The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 18, 1890, Image 3

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    -' &'?")r -
arils Stffcrefen.
JW'KMliKi: IS, 1S?0
Publisher and Proprietor.
MX) lit an i;uiu:m;.
Cass Stuket
terms of Subscription
Serftd by CarrJor, jut w eeJc ..... 15 eta
out by MkM. per inontli Cocts
sntu Iail. one j eitt S7.K!
Pree erf parage 10 subscribers
Tiik AToiti.v guarante to its atlwr
:Imt tbo larstvl viicitlaiioii or aiiv nevrpa
t jhi?IhiI hi :n- Cx'.uuiUu liver.
(Additional Losal Neivs on 1st Pjgc J
Two morli:ac-, amounting to S3.200
wore yesterday filed with tlio county
recorder for record.
A marriage licouse was issued j es
tosxJay afternoon to Chas. IL Johnson
nl Lucy C. FoMcr.
Michael Goi man proved up before
Deputy County Clerk Dickinson jes
Uerdny on a pre emption cliiim.
The public schools of the city close
to-morrow oveninjr. and there will be
a vacation until IIondav, .Tanuarv 5,
Tickets for tbe Miss Griffin enter
tainment, to be Riven al the M. E.
church on the 23rd iusL, are to bo had
at Griffin & Heed's for .0 cents.
The home of one of the conductors
of the street air line named Welch, at
Uppcrtown, was gladdened 3 eslcrday
afternoon by the arrival of a ten-pound
The new bv-laws of Seaside Lodge,
No. 12, A. O.V. Y, of this city, -were
returned jestorday with the stamp of
approval bv Grand blaster James J.
All thoe who are participating in
the Mikado tea aie invited to meet at
lttscue hall for rehearsal this after
noon al -1 o'clock and this evening at 7
The steamer li. li. Thompson was
well fdled with passengers last even
ing on her trip up the river, as will be
seen bv the list of names in another
For a pretty New Year's present at
tend the Mikado tea to be given by
the "YY' on the 30lh, and receive one
of the Japanese souvenirs to be given
to all who attend.
H. 11. Parker weut to Poitlaud on
lust evening's steamer. He expects to
return on his new steamer Saturday
nest. Just what run the vessel will
be put on is not yet known.
A Japanese soug in the Japanese
language and in Japanese costume
will be sung by a lady of this city at
the "Mikado Tea" coucert to be given
by the Y. W, C. T. U. on Tuesday,
December oOtli.
Surveyors Thielseu and Pengra
have returned from their trip over the
Albany and Astoria route, and find it
quite favorable, as the line can be run
at :k place exceeding a grade of one
and one quarter ier cent.
James Greer was arrested on com
plaint or Andrew Sharing, charged
with threatening to kill or injure the
latter. The testimony was given be
fore Justice Cleveland yesterday, and
the arguments in the case will be
made at 10 o'clock this morning.
H. B. Parker instituted suit in the
circuit court yesterday to recover
197.30 from Jacobs & Plumber, con
tractors, and Lilla Sanborn. The
nxnonut claimed is alleged to bo due
forbmlding materials used in the con
st met ion of Lilla Sanborn's house.
D. P. Thompson formed the center
of quite a group of prominent citizens
in the Occident hotel yesterday after
noon. The banker was entertaining
his listoners with a description of his
travels iu Buropc and the holy land.
He is a very interesting speaker and
held the attention of his friends for
upwards of an hour.
No clue concerning the identity of
the cracksmen that lapped Muckle
Bros. safe at SI. Helens has as yet
been obtained. As stated in yester
day's Astokicc the thieves secured
some S1S,000 in notes, checks and
county warrants. These have all been
recovered, having been found on the
river bank at Kalama, underneath an
overturned boat.
Articles of incorporation of the
Ghignik Bay company were filed in
the county clerk's office yesterday.
The objects of the corporation are to
engage in packing, canning, curing,
buying and selling iish, fruits and
other at liclcs, to purchase, own, lease,
sell and deal generally in real estate.
