C A Njfc, VV-' rrc 5aHjj gsfotfan. ASTORIA. OREGON: TliritSDAY. .DECEMBER IS, 1850 IUiuioad speed in tlri3 country wrages faster tbaniu nuy other land, i1 is strengthening the oft expressed , j .iioH that Americans arc fastest in t ,. nthiny. Not only in traveling 1 it' t& business matters, is the rush. harry a characteristic of our . . :itmnen. Astoria is the slowest in Africa, for railroad speed, of (xm from England has lately been , Tiring at New York in large quan i ios. so that the financial situation t the metropolis of this country is mneit more favorable than it was , ftw weeks, ago. This is far better iu haviuc so much gold continually -. from Nov, York to England, as t .- usually been the custom, thus . i' R-biog that country by so much as i aprovtehed this. vtckax. gas appears to be dimin . mjrm quantify iu the eastern states, . i Uy ia the vicinity of the cities ' i'lttsbnrp. Columbus and Indian- , ; iis. m here lmudreds of factories u,.olcin Uhing it as a fuel for their' i i.vukw ami are now obliged to use ( . :ltr fuel at the supply has been shut is". Swneriiiteudents of the various . ttral as companies are uncertain vVtfcrriho future supply is entirely ii.wsted. or that for a short time it ill b limited, but the majority in line to the belief that there will never 1 an abundant supply again. Highly important for the "welfare of Vh twofik' or the state, especially those t-hilMi: onlsitlc of cities, is the matter j?h1 roads in the state, and the in tottent inaugurated by the county .u laws ami commissioners of Multno mah mkI Yamhill counties inviting a convention of commissioners from all tlu'cottalieA to meet in Portland on tl aecoutl of January next, to prepare TwMcaklatious to the legislature, is wry oottuneiulablc, and there should 1 a large representation, that plans nnj be agreed upon and given to the i.m makers as guides for their action. Another Cyclone off the Coast. Tbe wind whistled through the rojirtrr at Fort Canby late yesterday ;.ftruooii at a lively rato in accor l.:iice "With a notification received f' n San Francisco to Local Signal I '. server G rover reading as follews: "Hist information signal at noon. Ojckme oft Vancouver Island, with tendency to move southeastward, strntltorly gates and thick weather with ram are anticipated along the Oregon aiwl Washington coasts for the next f'Hy-cight hours."' Tarawa's Way. The followiug dispatch shows how the public spirited citizens of that live city act for its presperity: Thorax. Di c 1C "Waller J. Thompson, chairman of the committee which has in chaise the matter of raising 100,000 for I'uioH PaciGc terminals, telegraphed Engineer Bogac at Portland this evening that $S0.000 had boon raised and that ho Tbonon would personally guarantee that the remainder would be raised. Cnc Reversed. In tle iM-oceedings of the supreme cmtfiof Tuesday the following appears: Itielmni T. Humphrey, respondent, vs. tbe Ckitoai Canning Company, appellant; iqipMt from Clatsop county; judgment nrvereed aud oauso remanded to the camt bolow for new trial; opinion by StrftbRH. G. J. IlttoUlcit's. Arnica Salrc. Thk Bbst bALiYE in the world for Cwts. Rrubcs. bore&, Ulcers, Salt Khe itw, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Entptiens, and positively enres Tiles, m no na requinnl. It is guaranteed to Shs perfect vatisfaction, or money rc futtdt'd. iijpoi"; cents per box. For j! by J. W. Conn. "Clie lnttet style ot Gents Eoots and Shii at r. .1. Goodman & Co.'s. All tJie patent medicines advertlsca m litis papor, together with the choicest lns-CHiiiery, and toilet articles ete can le VntHght at the lowest prices at J. V. GrtMiTs druc store, opposite Occident 1hUI, Astoria. Fr lame back, side or chest, use Mu JhV Porous Plaster. Pi ice 2T cents. Sofcl bv Th. 01en. 