don't forget his
French Cognac and French Wine.
Alex. Gil.bekt.
TVicif inn ris nlnner mnn. nr in wnrlr
a bandsaw, or a sticker, or mortiser.
Can file and hammer saws. Address
"J. M.' care AsToniAy. .
Worse Than leprosy
Is Catarrh, and there is hut one prepa
ration that does cure that disease, and
that is the California Positive and Neg
ative Electric Liniment Sold by J. W.
Conn. It also cures neuralgia, rheuma
tism, headache, sprains, burns and all
pain. 'Iry it and tell your neighbor
where to get it.
Santa Glaus
Are again
New York Novelty Store,
Where will be found a large a varied assortment of
Holiday Goods! Holiday Goods!
Christmas and New Year Cards", Toys, Leather, Plush and Oxydized Toilet Sets,
Bound and Toy Books, Albums. Jewelry, Gold Pens, Gold and
Silver-headed Canes and Umbrellas, and a great
variety of Novelties and Notions.
Presents for Old and Young !
Holiday Gifs to Suit Any and All Tastes.
Prices lower than the lowest within the reach of all. A cordial invitatlou
is extended to everybody to call and inspect our stock. Country orders solicited.
Prompt attention guaranteed.
Deeds filed or recorded December 18,
1890, as reported for The Mobxexq
Astortak by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cempany:
John D Oarns to G B Allen,
the undK of the NW of,
Bec2,T6"N,9"rT S 350
M J Kinney and wife to John
H Smith, lot 7, andWof
8, blk 22, Shively's Asto
ria 5
ND Simon ct al. to James
Petty, lot 6 blk 90, Mc-
Clure's Astoria 1
A L Fulton et aL to Ferdi
nand Grass, lots 9 and 10
blk 12, Shively's Astoria
and lots 11 and 12, blk 28
Alderbrook 2,500
Deeds filed, 4; total amount $ 2,856
Previously reported this year 1,910,853
Total to date 1,913,709
Those Telephone Poles.
A regular subscriber, signing him
self Vox Populi, asks The Astobiax
to tell him why the poles of the Tele
phone company, which were ordered
removed some time ago, have not been
cut down and carted away.
The resolution of the city council,
based on report of the street commit
tee, was that the poles were standing
in violation of law, and the superin
tendent of streets was ordered to see
that the resolution was carried out.
Nothing has since been done in regard
to the matter, and this no doubt is the
cause of Troa; PopuWs query.
Mrs. Zumwalt has removed her dress
making parlors to 66 Front street, be
tween Spruce and Madison, near the
gas works, where she will be glad to
receive her customers and friends.
Prices Reduced !
Account of Hard Times.
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Sol Gold and Silver Watte,
flocis and Jewelry.
A flue stock of Jewelrv at thelntestuat-
erns t select from. Kepairinp Fine Ctiro
nometcrs. Watches. Clocks and ail kinds of
Jewelry made a hpeci.ilty. All work war
ranted, auu on reosonaoio lerms. a large
and complo assortment of optical goods.
can ana examine gooes ana pnees.
Jsliop. C3 Third. Street, next to TVorsIev &
r-oT H E o-,
C. A. McGUIRE, Propr.
Opn All the Year 'Roil
l new and clean and beAut:fulIy located
on the buiks of the Necanlcmn, slthlu five
minutes w.ilk of
The most pleasant Seaside Jfesort on the
Northwest PadAc Coast.
Every attention is paid to the comfort and
accommodation of the guests, and the table
is supplied with the very best in season.
Here are plenty of Clams and Crabs, there
Is game in the woods and plenty of the
finest ftah In the streams.
House -:-Cleaning
Keatly Taken Care ol
A colored gentleman lately from England.
Leave orders on slate at Astobiax Office.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers In
Cannery Jiplies!
Special Attention Clvento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered in any part of the city
Office and Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street
P. O. Box 163. Telephone No, 37.
located at the
k Gent's Embroidered,
Sr Initial, Faoji, Plain,
Vwjh Oil If
uuLORlDi th Cas,,n,ere and sik
lMBROIDEnlMut,lers !
Silk and Linen. vCi
Real Duchesse and Bretone Lace. vvL
Children's Handkerchiefs. T.-A
Leading Souse of Astoria, Or,
Watch His Window
The Popular Boot and Shoe Store, 537 Third.r&t.
Opposite the Office o the late "Evening Pioneer."
Holiday : : Goods.
Shaving, Haircutting Saloon
376 Concomly St.
I wish to Inform my customers, and tho
puhllcat large, that I have interested Mr.
wm. Brandt, as auxiliary in carrying on the
bhavln? and Haircutting business, opposite
the Delmonlco restaurant, on Concomly
street, next to Parker House, Astoria.
Call and see for youeU.KDupAI
Wingate ,&5$one.
North Pacific Brewery,
JOHN KOPP, - z. Proprietor.
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is tie Bon Ton Restaurant of tie Town
Dinner Parties, Banquets,a Speciatly
Ttte Finest Wines and. Jlqitora.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
N. B. No connection with his old place on
Main Street. J
, .