The capital stock of "the company is
810,000 divided into 1,G00 shares and
the incorporators are, Henry Plath,
Geo. A. Nelson and P. H. Johnson
The Swedish Ladies' Concert Com
pany are to appear at the opera house
on Wednesday evening, the 7th of
January. The company consists of
eight beautiful young ladies who are
said to be magnificent singers, and are
favorably mentioned by the press
wherever they have appeared. There
are two first and two second sopranos,
two first and two second altos. Mel
vin B. Day, a celebrated hnmorist
from Boston, is with the company,
nnd all are under the direction of the
Redpath Lyceum Bureau, of Boston
and Chicago, which is a positive
proof of their excellence.
Clinrch Fair.
Ladies of the Finnish Lutheran
church will givo a Grand Fair at Lib
erty Hall next Saturday evening,
where will be a fine display of over
500 different kinds of articles of every
Road Sapervisor's Notice
The roadway from the Anglo-American
cannery to tho eastern end is im
passable until fnrther notice.
Canary Bird T.ost.
lleluni my canary bird to me at the
potofficc anil receive a liberal reward.
Jas. w. IIaiik.
House Tor Rent-
Apply at residence of Thos. Logan,
opposite the Congregational church.
Go to the Columbia bakery for all
kinds of cakes.
Sweet Apple Cider at the Astoria
Soda Works.
Tie Pacific Construction Company
Again in Control,
The Mortgage Bonds Sold at Private
Sale Proposition and Coun
ter Proposition.
Another chapter in tho history of
the Astoria & South Coast road was
enacted yesterday, which leaves this
muchly mixed matter still more mixed
than ever, and though some of tho
stockholders seom to think that the
affairs are in a more favorable condi
tion than before, many others are in
clined to believe the reverse.
Time will tell which of the two
opinions will prove correct, and it
will not tike a very long time, either.
Yesterday was the day set for the sale
of the bonds and securities held by I.
W. Case, trustee, to pay the claim of
about S50,000 due J. H. Smith, for the
construction of the beaside division.
The business yesterday was tran
sacted in accordance with the agree
ment entered iuto April 16, 1890, be
tween J. H. Smith of the first part,
the Astoria & South Coast road, of
the second part, and the Pacific Con
struction Company, of tho third part,
the full text of which agreement was
published in The Astoria x of April
Eeceutly the party of the third part
(the Pacific Construction Company)
transferred all of its contracts and in
terest in connection with tho A. & S.
C. road to J. H. Smith as assignee.
In accordance with one of the pro
visions of the contract of April lGth,
the payment to the party of the first
part not having been made by the
party of the second part, but having
been met by the party of the third
part, L W. Case, trustee, transferred
to J. H. Smith as assignee of the
Pacific Construction Company, all of
the securities held by him belonging
to the Astoria & South Coast road, in
cluding $391,000 worth of bonds, 1,600
shares of stock, the real estate, etc., it
Having been practically purchased by
D. P. Thompson, of Portland, who
evidently furnished the money to J.
H. Smith as assignee to pay J. H.
Smith as contractor, for the claim
held by the latter.
Smith, as assignee of the Pacific
Construction Company, proposed to
waive all liens of the said company
against tho Astoria & South Coast
road from Young's bay to Grimes',
and sell all those BeQorities to an As
toria syndicate, provided the syndicate
would give him an option to buy them
back again in ninety days if he is able
to do it from the sale of the entire
issue of the bonds of the road.
This the syndicate refused to do,
but have made this counter proposi
tion, and given Smith ten days to
accept or reject it They will pay the
contractor's price for these bonds.
stocks and securities, provided the P.
U. Uo. waives all liens against the A.
& S. C. from Youug's bay to Grimes',
bnt will give the company no option
to redeem or buy back the same.
Another complication arose yester
day, when Attorney John Smith of
this city, attached the bonds and
securities for $2,000 in the interest of
John Stevens and for $10,000 in the
interest of a Chinese contractor named
Sai Get, serving papers on J.H. Smith,
D. P, Thompson and tho directors in
this city.
The above are the facts in tho case,
and as for conjectures, two columns
might be filled with them. The prop
osition of the Astoria syndicate may
be accepted or Thompson and Smith
may try to freeze out Beid, or but
why enumerate? If the syndicate
buys, the road will be built, and if
not, it may be by the other parties.
