-r " m amsmaammmtOBammmmmmmmmmUta PfW1 ' l-rrtrr---rr&vvtt&2zs fh Sails Sfortau. A.STOBIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY. -DECEMBER 17, 1890 A mstatck from Washington to the effect that Minister Ryan from Mex ico is hobaobbing with Blaine, looks verr much as if the predictions made tttmettme since that oar sister republic trasiU to enter into reciprocal rela te, mxs witfi Ibis country is true. Tmt merchant at "Bismarck, N. J). who offers 1,000 for the bide of Sit tiug Bull knows the benefit of adver iis.ag. "With tbe skin of tbe famous Siour Bailed up in bis store and an utiROuncenicut to tbat effect "vrould at Iraci thousands to bis place of busi :&. Whether the government can i JTvrJ to speculate -vrith the body of Mr. Sitting Bull is doubtful, and in stexi of selling the old fellow's bide it mtgfei be batter to have it preserved ic tue walioual museum. The amateur Thorny Hopes, who mw been operatinc on safes in this v-vtraa ueetl attention. They show r.n aptitude for getting into strong loxcs and then getting away that i-iioKkl put the authorities through out tbe slate, on their mettla The burglars have visited several cities locladiug Astoria and made their c -rape with considerable boodle, while the (tfttaen; arc groping in the dark fiw a due. It this sort of work is con tinued in Ikis section, it might bo as well to drive some of the vagrants that iufest certain sections of this city, out of town and the judicious use of a lit tle hemp might, as it did several j i.t ago. irove a warning. Kow that the Union Pacific has ,n' tatMKmed tle principle of building lt into tbe territory of its competi tors waging cosllv rate wars for new i -uincve for that of taking care of the tir-v ami looking after the business it ha- and serving the conntry naturally l legitimately dependent upon it, !rrhar ""? Ja look for such liberal Interments on the Oregon division as - hail eaabk il to do the business offered .ind ft a line down the Columbia aw to Astoria. -Orcgonian. IVrbajw a litUembsidy opportunely uuA ixxteptcnonsly displayed might iimIm the Northern Pacific or the Thxni Paciiic to build to this city, or if ihey did not feel disposed, the sub sidy aught be used to build a road (mm this city. Unilrmitl Rumor. H Tims siatod on pretty reliable antlioritA- vcr recently that the Northern PnciSc is ready to build dwn to Arioria npon a subsidy o a half a million dollars being guaran td io Ibem. "What effect the order r.iiM Jav (sonlil fn Hm TTnirrn P.ipifif .uViakto suspend work on the roads m tc oou.ki aviji nave on uns purpose f tW Northern is not kuown. But it looks still as it the only reliable con dot for Aslorians is io push Tor a half Huthon wibsidy and give it to a prac tical railroad builder to connect us vritfe the "world by rail. CncSiIcns Arnica. Salve. Twx Bi:st Saiat: in the world for Cat. IItoIno. bre, Ulcers, Salt Khe w. bVvw Sores, Tetter, Chapped HatMts, 0-killUins, Corns, and all Skin EruptiHfc, anil positively cures Tiles, ot iMpaj itrqu.ied. It is guaranteed to c pirfrrt MtisraclUiii. or money re tittuk!. ri2."i cents ier box. For a!p liy J. V. Conn. A m iiMla of Christmas goods at ittr Caxar. .Stamping and embroulcrj donr 10 wrier. Ku Cass street. Ileal TnrcUoji taccs. LoekatMrs. 3IeEwans fine assort imwK, a"26 Third street. A ttoe line of Cigars and Cigarettes c Iw fmnd at tho Columbia Bakery, 5W5 Third street. AJIUms patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest ptrfamer. and toilet articles etc-can u tmcgiti at the lowest prices at J. V. C'wmTs drug store, opposite Occident ItnU-l, Astoria. SI.KEPLESSXIC.I1TS, made miser able by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cwr Is the Remedy for you. Sold by Th. Olson. Fr Uime hack, side or chest, use sUMi's I'urous Planter. Price 2."j cents. SoM by Th. Olscn. NEW TO-DAY A EL FROM COVER TO COVER Tnlly Abreast with tho Times. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT or t)i Family, School, or Professional Librarj Tho Acthontio Wenster's TJaa J ridded Dictionary, comprising thi sssosof 1S64, 79 & '84, copyxigutei srapcrty of tko 'sndcrsipaod, is not; riiorocr He-cisotl and Enlarcod md as a diitiafTiisMng title, "boar io namo of Webster's Interna' iossl Dictdsxary. Ealtcrial Trork npon this rovisioi las coca in. aotivo progress for ovci Ton Years. Not less than. One Hun Iroi paid, editorial laborors har Kosr enrrac-d upon it Ctct CS00.OO0 expended in iti croparation lioforo tho first copj raa printed. Critical ceaip&risoa Bcdtn any othcj Uotionary 13 invited. Got tho Sect C & C ?.inRKIA3C & CO., rubUshcrs, SpHngleld, Mass., U. S. A. )4 bv-aM IVvokscllcrs. Illustrated pamphlet free House "Cleaning CAItPETS BEATCX AND- Ofe lleaily Tato Care ot -by-CHARLES HIGGINS, jv. colored Kenllemau lately from England. Leave orders on slate at Astoria' OflVce. 1 GRAND BALL GIVEN BY Columbia Engine Co Thursday Evening, Dec. 25, ATT11E COLUMBIA CANNERY Splendid iIusic;.Beautlful Floor. Uizinger's Celebrated Orchestra lias been Engaged for the Occasion. The spacious floor In the Columbia Can nery building will be put In perfect condi tion, and no pains will be spared to render the occasion one of plsasure. The ball is riven to raise funds to com plete the equipment of the company. Tickets admitting Gentleman and Lady $ 1 .00. "O FISHER BEOS, i1 Successors to Wilson & Fisher. 8H!P GHANDLERS HEAVY AXD SHELF TTAH.D 'T7ST'JEl.TE2 Farm Implements, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. Loggers' Supplies, Provisions, and Mill Feed. iGEXEKAL AGENTS FOR SALES PATENT HOLLER MILLS. Portland Roller ITillls. FAIRBANKS' SCALES, ETC. Astoria, - Oregon. r-O T H E o- y C. A. McGUIRE, Propr. Open All the Year 'Roil THIS POPULAR HOTEL Is new and clean and beautifully located on tlie banks of the Keratucum. within five minutes' walk or CLATSOP BEACH, The most pleasant Seaside Uesort on the Northwest Pacific Coast. . i:erv attention is paid to the comfort and accommodation of the guests, and the table i nmiiril wltli the verv best in season. Here are plenty of Clams and Crabs there is came in the woods and plenty of the finest fish In the streams. Contractor and Stone Mason All kinds of Stone Work done In a neat and substantial manner. Address all Orders or Correspondence Box 213. Astoria. Or. Seaside Carries a full Especially for tho r The Seaside Bakerj- also has f Jcsh every all specialties known in a Bakery. Orders OKLO F. l'AKKElt. CARL A. HANSON f GS 5 nson SUCCESSOIWTO O. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN" GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. ZOdcojsjs G-oocis, The Old Stand - Astoria Orecou. GOOD THINGS resron Cantos ad Mince Pies and Fruit Cakes a Specialty. OAKES ORNAMENTED To order in artistic style. 5F"Hand in your orders early and avoid tho rash at the last day. O. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Taln St. Wharf, Astoria, Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies BarbGurs Salmon Net Twines. NErTONE Brand Salmon Twine, WOODBEUItY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices, FIRE INSURANCE Effected in First Class Companies, Representing 13,00e,0 ' riKESIX,.. HOME, .Hartford, Conn ....New York, Ageacr Pacific Exprew ui Weill, Ftrso A Co. eO' Manufacturing Jewelers end "Watchmakers h&vo just received Diamonds, Waioiies, and Jewelry, HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! Be sure and call before NIEMI & ENGROOS, ROOK w. w, mnsszsu&ir, prop. "Enlarged and Refitted to Meet the Popular Dcmancl.3 FINEST RESTAURANT IN THE CITY. Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters. Privato Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc. 2IEAI.S COOKED TO OEDEU. THIRD STREETS 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-(-0-0-O-l--0 m Hip Flflrpfl Unw lily Miiuu Hutu (rouncr'y the This is the C'cancst and is in the Quietest Location of any Hotel in the City. WHITE COOKS. : WIfl. . 0-0-0-0-0 o-o-o-o-ii-o-o-ii-o-o-o-u-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o-Q-o For Desirable Acreage Or TNSIDE PROPERTY. Call en or Address Lcinenweber & Goodenough, SECOND ST., Near rostoffipe. ----- p. O. Box 63. assortment of w a day FRUIT, CAKES, MINCE PIES, and for cakes solicited. Largest Assortment IX ASTORIA Over Oae Hundred Varieties of choice Candies and Nuts to select jour Holiday Goods from at C. B. Smith's CANDY AND FltUIT STORE. 483 Third. Street, Near Western Union Xclcffrapli Office. oS"Fresli Goods received every day."a FOR CHRISTMAS. Bakei IF'OIO. WINTER WEATHER MY 0VERC0ATIMGS Suitable FOR DRESS OR BUSINESS WEAR ARE CHOICE GOODS THE PATTERN, The Scsl, THE PRICE, The Cheapest And The TPt GrlX ta?i3a.-t o d 53TSea also My Special Ten-Dollar Pants, to Order. Address James Finlayson MERCHANT TAILOR, 534 Third Street, Anterla, Or. Bakerv 7 Gnristmas Tree Omaments fir 'S buying anywhero else. G28 THIRD STBEET. taurant. - ASTORIA, OE. o u-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Mum Si. House.) - : NO CHINESE. LLDRCD, Proprietor. 3IA11KETS. Washington Market. Haui Street, Astoria, Oregon. CIIRI5TEXSE.Y & CO.. PROPKIETOES. JJESI'ECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN ti Uon of tbe tiubllo to tbe fact that tbe si'ove Market will always be supplied with a It? LI. VARIKTr AND BEST QUALfXl' OF ?-S AMO CUD MEATS ! I 'lasn will be told at lowest mta. wlio'.e .tlc and retail. jySpecLil attention plve'u 10 supplying ehlps. STAH MARKET. WHERRY & COHPANY, Fresh and Cared Meats, "7"o so"t ables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPFOSITE OnCIDENT r.OTEL, C2SK.VA2IIJS Street. Afitcrln, Ok. FISH ABDJAME MARKET Fitzgerald & Co. Co Where You Cm (let Fresh Fish. Gmc, Eggs. Etc. V.'e al-o Keep a Fine Line of CANNED HEATS AND FISH 3hirkit on Olney street, near Telephone dock. Roadway Market. Xngnll fc SUiinmn, Propr's. Opjoslte Foard it Stokes. A first-Class ffleat Shop. Frosh and Salt Meats All Purchases Delivered in any part of the City. 11BNRT GLASSOP Poultry and Fish In Quantities To Suit. Soul Im est cor. Fourth & Cass -AM- General :-: Jobbing TI:e undersigned Is prepared to do any nork !u his liiio at shoit notice, In a satis factory manner. WOOD FOR SALE. Orders left at Foard & Stokes, or at Asto ria Box Factory will receive prompt atten tion. F. FEAKES. 00 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IK Groceriss, Provisions and Mil! Fs Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o .The Largest end finest assortment of Fsasb. Fruits aad Vegetables. Received fresh l-U SfH IILfcUl; The Largest Stock fefi Immense Stock of "E'TTmiKri'EPTTIELDE CHAS. HEILBOUN. Two car-loads received : More on the way. You are Invited to pee tbe finest display of FumltHre, Carpets, etc. In tho city. Prices reasonable. The Old Stand, NOTJOE 1 FLYRfW'S Also his Ready Wade Clothing, FURNMSHING GOODS Jlf you want clothincj to fit, custom Third and Olney Streets, C3-0 2?0 St'ELlS ,SL FOE FRESH BREAD, Cakes, and. Fine Confectionery. All Order:. Delivered. COOLEY BROS The "Smith Premier" mmmm3mwm!mMgffiiv A "SMITH PftEMIER" TYPEWRITER can he seen at THE AST0RIAN Office, where it is in daily use. The Kohler&Chase Music House WINTER & HARPER, Prop's AGENTS FOIl Tie ati Bete OC'O ss u - J. & C. Fischer, Ives & Pond and other pianos. Mason & Hamlin and A. B. Chase & Co.'s Organs. The above Instruments sold for cash, or on easy Installments. Do not buy of a commission aeent. but save at least SoO.OO by dealing directly with the firm or their rep resentative. "V. S. Geary. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves i Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FOLLY WARRANTED WATER CLOSETS, PLUMBIX0 G0011S, POMPS, SIXES, A5D BATH TUBS 3S3"o c3 Scully. SU GHENAMOS STREET. JEWELER Has Just Received a Fine and Well Selected Stock of Diamonfis, Watclies ana Jewelry Suitable For Holiday : Presents At Very Low Prices. fc-All goods warranted as represented-sa 060 Third Street, Astoria, Or. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. Prescription 'arrrally t'omponHded. Agent for Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure'Beston0fflcCj 94 CammcrcIal st; every Steamer. The Lowest Prices ! ss? - Astoria, Oregon. ign t Tiiu.'nimj-t' n.i.'uvraTTTifggcr LATEST GOODS IN AVOOLENS ARE UNSURPASSED. Hfi fef 75-zJa"-" vSi &3 Wf . wfr fey Kjv Mq new line of Hats, Caps, Shirts, etc., AT EASTERN PRICES. or ready made o to FLYNN, The Tailor, ASTORIA, OREOON S3m.3&W TYPEWRITER Contains more points of merit than any other Typewriter on the market. If jcu arc interested in, cr contemplating1 the purchase of a writing machine, send for illus trated catalogue to F. W. REYNOLDS. Afft. Ho. 2D Stark Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. ALSO - CHRIS. EVENSON. F. COOK THE Central Ho EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS. A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, ;Etc., Cooked to Order. iVATEKSt., Opp. Fo&n!& Stokes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run In connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. V. H. COFFEY. Groceries and Provisions. 372 THIRD STREET. Butter, Fggs.Canned Goods, Potatoes, Wood and Willow Ware, Etc. Salmon fisheries 1891 We aro prepared to Supply our Patrons and others with tho best Fish KettiDR, in Traps or Seines, our Long Experience War rants, for 1831. We invite early orders. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO. Brotners Pianos VilI BEING DISPLAYED A -OF iMmr3rjftCT7KXL.Zi"bKM PER AMERICAN SHIP 11 Addition to Our illamette - wsfI fklim& Graduates Students in Classical, Literary, Scientific, normal, Business, Law and Medical Courses. Also Musical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Couraes. It Is the oldest, largest and least expensive institution of learning in the northwest. School opens lirst Monday in September. Send for catalogue to TKOS, VANSCOY, President, Salem, Or. .-...... .... 1. ra-i. u 1 1 ...... i.i .j.. . Cte. IcMui, Tie Leiw Tailor. Mew Fall Coqds Just Received. Latest Goods in the Market. JSPCall and be convinced that I turn out the most fashionable suit in the city. 513 Third Straot, 's is the Choice of the Connoisseur. Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to be directed to H. 'WEINHARD, Portland, Oregon. Corner Twelfth and B. Telephone 72. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied, ALL ORDEKS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Conntry solicited. A. W. UTZ1NGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. sms&m. JKTg5PFJ? FrTiYu!QUC eooxiNG Szen3l by usfrisifo iY C H ARTEROAK FfifetiaHicasis to&9&imiL jbSm Ri SixL W JtfS, g TOYS TILLIE E. STARBUCK. Already Large Slock. : - University Jfrr. .'TIT Next to C. H. Cooper's. Lager Beer ! P. O. Box 4.03 House. ' A nwtmp"of J sc J tlcn 3a!T; & l r . T7 vt . . t SiJk"ajgg5r5sS!fl ft VWithiivcrie cmmney.rlue vVyVU. If you "Want the Best, oWM fitiy tneutiaiteruai, SffiBW With the WIreGauseOra Av&r Doors, Upw Boons. Reed '