21ARRIED. JOHXM)X-l)STi:U. Ia Utc II. E. clmrc'i. AkirlH. Ores in, Wednesday ocnlnj;, I)e comIhst IT. 1MO, b Itev. G. W. Oraniiis, Charles 11. Johnson, of this city, and Miss Lucy C Foster, late of Illinois. UEAKD BALL GIVEN BY Columbia Engine Co jKTq. 3, Thursday Evening. Dec. 25, AT TIIE COLUMBIA CANNERY SlHcndid MusIcBcautiful Floor, Ulzinger's Celebrated Orchestra lias been EnRaged for the Occasion. TIm P.ncjous floor in the Columbia Can ih3 buMditu v ill bo put ia perfect condi tio. Mtd no pains will be spared to render llw ctrcaMon one ol ploasurc. Tbe lall is civen to raise funds to coin ploic tbe equipment of tbo company. 1Wxtt.s admittms Gcutlcman and Lady S 1 .00. -TILE- Scot Bay Fmindiy -COKNEK WEST FIFTH AND WALL STS. ASTOUIA, - - OnEGOK. Of all Descriptions MADE 10 ORDER OX SHORT NOTICE. Gnxtractor and Stone Mason AU kinds of Slone Work done In a neat and substantial maimer. Address all Orders or Correspondence BaxSlS. Astoria, Or. Out of Jthe Fire Tormented icith Salt JBfceuut Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Only those who have suffered from salt rheum in its worst form know the agonies caused by this disease. Hood's Sarsapa rilla has had great success in curing salt Thews, and all affections of the Wood. " I owo the gratitude to Hood's Sarsapa rilla that one would to his rescuer from a Burning BuildingJE with salt rheum, and had to leave off work altogether. My face, about the eyes, would he swollen and scabbed, my hands and a part ol my body would be raw sores for weeks at a time, my flesh would seem so rotted that I could roll pieces from between my fingers as large as a pea. One physician called it typo pniQftn and gave me medicine accord- r J 1 0 U 1 1 ingly; but salt rheum cannot be cured in that way. Finally I bought a bottle ol Hood's Sarsaparilla. It helped me so much that I took two more bottles, and was Entirely Cured LiS-SS with salt rheum since. I also used Hood's Olive Ointment on the places affected. It stops the burning and itching sensation im mediately. I will recommend Hood's Sar saparilla not only for salt rheum, but for SB Loss of Appetite 'all-gone' feeling so often experienced." A. D. Itonnrxs, Jamaica riain, Jlass. K. B. H you decide to take Hood's Sarsa parilla, do not be induced to buy any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold t druggists. 1; sixfor5. Prcparcdby C. L IIOOD & CO., Apotticcarics.I-avrell, Mass. , (00 Doses One Dollar FISM BEOS. Successors to Wilson & Fisher. SHIP GHANDLERS HEAVY AND SHELF Farm Implements, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. Loggers' Supplies, Provisions, and Mill Feed. :GENEItAL AGENTS FOlt SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS. Portland Roller mills. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ETC. Astoria, Oregon. Cbu, M Ms FOR RENT. Commodious Buildlnps convenieatly situ ated, uilh ample .Net Hacks will be rented for the coming scasoa on the Columbia 'A&y to W. W. PAltKEK. Carries a full REMEMBER Seaside Bakery Especiadly for tbo TCW. Tbo Seaside Bakery also has f Jesh every all specialties known in a Bakery. Orders aauo p. I'AUKEB. CARL. A. JIAXAOX in ynonn y w iiuijouii SUCCESSOKS TO O. L. PARKER, DEALEItS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS "WEEK. J3iess - Groocis, The Old Stand - Astoria Orecou. GOOD THINGS FOR CHRISTMAS. OreonBakery Ciuies anfl CMstmas Tree Ornaments CAKES OENAMENTED Mince Pies and Fruit Cakes a Specialty. To order in artistic style. JSyHanil in your orders early and avoid tbe rush at tbo last day. C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Llaln St. Wharf, Astoria, Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, WOODBERItY Cotton Lines andTwlnes SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices, FIRE INSURANCE v Effected in First Class Companies, Ilepresentiug S13,9,00 PHOSSIX, I10XE, -Hartford, Conn ...New York, Agesej Pacific Express aid Well, Farro A Co. Manufacturing Jewelers and Watchmakers havo just received liamonds, Welches, and Jewelry, m i,l r IL m ii 1 r n HOBIESST Be sure and call before KTBMT & ENGROOS, ElUyE&H d HUoidUlctiii. vsr. vr, wrHCEtstsi'S', i3roi. S"EnIargca and Kcfilleil to Meet flie Popular Dcmaud.3 FINEST RESTAURANT IN THE CITY. Shoal-water' Bay and Eastern Oysters. Private Rooms For Dfnnor Parties, STEALS COOKED THIRD STKEET. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--'-o- Tiie Irei House (Formerly the Main St. House.) This is the C'eancst and is in the Quietest Location of any Hotel in the City. WHITE COOKS. : Witt. o-o"o-o-o o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o For Besiralble Acreage Or INSIDE PROPERTY. Call on or A!dicss Leinenweber & Coodenough, SECOND ST., Near rostofflcp. - - - - - P. O. Box 63. i assortment of yi day FRUIT, CAKES, MINCE PIES, and for cakes solicited. Largest Assortment IN ASTomiA. Over One Hundred Varieties or choice Candles and Nuts to select jour llolldiy Goods from at C. B. Smith's CANDY AND FRUIT STORE. 1S3 Third Street, IVcar Western Union Tclcjrrapn Office. os-Freeh Goods received every- day."Ka DFODEt WINTER WEATE1R -MY OVEBCOATINGS Suitable FOR DRESS OR BUSINESS WEAR ARE CHOICE GOODS THE PATTERN, The Best, THE PRICE, TIic Cheapest And The t-Sea also My Special Ten-Dollar Pants, to Order. Address James Finlayson MERCHANT TA1LCP, 534 Third Street, JUteria, Or. ! buying anywhere else. . G28 THIRD STREET. Etc. TO ORDEIL ASTORIA, OR. ti-n-o-o-o-o-o-o-0'0-o-o - : NO CHINESE. ELDRED, Proprietor. - o - o - o - - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - j0 2IARKETS. Washington Market. .llaln Street, Astoria, Oregon. CUBISTEASE.V CO., ritOPJIIETOBS. JESPECTFtJLLY CALL THE ATTEN Ct Uou of tbe nubile to tbe fact that the acore Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALiTY c OF F-EB - AD CURED KEATS ! I V-aioti wil! be fold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. fSSpecial attention ptveu to supplying ehips. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COHPANY, Fresh, and Cured Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPrOSITE OCCIDENT HOTKl., X:iir:'A3Ii;M Street. AHtoria, Ox ASTORIA FISH A1JME MABKST Fitzgerald & Co. Co Wliera You Cau Get Fresh Fish. Game, Eggs, Etc. We also Keep a Fine Line of CANNED MEATS AND FISH Market oa Oluej street, near Telephone dock. Roadway Market. Iugnlls & Shuman, Propr's. Opposite Foard s. Stokes. A First-Glass Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Moats All Purchases Delivered in any part of the City. HBRRY GL1SS0P Poultry and Fish In Quantities To Suit. kk OXTXtEE ST Southwest cor. Fourth & Cass JDjEZ.AuSZ'XISrGr AND General:-: Jobbing Ttie undersigned is prepared to do any work in his lme at shoit notice, in a satis factory manner. WOOD FOR SALE. Orders left at Foard & Stokes, or at Asto ria Box Factory will receive prompt atten tion. F.'FEAKES. .a,., v MMsmm WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. o Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh.' Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh overy Steamer. The Largest Stock ! Immense Stock OF IE XT DSL 3NT IT XT DEI. 33 T CHAS. HEILBOHN. Two car-loads received : Blore on the way. You are Invited to see tlie finest display of FurnltHre, Carpets, etc., Iu the city. Prices reasonable. The Old Stand, ro FLYHnXFS Also his Ready Made Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS jgflf you want clothing to fit, custom Third and OIney Streets, G-O TO T3BCES Columbia Bakery FOR FRESH BREAD, Cakes, and Fine Confectionery. All Orders Delivered. COOLEY BROS The "Smith 'K.lHHKiHnK5?Eat IJBBSbbS vO' r. - A "SMITH PREMIER" TYPEWRITER can l)e seen at THE ASTORI AN Office, where it is in daily use. The Kohler&Chase Music House WINTER & HARPER, Prop's AGENTS The Mchlass it - Decker J. & C. Fischer, Ives & Pond and other pianos. Mason & Hamlin and A. B. Chase & Co.'s Organs. The above Instrumeats sold for cash, or oa easy Installmeats. Do not buy or a commission aeent. but save at least $50.00 by dealing directly with the arm or their rep resentative, W. S. Geary. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED WATEB CLOSETS, PLUMBUiG GOODS, PUMPS, SINKS, AXD BATH TUBS Xoe 3 SoxLlly, Stl CHENAMDS STREET. H. XSkstrom JEWELER Has Just Received a Fine and Well Selected Stock or Diamonis, Mcles anJ Jewelry Suitable For Holiday : Presents At Very Low Prices. "A11 goods warranted as represented" 560 Third Street, Astoria, Or. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. Freseripilsas Carefully CompoBBded. Agent lor Mexican Salve and Norwegian File Care The Lowest Prices ! iSftPf Ww iHii Astoria, Oregon. I LATEST GOODS IN AYOOLENS ARE TJNSDRPxVSSED. new line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, etc., AT EASTERN PRICES, or ready made jo to Mi ,.,..yj- Egagiijg?;; 4 LVSL-V-" fi v&d I IB LzgB 1 w FLYNN, The Tailor, ASTOHLY, OKEOON Premier TYPEWRITER Contains more points of merit than any other 'i ypewriter on the market. If 50U are interested in, or contemplating the purchase of a writing machine, send for illus trated catalogue to IpF. W. REYNOLDS, Agt & KS $ No. 29 Stark Street, r PORTLAND, - OREGON. FOR ALSO - CHRIS. EVKSCW. F.COOK THfc Central Hotel EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Prjvate Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish. Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order, WATER Bt., Opp. .Foard Jt StokCH A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run In connection with the Premises. Tlio Best ol WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Booms. V. H. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. Butter, Eggs, Canned Goods.Potatoes, Wood and Willow Ware, Etc. almon fisheries 1891 We are prepared to Supply our Patrons and others with the best Fish Netting, In Traps or Seines, our Long Experience War rants, for 1891. We Invite early orders. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO. 0 Bestoa Office, 04 Commercial Sti Broilers Pianos fig BEING DISPLAYED A -OF PEE AMERICAN SHIP n Addition io Our ipjH t. i m vt rvf Willamette -:- University Graduates Students in Classical, Literary, Scientific, normal, Business, Law and Hedical Courses. Also Musical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Courses. It Is the oldest, largest and least expensive Institution ol learning in the northwest. School opens hrst Monday In September. Send for catalogue to THOS. VANSCOY, President, Salem, Or. g?6 CMs. Belli Tlie Leading Tailor. New Fall Goods Just Received. Latest Goods In the Market. 23F"Call and be convinced that 1 turn out the most fashionable suit in the city 513 Third Street, - Hoxt to C. H. Cooper's. Weinhard's is the Choice of Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to be directed to H. WEINHAUD, Portland, Oregon. Corner Twclftli anil 12. Telephone 12. UfL i s in Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDEKS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. IBrt tnrcuianiiutmu. CPOKiNS i ZtsfzcL bynslnsita 7.. -vs;- . XtJsiSprQi E. R. HAWES, TOYS w Goods. TILLIE E. STARBUCK. Already Large Stock, Reed. . -1 iwyryA r. Lager Beer ! the Connoisseur. P. O. Box 405 House. tnimpoFlnyisStSnaSP. WitKinithciSnflL . - i; ii. : .z...tH--z?l'zl. . I Wilt JlcVElTcaDCirmoreT . If you "Want the Best, BnyfbeGbaitffiOik, With the Wire Gaaze O ra Doors. SBBa.. JgLC- OiWA($ - c t ? . - -