The FiuriKh Brotherhood.
This prosperous organization held
the regular annual election of officers
last evening, resulting as follews: Fred
7ickmau, president; F. T. Laurin,
vice-president; Joseph Biippa, record
ing secretary; Alex. Holman, financial
secretary; Jacob Moor, treasurer;
Charles Johanseuf warden. Eight
new members were admitted last even
ing, and the present membership is
150. while the treasury boasts of a
fund of S2.000.
Don't Go Shabby
But look out for the Famous Ply
mouth Bock Pants Co.'s Pants, to
order from $3.00 to $3.25. Suits from
S13.25 to $25.00. Overcoats from $10.
25 to $25.00. Every garment guaran
teed. E. J. Meaxt, Agent
Notice to Upper Astoria Residents.
Xhc'iutmbcrs for Iiouscm in Up
per Astoria liavin jr arrived, resi
dents desiring their houses num
bered for the Free mail Delivery
to commence January 2nd, 1801,
arc requested to call and leave
orders at the Astoria Abstract,
Title and Trust Company's of
fice. E. Z. FERGUSON.
The 8'h. series of the Astoria Building
and Loan A ssociation will be opened
January 1st, 1891. All persons wishing
to subscribe for slock will please call
on the secretary on or before that date.
W. L. Konn, Sec'y.
Candy and Ruts
At Holmes, 640 Third street
Fresh Clatsop eggs 40 cents per dozen
at Thomtsox & Boss.
Fine Table Wine
Delivered at CO cents a gallon, to any
part of the city. A line line of pure
California wines at low prices, at A.
W. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
$1,000 BEWARD,
What Would Astoria Be With
out Jeff?
$1,000 reward in U. S8. cold coin will
be paid by "Jeff,' the World Renowned
Caterer, to any person who can satis
factorily prove he can get a better meal
or a greater variety of all the Delicacies
of the season to chose from, than he can
at Jeff's for the money.
Second street, opposite Telephone
A fine dlsnlav of Christmas ponds at
the Bazar. Stamping and embroidery
done to order. 163 Cass street.
Hand in your orders early to the Ore
gon Bakery and avoid the rush.
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside is open thtf yoar 'round.
First-ciass shaving, 25c, Ferd Ferrell's.
Go to Olsen's for Cuban Blossoms, 10c
THE Glllil 11EAPEI5,
One JIan Drowned Three Other Deaths
Coroner Surprenant had a busy
time of it yesterday, four cases being
reported at Ms office. First on the
list was a drowning accident that oc
curred on the John Day's river about
noon. Tho victim was J. E. Haarberg,
mate of the little steamer Tonquin,
belonging to the Clatsop Mill Com
pany. The circumstances of the caso
as related by the captain of the
steamer are that Haarberg while
assisting in making up a raft, fell into
the water and the logs closed over
him, rendering it impossible for those
with him to give any assistance until
it was too late. The body was re
covered and taken to the morgue.
Deceased was a native of Sweden,
single, and about twenty-eight years
of age. He was a member of Colum
bia Engine Co., No. 3, and will be
buried to-morrow under the auspices
of that organization.
About 2 o'clock the dead wagon
was called to the room of Beinhold
Saari, on Third street, near "West Dili.
Heartdisease was the cause of Mr.
Saari's death. He had been ailing for
about two months and took to his bed
on Tuesday, dying early yesterday
afternoon. He was single and aged
twenty-seven years.
Tho next trip of the dead wagon
was to St. Mary's hospital where John
Howard, aged 58 years and a resident
of Cathlamet, died of pneumonia.
Deceased had been employed by"V.
P. Mclntyre at that place and was
sent to the hospital on Tuesday. His
body will be shipped to Cathlamet for
Tho death of Mrs. J. "Ward, wife of
J. "Ward, n well known resident of
Skamokawa, was also reported.
Deceased was aged fifty years and
pneumonia was tho cause of her
Remodeling the Postofflce.
The postofficois being overhauled
to be ready for the free deliver?' sys
tem which goes into effect next month.
Tho row of boxes is being moved out
from the front to make more room in
side, while tho space outside of the
boxes in the outer office will of course
be reduced. Postmaster Hare and his
assistants will be kept unusually busy
to-day, handing out mail to the owners
of boxes, as all the boxes on tho front
have been taken down, that tbe sup
ports or partition might be moved
forward, but though owners of boxes
cannot get at them, the contents of
their boxes will be cheerfully handed
out on application. By to-morrow
evening, all tho improvements and al
terations will probably have been
made. The letter or lamp post boxes
are also to be put up in various parts
of the city, where the public can mail
letters without having to go to the
It is well for people to remember
the previous warnings given in these
columns, and that is, that to have
their letters delrrVed to them by
the carriers, it will be necessary that
their mail should be addressed to them
at their street and number. Bear this
in mind and at once have your corre
spondents address your letters lo your
street and number, then when the
rners commence work, your mail
will reach you regularly.
Canvassing the Votp.
Police Judge Jewett, Justice of tho
Peace Cleveland and Deputy County
Clerk Dickinson, mado an official can
vass of the vote cast at the last city
election yesterday afternoon. No
change in the result was made. The
official figures are, total vote cast 677,
divided as follews: First ward, 380,
Second ward, 297. The vote for can
didates was as follews:
Fiist ward, Bergman, 193; Surpre
najt, 186.
Second ward, Welch, 155; Trench
ard 141.
For the Public Library.
The public library committee are
ready-to receive contributions at any
These may be left at Parker & Han
son's, or with any of the committee.
Those wishing to help in a small
way can attend the Japanese party on
thp 30th, the first of a series of enter
tainments, the proceeds of which are
to be given to the library fund.
Mrs. J. T. Boss, )
Miss Maud Wakbek, Com.
Mrs. A. L. FrxcToK, 1
What a change is wrought in people
who suffer from rheumatism when they
take Hood's Sarsaparilla. The acidity
of the blood is neutralized, the blood is
purified, the aching joints and limbs
rest easily and quietly, and a feeling of
serene health is imparted.
Mrs. Zumwalt has removed her dress
making parlors to GG Front street, be
tween Spruce and MadUon, near the
gas works, where she will be glad to
receive her customers and friends.
Wcinliard'g 11 cor.
A fifteen ball Peel Table and all the
leading newspapers on file at tho Sun
nj .side Saloon.
Attention Smoker.
La Perla Cubana all imported.
Flor de Madrid.
La Palladina.
La Ermina.
LaFamana in Key West Brands.
The Belmont.
Reading Room in rear of Cigar Store.
Charles Olsen's
Weinliard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
A fine line of Cigais and Cigarettes
can be found at tho Columbia Bakery,
DOG Third street
Parker & Hanson.
At Holmes, 640 Third street
Charles lliggins, a colored man, from
England, is now prepared to do all
kinds of housework, beating carpets,
cleaning windows, offices, etc. Ad
dress this office.
Nolbias Succeeds lAlic Success.
It is verified by the fact that nearly
everybody eats at JefFs .New re
t aurant
Fresh. Oysters, Eastern Clams
At John Rogers' market, opposite C. II.
Cooper's, Third street
Fine lot on Water Street for, Sale or
Lease, .on easy terms. Apply at
Hamburg House, until Dec fi.
CMltren Cry fc-Pitcier's Castoria
A Conyention of Conntr Commis
sioners to 18 Hell
County Commissioner Carruthers is
in receipt of a letter from Portland
asking that a representative of the
commissioners in this county be sent
to a convention of county commis
sioners to be held in Portland next
month for tho purpose of making re
commendations in reference to per
fecting the road laws, as they now
exist and other important matters.
Mr. Carruthers states that under the
present system it is impossible to have
good roads. The letter reads as fol fel fol
eows: Pobtiaxd, Dec. 13th.
To Uie Honorable County Commissioners
of Clatsop County, Oregon.
Gkntlehen: It has been suggested
that tho county commissioners of this
state hold a convention at the court
hooso in this city January 2, 1891, and
confer with eatb other in regard to road
laws, and other matters of importance
which will bo brought before the conven
tion previous to tbe meeting of tho legis
lature, and we think united action on
onr part will possibly have a very bene
ficial result for the entire state.
Should you think favorably of this con
vention being held you will bo kind
enough to write your approval immedi
ately to D. AT. Dnnne, care of Kelly,
Dunne &, Co., of this city.
itespectf ully yours,
J. C. Moeeland, County Judge.
D. M. Dunxe, J Co. Commissioners,
D. S. Stoke, I Multnomah Co.
Wm. Gaixowat, County Judge.
D. B. KiKOEKr, ) Co. Commissioners,
T. f. Pebby, ) Yamhill Co.
It is probable that a member from
this county will be in attendance. --
Passengers to Portland.
Tho following is the list of passen
gers having rooms who went up the
river last night on the steamer li. It.
L. E. Selig, L. Gonld, I. Stevens,
G. E. Powell, Mrs. S. B. Crow, Mrs.
Davies, Miss Barron, H. B. Parker,
F. Bowcn, O. W. Fulton. Miss Nellie
Flavel, E. T. Johnson, J. W. Casey, T.
H. Leinenweber, W. H. Pine. C. J.
Curtis, C. B. Thomson, Sister Provi
dence. Mrs. Snyder, Dr. Prentice and
wife, J. Bogers, Geo. Bobertson, C. M.
Chisua,B. Inkstadter, Miss Hobson,
J. J. Snyder and wife, J. O. Han
thorn, D. P. Thompson. A. D. Birney.
A. J. Johnson, M. J. Chesney, J. Turk
and wife, E. Hovey, Mr. Gastke, J.
Shields, M. Wise, Mrs. Anderson, H.
Black, P. A. Trullinger. H. Trout, J.
Monk, Thos. Potter, O. M. Smith, IL
Victory, A. Beckwith, Mrs. Clayton.
Mb. Emtee: Although my taxes are
email, yet they arc as burdensome to me ai
If I paid much, more. And as a tax-payer,
Ifeel that I have c right to criticise thosa
extravagances that are factors lathe crea
tion of high taxes. I have in my mind tho
county hospital. No sooner docs tho im
pecunious citizen becomo broken down and
debilitated, than he rushes offto tho hospital.
Even persistent dyspepsia and constipation
are getting to be excuses lor admission.
Hence, allow me space to enter my feeblo
protest against further continuance of this
pernicious practice. It costs too many hard
dollars for the treatment of theso unfor
tunates, and It is high time that thoy should
know that they can save the county that ex
pense, by tho judicious use of a few bottles
cf Joy's Vegetable Earaaparllla, a remedy
that within my observation Is a sovereign
cure for those too common disorders. If they
won't take it they ought to be compelled
to by some law that would meet the case.
Under the circumstances a full hospital Is
Inexcusable, hence thl3 growl.
Real Torchon I.accs.
Look at Mrs. McEwan's fine assort
ment, 326 Third street.
Salmon Itcllies.
For two or three days Morgan &
Sherman have some fine Colum'iia river
salmon bellies in kit and half barrel.
You can save money by using Mr.
Gilbert's Zinfdiidcl wine instead of
coffee or tea. It is much healthier and
costs only 60 cents per gallon. It is
three 3 ears old. He has also peach and
apricot brandy. Don't forget h s
French Cognac and French Wine.
Alex. Gilbekt.
Frcsli Eastern Chestnut.,
Main St bet 1st and 2d. I, X. L.
Fruits, Candy, Nuts.
Fresh Peanuts every das, I. X. L.
Ludlow's Ladies' S&OO Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at V. J. Goodman & Co.'s.
Telephone lioauisig Honsc.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 23 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
For Kent.
The Store lately occupied by Thrall &
Sherman. Apply to
C.S. Guxdeksox.
Photographs lor Christum.
Go to Crow and have your photo
taken for a Christmas present Your
friend will value it.
Position as planer man, or to work
a handsaw, or a sticker, or mortiser.
Can file and hammer saws. Address
"J. M.", care Astoriax.
Santa Glaus
Are again
New York Novelty Store,
"Where will he found a large a varied assortment of
Holiday Goods! Holiday Goods!
Christmas and New Year Cards, Toys, Lekther, Plush and Oxydlzed Toilet Sets,
jjouna ami xoy .books, Aioums,
Silver-headed Canes and
variety 01 jNovemes ana notions.
Presents for Old and Young !
Holiday Gifg to Suit Any and All Tastes.
Prices- lower than tho lowest within the reach of all. A cordial invitation
is extended to everybody to call and insnect our stock. Country orders solicited.
Prompt attention guaranteed.
Deeds filed or recorded December 17,
1890, as reported for The MbBKixa
Astobiak by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust comnany : ,
J. P. Cotter et al to James
Brown, lot 4, section 8, T
8JN.B7 W S
O. Bradbury and wife to Ade
laide Marsh, lots 2 and 3,
blk 17, Bradbury's add. . .
D. H. Welch to Sarah Wfl
sonK lots 6 and 7, blk 49,
Astor add
J. Q. A. Bowlby and wife et
al to Sisters of Charity,
lots 1, 2, 7, 8, blk U6 Mc-
Clure's Astoria
F. J. Goodenough et al to
Charles Cook, lots 44 to
48, blk 9, Power's add
Deeds filed 5j total amounts 761
Previously reported this year 1,910,092
Total to date $1,910,853
A Juvenile Party.
On Tuesday evening, there was a
gathering of happy children at the
residence of Sheriff Smith, it being a
surprise party to his little daughter
Mamie. There were games and musio
for the little ones, and among those
present were the follewing: Mamie
Smith, Maud Stockton, NelBa Mason,
Emma Twilight, Janie Douglass,
Clara Dunbar, Flora Boss and Cunnie
Stockton represented the misses, while
the following were the beys: Charlie
Stockton, Bert Boss, Harry Twilight,
Eddie Parker and Oscar PraeL
able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by
Tit. Olsen.
Prices Reduced !
Account of Hard Times.
G. W.Smith
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Solii Golft and Silver Watches,
(Ms ani Jewelry.
A fine stock of Jewelry af the latest pat
erns ti select from. Uepahlnp Fine Chro
nometers. Watches, Clocks and all kinds of
Jewelry made a specialty. All work war
ranted, and on reasonable terms. A large
and comple assortment of optical goods.
Call and examine goods and prices.
Shop, 63 Third Street, iipxt to "Worsley &
o T H E o
C. A. McGUIRE, Propr.
Open All tie Year 'Ronnfl.
li new and clean and beautifully located
on tbe banks of the Necanlcam. within five
minutes' walk of
The most njeasant Seaside Itesort on the
Northwest Pacific Coast.
Every attention is paid to the comfort and
accommodation of the guests, and the table
Is supplied with the very best la season.
: Hero are plenty of Clams and Crabs, there
Is game" in tho woods and plenty of the
finest llsh in the streams.
House :-CIeaning
iaily Taken Care of
A colored gentleman lately from England.
Leave orders on slate at Astobian Onlce.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers in
Special Attention Clvento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies famished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part of the city
Office and "Warehouse
Iu Hume's New Building on Water Btreet,
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. ST.
located at the
Jewelry, uoitt fens, uoia anu
Umbrellas, and a great
w 11 1 1
rive Hundred uozem
160 "
P Gent's Embroidfereil
v Initial, Fanes Main,
PiOl DRFTl. wTVv Cashmere and Silk
' liJiSEiiBNM,to !
I1T X'Vi
Silk and Linen. &
Real Duchesse and Bretone Lace. v).
Children's Handkerchiefs. V.-A
Leading- House of Astoria, Or,
Watch His Window
The Popular Boot and Shoe Store, 537 Third St.,
Opposite the Office of the late "Evening Pioneer."
Holiday : : Goods.
TO. nitANDT.
Shaving, Haircutting Saloon
37C Concomly St.
I wish to Inform my customers, and the
public at large, that I have interested Sir.
wm. Brandt, as auxiliary In carrying on the
Shaving and Haircutting business, opposito
tho Delmonico restaurant, on Concomly
street, next to Parker House, Astoria.
Call and see for yourself.
Wingate & Stone.
North Pacific Brewery,
JOHff K0PP, - - Proprietor.
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is tie Bon Ton Bestanrant of tie Town
Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Specially
XJie Finest Wines and JAquors.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
N. B. No connection with his old place on
Main Street.